Autism and ADHD Together - The Lazy Guide To Understanding

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so autism and ADHD together combined this is kind of like the lazy guide to understanding all of that I'm we covering it all right now so don't go anywhere so what is autism and ADHD why is it related well you know the funny thing is these two are kind of like these intertwining neurological conditions so my name is Dan and I have autism and ADHD together so this is coming from my background of like understanding it from how I see it how I experience it and what it feels like to have this kind of ADHD versus is autism kind of polarity right because they are two kind of diagnosed separately conditions but also they are co-morbid or co-occurring conditions which means that they can be present in somebody together or separately now in terms of ADHD it SS for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder right now a lot of people think that that means you must be like hyperactive all the time okay so let's just dial it back a little bit so I am hyperactive most of the time I would love for you to leave a revie for this video/ podcast if you have anything to add because it would really help me out on this channel and also help me learn and grow from your comments and I am a very kind of switching from this task to that task type of person I think it's kind of like within my nature it's within my you who I am and you know part of that is due to the fact that I have ADHD now I was diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger syndrome which is now just autism spectrum disorder together the same day at the same time they're like well yeah this is blatantly obvious you have both of these conditions but it's not always obvious in different types of people and I'm going to get into why that is right now but if you're interested in this type of content I make weekly videos just like this so remember to hit the Subscribe button down below if you want to help support and follow on with more videos like this so in terms of ADHD a lot of girls uh on the autism spectrum are first diagnosed with ADHD and this is because a lot of the people who are assessing the autism uh you know assessments they are looking at a lot of literature and research that was originally done by like hansberger and Leo Kenna that was all to do with males or you know the males on the Spectrum and so a lot of that doesn't really apply to females so they kind of they sit there and they're like oh miss blah blah we're going to go through this now and have a look oh yes it looks like you know you have some traits that look autistic but they're behaving in a different way it must be ADHD now that happens quite often or the other one which is kind of like the more common one and I find this so much I think it's rare that I find somebody who's an autistic female who hasn't been pre-diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I I find this just this fascinates the heck out of me because it's not bipolar it's just emotional deregulation because of autism but because of the lack of data on women this was kind of missed out right so ADHD is almost like a an urge for your body your brain your your mind to to switch tasks constantly and this means that you could be hyperactive like myself cuz I talk really fast and by the way guys I'm really sorry if I'm talking really fast it's just something that happens I I document this in my book I talk about it quite a bit um and if you haven't seen my book it's called autism for adults you can get it on Amazon or anywhere or you can go to autism for right now um and I talk about how I have high productivity and it makes my voice you know like my speech really fast and it's partly to do with the fact I have ADHD and partly to do with the fact that my brain is going a very fast pace because I'm autistic then I'm trying to process things at a rapid rate right this is what autistic individuals do FYI if you are relating to this and your brain goes really really fast and you speak fast give this video a thumbs up I'd love to know who's uh who's listening in to figure out what's going on not everybody will have hyperactivity and fast speech with ADHD a lot of the time it would be more of like an internal kind of hyperactivity where your brain is switching between different tasks all the time so you're finding extremely difficult to concentrate on a specific single task not because you're kind of getting up and walking around typically that's what I did but it's because your brain is is also jumping from thing to thing now this happens I mean I'd say it's like 50/50 you'll get people with ADHD and then you know who will want to you know jump around like me I can't sit down you know still for a long time I have to get up and move around and then you'll get people who have ADHD who are just kind of like really bad at focusing on the tasks and they can't really get the tasks even though they're sitting still and they trying their best to sit down and do this focused task it's just not happening and it's really funny because a lot of people think that because you don't have that high proactivity like of getting up and walking around and being kind of like impulsive then you don't really have ADHD now what's really funny about ADHD is that years ago there used to be two forms used to have ADD and then ADHD and add tension deficit disorder they just dropped the hyperactivity because they thought well these people aren't displaying hyperactive Tendencies or hyperactive traits like I just said like we getting up and sitting you know I can't sit down I move around and then people were like well no no no it's it's it's it's still they're still hyperactive people but it's just the way their brain is going with it it's like they're switching from task to task to task which I find just absolutely fascinating so if you are struggling and you're looking for a therapist we actually have on hand autistic and neurod Divergent therapist here at the as world now if you're looking for coaching and therapy combined together with a therapist Carla who works here at the asby world who is ADHD and is a registered therapist will do online sessions with you all you have to do is follow the link down below or go to the aspw Cara with a K and book an appointment with Cara all right guys that being said I do also uh recognize that autism and ADHD get diagnosed quite often together because they kind of play off each other a little bit and and this is what I mean so I have I had this let give you an example okay so I am a uh an author like I told you I got a book out called autism for adults um you can get it now for autism for um and this book to me was kind