Autodesk Inventor 2020 - 1 Hour Test Drive, 3D CAD Modelling Full Tutorial

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[Music] welcome to TFI for a refresh of a four year old video one that I had no idea at the time was gonna turn out to be the most popular one of the most popular ones that I've ever done learn inventor in under an hour ivory tagged this and called it a test-drive it's probably more accurate to what this is but thousands of people have gotten their invented careers off to a solid start off the back of that first video and if you stick with this it is a bit of a long one it's gonna need a bit of patience but that could be you too if you stick it through and if you've bounced here off the back of that old one then you've done a good job mate because there's nothing in that old one that isn't gonna be in this one it's pretty much the same content it's the same structure and workflow it's just been modernized for the newer versions of inventor so before we get into a big video like this there's a few important points that I've got to cover before we get going first indeed I'm using inventor 2020 you can't follow me along with an older version if that's all you've got but just bear in mind mate there's been a roughly 25 major releases of inventor over the years and changed all the way through those years I can't guarantee that when I'm doing something in today's version that it's gonna be in your version it might look a bit different and that could be confusing so if you need the latest version of inventor because you you've let's just be honest you might have a dodgy old copy that you've fished out of the tolerances less-than-legal I ain't judgin that's fine but if you want the latest version I strongly advise that you do learn on the latest version as possible because let's be honest you're doing it probably because you're looking to further your career with those kind of skills and now's not the time to get into it I'm one of those employers myself who looks with people with inventor skills and I strongly recommend having experience on the latest versions because that's what employers use that's what they look for and it's only gonna work in your favor if you look like you've invested the time and the effort to get current with the latest version of inventor that the employers are using so with that in mind there is a link in the description it's an it's an Autodesk affiliate link for me but if you go to that link it will take you to the inventor store at the the page there's a free trial button if you register up that'll give you a fully working 30-day copy of inventor that's the same as retail it's not missing out on any features but it'll work for 30 days whilst you get your head around and if you do end up deciding to buy in vendor and subscribe to it on the Autodesk website because it was an affiliate link I'll get a bit of a kickback which it's entirely optional but that's what that link is down there also in the description is a link to my Dropbox account that is the files that's needed for this tutorial so if you'd be so kind to click that link go to the Dropbox page download the file it's a self-extracting executable double-click it extract the files to the default location which is the C Drive and then we'll come back to those once we get going Reeth finally what you want to do now is fire up an vendor get it loaded up and we need to go through some settings to make sure that your invent it looks the same as mine because if we get to certain bits within the the test drive and yours looks a bit different than mine then that could leave you stumped entirely so this bit is really important right here we are order desc inventors fired up so the first thing we're gonna do and this is I guess the start of the tuition here is you want to click the project's button up at the top now projects is quite unique to inventor and it's a way for you to tell inventor where the files that you're working on are stored it's like a little subfolder set where all the files and drawings and parts and assemblies and everything you're gonna create for this project are all stored in one area so we're just gonna work with the default one for now it's gonna leave that on we'll load in a different project later on but double-click the default project and make sure that is ticked and then click done right next go into application options this is the inventor main settings you want to click the file button at the top and then go into options and then you'll see a bunch of tabs so we're not gonna go over all the settings are but you just want to make sure that your settings are the same as mine so on the general tab just have a look down scan through it make sure you pause the video if you need to but to make sure all your settings are the same as mine and the only one I'm gonna change is to change the annotation scale to 1.5 so any dimensions that appear on screen that just scaled up slightly larger because they are quite small by default and then click apply to confirm that setting right next go to the sketch tab and then just make sure again all of your settings here are the same as mine if you're boxes or if there's anything that looks differently don't worry too much about it just make sure everything that you've got that much as mine is the same right going to the file tab this bit is super important what you want to do is go into configure default templates so all the people that skipped ahead and didn't read and watch this bit they're gonna struggle here because they should have done this you want to click millimeters and then ISO and then click okay but stop wait yes I have to assume if you're learning in vendor you're not in a corporate office right now with other people who are using in vendor what I'm saying is if you've got anything in this path here other than what you see here lies in public documents in blob well that's a local path if you've got a network path in there do not click ok and do not change these settings because it'll change it'll change the templates for other people as well you don't to do that it's just you on your own you're fine just click millimeters and ISO and then click OK and that should be it for the file tab right and then for the rest of them just much mine as the part tab colors I'm using the light felis unique to 2020 if you're using an older version you won't see that you're probably using winter night which is fine the colors will be slightly different on-screen but it's nothing too much to worry about I'm going to disable enhanced highlighting because it's an awful setting and I will turn that off go to the display tab again just make sure all these settings are the same as mine same with assembly and then on hardware you can change the quality if your wanted defaults to performance it just applies quality applies a very minor amount of of smoothing otherwise known as anti-aliasing on at the edges of on-screen objects when quality mode is enabled but it's nothing that really is gonna change much from what I'm seeing going to the drawing tab again just make sure this is all the same my settings are mostly default so there shouldn't be too much different and then the content center tab right what you want to do this is super important again those skippers gonna struggle with this one right you want to make sure invented desktop content is checked and then you want to take this path here just highlight it all with the left mouse button right click and then copy open up File Explorer on your computer when it's Explorer or whatever and then paste that into the top address bar and then if your folder here is empty and there's nothing in there like you're not seeing all of these IDC L files if you don't see a file extension you can go to view and then turn on file name extensions if you don't see this you're gonna have to go back to the media that download that you installed in vendor from load that back up and then you'll see during the the install options that there was an option to install invented desktop content you want to go through that again and then make sure that's installed because these are all the libraries containing nuts and bolts and washers and stuff and we're gonna be using those a little bit later on so if that's empty pause the video go and do that make sure that this folder is populated with these files cans invent a desktop content once that's done come back to the settings still make sure this is checked and then click close on the application options and we are good to crack on and the last point before we get going get a lot of questions about what PC I'm using mouse and all that sort of stuff came out of the last video you can pretty much use any PC or laptop to follow along here what would do and isn't intensive on the hardware and throughout this I'm gonna be using the 3d connection CAD Mouse I'll put a picture up on screen or it's a very very nice Mouse for card work and there's an amazon link in the description if you want to just take a look at it if you're interested in seen what that is and how much it costs but any mouse will do the job whilst you