Audit | Carlsberg Brewery | It's Unlawful To Film People On Our Site ๐ŸŽฅโŒ๐Ÿฅด

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so i can't point the camera onto the carlsberg site not really what do you mean by not really well i'm just saying we don't want you doing it yeah but is it lost is it unlawful to do it if you're filming people on the site yes welcome back to the channel guys today we're in northampton and we've come to have a look at the carlsberg uk factory so we've got a little uh road down here let's go and take a look they've obviously got these uh scooters electric scooters in this area powered by vo you just scan the qr code lock to unlock it put your card details in right what's this say caution barrier ahead do not proceed beware of cyclists well we're not a vehicle are we got no parking oh employee company shop that's interesting company shop for use by carlsberg employees embedded contractors and authorized personnel only id required for all purchases maximum of six packs of product allowance card payments only wow is it good discount mate yeah cover your cover your pin number is it half price is it for staff off price for stuff we don't sell to the public how much discount do the staff get no discount that's no good what are the perks of working here then it's a big place isn't it how long has it been here for thank you have a good night mate with all that you know good on ya you wear cars you gotta play aren't you i'm just doing a video around the area mate anything interesting to do with carlsberg you ain't got to participate you've not got to participate the company would say you're not allowed film on site so would they yes right sorry data protection and all that is that you've got some data in here have you yeah you're not allowed you're actually on cars with properties yeah yeah so it's only um like a trespassing tip nothing serious yeah no problem mate is it there any signs that say that i have no idea i'll have a look around see what people say see if there's any science in that and we'll go from there yeah obviously this is just a staff shopping tit yes yeah did they get good discount no they don't get discounts i thought you were joking what's the point having a staff shop then just for ease so they ain't got to cue up and stuff go on give me one of them they're getting allowance every month all right what a reduced price depends on what the stock is so a little bit of a discount but not too much you you capped at how much you can buy sort of things every month as part of their package oh brilliant so it is like an employee perk in it yeah good on you good on you they're looking after the staff aren't there so this is where the staff enter is it on this secure area what we got no smoking 10 mile an hour speed limit no an authorized person's beyond this point there you go that's a good one we're not going by that point are we visitors must be accompanied please obey all the signs yeah got a security hook there well that's quite old that clock that's like the old um the old industry clocks that they used to have so yeah you've got a nice secure staff area nice secure motorbike area and a nice way bridge down there in the middle at all them silos look for all the beer brilliant how long's this place been here mate you know sorry certainly we do ask that you don't take videos so there is signs and all that that there's no video coming show me a sign then okay we do ask that no videos just show me the sign then they're busy filming me you haven't asked if you can't follow me okay that's my right to ask you to stop for me would you like me to show would you like to show me the sign no no i'm asking you to stop filming me please you have not a smile that's data the data law clearly says i can ask you to stop forward please it doesn't my friend yes it does it doesn't yes it does and okay have you asked my permission to video me no i haven't no okay so that means you can't not carry on very angry so please if you can't stop did you see that i was recording well you're holding it and you record yeah did you see it before you came over so you saw i was call recording and then you came up to me to say stop recording i'm afraid um it doesn't work like that my friend under what i'm doing what i'm doing delete that okay or else i get the police to come and get it okay i will not be deleting it and that if that if i see that on any website okay i will personally find you and i will charge you yeah yeah you're entitled to do that do you know what my name is i don't need you now you're right how will you find me very easy okay very easy good luck with that now because you know you think you're clever but i don't think so okay mate okay okay okay so i suggest either you put that away now no it won't be it won't be being put away okay i'll get the police okay that's fine that's fine all i how long it's been here for how old is the business and you can find out but you didn't say that did you you asked me to stop recording another person okay yeah and for for his um people no you don't right like what we currently have yeah and that we've got you would you like to show me the sign that's quite reasonable if you want to show me the sign then we can come and show me then okay i'll have a look yeah i'll have a look that's fine that's fine let's have a look what it means so we've got no smoking 10 mile an hour no one authorized people beyond this point visitors must be accompanied please obey all signs high visibility jackets hard hats to be worn protective footwear to be worn first aid contact security i can't see anything that mentions no filming so would you like me to would you