August 29, 2021 Sunday 9:30 Live Service

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[Music] [Music] here's what he said he said what good will it be for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul what good would it be if you just knocked it out of the park and all the goals you had in your life you met those goals you know you you found that special someone your missing piece your soul mate you had the 3.5 kids you had the job you had the success you have everything that you want but you miss your soul this deeper aspect of existence that god has made you and made me for what a tragedy that would be to miss out on this deeper authentic reality that god has for you and god has for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] here's what he said he said what good will it be for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul what good would it be if you just knocked it out of the park and all the goals you had in your life you met those goals you know you you found that special someone your missing piece your soul mate you had the 3.5 kids you had the job you had the success you have everything that you want but you missed your soul this deeper aspect of existence that god has made you and made me for what a tragedy that would be to miss out on this deeper authentic reality that god has for you and god has for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning second family it's so good to see all of you let's stand together we sing about the victory we have in jesus christ today hallelujah i heard an old old story how a savior came from [Music] of his precious blood god told me then i repented of my sins and one god now let's sing the chorus [Music] [Music] he [Applause] is [Music] did you hear about his healing power today [Music] i've heard about his healing of his cleansing power [Music] dear jesus come and [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh victory [Music] [Music] in [Music] i'm giving is praise this morning if you believe that dear heavenly father lord we stand in awe of your majestic power that's on display through the entire universe for through you all things were made and all things have there being lord we pray that every knee will bow and every tongue confess your majesty lord lord may the words of our worship and the preaching of your truth shine a light on our hearts and lives that we may see clearly how we should live for you in the majestic name of jesus christ amen please be seated thank you so much and welcome to worship here inside the second family we're glad to have you if you're a guest we are especially glad that you are here we'd love a chance to connect with you and so if you are a guest maybe it's your first time here that second maybe you've been a few times would you put your hand in there please just like i have mine go ahead and put your hand up if you're a guest go ahead and just raise the hands all you've got to do put that hand high in there our ushers are going to pass to you this guest card once you receive that card just a few quick things first take it fill it out completely drop it in the offering plate when it's passed by and then second if you would detach from that card this sticker right here it's the logo of the life of our church simply take that sticker put it on your clothing or can be easily seen by our church family this will allow them to give you a word of encouragement as you spend some time with us and guests we would love to meet you face to face and so after our service right over here is the red door we'll have staff standing by some volunteers that would love to to meet you face to face shake your hand and walk beside you as you find community here inside the second family a bit later on our service dr young is going to bring a message from god's word as we kick off this series on relationships during that message at the end he's going to give an invitation if at that time you sensed the lord moving in your life in any way and you'd like to make a decision we're going to ask you to simply stand for your seated walk down front pastors will be standing here to greet you and warmly welcome you into the life of this church we've got some very special people in the room i want to make sure that we take some time to encourage them this morning we've got some of our second baptist school faculty uh i think they're over here if you'd stand up second baptist school faculty our university model faculty is with us this morning as well and then we've got educators coaches teachers from all over the city of houston if you're an educator teacher coach administrative staff in a school anywhere would you please stand up we want to recognize all of you as well the most important job going on in our country right now oftentimes is in the classroom we love and appreciate our teachers thank you so much for being here we're excited about what god's going to do during this hour of worship let's continue to worship together [Music] he is [Music] what [Music] here [Music] alone who took off is [Music] on that cross as [Music] [Music] on jesus [Music] thank you [Music] here's what happened [Music] and as he stands [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] of or hey father we are thankful for the wonderful day that you have given us to worship you we're grateful for this great church and our great pastor and all the great things that you have done for all of us please accept these tithes and offerings as a sense of gratitude from us to help further your kingdom to save lives in jesus name amen [Music] i think shall we [Music] who's been forgiven [Music] to know my death [Music] [Applause] [Music] am not afraid [Music] my brother [Music] is [Music] [Music] that i've risked [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] your kids [Music] [Music] let me [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i have never stood here with a broken heart and with anger i've stood here many times with a broken heart i've never stood in this place with a broken heart and