getting started I'd also highly recommend in the long run not right now a 3d mouse again picture on screen if you stick through card and become a regular 3d card user one of these is highly recommended link that one of those is also in the description I'm not gonna be using one of those for this video because I imagine most people watching this likely won't have one remake now that we're done with all the settings we are kind of nearly ready to get going what you want to do if you didn't do this when I first mentioned is head on over it downloads folder get the file that's linked in the description the Dropbox link double click that that's the self extracting executable leave the C Drive as the default click on zip and I'll say hundred one files unzip successfully close that and then we are good with the files for now right in inventor you want to go over to the projects button everything that I'm gonna be covering in inventor I'll try and explain as briefly as I can in passing but you have to understand that the amount of stuff were going through account give a full training course on everything that we're touching as we go through this but I have done individual videos on most of the things that we will be passing but it's a bit of prep work that would need to do to get this you get these files work and so you want to click the Browse button at the bottom and then browse to your C Drive so go at this PC go to C and then go to this inventor r10 test drive folder which is just what were unzipped and then double-click go-cart ipj project files inventors way of saying all the files were working on or underneath this subfolder here and then you take the one that you're actually working on on the right-hand side you want to click this configure content center libraries button and then you want to make sure we cover this in a previous step so you should have all of these libraries in here and if you don't have to rewind back and go to the bit where I talked about the content center settings but you want to make sure that you tick all of these you don't have to take custom content but just all the ones that are inventor ISO invented Gies all that kind of so just make sure they're all ticked and that just tells them vendor that when we're using this project and what bit of place nuts and bolts make sure you include them from these libraries okay I'm not save that project it'll say migrated click yeah it's an old project file me ok we're good to go so click on you and then invent is going to throw you a list of templates these are all starting points for invented like think of it like Lego and each Lego block is an IP T individual parts or IP T's inventor parts and then when you put all the Lego blocks together you get an assembly and then that's how you build things in inventor you design the blocks and then you put them all together to create an assembly which is the standard dot I am so double-click IP T and then I'll take us off into the new file environment so I'll take you through the interface of what we're looking at here so if it's the first time you've ever seen inventor you know exactly what it is we're actually looking at along the top of inventor this is the quick access toolbar right up here at the top you've got standard windows functions like new file save open redo undo that kind of stuff just below that is the ribbon bar and that's broken out in panels tabs and actual buttons so you've got these tabs along the top and these all do different things and it's mostly contact sensitive in Venice so it'll change the ribbon bar based on what and fire urine and then each one of these panels has like a cluster of related buttons so like this first panel here this is all creation tools and then the second one here is I will modify tools and then surface tools etc etc etc on the left hand side down here this is known as the browser this is a tree structure showing you again context-sensitive but if you're in a part file it the browser will show you a tree structure of all you your sketches your features everything that makes up the model if you're in assemblies all the parts that make up that assembly and in a drawer and it's all the views and whatnot and on the right-hand side this big area here this is the graphical window the viewport the main graphics area I guess he could call it and it doesn't really have a name nobody actually calls it by its name but it's the viewport on the right-hand side of the viewport you've got this view cube here and you can click faces on this and also spin the camera around when you're looking at something this is the view navigation toolbar that don't think it's frequently used by a lot of people but it's got like zoom window orbit look at a couple of other zoom tools and there which is kind of consistent across a lot of Autodesk's products right click open which is the button at the top and then double click start go-cart I am and this is gonna open up a very primitive looking go-kart it's a very very old data set that I'm using here but it's it's a really good for taking me through the basics of in vendor and demonstrating what it can do and how powerful it is but yeah this assembly starting to look pretty dated so when you get the prompt yeah I just click YES on that and then in vent will go away update all the files and do its thing in the background and then there we go that's the assembly opened so to test the view tools there's a number of different ways you can orbit zoom and pan and in vendor you end up settling on the one that you just find the most comfortable or the one that you were told how to use the first but for example zooming in and out if you use the middle wheel on the mouse if you push it away from you it'll zoom out if you pull it towards you a little zoom in and does it like staged staggered steps I press the middle wheel down and you'll see you get on your hand cursor keep the middle wheel held down and move the mouse wheel pan around double-click the middle wheel does the zoom extents if you press f4 on the keyboard you'll get this little circular crosshair thing appear if you hold down the left mouse whilst you've got f4 held down inside that circle you'll do an orbit let go of both f4 on the left Mouse and I'll stop the orbit whilst you got a four press down you can put the cursor on the little quadrant lines these little lines on the axes of the circle here and it'll do like a restrained orbit around that axis if you press a shift in the middle wheel it'll do an orbit that's another way it's pretty much the same as I fought slightly different but to be honest it does the same job and then that's pretty much it mate so with those you can get around wherever you need to zoom in zoom out pan zoom extents f4 orbit one tip that I will be using throughout this is quite often when you're doing an orbit you'll you'll zoom in on something and you'll orbit and it'll shoot off the screen like this you see I if I want to just look at the backside of this this part here it's just flying off the screen what once you've pressed f4 if you press the left mouse button just give it a single click inside the circle it'll reset the pivot point so the camera orbits around wherever you click so if I click around here the camera centers and now it's orbiting around that point and that's a really handy tool just saves you'd like orbit and then piling and orbiting and punning when something flies off of the screen last tip a prognostic is there's the zoom in and zoom out with the middle wheel actually heads in the direction where your cursor is so if you want to zoom in towards this pedal here just move the cursor over the pedal and then zoom in you know fly towards wherever your cursor is and so now if I want to zoom in over here see it just goes wherever your cursor is so takes a bit of while it's a bit of time to get used to that but once you know that it does that it becomes so second nature right what we're doing then mate right this is going to be a test drive taking you through how to model apart put the pot into this assembly and then fix it in place and the part that we're going to be designing if you go to open at the top toolbar go to the finished parts folder and then double-click finished courier this is the part that we're going to be modeling up so it's going to be roughly the same as this I'm going to start from scratch get that modelled up and then put it into the assembly and then fix it in place and we're gonna hold it using these bottle appear right close that down is it a little cross up here this little cross is closed down the document you've got open whereas obviously that one there should start the entirety of inventors basic window stuff all right click new at the top this button here and then you want to select a standard dot IPT we already had one open at the bottom didn't we am I gonna have to open just actually dumb part one hit that little cross on the tab at the bottom will close that one down right we are good to get going so we're gonna start with sketching now I'd love it's my it's kind of a man nature to explain everything that I'm doing as I'm doing it but