like to show me the sign please no would you like to show me the sign please yes come on then oh round here okay i'll have a look round here yeah down here yeah is this what you said we've got heavy vehicles we've got carlsberg would like to remind remind employees that they are offer a search policy no i still can't find it we've got danger loris turning pedestrians please use the level crossings provided down here i can't see anything about not filming though that's strange in it it must be confused where's this sign about no film you know to be used by carlsberg production male and female employees also the car park it can be used by male and females that's nice of them it's just been weighed on the way bridge and here it comes food products so it says down there look no pedestrian access so we're not gonna go past it we're just gonna have a nice look inside oh look big carlsberg truck coming in look after the grounds look got the gardener currently cutting the grass it's nice actually because there is a public footpath which runs all the way around from the main road all the way in and this they obviously own the the land that meets the public footpath so for them to keep it looking nice like that that's really good keeps the local image up here coming into the the site we've got two borg pills and a lager a liquid soundtrack i like that the guy over there is currently trying to take a photo of myself so i'm just gonna pop my mask on did you just take a photo of me you're working pictures of me are you aware of gdpr yes yeah so i'm entitled to a copy of that yeah so what's your name what's your name i don't have to give my name you do if i need to request a copy of it i need to request a copy of that stop recording you carried on so i've just taken a photograph i've just asked you if you're aware of gdpr you must know that don't apply to the members of the public it only applies to organizations yes so it doesn't apply to members of the public so my point is i want a copy of that photo okay what's your your supervisor's name no i'm the manager what's your name please well it's not going to look good when this gets published online it is not going to look good where's this sign about no filming and off he goes so this is um typical of what they do a lot with the weights they'll take a weight on the way in take a weight on the way out and the difference will be what they're getting voice for you're right mate you work here or just contract her you've got delivery yeah just ignore me then i don't work here it's nice to see a map over there look at the site if you can see that over there with my lovely free time zoom it shows that along the outside of the building i've got all these silos one two three four ten twenty thirty four it might be about fifty fifty of these big silos you don't need me to tell you what they store inside yeah it's interesting that they've got the glass along the side what i'm going to do i'm going to take the drone over and then we'll see if we can get a look inside that glass part that'll be interesting so now this uh this cab unit is gone we get to read the sign on the floor properly oh and it says beer beer shop beer shop only so while it's quiet on this entrance at carlsberg notice they've got a path running up the side so let's go and have a look and i can take the mask off as well so this is interesting razor wire within reach of a normal pedestrian like that which is running along a pedestrian footpath so my understanding is if there's a pedestrian put footpath so a highway and the barbed wire is within reach and that is not allowed but is it allowed if they put signs up that's something i will have to look into so on dot uk the highways act 1980 section 164 says that where on land adjoining a highway there is a fence made with barbed wire or having barbed wire in or on it and the wire is a nuisance to the highway a competent authority may by notice served on the occupier of the land require him to abate the nuisance within such time so basically if anybody reports it as being a problem then the local authority have the power to get it removed so not automatically a problem unless it causes somebody a problem so yeah the silos go all the way down the side of the the building lot and then you've got this little pathway the waistband here oh my god look at all that yeah but the the pathway it says public footpath lock river sidewalk so we'll have a little walk down here eh see what we can see from this angle lovely setting at the side of the canal although the canal water's looking a bit of a dodgy color a dodgy green but i've seen worse settings let's carry on having a look see what we can find that's interesting how they've put hanging baskets along the side here look oh even got quite new uh no plants in there with the cards still on yeah how old is this site 200 on this site here the cars by themselves i think is around eight years maybe 7080 on this site all right thank you sorry 1973 thank you mate i'm just making a video 1973 on this site because i looked on the website and it just mentions uh other other countries yeah 1973 so as we come to the end of the outside of the site you've got like a concrete silo which is not a silo bit it's got carlsberg on that's quite nice to see and underneath one of the bridges you've got signs of somebody sleeping rough like a tent under there on a sleeping bag someone's having a hard time aren't there from the back of the building it's all made out of glass so you can see straight through i wonder if that's to do with letting the daylight in there must be some reason of using glasses and material on the side on the canal looks