Welcome To Tasmania: Is It Really That Bad?

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I think it's pretty easy to not like I mean how hard is it to draw the extra but other than that people say that we're not a part of Australia and I argue that it's like it's completely different place it's really not this is where you want to be bro I swear down hey I'm Josh and welcome to Tasmania [Music] time moves a little bit slower in Tasmania and that's the way they like it [Music] Tasmania occasionally gets forgotten on official maps and it's the butt of the joke for a lot of Australians so I decided to fly down to Tasmania to find out what it's really like and talk to some of the locals since I got here I've heard a few Tasmanians refer to the rest of Australia as the mainland yeah they're a rivalry there yeah definitely Tazz he gets forgotten because it's just so small down here I wouldn't say rivalry the mainland is just better I was laughed at on the mainland for calling at the mainland it's not something that people who aren't from Tasmania call it but it is a thing and I got teased a lot for having two heads argue that it's like it's completely different place it's really not we all have the same currency speak the same language really the same people exactly I think there's always separation between sort of a mainland and him to land people on Bruny Island refer to Tasmania as the mainland Australia is an island itself I think mostly it's good-natured ribbing just because we are so separated from the mainland and so we've got to do something gnarly ain't no rivalry most of Tasmania farm we've got to the Gold Coast or some hotter places just cuz it's way better up there way more heat I like Colts imma stay here do you like living here what are the pros and cons I absolutely love living here I think there's amazing food bars coffee a voice said if there's good beer and good coffee I'm happy in a place and has many a stacked so I think Tasmania is genuinely beautiful I think it's incredible here and I don't think I'd want to really live anywhere else I saw out it gets a bit boring bogans gonna be a much sub toss you know how they be but other than that it's just as good as any other place it's cold and that's how I like it yeah I like living here I like the scenery in like the landscape you know you like everyone you go down to town you see people you know you can always stop and have a conversation while you're out doing your business yeah I enjoy living here prozis it's pretty laid-back and casual but the cons is there's not as many opportunities as you'd find in bigger places I love it here Eric in the cons probably the weather it's too bipolar for me it's all over the place like last week we had nice weather than this week it's pretty bad there's a lot to do and the scenery is beautiful and the people are nice yeah the rain gets to it I was having a good day until it started raining the way the weather is very unpredictable so I love living in Tasmania right it's part of my job I travel all around the world and I always enjoy coming home and I really appreciate it because I've seen so much the world yeah I love living here everything's pretty close Beach Mountains snowboarding bike riding you can do everything sort of within an hour [Music] a lot of people that come to Tasmania they say it's the best state in Australia but a lot of Aussies that haven't been here say it's the worst day in Australia why do you think people get this idea about Tao Zi I don't know I think I think it's a tough one there are certainly problems in Tasmania vers not there are issues in terms of the health system here we've got a lot of pressure on our aged care services there are a lot of issues that we have to grapple with but on the upside it's actually starting to become a massive destination tourism wise there is a lot of economic development here so I think in the next few years we'll start to see more and more of those mainlanders who maybe previously might have joked about the place think actually I can afford to live in Tasmania much more than I can afford to live in Sydney or Melbourne I think it's because we are separated and because people have to really like make an effort to come down here and to do stuff I think it's pretty easy to not like also we have some real off politicians like Jackie levy from here so I'm guessing because the like up on the mainland youth there's so much more to do like you know you've got parks in Melbourne you can go to your parks and Queensland you can go to there's better beaches there's you've committed new person every day and not see them ever again kind of thing whereas down here I could bump into you and see 3 weeks later and it's like easier probably because we're built on who's like I'm more caught more convicts were sent here than anywhere else in Australia Port Arthur there's a lot so they think that we're more hardened criminals and shenanigans pretty much I think it has a reputation because of being a little bit behind the times what's interesting is that now that's actually an appeal for people and tourists are attracted to its antiquated charm it's just the mainland has more stuff Tazi is probably nicer people and more friendly people but the mainland just has more entertaining things to do does that bother you when Tasmania gets left off the map or you don't really care I'm actually a cartographer so I just chuckle about it I'm not too fussed about it I don't personally care and I I don't know anyone who does it's more of a laughing point than anything else it doesn't legitimate ly bother me but if it happened I'd probably make a fuss just for the sake of it I don't mind sometimes it's nice having less people down here so they sort of forget about us it's good I kind of like it because it keeps other people away ha ha ha you don't want people to come here no not really because then honey but it starts rubbish that we don't need it does actually like I mean in some circumstances when people are talking about wars and whatnot we kind of we find it funny because half the time we're not on the map for a lot of places but it's kind of offensive a cutter hurts a little bit just just here it's like half the world doesn't know we're here yeah well there's also pros and cons to that we're not if we're not really on the map war wires and we won't we just won't be attacked anything in the war against Australia Tasmania safe yeah yeah it bothers me I've seen it I've seen it a few times and I'm like it but we're still partners Riley we're still in this world we might be more mighty than some of the big cities out there like this is I just know Tasmania that hurts he comes deep it hurt it hurt for anyone watching this who hasn't been here can you tell me what Tasmania has to offer ah so much I think the scenery is among the if not the best in Australia I think the food is probably the best in the country as I said before beer coffee just good a really good nightlife scene a surprisingly good nightlife scene for people who want to go out a few drinks and just a really nice people I think they look quite friendly down here really generally it's it's one of the most unique and beautiful places in the world and it has a very dark history which I think it's important to engage with places like that throughout the world more than anything people the people here like there's there's some lovely people there at like in everywhere there's going to be people that aren't lovely but the people here that so accepting and I have paid I have friends that have come from all different places our friends from Iran and though they're open they're accepted with open arms and it has the best environment in the world everywhere you go you see beautiful scenery and I guess it's a relatively small population so you know most people and and everything's cheaper we've got paddy melons and bumblebees like why else how do you we don't have kangaroos but we have paddy melons they're like an even smaller like marsupial kind of like a little wallaby Oh have bumblebees which they don't have them on the mainland okay you know food wine beautiful scenery etc it's all here there is a lot of things going on all around Tasmania about local markets the local produce so there is there is a lot of to offer and even there if you go if you like hiking or just going in our bike or Justina what do love the wireless I think that you should go to Tasmania some of the best ones some of the best people and some of the best sites for sure besides the bogans everyone else is super nice and you know if you like cold weather and it not be like raining all the time this is the place to come beautiful bush land there's really nice bush walks good drives and yeah nice beaches oh well there is a lot of beaches so then because like Sydney wait is it in Sydney yeah Bondi Beach that's like really busy because it's like the only Beach they have whereas we have so many that they're really quiet what are they missing out on they are missing out on cheese wine getting extremely drunk and that's about it [Music]
Channel: Welcome To
Views: 248,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tasmania, hobart, launceston, hobart tasmania, launceston tasmania, tas, tassie, tassy, australia, tasmania australia, australian, vlog, interview, local
Id: weTvxEgiC9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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