I've done two previous takes of this and I ended up like with 40 minutes I'm sketching and in part creation and then it didn't be much time for anything else so I'm gonna blast through this really quickly I'm not gonna explain everything that I'm doing I'm just gonna do it you can follow me along and then if you want to know more about why certain things happen there's learning content on my channel which should explain various bits and pieces that have happened throughout this process so to start we're gonna click the 2d sketch button up here alternatively we can right click inside the empty space and we can use this marking menu as well which is sort of quick access to the most regularly access tools at this point in time so when there's nothing going on in vendor for example a new sketch down here is something you would frequently do so it's readily available at the flick of your wrist and I really mean that because you can't press the right mouse button and then just flick your wrist down and it will access a new sketch you can also draw this little line this is so year sort of pointing it towards where the new sketch is so you have to memorize new sketches that way right click drag and it will draw this little line and activate new sketch anyway right we're going to select the xy-plane and then i'll create a new sketch drop it on the XY plane and the XY plane is this bit of paper that runs through the center of space and it's like a flat surface to start your sketching on as the first sketch in this part file and that then looks the camera straight down gives us a couple of axes gives us a center point as well as a center point of space and it says right there's your star point what do you want to design get crackin mate so I can select it circle up here and then snap the center of the circle to this little pull it away and you can type in dimension see you can say oh I'm gonna just make a circle that's 50 millimeters in diameter 60 millimeters in diameter or if these are common dimensions that we need to reference later on and I need to be able to identify them in a massive list of dimensions I can actually name my dimensions and say this is going to be inner diameter in the inner diameter equals 40 millimeters and then Inventables ah right okay well let's create the circle of 40 millimeters right off the bat and then it creates that dimension and gives it an internal name and you can see the internal names by just clicking this FX button over the top these are your parameters which is a fancy word for dimension sister to dimension but they call them parameters but it's not a dimension in that you'd see it on a drawing this doesn't need to be neat and tidy it doesn't appear on a drawn sheet it's just for the purposes of constructing your model but inner diameter is used on sketch one which is what we've just made we've just made the first sketch which is called sketch one and in a diameters units is millimeters and it's 40 millimeters and then as you're building your model this list of parameters will build up and build up and build up and you can actually come back to this at any point and just change the size of it from this one it's it's not quite Excel driven design but it's Excel looking driven design nearly there but you can't do Excel driven design but not from this area anyway click done a lot whilst it's left at 40 millimeters I'm going to go back in a circle we're gonna create a second circle and snap to the middle green dot pull away and this time we are just going to approximately place the circle I'm not sure how big it's gonna be but let's say roughly about here that I'll do press escape and you can see the circles are two different colors and the reason for that is that invent and knows when sketched geometry when entities in your design have undone defined sizes and positions and shapes so if something hasn't been given a dimension and it has the freedom to move then it changes its color and in my case it's purple and when something has no roof no freedom to move whatsoever it's fixed in space it's black that means it's fully rained which means if I grabbed it by the left mouse button and just pull it around see this circle isn't going anywhere whereas if I do the outer one it will actually go bigger and smaller because it doesn't have a dimension on it so in order to put the dimension on it well you can use the general dimension tool appear at the top mate and then this is where we can start plugging in some design intent so I know that this this metal part that I'm gonna create for the go-cart I know the wall thickness here between these two circles is going to be 20 millimeters so what I can do is I can create the dimension drop it on here and instead of just typing in 60 because it's gonna be 20 millimeters larger than the inner diameter I can actually say right well this is gonna be called the outer tire and it equals in a tire plus 20 millimeters then it builds in this formula it's almost like a this bit of design and tennis like right well no matter what happens to this inner diameter that can change the 60 itself but that outer diameter will always be that one plus 20 millimeters and that then remains for the rest of this model's life doesn't matter who comes into it and changes it it will always be 20 millimeters larger than the inner diameter so we're gonna finish the sketch on that we've can orbit around just so we can see it from more orthographic angle give us a better perspective of what's going on and then we're ready to create this into a bit of 3d material and we can use extrude for that and the way extrude works is it takes a sketch profile if you do not occurred user it's like a hatch boundary so you can take this hatch boundary profiles closed-loop area and there's an inner one as well you could use that one you can see how in vendor highlights it so it knows or it's it's telling you what it's going to actually extrude up give that a click with the left mouse button and then you can drag this orange are obviously well I don't do I know how big I want this to be don't know whether taught that all I want it to be maybe about 40 maybe about 40 itself about that high that should be good for thickness well then you can come into the distance here and you can say okay well the height of this model is going to be 40 millimeters and we can also extrude up by 40 millimeters down by 40 millimeters all go both ways 20 of them 20 down from the sketch plane click OK on that and that's our first bit of 3d material created it's very simple looking but it's on the way mate it's on the way to be in something spectacular the next thing we're going to do is another sketch and then we're gonna X we're gonna expand the origin folder in the browser here and this gives us a bunch of construction planes that we can create further sketches on so I know I'm gonna create a sketch on the XY plane because the XY plane runs exactly through the middle so I'll just escape out of that and click the XY plane and do an orbit you can see that plane runs exactly through the middle because remember we extruded 20 over 20 down so we can use that to sketch through the middle if that didn't exist you can use construction planes too to create further phases to sketch on for example you can say give me a plane but I want to make it through the middle of that face and then that face and you can see it puts a construction plane directly through the middle of those two faces so there's a couple of different ways you can do that but we've got our XY plane that's good enough for us we can sketch or not that one press f7 and that will do a temporary cross-section otherwise known as slice graphics it gets rid of all the material of the sketch plane remember we're sketching to the middle here so there's a whole 20 millimeters worth of material sort of protruding towards my face so press f7 and there just as a temporary slice to get rid of stuff that we don't need to see then I'm gonna start the line command and then I'm gonna just hover the cursor over the edge of the circle and then you can see just predict it sort of projects this black edge around and that's gonna give us something to snap on to because remember we are sketching through the center of a face here where there is no physical line to snap on to so that little black edge you saw was it automatically projecting up this bottom edge here to snap on to so it can go back around snap to around here come away drop it the line about there I know I kind of know in my mind what shape I want this to be but I'm not sure what size it is yet I can't draw it exact just now so I can just do it approximately and then put the dimensions on later on now the next thing I want to do is like an arc on a tangential are coming out of here so instead press escape I could go into the arc command but what also do is just hold that mouse button down on the endpoint of this line and then sweep the mouse away in like an arc motion and then it'll sort of sweep and project an arc out from the end of that line and then it'll tangentially constrain it to that line as well so it's not coming out with a funky