Autodesk Maya 2018 - Simple Character Rigging Part 2 of 3

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okay so now that we have our joints or entity at the correct way oh by the way if you're confused on why we're orienting our joints I'll leave a link in the description to a website that kind of explains exactly why this is really important so make sure you read that because you know it's good to know why you're doing things so let's go ahead now and in the outliner make sure you select all your joints so make sure you expand all these guys so that you can select them all and then select the joint and shift-click on the mesh so what I did is I I changed back my match I can actually select it so with that done go to skin and then click on bind skin and that's going to bind our joint to our mesh so let's go ahead and do that so with that done as you can see now if you click on one of the joints and let's do a rotate you can see now that our mesh also moves along with the with the rotation that we're doing here so obviously it's not going to be perfect because it's just automatically done by Maya although I mean it's looking pretty good but you know eventually we're going to do it ourselves but anyway as you can see now our mesh is bound to our joints so next we're going to create an IKE a handle so basically right now when we do something like this when we move that guy then we switch to the next guy this is called FK so forward kinematics which means that to move the entire arm all the joints have to go up one by one and then I came eenz if you move one joint it's going to move the other joints with it so let me show you what I mean by that so let's go ahead and do that so go to I'll make sure you are set to rigging clear under your shelf and click on create ika handled beliefs also under skeleton I believe that's the one so I'm gonna click on this one with that select that we're going to click on the hip and then go all the way to this one so do you go from this one to this one now if you press the W key to move you see that we get something like this so this is known as I K so means I move this guy and then this guy moved by itself so that's cool so now that we know that works the kill you undo so that your character goes back to normal pose so let's do the same thing for the right leg so split an eye k handle click on this one at the top and then there and now oops have to make sure you're clicking on the handle for under the here in the outliner they're going to show up down here so you can see that guys working as well so now let's go ahead and do the same thing but this time for the arms so let's click on I K I'm going to start at the shoulder and go all the way to the wrist here so there we go don't do that oops I think I undid the whole thing let me go back now let's go ahead and do the one on the right so quick on my K cool so in the outliner we're going to have the I care handles here and let's go ahead and just rename these guys so let's rename this one to I K underscore L for left and then let this ones [Music] [Music] cool so now we have our handles named correctly so that we can you know know which ones which and we know that they work correctly okay so next thing we're going to create a control or controller for our foot for a foot joint here let's do that let's go to create NURBS curves and let's just do a circle okay now what we want to do is we want to snap this guy to our foot so what I'm going to do so we click on the visibility for my model and just make that disappear and I'm going to enable let's see at this point snapping just this guy to make sure this is selected and we're going to drag this guy here so that it's you know so it's exactly the same spot as our leg that's our food and now we can just let me enable my character back and then we can just kill this guy just so that you know we get a shape but the foot go to toe vertex then just shape this head it doesn't really matter what you shape it let me disable this that you can ship this however you want just to make it easier to select so that should be good okay and we want to name this guy let's name it what has to have the same name as our joint so this is elf foot J we're going to paste the same name but name it control just abbreviate that and now I'm going to duplicate this guy so ctrl D to duplicate it I'm going to disable visibility here and do the snapping right here snap to point so that it snaps exactly in the same spot disable that name of my character model again and now we have that and rename this one too right let me delete that you one at the end there we go so now we have that and we want to do one more thing we want to freeze transformations in this so right now has transformation so we absolutely do not want that never want your controllers to have transformations when you're not animating let's go to modify freeze transformations it's like this guy and do the same thing suppose you can see now everything zero zero zero and scale just want so now what we want to do is we want to connect this controller to our ika handle which is a this case this guy so what I'm going to do is click on the left foot controller and hold down control and click on the see yeah that's correct [Music] okay yeah let's click on the left foot controller and control hold down control and click on the I care left leg now what we wanna do is we wanna create a orientation so let's go to so we're gonna go to constraint and then just click on point constraint and then while we have those still selected let's go to constraint and now orient constrain so as you can see now if you click on the controller or the curve here you are you can actually move the