Mega Fermentation - Make a HUGE Batch of Hot Sauce at the End of the Season!

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Is this video appropriate for this sub? He fermented and blended some chilis and put it in grolsch bottles. Its more like an instructional.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/ThatJuicyShaqMeat 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

I was with him until he used his tasting spoon to stir the sauce, whats the point of all the sanitation if you do that.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/squid_fart 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2018 🗫︎ replies

please god tell me you didn't dump out that brine. You can use that to thin your sauce so its more bottle friendly. I've also used the brine from my fermented hot sauce to brine up some chicken thighs in preparation for fried chicken. In my opinion the brine is as valuable as the hot sauce.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ilovecookies420 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2018 🗫︎ replies

So that's what the guy from Smash Mouth is up to these days.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/m1llie 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
everyone and welcome back today's video I'm going to be making a pretty big fermentation we've got the last of the peppers from the season it's early November and I need to make some sauce to keep my family happy over the next few months until the next season starts they're all chilly heads like myself so they they really go through a lot of hot sauce so let's go pick some of these peppers so I think I've got enough now still so many more peppers to pick in here but I think that'll do the job so let's go and get it ready to be fermented so I made the brine with the sea salt it's about 2 to 3% brine I've stirred that up over there about one and a half litres of water mixed with the with about 35 grams of salt and this is the bucket we're going to be using so this is normally what I use to make this is normally what I used to make wine I think the last one here was a pear cider I didn't that it's about a I think it's about a 5 liter bucket yeah it's a 5 liter bucket so obviously we got a lot of peppers today and I need to squish them all in there so we're gonna use this here too to do the airlock this is just a basic airlock there's a few different designs you get out there but there's the one that I'm gonna use in here so I have this diluted stars' and in this bottle which I use to sterilize and I like to to spray things down anything I'm going to touch just because this is gonna be a decent length fermentation I need to make sure that things in here don't suddenly start growing some funky stuff so I normally just give it a bit of a spray it's a no rinse sanitizer so that means that I don't have to rinse it off obviously so anything yeah I'll even give the bucket a bit of a spray just to clear it off I have already cleaned us with some basically diluted bleach I've done the same thing with the lid but the star scent afterwards nervous sanitizer and we're ready to go so we need to start filling the bucket up these are the peppers I have you can see some beautiful peppers big mix today I mean we even have a sweet pepper in there but a big old mix like I said my family are a bit addicted to the hot stuff well to be honest so am i and I need to make a big batch so we keep everyone happy for the next few months until we start growing our peppers again so let's get these chopped up and stick them in the bucket got my gloves ready to go so it's quite a mix here obviously some peppers I just cut in half and other peppers like these bigger ones here I'm gonna just chop it up into smaller pieces but just roughly chop them stick them in the bucket and that's all we need to do so that worked out quite well again look at that that's a beautiful sight actually that's amazing look at all those colors so that they are need to now cover with some brine and then close it up and leave it for a few weeks I'm gonna be needing another jug of that so I'll be back in just a moment and be back with you so I've mixed up another one and a half liters of brine but before we do that I actually forgot to put in the ginger and garlic so I'm gonna quickly just pop those in there peel the ginger first so now we just top it up that's all I'm doing here just make sure everything has a bit of a coating of the salt I'm not going to put anything on top to keep the stuff down what I am going to do is count on the fact that all this fermentation is going to displace the oxygen because basically what you don't want is the oxygen sitting on top here now I'm going to leave a little bit of a gap a little less of a gap than that leave a bit of a gap at the top so that means there is oxygen obviously in the air and that's gonna be there for now however what I'm counting on is this creating a nice seal I'm just gonna give it another spray sanitizer so that's going to create a nice seal and when this starts fermenting strong so when this starts fermenting it's going to displace that air by making carbon dioxide or co2 and that's going to start coming up through the bucket and it's going to move the air out bubble out through here and you end up having a nice protective