weird angle and then what can end the arc around here make sure that tracking line is in place and that make sure that end of the arc terminates exactly vertically beneath the endpoint of the alight of the line above let go of the left mouse button there come away and then snap back on to the edge right click and then okay so one thing to do is to just zoom in to the endpoints of these lines just grab them pull them away make sure that these did indeed snap on to that circular edge and come in here grab him pull it away yeah being see as long as you grab the end of the line with the left mouse button as long as it's sort of sliding along that edge and it's not detaching and coming away then we are good if it is detaching and coming away if he didn't quite get it snapped onto that edge just use a coincident constraint this one here and then click the end point and then that edge B you can see mine already exists so we're good okay a couple of extra things we need to do now that there is a lot of freedom to move within this sketchy if I grab this you can see that there that's not tangent clearly that needs to be tangent that the angle of these lines is all off the center of this arc needs to be in line with the middle of the part so it needs to be sort of roughly up there so there's a lot of work that we'll need to do with this but it doesn't take too long to do it working narrow and quite easily bang this out so we're gonna start by drawing a construction line this is going to be used a little bit later on so click a line construction line snap to the middle of the model pull along to the right and then just drop that make sure it's eating's just you can tell when it's snapped to the horizontal make sure you click the left mouse button after it's snap to the horizontal in that you see this little glyph thing here appear escape on that and then we're going to select a consequence event constraint and that will snap the center of this arc to the construction line it's it fixes it so it doesn't matter what happens what dimensions huh ban what movement happens the center of that arc is always fixed to that construction line and then we can do the same with a tangential constraint this one here give that a click then the arc and the line you can see boom look at that man that was great that was great satisfied it just makes sure that there's a tangent flow between that arc in that line and then we're gonna select a symmetry constraint which is this one here and then select the top line the bottom line and the construction line and then it creates like this mirrored effect press escape grab these linings see there you go they're like exactly mirrored but just over that construction line so it's quite nicely alright dimension on the arc I'm gonna make this six mil and then whilst the dimension line is still activated I know that this - this is gonna be you've got a click roughly around 20 degrees so that's that's probably good enough for now I don't know and I can't remember what the distance although the hole spacing is on the go-kart so there's gonna be a tapped hole here eventually which is going to line up with the tapped holes on the brake disc of the go-kart Ackerman what the distance was from the center of the axle to where these bolt holes are so I'm just gonna leave this free to move up and down for now and what can come back to that a bit later on so you can click finish sketch jump back over to extrude select this profile the leg that we've just made you can wash you in the extrude as well you can orbit around so you can get it better you can just take a look at what you've got going on here so you know you don't have to like extrude it and be blind with it now you can open it around whilst extrudes active and then we'll extrude by distance of let's say 12 and millimeters in both directions 6 either way and I think I'm happy with that so that's gonna add some material to this part and it's gonna join it to that cylindrical face and it's pretty good on it something pretty good so we need to do this six more times don't forget this is gonna be slotted onto the axle and these are the holes here that them legs are gonna get bolted up against so we need to create six of those legs for each these these holes here so can jump back into the pot and one can go to the circular puttan select the leg and then for the rotation access we're gonna spin this feature that we've just made around the centerline of this face and we want six of them around 360 degrees click ok easy as that easy as that made easy as that okay then what we can do what we can do next let's let's do a Phillip now the Phillip command is the way of getting rid of hard corners and hard sharp edges and it's it could be used for a whole bunch of things but it essentially rounds off an edge so when you select the fill it command you can just manually click imagining see it's pretty similar straightforward well it's going to do that it's going to round off that edge that you've selected you further click further edges like this and carry on going and as you click on the Ming see it's selected seven edges in total that's you know there's one two three on the top of that leg and the radius is two millimeters but another thing you can do let's just give that a click and then deletes up but didn't actually want to do those instead of manually clicking the edges you can actually tell it to just go through the entire model and fill it everything so let's do that we'll change the radius to one mil and tell it to go for all Phil it's and all rounds and which is essentially all concave and all convex edges and then work in nitrogen look for these ones here we'll change that to two millimeters so these ones up against here a little bit larger and then click OK look at that how effective is that and how little effort was it adds simple dead simple and anything that would do and we can go back and change it if you thought actually okay two mils good but I want to see what it looks like with a three mil fill it well you can just come back in and the browser which is like a historical record of everything you've done right click on the fill it edit the feature and then you can just come back straight into here and then change it we can do the same with any of the other features we've done even the leg we can right click on that and go to edit feature and we can change the since that it was extruded by we can even expand the exclusion go to the original sketch that we made and then edit that sketch and we can change anything about this we can make the leg a little bit bigger click finish sketching see boom updates straight away as long as it can still compute as long as there's no material intersecting and overlapping with itself or something else you're usually good to make changes to anything you've done at any point in the past with this model okay right that's the fill it done what we're gonna do next is tap a hole through the legs so we're gonna find out which one was the first leg that we made so it's this one here so we're gonna tap a hole through here and then we need six of them how do we do that do we draw a circle and put it through no obviously this is a mechanical design it's a manufacturing toolkit so we've got tools which are intended for the work that you're doing and then it'll inherently embed metadata into the model that can be used later on downstream for example the whole command all you do it's that simple you just tell it right well I'm what I want to create a hole this is the new hole pallet that we've got here and it's sort of top-down you look at the top work your way down what kind of hole is it what thread do you want on it what's the depth of the hole and then at the end boom go and make the hole you can configure this quite in-depth if you want to or you can just say I want to hold on that face send it to that edge and I know that it's gonna be size six and it's gonna be an isometric profile it's a tapped hole we've got different types of clearance holes tapered holes simple holes you can even put counter pose and countersinks on them and spot faces but we're just gonna say give me an M six volts hole tap it all the way through it's right hand thread direction and that's it for me click OK there it is just click click it's done if you want to do it all but you can't do you can just take a look through there you can see taps it all the way through that thread there's not a physical threat it's just a thread representation but there is metadata inside this model which inventor knows that is actually a grooved thread okey-dokey right so we need we need six more of them don't we so how do we do that do we do we to create the whole tool six more tile five more times on and of course we don't know we can just patent it around but what we can do if you want to be a little bit clever remember on in the first sketch we linked the inner thigh and the outer diet together well we can do that with the legs and the hole so if we go back into the circular pattern right click on that and edit that feature so there's six legs and not picked it just from the number six but we