Here's What No One Tells You About Australia

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if you're planning a trip to Australia you can do  some online research and find out what currency   we use what side of the road we drive on how  much sunscreen to pack but there's just some   things that no one tells you about Australia the  kind of things you don't find out until you get   here so I went out to the streets of Brisbane  Australia to ask some locals and some tourists   what some of those things are you have any tips  for anyone coming here that you know they might   not find out online just be very don't be shy or  anything we're a very loud and outspoken country   a lot of people like to drink a lot and want to  swear a lot so hopefully you don't get offended   easily and everyone will get along great with  you what I've noticed overseas compared to here   is that when you bump someone they apologize so  you bump someone they apologize to you yeah and   you apologize as well no matter whose fault it is  feel like people are more likely to apologize over   here okay so just get ready to say sorry a lot  is like a saying not really but it's more it's   nicer I guess that way we just apologize just  in case yeah I am from Italy and I liked a lot   people of Australia because they are very happy  and friendly and for some people very generous   so that surprised you when you go yeah yeah yeah  it's different like in Italy Oh everyone's nice   not with the with tourists no they are more shy  and close yeah so one thing that I found strained   here it's is that I've seen a lot of Aussie  people walking barefoot and it's very it's   really strange for me because I'm not used to see  this type of thing in Brazil so yeah it was the   one thing that I found it a little bit strange  and different but it's it's interesting to see   them expensive and the accent is pretty funny and  really hard to understand oh really yeah what are   some tips is there any tips for anyone that's what  did you say what are some tips for anyone oh my   yeah plan your travel route and yeah have  enough money with you go to Big W because   it's very cheap store it's very expensive here  for us Germans yeah if you go to Australia you   should maybe notice that you know take a lot of  money with you how much more expensive in Germany   triple the price probably triple yeah I'm going to  Germany one and a half let's just imagine go like   yeah see okay for example cigarettes or alcohol  is like three to four times surprised for example   in Germany for like one vodka very like seven  bucks like seven Australian dollars and years   like 40 wow it's six to seven times surprised  but when it comes to like normal groceries you   need everyday like vegetables or something in  still cheaper it's still no expensive but not   that much more expensive Oh decoding winter you  like I'm I'm from the warm climates so hi um it's   now cold in winter I'm like shivering and so  it's the coldest difference I think that was   surprised people because most people find that  it's hot when they come over here yeah because   they have coming from Europe where my nose 20-19  and the company like ice but I'm coming from   where is almost every year near East at five  twenty-five thirty so by coming yeah it's gets   fools so I guess think about where you're coming  from and compared to Australia's weather yes so   from Ireland originally and I guess one thing that  people should look into is if you're gonna do farm   work for your second year it takes a lot longer  than 88 days can you explain what that means if   somebody doesn't understand what you're talking  about so to get a second year extension on your   visa you have to do 88 days of regional work but  it's not like you're gonna get 88 days in a row   you have to do like 88 actual work days and with  rain with different things that could take five   or six months so be prepared for hostel life a  little bit longer than you thought so you're here   in your second year yeah yeah absolutely and how  did you have you done all that farm work yep six   months later Wow how did you find it what did  you have to do it was tough but I was picking   sweet potatoes in Bundaberg and I guess I was  lucky because I had someone with me if you're   by yourself very very tough but we got through it  it's well worth it it's a great country to live   in but just be prepared such work to extend your  visa 100% so I come from France and Australia the   Australian accent is very difficult to understand  I understand was the French people's answers trans   people but it's okay if you speak slowly it's  okay I can understand one can find the local   dialects of the people I mean dual sometimes but  if they try to try to get the real meaning from   the people they can ask them again request them  repeat what is a so people woke up phrases online   that'll do pretty well for them yeah people can  get this word from online yeah you see when you   come to Australia it doesn't matter that you  know you know how to speak English a us speak   good English they they have their own way to talk  and and even if you pronounce incorrectly even if   you saying things that are correct English they  wouldn't understand that they do not comprehend   and it's just because they have in a specific  way to talk so and you will never get to learn   that anywhere else you have to come you have to  listen them to talk and try to talk like them or   or you have to talk very slowly and ask them to  you know pay attention to you and that way they   will understand you otherwise it will be just what  sorry excuse me so we've had some German friends   come and stay with us and they think that snakes  are just everywhere so that's probably a common   myth although the day they did arrive we did have  a snake in our backyard they were a bit hesitant   to sit in the pergola for a barbecue but that was  a very rare snake encounter so online they'll find   out that we have snakes but we don't really have  snakes but we do actually have snakes correct so   we do have snakes but we don't have snakes I mean  if you're bushwalking and it's quite hot obviously   you need to be wary but they're not out to  attack you you can come to Australia and be safe
Channel: Welcome To
Views: 153,092
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Id: Retj2VzBQWA
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Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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