5 AI tools Every Creator NEEDS to use in 2023!

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all right I think we've all heard it AI it's taking over the world and there are actually some AI driven tools that you can use to make better videos so I thought let's make a video and let's talk about it the first tool that we're going to talk about is something you've probably heard of it's called chat GPT very simply put this is a really smart chat bot if you have a question and knows the answer if you need to write an essay it can write an essay for you which also means that if you need any video ideas video titles or even video scripts it can all do that for you I've only used it a couple of times so far for fun but I am honestly amazed with how smart it is let me show you the first question I'm going to ask is if it can please give us 10 video ideas for a YouTube video about concert photography because right now that is all I know I want to make a video about concert photography but I'm not entirely sure what it should be about now as you can see within a matter of seconds it starts listing us these ideas that we could potentially use now I saw one keyword here that I want to build on and that is challenges so now I'm going to ask if it can write a 500 word script for a YouTube video about concert photography challenges again immediately it's generating an answer for us and in this case case that answer is a script the wildest thing to me here is that it does not just give you a worded script that we asked for but it's also giving us some editing suggestions when to cut to b-roll when to change the a rule of what the opening shot should be that is pretty impressive like I said I've done this a couple of times and although it hasn't really given me anything that I could really use I feel like it is a great way to get new ideas it's a great way to get you going or to keep going whenever you're stuck because I feel like when it comes to the creative process it is always helpful to Bounce It Off someone else even though that someone else may be a robot and now that we've used AI to come up with a video idea and a script it is time to film the video and after you're done filming the video we're going to load in our footage on an app called descript descript is an AI powered editing tool that is mostly known for its text-based editing now this means that when you import your footage it will automatically transcribe the footage for you and it will result in a document this means that you can edit your video as if it is a text document you can delete sentences you can create cuts it is really impressive and really efficient and very helpful for the people that rather scan through a text than skip through a timeline to find certain bits or to just edit a video if you want you can actually edit your video from start to finish in dscript but I want to show you one other cool feature in dscript so what we're going to do is when we're done with our rough cut when we're done with our text-based editing which again is so mind-blowing to me we're going to export our video to Premiere Pro dscript has the option to export a timeline and all of the assets that we've used to any video editing software of choice so in order to do that we're going to click on publish export and then timeline now here where it says format we can choose the format of our timeline and in this example like I said I'm going to export it for Premiere Pro then we want to open up Premiere Pro and we're going to navigate to the folder that we saved our timeline in then we want to look for the sequence which is this little icon right here the double click on that sequence and Tada your entire timeline edited and descript can now be further edited in Premiere Pro hello I quickly wanted to pop in here and add that if you are using Premiere Pro you're going to be very excited to hear that adobe has now officially announced that text-based editing is going to be available in Premiere Pro at the time of making this video I I wasn't allowed to talk about that yet but now I am because it's official and I'm very excited for everyone to try tech space editing in Premiere Pro if you aren't using Premiere Pro then obviously dscript is still a good option since we've already cut our video it is time to spice up our video and every YouTube video needs some good music and this is where the next AI tool comes in there's a website called Track Club where you can download songs for your videos at first this looks like any other music library on the internet but like I said it is not because it uses a technology called mixlab that allows you to customize a song in any way you like so fits your video it is technically not powered by AI but it works very similarly so I still wanted to include it in this video as I think you could really benefit from this obviously first we're going to need to find a song that we like now I the way that I do this on track club is I usually just go to one of the playlists that fits the vibe of my videos and oh what do I see here a playlist by my friend Donna alright let's check it out [Music] okay I like that one we're gonna pick that one now that we've picked a song we're going to click on this button right here which is called mixlab this button will open up every single stem used in the production of this song now as you can see you don't just get vocals and you don't just get drums but you get every track within that category now you can listen to individual stems by clicking on the S the solo button right here or you can mute the track by clicking on M so let's say that we want to get rid of the whistle done we do really like the funky bass in this song but I want to increase the volume