Autodesk Inventor Work Features Basics, Planes, Axes and Points.

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hello in today video we are going to go over work features which include planes axes and points they are construction elements that help in certain conditions to create new features let's start by showing all the ways we can place planes please look at the graphic mouse following the cursor for mouse movements and clicks let's try offset from plane we click on any plane hold and drag we can type the distance we want to be away it is a plane parallel to the one we choose let's try now parallel to a plane through point in this case we click on any plane we want to be parallel to then we click the point where we want to place it let's try midplane between two planes click on a plane then click on another parallel to it and a plane will appear in the center distance between the selected ones let's try now mid plane of taurus this is very simple click on any trotal shape and a midplane will appear let's try angle to plane around edge we click on any plane then on a parallel edge and an intersecting plane appears the edge becomes the axis it can be placed at any angle let's try three points plane select any three points and a plane across the points appears let's try two coplanar edges select two parallel edges a plane appears passing through both edges let's try tangent to surface through edge select any curved surface then select the edge a plane appears passing by the edge and tangent to the selected surface another example let's try tangent to surface through point we select the curved surface then the point and a plane tangent to the surface and containing the point appears let's try tangent to surface and parallel to plane we select the curved surface then the plane and a plane appears tangent to the surface and parallel to the selected one let's try normal to access through point we select an edge then a point and a perpendicular to the edge plane appears containing the point let's see it again let's try normal to curve at point we select a curve then a point and a perpendicular to the curve plane appears containing the point if we click just on plane it will give us any of this options according to our selecting context let's go over axes let's try one line edge click on any edge and it will become an axis let's try parallel to line through point click on an edge then a point and a axis parallel to the edge appears through the point let's try through two points click any two points and an axis containing both points appears let's try intersection of two planes click any two planes and an axis appears where the two intersect in the space another example let's try normal to plane through point click on any plane then a point and an axis appears perpendicular to the plane and through the point let's try through center of circular or elliptical edge select any curved edge and an axis will appear through its center let's try trough revolved face or feature select any cylindrical surface and an axis will appear through its center if we select just axis it will give us any of these options according to the selecting context let's go over points let's try on vertex sketch point or midpoint as we can see we can place any of these type of points let's try intersection of three planes select any three planes a point appears where the three intersect let's try again let's try intersection of two lines select any two lines a point appears where they intersect let's try intersection of plane or surface and line select any surface or plane select an intersecting edge a point appears where the edge and plane intersect let's try center point of loop of edges select any surface a point appears at the center of its perimetral loop let's try center point of taurus selecting the taurus shape a point appears at its center unfortunately we don't have any spherical shape to try the last one but it is very self-explanatory we can place two a user coordinate system almost anywhere as we can see in the browser it provides us with its three planes axes and origin point this is an introductory video to get you acquainted with the placement of work features in autodesk inventor 21. working with the program investigating new ways to do it tasks and consulting the software help will develop further your skills thanks for watching i hope you found this video instructive if you like this video make sure to subscribe for more
Channel: Mechanical Design CAD-CAM
Views: 358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk inventor work features, autodesk inventor tutorials, autodesk inventor for beginners, autodesk inventor how to video, autodesk inventor planes axes points, autodesk inventor exercises, autodesk inventor introduction, 3d modeling, 3d drawing, 3d modeling tutorial, how to work with planes autodesk inventor, autodesk inventor for dummies, autodesk inventor basics, 3d modeling for begginers, 3d modeling for dummies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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