Our First Auto Train Trip

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today is the 5th of july 2022 cinco de july yeah and we are so far gone we have so far gone zero miles and zero tenths of a mile yep we're still in the driveway on a trip too we're going to long beach island in new jersey for our final destination but right now we're going to the auto train in sanford florida because we're taking the train yeah the auto train so we're gonna we're gonna keep you guys up on what we're doing we're going to post uh little little videos i guess along the way and this is part one yeah episode uno let's go [Music] well we're at the auto train oh yeah we got our amtrak right on top all right let me turn it around so there it is yep gonna be our train i think yeah cause they're unloading cars now and they're almost done and then they'll start loading up our vehicles so it's a double decker i guess yeah and uh so here we are that is not our vehicle right there all right they told us to wait in the uh car that's our car yep and i'll show you the sign that was very helpful we must be first in line i think so we're the first ones here see where it says park here walk the station right up there behind them all right okay you excited i'm very excited are you excited i'm excited all right we are now moving up and we're gonna put the car into lane two and then we have to give him this our car number is 52. and then we let them take it from there yeah fun fun fun huh okay so we're in the train station we've checked in our car is already gone yeah and before there's a lot of people in here let's turn this camera and show you what the waiting area looks like there it is it's empty but he told us it will be filled soon yeah so we'll get a couple snacks and find a place to sit there's plenty of them for right now all right now we did the most important part we used the restroom oh that's right but i'm gonna show you uh them loading the cars onto the train yeah it's pretty neat yours is already loaded mine was first yeah okay so we're standing at the station let me zoom in and show you what they do put in the car there it goes up onto the train pretty cool huh oh that must be going on the bottom layer huh yeah oh they're oh they go on two layers i see so we must be on the bottom somewhere our car and these are all the cars waiting to be put up there our car was where that one is yeah that's where we were that's where we were yeah and then they pulled ours away and we're ready to go inside to that waiting room and and just wait we it said they said the boarding train the boarding time is 3 30. yep it's two 12 42 right now so we've got a little less than three hours to wait all right [Music] so in case you were wondering what about motorcycles this is how they do motorcycles they have these racks that they put them on and this motorcycle behind the red one looks like he's ready to come up on there yeah yep they tied it down really good and uh they let the motorcycle driver drive it up the amtrak guys don't do that yeah and they're still loading the cars onto the onto the trains over there and and i'm curious to see what once the bikes are on the the little trolleys they must tow them up there yeah and they're all on wheels so i wonder if it's human power that's which is oh man or is it a a tractor no probably it looks as attractive right there green track oh yeah a john deere the best so yes if you it's not just an auto train it's also a motorcycle train all right so since we got here yes it's gotten very crowded and it has very proud very let me show you let me show you okay the check-in line is by the door so outdoor door it pays to be first yeah it does we were lucky all right time to get on the train we gotta look for number 5210 wow we got a long way to go that's 33. that's a big train oh yeah 5210 is to the right fifty two ten yes this is it all right all right that you're looking for you're looking we're looking for you all right welcome thank you go up the steps [Music] 5153 [Music] is now how'd that happen she was in the wrong seat all right we're on the train brother nice this is so exciting i love this look at that we're on the train yeah we are this is so exciting look at this look at this right here outlets that's excellent [Music] yeah we did even got a special one to plug in so we could share that's right and then send this video yeah up to the internet we're starting to roll and we're gonna couple up now that's what the announcement overhead announcement said and we're gonna couple up the trains so those all right those trains right there are where the cars are yeah this will be interesting so the train is moving uh-huh and they're gonna couple up we're talking about gotta couple up with the train cars that have the automobiles and motorcycles yeah this is pretty exciting and also with the sleeper cars yeah cause we're the coach and the supercar people got too bored first so but that's okay i love our seats plenty of leg room and very comfortable we can lay back and take a nap and tables are great and very nice [Music] so [Music] facilities this is great beautiful so let me turn it around so you can see where we are all right robin's going to show you robin's going to show you go ahead that's the lounge show what's in the lounge it's the makeup area it's got two stools that's pretty nice yeah yeah all the amenities paper towels tissues what's behind you uh it's the restroom let's go back in there and keep showing how the toilet sounds yeah this is cool are you ready get ready [Music] it's also got a changing table in there for the babies [Music] it's a restroom with a dressing room yeah and that's just a restroom so all right [Music] okay and that was between cars [Music] uh guess where we are where you eat where you are where you eat so we got napkins whatever robin got a chicken sweet taco a cocoa and a hot dog and a bag of pretzels pretzels what's this one what's in the scenery goodbye all right so other youtube vloggers yeah i've rated the food on the amtrak train i just [Music] so i'm going to give it a 10 out of 10. me too 10 out of 10 chicken street tacos they're spicy but i will tell you this i even like airplane food i'm not one of those connoisseur guys no if it's hot and good that's it yeah and this is hot and spicy angry [Music] tacos they were really good too i love the cheese and all the goodies again out of ten see we're easy we're easy quick [Music] [Music] cancel jason cancel so it's almost uh night time yep 8 17 p.m eastern time on july 5th and we're in georgia yes we are georgia georgia somewhere north of folkston i think welcome we're glad george is on your mind you and alex always look for that on your road trip the sign says it's real pretty outside and it's gorgeous it's real quiet in here yeah it is it's a good car quiet car quiet very quiet yeah we do have activity though people walk back and forth to the lounge and all of that the lodge has beer by the way yeah they do and wine coffee wine and coffee and coca-cola so so far we've been on the train three hours yep well the train's been rolling three hours yeah yeah uh i never really did see them hook up the car no with the cars in them [Music] i hope we got them i mean all right we'll check in with you later okay [Music] so now yeah night time yeah it is it's nice it's so dark outside 18 minutes to 10 p.m it's so dark outside i can't even tell if we're moving yeah but we worked before there was a freight train that came by so we had to stop very fast yeah really fast but you can still feel the train swings yeah so we came back to the lively room this is the lounge yeah the younger people they're playing cards so that's just younger there's older people [Music] [Music] [Music] it's six o'clock in the morning that's right on july the sixth it's about fifth july the sixth sixth twenty what is this car phone the club car and they called it the club car the club car yeah they came for coffee and whatever else they're gonna have for breakfast yeah they were supposed to open at six foot they're running a little late so it'd be just a few minutes they said and we're in virginia [Music] and i think we're about four hours from uh for our end of the ride huh yeah i think so then we'll pick up the car and you'll drive somewhere all by yourself no engineer go find a shower i knew the shower it's a great day it's so pretty out there we got to see the sunrise yeah i tried to get something so you'll see it but you all know who took which picture yeah yeah but it's on this video all right now it's just a matter of waiting for the coffee all right this is our breakfasts yep got a banana too somewhere banana oh there it is banana orange juice the best the best part of waking up amtrak coffee in your cup [Music] we are about a half hour yeah about half hour half hour away from getting off the train yeah it's been an experience very comfortable ride enjoyed it and uh looks real pretty outside nice weather that's good oh yeah because now we have to drive i know so i'm looking forward to seeing my first birch tree i love birch trees can't wait point it out for me i don't know i know what it looks like but i love this train it's a great way to travel [Music] okay robin yes time for that car to be taken off the train i know this is gonna be interesting to see them open the doors and off it comes so we're gonna turn the camera around and watch it with you yeah let's hope it's first i'll do two we'll be the first one on we should be the first one off right yeah [Music] oh that sounds like my car is it my car i think it is great yay we are in the car yes we are now he needs directions to long beach island all right all right okay yeah well that was our auto train experience yeah it was a great event from sanford florida to lorton virginia yes and uh how many hours were in the train for five two oh let's see yeah seven and nine that's 16 hours in the train 5 pm to midnight and then midnight to 9 00 am is when they uh d trained so that's 16 hours from stanford to larton virginia [Laughter] you can't wait to light up that cigar so it was a good experience uh yeah i had a bob dylan song in my head when they were unloading the cars uh-huh the first now will later be last for the times they already changed yeah but we were first and our car was almost last got enough of that thing yeah yeah but everybody was very nice if you work for amtrak you guys did a really wonderful job and and everybody was really good so we had a good experience we got a part two to the trip uh-huh look at that cigar wow i know it's huge i know we're uh we're going home that way you know so now stay tuned part two the next video is going to be we're going to long beach island in new jersey yep we got a hotel there or close to there and then we're gonna do some plein air painting yeah hopefully the weather is good if the weather's not good we'll sit the car like this yeah exactly just do painting in the car that's right it'll be fun we enjoy it but boy did we love our amtrak ride it was great and everybody like larry said all you amtrak personnel everywhere fabulous stuff thank you i am thinking about the way home yeah maybe we should try for the roommate maybe we should upgrade to a room what do you think okay we'll see i mean the fact is you your feet are facing each other right yeah but we know each other our feet should face each other that's okay sure i don't know we'll think about it we got we got a week to think about it yeah we're not going home for weeks no no i i gotta see it first in person oh okay how are you gonna see it first well all right okay well we'll check out the video when we were on the train yeah you couldn't walk back there it was like forbidden territory yeah it was the people who are in those rooms they can come out to coach yeah because they can't but if you're in coach you can't go back to the sleepers no i'll ask you why but i think the sleepers have better food i don't know i don't know we'll see ours was pretty good though continental breakfast 1.89 cigar i i'm not an aficionado in anything but no the amtrak train was great all right recommended care be good don't forget to write because remember writing is very important and what look robin and i retired from radio yeah and we said they don't need us anymore the world spins fine on her own yes that's what this show is called this channel yeah and here here's how we end it the world spins fine on her own yeah baby choo choo change yeah [Music] you
Channel: The World Spins Fine On Her Own
Views: 17,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Autotrain, Amtrak, Sanford, Florida, Lurton, Virginia, Robin MacBlane, Larry whitler, Ocala, car on train, train trip, autos on train, travel, traveling
Id: b46vdgPjzdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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