like a barge has been living there got loads of signs of slides and swings not a bad way to live if it's legal nice and cheap and as we go up this side we can see one of the lorries that just came in absolutely rammed full of something so let's get closer and have a look so yeah inside one of them trailers absolutely jam-packed of bottles that's also quite interesting over there on the canal how it's got that gate i'll have to look in to see what that does must be something to do with the floods and you've got a lovely bridge there in the background and loads of these scooters that are going around [Music] pallets of san miguel being loaded onto the trailer down there yeah while i've been standing here having a closer look they look like the empty bottles these do with them not being labeled you can't see no tops on the actual bottles themselves it must be delivering empty bottles ready to be filled it may be the same with all these out stored outside therefore no need for heavy security they're all empty bottles and the mate yeah who makes them sorry top secret is it in the uk yeah that's good what beer will go into them bottles okay mate do you know the ones at the back are they all empty as well okay there you have it confirmation can't tell you where to make some but they're all empty do you know mated you know this gate out here on the canal you know the gate out here on the canal the green gate is that when it floods oh that leads to a railway why would it why would the water need to go down there strange in it i've never seen that before oh so behind it there's another canals there for like where the repairman stuff may be interesting i'm going to move on now thank you he reckons behind that uh beyond that block there's another extension to the canal where they may be used to repair them but we'll see that when we take the drone up so these windows are interesting how they've kept the bottom panel so that you can't see in but the top ones you can see in so that's another thing that we'll have a look at when we get the drone out would you do that would you put all your trust in a blower and a parachute let me know would you do that and could this be something to do with the gate over there and that measuring stick and here we are at the corner of the carlsberg factory with more barbed wire definitely a highway this you know that smaller footpath but this one where it's got the barbed wire on the highway with no sign so for those that want to know what the drone looks like here it is it's got a unique number on it which has to have your um your drone license number by law this is the control panel that's what you see and you just literally just go up so up we'll take it up lot and it'll sit there until you do more controls so if i want to turn it towards me turn it turn it away and then up so i show you the control up up takes it up down takes it down and i can't do it with two hands but that will make it go forward and that will make it go back left and right and the gps locks it into position so if you don't press anything it won't move right switch over to the drone shot [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there we go we took the drone up we did find out that it was some sort of overflow for the canal down there we had to look through the windows saw some barrels being loaded and now it's time just to finish off the perimeter tour see if there's anything else interesting we can see let's go and have a look and here we come to the head office and brewery entrance no hgvs because they use the entrance that we've already seen around the other side so this must just be literally for like employee car parking and visitors it's only a tiny little car park some open blinds here look so we can see into the offices be rude not doing it a few people in there looks like the officers are not used in this section look at the lady look uh i'm only having a nose nothing to worry about can't hear what you're saying though i think she says who are you yeah it's just more offices but no one looks like to be working maybe they're working from home or something i bet it used to be buzzing in there but not during the modern times with the orders from the pm this looks like a disused entrance as well says for sale maybe this part of the building's for sale but through there you can see carlsberg signage i don't know whether the camera will pick it up but there's some carlsberg signage there's uh tells you that there's a roof garden human resources meeting rooms hot desks post rooms stuff like that in there so i bet they've had the order to work from home these big organizations but strangely it's got for sale so i'm not quite sure not quite sure at all on this one and then once we come around that corner there where the dish used offices where it brings you back to where we started down at the and now nicely cut grass thanks to the gardener and i even spotted the gardener taking a photo of his work as well bless him he is proud of these lines they do look good but the staff shop sells so much that they have these trolleys for them to carry it away in please didn't arrive did there i've just walked all the way around i have no idea no while you've been here you've not noticed the police cars pull up now that's why i didn't want them to look for me waste of time do you know what i mean so that'll be the worst thought if like the police get called and they're out looking for me wasting time rather than they could be catching some criminals so yeah i'm about done then is it not many office stuff working here at the minute they all been like working from omaha there yeah makes sense is that why you