can actually go number of likes the compy space is these parameter names that's why it's a funky weird name number of legs equals six so that's created then number six and gave it a name in the parameter list so if we go to the effects area you can see here we've got a number of legs is six and u L stands for unitless it's not millimeters it's not meters it's just six of and I'm gonna click done on that and then for the hole we can go to circular pattern select the hole you can either click it in the browser or you can click it in the the main window if you can actually give you can get the cursor over because it saw German between the leg and the hole come on now it's picking up a service is a little bit difficult when it's off at an angle and then we're going to go to the rotation axis sensor line again and then for the placement instead of the number six we can talk from what did I name that parameter I can't remember how I spelled it what format I typed it out in what are they right well what you can do is just select this arrow list all the parameters available to be used and then there it is a number of legs give that a click and it links the two together so now the number of holes is exactly the same as the number of legs and by that if you double click circular pattern and then change the number of legs down to say four there's always going to be four holes it's not gonna try and tap six holes through four legs for example they're always going to be linked together which is really really quite handy just saves you work later on you know if you do if you are just sort of winging things right now and you're not quite sure where your designs headed if you build in this sort of intelligence free to just play around with things without your model completely exploding later on but that's good me that's good right there's one last thing that we need to do before we are almost done with the model and that's to remove a bit of material from the bottom half of the leg because it's going to be pressed up against the brake disk in sort of have yeah it's gonna be like inserted into the brake disc and then used to these holes used to hold it in place so when you go into an X another sketch and then we're going to go with the X Z plane which sketches through the middle so we're so going through these two legs here and then press f7 do a little slice graphics again nice little handy cross-section through the middle and hit this face of the cube up here against not look straight down so it's easy to see what we're doing right so I'm gonna draw when I sketch I was like a rectangular profile and I'm gonna use to remove some material but again I'm I've got nothing to snap on you here because we're sketching through the middle of cylindrical and arced faces so what we can do is use the project geometry tool which let us project that edge and then that bottom edge there and it takes edges from the background of the model for us to snap on to there sort of reference edges and if you snap onto them if these edges change in location then any new sketch geometry you've snapped onto them on move with it so I can right click and okay I'll not go into the rectangle tool two points click there and then snap onto the right hand side edge right click and okay we've got this little rectangular bit of sketch geometry here to play with and we could put a couple of dimensions on we're gonna say that okay this edge here is gonna be I don't know what 13 in size and then this edge can't be 5 I've no idea at this point what can come back and change it if later on if we find that they are too big or too small click finish sketch and that gives us see the importance of that cross-section because that was sketch and inside the leg there so we wouldn't have been able to see anything of what we were doing unless we did that slice graphics so it disappeared off into the twisting nether and then we could go up to the revolve on the the toolbar at the top but so this revolve works in a similar way to extreme but instead of creating 3d material sort of away from the sketch it spins the profile around the centreline and creates material or cuts material as it's spinning around a sent line and that's exactly what we want to do we want to take this rectangle here which is automatically selected it's the only thing in the model that can actually be used and the sent line is going to be the said axis with revolve for one reason or another I'm not entirely sure why you can't use the the centerline of a face further for revolve spin the limited to use in these axes so we can select the z axis for the centerline of the revolve and then you can see how the preview is green now when the preview is green that means it's gonna create material if we were to click OK right now we'll get the kind of sutton ring thing going around the edge of the part which we don't want we want to actually remove and cut material and then you can see by the preview what its gonna do it's spinning that rectangle around and everywhere it touches it's gonna remove material click OK and that's exactly what it's done lucky that's pretty awesome that's looking pretty awesome ok last couple of things we need to do we haven't thought about what this is made out of don't forget this is a this is a kind of in a way digital prototype of something that you got to make later on so we didn't know how heavy it is how you only really know how heavy something is when you need to tell it what it's made of but how did you tell it what it's made of well inventors got a library of materials of standard materials that you can use you can create your own I've done videos on that but you can use invent as materials which are pretty generic click this little drop-down up here and it gives you a list of just just general materials that have quite commonly used across the world i'll iminium steals copper iron a kind of thing some wood in there we can go to stainless steel give that a click it'll each materials also got like a default text you're assigned to it as well so stainless steel so a shiny metal color and that's it that's it but huh how'd you find out how much it weighs so obviously it's not falling out of the sky so how did you know well whether it's heavier of it's like well every model ever has what's called a set of AI properties behind it and this is like a set of metadata which identifies set key properties for every model and you find them by going to the file menu appear and then I properties or you can right-click the node at the top of the browser and go to I properties or you can right-click the tab and then there's ID probly so there's numerous different ways to get to exactly the same thing but if you select I properties it brings up this dialog box there's a number of tabs but the one we're interested in is physical see the material was set to stainless steel that's there and then when you click update there's the mass 0.8 kilograms that's the total surface area of the model and its internal volume is down there other properties that might be of interest to you especially if you're making stuff within a business is things like a part number if you've got your own company internal part number you can put that here PT - 1 2 3 4 5 internal stock numbers you can have a description this can be their rear axle carrier these are really important downstream when it comes to things like parts lists if this model ends up going into an ERP system you might use sup microsoft dynamics ifs whatever erp system you use when this model enters that it needs to carry along these properties so it can be identified by people who don't have the cad system and then yeah there's various other ones but those are the ones of most interest to most people click apply and that click close and I believe me I believe that's as good as done so let's save it and we're gonna save it into the parts folder and we'll call this my courier you'd give it something I mean most people would call it you know I'm glad to see most people it did actually depends where you work for and a lot of companies that I've worked out you call the file by the part number but I know not everyone does that but let's just call this of my courier click Save that's now saved and it's safe so ever invented does crash out any point your work is saved let's hop back over to the go-kart should still be open on the bottom tab gave that a left click and we're now ready to put our part into the assembly don't forget the reference to Lego it's like placing that Lego block into this set of other blocks and then joining the blocks together so how do we place that part into here well because we're in an assembly the ribbon bar on the top has changed and it's giving us the assembly tools notice again when you jump between the environments there's there's the carrier we've now got part tools that's all the assembly tools so that the first button on the ribbon bar is the one that gets used the most and that is a place component if you don't see place component you can click the arrow underneath that whatever button you've got there and you should see place there give that a click