Autodesk Virtual Academy: Factory Design Utilities

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good morning everyone thank you for coming to today's gatimaan a test Virtual Academy as usual Nigel and bike here I'm also here with Nathan so everyone hey Nathan today we're gonna be doing something pretty great factory design utilities some of you might ask why one of the big reasons for this was because if you have seen our previous webcast about the industry collections the products collection does include the factory design utilities which is something that you didn't necessarily get what you did have your product design Suites and I know a lot of the customers on this call do have that and Nathan will going that to go into that a little bit more I'd like to go over a couple of things we're in over 1500 subscribers which is really awesome so thank you all for supporting us and coming back every week definitely not possible without all of you coming back on a consistent basis and as usual if you have any questions during this webinar go ahead and type them into the questions pane that you have in your panel I will make sure to cover those at the end of the session or even during if that question requires that so without further ado I'll go ahead and pass it on to Nathan over here and a little get going all right thank you very much Nigel so today I'm excited to be here to talk with all of you about the factory design utilities what I want to cover is I want to give an introductory overview so if you've never used factory design suite before or seen the factory design utilities this webinar really is for you what we want to review today are a lot of the factory design workflows inside of AutoCAD and adventure if you have the factory design utilities installed you get some extra toolbars and some extra functions inside into those applications and they talk to each other a whole lot better so I'm going to go over how that works and then going along with that that will help you understand how your 2d drawings in AutoCAD and your 3d models inside an inventor can be synchronized and then at the end we're going to talk about the backbone of factory design suite which are at the library assets you know assets are any objects you have on your factory floor could be machines conveyors storage racks bins it could be any number of objects you have a new factory we're gonna talk about how you can create your own custom library assets now as Nigel said earlier last week in the VA session we talked about the upcoming industry collections so at the end of this month autodesk is no or you're not going to be able to purchase any new licenses of any of the design suites and they're going to be replaced with what we call the industry collections now the industry collection for manufacturing includes the factory design utilities which you can see highlighted on this slide and you know you may not know what that really means and that's really going to be the core of my presentation today is helping you understand what those factory design utilities are now today probably more than 80% of customers out there when they want to document their factory floor if they want to make a new layout for a proposed factory floor or machine shop floor you know wherever they they make their product they use AutoCAD and the reason they use AutoCAD is because it's easy to use it's easy to learn there are millions of engineers out there today that already know and love using AutoCAD so it's it's very easy to layout your space very great tool to do your layouts however in to be sometimes it doesn't always accurately represent reality in other words when you're laying out objects in 2d space if objects are on top of each other you can't really tell if there's gonna be interference or not in addition a lot of times if we have stakeholders that need to approve these projects they may not know how to really look at a plan view of a factory and understand exactly what they're looking at you know when we think of a factory we think of the picture that you see in front of you the first picture in your mind probably isn't a 2d schematic of how everything is laid out and so that's why the ultimate goal would be to get the best of both worlds you know make it as easy as designing an AutoCAD where you can quickly bring in your different assets and your different objects leave out the way that you want but also have the ability to quickly look at that in 3d so that you can sell your projects you can help their stakeholders understand what you're proposing or what you're documenting and that's the great thing about the factory design utilities is that it really does give you the best of both worlds we can combine 2d and 3d in these seamless workflows and really that's what we're going to look at in our demonstration today now one of the first things I wanted to know you'll notice that I'm gonna bring up AutoCAD architecture that's what I'm going to be using to show you the AutoCAD capabilities today but the design utilities work in AutoCAD architecture and AutoCAD mechanical or in the base version of AutoCAD so if you have any of those three you can when you install the factory design utilities you're going to see some extra capabilities now one of the reasons that I prefer to do this with AutoCAD architecture is that if you're laying out a factory floor you know you're gonna have walls you're gonna have windows you're Namek doors and AutoCAD architecture makes it really easy with purpose-built tools to define your walls to define doors you know here maybe I want to go ahead and add a window so it brings up these toolbars sorry I have this on my second screen here let me drag this in so we have these toolbars that come up and make it really easy to place these kind of objects so you can see that we