InfraWorks 360 Introduction

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in this session we're going to take our first look at infraworks 360 this tool can be used for conceptual design and creating visualizations of a proposed project on my screen is an example of an infant works model as I orbit this around we can see this is a 3d model fully rendered of a proposed overpass this would be the type of thing that you could take to a public meeting to gain support for a project this could be something that you could share with stakeholders to show the intent of a proposed design likewise this design can also be edited on the fly so as you're having a meeting with a potential stakeholder or owner we can take and make changes to this model almost as quickly as you can edit using a napkin sketch so when at first glance when people see a model like this they think it may take a long time to create because it is in 3d historically generating a model like this using simple 3d or inroads would require creating alignments of profiles and assemblies and daylight tie-ins and intersections materials and light sources you know at the beginning of a project in the conceptual stages it was cost prohibitive to build something 3d using it for works 360 it's now very easy we can build a model like this in less than a half-hour so what I'd like to do in this session is essentially show you that we're going to build this model in real time so you can see exactly how it's created I'm going to start by jumping back out to the home screen and when we build a model we can build it two different ways it just depends on what we have for data and for works 360 is essentially a GIS application so I have to ask myself do I have data that I can incorporate into my model right now or not if I don't I can have infraworks go out and scan the Internet and accumulate data for me free of charge we're going to build the model both ways I'm going to start by just going to model builder let's say I'd like to build a model in the Salt Lake City Utah area I'll just start typing Salt Lake City that's good enough let me click it takes me right to that area I've got a nice map view here I can choose the area of interest let me zoom in we'll pan this over and I'm going to create a quick model here I'll just click the rectangle button and then I will click and hold and define a wreck we can build a model up to 200 square kilometers so we'll go this much for right now just as an example model name I'll call this Utah sample and I'm going to save this in my default group and I'll go ahead and click create model that's it in for work is going out to the internet its locating the GIS assets that it can find for that area and it's going to assemble those and build a model for me usually takes about ten minutes while it's doing that we will build a model from scratch let me go ahead and close this to build a brand new model I'm just going to come up and click new and I'm going to call this Fayetteville model I'm building this from data that I extracted from the internet will define a model extent I'll load the extent from a file what I'm doing here is ribbing a shape file it's just a simple rectangle it's going to define the boundary of my model after I do that let me go to Advanced Settings and I'm going to choose the coordinate system that I would like to use let me click the globe here really easy I'd like to go with USA Arkansas and I'm going to use this coordinate system a are 83 North Zone foot we'll assign that and I'll click OK now that I've done that info Works is building a sequel light database and it's going to define the boundary of my model based on that rectangle that I pre inserted now we don't have to have a boundary right off the bat we can start inputting data into this model and clip it later so here's my boundary I'm going to start inserting data now let me bring up Windows Explorer I've got a folder here let me go into city of Fayetteville and you can see all the directories I created as I accumulated information online I stored it in these folders just to make it a little easier organization wise so I know where everything is I'm going to start with the elevation folder here I've got a geo TIFF I'm going to add this to our model just by dragging it and dropping it and as soon as I drop it in and four works recognizes what that is it it's terrain I'm just going to choose close and refresh it is now taking this data and it's incorporating it into the sequel Lite database and as soon as it's finished loading we'll actually see the elevations in my model as this comes in I can zoom in will orbit this around and we can see the relief I'm going to go back to a home view let's insert some additional data once again I'll go back to Windows Explorer and I'll go into my city of Fayetteville folder let's go to the imagery directory here I have a mr. CID image if I hover over this we can see it's almost 900 Meg let me take and drag this in and drop it into my model we'll make this a little easier to see in fur which recognizes this is ground imagery the coordinate system was not in this file so I'm going to choose the coordinate system that I exported that data to happens to be Arkansas in 83 north foot let me choose close and refresh same as before infraworks is now incorporating this mr. CID image into the sequel light database and in just a moment we will see the aerial photography mapped on top of our terrain as this is coming in we can talk about some of the other data that we can incorporate into an info works model I can bring in images obviously I can bring in terrain DM land XML I can bring in shape files most do T's most cities have a large library of GIS data all of that information can be incorporated into an info works model we can also bring in a Sketchup content if there are signature buildings in your area you can take and extract those from the Trimble warehouse we can drop those models or any of that 3d content into infraworks we can bring in SDF that's an Autodesk GIS format we can bring in dgn files we can bring in DWG as well we can bring content directly from applications like civil 3d or 3ds max or Revit now that my aerial photo is here let me zoom in as I orbit this around we can see how that photo is mapped nicely on the terrain once again I'm going to go back to a home view and let's insert a shape file I'll go back to Windows Explorer we'll back up a directory and I'm going to jump in this folder called water here's a shape file called ponds I'll just drag that in when I do info work just needs to know what the shape file represents I'm going to say it's a water area and then if I click the pencil