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[Music] hey guys fuzzy coin pusher here look at this monstrosity hey holy snapping duck look at the size of it [Music] uh look what's on top of it that's what i've been looking at oh it's a pretty one um 50 coins that's what i've got so i don't really have much of a plan coins they don't look too bad they don't look too big there's all the coins are in the middle um top actually does look a little bit on the light side i've got a question for you too uh i've got a bit of an idea which i don't know is going to work so i want to run it past you guys first and just have a bit of an idea i'll do that in a minute right now i want to see where the traps are yeah that looks all right some gaps on this side that's not bad not bad okay middle not much happened in the middle to be expected i think what i'm going to do in this game i'm going to play both sides i know a lot of people say we'll play one side i don't think there's enough coins in there i'm going to go and try for both sides sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't i've got to do what i can do to get coins so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to go both sides and try and keep away from the middle as much as i can i didn't mean that so my question i went metal detecting it caught me this morning oh my goodness i can't believe it i can't believe what she's done i found the first for me never found one before and courtney i'm not going to tell you what she's done all i can say is what a brat huh i'm very happy for it don't get me wrong um my question is we've got two grass hunts oh if sorry um i do apologize for those people that don't know what i'm talking about i have a second youtube channel with my daughter beach metal detecting um the majority of people already know this so um so i just sometimes i'll forget sorry about that so pretty much courtney has she's done it again so i said to her so what do you want to do do you want to post this one which was today's video on on monday because we post every monday if you want to post on monday or do you want to still keep running the um keep it in sequence so in other words we've still got two more grass hunts uh in the pipeline you know so basically on monday a big grass hunt the following monday will be another grass hunt and then the following monday will be the beach hunt for today so it's now the sand hunt so leave it in the comments if you would what do you think we should do because i want to go straight to the sand which is and then i'll save the other two for like um like if we get a lock down uh or you know something like that happens or we just have terrible weather for a while i can save those videos for that be really really interested to know i mean the majority of you watch it watch um aussie breaches anyway so i just thought i'd ask and just see what you thought and that was all my coins oh thank you and for all you new people out there if you do want to go ahead and watch it i always leave the link in the description so um yes just so you can find it easier all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] 30 coins not too bad i didn't see that big thing move at all and i'm not surprised i mean look at it talking about have all your eggs in one basket so [Music] [Music] oh i've got three coins left oh nice all right let's tell it up see what i got it's hard to tell i still we didn't lose any coins so that's the main thing but i reckon we may have gained just a few not many i still want to stick to both sides if i can as much as i can whoops [Music] i'm not seeing this thing really move too much oops oh no how do you drop in three coins and double stack all three coins [Music] oops lucky i'm working on it i've got three coins i'm going to stick them on the left hand side this all right let's tell it up see what i [Music] all got we definitely gained coins that time so i reckon those are easy 35 possibly 40 but probably 35 so i have been thinking about my little issue that i have with having pretty much an open bank account you might as well say i am only allowed to go to and i have to stick by this and if i don't you guys have a full right to bust my he bust me hardcore um the 250 buy-in and i'm allowed two 100 buy-ins after that all right not a two hundred dollar buying a two 100 buy-ins and the reason why i do that is because i buy these for five five five bucks each huh sorry uh i got a chewy in my mouth and it got stuck to the roof of my hair i buy the coins for five bucks each i sell them back for three bucks each um it's that's just what it is i just there's nothing i can do about that so what i don't want to do is buy more coins than i need so that's what i'm saying to 100 so if i need more coins i go by another 100 bucks not two hundred bucks but i can do it twice right two one hundreds anyway so yep that's what i'm gonna do so maximum of 450 on a non-buying game which is a normal game like this one regardless of what's happening regardless if i think i can win by putting in another 30 bucks doesn't matter that's how you get addicted oh and teach me a lesson for dropping one in the middle oh i just saw that thing moved it was only a little bit but it moved a bit all right let's tell you that's what i got well i reckon we're very