have all of these different styles that you can use that you can choose between and you can also dynamically choose the different sizes that you want to make your your objects so here I'm going to go ahead and I'm just gonna go ahead and add a few windows you can see how it's very easy for me just to come in choose where I want to place a few of these windows and so that's one of the reasons why I personally before autocad architecture but again you can use any of the supported formats and these utilities will work just fine so let me just go ahead and change these to the right layer and then we'll go ahead and we'll start looking at some of the more factory design utilities specific capabilities so notice that when I have the factory design utilities installed I get this extra factory tab right here and this extra factory tab gives me some capabilities now what we want to do objectively here is I have a sample of a factory layout we have a receiving area right here we have some area right here where we can process sheetmetal so I have a CNC laser cutter I'm gonna put a couple of shears in here and then we're gonna put in a robotic welding station right here as well so that's going to be kind of our objective as we look at the AutoCAD portion of this right now now the core as I mentioned really is all about the assets and when you install the factory design utilities you get this this factory asset browser and this is really the library of all the different objects or what we call assets that you can place inside of your layout now this is set up in a folder structure so if I want and I know exactly what I'm looking for I know where it is I can navigate there and I can you know quickly go down until I find the asset that I'm looking for now I want to point out that you'll notice that some of these assets have a blank circle in the top right corner what that means is that those are available on the cloud and if I want to use it I can right click and say download asset out of the box when you install factory design utilities there are some assets that it will install locally but the thousands that are out there that you can choose from a lot of them are on the cloud and are readily downloadable when you need them if I have them and they're available to put inside of my way out I'll have this circle shaded green with a little checkbox in it now also if I want to get a little preview of what I'm looking at here notice that we can look at the preview this allows me to ensure that I getting the right asset when I place it into my my layout so no further ado we're gonna go and we're gonna bring this into our our layout here notice that again I'm just using standard AutoCAD tools here these are really just like blocks that I'm placing and I can use my standard AutoCAD commands like move I can go ahead and select these and I can put them in any layer that I want so so again these aren't the same workflows that I'm used to on a day-to-day basis with AutoCAD the difference is now that I have this great library that's readily accessible that I can quickly bring objects that I want into my factory layout now the other important thing to notice about the factory design utilities is that it also gives me this factory properties browser now this isn't like looking at attributes and blocks this has more information that can actually control the blocks and I'm going to show you how that works here and just so notice if I select a factory asset it's going to give me model parameter information and and when I create assets I can control what information I want it to show right here and then it's also going to give me some summary project you know different types of not metadata that I might want the user to know now if I pick this rack right here you can see that this rack we made it a little bit too long it extends through a wall into our stairwell and it goes past this guardrail that we had set up so we don't want it to do that so notice that I have all of this property information about this that's exposed to me right here in my factory properties box if I count here I have one two three four five because you have five columns here and so what I can do is you know either I can adjust these different sizes of the spans the depths the heights and so forth or I can just change my number of columns and what factory design utilities do is it goes and actually updates my block so that now it what my design is and that's really the power here is that you know this isn't just showing the information about the block but it's actually letting me also control information about the block to give you a better idea of how that works I'm going to go ahead there's a custom asset that I've created earlier it's the robotic so before I showed you how in the asset browser you can you know navigate to wherever you have the asset as you start using factory design suite you'll find that it's actually much easier just to use the search tool water so here I can type in the keywords robot weld and sure enough my robot welding Center it comes up and I can then again just drag and drop it right into my AutoCAD layout and and place it right where I need to now when I created this asset the only thing I want to allow the user to change is I wanted them to be able to determine how many different stations that they needed in this robot welding cell so right here but you know maybe for the job that we're working on we don't need four robots we only need three so I can change that to three and again it automatically goes back to all my information about that asset and it replaces my block to accurately represent how I need this laid out now I also wanted to point out that down here in this lower corner I have this is just a standard block so if I select that it's not going to show any information over