Aussie Coin Pusher EP 337 $1500 BUY IN WITH 19 OUNCES OF SILVER

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[Music] well take a look at all this um holy holy holy all the silver um so in the top left hand corner that's that 10 ounce bar that elusive one that i tried to win last time i reckon uh he's in there that thing over there um i'm not sure what that is so obviously uh there's a kangaroo an australian grass tree they call those four silvers on the top there wow i don't think i've seen them before either um now tell me something i've been staring at this probably a solid 10 minutes i don't know what this is but does that look like 76 it looks like 76 to me and i don't know why um i'm gonna be in a lot of trouble with this game i think straight from the bat why am i playing it because i've already got the coins um unfortunately they've come and got me out of the car park and basically escorted me in so i wouldn't come and take a look so and that's perfectly fine um i don't mind that whatsoever so uh i do like to have a bit of a glance just to have a look i'm gonna play it either way it doesn't matter i'm gonna play it so that's sort of the deal we've got 1500 buying he's going to try to beat me i'm going to try beat him type of deal so um yeah i'm in trouble and i can i'll explain to you in a few seconds why i think that is i mean there's a few gaps holy is that gaps uh why am i in trouble i think all the stuff on the top shelf is gonna be hanging onto the coins and the coins aren't gonna drop very easily firstly that's the first problem and second problem i think that's just like right in your face you can't half tell there's massive gaps oh don't double stack up coin jason [Music] so i think for that reason i'm a hundred percent pretty certain certain i know definitely um i reckon i'm gonna need a second buy-in straight away i instantly think that so [Music] i prepare myself just in case for that [Music] and as you can tell i'm playing left hand side only left hand side because obviously that pile there is bigger than this pile here i don't know if i can get that fall if i can get it pushed over then i'll be okay [Music] i can't see it i can't see it [Music] all right well there goes my next question [Music] i was also thinking what might help me oh come on do it do it oh not that the other thing i was thinking that might help me out is if i push the hundreds far enough over or the silver if i push the hundreds far enough out will they actually hit the 50s and knock everything over i was really hoping that was going to be the case um no it's not they're higher bloody dave he's a smart cookie that one okay that's good that's good we've got a little bit of movement on around 50. [Applause] [Music] i'm gonna ask myself why do i play these type of games you know these games are you look at them and think there's no way you can win on this there's no chance well guess what i like to put that to the test [Music] uh give it a bloody go and see what happens as far as i'm concerned that's what i reckon oh look at that 300 bucks on the left oh we've got a bit of a push whoops oh i forgot to what the rules are [Music] bad sorry i'm concentrating so much on how to actually play this game totally forgot apparently um because i i meant hedy with the silvers how do you win that how do you win this over this side um so i actually asked him and he said i've got to get everything off not obviously every coin but everything off every money and silver everything goes down there i get to win them so if i leave one chip behind i'll miss out on that and i'll miss out on that which of course puts a lot more pressure on you because now you're thinking well oh come on jason it's not uncommon for me to leave something behind well guess what i can't now oh man i have stuff all coins left oh come on that's not cool cool my stress level is going through the roof [Music] i'm trying to knock all that over so i can start getting some pushes that's what i need to happen [Music] don't double sack get pain in the butt oh i just groud it myself i got one coin oh my goodness well [Music] did anyone just see a coin move down here i'm not sure i'm not sure anyway well that was all my coins no need to go and check it clearly nothing fell so pretty much it did exactly what i was ex well i was expecting to have pushed all that down by now it's still standing so it's a lot stronger than i was expecting um so i'm allowed one more buy-in i'm prepared for it i didn't want it but that's what it is [Music] okay so i've got two choices one i can walk away take the loss realize that the setup was just way too hard and difficult or two spend another fifteen hundred bucks which makes it now three thousand dollars and keep going what do you reckon i did [Laughter] oh man that was a nervous laugh i am actually packing my now so um [Music] yeah i mean the first you always know you've got to back up knowing that you can rebuy him if you wanted to or if you needed to for that matter but when you know you can't i'm three thousand dollars