here I can choose how I want this water stylized I'm just going to choose default water there I'll choose close and refresh and that will drop the shape file in let me zoom in as this is regen then I'll orbit this around and you can see that we've got some really nice water when you're working in infant works it's a lot like you're working in a gaming environment the info works engine that models what we see on screen is essentially a gaming engine same principle so the objects are rendered all the time let me drag this over there's an overpass right here just want to show you something you can see the shape file data is a little bit older than the aerial photo that we have not a problem if I click this unnecessary pond here I can just delete that that did not affect the attached shape file all I did was take the data that I brought in and I just removed that one piece from my sequel Lite database now that I have my water let's add some buildings I'm going to zoom in on this office complex area here in the southwest and we'll go back to Windows Explorer let me back up a directory will go to buildings and I'm going to take this building's shape file let me just drag this in drop it as I drop these in you can see over on the right there's a data sources panel you can see all those items are starting to stack up here so I can keep track of them after they've been inserted let me tell infraworks what this is these are buildings and now that I've identified what the object is you can see that there's several settings here that are applicable to buildings right now I can see if I was to do nothing if I was just to click close and refresh every building that would go in here would be 33 feet tall if I open the menu here here's where I can see all of the columns that are in that shape file so if I had data in that shape file that represented the roof lights I could set those automatically just by mapping those to the settings that we have here what we really do here when were when we're picking from those columns is is we're generating a script behind the scenes you can see if I go to the script tab here we can see the script that's being created right now everything is based on random colors random Heights what I'm going to do let me go back to Windows Explorer quickly and in the buildings folder here I'm going to open up the script directory let me double click in here I've got a script file let me copy this to my clipboard and just to make things real quick I will paste that script right here and I'll choose close and refresh and let's zoom in this is just a shape file of building footprints that's all it was and what infraworks did with that script file is it randomized my Heights my facades my roof slopes and you can see I've got buildings for the entire community and just by randomizing those it gives me a much more natural look at least for the buildings that are in the background if I was doing some work in this area I would probably go through and adjust my facades and Heights so these buildings were a little more accurate for the surrounding area that being said I can tweak these if I click this I can pull this building up and change its height we could change things like rotation I can change the roof slope if I just right click and go to properties here we can see the properties of this object I'm going to change the roof slope to maybe 25 and when I click update we'll see that change on screen let's drop some more data in I'm just going to tip this up we'll put in some streets this time going to go back to Windows Explorer they go into my Fayetteville directory and I'll jump into the transportation folder I'm going to use a script in this case as well so as long as I'm here I'll take and copy this to my clipboard and I'm going to drag and drop the shape file in we'll tell him for works what this is these are roads and you can see settings that are applicable to roads this is based on the schema that's in the sequel light database that being said you can take and apply your own schema if you would like to maintain your own attributes in addition to what we get out of the box within four works we'll look at that in a future video for right now we can see their settings for lanes forward lanes back if I was to do nothing same as before if I click the pencil here I can pick one style and all the roads will have that style instead I'm going to go to the script tab I'll click Edit here and we'll paste my script there is attribute data in the shapefile that can be used to identify the number of lanes and the style to be used for the roads so this way I can go right from a shape file and I can have these stylized nicely we can see the difference in the appearance of the roads we have got the appropriate number of lanes now now it's not perfect in every case I mean it's dependent on the information in your GIS data I can see there's an issue here let me select this road and I'm going to go over to properties just like we did with the building and I'm going to change the lanes forward and lanes back to two and I'll click update you can see how quickly that changes let me select this road notice these grips infraworks is very easily to edit if I click that grip and pull this road out we can see that very easy to adjust I can pull this back over and snap it to that road and it creates a nice clean intersection this is where I was saying you can edit a design at a meeting you know just sitting around a conference room table you can have infraworks open and be changing a model on the fly let's change the appearance of the road I'm going to bring up my style palette this shows us all of the objects that there are and infraworks for instance I'm going to come down to Road these are all of the styles let me drag down on the bottom I'm going to take one of these styles called sidewalks with the street lights let me just drag and drop that as fast as I drop that you can see how quickly that changes in the model let's back up this road is not bad the lanes are correct but in real life we can see from the aerial photo there it's much wider there's actually a median in here let me drag my style palette up and I'm going to drag over this style called Boulevard with fall hardwood this has a median we'll drag it over and drop it on this one as well so you can see we're getting closer to get this right on the money it's just going to be a matter of going in and editing that style and adjusting the lane widths and the median widths and the width between the sidewalk and the bakit curb to get that to where it's exactly where we need it to be so once again very quick edits we can make to our model let's pan this