with anger at the same time and i don't think i've ever stood here with anger my heart is broken as i think of the evil that took the lives of what now 13 of our brave young soldiers see their faces their families and how many afghanistans 150 200 we don't know and my heart is broken in pain at the same time i am angry and i can tell you something ladies and gentlemen this pulpit will always address immorality in this place always will do it and i'm angry because anybody who has a scintilla of intelligence and awareness anybody everybody knows that this did not have to take place to take out in darkness the military when we're evacuating a country which i agree we needed to do in the cover of darkness and shazam there's no military there there's no protections for the americans in the land there's no protections for the afghanistan who has stood by us and they're left there to the mercy and the so-called protection of a total and vicious and deadly enemy who have done evil there and around the world for decades i can't understand that [Applause] those who wear all the wonderful braid have all the stars on their shoulders those who would be in places of strategic leadership and someone who professes to be the commander-in-chief of our army does something that is so unbelievable you can take any fifth grader anywhere almost in the world and describe this situation and they would never come to the conclusion this is how you leave a country a fifth grader could have done this and all the braid and all the circumstance and power i'm reminded of a drum major who was tall 6'4 handsome smiling had all the boots on the big rabbit head and the baton and was smiling and leading the band oh look at me i'm in charge i have charisma and i knew he was flunking every course as a junior in high school i'm brokenhearted and i am mad and if you're not brokenhearted and mad there's something wrong with your mind and your heart this is where we are i understand that they gave the president a lot of choices he with typical ineptitude made this deadly choice i'm brokenhearted and i'm mad let's move to the other side let's move to south texas the federal government is not going to do anything it looks like to close down the border even though the supreme court has said well we hope the mexicans will reinstate that they will stay over there until they go through proper procedure we don't know how long that will take place but would someone explain to me i really want to hear an explanation for this how in the world we let thousands and thousands of illegals from really now over 100 countries come across the border we're told that 21 of them have coveted and we take and we fill out a few papers or they go in areas that we do not control and we put them on buses and airplanes and scatter them all across america children being exploited families all across america they got there mostly through the cartels drugs sex trafficking you name it all involved and if we wait for the federal government i've heard it all well the court said we can't do this as texans the court says this i don't care what the courts say if we as texas can shut down that border we will save our state and save america why do we put people in public office primarily to be our servants and to protect us and we see that not happening on the federal level and i pray as i have said for many many months now if it is possible for texas to go with everything we have and close down that border we must do it to save our state and to save america itself [Applause] i'm hurt and i'm mad and i want so much to speak the truth in love and i pray to god that somehow i have done that the afghanistans who've been translators and have stood by us for 20 years i've heard enough praise we've gotten over a hundred thousand out only about five thousand were americans already they've identified over a hundred who are on terrorist headlifts who we flew out of afghanistan we're worried about al qaeda isis taliban folks don't listen to all the nonsense anybody who knows anything about afghanistan know that these three terrorist groups they just exchange names and move around as quickly as you change your television set and the idea oh we didn't do it this group did it is absolutely ludicrous and ridiculous god help us and may we with everything we have try to pray that once again we might become one nation under god and one not one nation under people in so many places of public office who are not fulfilling the highest and most sacred call that they serve under could we bow and pray together our heavenly father we bow before you today not with all the answers we're mad we're frustrated we're hurting and we look around and pray that god will o lord we pray that you will touch and inspire and give boldness to us as a peoples and to a witness to the whole world that god's way the way of jesus christ will heal our land and we'll heal this world and may we be courageous in living and bearing out that witness lord be with the families of these we've heard a lot of pietistic words we'll pray for you we'll we'll pray for you and lord so many of those who utter these pious words they do not know you and they do not have relationship with you because they do not know jesus but lord we [Music] most of us know dear jesus so we pray to you dear heavenly father through him that you will heal us forgive us of our sins and restore our land come lord jesus come but also lord in the inner interim may we who are of thy church be found faithful is our prayer in jesus name amen the phrase meet cute i'd never heard of until a few weeks ago meet cute it's a phrase that sociologists have given us i think and they say that when someone of the opposite sex meets someone of the opposite sex may they they've known them for a while or maybe they've just met them there's some little meat cute thing that takes place some little intangible subjective attraction that takes place it is a meet cute and we say you know baby this is uh some kind of leadership some kind of spark of love at first