in the red i uh yeah that's it plays on your head that's a whole new ball or do we get movement come on i need to get movement i'm starting to get a little bit nervous now oh yes i saw movement i just thought it was minute i don't care i saw a movement which means we've got a link in there somewhere coins are touching each other see that's all i need now that is all i need come on come on hit something oh come on [Music] can't believe all that is still standing what is going on with that [Music] i've got the silver on the far left hand corner which wants to come off but if i play for it i'm not playing for the silver i'm playing for the push it's going to give me oh man [Music] oh no are you bastard um yeah when you hear me laughing i'm sorry i'm just i'm i'm like getting very very very nervous at the moment every coin i put in is every coin less i'm holding oh yes please come on come on you can do it i'm actually going to go for that silver on the right on the left but i'm not gonna be stupid about it there's no way all right that's that's a good sign okay that's a really good sign a little bit less nervous [Music] [Music] okay very nervous again stuff all coins i know some have dropped but not many come on go oh come on oh thank you that's all the coins i've got look i'm starting i'm even starting to get the shakes [Music] oh come on get that silver give me a bloody push come on give me a push yeah i'll take it i mean it's better than this better than nothing that was my last coin come on thank you i'll take anything right now all right let's tell it up see what i got okay that's actually better than what i was expecting um sorry let me hold that i'm a little nervous so um i got the shakes just a little bit um that was more than i was expecting so i'm very happy there's got to be easy 25 between 25 and 30 coins i'm going to continue playing left and left only ish i know eventually i'm going to have to start playing the right hand side but i want to try to milk every coin i can get off from the left hand side before i do that because at the end of the day i still don't have a lot of coins [Music] [Music] what do you reckon drop one on the right hand side yeah [Music] come on if i can drop that middle section i've got an idea oh there wasn't really much uh no i'm gonna change okay [Music] that was my idea [Music] um yeah semi-successful [Music] okay i'm starting to relax just a little bit i mean i'm still myself don't get me wrong but um that's that's a lot better so there's got to be very close to 50 coins very close i did ask dave if i could start with a hundred points and he just looked at me and then gave me 70. fair enough okay let's do what i need to do dave's already said just ignore that if that ever if that ever happens [Music] if you didn't hear it uh seymour just said please call attendant [Music] everything seems to be working so that's fine all right i'm not playing this right and i know what um i've got to speed the game up which means double stack the top just a little bit oh yeah let's do that wow that was all my coins [Music] that is a stack all right let's tell you that's what i got well 50 bucks uh you got to start somewhere and i reckon i've got very very close to 100 probably a little touch over 100 coins so that's the good news [Music] so what that means is now i've got a little bit more freedom [Music] to double stack and to go fast get the stuff off the top as fast as i can and that's what i'm going to do [Music] so [Music] [Music] please don't mind my silence it just means i'm really concentrating [Music] so [Music] that's my last coin double stacked it all right let's tell it up sort of got that's a handful 1300 bucks right there 1 300 nice [Music] all right so we're catching up i'm still way behind as nice as that sounds i'm miles behind when it comes to uh how much money i've put into this game um i'm calling 130 coins ish all right i'm just going to constantly target all the stuff up top nothing else as far as i'm concerned matters hey that's a good song metallica [Music] come on push it off thank you [Music] holy wow that was a lot i actually saw that come down [Music] oh yeah oh i might know what i missed that's not the first time it won't be the last [Music] or in this game [Music] now i could i could try and use the skill stop to get this off but for everybody out there that doesn't know my back is crap and skill stop absolutely canes it and it takes seconds and then i'm in pain for hours after it so it's not worth my heat it's not worth me using skill stop [Music] i will use it if i get desperate [Music] i can hear a lot going on down here i'm not seeing it though because i'm looking at the top [Music] do that was all my coins [Music] okay i i do have some really bad news regarding my mother i'm not going to talk about it right now i need to concentrate on the game so after the game's done if i remember i'll let you know what's going on anyway let's tally it up see what i got [Music] thousand bucks yep there's a thousand dollar sitting right there [Music] oh 950 