Autodesk Factory Design Suite Tutorial | Factory Design Utilities Tutorial

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basically we are going to talk about the entire factory design suite workflow a lot of people have got factory design suite software but they haven't seen the entire work from from workflow from scratch to a proper digital factory where you could do walkthroughs and flashes and so on that's my aim at the end of the class you will be able to do all these things again when you signed up you would have already seen these things so you should be okay with this all right so in this presentation I'm going to talk about three main scenarios and at the end we'll be able to plug in the oculus people who just came in wouldn't know this but before I started my presentation I had my oculus plugged in where you could actually immerse yourself in your digital factory take a walk around and see if there were some problems and so on so hopefully if time permits we'll put the oculus back on at the end and if somebody wants you to try it on I'm more than happy for you guys to do that so the first workflow that I'm going to talk about is the entire factory design workflow as I said from scratch scratch to your digital factory the second one which is an actual customer issue is where we use this factory to resolve a problem where the building was done by an architect and our customer they dig pits and so on to service the machinery and the problem was when they were creating these machinery with the pits and so on sending the files to the architect they were manually placing it and the things were not getting placed at the right location and it was causing a lot of problem for everybody especially once you start doing the excavation and realize that it's not the right spot it's not easy to fix those especially when you're cutting into a concrete slab so we fix that issue using factory design suite and the customer loves us they are using it probably for last six years and they love the workflow and the third scenario is again factory design suite outside the factory environment so in this case there was a warehouse logistics solution company the concept was let's say a big warehouse it could be a DHL facility it could be targets and things like that but they want to put the racking systems and the sales from this wrecking company goes in and looks at the massive layout and the client says how many I need these many rows of racks here and and these many rows here and things like that so this guy then poor guy draws it on a piece of paper comes back gives it to the conceptual team the conceptual team comes up with the concept then they send it to the client client says yeah it looks good but move this move this move this I can't see this red thing blue thing and so on so the poor guy goes back and forth and they turn around to get the basic concept in front of the customer was 2 weeks in this case we use the factory design suite to bring that time down to one day you would be amazed to see how this could be done and I'm going to show you all that stuff and finally as I said if time permits we'll put the Occulus back on and we look at the virtual reality stuff right ok so before all this factory design suite came out which now is called by the way product design collection so as all of you know there there are no more suites that you can buy you buy collections so before factory design suite our Ferdinand suite collection came out what happened how did we layout the factories we used to use AutoCAD LTS how many of you use AutoCAD LT to layout factories some of us have because that's what that was the only option available and then we used to xref all these 2d machine layouts and other things structure services and so on and that made it really complicated drawing and we used to look at those red green blue lines unload reload extra reps and so on which was a big pain so there was no real means of looking at the virtual factory to have a proper 3d model to see how the factory looks like do we have enough space in here where are we going to put this machine does it have enough power to service this machine and so on that was a big big problem no option to check or resolve clashes clash is a big problem I want to put a machine here but what if there is something protruding outside the out of the wall and I can't put my machine here which means that I need to move my machine maybe 250 300 ml or in your key as few feet to the left but then it's interfering with some other machine maybe I need some space cordoned off which I can't do so we can't run those clashes if you're running that in the 2d environment so this is our factories look like before factory design - it came out and looking at this first thing I start getting is a headache what am I looking at can't really understand and imagine people who are not from design environment who just signed the checks showing this to those people makes it really really hard for them to understand what's going on so this is where we need a better solution is there a better solution it's funny my boss says I look like her when I'm grumpy which I'm most of the times when I'm working on this stuff so is there a better solution the answer is yes and that better solution is factory design suite or as I said what we call as product design collection now so what we'll do is we'll look at this scenario one where I'm going to show you the power of factory design suite so we are going to start with creating a 2d layout of Factory and now please note that I'm using AutoCAD architecture not AutoCAD now this guy doesn't get the t-shirt because he's a colleague of mine he can get the t-shirt back in Australia as well we are talking about how people in the front row get a goodies you know what you can get this make sure you return it back to me after the class so please note that I'm using AutoCAD architecture not AutoCAD here and I will show you why am I using AutoCAD architecture you would be amazed what this program is capable of then we are going to use one-to-one sync between orchid architecture and inventor and this is where the magic would begin this is where in one button click your 2d stuff would suddenly become 3d and then you can take that into Navisworks and then run have a walk through and run your classes so we're going to create our virtual factory in Navisworks and we'll perform our clashes between various items make sure that everything is fixed and then we can send that model off to the trying to have a look at whether in the virtual environment or on their tablet devices or whatever it is as I said resolve clashes and update the virtual factory so what I'll do here now is I'll sit down and I'll show you this stuff on my computer the problem is once I sit down I can't look at you guys in your eyes which means that you might fall asleep make sure you don't do that but that means that I might fall asleep as well make sure you don't let me do that right okay I said I'm happy to answer questions but because we've got so much stuff to cover if you hold on to your questions till the end when we are talking about the oculus and so on then I can answer all those questions deal unless it is an urgent question without which you can't proceed further then I'm more than happy to answer the question right away all right so first of all when you install factory design suite on your machine it installs this what we call as a dashboard that dashboard has got these three tabs on the applications tab it shows you all the different applications that are installed as part of your program you also got the workflows tab where you can deploy a particular work so like I will do start with a 2d layout I want to do a material flow analysis I want to do a process analysis and things like that there have been a few other classes in which they have discussed these things in detail in my class I'm not going to talk about these things in detail because I'm going to talk about the proper workflow between three main programs which are article architecture inventor and Navisworks so what I'm going to do is fire up AutoCAD architecture from here so it loads AutoCAD architecture on my machine if I go and start a new file now so this is my AutoCAD architecture environment looks like your proper normal order CAD or AutoCAD LT environment if I go to the Home tab here now in the past you would have used these commands like lines art circles and so on why do you keep doing that so we have used commands like lines arcs circles and so on to draw your 2d layouts of the factory whereas in my case I'm actually going to use these smart commands like walls doors windows stairs and so on now you would notice that the concept is very similar to what you have been using in order CAD and it looks like as if you're just drawing lines but when I activate this wall command it displays this properties panel but it's showing me all these properties of walls now the process of creating this you would notice is exactly the same as if I'm drawing lines but then instead of drawing lines I'm actually doing proper walls so this is the X your walls I'll say that's 12 meters high I'm gonna start somewhere here go down punch in some values let's say 16 meters going down then I want to go left so it looks like I'm drawing lines because I'm using all these objects snap tracking and and things like that but the fact is I'm actually not drawing lines so let me just go in here punch in let's say two meters and then I'll right-click and say close so looks like I have simply gone unused line command to draw lines so what's done is used or create double line which is what we've got in AutoCAD LT a line at command called D line in AutoCAD we've got a command called M line so you would think that that's what I have done but the fact is that's not true it's not just parallel lines if I spin the model around you will notice that it is actually proper walls that it's drawn of the height that I define if I change my display to let's say conceptual display you can see that these are proper walls that I have drawn not just parallel lines and if I double click on this wall it gives me all the properties of that wall as