sight it's called in the secular world meet cute and that may be in relationship for all who are married maybe there was that meat cute moment but i can tell you one place where meat cute didn't take place that was in the garden of eden no no no no adam went to sleep one night and he awakened and he felt something was missing he counted his ribs and sure enough and then that beautiful picture of god bringing to him eve and he looked at her and he saw the rest of himself he said bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh and and adam said eureka i found it god has brought the rest of me back home to me there wasn't any meat cute moment you almost could say they were made for each other couldn't you can you say that and then they lived in paradise but god performed the first marriage ceremony we've heard it many times leave cleave one flesh naked no shame husband and wife and where did they spend their honeymoon in paradise i'm telling you i mean there was walking with god in the cool of the evening there was relationship with one another there were no in-laws there's no background there's no baggage there's a celebration and pristine glory of love for man for a woman and a woman for a man paradise we all would like to have a taste of paradise every year for a long time i've taken a little mini sabbaticals and i leave this place as i did a few weeks back and i'm 4 000 miles from where i think paradise is for me it's a time of recreation a time of recreation and so lisa and i got on a plane and we flew with a stop or two gone about 14 hours i envy the fact and get mad about the fact that she when we take off goes to sleep bang she wakes up when we arrive which is terribly frustrating to me but a great gift to her and so we fly 4 000 miles to the spot that we would call our little paradise and we landed and went to costco we just hoarded up on everything from tissue to you know different kinds of meat all kinds of stuff some ice cream and we we arrive about an hour later at our little condo that we've been there and we get out unload all of costco now it's dark seems to be nobody else any little condos in our building there's four of them we're one of them and so we unload all there on the porch and and uh i say just open the door and she said uh i don't have the key and i said well i've got and i didn't have the key oh yeah you didn't bring the key i thought you had the key no you're supposed to bring the key i thought you had the key we're this far from paradise it is dark costco is melting right there on the porch i call the manager not there no answer everything dark i said oh you know i i've i know there's a hidden key under the little little stool here on the porch and where is the stool it's gone there we are one step from paradise you've got the key no you've got the key marital conflict we're going to talk about marriage in a way that perhaps you've never heard it before in the next eight or nine weeks we're in first corinthians chapter number seven and it's all about relationships relationships relationships and the primary relationship after the relationship you and i can have with god through jesus christ is marriage because we in the church are the bible tells us we are the very bride of jesus christ marriage that that fabulous relationship if you're single you say well this won't apply to me it absolutely applies to you if you're married it absolutely applies to you because there is a desire for paradise in marriage now paul penned these words in first corinthians seven when he was in prison yeah one of the prison epistles that's when he wrote these words i've been to the place where he was in prison many of you have it's a dark place underground how filthy how horrific but that's where paul was waiting for his execution where he was later beheaded and he wrote these words and as i finally got into our little paradise i look for scripture i look for scripture that would speak to me and take me through as all of us now find ourselves the one powerful word that all of us have that determine so much of where we are today that is that big word that seemed to be getting larger and larger the word anxiety anxiety and paul did he have a reason to be anxious hello and so i bumped into philippians chapter four i'd read the verses but i used those verses and i want those verses to be your theme and my theme for the next at least 12 months here is paul awaiting execution and death and he writes philippians 4 4 through 8 and i presented this to some of our leadership last sunday night and in the weeks to come i have coffee cups made our church has for all of us that have this scripture on it because it speaks directly to where we are and paul says rejoice rejoice again i say rejoice the word rejoice means re joy joy two joys and i love joy as acrostic jesus first other second myself third jail rejoice joy joy joy joy and then paul he compounds it he says again i say joy joy rejoice so it begins with joy joy joy joy paul and then he goes he says i want you to know that your gentle spirit your gentle spirit should be known by everybody i have a problem with the word gentle i don't naturally have a gentle spirit but but generally i always like to define it with the words of carl sandburg he talked about abraham lincoln he said steal wrapped in velvet that's the gentle spirit and then he says the lord is near see the scripture the lord is dear the lord is if you and i could always know that god is not only omniscient or knowing but he's omnipresent he's always here i love those past me lord we welcome you in this place i've got news for you god was there before you got there god is there when you're there and god will be there after you left he is i'm not present he said the lord is near boy if i could just know that at all times and then he says in nothing there's nothing for you to be anxious about nothing you mean paul there waiting for execution he says to us today in this moment of extremity in the history of the world there is nothing for you to be anxious about well