dollars there's 950 dollars here all right you come here you are not getting away [Music] and we definitely lost coins so yep i need to be a little bit careful [Music] we still got over 100 coins not too many over 100 though all right i've got a bit of an idea i'm not going to chase that silver right this very second i'm just going to try to empty the top out a little bit and i'm not trying to get coins i will speed the game back up again because that's probably the best way to play oh believe it or not i'm not not yet i've never broken even yet [Music] no i don't double stack it [Music] oh that was lucky come on i got one coin in my hand i've still got more coins i just want to okay nope wrong spot what i'm trying to do at the moment uh you've probably already recognized what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get the double stack coins to the left of that silver so then i'll push the silver all the way to the edge and then hopefully push it off i've got one double stacked coin there [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that was good that was good that just moved a long way and i pushed the double stack coin off [Music] [Music] i'm just trying to play very very patiently i know i know i swore i'm sorry how about smartly [Music] oh i'm going to build up on the right hand side i can see it [Music] oh nice [Music] [Applause] i've got two coins left i'm just going to see if i can't nudge it just a little tiny bit more nope all right let's tell it up what i got 1 100 oh man i have to admit playing these bigger games this part of the game i absolutely thorough and thoroughly enjoy and of course i would and everybody would because they're getting stuff off the very start of the game is very very nervous yeah it's nerve-wracking oh coins sorry yeah we got them back well some of them 120 maybe 130. [Music] okay i'm going to push that coin over [Music] come on you go i'm not worried about double stacking right next to it but i cannot double stack to the left hand side of it [Music] [Music] push push it push it oh no oh that was lucky i've got a bit outrageous oh you see what i just did i just double stacked the left hand side of it is it gonna be a problem i don't know all ct [Music] okay patience is gone well i don't think it was there in the first place but hey i did my best i did my best if it's not going to come off the nice way well that's fine i have a not nice not so nice way too [Music] me sideways [Music] all right i'm just going to do coin dump after coin dump after coin dump on the left-hand side it's either going to come off i'm going to run out of coins or the machine's going to get jammed not much else [Applause] come on get off oh i know you wanna come on [Music] [Music] wow oh thank you look how shiny those things are well that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] well take a look at those two hey uh i've got 350 bucks let's get that out of the way do you know what that is hey as soon as i saw it i knew straight away what it was it's a robin hood you know how i know that it actually says it right there i'm sorry um man there's a beautiful coin look at that man that thing is just sparkling away like a diamond to me okay and this is mate wow um yeah beautiful coin absolutely stunningly beautiful coins have a look at the back um sorry really how shiny they are that is incredibly strong drop me blinders watch this ready is that blinding oh boy okay uh we lost some coins not many not even enough to make me worry [Music] i'm gonna go a bunch of coin dumps again if it doesn't work i'm gonna bite the bullet and just go still um skill stop and just deal with the outcome because there is no chance i'm leaving that there [Music] [Applause] oh man if i was smart i'd shift it back across i'd go back back to the left or even try the right i'm just too bloody in pace i just want to get it off i was grabbing another handful of coins all right don't move back don't move back nobody hold everyone hold your breath [Music] oh man i actually nearly said something there oh man i would have totally got jarred and it was aimed at chris too all right i'm gonna i'm gonna shift it again i'm gonna see if i can't shift to the far left i'm not leaving it leaving it in here that is just not an option oh there's always one isn't there always bloody one [Music] thank you i was just about to say i'm getting quite a serious little build-up happening here i'm going to have to do something about that soon i did say soon but not straight away that's probably where it's going to turn around and bite me in the ass because it's a good idea to attack those straight away i'm just going to see if i can't skimming this coin across [Music] stuff and i'm going to school stop oh this is gonna hurt so i mean even smooth stuff is not accurate i mean i can drop them in probably in between three of those whatever you call them down the back there [Music] all right that's my phone um well i'm out of coins anyway so let's tell it up see what i got well 200 bucks that's all the money that's in