Autodesk Maya 2018 - Simple Character Rigging Part 3 of 3

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okay so the last controller that we're going to make is our neck so let's do that let's go to create NURBS circle and then distract this guy up and I want to get him know here click on the snap to point there we go and we can probably rotate this guy like that maybe I should work and let's do the modify freeze transformations let's go this our skull at hand controller and we want to select that and click on that head joint go to constraint orient options box let's make sure this is constraint all axes apply and now as we can see we can rotate this guy I'm not gonna give it a point constraint because the neck should only rotate it shouldn't be able to just drag it out and we also want to get the the head joint inside our chest controller so that it moves if you want to so let's do that get this guy and drag it inside our chest nice so now that has we have that working so actually there's one more controller this is the last one let's go to create NURBS circle let's kill this one up and let's change the shape just a little bit and this is our master controller basically this guy controls the entire thing so let's go modify freeze transformations so basically the master controller should have all your controllers inside of it so let's drag the let's see what controllers do we have here let's practice a controller Xin cider drag the hip controller and let's see do we need to spine I think we need to spine curve in there so basically our master bicycle master controls the the entire thing so there we have it guys that's pretty much all we need to do as far as controllers and yeah so you know we'll keeping it simple we got FK controls for the arms and the legs as well so if we move this right down we can see that because of FK these guys just moved by themselves and we can rotate this guy like this rotate our chest this gets kind of weird when we do it that way looks kinda moves his head kind of strangely but anyway you get the idea you move our arm here so maybe his reaching out like this something crazy but anyway yeah and not a nice thing when you do something like that you'll always come here to all your controllers select them all then you set all these guys to zero and you guy will go back to its original post because that's the nice thing about using controllers that's that you can animate them fairly easily and you know you have to worry about the joints themselves so yeah that's basically how we create a pretty simple rig and again if you wanted to you know go further and create controllers for the fingers you can do the exact same thing with you can create joints having controllers for these guys and what you would do is to create a point constraint actually not you will just do a orient constraint of this guy's so that you can rotate the fingers but I'm gonna leave that off I pretty sure you guys can figure that out screw controllers or in constrain them to these guys and you should be good to go for more control so yeah so basically the only thing we have left to do is we probably just need to clean up the UH the skinning just a little bit for example I think we're gonna move this guy this hat can move strangely we Maya did a pretty good job with the skinning I'm actually pretty surprised but it's a pretty good it's actually it's not bad the skinning but I'll just show you real quick if you want to you know make it better I guess if you Maya for your character maybe by I didn't do it such a good job with the skinning let's go ahead and do that next okay so before we before I show you how to do this paintings skinning if you want to get fancy with the color of your controllers there is a way to do that if you go to attribute editor object display then you go to enable overwrite you can change the color of the controller so basically like I just did right there let me show you how to do it on the leg and the foot joint enable override say I wanted this guy to be that bright green so there we go label override so this is just to make it easier for you to like see you joint other way we can feel what if you don't want to see the app joints anymore just go to show and disable joints there we go so yeah that's just the quick you know it's just to get fancy with the colors and everything but anyway so let's show you let me show you about skimming so as I said before Maya actually did a pretty darn good job with the skinning itself like I don't think there's there's much to do with this guy honestly but if you if in your case it's like completely different you guys all messed up just make sure you set your model so that we can actually select that here and go to skin paint skin weights and then just click on the options box and that's going to open this window so basically what this window is showing you is showing you all your joints and when you click on each of these guys it shows you how much that joint is affecting the actual geometry of your model so the hip for example it's affecting all that area the top of the leg is affecting that the knee is affecting that foot in the toe and you can go to all these guys and see how much each joint is effecting of the Geo so the head for example so this is good example one that needs fixing so as you can see if it's completely white that means that that joint it's like completely affecting that part of the geo and if it's just slightly gray it's just like an in-between kind of thing so for the head for example I want the head to be you know completely taking care of that right I don't need the head