Australians Guess American Medical Costs

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250 to 350 US dollars Dan that's a bit of a roll yeah it's not $400 hundred dollars you know I'm actually looking at moving to the States scared of it just let me die you don't have money good luck they have the best health care in the world it's just really friggin expensive so many of you voted for Harambee and Taylor Swift don't vote from 2020 most people know that medical costs in the USA are expensive but a lot of people don't know just how expensive it can get here in Australia we are very lucky to have one of the best health care systems in the world so I'm going out to talk to random everyday Australians to see if they can guess the American price of MRI scans inhalers a day in hospital and a few other things are you Australian yeah I'm Australian okay what do you think of the healthcare system that we have here thoughts it's all right it could be improved in places but generally it's pretty acceptable I think we have it pretty good yeah I mean it's better than America like a lot better but I think it's pretty good to be honest like I've looked at other countries I'm like sheesh um I think we have a pretty good healthcare system yep come here to other countries absolutely and so can I give you a few things and you tell me how much you think they cost yep okay how much you think an MRI cost in Australia Fuji's privately I'd say probably about like if you had to pay for it you didn't have anything if you had to pay for it that's a couple hundred dollars on the Medicare it is free here and what do you think that cost is with no no health care like no right of health care I think it's about it's about 300 or so dollars I think I'm gonna say two hundred to two hundred to two hundred fifty dollars I guess it's about two hundred so I've been quoted for like a parkour injury and guessing about 200 in Australia yeah it's pretty goes like - $300 okay do you think it costs in the US it's in like no it's way worse no healthcare insurance I'd say about like 3,000 or some bull well I'm gonna say $500 to $3,000 maybe 500 it's about 1,500 or scale really Wow yeah what about inhaler in the US what do you reckon that costs just 150 dollars I mean America maybe like $100 $100 maybe $100 $200 $50 maybe it's about $300 250 to 350 US dollars Dan that's a bit of a rule it's about like three four hundred dollars Australian yeah that is crazy because like here it's like 50 bucks almost $50 dollars yeah what's one day in hospital do you think you know stress in Australia I'm guessing a hundred dollars five hundred or thousand dollars I know eight hundred a couple thousand a day three hundred dollars six hundred five hundred six hundred zero dollars yeah about let's say three hundred dollars three thousand dollars in Australia for a day in hospital okay what do you think that is in the USA I hope it's the same I'm sure it's not between five to ten yeah five thousand dollars mm it's about like seven eight thousand dollars oh my god you know it was that bad seven thousand dollars a day seven thousand Australis yeah see that's why I live in Australia something ridiculous I'm you're like five thousand do something great yeah about thousand US dollars he's like an average day in hospital you know I'm actually looking at moving to the States scared me a bit oh your ice cubes Nelson oh don't take an ice cream break yeah [Music] what if you get cost to get bitten by venomous snakes in the USA yeah because you've got to antivenom and you've got the days in hospital right at least okay $10,000 and maybe in America I'm guessing like I want to see $1,000 to $2,000 oh you have to be a rich son of a gun maybe like a thousand dollars for anti-venom three thousand three to five thousand it's definitely five thousand dollars eight thousand dollars let's say $1,700 close to five hundred to a thousand dollars for a shot of some of the antivenoms Oh what I found online was an average of about $40,000 don't dance it seemed like some of them you needed about five shots I know are more than a thousand dollars what yeah and I saw some stories about costing up to like 180 thousand this is why the black market exists yeah you can just see me dying like from a snake vine I'm just like yeah like my life is over no debts for me what about childbirth what do you think that costs in USA just all the medical expenses childbirth oh my mom's a midwife I should know this in America yeah I'd say $5,000 definitely $5,000 maybe in almost $8,000 I'm gonna say $50,000 I'm gonna say 5,000 $1,000 I think here it's about six so I'd say over there play about 15 to 20 like five thousand I was about ten thousand to US dollars yeah and it better can go up to thirty thousand ten thousand you like maybe like 14 but it can go up to 30,000 US dollars that is way too much I'm not gonna go to America anyway so what does that make you think of the US health care system I feel like they just put too much money into that I think I need to put a little more money in healthcare and stuff like that's crazy in general the US but they're the best health care in the world is just really friggin expensive I'm already grateful for Australia's health care system because they actually used to work in pharmacy so I know about the PBS and I know how well Australians are looked after so we are blessed here I'm just glad that Medicare exists to be honest I think like I think we're very quick to say you know our country's so bad you know we've got all those things happening but I think when you look at look at it in perspective and you see how much they're costing just for what we consider basic human care to make sure we can function and continue our lives it's something to really think about and be very grateful for what's your message to any Americans watching this be careful you don't hurt yourself it's expensive don't vote from 2020 guys do it don't do it please Holly has 16 so many of you voted for Harambee and Taylor Swift I think there was some in dick Ulis amount of votes that went towards people that weren't even running use your vote use it wisely and change the future because we need at the Monroe [Music]
Channel: Welcome To
Views: 70,217
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Keywords: welcometo, welcome to, australian, australians, welcome to australia, interviews
Id: 6mhtybhjL0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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