so we can hear it better now as we can see we can also increase or decrease the BPM to match the energy and the pacing of your video I personally only recommend to change the BPM of an instrumental song and not something with vocals in it however if you want to change anything with vocals in it that is totally fine because you will not change the pitch you will only change the speed of the song when you're done mixing your song you can just download the mixed version or you can download all of the separate stamps but because we just mixed it we're just going going to download the mixed version now if you want to check it out if you want to check out trackclub there will be a link in the description and you'll get one month for free with that specific link and during this free month you'll get access to high quality music made by real artists and you do not have to worry about copyright claims or strikes because you'll also get instant clearance on YouTube so go check out the link in the description and get yourself a free month of fully customized songs thanks to mix lab let's move back to Premiere Pro because Adobe has its own artificial intelligence called Adobe Sensei and the list of features is ever growing but in this video we're just going to focus on a few that will really help you speed up your editing process but also make your editing process a lot easier we have just downloaded our own mix from Track Club so let's import that to Premiere Pro and let me show you one feature that I've talked about in a few other videos but every time that I use it it blows my mind so we're going to talk about it again we're gonna put this song on the timeline then we're gonna go to our toolbar we're going to click and hold the Ripple edit tool and then we'll click on Remax now pay attention we can now extend the song all the way to the end of the video and let's watch Premiere Pro do its magic now this doesn't just work for extending songs but also if you need to shorten the song and it is just a brilliant way to edit music without having to cut it all up on the beat and then trying to make it all work together again this is just I think hands down one of my favorite features of adobe the next AI tool that will be really helpful in your video editing process is actually not in Premiere Pro it is called topaz video AI now this service specializes in slowing down footage as well as stabilizing footage and upscaling footage and the most interesting one is probably the slow motion footage you can turn any type of video let's say 24 25 or 30 frames per second into a let's say 120 frames per second video without choppiness this is what it would look like if you would just slow down a 25 frames per second video in let's say Premiere Pro now the reason why it looks this way is because we have one second with 25 frames in it now when you slow it down you're basically stretching out that second but to 25 frames remain the same so now you're left with gaps and what video topaz AI does is it generates frames and puts those in between those already existing frames to make it look smooth it does the same with the other 2 the stabilizing and the upscaling footage because it uses machine learning it is able to get way better shots than you would be able to get if you were just using warp stabilizer and Premiere Pro or you would just use the skill property to make it bigger now if we take a look at where we are in our video editing process we have our cut we have our music from track club and we have some b-roll that we have now stabilized and slowed down the next step could be that you need some captions for your video now you don't need to go and take all of this and import it to a new software because in Premiere Pro you can automatically transcribe your footage and generate captions all you have to do is first transcribe the sequence and then do a quick scan to see if Adobe Sensei got all of the words right and if it did click on the CC button right here to create your captions I didn't no I know I cannot I not sure I understand well I hope you're understanding what I'm saying I talk a little bit more about it in a video that I'll put into cards and in the description if you want to see this step by step now that the video is ready to be seen by the entire world we want to export it and upload it but not just to YouTube to all the social media platforms now if you've ever tried to do that you probably know that every social media platform uses a different aspect ratio and this is again where Premiere Pro comes in very handy because it has an AI driven tool that will help you reframe all of your videos automatically called Auto reframe all you gotta do is right click on a sequence click on auto reframe sequence and then choose the desired settings for the social media platform of your choice I'll put some aspect ratio on screen there are so many more AI tools that we can choose from to use in our video creation process so I would love to know what your current favorite is and something that you're looking forward to in the future and in the meantime while you're down there in the comment section go up a little bit and go check out track club and get your one month for free of AI powered music pretty cool also if you want to learn some cool tips in Premiere Pro make sure to watch this video
Channel: Lila
Views: 67,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lila, lilafromyoutube, ai, artificial intellignece, chatgpt, google new chatgpt, how to make ai videos for youtube, ai tools, future of video editing, trackclub, adobe sensei, premiere pro ai, descript
Id: 065DbQEHRqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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