tip joint I just need this one to control the entire head so to do that we're going to do is we want to click on app for paint operation make sure you do that one and you could so if you click on flat it's gonna flood the entire thing so that means that whoops and this is one of the things that happens when you undo this is an example of you know if you undo it's going to pretty much mess up your joints so in my case here you know you cannot mess the whole thing up so I'll probably have to risk in this guy so let's do that it's pretty crazy let's click on all my joint in this guy and go to the skin let's see it's on bind skin there we go now I'm going to have to redo it because that thing messed that up ok so now I did the risk inning let me open that again still wait so we're back square bore square one so don't use the flood I guess that's the lesson what just happened and also don't use ctrl Z to undo because Maya I usually just mess us up and what you just saw will happen to you as well if you undo I guess that's one of the strange things about Maya when you're skinning usually things go bad when you undo so try not to undo so gotta click on add to increase the size of the a painting thing here hold on the B key then just drag so with add I can just start to paint this guy in and then since it's all white that means it's affecting the whole thing here so now that means that joint dia see think that was the hair okay yeah that's the head joint so now that joint is fully controlling now this part right here and if I wanted to be really precise on how much it's affecting it I'm gonna press Q here to exit just go to face mode double click these guys and go to vertex mode so double click these guys and then hold on control right mouse click and go to vertex 30 vertices let's go back and open the paint skin weights options box and now if I do the flood it's only going to plot on the vertices that I have selected so see yes so there we go so if we flood on that it works pretty good unlike the last time that we try to use it now if we want to affect the whole thing again I can go back to selecting the whole mesh and then just continuing to paint my skin weights and looking for the head there we go and if I want local volunteer that to effect that more no I can keep going or if I want to be more precise and select you know that with the vertex skin weights paint weights and then this guy's I'm going to click on flat so that is you know control the entire thing let's see how that's going so you know now you control the entire thing and obviously I want to fix it so that it it also brings the entire head and the the mustache there let's do that do the mustache and probably the eyeballs vertex skin weights pain skin weights oops let's open the options box then flood exit I'm going to head I'm going to isolate this guy probably deselect then go to vertex skin weights and flood that guy exit press Q to accept so now this guy's you have full control of the head there shouldn't be strange stretching with the a mustache and he should be working fine obviously some areas need more fixing like here for example so I do have it there and then the whole thing selected as you go to weights and probably let's see probably paint less opacity I guess to kind of fix that there maybe the neck can add a little bit more to the neck so it's a back and forth thing so go from the from the neck to the head to the neck to the head until I get some results here that I think you look good when we're moving it so yeah guys basically that's it that's all you have to kinda do let's move the guy and separate in a different position and kind of fix the skin waiting but yeah that's I think that's pretty much all that you need to know I'm sure if you want to fix this more you can totally do that okay so we won't have more control over the knee and the elbows so to do that squatting create a NURBS circle we hide the geo and snap this to the knee let's move that guy for like this but to rotate it by 90 and let's do a freeze transformations this is going to be our left knee so with that knee selected select tap control and then hold down control and select the I K left leg so with that selected go to constrain you click on pop vector cool so but that does is it allows you to kind of rotate the knee and we also want to parent the add that to the yaw to the foot control so let's do that drag this into our foot so now if we move this guy it moves with it and like this and this gives us control over how to rotate it so yeah I hoped you liked the tutorial and again if you have questions make sure you leave them in the comments below this pretty much concludes the entire gunslinger Luigi series here this is the last video for the series I took a while to get to here but I think it would be worthwhile to follow this tutorial and if you are looking to animate it you know let's put in just plenty of tutorials out there that can help you on that and how to animate it but yeah thank you for watching if you liked the video make sure you click the like button and subscribe thank you
Channel: 3dEx
Views: 132,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Maya 2019, Autodesk Maya 2018, Autodesk Maya 2017, Maya 2016, Maya 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, how to, learn to, simple, easy, quick, fast, step by step, instructions, beginner, intermediate, advanced, 3d, 3d model, texture, texturing, rig, rigging, skinning, skin, skin bind, latest, tools, technical, final, last, series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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