close to getting 50 coins i don't think we're there yet but we're very very close so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to start playing the entire length uh i do know when i hit the middle it spreads and the coins come around either side because that thing's obviously very heavy coins will follow the least resistance which will be on either side so what i'm hoping is i can get a free push on both sides instead of just one and i'm hoping to start pushing this thing [Music] that's a bit concerning [Music] now the bloody thing's not moving at all so [Music] so ah has he filled this thing up full of coins look at that no movement that was my last coin ah please tell me it's just the angle i'm looking at this thing on and it is moving but i can't see it i don't think it's moving i reckon he's filled with fill the bloody thing up full of coins yup i reckon oh i'm going to say 50 coins i don't think there is i think there's like 48 coins or something but yeah but i'm gonna say 50 because it's close enough oh i saw movement that time so what was the difference between that push and every other push that i did that i've done [Music] [Music] what i'm trying to work out right now is whether a lot of coins is pushing it or a lesser amount of coins is pushing it i actually think a lesser amount i think that's i think i'm playing it backwards instead of trying to get more coins to fall maybe what i should be doing is getting less coins to fall [Music] i don't know i'll keep working it i'll keep watching [Music] that was all my coins well has it shifted much i don't i don't know i can't tell now hey i just need coins lots of coins same boat same boat i don't think there's 50 there but i think i'm bloody close hey it doesn't feel like it and because i'm not losing any i'm going to stick to the same speed [Music] oh that moment [Music] so i'm trying to do two things at once here you know that's that's i mean that's how i do everything i always try to do two things even if i can't achieve two things i want to make the second one easier to do to achieve so basically what i'm trying to do is obviously i'm trying to get coins that's my number one priority and in the process of getting these coins i'm trying to just chip out both sides and also shift forward i think it's a good plan but we will see it's probably going to be like all my plans are at least i try actually at least i try and think of different ships i could be just dropping coins in there and uh yeah and just you know going by luck [Music] that was my last coin okay so that coin fell from that corner but yet coins fell from over here so clearly running on a diagonal all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] there's got to be 65 to 70 coins there i have cleaned them up just a little bit and more coins have just fallen oh we're looking good don't get too too ahead of yourself you've got to get that down and into the hopper [Music] maybe i should try to speed it up and just see what that does no you know what i'm not going to um if it's not broke don't fix it so this is a good speed that i'm doing at the moment i'm happy with this speed i'm not double stacking too much and i'm getting coins back oh yeah that's shifting for sure oops bad drops bad drops [Music] wow didn't push it okay last coin oh nice there's a lot of coins i'm working on it all right let's tell it up sort of okay i reckon there's easy 70 coins there and i'm going back to dj's idea of banking coins what do you reckon that'd be yeah thank you one coin fell and just pushed that i'm starting to think less coins is better here i don't know what that's going to do for the build-up of coins but definitely for the pushing of this thing can you see that i've just seen that twice now so one coin fell and the tower shifted but then three coins fell and it didn't move a millimeter and you watch it's not going to do it for me now yeah you're playing the butt oh fine [Music] [Music] oh god i've got another question for you oh that was all my coins oh nice my question um if you leave this in the comments too only if you want to you don't have to um you can just think it really really hard and that might work as well so i'm kidding i'm kidding um i'm thinking about doing a video on aussie slang just one single one single video just on aussie slang just try to explain what words mean because i have a tendency of forgetting words i say every day 10 times a day 100 times a day means obviously what they mean to me but you guys are looking at you know you're probably scratching your head what the hell does that mean like rip snorter um i know janice knows what a rip snorter is because she actually emailed me and asked me um but uh a lot of people wouldn't know what a rip snorter is and i've said i know i've said that a few times so what i'm thinking about doing is just a video like on the top 10 um common you know words aussie slang words and what they mean so let me know what you think about that well look at about 65 coins i have started losing coins and i'm getting a little concerned i'm getting a build-up i've been watching it i don't think there's anything i can do about it [Music] oh i that draws me nuts oh i forgot to give joe something sorry joe catch and that one [Music] that was all three all right definitely getting