Auto Train Review

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laughs [Music] thank you hi everybody we are about to embark on a journey that we've never done before we are going to take the Auto Train to Florida so I don't know if I'll add this to a video or not but if I do welcome thanks for joining us and I hope we have a nice trip see you all then say that again second left so the first left that looks like I'm not sure what that is for maybe going up to 95. so the first left takes you to 95 and a second left takes you into the Auto Train can you see the sign for the Auto Train oh yeah so you need to be in the third lane from the left because you have to go straight through the first light and then make your left into the Auto Train so we made it here I think boarding at 11 30. uh currently 11.50 so we'll see what's going to happen as we get up there so I'm not sure how many times have you seen this on video yeah pretty many I'm not sure if we can go in the right lane here and go up or not I'll advise later on so when you come in off the off of Lorton Road it says form two lines and when we got here there was only one line and we got in it but you actually can form two lines both right lanes come up to this point here and then you merge together and then they'll separate you uh up a little further I believe to give you your number for your car they put a number on the side of your car take turns so the sign says departing vehicle check-in begins at 12 30 latest vehicle check-in is at three o'clock we were here at about 11 45. it was a pretty long line of traffic just sitting waiting but it does move up pretty quick it doesn't take that long so in a second they're going to give us our number and then we're going to get our stuff out of the car and head inside so just real quick after we dropped our car off which I kind of see it out there it's the maroon one in the back there we came through where it says vehicle pickup obviously we didn't pick up we were dropping off we came in and to the left was passenger check-in where we went and told them we were here and then they gave us tickets for the train they also gave us vouchers for dinner we have our dinner scheduled for five o'clock so our dinner is scheduled at five o'clock we will start boarding the train at 3 30 they said this is a little store over here where you can get uh different souvenirs or whatever might be getting a Lorton t-shirt or an auto train T-shirt If I find one and I'll just pan around here real quick again so you can see what it looks like in here and the train is straight through so we are cars to the right there and then to the left this is where we board we will be boarding the train they told us our car is to the left so that's where the train is out there and we'll be out there a little bit late so when you come out here the train is right here we are supposed to get on car number 53-43 so I'm gonna walk down this way because it's to the left here see if I can find it obviously there's it's where the cars go up on ours is probably in there already because we've been here for quite a while here's just a little did you know that Amtrak's provided the service since 1983 it is the longest passenger train in the world over three quarters of a mile in length 18 Passenger cars and 33 Auto carriers and two engines transports 130 000 automobiles with 250 000 passengers per year carries 650 passengers with 330 automobiles on a full train so I said you can see that's where the car is going I've been there they go up this ramp here of course they're checked in over there see them checking in cars over there and they go up that ramp so I'm still looking for our car supposed to be 53.43 this is our car so this is like we're going to be all the way down at the end well maybe it'll be quieter where we're at who knows there's 53.40 see it says sleeping car 53.40 and then this is the dining car I guess this is where we'll eat we have vouchers to eat five o'clock so it's quite a ways down here where we're gonna be I think we're like the last car we're the Caboose but that could be good because that means we're further away from the horn so we won't hear the horns it's 53-41 I hope there is a 53-43 or else we're up the creek there it is 53-43 all the way down here all the way down here 53-43 looks like we're the third Last Call on the train that's going to be the back of the train there well the back of it sleeper section and then I guess they hook the cars on the back so this is our car 5343 I think we're on room C so we'll come back out later and uh I'm back out later and this is where we'll be so as you can see it's way a ways down there 53-43 all right so they have two layers of cars or two rows of Cars one on the bottom and one on the top you can see the ramp folds down when they load the the bottom row and then when they put the ramps up then they for the upper deck of cars we'll see if I can catch a car going up in there okay here goes one it's like it's going over there on the bottom and they they know what they're doing so again they give you a magnet for your car uh with a number on it and then that's how you identify your car when you come back they'll call the numbers when we get to Florida they'll call the numbers that are on the magnets