Weston Favell Police Station

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yo hi everybody this is a.b i'm here today in western fayetteville which is uh northampton just outside this uh rather strange looking church i've never seen a church like that before just next to it is a port b station so yeah we go and check it out go western table so what we're going to do is just going to walk all around the station and see what happens just gonna walk around giving me a dirty look in there a very dirty look so yeah this is the back of the station we got this massive wall so you can't you can look past that so you just carry on around nice place for the picnic here bring all the the sausages and the cake and sandwiches and just have them here by the police station very nice oh let's climb up over there oh yes that's better yeah how are you how are you good all right yeah i will go back and do that when i finish with you thanks i don't know you look familiar who's accent is it my acting i don't know you do look familiar i don't know i don't know but i don't know why i look i can't see my face well so how can i look familiar if you can't see my face anyway so can i go back filming the police cars yeah anything anything here do i like him yeah yeah i'm gonna wait to see one hopefully if i see one favorite favorite of the police cars which one yeah do you get to drive in yes really which ones i don't know because we've got quite a few different ones now you've probably seen them different colored yeah there you change the colors yeah your card hacker that's just different response cars it so yeah these two pcs they were just wondering so i'm going to continue with the sort it's open i didn't get your shoulder numbers i got it ready what's that what's that sorry how do you get your shoulder numbers yeah sorry all right thank you there's no way anybody can look all them how can anybody read your photo number with all them badges on it well you can always ask here's my name sorry no i'm just saying i'm just wondering it's on display it should be visible for the public to see that's not visible you covered it with loads of money to move these badges i think you should of course i will 7094 yeah have a nice day so yeah they kind of been very well i wouldn't say polite they've been like smiley and all that but they're definitely calling for somebody and trying to get me in trouble for something so yeah the the bloody piece i said she does look familiar uh she looks very familiar i don't know oh i think they said i told i sent you backup now and uh there's two pieces coming towards me but the next one is trying to come back and even they kind of hurt my face hey hi guys how are you doing i'm all right you're right yeah i'm good my colleagues are just very super concerned because you're filming oh right okay you're a sergeant i am hi sergeant hello you're all right yeah if i get you like uh the the right color for the british flag would you change it would you change that one because that's not the right color no i know so that's in support of a police charity called defending where are you kind of defensive in the british flag it's an embarrassment when you do that i don't want to talk about that i want to just ask why you're filming them oh okay to talk about that to be honest why why are you um see the sergeant doesn't it oh she has one as well look i didn't notice that yeah if i give you one i think i have a phone why are you still here filming the police station have you got any reason to be filming is it just because you want to antagonize us no no just a question can you answer my question and i'll answer yours if i give you the right color for the british flag would you would you change it well no because this is what i want on my uniform so you won't change it no this is what i want on my unit so you want to continue before you answer my question you want to continue to facing the flag answer my question because i've answered yours do you hang on one more do you want to continue defending the flag okay so it's not about the facing the flag it's in support of the thin blue line you're defacing the british flag people fought for that flag why are you here filming is it because you know that's why i get a reaction out of police officers i think that's what it is you think so yeah if if you think that's what it is you want to provide your details i got a second i don't know if that's why you think it is yeah so in my opinion turn around and go back okay that's my opinion right if that if that's your that's that's what you think it is why are you here then all right okay i'm just filming around why specifically a police station do you not see how that's a bit concerning to people not really no you don't people love this kind of stuff yeah actually okay is it for a youtube channel or something it might be my friend probably i think isn't it written is that your youtube channel my name is in britain no okay all right are you waiting to give your details sir what do you need my details for i'm just asking if you're willing to give them so we can and i'm asking what do you need i've been asked to come down and just see what you're doing just because you feel them but pcso colleagues are film the police station appreciate your questions i wanted to give you details that's fine sir when pcs are very smiley and everything i don't know why they've done that okay well they've gone back into the station that's what we're going to do if you're not willing to give your details all right thank you thank you enjoy the rest of your day yeah right yes think about changing that flag you're embarrassing your your your country with a police station say that again i said think about not filming a police station and why is that well you're asking you've got your opinion on this i've got my opinion on that yeah but i gave you the reason why why do you think i shouldn't film the police station do you not think it's a bit suspicious no it's not a police station i don't know [Music] it's actually open sorry it's private car park sir can you just stop but it doesn't say yeah yeah i can be here i'm happy to film but yeah i i can be here i can be here so i'm asking you just go get it i know you're asking me with you here but i can be okay you refuse to give me your details and i accept that okay i can respond right yeah if you have i have no issues with you okay that's fine i can send whatever i want okay but what i'm asking you to do is because what's going to happen is people are going to keep being concerned and we're going to keep going back down here and speaking to you you don't want that you don't want to keep engaging with me i'm sure there's something else to be honest this is over from public you cannot have that argument why don't you just phone stand the other side of the gate continue your film and carry on with your day because i can stand here i've got i've got more important things to do let's go lady go what's happening please don't call me lady that's quite insulting well you're not gay are you can you please go on the other side of the game okay mister i can stand here i'm just gonna go bye exactly you just danny bye she's rude you see your sergeant but look how you're being you're being difficult on purpose aren't you i am not i can if i can stand here she cannot tell me that i can't listen you're being difficult on purpose okay someone else needs some help now so i'm gonna go head bye mister she doesn't want to be called lady yeah so after the making of this video i decided to go to amazon and buy a few of these uh union flag proper union proper colors and hopefully uh in future videos i'll be handing them to any police officers that are wearing the thin blue line flags and see if they accept them or not
Channel: Auditing Britain
Views: 253,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZnmMzhXdlt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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