how to fillet Australian salmon and the best way to freeze it.

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g'day guys see you again but what I want to do today is just run through filling these fish fish what I got on the last way pinger trip what I had fishing with cockles I also want to show you how I like to pack them using these well turn that around using these try pack machines but I'll get to that without finished editing these because I got quite a few to do here's my helper this is my cat called Mitzi she's 17 years old she's looking pretty good hey ain't you miss she's she's hanging for a bit of fishing anyway right I'll get on because she can't wait to get it off top can you no he can't so look I'll get on with this and I'll just run through how I filled it I'm not the world's greatest but it'd be helpful for those of you haven't really done it before okay okay so I'll just angle the camera down so you can get a better view I'll put my glasses on cuff so I can see what I'm doing so don't cut my finger off okay I hope you can see that right start with the bigger ones it was a nice capture fish anyway no this is optional I like to give it a slice of the belly just go up to the base of that you don't have to go through the through the bone here all right no you want to cut behind the fin here like this and cut behind this but angle it in into the back of the head here okay so you don't waste anything you'll be like a V okay so cut right in there see that some people just chop the head straight off well then you just waste all this meat here so angle it in like that then run your knife as close to the dorsal fin as possible right down here and follow the bones to the backbone right now and just be careful you don't sleep I never have slipped but just be careful the sharp of the knife for the better a blunt knife is your enemy because you end up putting too much pressure on to hit run the knife all along they're nice and close make your first cut go right up to that V hey there beautiful alright now let's just follow them bones down to the backbone I don't see in there we've gone down here to the backbone there then one around the backbone angle your knife downwards if you don't you'll cut off a lot of meat there see see viola angled it I would have lost all this meat here but yeah run down there come up come to the back then turn your knife around and what I'm gonna do is go around you read some people slice off the ribs and take the ribs off the feel it but I go over the ribs like so got that a bit better yep follow the ribs down bones down see how that fats just come away lovely then just slice it off follow me follow me okay there's one fill it no real waste on there and now we'll turn the fish over do the same on this side on an angle into his head make sure it's cut through there properly like this and then right along that along the dorsal fin again one sides easier to do than the other the first side is easier for me second sides a bit harder but it's not like too hard okay so we're running down just in here there's a bit of bone you've got to like maneuver your knife over the top of them ribs okay because as pinbones here as well alright we're coming down over the ribs just like that they down along here and then just just working off right there's a nice Filat not much waste on there's a little bit here so hardly any I'll just slice that off for Mitzi she's sitting there also patiently Emmet's it's you yeah that's probably why she's 17 years old you get so much fish be healthy and I that that is for future worming bag future fishing Burleigh bag or you can bury it in your compost out with that yeah that makes great compost when it breaks down absolutely really good so throw that over there in my bag all right oh this I've got a fork here it's gonna I'm gonna skin these because my wife doesn't like the skin so I don't have to scale them a lot of people prefer to skinless salmon anyway so you just put your fork here I'm start sliding your knife up along the skin see then you can get rid of the fork just hold on to that and just finish the job I got beautiful that's a little bit of that Mitzi can have that as will skiing in the bag right here feel hear and feel the pin bones they come back to about here on salmon trevally they come back to about here but on salmon just there so just each side oddly there you go all my pin bones are in their mid seeking get that as well as cats are allowed a bit of fish bone and that bit of stomach lining I'll just take that off of that there you have it lovely this blood line on the back I don't mind eating that if it was a big salmon but kilo and a half two kilo or bigger I'd remove a lot of that but that doesn't taste too bad at all bit of flavor lovely so he can go on the tray all right the other Phillips again walking to the end of the tail run your knife there then you can get a little walk and just sliding in there skin in the bag I'll slice off this little bitter Billy here I don't really want that it see might not want that either bitter probably bitter again out within pinbones lovely and I spill it again lovely okay so I'll