and then then you'll know that your car is ready to be picked up so they got a pretty good uh pretty good system down here I know where the cars are supposed to go and how to get them on it's a pretty tight squeeze the way it looks there you have it one right after the next so we're gonna board in about a half an hour and as you can see it's quite full now so I don't know if the train is full or not but there's a lot of people here that is more than ready to get going so we're walking to our Park so this is the train that moves the cars around so they're pulling up to this they're gonna hook that and they're going to drag it to the back of the train hook that up and they're going to drag this to the back of the train and our car is 3.95 and if the tracks are one two and three heart bar might be in there that was a wild thing all right foreign drag them all the way out fast and then there'll be a switch out there and then they can push them back I think the car is definitely on there oh yeah I think our car is definitely on there Charlotte thinks our car is definitely on there and all Steve is stuck yes all Steve's stuff is on there we didn't bring it with us we left it in the car so of course we have a room on the train because we thought we'd have more space and each have a chair and it's missing there's no chair this car was just sent out to be refurbished and there's a problem with the chairs so there's no chairs in this car none of the chair none of the chairs that belong in these rooms are in them they just have the sofa section uh but there is supposed to be a chair there and we'll we'll manage we'll get by but the other thing I wanted to point out for people is the rooms actually have an adjoining door and then each room has an adjoining door in them and I did not know was there uh from other Vlogs that I watched so something you might want to know is your room has an adjoining door and you can hear what the other people are doing in the other room so we are lucky in our situation the room at the end of the hallway wasn't being used this one does not have an adjoining room however I want you to notice there's Charlotte hi Charlotte hi I want you to notice this corner is much smaller so the room itself is a little bit smaller but you don't have an adjoining room so you are in fact buy yourself more private and we're right at the end here around this corner so the end of this train car so anyway here's a shot of the hallway uh it doesn't look real wide but um I can fit in it without a whole lot of problem there's plenty of height [Music] um so anyway this is definitely a new adventure for us and we'll see how it goes see ya so we just started moving and they don't tell you they don't give you any warning they just start going and we almost fell because we weren't prepared so it is 4 26. and and we're moving uh yes we are headed towards Florida um I don't know I think we're gonna stop again because I think we have to connect to this part of the train over here so so I think that's all the cars there so they're probably gonna pull us past the cars and then back to cars up to us you can see out here quick if I get there's the ramps and the store that you were in that we were in earlier and the lounge area where we stood around and we met really nice people yeah and we had quite a nice conversation for a few hours with people and uh it was interesting so although we have a little setback without having a chair in our room here um we did switch to the room on the end which is doesn't have an adjoining room to it so it's much quieter you don't hear the people next to you so um I'm still excited still looking forward to this I'll show the bathroom here this is the bathroom I should put the put the seat down good [Music] so the bathroom if anybody's watching this and is wondering the bathroom is 23 inches wide in that back part it is three feet this way and it is six foot four from floor to ceiling six foot four from floor to ceiling and then the whole way out here the hallway is 23 inches wide and it's probably six foot four as well maybe six five so we are moving there's the roads down there we are heading to Florida we are heading to Florida once again there Charlotte hi hi heading to Florida so they just called us for go down for our dinner so we're gonna head down to the meal car and get some dinner we are now in room a we're gonna head down and get some dinner you can see us chucking along out there Charlotte getting her water see ya so this is going down the hallway here and uh it's really quiet the car is really quiet I like it look out the window quick oh look at that pretty nice so they told us to go down here a couple cars and then and get dinner but bouncy a little bit bouncy we're not used to this we're not trained people look at that balancing all right I'm gonna have to help Charlotte I think [Music] huh thank you thank you so we were supposed to have our beds put down at 9 30. but about an hour ago or so Charlotte was laying on the sofa part here and I laid on the floor here I know it doesn't look like we could fit anywhere and I was yeah and I was fine laying on the floor so we actually talked to the conductor and asked him to just leave it alone and so we're we actually opted for having more space and