up there's an interchange right here let me zoom in right here we can see in the aerial photo there's a shadow that's because this is a bridge if I were bit this up we can see that the GIS roads that came in are being draped across the surface and they tie up nicely but in this case this actually should be a bridge let's look at how we can make that adjustment I'm going to select the road and I'm just going to use the split feature option let's pan this down and I'll click this side well split feature so I've just separated this piece of Road and let me orbit this up and what I do note so the grips change we've seen how that we can drag them horizontal if I tip this up now these grips become elevational I can grab these and pull them up and change the elevation of the road we pull up this one so I put this around will kind of level this off just to touch let's pull this one down that's pretty good we can see that as that came up it automatically lifted off the other road and became an overpass and I'd like this to look more like a bridge I'm just going to drop another style on it let me go into the interstate folder and I'll take this style called bridge general I'll just drag and drop this on my Road and we can see now this looks like a bridge only issue I have is with this particular style one of my peers is encroaching on the road below not a problem I can fix this by editing the style that style selected let me just come down and click the edit button and once again I apologize for my screen size this is a big dialog box peer spacing we can see that's 82 feet I'm going to change this to a hundred I'll press ENTER and then I'll drag this up and I'll come down and click the ok' button which is off screen when the style updates we can see how those peers look a little bit better for our existing situation let's close up some of these dialog boxes so we have a little more real estate so using some of the concepts that we've just seen we could go through and very quickly create an existing conditions models just from GIS data that we already have once we have our existing conditions now we're ready where we can take and create proposed overpass maybe different variations version 1 version two different alternates I'm going to come up to the top and open this proposal menu the master proposal represents my existing conditions model I'm going to choose create new proposal I'll call this overpass version 1 and I'll click okay this allows me to create my different variations the overpass version one anything I add to this is going to have everything that the master model has plus the new stuff so it's only saving the Delta this way I don't have to create several copies of my model and if I'm working on version one and I want to create version two I can go back to the master going back to master cleans it all off start a new proposal and I can start my second variation and then I can go through and easily show the different variations just by selecting the proposal that I'd like to view on screen so over past version one is up let's take a look at the overpass we are going to create I'm going to go to Windows Explorer here quickly and inside my folder there's a design folder let's go to project plans and I'm going to open up this TIFF image let's just open that with paint for right now we'll back this up this is very similar to what historically we would take to a public meeting we see a linear reference of how this overpass is going to be used to allow the traffic heading north on North College Avenue allows them to exit and get on to the highway 71 without having to drive all the way down loop around and come back way north here it's just a time-saving alignment so we're going to take this exhibit and use it to build our new 3d model let me close this I'm going to drag the TIFF image drop it into my model and then I'll come down and click close and refresh when I do we'll see that pop in now in the interest of full disclosure I took that image and I dragged it into civil3d and I exported it so the world file so this way I can drag it in and now I can just take a trace right over the top of it I'm going to come over to my design menu we'll click design roadways and I'm just going to choose a local road here and a style I'll pick to start my road and then I will pick a pie location on screen and you can see as I move this it's putting a horizontal curve in there this curve is applicable to its Asheville standards based on the speed limits of my current road so what I'm drawing here if I set my desired speed the geometry that it creates is going to be legitimate for that speed that being said I can always change this later coming down will pick maybe the P is right around there I can change these as well it's it's it's grips you know we can edit this later let me click here another p.i location there and then I'll come back and and I'll double click to tie into that existing Road let me press escape will pan this over and take a look at what we have not too bad I can click the road and you can see the grip for the P I I can see the grip for the horizontal curve now I could enter a numeric value in there looks like 350 would work very well if I if I just click this button I could set that right to 350 if I wanted to use nice even numbers let's orbit this around likewise we can click the P I here maybe we'll pull this over a touch and we can also adjust the horizontal curves just by dragging the PC or the PT grips that's not too bad we'll get it closed for right now so I've got my horizontal geometry laid out as I swing this around we can see it's not elevated it's taking and passing through some of these roads if I tip this up since this is a design road this has legitimate horizontal and vertical geometry there's a PV I right here let me click and I'll pull the PV I up when I release we can see that it is creating my elevation let's bring this over I'm going to just right click here and I'll add another PV I at this location so I can add PV is in the plan view let's take and pull this one down puts a curve on that I'll make it a little bit lower that's good for right now let's orbit this around maybe I'd like to add another PV I I'm going to shorten up this curve for right now just to give myself some room if I click these PV I so I can slide them back and forth along the profile as well right click and I'll add another PV I here just to maintain my elevation let me pull this up will extend the vertical curve now I'm just dragging for the vertical curve I'm doing this conceptual but if I click here we can see the the station the elevation the grade in and grayed out if I click the PC or PT of the