layer of carbon dioxide on top what I need to do is put some liquid and yard so what I'm going to do is use a bit of sanitizer in here so now we just keep an eye on that I'm going to stick that inside my broom fridge and in about three weeks time I'll be able to blend this up and make a nice chilli sauce for my family so we'll be putting this inside the bring fridge and leave that for a few weeks I'll check on that every couple of days especially right in the beginning just make sure nothing's overflowing and nothing weird is going on and and we should be able to make a really nice fermented hot sauce so it's been about three months now and it's time to turn that mega fermentation into some chilli sauce so I haven't opened this since I put it in back in November 4th of November and time to have a look inside I've topped up this liquid now and then just to make sure that it's still you can see there just below the so if you push in that it blows bubbles so you just keep that topped up make sure that doesn't dry out so I'm going to take that out now be careful not to touch anything because this is a very hot sauce wow that smells amazing just that oh just opening that little hole that's very very fragrant so time to open it up and have a look inside oh that is perfect such a strong smell comes at me but what I am really excited about here you'll see a lot of the times when we're doing fermentation that the standard sort of mantra is to make sure everything keeps submerged now if you've seen earlier in the video when I first put this all together it was all floating up towards the top and there's a couple still floating here a little bit and you see there's no growth here and think that the brine is perfect at the top and this has been going for over two months now oh I wish you could smell that I do love that smell that's incredible so now there's a couple things we need to do here because I have made such a lot here the thing is I need to get that into this and blend it up with the ingredients that we have down here we have some thyme some sugar or I use ether at all so don't like too much sugar in my sources erythritol I'm a death rattle and some lemon juice as well just to add just an extra bit of flavor so we need to blend all of this together get rid of the brine blend blend it all together with those ingredients at the back there and then bottle it and you can see there's some bottles at the back there we'll see if we have enough first thing to do is get rid of the brine this smells extremely strong Wow you can see some of the superhot Savan yeah but Jolokia this is gonna be very very hot so I need to get rid of this liquid and the next step is to blend so we're gonna have to do this in a couple batches so this is why we have gloves on now what we do I think we're gonna have probably two loads in here so we'll just have this but doesn't matter at the end of the day when we we're going to put this all back into one big bowl and stir it all up so it'll be all the same source but I'm just gonna stick in half of everything and let's give it a bit of a blend there we go that's nicely blended look at that smells incredible let's do the next batch that's it so we're now made the sauce that's a lot of sauce I guess I have to taste it it's always scary the first time you taste a new source especially where now you have got some extremely hot chilies in there I'm considering actually not even filtering this out normally I would squish out all the liquid from this but I think I might just leave it like that we'll see but let's have a taste that's really nice good flavor definitely builds the heat up doesn't just hit you in the back of the throat that's really good so now all that's left is to bottle it just we'll do one for my brother who's been begging for some more of this so that's it for this video thank you for watching I really enjoy making these videos for you I hope you enjoy watching them please if you do hit the subscribe button down below it really helps my channel out it helps keep me motivated to keep making this content I'm looking forward to a really big 2018 I'm going to be doing my first update from the garden video in a little while but in the meantime enjoy these hot sauce videos there's gonna be a couple more coming through cuz I have some hot sauces that are fermenting at the moment they've been going for about 4 months now I think or just over 4 months so I'm gonna leave it probably another month or two and then we'll be making another video so thanks very much for watching and we'll see you on the next one bye bye [Music] you
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 669,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chillichump, chilli, pepper, spicy, ferment, fermentation, bhut jolokia, ghost pepper, 7pot, hot sauce, easy hot sauce recipe, fermented hot sauce, fermented, how to make hot sauce, homemade hot sauce, peppers, fermented hot sauce recipe, fermented chili sauce, hot sauce recipe, fermenting peppers, fermented pepper sauce, fermenting hot sauce, how to make fermented hot sauce, how to make hot sauce from fresh peppers, it's alive hot sauce, how to make chilli sauce, making hot sauce
Id: FqViIIzJ0jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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