instead of having the beds put down and just leaving it the way it is so and yeah he he was pretty happy because it's less work for him in the morning so anyway he gave us the blankets yeah we have blankets so we can cover up and we have another pillow and stuff so just one more quick shot through the room here around the corner again there's supposed to be a chair there but there isn't but that's okay we are making the most of it and pillows yep okay see ya this is a weird scenario there's cars on that side and Matt says there's cars on that side we're right in the middle of 195. huh so I'm not sure we're gonna see the cocktail we're going around Richmond now we have we have to play a balancing act it is it is something it is a little Wiggly in the hallway here but I'm gonna try to be quiet because uh oh I want to sleep but we decided we'd come out and uh don't fall down head down to the Lounge car for a bite to eat we made earlier today but it's getting a little you know a little hungry so we're gonna go down so you gotta press that it's not raining not raining now so we're becoming Pros like going in between the trains as you notice there's a little little wiggle wiggle there and there we go now I'm videoing again and it's a little bit we were just in Rocky Mount North Carolina and it's a little rock like the spots on the train but they do I want to stop here and just show you they do have like a nice nice and water section here there's little cups things you can get there they did have water bottles here but there's no water bottles right now but anyway these are useless foreign [Music] hopefully we can get a little something to eat in here see what happens so we went down to a lounge car and I got this cheeseburger and two Coke Zeros I'm trying not to drink soda these days but there's not much other option other than water on here and I drink my fair share of water so um I decided to get those so I'm gonna I'm gonna try this thing here and I'll let you know how it is so I finished my burger I know it's pretty good I liked it for what it was anyway um you know just a regular burger they put in a microwave or whatever it was a nice little snacky kind of food and um so now we're gonna just sit here for a little bit and then turn in for the night and then uh we'll see what happens in the morning all right we'll be going through the Palatka Florida area I don't know I hope so try to get the guy's voice that's making all the announcements since we got on we are in Palatka Florida Palatka Florida uh we did just go through the Palatka Florida area blacks approximately one hour 15 shortly this River once we pass over that we're one hour away good so Charlotte's trying to drink her orange juice and you might notice it's frozen frozen it's like like a slushie yeah so when you go to Florida on the train your orange juice would clearly come from Brazil okay enjoy okay so there's no chair so we're improvising and kneeling no chair did not stop my enjoyment of this train ride it was everything I expected and more good I loved it so we are pulling into the Sanford station now which is why we're going so slow uh takes them a long time to stop this thing I believe that's probably I-4 but that's just a guess foreign we did not offer that because we got nothing but time right now so we didn't need to spend the extra money but as you can see they're pretty fluent getting them off they don't waste any time so uh yeah so that's how they offload train cars were over there and then they're going to park them over here and then you find your car over there throw your stuff in it get on your way so there you have it so as you can see it's been this kind of trip for us so far but we're just enjoying every minute of it talking to some really really nice people that we met but we had no chair in our room and we're probably going to be the last car off the train but that's okay we can't get into our hotel till four o'clock anyway so and it's only an hour away so we're good we have uh four and a half hours still so we can get in our hotel we have plenty of time but I just thought a video around there's just about nobody left and we've been here for uh about two hours now so not too bad though two hour week it's not bad at all especially when you meet nice people so anyway just thought I'd grab that little little bit of video clip and that's our car positive this time positive this time and that's us bingo so we made it to Stanford um just trying to step away here and just give a little overview of what we went through um so our room was very nice we really enjoyed I enjoyed it our Brandon was our Porter fantastic track if you see this video Brandon is fantastic a great job helping us everything we needed whatever um so anyway uh I don't really have much to say here maybe I'll make a video later of my memories and stuff of it and add it to the end but if you see this you like the video please like And subscribe to our Channel we are monarch Miracles and we appreciate you watching and I hope you enjoy if you decide to take the Auto Train thanks
Channel: Monarch Miracles
Views: 28,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VwhAMMgxfFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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