well just in case I want to modify any of these properties let me close out of it I might just change the display back to 2d wireframe and then let's go to the top view again now I want to draw some interior walls so I'll go back to the wall command because it's an interior wall I might change it to let's say for you 200 and then I'll use my object snap tracking just like you wouldn't do in normal order CAD so as you could see all I'm doing is using my object snap tracking exactly the way you do it in order had nothing fancy but when I punch in these values so I want to go tell me this here and come down snap onto this so it not only draws the line or the wall it actually cleans it up as well and it's not just again parallel line it is proper wall of 4200 height that I defined so again without changing my current workflow instead of just using the line command I'm using the wall command to draw these objects again let's another wall somewhere here going fifteen metres snapping on to this one here drawers this one and although these are wall objects I can use commands like copy and move and so on that we've been using a normal order card to copy these things so I'll say copy click somewhere here and I need three of these I'm gonna use the array option how many of you knew that there's an array option inside copy command did you guys know you know all these extra order cash tips I'll be charging you extra for this I shouldn't be showing you these extra order care tips right all right not just kidding so I'm gonna click some of it here I need to create three of these so go down type in let's say I need 12500 spacing enter and it creates those additional walls here it spin the model around and you could see that these are proper walls cleans up everything and does exactly the way that I want it to look like so creates all these internal walls let me go and change this to 2d wireframe look at the top view the next thing I want to do is I want to place some doors here so I'll go to the door command and now it comes with a massive library of doors that I could select from let's say this is the default door that I want I'll go and pick the wall where I want to place the door so just pick the wall here and it goes and shows me the preview of the door it's placing in the plan view it looks like it is just a normal 2d door that we place as a block the only problem is if it was AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT you had to first trim the lines and then put the door in right whereas in this case let's say I want this value to be 250 from the left but it's showing me the value from the right how do I and this is the question for the cap how do I change it to the value from the left so I want 250 from left not 1 0 4 0 5 from right you're not allowed to answer the question now I won't see how it's showing me 3:45 value here I want this value to be 250 quickly tab yeah who answered first you did somebody else at the back did as well so we'll probably give away two caps so one to this gentleman here on there so and one two this gentleman here all right so all I'll do is I'll press the tab key here so by pressing the tab key it switches over to this and then I type in 250 enter so it places this door the only problem is the door is swinging on the wrong in the wrong direction so this is how you know how we have dynamic blocks in order cab you can flip sides and so on that's exactly what I'm going to do here click on this and I'll say flip side and it flips on to the other side I want to place the same door here again because it's an autocad-based program I would press spacebar or enter to invoke that command again and then I'm gonna pick this wall I'll press tab let's say 250 from here as well but again I want it to open in the other direction but instead of opening it in this room I want it to open in the other room so I'll go and simply flip it and now it opens in the other room so what it's done is its place all these doors here now to further place things like roof slabs and roofs and so on we've got all these smart tools where you can place roof slabs etc you can go to the stair option to create stairs railing stair towers you can even go and place columns and column grids so all these commands inbuilt inside the program now to save some time what I've done is I've already created a factory that I have I'll open here again as you could appreciate it's gonna take me a bit of time to create this from scratch so to save some time I've already done this if I go and turn on the visibility of the slab layer foreground slab so this is the factory and you would notice that when I change this to conceptual display now the door that looked like 2d doors in the 2d environment or planned view they are actually proper 3d doors here so they are not just blocks that look like door swings they are proper to the doors here when I change this to a 3d view so when I spin the model around you can see that this is a multi-level Factory and the reason I'm creating a multi-level Factory is to show you a specific workflow where we are going to create a spiral conveyor and connect it to the next level I'm going to change this back to 2d wireframe and also turn or freeze this layer to make it a bit easier now this is where let's say we want to start placing some machines and some conveyors and so on again in your normal environment you could you would go to your tool palette where you have all your blocks for your machines and so on here and you will drag and drop the blocks is that right or you would use the insert command and insert your blocks is that right that's how that's how we work yes no maybe yeah so what we are going to do is instead of using the tool palette this is where we are going to now start using a really really smart tool that comes as part of factory design suite called factory asset browser now factory asset browser is similar to tool palette but the difference is it comes with a massive library of assets out of box now you can also go and create your own assets which is what I'm going to show you so in this tool palette you would notice that there's a folder called system assets now system assets is the folder that comes out of box but you've got this massive amount of folders where you got conveyors you've got material handling items you've got process equipments and so on so if I go under conveyors we've got belt conveyors we've got chain conveyors we've got shoe conveyors and so on all these conveyors out of box you don't have to do it the factory design suite team has done a lot of hard work in the background to make it easier for you guys now if I just go up one level in my case I also have my own folder here called factory library now what the concept of this is what I did was I had all these machines done an inventor you know how many of you use inventor all of you use inventor so obviously we create our machines or our assets in inventor is that right the problem is they are only available in the inventor environment now this is where in factory design suite you can convert those machines into your factory assets and in the process of doing that it'll let you create the 2d representations of that as well and the best part is the 2d representation is linked to your 3d representation so you can place the same machine in the 2d environment click a button and that's where the magic is everything when you go to the environment converts into 3d machine alternatively you can place it in the 3d environment in Inventor as a 3d machine and you sync back to our Doc Eric and it shows you the 2d representation so that's my assets that we have I use some of the oldest assets out of box - to do this and that's what are you sure you see here now the reason I'm able to see this library here is because I went into my factory asset tab here and now there are two options here I've got a default project file and I've got a project file for this particular drawing now this is red so I'll just go and quickly pick up the project for this particular class which was empty yeah so because of this invent the project that I've linked to this file here whatever libraries I defined inside Inventor I can see the same libraries here in the AutoCAD 2d environment as well there's also so this is the project that I just added here so the as I said there's a default project file and there's a current file project file that we can override the default width now you would notice that there's also this little tick box here used to set in vendors active project now a question for a power bank any idea what does this do quickly exactly so let's say in my inventor environment I had a different ipj file current you know how in Inventor we have got project files so I had a different project file current by selecting this tick box it makes sure that when I sync back to inventor irrespective of what my project file was current there it makes this project file current otherwise you know how we have this problem that it says missing library and missing proper files and so on this makes sure that that does not happen for you it automatically fixes the project file for you so because of having these files listed here I can see my factory library folder so this is what I'm going to you do I want to play some 2d assets from my factory folder the problem is let's say if I do not remember which exactly is the machine I want to place I can go to any of these assets I can right-click on any of these assets so for example I'm going to go in here right on this and say preview it now shows me this little preview window where I can spin this around as if it was a 3d object to see how it looks like in the 3d environment it also gives me some properties related to it and as you could see the property is telling me that it was in all this asset created by Autodesk so this is the point I'm trying to make all this team has done a lot of hard work in the background and created a lot of assets for you that you can start using from day one let's say I want to preview this one I'll right-click on this and it shows me the preview of this particular file again I can spin it around that's the asset I want so all I'm going to do is drag and