a build up happening all the way across not good and that's the result it's probably 45 coins at best so i'm only giving that to joe sorry right [Music] at least i remember all right i'll start getting some of this stuff to shift so so [Music] okay there's my last two come on i'll take some coins all right let's tell you what i got 40 coins if i'm lucky sorry joe i'm gonna have to miss this round buddy i'm gonna try the slow approach [Music] [Applause] bugger i was waiting for that coin hey that you know that one that was overhanging i was trying not to vibrate the table [Music] come on top tray what are you doing there's my last coin [Music] uh bugger that's all i can say i've got about 20 coins i'm slowly losing coins and if i keep doing what i'm doing i'm going to lose the whole lot i've got an idea joe sorry mate hey you didn't have them for very long so now i've got about 40 coins i'm gonna go for a bit of a coin dump see if i can't remove it [Music] taking a big chance here [Music] hey that was all my coins all right let's turn it up see what i got well i still got about 40 coins i did see that ship though it was a little shift but it shifted so i'm going to go again if i don't shift that i'm going to lose there was all my coins all right let's tally it up see what i got all right my plan is slowly working i've still got about 40 coins i'm not losing any coins but if you have a look at the top tray there's quite a lot of coins on the top tray now i'm deliberately doing that right now carefully very carefully now what i can do is i can go slow and still get a lot of coins fall off and hopefully shift this for less coins that was my plan i'm not sure if there's enough coins up there or not but we'll find out there's not enough on the right hand side i can see that [Music] see what i mean putting two coins in and often four coins five coins are falling sometimes it's a good thing to double stack the top there you go and other times it's really bad it's a guess you don't know when it when it's a good time you just gotta try it if it works paint yourself on the back if it doesn't well you don't cry for anybody because you made that decision yourself okay that was all my coins oh i didn't want to do that all right let's tell it up so what i got well i was sort of hoping for 40 uh sorry for 50 or 60 coins but i've still got about 40 coins so it didn't really work as well as i was hoping it would well we're just gonna have to keep going and see what happens so i have to attack it i've got no choice because as you can see the right hand side is building up even worse than what it was before oh that is nasty all right let's tell that that's what i got yeah it's not good it's about 35 coins i'm starting to lose coins again because that's getting too thick so what i'm going to do is i'm trying to target this side here and not that side just this side so oh that sounded alright [Music] so so okay that was my last coin i thought i'd drop a couple on the right hand side just to take a look not much moved but it did on this side all right let's tell it up so we've got [Music] all right so i reckon we've got more than 40 coins now so it's time to attack that side [Music] these are the sort of little strategies that i think of and i actually think they do they really do help you stop losing all your coins so [Music] [Music] that was all my coins all right let's tell it that's what i got [Music] well i still think we've got more than 40 coins so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to attack mostly on this side and a little bit on this side here and i've noticed this thing's getting closer and closer to the edge i'm not seeing it shifting because i'm not watching for it i'm concentrating too much on top and bottom trace oh so a little bit on the left and mostly on the right [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that was it that was my last coin and it's a double stacker nice [Music] well it's between 35 and 40. i think there's about 40 coins there i'd say yeah quite comfortably 40 coins i'm good i've got to keep attacking both sides but just little bits i'm not going to go for a full-blown attack i don't have the coins for that oh [Music] so that was all my coins nice all right let's tell it up what i got okay we're up to about 50 coins that's good that's really good now i can relax just a little bit but i'm not i'm still going to attack and a little bit of attack nothing much on this side mostly on that side only because if that gets built up much more than what it is i'm in some trouble [Music] so [Music] that was it come on you're my last hope go go go little coins oh well we did lose some uh not many some there's still probably 40 40 i don't know 40 something between 40 and 50 anyway [Music] um the tower looks dead straight doesn't look like it shifted at all looks like it wants to fall over like that i'll probably fill it up full of bloody [Music] concrete [Music] i'm just trying something a little bit silly [Music] okay there's all my coins wow there's a lot of coins that just dropped off the top tray and nothing happened down here bugger oh thank you okay note to self don't do that again hey look sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it just didn't work that time clearly [Music] but what i do have is