there and now i've got to get the good stuff out i'm losing coins pretty badly too so now i'm starting to get concerned i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave that silver up there just for now i'm going to concentrate on trying to remove this pile here i've got a little one forming here get some of my coins back [Music] but in the meantime i'm going to take away the double stacked coins from the left hand side of the silver on top tray so oh oh look at that i mean there's no chance i'll be able to slide that across there and sit on no coins i would get that off in a heartbeat if i did that [Music] [Music] so [Music] i need to be i'm going to use the word smart rather than patient i just don't think i've got any of it um and plus i've been tested and came up negative um yeah i'm just going to be really super smart and careful not to screw this up again like i did last time so mostly i'm going to be working on the right hand side mostly but i'm setting the left hand side up ready for when the right hand side is done i don't need to worry about it i'm ready to go on the left so basically i just don't want to spend the extra time just doing one thing at a time it doesn't really make a lot of sense to me oh [Music] all right right hand side's looking much better oh come on what happened there it's pissing off to the middle that was all my coins too by the way i don't know what this thing's doing hmm well i got quite a lot of my queens back not all of them but a lot of them so look i've tried i've tried several different things with this thing here short of moving it towards the middle which i'm going to give that a try now if that doesn't work i'm just going to bombard this thing as somebody said in the comments on a blanket bomber because i have got to get it off alright so i want to drop everything to the far right hand side of it [Music] i reckon i should be pretty safe while playing um did i say right hand side i mean left hand side sorry i should be pretty safe playing i didn't really want to do that should we play um safe play on the right hand side of the machine i don't think that'll get in the way [Music] [Music] now bombardment time i'm sick of mucking around with this thing [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] so [Music] that was all my coins all right so what i've been doing i've been fighting a little mound which have been popping up all the way along here happened like two or three times in that one round that's why i started going full uh full basically coin dump all the way across because i was trying to try to get all that out of the way keep an eye on this guy here he was slipping and sliding going backwards that's what actually brought water to my attention anyway let's tile it up see what i got [Applause] well i don't reckon i lost any coins that round um 110 120 maybe [Music] have anyone got any ideas or suggestions on why this silver coin on the top tray is not coming off i don't have problems on this side of the machine or has dave worked out what my problem is on the other side of the machine [Music] oh i can't grab any bloody coins [Music] come on silva you and me we're going down hey we're going down this road together [Music] come on get off get off oh you bastard what is oh it oh boy okay this is not working clearly have i got the time and patience to start again [Music] uh not really i really don't either problem is i've got no big double stacked coins in behind it so even if i can get up on the room like that it's just gonna incredible slide back down again that's what it's been doing so i've just gone through a lot of suggestions that i've had in the past in my head funny how i can remember like that but i can't even remember what i did yesterday apart from metal detecting because i was absolutely buggered [Music] and the comment that i came up with was uh this comment was from debbie and others when you get a coin or chip or whatever slipping around on the top take the coins out from underneath it it's obviously sitting on a fairly thick bed of coins so that's what i'm going to try and do i'm going to try to remove the coins from under it [Music] and you never know [Music] i mean just seems a little bit strange to me that i never have a problem getting silver off of the top anywhere on this side of the machine and now all of a sudden i'm having a problem in exactly the same spot as the other side that strikingly is a little bit funny i mean is there higher powers that at work here or is it a bit of a um a a little sneaky thing going on [Music] i don't know i mean it could be just me could be just playing like but i think so i'm gonna feel like i said i'm playing good that was all my coins [Music] all right let's double stack them yeah why not um let's go tally up sort of got [Music] so the good thing is is regardless of what i'm trying to do whether i'm double stacking the top to remove it or i'm you know a single stack in the top room to remove the coins uh i'm not really losing any coins so that's good right now i need as many