paul how does that operate and he says in everything in everything and as i have sat down this verse i've made a list of all of that which i'm anxious about and i said lord in everything we have no reason to be anxious what happens how do you do that he says by prayer that's listing those anxieties and boy i've got a list and by supplication that means with passionate prayer don't just say words put flesh and blood on those words with passion and prayer with public and with thanksgiving let your requests be known to god that's it righteous let your request be known with god and then here comes the dogmatic answer the peace of god will rule your heart do you like that to happen and will rule your mind whoa [Music] in christ jesus and then he says as a result of that he said therefore then he has a beautiful list that is there a beautiful list he says whatever is true truth is a powerful thing it's becoming increasingly scarce in our time we think truth is not objective it's subjective how we spend it no it's not paul says whatever is true he said whatever is honorable honorable he said whatever is right you see it right and whatever is pure boy purity without alloy not mixed whatever is pure whatever is lovely i problem with the word lovely it's a feminine word to me but it we know what is lovely whatever is good repute whatever has a good reputation and he says if there is any excellence god's people in god's church should be about excellence if you see anything going around around this place i don't care whether it's the ground i don't care whether it's the buildings i don't care what it's a bible study i don't care where it's a worship if it is not seeped and trying to be excellent for god almighty you let me know we are about excellence to honor the lord he said whatever is excellent by the way that's a classical greek word and you could take it and unpack it for a week we don't use it much what is excellence and whatever is worthy of praise god's praise god's approval god's favor he said we are to think we're to dwell we're to meditate on these things my goodness ladies and gentlemen that is a promise from god almighty himself if i give you my word i'm going to do something there's a possibility i might forget there's a possibility i won't lead up and accomplish that which i said but i would try to my utmost to do that but when god gives his promise his anxiety i offer you peace guards your heart guard your mind you can book it god has never in the bible in time and place in history at any time broken a single promise that he has made he is god and he is a hundred percent with his promises now i left out one word one big word at least in our study you see the word uh brethren up there see it brethren brothers that means this promise is not for everybody on the planet it's for those who are part of the brethren who are in christ who are christians genuine christians real christians and we define christianity of course as conviction of sin repentance of sin receiving jesus christ in our life putting our flag up publicly for him that that is a general definition for christian but what do we have what do you have what i have that we can identify and say that is the result of that profession of faith and what we've done in receiving christ what do we have and then we run into the word we don't use much but we quote it quickly in john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten we don't use the word begotten that's sort of an old king james begotten but we know what it means we know that human beings beget human beings right lines beget lines bears began we beget that which is of our kind but it says our only begotten son somewhere god the father in pre-time and pre-history his son was begotten and divinity begets divinity do you follow me divinity begets divinity humanity begets humanity and therefore in one sense we're all made in the image of god everybody on this earth we are brothers and sisters in nature we're biologically human beings homo sapiens we we know that but when we receive christ we receive something else we receive his spirit and now we're not only biologically but we are literally in the family of god because when we receive jesus christ as our savior and our lord zoe zoe comes in us and that's eternal so we're not only biologically begotten follow me but now spiritually we're begotten and we have now divinity within us this biological body is going to run down anybody want to debate that a little while i mean that's that's true but that zoe when we've been begotten by the father through jesus christ that is being born again and now and you and me we're not only begotten as humans but we're begotten by god through christ and now we have that divinity within us that lasts forever and we're going to discover in first corinthians 15 this little zoe and you and me is going to have an eternal body when we leave this earth and so what happens and now we as a christian we have something that's in this world but out of this world something that is not transient but something that is absolutely permanent in all time a man we can take and make a statue that looks like a human being now if we could speak or god could speak and make that statue come alive would that be miraculous that is not nearly as miraculous as when you and i receive jesus christ and now we have zoe in us and we come to life everlasting that's what is a big christian that's what we have and as christians we can go as part of the brethren the brother and sister in the family of guys and the church is the bride of christ itself now we can go and claim philippians 4 4. anxious about nothing the peace of god comes my mind it's there for us any anxiety just run it through that day after day after day this is what i've done for the past weeks and i've done for a long time in paradise you know what we're really not human beings a better description of you and me would be human doings we do this we do i'm human do i'm doing and once we take a backup and we and we come time to have some being then