It's My Building

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yo hi everyone this is a so yeah I'm here today in pum uh specifically for this building here apparently it's a police building a CT police building and it used to be a police station and they Now operate ctly collecting assets money from the proceeds of crime apparently so I don't know uh a subscriber appointed this a t me I'm not going to say his name cuz I don't want to I don't know if he wants to be identified or not so I'm not guarantee yeah I tell you are camera is everywhere just going to walk all the way around and uh see what happens yeah this building is suspicious if you can see anything oh just go just go flight numbers what the heck can see my and that'll be the B gate I guess quick look again oh there's a car coming [Music] out yeah yeah you you the wall sorry camera over the wall what are you talking about sorry what are you talking about what what are you talking about Sor what's your problem you sorry why you just how the look why you here what do you mean why you still here why are you here right all right why you here what bring what brings you to the street street yeah you here stood here now my feet why are you still here why who are you man why are you asking about these questions why I'm asking these questions you're acting strangely sorry is you're acting strangely but you stranger stopping and asking me questions I never met you in my life reason to sorry I have a reason to ask these questions what's your reason your for so what's going on here then you tell me what happens in there you tell me what you work there I don't work there what goes on in there how can I tell you I don't work there do you work sorry where do you where like location or me I work for myself yeah that's s man so I just peaked over and then the GU getting b bananas where do you work oh by the way on the spy glasses at the moment they're all on the phone he's on the phone his m is on the phone they all getting nuts that guy he's actually on the phone while he's driving see that see that I don't know if the camera would catch it or not see that he's on the phone the guy with a c car is behind me in his car still yeah he just keeps following me he keeps following me I again that one over there he just keeps watching everything I'm doing hey look they've got a a rosemary bush here oh I love love the smell of Rosemary let's check these oh yes they food this building is weird help you no no hey no mate do here nothing go my property whose's property mine it's yours yeah are you the owner yeah are you yeah seriously yeah you own all this yeah is that a problem do you own all this yes do you need anything who who are you it doesn't matter who I am could you got the property place oh you're the owner yes are you sure about that why cuz it doesn't look like you're the owner why does it not look like the owner he doesn't look like it can you get off my property please is it your property yeah I don't think so I think this is open man sorry I think it looks like it's open for public are you police officer no are you sure yeah can you have my property pleas I don't think it's your property look there's uh I can use them soono maybe I need to use that Pia think ah the camera glass just stopped from working I don't know why go guys get off the property it's my property compy [Music] K I don't have reach point there I don't know why the camera glasses stop from working do my head in these camera glasses yeah there's uh they do kind of vibrate when they come on and off and I heard them vibrating maybe they run out of a battery so I have to record over now just get oh was you okay he just let your armor in as well um we had a call to say that you just about who going in around the station trying to film stuff is it a station yeah huh is that actually a station yeah it's a Play Station oh is it yeah oh right so I just wondering what you were doing [Music] ra nothing nothing nothing not really no what what are you going to use the recordings for got like a YouTube channel is it doesn't say police station on it doesn't say police station out is is there's a one person that's alarming me right now yeah he's driving a silver car okay and he's constantly going around like following me who is it is slightly alarming I think he's somewhere down the corner there the redge of the car is the redge of the car we can help you out if you need to he he did come out of that building though he did yeah yeah yeah but he it's going to be a police officer in an unmarked car I ask him are you a police officer he said no I don't know we he could be a play staff member then you think so we tell you on and also one of them just came out as well just on the phone you know driving while you're on the phone oh is it yeah yeah yeah well you need to report him then night I we report him yeah of the car yeah I did that one yeah yeah for sure I I won't be able to show it to you now yeah yeah but obviously who who's the best person to report stuff like that you go go online you go online to West's place online you can report it on there does it have to be West Midlands police or any police well if it's happened in the West Midlands oh I see yeah yeah definely reporting now and it's literally just taking a Mickey man driving on the phone for you on to like traffic departments and stuff like that who are going to De traffic processing ticket processing teams and stuff like that yeah he's literally just driving on the phone I thought he was out of order really but there you go but no no no obviously I interested in that building it looks very how do you say it doesn't look it doesn't say police outside it's very called verd kind of thing I'll be honest I didn't really know it was there until you came no way where there you go there I didn't know that until you came but seriously yeah what I don't think many people were there it's not a it's not a like one that's open to the public if you know what I mean it's not a it's not it's not got a front office and things like that okay yeah yeah I've noticed that it's only like operational like there are some some policing departments that work out of uh in schools and things like that yeah so sometimes they won't say police station on the front because it's not in a sense it's not going to be used by the public it's only used by a guy came out from it and he said uh what did he say he said get out of my property and he said it's my building and I was like surely he must