of a really interesting moment in the way that my autistic brain and my ADHD brain kind of like fused together and was like trying to battle it out and it was kind of like Superman versus uh Batman kind of thing because they're both Superior in the way that they control like my thoughts and mind and all that kind of stuff but also they were kind of like just counseling each other out constantly so my publisher said D sit down and write a book with new book I said yeah great you know doing a book is great because it it brings you know a lot more education to the world more people have access to information to help change lives because we're all about changing lives here you know my motto is um you know uh making autism life less lonely right because like autistic people are lonely so I thought if I make a book and I get people together and they can talk and they Converse and so I was like okay I'll sit down and write a book so my autistic brain is like I want to really sit down and hyperfocus on this task and this task is writing a book so I sit down at my desk and then I really like how really sit still for longer than a few minutes I want to get up and I want to kind of like Doom scroll on Facebook or I'm going to walk around or do something you know ridiculous and then it's like oh damn you know I can't do this so I was like well how am I supposed to write a book and then I realized something really interesting because of the way my brain works because it's hyperactive but it's also wanting to hyper focus on things I had a little work around so I like running so I run quite often so I run I try to run every day but I run probably like about four times a week and when I'm running I'm listening to audio books because I love books but I find reading really difficult because I'm also dyslexic so the only way that I can actually you know digest a book and actually get that information into my body is by running because of two things one it's Ely being fed into my system and the second thing is that because I hating the floor and getting tactile feedback I'm kind of remembering those things so then I was like this is really interesting I wonder if it would work the way around what if I could write a book this way you know like running but writing a book but I you know I couldn't physic like okay let's go I'm going to write the book now like you know running with my notepad was never going to happen so then I was like how am I going to do this so really simple I got my iPhone and then I was like talking to my iPhone whilst I was running outside but it was the middle of November and it was raining and windy and it wasn't it wasn't happening right so I was like dang it so then I transposed that I came inside and I got a treadmill in my garage cuz we turned the garage into a gym so I realized that I could run on the treadmill and talk to my phone so I did eight sessions of running for 1 hour talking to my phone for eight days in a row the entire book was written so that was a way in which I needed to uh create hyper Focus through creating the book like thinking about doing the book but also keeping my ADHD mind actively occupied because my ADHD brain wanted me to run and be scatti and all over the place and it didn't want me to sit down it wanted me to be running be active be stood up do something other than sit down and write a book right but I needed to kind of like calm it now this is another way which I kind of I help do this you're wanting to learn something you need to sit down and watch a documentary or you need to sit down and watch a lecture having like fidget toys to play with keeps your kind of ADHD brain act activated and and engaged or you can have like an under the desk cycle thing where you can cycle your legs underneath your desk that works really really well and I helped a lot of people during the covid times of you know distance learning figure that out and have those types of things implemented but autism and ADHD they sometimes do work together in an interesting way where you can hyperfocus on something but then you can also obsess on a special interest and that interest then can become something like your career or something where you are so taken by it that you can you just have like the best joyous time in the world because like you surround yourself with the things that you enjoy and that you love and you can learn from which I think is absolutely amazing but edhd and autism most often are co- mobilly curring diagnosed together and I do truly believe ADHD and autism are kind of P pass like I think that they come together and that's just my personal opinion I'm going to do a video just all about that and my theory on it um but for this video specifically I just wanted to do a bit more of a guide now ADHD the hyperactivity the attention issues and lack of focus is what really impacts the brain with with an ADHD person autism on the other hand is more of a communication issue and a hyper focus hyperfixation and rigid structure for routine now those two things are separate and they sound really interesting but you can see how they can Clash and but hedge right like I said about the whole Superman versus Batman thing because they both have their individual Tendencies um but they don't work well together and I think this causes the biggest pain in my life especially when I Chuck OCD into the mix because I also have OCD and it's just probably one of the most debilitating things ever and actually if anyone ask me like what's the biggest issue you find with autism I have to say it's OCD hey guys I just want to quickly ingest here that if you're looking to Super up your autistic traits and use them to your advantage actually have a specific program online course that really easy to digest super simple to get and you can get it right now the link is in the description of this video and in my bio that you can just go to www.le autism. netup and you can learn how you can supercharge and make those traits into superpowers right now so go check it out it's really really good
Channel: The Aspie World
Views: 2,333
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Keywords: Autism and ADHD Together, autism and adhd together, autism and adhd, adhd and autism, difference between adhd and autism, adhd and autism overlap, autism and adhd comorbidity, autism and adhd diet, autism and adhd difference, adhd and autism together, autism and adhd youtube, autism and adhd symptoms, autism and adhd meltdowns, adhd and autism similarities, autism spectrum disorder, autism symptoms, adhd medication and autism, autism vs adhd, autism spectrum
Id: cqamLY3CA4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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