extra coins on top that was my last one all right let's tell it up see what i got well it's a bit better it's probably 25 maybe 30 if i get really really greedy [Applause] [Music] oh what is this tower made out of [Music] that was all my coins [Music] when i saw this tower i got concerned uh look i'm not a i'm not i don't build towers or houses or i'm not a builder um but i do have a lot of common sense so what common sense is saying because there's chips inside of this tower here that's going to add stability to the to the whole thing so it takes away the top heaviness which is what i rely on to make things fall over but now because there's chips in it it's i look at this a bit like an apartment block right the floors in the apartment block it ties the whole thing together so if you're going to shift it the whole thing will shift not like a little piece of it yeah i'm really concerned about that because that thing is still dead bloody straight at least i'm happy about that there's about 45 coins again so [Music] [Music] do there's my last coin [Music] i'm not sure if you've noticed and i'm not sure if you've ever seen me play that way before but i'm actually working on a different style and different timing solution you might as well say um to drop in coins without double stacking them um and that was it that's what i'm working on at the moment so i haven't perfected it but it's not bad i'm liking it ah 45 coins easily not quite 50 but definitely 45 i'd say [Music] so oh but i have to admit playing that way is boring right he's boring i mean it's a smart way to play don't get me wrong but oh man it's boring ah i'm not yet i'm not mate i don't think i'm gonna win this game i really don't i don't think this tower is coming down [Music] i think he's finally found the solution to actually make a unbreakable tower and that's by putting chips in between it like bloody floors in a unit [Music] well there's about 40 something 40 something [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh now i've finally cleared off the right hand side not completely but mostly i've got to keep that going [Music] so that was all my coins all right let's turn it up see what i got yep i thought that was moving on the right hand side and there's the proof um it's probably about 55 coins [Music] i mean i totally could have done that off camera but i really wanted to show you what happens before and after that's after clearly that's how i like to hold them neat [Music] coins so [Music] no seymour i think you're the winner today buddy now with all my coins [Applause] all right let's take a look at this thing [Music] holy if i put a ruler on this thing it would be dead straight holy that's not even budged a millimeter that's worrying um there's about 50 coins there now i'm starting to think and i'm gonna keep i'm gonna i'm not gonna entertain this idea just yet but i'm gonna use it as a backup if i need to what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get as many coins out as i can simply because if this thing does not fall over i need to try to get back as much as i can i know i've got about 50 coins here but at three dollars each that's 150 bucks i've lost 100 bucks straight away that's why i try to buy the least amount of coins that i can get away with it's like uh it's like anything you buy a new car you drive out of the yard you just lost a couple of grand [Music] [Music] all right i'm gonna get nasty [Music] i know i don't have the coins for it that was all of them clearly playing nice is not doing it and playing nasty is gonna send me broke but i'm gonna go again i'm gonna go again i'm getting frustrated and i need to take my frustration [Music] [Music] [Music] that was all my coins [Music] and we're getting another build up on this side lovely [Music] okay i've had about a 10 minute break and yeah i just had to walk around and just sort of chill out a little bit uh playing nasty is playing silly so um i reckon i've got about 23 24 maybe 25 [Music] coins i'm just going to go back to basics [Music] so [Music] come on do something so there's all my coins [Music] [Laughter] i'm in the that's what it is well um there's about 20 coins ish i've made a decision if i lose these 20 coins i am not going to buy any more coins and continue playing this game i've had another look at this thing here it is still dead straight it is not altering at all so i don't know if it's even possible to get that thing down hey that was all my friends [Music] gold coin [Music] you did nothing all right let's tell it that's what i got [Music] definitely slow and steady is the way to go that's that's that's when i'm gaining coins and going fast and silly stupid nuts crazy uh reckless is the word i was looking for isn't clearly not the way to go i knew i'd come to the right word eventually i'm so sorry this is boring for you guys [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's turn it up well i'm up to about 40 coins dave just popped his head in while i was cleaning the machine and he just took a look at it and he didn't say a word he just had this smurf look on his face i reckon he's just realized this is how to beat me but what he doesn't realize is how stubborn i am so do i just see that tower move on my am i am i seeing things hey that was my last coin all right let's