Make your own Nandos style HOT sauce!

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one of my favorite restaurants ears Nando's and they make a really awesome peri-peri chicken I don't know if you have it over in the states but it's quite popular here in the UK and I believe it comes from my home country of South Africa in today's video we're gonna learn how to make Nando's hot sauce so stick around and I'm going to show you how I do it [Music] these are the ingredients you're going to need quickly we'll just go through them Kiera will list them in the description below but here we have our peppers we've got a large onion we've got some garlic here about five cloves 2 small lemons or one large lemon we've got some white distilled vinegar we've got some vegetable oil we've got some rosemary some salt and lastly citric acid it's optional you don't have to use it but it helps with oxidization so it maintains the color of the sauce as well as helps to preserve it so let's talk about the peppers that I'm going to use these have just been picked fresh from my greenhouse so you can't get much fresher than this in the middle here these are my Perry Perry peppers if you watch my grow videos you would know that I grow these every year because they're one of my favorite chillies over here these are cayenne peppers not too spicy but they've got a bit of spice but what they're really are here for is to add a bit of flavor and over here this is where I want to add a bit more heat these are Ring of Fire these peppers here are pretty hot anyway but these will add a bit more heat as well they've got a similar flavor profile to the cayenne peppers so all we need to do is start putting things into our jug because we're going to be blending this so we'll just throw in all the peppers you can adjust this for heat obviously if you want it not as hot you can add fewer peppers or so you can leave out things like the Ring of Fire and on the flipside if you want to make this even spicier you can add in some hotter peppers but give it a go try this first the way I'm doing it here and adjust according to how hot you think this is and how hot you want it there's quite a few peppers in there but we're making a decent amount of sauce so I'm gonna blend this up first add a few more things now that you've made a bit of space okay let's put the garlic in and the onion blend that up [Music] we're gonna keep on adding in all the ingredients if you have a bigger blender then you can just put it all in all at once if you want have a look at that though that looks awesome that's my party tablespoon of salt we have two tablespoons of vinegar we have a tablespoon of rosemary and two tablespoons of oil its citric acid you don't need a lot here I put in about half a teaspoon not a lot and like I said that is optional it really is up to you and the lemon we're just gonna cut those in half and squeeze the juice out just so we don't add the herbs in [Music] and let's blend that up on last time there we go that's nicely blended you don't want it too smooth because it's nice to have little bits in it if you've ever had Nando sauce you'll know that it has the little bits it's not completely a smooth sauce so this here for me is perfect the sauce we're going to need to cook on the stove for just a little while we're going to let it simmer and thicken up a bit it's quite thick as it is the other reason you're going to be putting it on some heat is it takes where that sort of green taste the the vegetable taste and it'll really mellow this out and make it really come together nicely be careful whenever you are cooking with chilies especially when you're making a sauce like this you want to ventilate the area as much as you can also it will irritate your eyes and it will they rotate your throat so I've let this cool now and it's time for us to bottle up and finish the sauce I'm going to be using these squeeze bottles for the sauce they are really decent ones took me a while to find ones I liked a lot of the cheaper ones that I bought they don't seal very well and you end up having leaks all around the room but these are really good now it wouldn't be a chilly Trump sauce if I didn't turn the heat up quite a bit my guess is this is gonna be probably hotter than the hottest nando sauce there is so if you do want to make it a bit cooler if you want to make it sort of like the medium heat Nando's sauce then just cut back on the number of chilies that you use and keep everything else the same so the same amount of onion garlic etc so time for a bit of a taste test [Music] that that is good like I said there's a bit more heat there maybe you used to if you do eat the Nando's hot sauces but you can adjust the heat by just changing up the number of chilies you using I hope you enjoyed the video and I look forward to seeing you on the next one thank you very much for watching or bye for now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 695,536
Rating: 4.9210305 out of 5
Keywords: nandos hot sauce, homemade nandos sauce, homemade nandos hot sauce, peri peri sauce recipe, nandos chicken, peri peri chicken, portuguese sauce, hot sauce recipe, piri piri sauce, quick hot sauce, chillichump, chilli, pepper, spicy, nandos, vusa, piri piri, cayenne, ring of fire, hot sauce, hot sauce for chicken, spicy sauce, lemons, citric acid, rosemary, chicken, diy, homemade, peri peri, easy hot sauce recipe, birds eye, piri piri chicken, How to make nandos chicken
Id: lfYDh_VoTWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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