drop so just like you do that in your from your tool palette you're just dragging and dropping these assets now my problem is it's holding it from this particular base point which means that it's let's say if I need to place it at a particular location I can't really do it so this is where I can simply right click and change the base point of this and so I want to use this as the base point for this insert and then in my case I'll just click somewhere here but if you wanted to use the from option and say I want to place it at certain distance from a particular corner or slab or a column you could do that also for the next placement it now uses that particular point that I changed as as my placement point for the asset and I can use my object snap tracking to make sure that I'm lining these thing up together so I'll place another one here and then I'll place maybe a third one somewhere here using my object snap tracking so in this case it looks like as if I'm just placing these 2d blocks and again this is something that we've been doing in the past the only difference is instead of placing the assets from our browse factory asset browser we are just using a cool palette or we are using the insert command but in here we are using these smart assets of al-balad of our as a factory asset browser and because these are like your normal 2d objects you can use commands like move or copy let's say I want to move this one here a bit so I can simply use the Move command and move it so the point I'm trying to make here is that there's nothing fancy there is no change in your workflow that you've been using right now instead of changing your workflow you're not changing your workflow so instead of using your tool palette for your blocks you're just using the factory asset browser now again to save some time I've already got a file created in which I've placed some more assets so I've got these three machines that I just placed and I've got some machines placed on this side as well again the whole idea is to save some time without them without affecting too much now you can see that all these assets are currently placed on the ground level there's nothing placed on level one of the factory yet everything is placed on this ground level here everything is truly except for my factory that I created in AutoCAD architecture now the next thing I want to do is I want to place a conveyor line that goes between these machines now normally if you've got let's say the blocks for conveyor you'll have to place each block at a time use the endpoints to snap onto those is that right whereas what we are going to do in this case is I'll go to my system assets and I'm going to go into the conveyor option belt conveyor is what I want to place so we have got an option of placing these individual conveyors but there's a really smart tool available called belt conveyor chain now what this is going to do is it lets me create a chain of conveyor as if I'm creating a toothpick to the polyline so I'll pick the point there and I'll go ahead and move the cursor and I'll say I want 18 meters of can we are going in this so it looks like as if I'm just creating a thick polyline you know how we've got polylines that I've got thick on thickness option as well so it looks like that's all I'm doing here just punching in a few values creating fake polylines most importantly you will notice that my conveyors have got straight corners so I've got 90-degree corners here in stuff day being code you know the Converse can't be straight 90 degrees they have to be curved right now this is the best part and this is what you're going to see once I convert this into 3d what I might also do is probably just go in and place an underline of conveyor somewhere here so I'll start somewhere here and go to the right that's the line of conveyor let's say I want it to be 50 meters enter and then finally I want to place a robot now I don't know where the robot is available and this is where we've got this search option available here where you can just go and type in the asset that you're looking for in my case I'm looking for a robot enter it goes and finds all the robots that are available in my factory asset browser now you would notice that I have got some of these assets here and they've got some of these assets here which are these white circles so this is a question for a blue B mousepad any idea what does this white circle mean yes please sorry absolutely what it means is these are cloud assets so what cloud assets means is factory design suite doesn't want a massive deployment to be created on your machine which is like hundred gigs or something so what they do is they provide you a big library of assets out of box but there's huge amount of assets also available on the cloud that you can download on need by need basis you don't have to download all of them in one go you can download them on need might need basis by simply right-clicking on them and saying download assets the best part is there's a little option here where you can move the cursor and you can also look at all your recently downloaded assets which is what I'm going to show you in a sec but in this case I'm just going to place this existing asset place it somewhere here and then I'll rotate this yep that looks good the only thing is I might just move it closer to the conveyor so I'll just use the move command select this move it a bit closer yep looks good now what I might do is just go in and place a pallet here as well I know there pallidus so I can directly go to that folder material handling pallet yeah there it is and then I'm gonna go and place one of the pallet that's already downloaded just place it somewhere here so this is how I want my 2d layout of the factory to look like at this stage so all I've done is I've used some of the assets from my custom library again the the ones that were created in inventor that had two diversions I've used some chain conveyors out of box and I've also used some more assets were delivered to me as part of my factory design suite I'll go and save this and the next thing I want to do is I want to now look at the 3d version of this Factory because again as I mentioned if everything is in 2d it kind of defeats the whole purpose so what I want to do is convert everything into 3d and this is where I'm going to click on sync inventor and that's where the magic will begin and you'll see that in the sake there's also an option here called sync Navisworks I prefer sync inventor because I can have a look at the inventor side of it first so all I'm going to do is click on sync inventor here it says in order to do this it has to close this file I'll say yep go ahead and close the file because I had inventor already opened it now loads this new file in this calls it the same name as the name of my 2d file in AutoCAD architecture environment and starts to convert all those 2d assets into these 3d assets and the reason it's done that is because the 2d version that I placed came from these 3d inventor models so as you could see within no time in a button click it has now converted the entire 2d layout of the factory into this 3d environment or 3d model if I just zoom into this area you can see all the machines color into 3d all the conveyors let's have a look at this now and see how all the 90-degree conveyors have now been changed to cow conveyors so this is what I was trying to tell you earlier although I am placing them as 90 degrees by just typing in the values when I convert them into 3d environment it automatically replaces the 90-degree corners by these cloud belt conveyors now any idea why are some of these items red in color so this is the question for the cap no sorry not who wants a non-standard you already want something you can't alright that's how I'll give you a cap as well alright give it to somebody else who answered alright that gentleman there thank you yes so these are non-standard converge so when we create or when the artist team created the conveyors out of or default there was a default size and anything that doesn't match the default size automatically changes it to red so the all ideas to tell you that these are non-standard items are you sure you want these non-standard items there so for example in my case I don't want this end bit here so I can simply select this press the Delete key on my keyboard and it deletes that bit however you would notice that the underlying yellow object is still displayed that's because I haven't synced AutoCAD yet so yep I'm happy with this I'll go and save this so yeah looks good now just one more thing see how on the lower left corner it's showing me these two values any idea what are these two values on the lower left or not lower left lower right corner the first value 61 and the other value of 15 so the value of 15 means sorry okay you answer the question and I'll give you the power bank now that gentleman there yeah yeah so your unique parts yes so 61 are the total number of objects and 15 are the total number of unique objects so see I've got conveyors so a unique conveyor is counted one in number 15 but it is counted multiple times in number 61 so 61 is the total number of items and 15 are the total number of unique items so I'm happy with this I'm gonna click on the Save button and then I'll go and say sync or the card what it now does is fixes my article file and if I look at the order CAD file you can notice that all the curved belt conveyors are placed here so no more straight lines and also the last bit has been deleted because I fixed that in the inventor environment so this is the ground level of this now what I might do is let's have a quick spin around of this I want to start placing some assets on the first level of this Factory so I'll simply use the ID command click on this and what happened here press f2 yeah so that's the Z value of this height I'm just going quickly gonna copy this because I know you guys won't remember it I'm going to go back to my top view that's some yeah so might just close this file with saving changes so going back into my inventor environment what I want to do is now start placing some assets on the level two of the factory what I should do is probably