and it's saying right ok I know ok I see you want to place a part into this assembly but what what do you want to place I've no idea well that's where you've got to tell inventor what you want to do so go to the parts folder and then you can scroll down to my courier which we just saved click open and it just attaches it to the ND cursor and now it's same where do you want to put it and kind of naturally your brain things to itself well I want to drop it on the axle how do I do that you can't you can't just drop it straight on it the axle you've just got to drop it in space first and then we use building tools later on to put it in the right place so it just clicks anywhere in space the left mouse button and then right click and then ok and that's it placed in space so at the moment that's free to roam you can actually grab it with a left mouse button you can see it's moving around and it's just freely moving around in space and we need to change that we need to get it dropped onto this axle and then pressed up against this disk so to do that we need to create what are called constraints and constraints are inventors way of joining two things together it's like building relationships between parts so we need to create a constraint between this part and the axle so I'm going to do is select the model and if you press G on the keyboard this is a quick tip you can actually rotate the model around in space so like you can say right all I know I I need to get it kind of that orientations gonna be some roughly in that form but on the axle so you can sort pre rotate it to where you eventually wanted to end up we can right-click and ok on that so to activate constraints on the assembly ribbon bar you can see you've got constrain here we all we also have a joint button as well joints are very similar to constraints but they work in a slightly different way it's it's quite helpful if you do in downstream simulation work but also constraints do the the job adjust at fine so we can select constrain and we're going to use a mate constraint there's all kind bear in mind make bear in mind you could be modeling literally anything in the world that can be manufactured any shape any size any form inventor needs to have a constraint that kind of caters for anything you could possibly do in the future and it has no idea what it is you do so these constraints there's only five of them but they all have different kind of switches inside them in different ways of access and different surfaces and different contours and different models so we can't go through them all but we're going to use the most common ones and the one of the most common ones is a centerline constraint so you select the either mate constraint and then it's asking for two selections selection one is going to be the center line of our courier so give that a click when you see the sent and the green sent line running through the middle of the model give that a left click and now it's jumped under selection to in selection two is the sent line of the axle if I right click oh look you should hear a little noise we've got you your sound on and then that joins the two parts together and fixes them centerline to centerline so if you click apply and then just cancel out on that grab this with the left mouse button you can see it's now free to rotate along that axle because it's constrained and fixed centerline to centerline right let's zoom in on it and that's f4 and orbit around so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to constrain it against the disk so essentially the bottom face where we did that cut is gonna be pressed up against that brake disk that's the next thing that we're gonna do so that's called a face-to-face mate constraint so we're going to go back into the constraint command sticking with mate we're going to select you have to this is where you have to sort of combine your navigation tools and it takes a bit of practice but again it becomes quite organic once you get used to especially if you have a 3d mouse can link in the description if you want to check out 3d Mouse it helps massively with this sort of thing but we need to orbit around so we can see that face and then click and so you can see it's very difficult on this color scheme but the the green curse has changed to this kind of its got like a flat representation just like a crosshair on the face angled in perspective to the face you want to give it a click when you see that and then we're gonna orbit back around so we're making that face up against that face tick and then apply and then cancel out on that and now this is free to spin around because it's constrained to the axial center line and then that bottom face is constrained to the brake disk now the only way this can move is to spin around because there's not there's no constraints we've placed that are stopping this from spinning around so I'm gonna do is jump back in now did that quite quickly let's talk about add back to the go car the next thing we need to do is we need to align the bolt holes up so you can see yeah I didn't know how what the distance was between the center of the axle and that hole so can you remember when when we sketched out the leg would just left that dimension free to roam so we need to do that but I don't know how I'm gonna do it so what we're gonna do instead is we're gonna come into the courier and we're gonna close this down because we're gonna we're gonna kind of involve it with different way of working here right now and everything we would we did when we were modeling this it was away from the assembly we were modeling this up without even knowing the go car existed we can't see it we've got no perspective or context for where this is gonna go because it's a completely separate away from the assembly environment so we can actually do something about that when closed down the part now we're back in the assembly if you double-click this part file whilst you're in the assembly it takes you into what's called in-place editing and it allows you to make changes to the part whilst the assemblies in the background you can see how it's dough stood out everything in the background so if you zoom out it's left the part file prominent everything else is ghosted if you look at the browser on the left hand side all the assemblies are grayed out and our part file is prominent and we can actually make changes to the leg we can make changes to the pattern all from within the assembly but we're actually working in the part it's dead clever and you can see exactly the impact of the changes that you're gonna make and how it's actually going to affect your assembly so that's quite clever anyway we're not going to do anything we're pretty much finished with the part anyway the reason why we were jumping into the part file is because we need to see which one of the legs was the original because we need to constrain the center of the original leg of the hole up to the hole on the brake disk so if we hover over extrusion two you can see this one here is the original leg let's finish click return it takes out of the part and then up into the assembly so what we need to do is constrain the centerline of that hole so we can click this arc face here and we want to line that up to the center hole the centerline of the hole and the brake disk click apply what you're gonna notice that inventor says I'm gonna do that mate I'm startup Anand see I can't constrain those two holes together the cent lines can't meet because the legs not long enough I can't actually raise that hole into the center line here because the little it's too low down it's just not gonna work so we can go okay fine fair enough well I need to give you permission to do that and the permission is called adaptivity we can tell inventor that this part that we've designed is free to adopt if the circumstances ask for it so it can double-click back into the part go to the extrusion make that adaptive with the adaptive option has have flown off the bottom of the screen you can't see that that's unfortunate okay well I tell you that gives me a good opportunity to show you something else instead of if you're finding it a little bit frustrating and a little bit backwards having to always go into the browser to sort of to interact with the features you don't actually have to do that in the main graphics window if you press shift on the keyboard and then right-click that'll change what your cursor pics from faces and edges which currently that's what it is if you click in your model it's picking up faces edges points that kind of thing but if you shift and right click change that to the feature priority now your cursor is detecting 3d features instead of faces and edges so we can actually go to the leg right click on it and this right-click menu is now in context of the feature rather than a flat face so we can now make that leg adaptive straight from within the main graphical viewport and then that's that's pretty much it that's that's all the permission invent needs invent and now knows if something happens and this leg needs to change in size it's been given the permission to adapt