here and that's because it's not a factory asset and so this really is only going to display properties and information and allow me to control those assets that are part of my factory library so one of the other common tasks that we have to perform and laying out a factory is we need conveying systems maybe to see right now I have this set up where you know we palletize these sheet metal parts that we process and then we have a forklift that carries it back and forth but let's say I wanted do a what-if scenario and I wanted to see what this would look like if we instead used a conveying system so I'm going to go ahead and search for our conveyor parts that we have inside of our library and there are a whole lot that are available when I bring it in you're gonna notice something that I'm going to zoom in and show you so notice that we have these green dots those in factory design utilities is what we call connectors now notice that if I as I get close it snaps in place and when I snaps in place that means that it's actually connecting these different pieces together so if I want to I can control how it puts together my line in this case of conveyors that I want to put together so now I'm going to go and I'm going to complete this with a few straight conveyors and and what's more about those connectors is that because that's connected as one solid piece if I pick any of these portions of it and if I move it around to kind of relocate it a little bit all of the other pieces are going to follow suit with it and that's because they're really connected together as a chain now you can see that was really fast to lay out the the conveyor system using those those snaps or those connectors that I was but I was showing you there's even a faster way if you have a these huge factories where you have you know conveyors that are really long or you have safety fences that are really long that you have to put together there's even a faster way rather than trying to put that together piece by piece so I'm going to go ahead and demonstrate that to you by building a safety fence now I could build it the same way that you saw me build my that that conveyor system I could come in here and I could snap these together using those connectors but you can see right here that we have this little chain symbol and as I hover over the asset it shows me that it's a Chane acid so what does that mean well what that means is that what I can do is basically instead of placing it piece by piece I can just come in that I can start drawing these polylines and I can start defining how I want it to put together my my system now what's great about this is that factory design utilities has a way it has algorithms where it will automatically go in here and it will fit all of the individual pieces according to how I have these polylines laid out so basically what I'm really doing is I'm defining a path and then later factory design utilities are going to go in and replace this path with these individual pieces that I would have to place manually otherwise and you're going to see that in just a minute so now we have this laid out I want to show how this interacts with adventure a one quick note if you're familiar with inventor if you go back and forth between AutoCAD and inventor which factory design utilities are designed to do if you go to the options screen inside of AutoCAD when you when you install the factory design utilities you get a few extra tabs with different options and one of the things that you want to do is you will want to make sure that you have the project file and inventor set right here inside of your AutoCAD instance and that will make sure that when you communicate back and forth between the two applications all of the files are right where they need to be and it's really just a best practice to make sure that you have that project file set so I'm going to go ahead and actually give me just a second here I'm going to pull my inventor right to the screen so you can see it as it's processing here and notice that as soon as I click this sync to adventure it's going to automatically launch inventor and it's going to start replacing all of those to the assets that you saw inside of my AutoCAD view and it's going to start populating those in my 3d inventor space now if I were to do this manually you know if I had this existing 2d layout that I had today and I wanted to create a 3d version of it I would have to bring that into inventor I have to lay it out on the ground floor as an overlay and then I'd have to bring in all of these different assets or objects one by one and attach them using that template where they belong and to do something like that would you know take hours at minimum maybe even days depending on how many different objects were on my factory and you know how detailed I needed to make that and so when these factory design utilities I'm able to do all of that automatically simply by hitting those synchronized buttons between AutoCAD and adventure so again we're getting the best of both worlds so you can see in just a couple minutes it took that 2d layout that I had and you know put my machines where I just recently placed them it put my cell configure it exactly the way I wanted it if you remember we just drew polylines here to show where we wanted these safety fences and factories on utilities were smart enough to figure out all the different pieces that it needed to make up that safety fence so there's a lot of automation that's going on there to make the workflow between 2d and 3d as quick as possible now we also have layer information so for example if I want to hide my machines I can do that very quickly by using all this layer information inside that came over from AutoCAD in addition let's say I want to work on a cell and I want to hide some of this AutoCAD