turn off the grids and yeah so it's easier for you to see what I'm doing brilliant so I want to start placing some assets on level two of the factory to create level two ultimately going here and go and use this tool called create sub layout what this does is it now lets me create a sub assembly here so this sub assembly when I sink back to order CAD will automatically be placed as an extra drawing into my master drawing it automatically does that for you so level two it creates a new drawing with whatever name I specify here and extracts into my master base level as well so what I might do is change this to its level two factory I'll go and say okay define the location of my floor right click done so what it does is takes me to this level two factory as you could see the same name that I defined in my dialog box takes me there the only thing I'm going to do here is move this floor up because at this stage the current level is sitting at ground level level zero as well so I need to move it up for this I'm going to go into a reposition floor pick this here or join me in inches okay so I might have to just highlight this now any idea what the value was see I knew you guys won't remember so I did the copy there so I could just do a paste make sure that I type in millimeters otherwise it's going to move it to 44 in 100 inches done that's all I'm going to do here save the file close it now yep so if I go into the browser tree you would straightaway notice if I could move it down that I've got a sub assembly here called level 2 factory if I double click on this I can go to the level 2 factory environment but what I want to do is to first place a spiral conveyor that is gonna take my raw material from ground level to the top level let me change the view to this view here so it's easier for us to see what we are doing so that's where I want the spiral conveyor to be placed again going back into my system assets and I'm going to go to conveyor yep and then belt conveyor is what I place earlier and I'm I've got so I've got two of these left and right hand I'm gonna place a right hand one so as soon as like yeah I just change the 3d view so it's easier you would notice that as soon as I come close to my existing conveyor this spiral converse snaps on to it and the reason it snaps on to it is that we've got what we call its connectors so connectors will make sure that you are snapping to the right place we don't have to worry about constraining and so on you know people who are coming from invented environment you know how we have to worry about constraints and so on everywhere you would notice that in the entire factory as of now I haven't talked about constraints at all because we don't have to worry about constraints it automatically constraints on the ground plane for you the assets and the ones that are on the second level you'll notice that it will place it on the wrong plane of that and when you are placing these assets we have got these connectors to connect them with each other so I'm gonna place this here it connects this looks good let's say done let's change it to this view here so that's my spiral conveyor my only problem is if I look at it from the side view it's still staying within this level it's not going up to level two which is what I want so what I'm going to do is go in here and look at factory properties so a lot of these assets that are delivered to you out of box by the factory team have these smart values that you can modify again inches that's not good let's go and change this tree so anybody who came later I'm from Australia which means that I work with metric units I don't understand imperial units so there's 72 and 1 0 1 and so on that doesn't make sense to me I'm gonna I'm gonna change this to millimeters by the way it's not just me there are a lot of people here who work with millimeters so just don't blame me blame everybody so I'm going to change this to millimeters okay click on this and I'm going to change this yep so opera height here I'm going to change this to the value so as soon as I press ENTER you will notice that it has now modified the converting it takes me to this level however that's not what I want it is supposed to go further up now this is the question for a to excel t-shirt and the idea why it did not take me to the height that I wanted why is it just touching the slab so give it to anybody here who could answer that question no okay good so I get to keep the t-shirt I can take it back further than me the reason is because there's a lower height of the conveyor and there say upper height so with the lower with the actual upper height I also need to add the lower height to it so four four one nine point six plus six 72 is five one eight one point six not that I remembered that value I because I practiced this a lot so that's how I remember I'm not that good at math so I could I just memorize this value good question I was hoping nobody would ask that question the answer to that is yes we could do that all I could do is plus that value however I updated my inventor and it's not factory problem it's the factory inventor problem I updated my inventor recently and that plus thing isn't working I have already logged that with all this they are working on it so the answer to your question is yes all I had to do was with that value I had to type in plus 760 to enter and it will add that value but I updated my inventor which has stuffed that up I came to know this about a day before I left or or I came here so with this as you could see it has updated my conveyor the only thing is I don't want my raw material to fall off the conveyor with just three revolution so I'm going to change this to let's say six enter and it updates this I'm happy with this so let's close this option here all right so it now has taken the conveyor to the next level which is what I wanted the next thing I want to do is go and place some stuff on level two so I want to add a curved belt conveyor here I'm going to go to my level two factory go again to the conveyor pick the let's turn off the floor and grid settings first so it's easier for you to see what I'm doing so yeah that's where I want it all right so pick the horizontal called back conveyor now you would notice that when I come close to this it is not snapping onto it unlike in the previous case when it snapped onto it it's not snapping onto it yes please yes if you want you can define a user-defined property or you can do a yes you can create a parameter called floor height and then you can just change the value that and it updates everything yes all right so the point I'm trying to make here is that it's not snapping onto these this conveyor and the reason it's not stepping onto the conveyor is because this peril can wear is currently sitting on the ground level whereas I'm placing this on level one so to fix this what we need to do is once I place this conveyor on level two I'll have to now go and what what we call as expose the connectors the option is available under relationship here I'm gonna go and say expose it says what connector you want to expose I'm gonna pick this one done and then go to my ground level conveyor and repeat the same process I'll go and say expose this connector right click done and now I'll be able to connect the two conveyors so let me grab this and yeah that's all I remember now so you've got to be a bit careful sometimes when you're dragging it what it does is tries to pick it up from the origin point of your current file so I might have to just drag it all the way here and connect it yep so what's fine now so by exposing these connectors and this was one of the main reasons I want to show you multi-level Factory as well to show you the concept that if you want to connect things with multiple levels you'll have to first expose the connectors once you expose the connectors then they'll work fine no worries all right now I place this can way here and as you could see that gets placed inside my level 2 factory going back in here I want to now place some assets so I want to play some machines though those machines were downloaded as my cloud assets so instead of finding where those machines went I'm going to simply use this option called recently downloaded cloud assets it shows me all these cloud assets that I recently downloaded all I need to do is now drag and drop just like I did in AutoCAD environment I can also have a look at the preview again similar to what I did in the AutoCAD environment I can have a look at the preview so this is what I want to place here but in this case it is placing it as a proper 3d model of this machine now I'll place it here and let's say I want to rotate this so use the rotate tool at the same time just move it a bit this side as well yep that look so I've placed one instance of this machine I want to place another instance of this machine so I'll place it somewhere here again I'm gonna rotate this and then they'll do now so it's placed this machine as well but notice that these two machines do not line up and again if you are using normal inventor we had to use the flush constraint between the faces of those machines to line up is that right is that what we do normally in inventor but not with the factory utilities and this is where this is really really smart to line these up all I need to do is go and use this tool called align align tool will say what component do you want to align I'll say this one reference is this one and it says how do you want to line it I'll say line them horizontally so as soon as I pick this button it now lines then the lines them up horizontally I don't have to worry about applying constraints and so on so this is the best part of this program we don't have to because we are doing a general arrangement we don't have to worry about applying constraints and then five days later figure out what constraint and I apply how do I fix this and so on we can use these really smart tools that are provided to us as part of this program to create a really really quick general arrangement of our factory they won't stick now but again if you want to for example if I need to move what am i do is I'll just move with this side let me place