via adaptivity we can click return on the top come back into constraint select the centerline of that whole select the centerline whole there click apply and if you if you get this if you kind of did this on purpose because I think in the first video version that I did of this a lot of people got stuck at this point because there's some combination of of constraints that lead to it it's still not working so if you do get this if it says the assembly cannot be solved what you want to do just click cancel on that right and then we're gonna zoom out to just shut down this dialog box here and the reason why it's failing is because trying to match these sense lines of is conflicting with the axial constraint that we did so you want to go back into mate 105 which I see where your should be the same if not then the first axial to centerline constraint that you created right click on that and then select edit and then you can see you've got three solutions for the axial constraint we want to actually go for this one here which is undirected give that one a click and hit Oh Kate nothing should change it should still be constrained in the same way as that it was before but now that will allow us to line up the the two bolt holes together so go back in to constrain click that arc face sound line of the boat'll click apply and then you can see there you go that's worked and it's increased the length of the leg to allow the sent line of the two holes to line up with one another click cancel' on that mate now if you left click and drag the the courier that were just placing see it's not moving it's now fully constrained in place and if you also orbit around you should see that the two holes centreline of at all and the centerline of the carrier hole are also lined up together may there you go looking absolutely awesome so the next thing we need to do is hold it in place we need to put a washer in and bolt & nut on the backside how do we know that bauxite good it's late in the week so how do we do this how do we do we have to place in bolts manually and then constrain them up yeah you can but invent has got a wonderfully unique bit of technology called the bolted connection generator which is part of its engineering design accelerators so what you do is I mean when you're in the assembly you want to select the design tab up here and this is why we got the content center working at the start of the video you want to go to altered connection and then this loads up like a wizard it's a whole engineering wizard for putting in bolts and making sure they're strong enough you can test forces through them using the calculation likeness test whether or not the border connection you've made is strong enough based on how long the bolts are the materials that you use in the force is going through them it is incredible so you've got 40 calculators in there as well it is mentally good anyway we're gonna go back to the design tab and then we're going to select the concentric placement and then we're going to select the first top face on our courier but let's do is still do an orbit around here so that the bolt the connections gonna start at this face for the circular reference you want to select the cylindrical face of our hole and then for the termination we're going to just orbit around and it's gonna be the back face of the brake disk and that's all inventor needs to know for where the bullet connection is going to go it also knows that this is a six millimeter diameter hole because it picked that up from the circular reference and then you want to select this line here click to add a fastener if you can't and centers not working if you skip the head at the start of the video and you missed the part where I was telling you how to set up the content center then this bit isn't gonna work you can I got an empty box see if you get an empty box mate you're gonna have to jump back to the start of the video and then go through the bit where I was telling you how to set up the contents and it involves in you know going back to your files right if this is the first time you've done it did you see what just happened there it's all flushed up then vanished against fine just click the line again it'll load up quicker this time but sometimes the box can sort of flush up and then just disappear and it might take a couple of ticks for it will actually stay on there it's I mean yeah it's not this best that could be that could be a lot better or am a couple of clicks and I'll get there eventually they were go mate right so what invent is done here is it's looked at the length between or the distance between the start and the end faces it's also looked at the diameter and its reference that against the library of parts it hasn't it's when based on those inputs made if you want to bolt that long and that diameter all of these standards will suit you and there's long how do you does anyone even know what a PN 85 m82 I mean I don't know if you're not interested in those and you want just something from your region that you can buy you can just change the standard over to ISO and then individuals say ok well based on ISO these are all the bolts you can have it if you think and do I want Phillip said do I want socket head do I what do I want well you can change that here as well you can come to the right hand side category you can say just just show me socket head bolts all right there's a good chance because of what it is it's going on a go car it's gonna probably be a socket head bolt you can pick the iso for seven six - of course it is socket head bolt but it knows exactly how long to make that bolt because we told it where to start and where to finish that bolt and if the f4 on this that green preview is exactly where this bolt is going to terminate so it's going to start here that preview there is the representation of the cap head and then this is just a little bit of length added extra so that it you know you didn't allow the bolt just finish and obviously to flush with the N face it's got to stick out a little bit further but you don't just have a bolt I the DMA you know washer how to put a washer in well because this is an intelligent design accelerator if you click the next line invent and knows you're not gonna put a bolt under a bolt it gives you washers and then it remembers the ISO category so if there was any spring washers or anything that it was an option at this point in their libraries it would give you them but it's just a regular regular flat washers here so we're gonna pick one of those and it can really see what it's done it's raised the cap head balled up and put the washer underneath it and then kept that but a length of the bottom Mendel its medal okay this one here this this third click to add a fastener will place a second washer underneath the first one which I don't want to do actually want to place a washer at the bottom face so you want to select this bottom line select another washer and then the next line here and it just gives you the nut straight away look at this but it's amazing it's absolutely amazing so we can there's all kinds of stuff in here mind there's one there's nuts with flanges on it's just regular not just select anything you want look at I've known this has been here for like 15 however long years it's been in and it's still amazing it really is however however don't click OK just yet because there's a little trick that I want to show you and this is actually my mistake but it gives me the opportunity to show you something else select the expand button down here if you find that this is a common assemblance of nuts and bolts that you're gonna use on a regular basis you're gonna create the same iso tap screw you're gonna use the same washers and the same notes over and over again you can actually add this as a template to the bolt the connection was it so you can say this is going to go kott Templar you know cuphead whatever something that you recognised click OK on that and then what I'm gonna do is actually want to cancel out of this because what we should have done we should've went in the bullet connection and then we go to the concentric placement select the top face as before but for the circular reference see it actually shouldn't have picked the this cylindrical face you've got to pick the edge mayor you've got to pick that edge there and then we're gonna orbit back around pick that back face as the termination and then you can see that's enabled because we've picked that edge it's enabled this option called follow pattern so if we set the template that we've just made you've gotta click and then select follow pattern it detects that this whole other than a white doesn't use the cylindrical face it should know that's part of a pattern as well never mind is what it is and you can see there it's gonna give us a pattern of both the connections following the pattern of legs made that's amazing click OK accept that and then BOOM look at that man look at that that is absolutely incredible either the nuts gone that colored them we got it's just full of innuendos but yeah there you go me that's how you put in a part into an