AutoPod AI Edited My Podcast Episode in 47 Seconds!!!

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okay so I just posted how to start a podcast from A to Z and I showed my editing process and a lot of people were saying why don't you just use multi-cam editor and they're right that would probably be faster however I found something even better and I wanted to share it with you as an update to that video now here is a podcast that I manually edited myself so you can see all the cuts that I made just a two camera podcast and we're going to start from scratch without any Cuts made and I'm going to be using a software called autopod which is supposed to automatically cut through it all for you so we're going to test it out it is thirty dollars a month however they do give you a free trial option so let's start that free trial and see how it goes now come to my email download autopod I'm on a Mac so we'll download that and copy our license key now come to our downloads install now let's open up Premiere and now you'll see in the window extensions autopod is now installed installed ready to go now your next step would be to synchronize your Clips I've already done that if you haven't grab all your Clips right click hit synchronize now we're going to come up to window extension autopod multi-cam editor where we can throw in our key login and now it gives us a few different options cutting method I want it to be enabled disable that way I can go back and enable things that I didn't like how they cut it now we want to go to shop frequency I'm going to put low you can decide what you want but I don't like too fast of cuts we have two speakers we got two cameras audio line one is me audio line two was John and then video line two is John and video line one was me and let's go ahead and save this as a preset call it Parker's podcast hit save and now you can quickly just get to these settings without having to redo them every time now the last thing is we can't have any pre-existing Cuts so if you do have any Cuts just gonna have to Nest each of these I'll call this John and call this Parker so we nested those and we are ready to go so we'll hit create multi-cam edits and it begins so we'll watch it in real time see how long it takes and see how well it does it oh and there it goes we're off look at that folks that is AI in action I mean this is a 46 47 Minute Podcast between two people and you may have just saved yourself a hundred bucks or however much to have to hire an Editor to chop through this that is quite amazing is it worth 30 bucks a month well if you're doing a lot of podcasts like this then yeah 30 bucks a month is going to be cheaper than hiring an Editor to chop through all of that okay so you just saw that in real time that was all of what 20 30 seconds okay so let's see how it did let's compare it to my edit all right now I didn't chop through the bottom layer but you can see the top layer see how it matches up compares to Auto pods and it's definitely more choppy but we'll see if we like that or not so let's just take a look at one of the choppier parts right here it chops quite a bit see how it looks seek out the information instead of relying on others to provide it to me then that's when I started to like get softened I think and that's when things started to change so tell me that story so you you meet your wife was this in Hawaii no we met in Vegas so you're already in Vegas now by this time how old are you when you meet her I'm the worst at time oh man teenage years 2008 2008 okay you're pretty young yeah 2008 um so you start dating we start dating uh but very Rocky but during all of courtship okay that is pretty awesome I'm not gonna lie I'm absolutely going with this 30 bucks a month that is worth it that just saved me episode like this maybe it'll take me a half hour to chop through but my time is worth a lot more than thirty dollars for 30 minutes so that is beautiful you'd probably want to go through and just double check and make sure it's done a good job and cut where you want it but yeah I'm sold tell me what you think autopod Auto editing for podcast specifically now has other options too up here where you can do jump cut editing social clip Creator so it doesn't just do podcast episodes but if you edit podcasts uh I mean just by this one example I can say I highly recommend it and that's all I've got so quick update there go check out podcast Pro if you you guys want to learn how to do podcasts more in depth we'll add this video to it for those who don't want to manually chop through using multi-cam or the way I showed you in the previous video this takes the cake but that's all I got if you want to learn more links in the description below to join full-time filmmaker or podcast Pro our new Mini course and if you have any further questions please let me know
Channel: Full Time Filmmaker
Views: 317,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, autopod,, parker walbeck, full time filmmaker, podcast, podcast editing, edit podcast, how to edit podcast
Id: mkSQ4lhZ3yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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