another machine and I will show you how we can move all of them together as well just in case something needs to move so what I might do is place under machine here so let's go back in here I'll go and pick the machine that I want to place which I'll use VAR EDM so all these assets that you see here were cloud assets that were not automatically installed again as I said they want to just keep the file size or the installer size as small as possible and anything extra that you need they just let you download as part of your cloud assets just move it somewhere here yep done I just have a feeling that I changed the orientation of this yep that's what I did let me fix this first go back in here so to change the orientation of this I can just go back and use reposition specify where I want my try to sit and then rotate this 180 degrees and then move somewhere let's say here so what I want to do is I want as this lady here said let's say if we want to move all of these together I can do that let me just make sure that it's sitting yeah so all of these things are sitting at the right location before I move this what I might do is go and add a few more converse so let's go back in this now because this is a sub assembly here I can also open this sub assembly separately so I'm not looking at all the extra bits that I don't need to see so see how in this case it's a lot easier for me to see what I'm doing without looking at the lower-level assets what I want to do is add some more conveyors I'll go back into my system assets conveyor belt let's pick the straight button we're here now because this is the 3d environment will use these connectors to connect these conveyors together yeah let's do this I was now going to add a curve bird so place this code right here yep fantastic so this is a good thing so it looks like these curved belt conveyors are pretty close to my machines so what I'll do is I want to reposition all these machines and as this lady said they because they are not constrained if I move one the other one won't move it with it so all I'm doing is I'm picking all the three machines and then moving them together back a bit so I'll just go and use this direction move these back a bit and that's all I have to do without worrying about the constraints now I'll go and add a few more straight belt conveyors so click click and all it's doing is it's making sure that all these converts connect together with the right location and also the orientation of my motors and so on I'm happy with this I'll save the file and let's close this and I can now see my level 2 factory looks like this now again the whole idea I'm showing you this level 2 stuff is for a couple of reasons one I wanted to show you how to connect small conveyor from one level to the other and the other one I wanted to show you was the sub-assembly bit this way you can have a particular area of your one level also created as a sub assembly just in case you want to keep them separate maybe there's a particular supplier that has supplied all the machines in this area you could create a sub assembly there and then have that sub assembly kept separate so that way you want to edit that you can add that separately as well so this is how my multi level factory looks like I'm pretty happy with this as you could see things sitting on the right level exactly where I wanted them I'm gonna go and say save and then I'm going to go and seek my order CAD file so once i sync my order CAD file it now says you want to open it in order k i'll say yes and you would straightaway notice that now I've got the assets placed on the next level as well I've got my first level assets and so on but one of the things that you would have noticed is in my inventor environment the building of the factory came in as a reference so it was only wireframe that's because we want to keep the file size smaller inside Inventor we don't have to get all those factories buildings and so on however if you want to use the references by snapping onto those you can do that you can snap onto those reference items now the whole concept of doing that is if I just turn on the slab layer I want to create my digital factory in what we call as Navisworks environment I might just close all the files here so close all no no no Save Changes so going back into my dashboard I want to now create a digital factory to do my engineering review and for that I'll simply go to this option called engineering review when I click on this engineering review exact load nav novice flux and it says what is the file that you want to open now you remember how I've got my DWG file for my factory and I've got my inventor file from for my machines what I'm going to do here is I'm going to go and pick the DWG file of my factory so I'm simply loading this DW file of the factory but as I'm doing it it's not only loading the DWG file I think it's just a BMP file it also loads the linked inventor file I don't have to separately load it it understands the link between my factory DWG file and the inventor assembly file with the mine with the machine layout so I opened the DWG file it automatically loads the assembly file as well for me let's have a look at it in the 3d environment I might just fix the display let's change this she shaded might change the background to horizon as well ok and I think this was in lights so now certainly within no time I've got a proper digital virtual factory that I can now walk around I can have a look at the actual stuff going on let's turn off the line work as well you will notice that it not only loads the DWG file it also loads the assembly file for me and which is what I'm saying factory design suite understands the relationship between the files you load one it loads the other one as well you don't have to manually do it again saving you time in figuring out where those files are so what I'll do is let me spin the model around I'll go and zoom into this here let's son off the snap points as well just zoom in here and I want to start walking into my factory come down to this level now people who have used Navisworks they will understand anyone who hasn't used Navisworks if you haven't I would strongly strongly recommend you guys to have a look at Navisworks it is a fantastic program lets you create digital factories within no time but most importantly you can have a walkthrough of your factory you can even turn on what we call as third person avatar so I've got a third person avatar turned on here I can also turn on gravity and collision so collision make sure that I'm not going through walls and so on and gravity make sure that I'm always walking on the ground plane so I'll start walking in here so as you could see within no time I've created my digital Factory starting with order here architecture machine layouts placed inside inventor and within no time I've got my digital factory imagine doing this this in AutoCAD first of all you cannot do it in order CAD and if you try doing the extrusions and so on it's gonna take you ages to do this so what I'll do is quickly save a viewpoint here I'll call this as walk if I could spell it right start enter now yeah I might just start walking so I can start walking around in this Factory digital Factory and have a realistic feel of how my factory would look like now the good thing about Navisworks is Navisworks is not only just a visualization program it's also a design review program so the point I'm trying to make here is let's say there are some curved belt conveyors the red convers here I can create a rev cloud here highlighting these red conveyors and add a little text saying why are these converse red in color the reason why are these converse red in color is because it could be maybe as I said it could be custom assets or there could be something else but by me mocking this up and sending it to someone they would shred away know that they need to address this I don't want these custom sizes available here I want these to be the standard sizes so I don't have to worry about these so people who's who are designing these general arrangements can go back and fix this so similarly if I continue starting to walk in one click I can go back to this particular view point and in that particular view point I've got this red line mark up I might just rename this red line enter so in one click I can go to walk start in one click I can go to the red line mark up and that's the whole idea of having all these different view points created let's continue walking in this area here just quickly check the time okay so um what Navisworks altar does is it's not just a design review tool where you can add markups and so on i'ma just turn off the avatar you can also distance measure things and so on so for example I can go to measure this sense tool and I can say I want to measure the distance between let's say this face here and yeah if I could go yep this face here and it not only gives me the distance it also gives me the x y&z value so it's giving me the x and y and z value of the distance measure as well so not only just the inclined distance but all these distance values alternatively you can also use an option called minimum or shortest distance where I can pick two items here so this one and this one and I'll go and say show me the shortest distance between the two and it shows me the shortest distance this is generally handy when you've got things like pipes and so on and you want to find out if you are enough clearance between your machine and the pipe work for the servicing people to go in and service your machines I can also convert this Redis measurement into a red line mock-up where it goes and creates a view point for me I'll rename this to distance and then going into their distance view it straightaway shows me the distance value now maybe there's a critical value that I need to meet maybe there's minimum 2 meter distance for the servicing so I can create this as a red line mark up again red cloud this and send it to the people saying I need bit more space here if I just go back into this view point and I'll continue walking so let me just walk here so I can see that my spiral conveyor is actually interfering with my a slab of the