options as i'd get my bloody hands on because nothing seems to be working right now [Music] okay definitely got a nice build up on the left hand side on the bottom tray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that's what i was trying to do right there now i'm going to be very very patient and shift this thing to the far left [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh now the silver went down huge come on right across [Music] this is what i was trying to do like three days ago oh that's how long this game feels like it's been going for oh no don't oh that's so close double stacking on the wrong side [Music] [Music] i'm too scared to drop it in too early in case i double stack at the wrong spot i'll keep putting it in the wrong spot [Music] well i'm getting a big buildup of coins big build up of coins oh no why [Music] ah did i mention how much i hate playing the left hand side oh wow i've done it again make a thousand camel fleas infest my butt crack come on [Music] okay now i'm starting to get the impression i'm not playing as good as i can that was all my coins all right i've still got a double stacked coin to the uh to the left hand side of that silver so the silver will not come across this way any further until i get rid of that bloody coin yep you little bloody ripper thank you that is an absolute beautiful looking coin um i can't wait to have a look at that on the loop because what i do is i look at all the really really fine stuff oh man that's what excites me uh yeah i'm losing coins um i lost quite a lot [Music] i've probably maybe got 100 coins and that's all right i'm going to target this silver that's the only thing i care about right now i'm hoping the rest of the coins will just fall on their own [Music] all right double stack coin is gone now chase jace be bloody careful when you drop the coins [Music] i don't care about double stacking on the on the right hand side of it that's fine [Music] there's a big build up under the right hand side oh that's right that's all right [Music] wow what is going on i just can't seem to shift this bloody thing across [Music] all right stuff it i'll go the other way if it doesn't want to go that way i'll go the other way [Music] so oh come on that was skill stop [Music] hello well i don't mind saying this thing is starting to piss me off [Music] not so much the silver's still being up there the fact that i can't get it off uh why am i not smart enough [Music] well that was all my coins look at the size of this build up that's big i'm getting another one over here i'm going to start really seriously losing coins yeah probably haven't even got 100 coins there i'm not even close to 100. oh what have i done what have i done um oh what are you working today about 70 75 coins yikes [Music] i've got no choice i'm just going to keep going for that silver [Music] i'm hoping just to get lucky and it just one of my coins just happens to fall in the right spot at the right time and it will just come off it's happened before [Music] i don't like to rely on luck when i'm playing this game [Music] [Music] come on oh [Music] oh thank you you got pain [Music] oh man all right now i'm going to start working on this simply everything's in line right now so all my coins are right here that's the majority of them in line with the silver so i'll just keep attacking the left hand side and eventually that will fall but in the meantime it's going to be pushing that silver closer to the edge [Music] [Music] that was all my coins all right yeah i've got that pushed quite nicely just then all right let's tell it up so what i've got well we've got most of them back well some of them there's probably 100 there now i care nope the silver's down i've just got to have enough coins to be able to push it over the edge and i reckon i got that easy [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] good [Music] that's not ever moving [Music] yeah it's not ever moving good thing is that that silver i don't think that pile is gonna actually interrupt the silver i think the silver will change course and it'll come off towards the middle that's what i'm hoping is going to happen well what i'm hoping is going to happen is i'm going to get all these coins here they're all going to fall down the silver's going to follow it but yeah i think i'll put that one down to just a dream [Music] so [Music] [Music] that was all my coins [Music] starting to build up again on the right-hand side well um i mean it's coins yeah i'm losing coins again [Music] i am starting to get a small buildup happening middle right hand side i don't think it's going to affect me too much apart from ripping coins i'm just gonna put my head in the sand and pretend they don't exist i'm only concentrating on that silver right now i'm still moving so [Music] [Music] that's it i think it definitely is changing course i think it is actually going to come across on an angle and come off like in between these two coins over hang on i reckon it's going to come off from that angle well i don't care how