information you can see that when I use AutoCAD architecture it brings an outline of my building my windows and everything so that I can design in context but if for some reason I don't want that I can go in and when I click on my layer settings I can come in and for example I can turn off my building layer if I want and it will go ahead and it will hide all of that and get it out of the way so that I can more easily do my work so there's a lot of connections between the two software that that really make it quick and easy to do our work now what I want to do here is I'm gonna um we want to move our robots over a little bit our cell so that we can add the robot controllers right here so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to move this over just a tad bit right there and then just like we had inside of AutoCAD notice that I also have my asset browser inside of inventor and it's the exact same asset browser that I had before so right here I'm gonna go ahead and look up my robot control bring that in and you'll see again it's just drag-and-drop so I just drag it from my library into my inventor file here as it places it it gives me some options on how I want to worry in it so here I can say you know let's move it 180 degrees so that the person stands and controls the robots from from the side over here and then if I want I can you know place multiple of these just like I did a side of AutoCAD I can also take advantage of some of the tools that we have inside of adventure so here I'm just going to go ahead I'm going to create the quick pattern and you know pattern is similar also to what you would do inside of AutoCAD all I have to do is choose the direction that I want to pattern it in how many powders I want to create in the distance and so you can see how it's very quick and even though I began by creating this layout in 2d I can continue working on it in 3d so this is a really compelling work because I can go back and forth between 2d and 3d as I see fit to get my job done I also wanted to point out that with the factory tools we have these different snap options and one of them is snapped to our DWG underlay so if I wanted to replace this standard block that I had created earlier with an actual 3d file of my workbench I could go in here and I can very quickly and easily do that think I misspelled it there so here's my workbench notice that if i zoom in a little bit here as I go across that middle I can use my underlay to place my assets precisely where I want them to go so just like that in 3d I was able to replace that block with an actual 3d model now I also want to add some bins over here so that we can have some storage space but let's say I don't have that bin inside of my my library today you know how can I produce that so I'm gonna go ahead I'm going to open up my bins model and you know we can create assets for models that are natively built inside of Inventor if I have some assets from another system you know maybe they were made in SolidWorks CATIA NX some other application I could also bring those into an inventor and create assets from those as well just so you understand some of the functionality that we have with our model right here if we look at some of these parameters I have this set up to where we can on the fly decide you know how many rows do we have how many columns do we have and so you see that we have a few different options that I can control the way that I've set this up so once I have my model created the way that I want and you know if you need more information on that there are plenty of modeling courses that we have available to put this in my library we go to what's called our asset browser and so what this allows me to do is this allows me to first of all define a landing surface now a landing surface is basically the surface that attaches to the ground so when I place this this is my surface that's always going to be on the ground and notice it also selected an insertion point in the middle I'm okay with that so I can just leave that but if I wanted to I could go in here and I could define a dish I can either change the insertion point or I could define additional insertion points also now if you remember when I was placing those conveyor pieces together when I was forming my conveyor system we had those little connectors that allowed me to snap them together and that's what we call connectors so I'm going to go ahead and put a couple connectors so that we can quickly build put adjacent bin racks together when I do that all I have to do is select a point where I want the connector to be this red always points outward from my part and the blue should be my direction so here I'm going to click on my blue I'm going to redefine it to be my up direction and literally with just a few clicks you can create these connectors that allow me to string a whole bunch of these bins together so I'm going to go on the other side I'm going to notice it defines where that midpoint is for me automatically again we wanted to find what our up Direction is and notice that if it points the wrong direction I can just right click and say flip it and it'll quickly change it back to my up direction so again very quick and easy to go in there and to define how I want these assets to chain or be put together now I don't have to put connectors that's completely optional but if I want them then that's the process to do that these others are more advanced you know if you're interested we have other classes that you can attend that that we can go over more of the more advanced information for now I'm just going to go ahead and publish this and so I publish it this is the process now puts it inside of my library so when I come in here it's going to give me different locations where I can go and I can put it I'm going to go ahead and put it