second level so again I can go in here and I can go and start creating let's say a red cloud just go and create a little drawer clock here and add a text where I'm gonna go and say I need to cut a hole in the slab okay and now it adds this red line mark up again I can go and rename this to let's say red line yep so in one click I can go to this particular mock-up and see what's going on here now in this case there was this thing that I could visually see that there's a problem but there could be other clashes that I can't really figure out straight away so for that we are going to run clashes between our building and the machine what am i do first is go and create an overview viewpoint turn off the avatar I'll go and create like a 3d view let's actually look at it from this direction and I might go and make the walls transparent as well so just pick one of the walls going here select type and then I'm going to change the transparency of this the whole idea is I want to be able to see inside the walls so it looks good and then I'm going to go and save this as a viewpoint called overview and then make sure that it's saving the appearance yep yeah so what I want to do now is let's say yes all these viewpoints go to overview looks good I want to run the clashes between various items might hide the say viewpoints window go to my class detective window and then I'll say I want to add a clash test let me just resize this quickly add tests and I want to call this test as building versus machines and I'll pick my DWG file here and I'll pick my assembly file and then I'll go and say hard clash run tests and then it shows me that there are these seven flashes found now so it straight away figures out whatever problems have got in my factory and highlights those and this is what I was saying anybody who doesn't use Navisworks please make sure you start using Navisworks because these things you cannot visually find out I'll go to this class here so again the wall of the can we are going through the wall yep yeah oh this is something I do not realize that we'll have okay so that's a problem what's the next one what's this let's have a look at I know what it is maybe what happened was when I create the assets for this Factory instead of using the bottom face of the stand of this I might have used a different face and that's why the the machine is interfering with the ground slab that's why those two items are highlighted so what I might do is this may not happen in the real world so that is not possible to have make sure that's the case yeah so what I will do is I might just go and manually say that this clash I'm going to resolve it or approve it let's approve don't resolve so what this means is that I know that physically this is not possible so I have manually gone in and said don't worry about these clashes this has been approved alternatively I could go and back and fix this but these clashes are a problem so I might want to fix those to fix these clashes what I'm going to do here now is go and use a really smart tool inside Navisworks called switchback so this is the file that I need to fix I need to pick this file and click on switchback what it does is loads the same file in the AutoCAD architecture environment and also takes me to the exact same view that I was in in Navisworks environment now the only thing is in this perspective view it doesn't look that good I might change this too that's for seeing this to plan view and I might change yeah it doesn't look good change this to parallel so what I want to do is first of all cut a hole in the slab so for that I'll go into my slab so let's zoom in so this is the slab I need to cut the whole end yep that's a second level slab all I need to do for this is I'll go and activate the rectangle command and I'll draw a rectangle doesn't matter where the rectangle is sitting on the ground plane or whatever it is now I'll simply go and pick the slab and use this tool called hole so when I pick the hole tool it says what do you want to do I'll go and say add a hole in the slab pick this rectangle it says enter it says do you want to delete the rectangle say yeah so what it does is it actually cuts the hole in the slab so I don't have to manually do a extruder or things like that it uses this whole option inside the slab tool to go and cut the hole in the slab which is what I want let's change it back to 2d wireframe top view and then I'm going to go and let's freeze this layer I'm going to go and freeze this layer so I can see it a bit better create a little opening in this wall so that the conveyor could go through it and for that I'm going to use this tool available inside door called opening pic the wall in which I want to create the opening and specify where I want to place it so I want to place it somewhere here sounds good and then enter so I'm happy with this I'll go and save the file it looks good save the file here and then close the file now going back into my Navisworks environment at this stage it doesn't tell me that my clash test needs to be updated because I haven't refreshed my model yet so all I need to do is click on the refresh button here it now reloads the DWG file and shred up it tells me that my clash test needs to be updated I'll go and click on this and hit update it now straight away tells me that there are five clashes that have been resolved two are still active so these five clashes have been resolved and if we look at the results area you can see that these five clashes have been resolved there are still two clashes active which is this one and this one the reason I did not fix these clashes is because I don't think it's a good idea to fix this particular one right now because we don't want to cut our wall it's easier for us to move this Falcon we're a bit further up so what I'm going to do is instead of fixing or worrying about fixing any of this stuff I'm going to simply go into my clash here yeah and right-click on it and I'm going to add a comment and I'll simply go and say let's be nice to this for this clash it is better to move it maybe out a bit yep okay so it adds a comment to this and you will trade away notice that there's number one symbol inside the comment I'll do the same thing with this one here and I'll go and say this is still pending because we don't know when we move the the curved belt or the spiral conveyor what happens to this one so I'm going to leave these active the whole idea is I know that I've got something to go back to and having a comment will make sure whoever is looking at my file will be able to go through those comments and see what they need to fix good question really good question and for this I'll give you do you want a mousepad or do you want a earphone okay so the answer is yes there's a window inside Navisworks called comments window where you can see all those comments now in our case we can also go and generate a report so by generating a report it generates a report of all your clashes and those comments will be available inside those reports of the clashes as well you can generate the reports of all the tests I recommend HTML tabular format because it is in a proper table format a very very nice report so I'm going to save this file here let's say complete Factory so what I've shown you just now is an overall factory design suite workflow where we started from AutoCAD architecture we place some 2d assets inside AutoCAD architecture and then those 2d assets were converted into 3d assets so the next bit that I want to show you is the Revit bit but before I get there I might just go and this quickly we are running really short of time as I said it's better if we ask the questions at the end if it's okay with you because we are really running short of time and I've got a lot more stuff to show you so as I said in this presentation here what I've shown you is an overall factory design suite workflow that we started with a 2d factory layout although it was not really 2d it was 3d walls and so on we placed some 2d assets there click the button and certainly magic happened I really like using word magic if you haven't figured it out yet so it converted all the 2d assets into 3d assets and as a result we were straightaway able to have a look at all the 3d assets so that was the overall factory design suite workflow a lot of people have active design to it but haven't seen the workflow and that's why I wanted to show you that as the first thing now in the second part of my presentation I want to show you a big problem that one of our customers had which was resolving the lack of information issue let me just quickly go back to this yep that's the bit so you know when you've got multiple teams working in an a coordinated environment unless you talk to each other on regular basis chances are the project may not come together at the end the right way for example this one here I really like this picture I downloaded some hunting from LinkedIn somebody posted on LinkedIn some time back so we had a customer and it's a real customer issue they they create pics and platforms and the building is created by the architect so to get this right what the problem they were facing was they would send the DWG file of the pits and the machines and so on the actor would then manually place it won't get the placement of the pit right which means they would start excavating at the wrong location especially when you are cutting in the the concrete slab and then realize that this is not right so to fix this workflow we went and use factory design suite and what we did was we had the Revit model exported as a DWG file we got the DWG file into AutoCAD architecture place the assets at the right location we use by the way a 360 Drive you've got all this software on subscription meaning you can get order 360 Drive axis with 25 gigabytes of space free if you haven't used it I would strongly recommend you guys start using it then we got that auto cad file into AutoCAD architecture environment used our factory design suite concept to place our assets and pits and so on and then we took it back into the Revit environment so let's have a quick look at our presentation on this so this is currently the Revit environment