Audacity Envelope Tool: Increase or Reduce Your Audio Volume

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this video is going to look at the envelope tool it's one of the most useful tools in audacity in terms of being able to work with multi tracks and built a blend together the different elements of your recording so you're going to have music you can have certain effects you can have voice now how'd you blend them all together and how do you have background music well that's what the envelope tools for so here's a common configuration for the introduction for a podcast you've got introductory music which is up here that's the two stereo tracks here that's the stereo track with the two left and right elements and you have a mono voice track as well so at the moment the voice is playing at the same time as the music but the music is at the same volume is a voice so let's hear how that sounds am welcome to the show this is the audacity your dishes your plugins okay so the place get started so as you can tell that's not too much use you can barely hear the voice over the top of the music but we don't want the music to be quiet that will be through we could obviously just make the music a little bit quieter using the amplifier tool and of d amplifier but what we want is for the music to be loaded start and in quieted down when the voice is playing and then get load again towards the end and that's what we use the envelope tool for so this is the envelope tool up here blue light with to a door the other side of it now when you click it you can see that suddenly the each of the tracks has a kind of a dark blue lane at either end and South Korea banding across it now the way it works is that you decide where you want the music to start quieting down so I wanted to start quieten down maybe about a second before move a half second before the start of the voice so I'm going to click right about there on the music track you can see that there's a dot appear there now I can move that dot up and down you can see that that's actually it looks like it's making it quieter and it is so if I left it like that that would meet the music very quiet and it's like that because there's only one dot there what I can do is if I make it load again so that's it maximal openness and I just click again a little bit after the voice starts that makes a second dot now what I can do is I can move the second dot and the first one stays where it is so basically what it's seeing is that I want the music to start at this volume at start play along play along until it is the first dot and then I want the music to change in volume in this case going down towards the second dot and then I want it to be constant beyond that and you can move both of those dots around to change the volume and it's very visual so you can see that this first thought it's quite load there that's making a quieter quieter and that's making a load again and you can see the sort of the ramping of the volume so let's make it like that so that looks like it's quite load at the star it's quite load and instantly it's quite a quite equator and then it plays in the background for a while I'm going to bring that back a little bit and you can make that nice and quiet so there is playing in the background but you can see that it's nice and quiet it's very small I'm going to go over to the end I want it to get loader again towards the end so I'm going to click a dot up where I want it to start to get louder I'm going to click there and that's going to stay where it is and I'm going to click a dot at where I want it to be it's loaded so I'm going to click there there's the dot and then I'm going to drag that up and you can see that I can move it around there we go so that's why it's called an envelope tool because you're creating an envelope within which the music or the sound is the volume is set so it's coming along a big envelope here so it's nice and load then then we'll get a smaller and smaller and the audio squeezed into a small envelope so it's quiet as quiet as quiet and envelope gets big again towards the end so that's all we need to do now if I go back to the start let's play it and hear oh that sounds like hey and welcome to the show this says the audacity podcast and we're going to be looking at everything that's happened audacity in the last week we're looking at new additions new updates new plugins okay so let's get started easy as that so that sounds a bit more professional so it's quite good the voices playing over the top of the audio but the music is next require so that's how the envelope tool works you can do that on any audio clip at all voice sound effects music and you'll be using that all the time to make sure all your stuff blends in so all that was useful to you and thanks for listening
Channel: The Podcast Host
Views: 74,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audacity (audio Editor), audacity envelope tool, audacity volume
Id: wP9bzByrE0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2013
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