inside of my user assets and as soon as I click OK it's going to take that 3d model and put it in my library but it's also going to take a 2d snapshot of the plan view or the top view that it's going to make available for when I lay this out inside of AutoCAD so that's how the to know how they correspond together and that's basically how inventor and AutoCAD are able to work in tandem to help me design and layout my factory so now when I go back I can go ahead and go back to my top view here notice that now my storage bin is available for me so I can go ahead I can place it I'm just going to put it out in the middle for right now let me zoom in here so we can see what we're doing and you can see it's backwards so I want to go ahead and I want to move that around 180 degrees and then because we added those connectors now if I want to add adjacent ones I can do that by pulling these in together you need to see that now they just snap real quickly together in addition to that if I wanted to I could independently control so remember in AutoCAD we looked at the factory properties we also have access to those same factory properties right here inside of inventory so if I wanted to change just the outer two from four bins high to six bins high I can do that and update those assets right here so again a lot of powerful a lot of flexibility that really lets me set up the factory the way that I want it to be set up so I'm going to go ahead and put those in place and then in just a minute we're going to show how the Snell updates what I have inside of AutoCAD so I'll just go ahead and put that back in the corner so now you can see inside of it vendor we took what we had started in AutoCAD we moved this this table a little bit our welding cell we added these controllers and we added some 3d content in our corner here so I'm going to go ahead and save it now notice that I have the ability to synchronize with AutoCAD just like an AutoCAD I had the ability to synchronize with adventure so when I click that now it's going to automatically detect all the different changes that happened from when I brought this in and then it's going to update my to be AutoCAD drawing that we had an AutoCAD architecture now also the next time I opened up drawing an AutoCAD architecture if it hasn't been updated its smart enough to know that updates and changes have been made and it will also give you the option to update there as well so there are a couple different ways that we can do this update but the key is that once you update it its we're going to go ahead and open it up inside of AutoCAD architecture and you're going to notice all of the changes made that we just went through so here's AutoCAD architecture so again here you can see we've moved this over you can see inside of AutoCAD we now have the different robot controllers that are showing we have the actual representation of our bench and we show these bins storage bins that we just placed as well so so to cover what we've summarized what we've learned you know really today I wanted to show how the factory design utilities can really make the factory layout process simple you know if you're used to working in your 2d AutoCAD great continued working into the AutoCAD but get the 3d representation for free while you're at it and that's where we can you can see how easy it is to create that 3d representation directly from your 2d AutoCAD layout you also saw how we have the ability to keep the 2d and the 3d in sync so whatever changes I make to one system I can quickly make sure and get updated in the other system and you know the the assets are really the backbone of factory design utilities that's where all the intelligence is that's where all the information is that allows me to very quickly lay out my factory and so you saw how we're able to take the custom assets that we create and author them and publish them inside of our libraries so that we can use them both an inventor and inside of AutoCAD as far as recommended next steps you know again there are lot of capabilities with our factory design utilities the class itself is you know two to three days depending on the different topics that you need to know so there's only so much that we were able to do in half an hour but if it is something that interest to you we do have more in depth training around the factory design utilities we have an out-of-the-box course from our training catalog that if you're interested in learning more we can definitely set up those classes offline for you and help you get the additional training and learning that you need in addition as Nigel had mentioned earlier last week we did a deeper dive into the industry collections and as nigel mentioned one of the reasons we wanted to cover this today is that you know if you purchase the industry collection starting August 1st you're gonna have access to these factory design utilities so it's important for you to understand you know what they are some of the different types of capabilities that you gain by having those factory design utilities and so if you look at you know if you want more information about what the industry collections are how they're going to be sold and so forth again you can look at last week's presentation and get more details on that and so at this time I'd like to go ahead and turn the time back over to Nigel who will conduct our Q&A session all right Thank You Nathan let's get this camera back up real quick um so you have a couple of questions the first being from James James asked so in creating that custom robotic station block are we be are we able to select or create our own attributes for example number of stations design of the actual footprint as well as others yes so I actually created that asset myself and you know I actually made that a part and basically inside of