it comes off as long as it comes off [Music] well i could be wrong and it's gonna try to bury itself which i hope it doesn't and bloody looks like it doesn't [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh that is a huge buildup i'm getting on the right hand side that's all my coins looks like i'm busting through it though hey yeah plastic you see that and then you can see this that's been there for a while i can't seem to shift this but that seems to be busting straight through the gas wow look at that we've got our coins back or most of them there's got to be 120 maybe something like that probably perhaps could be oh yes it is it's busting through look at it so [Music] come on over here you go oh there you go i should i should take a screenshot i should take a picture of this and send it to dave right now oh man i'm such a stirrer i'm totally sure i'm not going to [Music] come on oh come on so close yes no yes and i've got all these coins oh wow all right you know what i'm gonna do i'm not playing no more um yeah i'm done i'm gonna go get dave i gotta go show him so i'll be back take a look at this thing um i've seen that picture before i've totally seen that picture before i don't know um anyway this is can you read that i'm sorry i i can't tell if you could read it or not uh anyway i'll read it to you it's a 5 ounce silver proof high relief coin uh 2020 australian kangaroo all right let's uh let's have a look at it [Music] [Applause] all right this is what it looks like i remember these and take it off like this very gently yeah yeah yeah oh come on thank you little bloody magnets are strong you know what dave said to me is this a i wonder if this is a numbered one i don't know let me have a look oh it's got numbers on it's got numbers on it ready ready i've seen numbers but i don't know what they are 281 all right now is that 81 yeah so now i just need to know how many were made um so at the moment 281 doesn't really mean a lot to me wow let me just pull this up there pop this out of there oh [Applause] i'm sorry um i just pulled it out and then i looked at that look how thick that is wow yeah that's a beautiful coin isn't it man it's heavy it's got some weight to him okay okay the whole coin is curved it's not flat across the front it's got a curve in it i don't know if you can see that i don't even know how i can show you um yeah beautiful coin nice got me bloody heavy um yeah wow what a stunner nice all right i'm just gonna sit that just up here for a second and what is this one okay so this is obviously so this is the royal mint so people in the comments said that's a uk a uk one i wasn't sure if it was melbourne or uk so apparently this is a uk one it says come all the way from great britain hey ah it's got a crown on it [Laughter] i'm sorry i just saw the crown alright leave me alone um [Music] okay okay what's that is that roman i don't know you guys are going to have to help me out with this um i didn't think the uk had anything like this i know the romans did yeah you're gonna have to help me out with this um what is it i mean i know it's 10 ounces there's a heavy little bugger 10 ounces the royal mint it's got a crown on it i guess that's something like a coat of arms it's fine silver it's got waves on it that i don't know about i didn't think the uk had anything like that um oh i'm not up i'm not up on my uh what other countries used to do but wow hey i'll take it heavy did i tell you that dave called me there oh let's just say it starts with w and ends with anchor he called me a anchor now i totally did not swear just then because i said anchor anchor so he called me a wanker oh man it's so funny so funny um anyway yeah um i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm just gonna go i'm speechless i'm sorry um silva does this to me it just turns me it turns me to uh it turns my brain into jelly so i'm gonna have a five minute break um regain my and um i'm gonna tell you everything up and i'll get back to you [Music] what can i say okay apart from holy snapping duck they are beautiful coins absolutely stunners um so they're robin hood coins um yep there they oh wow i'm so lucky um this i've been racking my brains i've seen this picture before i've seen it before with the we call that australian australian grass tree um i'm not going to tell you what we used to call them uh that's been banned that word so um australian grass tree this this thing here right so that's a native obviously the kangaroo but i've seen that i don't know if i've seen a photo seen like a picture on the wall whatever i don't know i've seen i've seen this uh yeah but i that's bothering me now i know i've seen it but i just don't know where um plus the 10 ounce don't forget about the titties holy that's heavy um wow oh yeah there's a lot in there um and i just gotta go gentle oh that actually puffed me um so i got four thousand dollars in chips i ended up with 127 coins so i knew i was up there i just didn't know exactly where i mean i was up and down up and down so getting that last pile with