zip through all these I got 19 lovely salmon trout these salmon trout a lot of these are nicer plumpie little fish these are the bigger ones are on just on 35 and just over there's two bigger ones or that one was well over 35 that one was just on 35 when these little trout is they're probably close to 30 easy route 31 maybe good day so yeah I'll slice all these off if you want you don't have to slice the belly but I do [Music] I founded that backbone angle your knife down cut in the back nine fingers in towards the head on an angle over the top of them ribs go down remember the ribs are concave so try and follow that towards the belly and then take it off lovely and the other side beautiful replay get rid of that yeah once you've done your fish like this removed all these pin bones in that yours isn't it miss you end up with a beautiful boneless fill it's suitable for children YUM these smaller ones are much nicer than the big ones but these ones up around and I'll get some bigger ones might be close to a kilo now probably three-quarters of a kilo but they're nice around that size too and it's very important to bleed your salmon tastes horrible if you don't delete them tossed you get blood all over the cutting boards there's no blood here because I bled them down the beach just introduce you to my dog Tilly for luncheons it is what you doing looking for something is it Stewie do you need my my okay look you know hey lucky last yeah that is that oh that's a nice pile of fish isn't it nice pile the cat food there too so what I'll do I'll just take this inside I'll mix up some rainwater with salt to imitate the ocean that are still to bring a bit of the ocean home with you but I'll just mix some salt and rainwater and give this a give this nice wash to get all these scales off and stuff and I'll bring it back out here and I'll show you how I pack it up to put it into the freezer right ok guys I'm back right I've washed my fish in salt water know what I'm gonna do No Oh some of you will be aware on what salmon comes out of the freezer like after you've frozen it in freezer bags it doesn't come out too good it tastes a bit strong anyway since I got these machines these vacuum seal machines I'm started freezing my salmon in these bags Wow it what a difference they they go in the freezer and they come out the freezer and taste pretty much the same as they did when they went in so I could I highly recommend you doing this okay so yeah I'll just pop them and pop them in me portions in these bags I'll go through all these bags and then I'll show you me show them being vacuum sealed inside in with that machine so I got two different types here and now I'll show you them in a minute bag all these up and then I'll do that guys I've got a Malbec now I'll show you these machines real quick this one you can operate manually it's got the buttons here for canister you can stop it and then seal it this one does it all automatic I actually prefer this one because you can control control the amount of air it's removing from the bag like this okay that's removed all the air in there now wait till that red light goes off this one is automatic I'll show you how this one works [Music] they that did it all automatic this one's done they look good in there don't they freeze wonderful but this one hasn't done a too bad a job I do prefer the one you can do it all manually but that one did didn't do too bad so I guess the choice is yours if you want to do this box that is the best way to do it I'll just sit through all these and show you the finished product if you guys are in if you don't have one of these this is good for you to see how they both work all right this one I simply [Music] this one has got little buttons here okay it's good to move the feet co help get all the air out I'll see that it's not it's it's okay but it's not as back sealed as good as this one I guess that's still okay I would prefer this one when you put the automat this is automatic or manual you've got a choice this one you haven't so yeah I do prefer doing this manually for fish just to make sure you do get all the air out of the bag that is important there great I can recommend it especially for fish like snook Tommy Roth's and salmon King George whiting yelling whining garfish probably even snapper fries okay and freezer bags because they're not an oily fish but I do all my fish in this because you put it in your freezer and they don't get freezer burnt and it lasts forever not that you keep your fish forever but hey you catch a great big mulloway and you're portion it all up in these bags you put it in your freezer and it just keeps so good and you don't want to waste your fish so I hope you've all found that useful so the ones who needed a little bit of her hand oh yeah thanks for watching and tight lines and all that stuff yeah I'll be good adios
Channel: David Sheldon Fishing
Views: 22,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GoPro, howtofilletafish, howtofilletAustraliansalmon, Australiansalmonfilletingfish
Id: fSfsrQkSq-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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