your parameter section inside of inventor you can control and I did forget to show that in fact maybe I'll show that book quick here let me pull up inventor real fast so when I have the model we found that cursor here when I have that model of my storage bin if I look at my parameters right here inside of inventor the one thing I forgot to point out is notice that we have this key column right here you know I can create custom parameters or I can use the parameters that inventor creates out of the box and I can choose which ones I want available like checking this key parameters so this is really how I control what a user would see or not see when they're placing my asset so you absolutely do have control over what they can or cannot manipulate you can also combine it with a logic rules if you're familiar with that we've done webcast on a logic in the past you can also combine it with a logic rules to make it even more powerful so there's a really whole lot of capabilities that we can build into our factory assets definitely and then Rick asks just simply clash detection question absolutely so the one part I did not get into because we just didn't have time inside of inventor and again let me go back here real quick if I go back to my factory design assembly here notice that I also have this sink with Navisworks I just didn't have time to show that but what I did want to when I sick with Navisworks I can actually combine multiple models together I can combine building models and venner models you know if I have my factory created and it was so big I wanted to lay it out in four or five different sections and combine them together I can do that in Navisworks and Navisworks has some very powerful clash detection tools that were very quickly analyze everything and let you know where those clashes are and that is part of the factory design utilities so all of that is included if you have the factory design suite today or if when the collections come out you get the collection with the factory design utilities correct yeah and that was first managed is in that collection if you wanted to see that like like Nathan said you can go ahead and take a look at our webcast from lastly that has all of the information there as we do get more information about those industry collections we will give them out to you and Fred asks a question are these blocks any different than simplified parts with my mates can I use heavy and venner assemblies in factory design and also be fast so you want these you know when you're talking about a factory to scale as a whole lot larger so really the key is you want to reduce the detail as much as possible in fact in factory design you say 2017 they added some capabilities to even simplify assets further so that you can have more facet type representation versus full representations it's really up to you obviously the more detailed the information is the more it's going to affect performance so so it's really up to you now that being said you can create assets with assemblies or parts so you do have the option with both if you want an assembly as part of a factory asset that's no problem we support that you can also take an assembling you can simplify it to a single part if you want that's actually what I did with this this welding station right here I took that as an assembly and save it out as a part and then modified the part to behave the way that I wanted it to but I could have also made that an assembly if I wanted to as well again it's just how do you want the performance to be affected you know how powerful is your hardware how powerful are the capabilities that you have definitely um and with that I think we're good with questions unless some last-minute ones come in here Nathan if you could just jump to the next slide sorry no way back here so like I say every week make sure you do stay connected with Qatif um this isn't just for us to give you you know random marketing information but to give you all relevant information on things like you know these ABS we do have you know special low caste it might not necessarily be ABS as well that do have some teaching information on stuff for example tomorrow we're having one on a shining Ken if that's something you're interested in go ahead and let me know via the chat here or in the after webinar survey that you do get I'll get invite up to that all the recordings as usual can be found on YouTube the day of or the day after any of our webcasts so if you did miss you know a couple of minutes here or there I know you're all busy in the mornings as we are as well so yeah if you didn't miss any of it go ahead and feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel to find all that information there so with that I'd like to thank you Nathan for being here today and I guess that's it for today we'll see you all next week for the honest that's not application so those of you who might have got some notifications that say update your desktop application manager we're going to teach you all of the new capabilities of the new app and really awesome stuff so we'll see you later thank you everyone you
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 10,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akn_include, Inventor, Autodesk Inventor (Software), Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk Inventor 2016, Inventor 2016, Inventor Professional 2016, Autodesk Inventor Pro 2016, Inventor Pro, KETIV Technologies Inc, Autodesk Virtual Academy, Software (Industry), Technology (Industry), Model Simplification, Factory Design Suite, Asset Creation, FDS, Factory Design Utilities, autodesk inventor, autodesk inventor drawing, autodesk presentation, autodesk tips, autodesk how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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