Fermented Coffee Hot Sauce

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hello and welcome back to my kitchen a little while ago one of my subscribers very kindly sent me a gift it's this book here fiery ferments and it's given me so many cool ideas that I'm hopefully going to be using for the remainder of this year but especially next year one of the recipes in the book caught my eye already and that's the one we're going to be doing today few subtle changes but ultimately the idea came out of here so I can't take credit for that so join me while we make the first of many sources from this book so there's a pepper sauce so the very first thing we need are some peppers these have just been picked fresh from my greenhouse we have two varieties here we have our pepper jus and we have the smaller ones here which are new Mex Bailey Pekin when I was in the greenhouse I tried one of the new Mexi Pekin because I thought I just want to see what sort of heat we're working with here the type of sauce I'm making today is gonna be a medium heat I tried one of them and wow that's a hot pepper if you are growing these go and give one a try and let me know in the comments below what you think I know that the pepper Jews aren't that hot they they have a bit of spice to them but there aren't terribly hot but they have a fantastic flavor so we're gonna be adding those to the pneumix Bailey Pekin and let's have a look at the other ingredient this one here is what caught my eye when I looked at this recipe in the book and that is coffee grounds so these are freshly ground coffee grounds we're gonna stick it inside a coffee filter and we're gonna tie it up and that's gonna go into the bottom of our fermenting job so it's about a tablespoon and a half that's in there I'm thinking a little bit more I've been tried a source with coffee grounds in it before it sounded interesting to me so learn with me while I find out what it's going to taste like so we're just going to tie this off just got a bit of yarn here making a little pouch and I'm gonna fold it over just so that it doesn't open up easiest way to do this is just make a bit of a slipknot and I have to mess around with tying knots so we've got that there okay so just tie that off we're not going to be doing anything fancy with this this is literally going to be going into the bottom of this job cut off the excess string and that goes into the bottom so there we go we've put the coffee bag inside the jar and we're just going to put that aside for the moment while we prepare the peppers we're going to be using the Ninja Blender again today what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the peppers and put them directly into the blending jug so we just need to weigh these out on ami for around about 10% these are really hot peppers so they're gonna add a real good bite to this we have 25 grams of these Bayley pecans and that'll add a decent amount of heat and that's going to go with the 250 grams of the pepper juice so that means we have a total of 275 grams of the peppers which means we need about 2 to 3% salt so that's just north our five point five grams so that is seven grams of salt we're gonna add that directly to the peppers and now we just need to give it a blend so that there has been nicely pureed ready to go into the jar and get fermented hmm whereas mm-hmm that's strong the pepper Jews have a really distinct smell and flavor they are a really cool pepper we're just going to put this now into this jar and we're gonna be ready to go so I'm just gonna try and get rid of as much of the bits around the lid just helps the process especially when it's at the stage you don't want anything on the edges because that's just going to attract bacteria mold that sort of thing so until this fermentation actually really kicks in you want to just keep it all clean around the edges and now we just need to get this on and we're gonna get some brine into here or some water just so we can help the bubbler and do its job this is just a brine solution I have made up so it helps with the bubbler to keep the bad stuff out so we're going to come back to this in about another two weeks and the source will be ready to go it's been just over two weeks now and the fermentation looks like it is done so we're ready to get on and actually make the sauce I'm looking forward to opening this up because I've never really tried a sauce with coffee grounds before I can see inside there that the coffee grounds the little bag has risen to the top but you kind of expect that so if you are doing the sauce don't worry that's not a problem I'm really excited to get this open I want to see what it looks like inside and I want to smell it so there we go if we have a look inside you can see the coffee grounds bag is right top there I can definitely smell the coffee I was worried that the peppers were probably overwhelmed the coffee but it hasn't happened here this is smelling pretty interesting so what I'm going to do this is not essential you can just take it as it is here pour it out get rid of the bag obviously and then bottle it then you have a second option which you could pour it out tear off so you take the bag out and put it through a fine serve and you'll get a nice fine source at the end and the third option which I think I'm gonna go with I'm gonna run this through a blender again I'm gonna take the bag out first of course but I'm gonna run this through the blender again and get it nice and fine and then I'm gonna run through a sieve so we can maximize how much sauce we get out of this don't want to touch it I don't think I'm gonna really have much of a choice here if you're feeling adventurous you can maybe run this through your coffee machine and see what it tastes like in a cup of coffee so this was just a small batch because I just wanted to test this source we'll see how it tastes and I might be making a bigger batch at some point I'm gonna be using my new favorite gadget the Nutri ninja it's it's just so awesome it's really transformed the way I'm making my sources it's blended up now let's sieve it through and put it into a bottle we're going to be using a plain old serve one day I might get something that does a bit of a better job but to be honest this is doing just fine for me I'm just gonna leave that there for now we'll let it sink down to the bottom there we go I think a majority of it is out this one take a big spoonful of this but it wouldn't be ever okay let's put the stuff aside for cleaning and let's serve this through so there we go that's the leftover bits I'm gonna put that to one side right now after I've scraped up the bottom that looks incredible I'm going to now bottle it I'm using these little bottles here I'm not sure exactly how much I have but let's see what we got there we have it the sauce is now bottled and we're almost done there's only one more thing to do and that's to give it a taste test I'm just gonna have what's left on the spoon here there's quite a bit on there but I want to get a good good taste of this see what it's like Wow okay it's not ridiculously hot but it never was going to be because of the peppers I used it's a bit of a builder the coffee adds quite a bold flavor and yeah it's quite interesting actually you can really taste the coffee I'm sure it'll actually make quite a difference depending on the type of coffee you use but if you use dark roast versus light roast and that sort of thing I think this kind of sauce would go well with red meat so a steak lamb that sort of thing the one change I probably will make there's probably put quite a bit of garlic in next time but I just love garlic and my hot sauces so that's the first recipe idea I got from this fiery ferments book I wanted to thank well right for sending it to me I really do appreciate it it was very kind of you thank you for taking time out of your day to spend a few minutes with me I hope you enjoyed the video I would appreciate it if you haven't yet subscribed to please do so it really gives me feedback on what works and what doesn't on my channel and helps guide what videos I let out in the future I hope you're having a fantastic day and we'll see you again on the next video bye bye for now [Music]
Channel: ChilliChump
Views: 48,122
Rating: 4.9844055 out of 5
Keywords: chillichump, chilli, pepper, spicy, fermented hot sauce, fermentation, lactofermentation, coffee, hot sauce, hot sauce recipe, how to make hot sauce, fermented hot sauce recipe, homemade hot sauce, easy hot sauce recipe, fermented chili sauce, fermenting peppers, lacto fermentation, seed to sauce, numex bailey pequin, pequin, bailey pequin, peppadew, fiery ferments
Id: VIuPnuZ6Rqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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