our human doings catch fire has meaning significance our priority but the being needs some human being and that's what happens to me and i i reformulate my my spiritual formulation it's a fabulous thing and then you come back to what we're going to be dealing with the most powerful important relationship we have as human beings in this life outside of the vertical relationship with christ is marriage it's marriage powerful thing two become one oh powerful thing and we're going to be walking around in this most powerful sacred relationship that man has given to us that god has given us as god has given to man and there are only three kinds of marriages only three they're bad marriages they're okay marriages and there are great marriages what kind of marriage do you have tell you what a bad marriage is a bad marriage is described in many places but particularly in proverbs chapter 27 and that verse says a wife that nags is like a drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip the same thing is true for a husband who nags it's like drip drip drip it's not good enough it's not big enough it's not important enough it's not significant enough you didn't satisfy and and you're born in the negative mindless cake trip trip trip trip trip trip that will lead to a bad marriage and it is a bad marriage by the way i want you to look in the mirror as we did with marriage and ask yourself continually one question what's it like being married to me sit down on that one get your pen and paper out and just answer that honestly or if you really want to handle it ask your partner trip drip drip trip you'll lose all your joy actually a bad marriage is joy reversed it jesus others yourself it is putting yourself first putting yourself first in that relationship when i was studying this passage this is amazing to me i'm sitting on the couch where i don't usually sit when i'm studying and i'm thinking about rejoice you lose your joy bad marriage is myself yourself first myself first and winston comes up and starts barking i said what's the matter behind oh what in the world and i realized that i was sitting on the place in the couch that he normally sits you know after all he's a king charles spaniel so i said i get it so i move true story he jumped up there on my couch i have a little pillow that says rejoice i'd forgotten he was there i'll be honest with you winston immediately takes that pillar and just takes his nose and knocks it off the couch i cannot make it up and i thought my glory i'm looking for an illustration of a bad marriage and here you got it because it is when one or another are partnered they sit on their own throne and it's all about yourself and we know we've already talked about the wives will be cheerleaders to their husbands we have gentlemen we're so thin skinned we need to be cheered for and husbands are to genuinely cherish their wives and you don't sit on the throne of authority in your marriage your mate does your mate does it's not selfishness it's selflessness and when selfish comes in that's a little bit of a bad marriage and we'll go back there we're going to be in marriage for nine weeks just hang on that's a bad marriage what's an okay marriage okay marriage listen carefully is when there is no longer any fighting or fussing when fighting and fussing is eliminated you just have an okay marriage i said boy that's kind of weird is it no it's a picture of a okay merit a standoff it's a picture of a marriage that has moved into the deadliest posture of apathy i've talked to a lot of kurt a lot of couples through the years about marriage when they come in there at each other's throat they're arguing they're presenting their case in their side man there's hope for that marriage but when they both sit there and say i don't care what he does i'm not interested in her and you're together but you're far apart there's no communication any intimate relationship is mechanical there's no sharing there you're going in the same direction but you don't have the same goals and there's a coldness and a heartless and a just we're going to just get along and survive and this is also joy reversed because now there are other things maybe kids it may be friendship it may be hobbies that it comes before your number one priority was the person who is your mate under god for life and that's what happens in a okay marriage no longer any fighting or fussing dangerous place apathy sets it well what about a great marriage ladies and gentlemen i was married for 58 years and i had a great marriage i've been married this christmas for two years and i have a great marriage i'm going to tell you something god intends for everybody here to have a great marriage and if you do not have one you're not simply being obedient to god a great marriage we're going to be talking about bad marriages okay marriage and great marriages for a week to come but a great marriage is weeding and sowing you weed things out of your life and your relation you on a list for this galatians five flight you weed things out you weed things out you have to do and then you plant then you sow you're weeding and you're planting you're weeding and you're planting it's an ongoing process to have a great marriage it's a beautiful thing to have a great marriage and when you both think the other hold the key to paradise by the way let me take you back to costco on the porch darkness and finally she laughs i'm mad but i laugh you're supposed to have the key i'm told to have the key to paradise and then i look up and there's a little window up there it's about this big you see a picture of a little wonder up there i said huh i wonder if i could crawl up through that window so she tries to help me up and my shoulders were too wide and then i said well let me help you and i get her up and we go and we stand on this rickety chair and she gets up there thank goodness for swimming at a little yoga through the years and she gets her head and her shoulders through and finally she gets the others through and somehow she spins around and