and this is the building that we use for for that particular bit so all we had to do was export that building as a DWG file if I go and open the DWG file here so I'll open this one so this is the same DWG file coming from Revit so I said RBT file exported as a DWG file at this stage this is how it looks like now again to save time what I've done is created a couple of layer States and I've already placed some assets again I don't have to show you this because I've already shown you this bit I'm trying to save some time so I've already placed some assets on the ground level but I've also placed some assets on level 2 now there is one main reason I'm showing you level 2 as well here and the reason is when we are placing it in Revit how do we place them so there could be some machines from your level 1 that are going to level 2 there could be pipes linked with them so where are you drilling holes on this wall where are you drilling hole on the other wall to get this workflow right you need to make sure that you're placing level 2's right location and that's why I'm showing you this vlog flow here so how did I place these items on level 2 all I did was use this command called elevation so if I identify this here it's fully 200 so inside AutoCAD we've got the command called elevation where you can type in the elevation value here which means anything that you drag-and-drop or you draw goes to that fight has anybody use elevation command inside AutoCAD yep brilliant so this makes sure that you are placing the stuff at the right level now I'll change it back to zero because I want to place a pit at level one so I'm going to go back to this layer called level 1 I'm going to change this to 2d wireframe and then let's go into the top view so what I'll do is I want to place a pic here again instead of finding where the pit is I'll type in the search press ENTER and it shows me all the pits that are available out of box so these are all available out of box I did not have to create them I want to place a rectangular pit but this is where the important thing is this pick needs to be placed at an exact location from the corner of the slab this is the key bit here so what I'm going to do is change the base point just like what I showed you while placing the machine earlier I'm going to pick the base point here and now let's say it needs to be added this sense from this corner point and now I can type in a value at 2500 comma 1410 from memory enter and it places this 2d version of the pick exactly where it's supposed to go so if I do not have a reference to the to the architects model there is no way I could have used it because they might be using a different coordinate for my further building so it's not zero there it could be something else by using the reference of the slab I'm making sure that I'm placing it at the right location so once I've done this all I have to do now is sync to in vendor just like what I showed you in the previous case and it will convert everything into the 3d assets but again to save some time I've already got a file created inside inventor so much switch over to that and if I go and open that file inside rabbit this one here so in this file what I did was I already did a sync because I wanted to save some again I keep saying sometime because there's so much I want to show you guys so I've already synced this particular file you will notice in this particular file I've got this physical floor placed and the reason it has placed this physical floor is because when it sinks a file with a pit it needs to do some cutting in a physical floor so that's why it goes and puts a physical floor in so you could see that there was a cut done in that physical floor for the pit so that's the floor and that's our picked there now what I also did was to again save some time yep so as you could see pit here level one as it's on level one and level two assets on level two so let me just finish here so as you could see I've got a level two sub assembly here now the question is how did I get level two sub assembly because in the article environment I just place everything in the same file all I had to do was go and create a new sub layout by using the sub layout tool it creates a new sub assembly and then I had to simply drag and drop the level two assets inside the level two sub assembly you know how in Inventor we can drag and drop items that's all I had to do in this case now again the reason I've done this is so I could now go and create two level of details I've got the detail level of level of detail called level one in which I've got only level one assets I do not have floor do I really need to take the floor inside room it the answer is no because they already have their floor slab right I don't need to take the floor that's why I've turned it off or I've suppressed it similarly I've got level two level of detail created in which I've got level two assets only I did not turn off the 2d object that's fine no worries so that's my level two now what a lot of people would do is if then you could export something from inventor into Rohit they'll go into this beam exchange environment and they'll say alright let's export this as yes so they'll select it and let's export it as an a dsk file or an IFC file but the problem with this is that person placing it inside Revit will have to manually place it which kind of defeats the purpose the whole purpose is no manual placement inside rabbit so sometimes as they say keep it simple and straight that's all I had or we had to do in that workflow we just went in and exported these to level level of details as DWG files so going in here export export a DWG file I'll rename this to let's say level 1 assets I'll make sure that I'm only taking 3d solids no surfaces no sketches because that's all I want okay and then I'm going to go and say save and it's saved this file so it creates a DWG file I'll do the same thing with level 2 assets as well I'm gonna go and export this as a DWG file let's go and call this as level 2 assets make sure that I'm taking only the solids nothing else okay save so I've created the two DWG files and going back into Rebeck now what I'm going to do is I'm going to link the DWG files now why am i linking the DWG files any suggestion any answers this is for the 2x t-shirt why am I going to use the link so what I'm going to do is this is my rivet file right now and let's say I want to place the assets on level 1 so the inner Abed you know how we have got an option where we can place or we can link so anybody uses rebecc-- here I know you do okay so inside rivet we can place them but I'm going to use this link card format any any suggestions why am i doing that you can't answer you already got the t-shirt sorry who was the other person it's yeah so that's right so the whole idea is if my machine layout changes I just export the DWG file and inside Revit they just update the link that's that's the whole idea of exporting this as a DW file is it right right okay with ATS scale you'll have to manually place it it's hard plus the export may not be it may not take all the smart metadata that you want as part of your it will take a lot of metadata but it makes sure that in this case you don't have a manual intervention and I'm gonna show you that in a sec so I'll go and say add I'll select the asset one DWG file this is the key here the key is I'm not going to touch anything I'm going to use auto origin to origin whereas a dsk file you'll have to manually place it whereas in this case as you could see I'm going to leave it as a default one which means there's no manual placement and that's exactly what we wanted it's a time already you gotta kidding me all right so I'll leave it as or the origin to origin level one or interview and I'm gonna go and say open it takes a few seconds and loads my DWG file and as you could see without manually placing it where it goes it places my pick exactly where it needs to go if I look at the inside view you will notice that it goes exactly where I placed it inside my article environment so no manual intervention to do all these things level one opposite view the machines go exactly where they're supposed to go as well similarly if I go to let's say level two let's close these views and I'm going to go to level two I want to place some assets on level two as well so again I'm going to go into manage lengths and I'll go to the CAD format and I'll go and say add pic level two now this is the important one I'm gonna go and say origin to origin and place at what level so this is the question for the book so people who came leg I've got a Navisworks book in which I've covered the entire factory design suite workflow for novice works at the end this is the question for the book do I place it at level one or level two yes please level two wrong because if I place it at level 2 for 200 from level 2 you you're answering exactly you got to place it at level 1 because it's already act level 2 from level 1 so the book to the gentleman here here's the book all right congratulation what's the name any good on you right so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to select level 1 here because it's already at 4200 from level 1 and I'll go and say open it loads it at level 2 and when I go and see okay you can actually see here it places all these assets at level 2 not level 1 and if I look at the inside view of level 2 that's exactly where I wanted these two objects and this is specifically the reason I showed you level 2 as well because there could be some machines that are connected to level 2 machines through pipes and so on so you might have to cut holes in the slab or holes in the wall and by using this workflow you make sure that everything is done at the right location you're not just making things up or finding the distances and so on so this as I said this workflow our customer got really really happy level 1 as its went exactly where level 1 assets were supposed to go level two assets meant exactly where they were supposed to go and if I spin the model around I can see my pit going exactly where I wanted to go so this made sure that there was no communication issues no dramas people manually placing