ika handle so that's pretty cool right then you can even rotate it if you want it so the good thing about this is that we can always you know because we freeze transformations no it doesn't matter I will set it up if you have it back here for example you can always come back here and just set this to zero to get it back into you know regular position so let's go ahead and do the same thing for the other one so two right foot controller and then click on the right eye K let's do the same as to constraint point then constraint Orient and as you can see now this guy controls our leg so we no longer need to know use our joints to move our character we now use controllers so that's the reason so whenever you animate stuff you don't want to be animating the actual joints because the joints already have translations and they're not the translations are not completely frozen therefore you can't really go back to square one if you animate these guys you wouldn't know what the original translations were but when you use controllers this height these guys have already been set to no serial translations and rotations so if you want to go back to the original post you can always just come back and just reset your translate and rotate numbers so that's basically why you you always want to create controllers instead of just using the the joint to animate by the way I just realized I made a mistake while I was doing this so which is good you know even know even someone like me can make mistakes and it's good that I made that mistake so I can show you how to fix it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to delete my constraints because I messed up so let me delete that so make sure you delete constraints on the ika handles let's redo this let's click on the left foot and then the left back I K and let's do the point Orient where I messed up was where I told you to you know have them just select it and then just do an oriental it's not that's not what we want we want now is to select the joint I'm in the air controller then click on the the foot joint the actual joint not dia I K so click on the curves and then the foot joint let's go to constrain Orient but let's click on the options box just make sure that you maintain offset is on because if it's not on let me show you if it's not on and I apply it it's gonna mess up my leg and I want that if we couldn't go maintain offset and then apply it's all good now so basically what I messed up last time was that I I didn't Orient constraint on the I Cajuns but the iCade joint is not doing rotation so it's not doing this so if you do that if you did it the way I did it and then try to rotate with the controller you wouldn't be able to do this rotate but now it's set up correctly so that we can move this guy oops and then just rotate it and then that works fine and it's at its back to zero so good let's do that one here let's do it right this time so rightful controller then control on the I k1 first for the I K would do the point constraint and then the click on the controller now on the foot so shift-click on the foot joint and now we do the orient constraint making sure they maintain offset it's on and let's test this right good so this guy works fine we can rotate the actual leg in the actual foot and then if we want to set it back to where it was again just because we're using a controller we can just set all these guys back to zero so cool so now we have our legs done here it's really good ok so it gets guess what guys we're going to do the exact same thing for our hands so let's do that we can create a controller first let's do a circle then you know just move this guy up here you can rotate it however you want let's kill this guy down and by the way guys you can you can change the shape of this guy if you want it doesn't really matter what dia I like you can do something like this doesn't really matter what the shape of the actual controller is but anyway we want to snap this guy to our wrist so let me deselect the let me hide the eye geometry here once again enable point snap to points and then just snap this guy here let me enable back this guy and we can probably do something like this there we go and all we have to do now is duplicate it and snap that to our other side like that and then we can just name it so let's do that this one it's a controller now let's do the other one it has to be make sure you use the same name that's just a joint you saw that you know which ones correspond to which there we go and make sure you freeze transformations again that's super super important freeze transformations from that guy and then then this guy freeze transformations and now we're going to do the exact same thing let's go here under the outliner thank you we have the left wrist selected and then let's see this was the left arm I should probably have named this differently it should have been left hand let's do that that probably makes more sense so okay we have the left wrist controller hold down control then click on the I care for the left hand and let's do the point Orient first so point Orient and now select the controller and shift-click on the wrist joint and let's do the Orient constraint making sure that I maintain offset is on apply that and close and as we can see now we can control the arm the rotation of the wrist the hand by using our controller let's go ahead and do the exact same thing on the other side start with the RAF's the right wrist controller hold down control click on the I K make sure is di K use a point Orient and now let's click on the curbs which is the controller for the rest and then hold down shift click on the joints for the rest then Orient constraint now