assembly and then hold it in place so it just which is kind of scratching the surface here obviously it is just a test drive but that's that's the basics of assembly modeling may place it in parts and then essentially fixing them together but what you do next is create drawn seriously the end output you legally contractually obliged to provide a drawn in most cases so we're gonna create a new file and then towards the the lower half of the template box you've got these two options here at DW gene and IDW essentially they're the same way it's the same template it's the same border but if you use this one you'll get a DWG it's an invented DWG but it's open a bull by order card and more sort of cut viewers or you can use an ID W which is in vendors drawing format historically that's what inventors always had but it's not open about in the likes of AutoCAD and you can only open it an inventor so most moon newer companies to invent it will use the DWG format all the companies who've used inventor for a long time are probably still on the IDW format so we'll go with DWG that gives us this drawn border which nobody is using obviously most companies have designed in and edit their own title blocks and borders but we can change the sheet size right click the node at the top edit sheet one change this over to and a one or leave it as a three it's up to you but it'll automatically adjust the block in the border to suit the new sheet size because these lines these borders are sort of fixed and parametrically linked to the edge of the sheet which is quite clever but to create views it's dead simple what you do is click base that makes a base view and it uses the document that's currently opening see we've got the assembly open in the background so al automatically placed that as a view top-down you can change the orientation just using this cube here and you can so you can just change that quite easily to change the scale of the view you've got this option here so you can just make that you know one to ten which is going to be the scale is quite off it off isn't it one at five and then if you want to you can just grab grab you could put your cursor over the green left click and drag you can move the viewer on the sheet if you happy enough that that's where you want it to be you can just click OK or you can create additional further projected views just by left clicking and then okay and then it'll create that base view and then projected out so that's what hidden lines removed you can see that anything behind prominent objects is obscured from view if you double click the view just double click the green outline you can then change the style to hidden lines on and then sometimes that can be a bit of information overload but especially once it's printed these lines will just obscure into a big black dot big black mess I guess it depends on the quality of you print it too but yeah that's how you create drawn views to create views of individual parts you can't just go back into base for you click browse this button up here and then go to the parts folder let's go to my courier and then just drop that down it's defaulted again to a top-down view click OK and there it is there looking pretty pretty simple and pretty basic to annotate it up inside of drawings you can go to the annotate tab and then select the dimension button here and this against context sensitive it'll create dimension based on what it is you click so if you select the inner diameter circle here you see that we'll remember that was 40 millimeters then okay on that if you select two lines it'll create an angular dimension okay I'm not the reason this pops up as you can sort of add in notes and you know extra bits of text after the dimension which is something quite commonly done remember I said that when you create the the hole using the hole tool it embeds metadata and well that's now where you can recall and utilize that metadata it's something like the hole and thread note select a hole and I'll pull away and it knows that that's an m6 hole any other information that was embedded in the tool will be listed on here and it's a customizable hole know as well if you double click it you can see you've got a bunch of properties here that you can you know the hole depth file you anything you want that's to do with a hole that you can add that into this note without you having to type it in and it's all linked back to the 3d model that clever that clever you can do things like section views detail views if you want to emphasize something it's a bit bigger you can do that just say right okay I want to create detail on this region here I want to make it five to one so it's a little bit more prominent you can do that you can even say well it's instead of it being black and white you can make it shaded as well if you want to and then if you want to give a sort of a better perspective of what's going on you can project out an isometric view again make that shaded would like to do that just to give someone it's just a visual cue as to what it is the looking at sometimes is quite difficult to gauge what it is when it's just orthographic wireframe views of something so that's that is extraordinarily quick very very quick but yeah last thing you do a tend to be is just a parts list so on the annotate tab you've got the parts list button over here where you can pick any one of the views to call a parts list from select okay and then well of course that's that's that's ice pick the the single part which hasn't got a parts list does it let's delete that table and I will select the top left view go to parts list select okay and then that's a bigger table that's been generated there not enough room on the sheet so I'll just drop it off to the side right click that's done okay escape zoom in you can see there's your parts lists dead very few people use the default parts less you tend to add at the table and add in your own columns and arrange it tusu but it's I guess the information is there to do a basic job and then you would tend to balloon it up what you can do is say automatically balloon that view put a window around everything to say I want to balloon the whole lot select the placement around and then when you move your cursor I'll look at that balloon boom everything's just balloons straightaway is yeah so that's the benefit of the likes of inventor over something like you use an older cat all account has a place but for any mechanical design anything that's you know calling off a bomb for a physical product you just can't beat that I know that's messy yet tidy the balloons up in production but you can see the intent is there but there you go mate that's roughly an hour of getting your head around in vender gone through parts designed assembly design and drawing design it's just not even scratching the surface this is just looking at gazing upon the surface with envious eyes it's it's incredible you so hopefully you can see now why is this such a big deal and mices I mean that's it's not the future it's it's not it's been around for a long time so thank you very much may well done if you followed that along if you're using the trial copy of inventor you've got 30 days to to play around with it check out my channel and almost everything that I've covered is covered in some way by its own video I've got four and actually six years worth of videos now covering this stuff so have a dig through the channel if there's anything you get stuck on check my channel out once your 30 days has expired the link that you click to get the trial that's my affiliate link so if you do end up making a purchase of inventor whether it be monthly or yearly through the your desk website I'll get a little pic back from Autodesk is just a referral fee it doesn't cost you anything it doesn't add any money on to the cost of the license but it's just an affiliate link so yeah if you do decide to go ahead and pull the trigger on a license of inventor then yeah I'll get something out of it in return good will do I think if you're a student you can get inventor for free and go to the education site and you can download inventor and anything else from Autodesk amiable a desk software for free for as long as you're a student and anyway the right that will wrap out of there May that's all I've got thank you for sticking to it that's the Refresh for 2020 of the the test-drive video hope you enjoyed it hope it was useful if it was do let me know and I'll probably be doing this all over again in four years time alright Cheers I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tech3D
Views: 173,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autodesk, Inventor, tips, training, guide, 3D, modelling, part, assembly, best practice, Solidworks, AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor (Software), Help, Tutorial, Training, Learn, Software (Industry), Learning (Quotation Subject), 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
Id: 5PWqsRynm5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 39sec (4179 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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