things and so on that did not happen so this is as I said a specific customer workflow that we use factory design suite outside the factory environment to fix a a real problem let me close this file as well so I'm going to save this and yep alright so the last workflow that I want to show you as part of the factory design suite is the third one here which again is a real customer issue one of our customers who's a warehouse logistics solutions company as I mentioned at the start the sales guy goes in and then draws a rough layout and so on whereas using the factory design suite what the sales guy does now is he goes on site and uses his AutoCAD 360 on his tablet device draws a rough layout of your warehouse use AutoCAD 360 Drive to send information back to the team in the backend office and the backend office uses that as a reference to create a 3d version of the the warehouse with the racking systems and so on pushes the same model on to a 360 drive and the client can view it on their tablet device in less than a day so the turnaround period went from two weeks to less than a day by using this factory design suite blood flow all right so let's have a look at the presentation of this software so let's go in here so what happened as I said was the the sales guy goes on site and uses AutoCAD 360 on the tablet device and creates this rough layout of of the warehouse so all he's doing is drawing some line work putting in some text there that this is the length this is the width this is how many racking systems you need how far apart and so on now inside the AutoCAD architecture element I can use this design tools palette and I can simply right click on the walls tool and say apply the style to the line work so I can simply pick this line work that the sales guy created on on the tablet device or salesperson create on the tablet device and convert this into proper line work but I don't want to do that because this may not be accurate so what I would do is I would just use the reference of this and then within the AutoCAD architecture environment create the factory and also place the assets now again to save time I've already got some assets placed here there are some check outs there's a forklift there and also these thick polylines so these thick polylines are actually not thick polylines they are custom racking systems that I created as chain assets again instead of me manually placing one rack at a time I have used a really smart tool inside inside the factory design suite where all I had to do was create a rack and then convert that into a chain of rats now you could do that with your conveyors if your company designs conveyors and so on you could create your custom conveyors and convert them into chain assets how do we for that there's a really small tool available inside factory design suite called factory warehouse unfortunately not too many people really know about this factory warehouse but it is a fantastic tool what it does is you can create your individual sections and then use this factory acid warehouse tool to convert your individual sections into chain assets a really easy simple process gives you a step-by-step process of how to do it you click on this build build chain assets go in here and it shows you what you need to do so upload translate and publish three simple steps as I said unfortunately not too many people know about this but if you do things like conveyors and ranking systems and so on I even think safety fences and so on I would strongly recommend you guys have a look at this so that's what I did I use this bit here to create my own chain assets all I now do is just specify the location where I want to start so let's say somewhere here just like what I showed you earlier in the conveyor systems and I click somewhere here let's say for the four five hundred enter and it places this thick polyline so in this AutoCAD environment it looks like I'm placing the thick polyline but the fact is it's not really a thick polyline again - let me just say this file to save time I already have this done so if I go into store layout I've only got this totally out completed where I've already seen this because I've got so many racks here it takes a bit of time that's why I had to create it beforehand but by thinking what it does is converts all those thick pole lines into proper racks all of them in here is gone and deleted some of them that were interfering with the door or blocking the door so all I did as I said was created one of these rankings rats and then used that factory acid warehouse to convert them into chain rats so you could do it with your conveyors you could do it with your rats we are actually also testing it with a company that designs the layouts for shows and so on where they want to put certain wall types so we create a particular wall type for them and converted them into chain assets so when we place those chain roles when we sing to inventor it converts them into proper world types that they want with whatever design that they need so really really handy tool for that as well so within a few minutes we have created this entire warehouse and then all I had to do was take this into Navisworks so let me do a sync and render first so what this does is as you could see converts those thick pole lines into proper display of these racking systems and then now I can take this into Navisworks if I go and say open I'll open the DWG file and because the DWG file has got LinkedIn when to file it then opens the link in render file as well might just spin it around and then go let's hide the wall first at the roof all right so now this is my general arrangement of the of the warehouse with my racking system the walls and also are to show off a bit I've placed some some where the checkouts and and a this thing as well let me just spin them all around let's zoom in here all right am I just yeah okay I'll start the walk tool turn on the display of the avatar under gravity so let me change this to horizon so it's better display so as you could see starting from AutoCAD architecture within no time I just place my chain assets into inventor brought everything into Navisworks and I've got my digital warehouse available in front of me and because it's inside Navisworks I can create all these different viewpoints I can go and do a walk around this so let me save this viewpoint here I'll call this as overview and then I can now do a proper walk into my factory now before I send it to the client I can also run the clashes to make sure that there's nothing clashing in my warehouse there's nothing more embarrassing than things clashing so might go back in here let's turn off this yeah so I'll quickly run a clash test let's say research this artist I'm gonna say this and this run test make sure that there are no clashes brilliant so now that there are no clashes I can actually take this model and use my a 360 Drive and send it to the sales guy or directly to the client they can open this on their tablet device and then they can have a walk around they can have a look at these objects they can also do mock-ups if they require mock-ups for any of these things so as I said a process that took them about two weeks brought down to less than a day just to get the general arrangement in front of them and get the feedback so without anybody wasting a lot of time in getting the final design let's get the general arrangement in front of the customer make sure they are happy and they can then approve this now imagine if this goes with your oculus we are short of time otherwise I would have put the oculus on but I might actually do it at the end anyway so you can put your put your oculus on immerse yourself in that environment have a walk and get a realistic feel of how the things would look like it's a totally different ballgame you showed that kind of concept to your customers they get blown away and they I guarantee you that the the issue that you would normally have at a later stage you won't have those issues you can resolve those issues at the at the initial stage itself all right so I'm glad I was able to finish all the three things the idea here was to put the oculus on but as I'm putting the oculus on I'm ready for you to ask the questions but before I do that there I have to ask them the question for the book all right so my question for the book was why was I able to see my custom folder inside AutoCAD architecture you know how I had my custom folder inside AutoCAD architecture where I had my assets why was I able to see that inside AutoCAD architecture exactly because I linked my project file to AutoCAD architecture you remember how inside AutoCAD architecture I showed you under options I could go and link my inventor project file and because those assets were sitting inside mine when the project file I could see them inside AutoCAD architecture as well relations what's your name Chrissy so with the books I also provide free access to videos there's a email address that I've mentioned nothing on page number five of the book if you send me the email I'll create your login the next login and password for video access as well alright I still have a few things to give away 2x t-shirt who's interested in 2x t-shirt all right Mac and I've got a few review mouse pads so who's ever users Bluebeam review can take mouse pad and I've got a earphone as well who who wants here phone see I'm so generous I'm giving you these things without even asking questions you got to thank me for that right make sure you guys fill in the feet of good catch man make sure you guys fill in the feedback form that's really really important the feedback form will ensure that we can understand how we did and also yes please so what I might do is I'll start putting the oculars on and if somebody wants to via the oculus and have a look you are more than welcome yes please
Channel: Civil CAD Tutorials
Views: 20,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Factory Design Suite Tutorial, Factory Design Utilities Tutorial
Id: pIK8_M_Tnxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 55sec (5095 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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