make sure you test that to make sure this is working the way let me deselect the snap to point here so I can move it freely so there we go it's in that freaking awesome we got full control of our legs and full control of our arms so next we want to do control of the spine so the next thing we want to do is wanna create an IKE a handle for the spine so let's do that let's go to skeleton and then this time let's use the create I K spline handle so with that selected let's click on the hip first so this guy at the bottom and then let's click all the way to this guy right here [Music] there we go so now we have that and let's go ahead and name it spine and if we want to test it to see that it's working what we want to do is have that selected and press the f8 on your keyboard then just drag on this guy and then we can see that if we move it to the side then to the bottom so there we go so now we know it works so now that we have that tested as you can see - if you in the outliner when you created that spline okay you also get a curve which is for our spine so let's name that so let's just name it a spine curve and we want to move the pivot point of that to the to the hip so if you hold down D on your keyboard you're just gonna drag it up here and let's make sure you enable the point snap to point so hold down D and it's not this guy would hide that okay so it looks like it's been snapped correctly so cool so that's all good so now let's go ahead and create a controller for our hip so let's go to create NURBS circle now we want to snap via this guy to the hips let me disable geometry so I can see better make sure you have snap to point so that we can snap this guy exactly on the hip there we go and you can you know you can scale this guy however you want and make sure to freeze transformations and we also want to name this guy oops let's name this hip controller so that we know what this guy does so now what we want to do is we want to select the hip controller and then hold down shift or just hold down control and click on the spine curve and let's do a constraint point so now we want to do is we want to select the hip again and then on the spine curve and let's go to constraint orient options box we want to do is we want to set this to constraint on the x and z axis only so apply that okay so now what we want to do is want to open the little window general editor then go to connection editor so with this open but we want to do is we want to click on the hip controller and click here which as we load left and then deselect that guy and then click on the I K spine and then click on reload right but we want to do is we want to look here on the left we're gonna look for rotate so try here and then this side we want to look for roll which is right here so on the rotate make sure you expand it and then click on rotate Y and then on roll so now these guys are turned up blue and you can see here - under the channel box the roll has a yellow mark which shows us that there's now a connection between the rotate Y and the roll for that so let's go ahead and close that now that we have that connection established and by the way let's you want to test it now as you can see this is for our spine and you can move this guy down so our hip controller is working 8 ok so now let's go ahead and make another curve so let's go to create circle and I want to snap this guy too I'll snap it to that guy right there so that's our chest and I mean you can shape this guy if you want to when you can do this however you want really you can go as crazy as you want with the shapes but anyway let's let me scale this guy a little bit like this and go to modify freeze transformations make sure you always always freeze transformations on your controllers so let's name this guy chess controller so now we want to connect this guy so to do that let's go ahead and open the connection editor one more time so general editors connection editor and with the chest controller selected reload left and now let's select the I case PI and we load right and let's look for rotate just right here and we're going to click on rotate Y and then on the right side look for twist which is right here there we go and now we can see here that there's a connection so now there's the connection there so as we can see now we can twist this guy around okay so now if you can see now that we can rotate our hip but when we do that you will notice that this guy stays behind this guy doesn't move and we want that to move so what we wouldn't do to change the earth or higher key here so we want the chest controller to be inside our hip controller to do that use the middle mouse click and drag and just place that guy in there inside the hip controller so now you can see now if I rotate my hip the chest controller also rotates which is pretty good and this is what we want we're going to do the same thing with the hand controllers let's we're gonna get the hand controllers inside our chest so to direct that inside there let's do the same with the right wrist inside the chest controller so that if we move the chest controller the hands also come with it
Channel: 3dEx
Views: 208,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk Maya 2019, Autodesk Maya 2018, Autodesk Maya 2017, Maya 2016, Maya 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, how to, learn to, tutorial, simple, easy, fast, quick, step by step, instructions, beginner, intermediate, advanced, animation, animate, rig, rigging, character rig, latest, techniques, joints, joint orientation, constrains, skinning, binding
Id: LWrKiOKuK4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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