tell it [Music] well there's probably 40 yeah about 40 coins i've got a bit of a second wind going at the moment i've got a new lease uh yep right now i'm not giving up until this thing goes over i mean for dave to come in here and just do that smug i can't i can't let that fly i i can't let that go that's uh i'm gonna wipe that right off his face i'm sorry this is gonna be a long video but and a very boring video too yeah i've got a new lease that was my last coin all right let's turn it up see what i got [Music] okay i'm getting more coins there's about 50 coins there now so i'm happy with that so i'm going to start pushing just a little tiny bit harder nothing special [Applause] [Music] i mean although i can't see it although i did just see that move and again and again so although i can't really see a lot of movement happening here there's got to be some sort of damage being done to the bottom of it just because i can't see it doesn't mean it's not happening a bit earlier i was getting impatient [Music] so [Music] so there's all my coins all right let's turn it up so what i've got all right we are increasing in coins there's about 55. i think there's a certain speed that you can play a machine like this and everything will work perfectly you won't get build-ups i've always thought that i just never really know how fast or how slow you can play but i actually do believe that there's a certain speed a lot of coins oh yeah now we're getting good movement on the right hand side which means we're going to be causing more damage to that tower oh yeah oh this is what i'm talking about right now [Music] oh we've got a land we've got a saline not back it's not much but it's a land more than what it was doing [Music] oh yeah oh yeah something's going on something is going on that's all my coins coins fell from in front which means clearly it's getting pushed [Music] and i must be getting close to 80 coins smile at me you'll want that small off your face oh man if if i can get this down dave he's gonna absolutely shift i just know it [Music] [Music] so all right quick stretch break uh my back's really feeling it i have gone metal detecting with courtney today so that takes a lot out of me out of my back as well because i'm constantly swinging that attacker well give me another sign that's all i want it's just another sign of movement or anything like that [Music] okay i saw a touch of movement attached there's all my coins come on give me something give me something what a pain in the butt okay another 10 minute break i don't care i've got time so um 65 maybe 70 coins they are reasonably neat i'm not 100 sure but i think i just saw it move it might have only been a little bit but it will do yep i saw that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well i've got about 55 coins there uh and this thing has a lean heading back to the tray and it's about that much it's not much can you see where that is about there so it's probably about three maybe four millimeters i don't know what that is in inches i'm [Music] sorry so so so oh it smells like someone's taking a fog right near me [Music] jesus stinks it smells like someone's coming in and chucked a bog in the corner or something yeah there's probably 45 maybe 50 i don't think there's 50. i'm getting build-ups happening here and a little bit on this side here that's why i've been speeding it up a little bit i've got to find that happy medium what i'm hoping for clear it off and push that thing over at the same time that'd be nice wouldn't it [Music] [Music] okay that was all my coins all right the power light is flat flashing on the camera so i better grab another battery um oh well let's clean it out see what i did right because the uh yeah it's not looking good is it okay i got a fresh battery and there's probably about 55 coins not bad not bad all right let's keep going [Music] i saw some movement that time wow that was all my coins [Music] [Applause] all right let's tell it up so what i got well there's about 55 coins there and there's about a 10 millimeter gap so it's about a 3 8 gap um where that's leaning so it is leaning more and more i do absolutely deeply apologize this is a boring long video i'm sorry about that i know a lot of you say that you know if that's fine that's don't worry about it but i do worry about it oh that's a lot of coins just watched that those are like a waterfall [Music] [Music] [Music] go lucky last last coin come on i'll take it all right let's tell you that's what i've got [Music] ah not yet i'm not um all right let's start with this there's probably 70 coins maybe yeah about 70 coins in there i've just had a real good close solid look at this thing just to see how it's going i can see the bottom is starting to swell outwards you can probably see it from the sides it's actually wider than the base is wider than the rest of it something's moving something's going on i can't see it but it is so how long is this thing going to take to fall over i've got no idea but i can tell you now it is going to fall over oh that was my first coin i dropped [Music] so this tower is bloody stubborn holy hardest tower i've ever had to play well then i can remember it's not going to build up on the right hand side i have to deal with that right now [Music] okay that was all my coins [Music] all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] uh yeah probably about 70 coins maybe 65 coins i'm not 100 sure all right let's have a look yeah i think it's leaning backwards a little bit more [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so all right that was all my coins come on yeah pay in the ass fall over it's not gonna fall over is it um okay i'm gonna chuck another break again because uh yep i can barely stand up right now and you can probably hear it in my voice and that's the reason why i'm not talking i'm just trying to concentrate not only on this and i'm trying to block out everything else so um yep i'm gonna go um clean it all up go for a little bit of a walk around the car park i reckon and i'll get dave to watch the machine for me i think that's a plan [Music] well i got about 65 to 70 coins so that's not too bad i'm quite happy with that uh the angle of this thing is probably about half inch probably a little more than half an inch but it is moving which is a good thing it's just i've taken it jolly time [Music] come on [Applause] do [Music] well you can't say i haven't given it a good bloody go that was my last two coins okay if i wasn't filming this game i would have stopped playing um plain and simple i probably would have stopped half an hour ago simply because of this thing i don't know i think he might have it filled up full of full of coins um he's kept the top so i can't see down it something's going on inside this thing it is moving my minuscule tiny little amount so i can see that um but yeah if i wasn't filming this game i reckon i would have stopped by now um simply because of you know went metal detecting this morning with courtney and my back is let's just say from a 1 to 10 there's about a 13 right now and i'm not allowed to bourbon so anyway that's fine i'm going to um this is where my my stubbornness comes into it all right that's um probably about 65 coins so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] there's my last two coins [Music] all right let's tell it up sort of [Music] whoops [Music] my bad so so so all right there's my last coin all right let's tell it up sort of well there's like 55 coins there uh i'm trying to have a look at this thing yeah it hasn't really moved a lot uh bottom's sort of ballooning out just a little bit so i don't know i don't know what this is going to do but i've played this long now i can't stop i've got to keep going doesn't matter about my back i just got to keep going did that move i'm not sure i think it's my wishful thinking oh oh oh i saw it move then oh holy it's a boy look what was in the middle pain in the ass that's right i forgot he did that oh oh wow um i've still got that many coins so oh wow okay i didn't expect that because i i'm like i was trying to just convince myself just to keep going it doesn't matter you know i've started something now you know i've got to keep going so that was all my coins oh man oh wow i can't believe that's fallen over so that's why it wasn't going down too easily because he stuck bloody notes into it again and now i remember he's done that before okay there's about 85 coins there uh probably 80 coins [Music] 79 coins because i just dropped one i'm just gonna go absolutely bonkers here i think i don't think i need to worry about anything else in your face dave i said that loud enough he probably heard it [Music] [Music] i reckon i'm so you can't see that i saw it what i was gonna say before i was rudely interrupted um but very welcome um i reckon i'm more stubborn than a new eye can i put a mule to shame oh wow oh that's all my coins all right i'm totally just going to smash it out now all right 40 bucks it's a start got to be close to 150 coins but i'm gonna call 140. all right my turn [Music] so the only thing i've got to watch out for is blocking the machine up i can't block the machine [Music] oh all right i'm coming for you koala [Music] [Music] so um i will be soon [Music] wow i got so many coins i'll probably just put 15 coins in them oh [Music] so all right that was all my coins thank you all right let's tell you what i got nice 340 bucks hey i didn't think i was going to be holding that today well i'll tell you what [Music] i'm not going to let dave know how tough that was i'm just going to say oh yeah you know just fell over like all the other ones did but holy it is whooping my butt i'll tell you um there's got to be close to 300 coins in there but i'm going to say 280. all right let's keep going so nice [Music] so [Music] come on do something really impressive [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow and what about now is where i'd like to slow down and start trying to conserve coins but i'm really worried if i do that it'll start building up again and then i'm only going to use more coins you know just fix the blockage so i'm just going to go just a little bit longer and then i'll start looking after coins [Music] so so [Music] [Music] come on i'm so close [Music] which one's gonna come off first the 50 or the silver what do you reckon i reckon the 50 because guaranteed the best thing always wants to be last oh [Music] [Applause] yep i am totally and i'm bloody well deserved too i tell you i feel like i've just gone 10 rounds with mike tyson oh come on just full oh wow