know that blue shutter on the main road is that normally open for the office people what is that yeah do you know where you've got all the offices down near the blue shutter on the main road bit oh that's closed yeah is that for sale that part yeah so you have no office staff working here at all that building is closed did they used to work there but did kovit change that just because of different things they closed the building like restructuring and stuff so is it the fact that they've moved up to other offices or just working from home it doesn't make sense yeah but so now they can actually sell that asset put more money into the bank and use it for other things yeah brilliant i think it's awesome very tidy around the side i like how you've got some um like hanging baskets on the fence on the side of the canal so you're actually looking after your surroundings you are bothered as a business so it's good to see yeah spot on all right thank you very much so yeah the police never did arrive um so we've done our virtual tour now we have not spotted any signs that say no filming which is a shame and it's a shame about that guy there who came out and just didn't want to interact didn't want to provide any information about the business he just wanted to go straight on the defensive about no filming see the signs see the signs but there are no signs you know there was no need for any of that so i hope you've enjoyed that tour of carlsberg and i'll leave you with one last shot of the different types of beer they do you've got carlsberg young's san miguel and just over there if i can see it brewers is it brewer's fair that that one come on just do me a favor one last thing before i go just reel off all the beers that you do i can't there's too many oh okay just the ones you know off top of your tongue sammy girl and exports that's it oh man i've got more than you all right take care of it say have a enjoy the rest of your day i was going to say have a safe journey oh but you're not going anywhere are you oh here we go i'm just about to leave my friend thank you but you got anything you want to say let me hear it because if you're going that's good thank you okay but your colleague said there's no recording allowed on site he said he was going to call the police but the police never arrived anyway if you said you're going if you'd follow what you're saying please no what it is your colleague informed me that he was calling the police now do not like to leave if the police are on route i don't know i've just heard him say again for the second time that they are on the way if they turn out the turnout if they don't that's it yeah but if they've said if you said you're going i can't go if the police have been called you can no i don't want to waste their time you won't be wasting their time could i just ask is filming allowed on site no where does it say that it's in terms of conditions of the site do you think it will be sensible to put it on display like your other signs if you wanted to let us know about that rule we can't put all the terms and positions on our side okay all right um do you know if i stand over there on the public footpath is it am i allowed to film from there not on the premises you can film anything that's coming down the road but not on the premises so i can't point the camera onto the carlsberg site not really not what do you mean by not really well i'm just saying we don't want you doing it yeah but is it lost is it unlawful to do it if you're filming people on the site yes so the police the police would you're contravening the regulations yeah sure anyway it's your policy though isn't it it's not my policy it's a company yeah but the public members of the public wouldn't follow your policy would they because we're on a public footpath you're filming me and i don't want you filming me so if you can stop that now please i'm a member of the public making a film i said can you stop filming me now if you want if you don't understand stop filming if you don't want to if you don't want to be filmed you can walk away you can walk away if you don't want to be filmed you can walk away if you don't want to be filming thank you we've talked enough why don't you just walk away if you don't want to be fit you're talking don't you can walk away mind you don't trip on that thank you well yeah it's very interesting to see these different types of people and how they behave to members of the public with a camera very interesting indeed i was wondering for a moment there was he actually going to put hands on but he didn't credit to him so i think that's going to be it from carlsberg they did say that the police were on the way for a second time so i've waited around for another 10 minutes but no sign so yeah definitely gonna head off now and i hope you've enjoyed that one and the drone fly over and found out what the the canal gate did and i'll see you on the next one guys so from carlsberg in northampton bye bye for now [Music]
Channel: DJ AUDITS
Views: 182,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live free, auditing britain, pj audits, news now yorkshire, marti blagborough, Ryan rampage, uk audit, pinac, koleberks, banaman, citizen journalist, 1st amendment audit, koleeberks, mat12128, reggie photo, photography is not a crime, polite auditor, citizen journalism, brewer, draughmaster, beer maker, Carlsberg's Northampton plant, Carlsberg Marston's, beer manufacturers, Beer Companies, Carlsberg Expรธrt, Estrella Damm, Hobgoblin, Marstonโ€™s Pedigree, San Miguel Especial
Id: TWbFQz3QakI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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