be lying so I didn't believe him kind of thing so I told him what it you doing then for him to say get off the property sorry what were you doing for him to say get off my property nothing just just walking yeah yeah just looking around I picked up a little bit of Rosemary that's that's pretty much it what's your plans now not a lot my friend not a lot no not a lot I would like to find out a little bit more by this building obviously what you searching for my friend you my oh private stuff yeah oh okay sorry well no it's my work for but yeah oh so it's not private stuff you don't need to know about it do you why not you asking me aot all sorts of questions and I ask you one question you say you don't need to know you're the auditing Britain guy aren't you what are you searching for you are the auditing Britain guy aren't you on the videos so I know that you're not really malicious intent or anything like that I didn't say I am anybody yeah but I know you are him so that's fine okay what's your plans now then not a lot my friend I'll try and find out a little bit more that's fine as long as you're not like going onto the grounds and stuff like thatly you know what you can and can't do so as long as you're not doing anything you can't do then we've got no issue with you being there Etc if you're just going to stay around the outside recording and things cuz that's what you enjoy yeah yeah and you continue doing that there's nothing illegal but obviously if things do escalate and you start trying to make ways of entry into the building in any ways not saying you are going to do that if that does happen can can I ask you what sort of call did you get what sort of call we had a call saying that there was someone outside of a PlayStation yeah which so where did you come can I ask when it's a PlayStation you understand there's certain levels of risk do you know what I mean like police officers they can be deemed vulnerable targets to certain people not saying that specifically you with the job we do sometimes we do upset people and we make decisions that don't imp don't please everybody of course that leaves us sometimes vulnerable if there's someone outside if it's say an officer leaving work in their personal car and then someone's taking their registration to their personal car sure and then you don't know what that person might do with it might do with it yeah you know what I mean I'm not saying that's what you're doing specifically no I'm saying it has happened in the past with things like that and he's left an officer in a vulnerable position so when it is happening it's just standard the person that came out if he's an officer I don't know if he's an officer I did ask him he did I'm pretty sure he said no I might be wrong but he said no I mean if he was worried about his uh safety or his registration he would have gone straight away but he made sure he was getting round and round and round and round and Sil Mercedes no it was more like a silver cser I believe I think it was a was it a corer I think it might have been a corer if it's a silver corser they are cars that the place do yeah yeah yeah again they're quite common cars aren't they it doesn't mean just because Place have silver courses it doesn't mean that and also you said you said you can carry on filming outside as long as you're outside not trying to gain access there's nothing there's nothing illegal that's what I'm saying so why did you come out when I asked you I said do you what kind of call did you get you said somebody filming outside but I only know that now after speaking to you don't know if I if I cross the te and up the eyes that's all it was right speak I don't know what you were doing but from speaking to know that all you want to do is film the outside for the PlayStation yeah you kind of Point people off from filming outside I would fil that's how we're just speaking to you anything we're just engaging with the public which is half of our job is it he not engaging with the public come on this is like look at this street this street is not that public and we're engaging with you it's not like if you're walking around town and then you're engaging with the public we're about to do right now go back into town yeah which town are you going to bur oh the center too far from me yeah yeah yeah but we're going to go now cuz we know you've got no malicious intent or anything no no no malicious from me my are so as long as you don't cross the B I never said who I am yeah but I know you are so as long as you don't cross the boundaries of what you know you can and can't do there's going be no issue you see that's why that's why can I ask you one more question a quick one I know I saw you f it on the phone and you said it's none of your business did you check any kind of information in the phone what' you mean I I can find out anyway what do you mean any information so did you actually check anything well no cuz I know who you are from seeing your videos before oh just the voice oh just the voice okay okay that that's that's the reason I ask you why you're looking on the phone YouTube that's found okay oh you looking on YouTube yeah I've seen your YouTube videos oh all right we'll leave you all well thank you very much l is that what's that in there McDonald's yeah going cold now sorry it's going cold now has it oh dear they call the [Music] police yeah see how professional they became as soon as they realize who they dealing with that's the problem you don't get to see their true Behavior when they realize who I am or when they realize Again on YouTube so that's that uh where that guy they following the machine they said they going to the town center now when I'm going to head there there's a school just opposite that one there that's why you can hear kids screaming s primary school yeah so after that uh I went to the city center which wasn't too far uh just around a corner and uh filmed these two videos uh which uh you've already watched if if you haven't watched them you can go and watch him or you can rewatch him I don't care anyway AB out
Channel: Auditing Britain
Views: 120,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Police, British Police, Auditing, UK Audits, British Audits, British police audits, Metropolitan Police, London Police, American audits, British Army, Auditing Britain, AB, Matters of Public Interest, Birmingham Police
Id: -z7xsTRWotE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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