what kind of the pot you're a defiant one aren't you well i'm a stubborn one let's see who's gonna win i know exactly who's gonna win [Music] come on that'll do it oh yeah that dude that did it and i got off i got off a hell of a lot of coins somebody else could have a crack at that i'm not um yeah well that looks a little bit different than it did half an hour ago hey or an hour ago or an hour and a half ago i absolutely deeply apologize on how long this video has gone for um but you know what i mean i play this game for me i just film it you know you guys come along you can skip it if you want to or fast forward or do it whatever the correct terms i'm not sure i'm absolutely stuffed right now um i wasn't going to let that go i mean there was thoughts halfway through that you know that okay fine maybe i need to walk away but then my stubborn side came out and i actually think dave really helped me out by giving me that smirk smug look knowing that he'd done something good and that gave me a second wind and it was like yeah you want to smile if you like that i gotta wipe that right off your face consider it white dave hey uh yep that tower was it was very very good but yeah i'm also very very bloody stubborn i'll tell you that and very very bloody saw all right um i'm gonna just take my time and count everything up i'm just gonna chill i don't care if it takes me half an hour i've got enough time um just yep i'm just gonna mellow out just chill and i'll be back eventually you all knew what was coming any excuse for me um yeah take a look at that i mean that in itself is a stunning coin i actually watched um how they make coins not just silver coins just coins in general it's actually uh quite an impressive process so yep oh wow nice that was totally worth it totally worth it so you add up to here hey joe hasn't been on uh on camera for a little while i don't know if you've noticed i don't know if i've even told you joe's fallen apart on me where is it it's just there [Music] he's got a big split hey that's what he gets for not wearing pants so he he skinned his knees that's the rest of the coins and everything else i mean that was a very very long game and once again i do apologize for i know people have said look don't worry about it stop apologizing for it um but i'm legit you know it's you know most of that game was boring is people watching paint dry i think i'd prefer to sit there and watch paint dry um the last 10 minutes of it was bloody good though i have to admit so the telly goes i've got 700 bucks in chips i got 100 bucks in notes uh i ended up with 312 coins [Music] 312 coins yeah i didn't think that was going to happen um or the coins themselves 936 bucks so add everything together 1 736 minus 250 bucks i paid 1 486 so yep i didn't think i was gonna get nothing like that i thought maybe i don't know six seven hundred dollars um but yeah i totally just didn't even think about the coins and so yeah i'm absolutely really impressed and and look i'm proud of myself for for going through the pain barrier and just kept playing i just kept going uh as i said stubborn is a mule so [Music] and uh yeah so anyway i'm gonna go catch all this in because i'm absolutely stuffed and yep i'll be back well thirteen hundred dollars right here two three four five six seven eight nine ten third twelve thirteen wow i love holding a little wad like this in my hand i'm sorry um i've got a thing about playing with money too i don't know if i'm sure you've noticed i'm sorry um 186 bucks to the tin and i wanted to do that because i feel as if you know i've been winning some decent amount and i just haven't been giving enough to make me feel as if i've been doing a good job so every now and then when that happens i'll put in a little bit more when i win bigger money like this and it makes me feel a lot better so and that's what it's all about no no actually that's incorrect it does make me feel better and that's the bonus it helps the kids out that's i mean that's truly why anybody would give any anybody any money to help them out so um and as i s as i've explained before that's not my money i don't think this is my money until i'm sitting in the car then it's my money when i'm in the club this came out of there so yes it was hard to get yes it took a long time to get and i won it so i'm not really missing out on anything if i donate 100 bucks 200 bucks what am i missing out on nothing i'm going home with this well my misses are getting this i'm going to see if i can get 300 bucks off at this time not just 250. i'm just kidding i'm just kidding so yeah anyway i'm absolutely stoked i kept playing and you know i just uh yeah as i said stubborn as a mule so um that's something i'm glad that i am so i reckon my wife probably isn't but i am anyway uh if you like what you see get a thumbs up you want to see more subscribe and yes i know it was a long video and i do apologize so you know look i don't get upset if you wanted to skip most of that so fair enough all right see ya you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 17,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GxQfflxKBW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 47sec (5687 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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