Audi Sport Quattro S1 Evolution 2: We Drive The Most Iconic Group B Rally Car! | Carfection 4K

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[Music] if you ask people what they associate most with the audi rs badge i think it might just be the turbocharged straight 5 engine such as the one you find in this the latest audi tt rs but of course what people are really thinking about is this but even when you're in well a car as rare and special as this the original you're probably actually dreaming of being in one of these this is the audi sport quattro s1 and it's everything you think it's going to be now the back straight here so five coming six it is an absolute animal of a car wow i'm sliding into s18 and this is not just any old sport quattro s1 or e2 as it's sometimes known this is perhaps the most important most storied car that still exists from the original 20 that were built we'll come back to this specific car's history in a bit but first it's worth having a quick recap the original long wheelbase quattro took the rally world by storm in 1980 but by 1984 the other manufacturers were catching up so the short wheelbase sport quattro or shorty was launched but it wasn't enough where piek felt the pressure to maintain a link with the road cars the likes of peugeot and lancia were building mid-engined silhouettes the sport quattro was simply outclassed by the 205 t16 in particular so in a relatively short space of time the monstrous s1 or evolution 2 was developed the most visible difference was the huge amount of aero the first time a rally car had used wings and splitters for downforce rather than simply balance to help with weight distribution the battery alternator oil cooler and radiator with two fans were all moved into the boot with pipes running back through the cabin because the five cylinder was still ahead of the front axle the 5545 front to rear weight distribution still wasn't perfect but it was better the addition of a center differential helped too and there was more power to distribute up to 580 brake horsepower with the variable boost turned all the way up although we're probably running just under 500 today the end result was quite simply the most iconic group b car ever the slightly inconvenient truth however is that it only won a single rally the 1985 san remo with walter rawl at the wheel incredibly that car chassis number 11 was scrapped meaning that this chassis number two registration inny 18 is arguably the most historic s1 in existence it has been owned by aduk for 25 years and today i'm probably getting more time in it than anyone has since the late 90s it started its life by finishing second in the 1985 thousand late rally in finland and then it won at the non-championship masters international rally in sweden both with stiglonquist at the wheel and bjorn cederberg in the silly seat we'll get on to what it did after that in a bit but first here is the wonderfully unassuming softly spoken stick to tell us a little of what he remembers about driving it okay this is my car from thousand lakes 85 and that was close to when but we had a small difficulty with the gearbox but we managed to get second anyway and this car then was a really nice car in finland that's for sure this car when we get all the wings and things on it it was really nice over the yams and could fly and it always landing a little bit with the rear first and that was perfect it was behaving more like a front wheel driven car and a rear driven car so i think i had a big favor compared with other guys when they was coming because i was the only one who came from the front driven car we just had left foot breaking and all these things into the corner was doing the same job there so that was helping me a lot and okay with this one now of course we had the power there as well we had 150 200 horsepower more on what we had in the a2 so that make a big difference because if you try to be a bit careful and slowly then the car was not nice at all really you have to be quite tough to it in in the early days when we didn't have the differential what we what we had in the end and things like that so you have to drive the car you couldn't let the car driving you excellent advice but easier said than done when you're not a world rally champion off boost it's okay but as soon as that boost comes in whoa just wants to snipe you you might be adding lock or you probably want to change up a gear you do feel like you want to try and work really hard to get the nose of the car in do you think you've worked wrong on san ramo when you want to be taught stick on a thousand lights i mean what a thing it's interesting because it doesn't really like turning into corners but it also feels really light it only weighs 1100 kilos gearshift is nice once you get used to it pedals not very easy to heal and toe but but a leftover braking can just help keep the nose in what a role you should say that you had to think two corners ahead and this card i can trust me see what it meant as you can see you sit fairly upright in a