drops down on the other side kapoop how are you fine and she goes around and opens the door to paradise it took both of us i didn't have the key she didn't have the key it took both of us and all of us are married sometimes we have to go through those narrow places but we have to go through those places together the secret the beginning of a great marriage you weed and you plant you weed in your plant and weeds come up and you pull them up and you plant and you do it together you do it together you know i just know well you'll remember something about this sermon in manhattan are you willing if you're married to do the radical things that will take place the boldness that you'll have to do let me tell you a secret i dare you to try it well the preacher said i may not if you will pray with your mate every morning when you get up when at all possible and you'll pray with your mate every night before you go to sleep that's not too big a thing maybe a minute two minutes you'll begin to take giant steps to having a great marriage what's it gonna take to change to take those bold steps now hold on something's going to happen right now in this room and hold on to your pacemakers i don't want to destroy anything but what is going to have to take place for you to make this change is it gonna have to be want to have a great marriage god's given the prescription we understand most of us of what those are going through in louisiana today or tonight with the impending flood and hurricane we most of us been there done that but the early part of this year there was a hurricane in florida i think it was named elsa i'm not sure and they said evacuate because it's coming and a reporter was still there and they saw a woman on the beach and shorts baseball hat walking around the wind was beginning to blow and rain and the reporter got out and made his way over to her and asked her and said are you going to evacuate she said no we're going to ride out the storm we've done it before he said you want to ride out the storm she said yes my husband and i and i said what what prep what's going to happen or what preparation you're making what's going to take place when this storm comes and she said well we do three things she said there's some drinking and she said uh there's some watching and she said we had a storm once they ripped off our roof and there's some praying you see drinking covers the backward part of joy you do something to cover up a bad marriage you whatever it is activities are part business whatever just like drinking it it hides it you endure you survive about drinking in all forms whatever that entails and then there's watching you you're about others you're watching this and that and others and a higher it's about others you're just watching but finally to put jesus first there's praying there's praying you want a great marriage if you're single if you're a man you want a great marriage god has revealed the secret of having a great marriage what's it going to take power to let many of us here make that radical change by the power of jesus christ marriage is the most important thing we do in this life as humans and having a bad marriage is the most tragic thing that can happen in human life except bad theology theology is the signs of god and if you think god is like this or god permits this i've worked out my own deal with god and i'm going to follow this bad theology is the most tragic thing heresy that can happen to any individual any marriage but man to get it right and do it the way god does it i'm going to tell you it's paradise so your marriage is it best described as a hangover is best described as hanging on or is it best described as a honeymoon eyewitness believe it or not god's way is a honeymoon heavenly father what's it going to take i don't know for some here who are married to have an awakening and look to you lord i pray others here what's it going to take for them to sell out to jesus christ to repent to receive him and not just to be biological but have that zoe that eternal life within lord may some here come down these aisles today and say i want jesus christ to run my life i repent i receive him i want to stand for him at this broken time of history others here father are christians they need a church where they can worship and serve and grow up in you and may they feel this is the place i can be challenged i can mature in the lord i can have a life and a marriage according to god lord use this time in hearts and lives we pray in jesus name as people to make decisions for christ right now i want to extend that same invitation to you as you're watching online if you need and are led to make jesus christ the lord of your life or if you need to join the second family you can call the toll-free number on your screen or go to and click the join button we want to share with you about how we can have a life in christ and send you some more information about being a part officially a part of our second family maybe you're watching you just need someone to pray with you someone's listening ready to heed your call call our toll-free prayer line and we'll pray with you right now again thank you so much for worshiping with us and we'll see you right back here next weekend [Music] you are here moving in [Music] [Music] you are here working in this place [Music] [Music] you are here [Music] [Music] work that [Music] miracle is [Music] promise my god [Music] you are here touching every heart i worship you oh lord i worship [Music] [Music] nobody like you lord [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] even when i don't feel that you're working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you'll never stop [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god is who you are [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Second Baptist Church, Houston
Views: 3,940
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: gBh1wChG_kQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 10sec (5110 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.