vertical curve here's where I could take and enter a numeric value so just doing this conceptual for right now let me orbit this around I'm going to take this PV I and I'll slide it over and we'll push it up just a touch so that's not bad for right now if once I lay this out we've been doing all of our work in the plan view if I come down and click the review button I can choose profile view and I can see the profile of this bridge right here the green line represents the existing ground this black line represents the profile of my bridge and I can see the PVI locations in fact if I hover over these you can see those highlight in the drawing so you can easily tell which ones which and we can we can edit the pbi locations and elevations here as well since I tipped that up you can you can see that change in the drawing let's go oh the profile view will orbit this around and we'll say conceptually that looks pretty good for my elevation next I'm going to right click on this road and I'll say I'd like to add bridge I'd like my bridge to start right about here and then I'll come down and I'd like the bridge to end right here let's zoom in and take a look I'm going to close the asset card as we orbit this around the initial bridge that it created is precast concrete I can change that if I click the bridge here let's bring up the the asset card for the bridge I'm going to change the type to steel plate that will change the composition of the bridge we'll also change the piers I'm now seeing the appropriate number of peers that I would need for a steel bridge this looks pretty good let me click this peer down in the end I'm going to rotate it so that it's parallel to my road now as I rotate when I release watch it will change you can see that it will automatically adjust its properties to be appropriate for that rotation to rotate this one as well let's pan the silver that one looks good we can also use the top grip to slide them back and forth so from a preliminary perspective that looks pretty good let's make this bridge area this overpass look like a bridge it's right now it's still using the same style I'm going to just add a style zone here let me open up the asset card I'll go to style and I'm going to create a new style zone we'll use that same bridge style that we used for the other overpass here and I'd like that style to start right here at the beginning of the bridge and we'll take that down to the end okay that looks very good this will work right now for our exhibit I'm going to take and hide this photo let me just come back to my main menu here and I'll go to surface layers we'll just turn that to original printed exhibit off we'll keep it in the in the model but we'll turn it off so it's hidden there we go we've got a nice 3d example of this let's say add just a couple more things just so I can show you I mean infraworks is not just all about roads if I go on the main menu here to the create menu I can create barriers and buildings and city furniture this would be people vehicles light poles street signs I can create coverages the so I could take in the create areas where I'm hiding part of the aerial photo in places where I've made significant changes I can put in utilities pipes and structures I can put in trees and water areas let me choose water areas for a second let's put a conceptual pond right here you okay let's take and add some trees I'm just going to pan this back I can see in the existing aerial photo here I have some trees I'm just going to choose a stand of trees I'll pick the tree I'd like to use and then I'll just quickly define my boundary will orbit this up and now I can adjust the frequency of those trees more or fewer just by dragging the slider I can use this arrow to increase their height you know from a preliminary conceptual point of view maybe now that this new overpass is coming in we might want to create a row of trees here just as a visual buffer for these buildings I'm going to create that quickly we'll just drag those up let's add a vehicle to do that I'll go to city furniture and their very large library of content that comes right out of the box you can also make your own content using Sketchup models or just 3d solids anything that you can define in 3d for the most part so if it's a industry standard file format is a good chance we can take and bring it right into infraworks we place this car if I wanted to place additional cars I could just ctrl C copy that to my clipboard and then I can control V and you can see as I move the car it's going to take and follow the terrain let's place another one right here we'll take him orbit this around so it better matches the road so in just a matter of minutes I was able to take existing GIS data that I already had stuff that I had accumulated online and put together a fairly comprehensive realistic looking model that I could take to a public meeting just a couple seconds ago we head in Forks go out and generate some data for a model for Salt Lake City Utah let's see what it did for us I am going to jump back out to the home screen and I can see that models finished ok now I have my email closed if if my email was up it would have sent me an email when that model was ready to go but as soon as it's ready that's just telling me if I go to my home screen I can see it so Utah sample I'm going to click download and this will download the model from the cloud to my local machine as this comes up I'm going to zoom in will orbit this around we can see that infraworks was able to extract the elevational information we also have aerial photography we have several of the roads if I hover over some of these in many cases we'll have the attribute information for the roads we'll see if we have any names on these East Canton Drive 2700 East so some of that attribute information has come along this gives us a foundation in the event we didn't have any GIS data we can see there's some buildings here as well so we have some of the footprints that were extracted to the height if it was known so in the event I didn't have any GIS data this gives me a phenomenal starting point where I can take now and use this to make edits or I can go out and extract the initial existing information that I need such that I have a nice existing environment that I can use to start building my proposed design
Channel: Jeff Bartels
Views: 113,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: InfraWorks, InfraWorks 360, Bartels, Autodesk, Introduction, Visualization, Road design, Civil, 3D, model, Infrastructure, how to
Id: i48BCmH3svw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2015
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