kevlar seat surrounded by the dubious protection of an aluminium roll cage a bank of dials informs the driver while a couple of the most important are replicated on the co-driver's side there is a knob on the dash for the variable boost with another on the transmission tunnel for the brake bias the doors are very light the clutch is very heavy and the tyres well they're very old and now very unobtainable but even though the michelins are not producing the grip they might have in their prime it's still a serious workout from behind the wheel it's a really physical car actually ruler yes it does feel lighter than i expected it's fueling we're really working at it the acceleration of the g-forces [Music] you're really kind of wrestling with a bear and you have the feeling that the bear is always going to win and there's not a car that you can really do that precise with because i mean when the beast comes in it's just it's like a bomb coming off it really is extraordinary are you constantly working to try and get the nose into corners this long corner down here i'm taking a wide line just and then feed that and we're on target remaining as old as a car so that's another thing to deal with and if you get a quarter right and you're on boost then it feels completely different to if you slightly fluff it and don't have all the boots coming in here wrong you think what am i doing here the car's laughing at you they're right the car seems to get a mind of its own almost being precise trying to fight with it being precise isn't really a thing because you just it all depends where you've got it right to get the boost coming in that is back straight it's just washed up there's weaving with all the campers i mean again what it must be like on a bumpy narrow tarmac road where the car just wants to fight the front and rear did somebody want to do something he's riding slowly you can feel this and slightly waving tugging content like extreme heavy usually talks deer oh my word now while i take a moment to catch my breath i want to talk about gearboxes this car has a manual h pattern fitted but there is a little white button on top this activated something known as the bomb under the bonnet which used hydraulics to slam the clutch pedal to the floor it apparently worked brilliantly but it was also responsible for breaking the left feet of several mechanics so understandably they tend to keep it disabled these days however later on there was also an even more advanced system fitted to this car it was this a pdk gearbox porsche's automated double clutch system in november 1985 walter roll drove this very car with the pdk system fitted in the separate rally in austria and he won by over 18 minutes he then used the box again in the 1985 lombard rac but although it undoubtedly made the car quicker dropping the naught 60 time from 3.1 to 2.5 seconds on gravel it was also almost impossible to know which gear you were in a trait that roll blamed when he and phil short rolled on stage 15 in south wales i mean it's nice having a manual box because in some ways you can see it gives you a momentary pause when this had a pdk box and it just kept gears at you and the pace never stopped right let's do three gear on the back here you can see four five you see it starts to build and then six just takes off wow i mean i've driven quite a few wrc cars and i mean this is everybody talks about group even fearsome it really is i've never had to work so hard in a random car in all my life [Music] do you think you group me you think of this car and it's not just because of the lugs you know it's not perfect the whole way from it in terms of it's handling but why is it exciting that's nice the noise of that five cylinder but then the noise from the turbo that weighs against european what an experience hats off nick group b cars were of course banned from the wrc at the end of 1986 after a couple of horrendous accidents and it's equally well documented that the far less powerful group a cars were going even faster just a few years later but the spectacle group b cars provided the awe that they instilled in those watching the bravery asked of their crews those are things that have arguably never been matched and the audi sport quattro s1 is arguably the most emblematic car of the entire era it's why to this day the sound of a turbocharged five-cylinder is so evocative [Music] you
Channel: Carfection
Views: 198,200
Rating: 4.9713278 out of 5
Keywords: audi quattro s1, audi quattro, audi s1, audi, audi sport quattro s1, audi sport quattro, quattro, audi sport quattro s1 e2, audi s1 quattro, audi quattro group b, quattro s1, audi quattro rally, audi s1 e2, audi quattro s1 e2, dirt rally 2.0 audi quattro s1 e2, audi quattro s1 e2 dirt rally 2.0, group b audi quattro, audi quattro s1 e2 brutal exhaust sound, audi s1 sound, audi quattro s1 sound, quattro audi s1, audi sport quattro s1 e2 // pure turbo sound, group b, rally
Id: 60raig8Q4JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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