that silver that helped um it's 127 coins that's uh 381 bucks yep uh add those two together four thousand three hundred eighty one minus three thousand dollars it was a real shame i had to have a second buy-in um it just rips all your profit out of it uh but anyway minus the three thousand it leaves me with dollars now you've got to ask yourself the question and i have asked myself a question i normally go 2-1 odds on all right so i put a dollar on i win two dollars back basically right so you put your dollar on you win a dollar and obviously your dollar profit i look for games like i mean i look for games races um i did exactly that on the cricket the other day i won 400 bucks so i put 200 bucks on got 400 back back so really i won 200 um yep was this game worth it i spent three thousand dollars and got 1 381 dollars back i've been sitting there just scratching my head um it's not something i would have deliberately have gone out and chased if i had a choice i didn't know how much money was in here all right but you've got to look at it at it from my point of view as well holy there's so much silver um was it worth it yep without a doubt if i knew what i knew now would i play the game again absolutely um yes i would uh without without fail so um just a chance to win [Music] that type of silver is yep oh yeah i would absolutely give that another shot um so what was it i don't even know how much it was was there 14 19 ounces of silver is that right that's not right 10 14 yeah bloody 19 ounces holy holy wow okay um yeah that blows my mind so and 1 381 profit was it hard yes um am i proud of dave no um i wish you wouldn't make him so bloody hard so i don't know why i had so much trouble getting that silver off something to do with that second run now is happening on this side of the machine i don't know i'm gonna have a look when i get home i'm gonna watch all of this whole game very carefully on the computer and i'm gonna watch with where the coins are dropping and it just seems very strange to me i'm having the same problem now on this side as i am on the other side so anyway i'm going to tell everything up and i'll be back [Applause] now that's a wad wow that's pretty thick too so um yep there's thirteen hundred dollars here if you didn't count it um so eighty one dollars uh went to uh tin so um oh come on jason get it it's a good problem to have it is a good problem to have so um yeah 1300 bucks right there um plus all the silver so um yeah hey um it was a fight don't get me wrong it was hard very stressful so um but um it made me think too you know i mean i thought back to a lot of the comments that were given to me six months ago how do i even remember them i don't know it's really really weird i can remember some stuff like photographically and other stuff i can't remember what i did five minutes ago uh it's really strange how it works so um i always thought it was just me being slack and you know and or it's my dyslexia or there's always an excuse for everything but for some reason there are some things maths um medical stuff as well it's really weird medical stuff um i don't know how i know it but i know it a lot of medical stuff so um oh talk about medical stuff i've got some news about my mum it's not great news so um she's back in hospital she went in last night she was rushed in by uh ambulance and she's either had a heart attack or a stroke um that text message that i got earlier i was hoping it was um it was the information that i'm that i'm waiting for i was told not to go in there um so her boyfriend is there he's either in the hospital or he's outside the hospital he's around the hospital anyway uh i just don't know where so i'm just waiting for a phone call or i'm waiting for a text message i'm waiting for whatever i can you know any type of information i can get but right now that's all i know um mum's a tough old bat so um am i concerned yeah i am um but you know mum's had breast cancer twice and um you know she's had both the knockers taken off uh or breasts if you want to call it that um so um you know and i always tease her because it's the top relationship we got i tell her i've got bigger tits than she has she goes yeah but i don't have to buy money i spend money on bras it's funny our conversations as a family yeah no i should actually record one but no i wouldn't i'd never be able to play it so um yeah so that's all the information i've got at this stage um so yeah we're just waiting and seeing and hopefully hopefully very very soon i'm gonna find out some information so um i might not even get home i might just go straight to the hospital so uh wait and see i suppose anyway if you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't sorry it's so long i really am and i'll see you the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 26,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J-MYF8bon1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 21sec (4581 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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