How To Use AUDACITY 2022 "Audacity Tutorial 2022"- COMPLETE GUIDE - Voice Over, Podcast, Music, ACX

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to audacity 2022 a to z this tutorial is long but it is your one-stop shop and it will save you a ton of time scouring the internet trying to decipher what's good information not good who knows what the heck they're talking about who does not and piecing all of those bits together this i put this beautiful package together for you all and by the way i happen to be an expert in this software there's a wealth of information surrounding audacity i assure you it's not all created equal so i'm glad that you found this video please like and subscribe stick around i'm not going anywhere we dive deep so this is what we cover we talk about the correct website to get audacity from installation just very briefly mic setup very important audio editing audio processing eqs by the way free eqs for download in the description below i did a ted talk speech recently so if you're interested in viewing that once you're done with this i will leave a link in the description below and i talk a lot about you the creative community and how much joy you've brought into my life we'll talk about compression normalizing loudness normalization limiting peaks and clips what this stuff means what it does we're going to talk about the tools buttons hotkeys that are going to save you so much time in your editing recording tactics uh microphone proximity effect the new features in the new audacity i'm going to record a voiceover in real time so you can see the workflow and see what i do i'm going to add some background music all the way to saving the project and exporting it in mp3 or wav to your choice and by the time we're done the final product will sound like this project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san dot why should you trust me i'm josh meyer of i'm a professional voice talent i've done over three thousand paid voice-overs i got into that through writing music and i just so happen to be an expert in audacity so if you were to head to my website um click on the testimonials feel free to play any or all of these videos but people seem to be very very pleased with what i'm able to do for them in regards to audacity their voice over careers their podcasting audiobook narration professors looking to get professional sound you name it feel free to check it out so i know that this has been a funny year a funny couple years uh but this is a perfect time for you all to hone in your skills and level up and get that much closer to realizing your goals and dreams i do this because i believe in freedom i believe in you working on your outcome and not someone else's that's how i've achieved freedom and i want the same for you all stay buckled up you're in great hands and i will see you on the other side enjoy the tutorial okay so this is the official website for audacity this is absolutely a trustworthy place uh it is the spot so i just want to say big thanks to the audacity team they are without a doubt providing professional grade software free of charge and they just keep giving more and more functionality and more firepower than we even need so they are doing a fantastic job i used to pay for adobe audition i no longer do that because audacity does everything i need and then some so this is the official website they have it compatible to windows mac and linux you would click download and the download will start automatically it should recognize your audio or your operating system right when you do that and if for some reason there was a random glitch which i doubt then you could always let's say you got windows instead of mac and you wanted mac you could always just click mac and it will download mac you could click linux it will download linux and you would just go through the the typical steps yes i want it in english or whatever you know language that you're selecting next next next i'm sure you have downloaded a program before so just go ahead and run through the typical steps and once you're done this is what it will look like so first off let's talk about if you're on windows click right here and select windows direct sound let's talk about one of the most important things getting going in audacity and getting going and recording so let's talk about your microphone if you're using audacity for recording then chances are you need better audio quality than your laptop mic or your built-in microphone i mean let's be real it sounds like trash and there are many many affordable options for usb mics out there um so let's let's just talk about microphones really quick a budget friendly microphone that i would recommend seventy dollars this is a samson meteor mic um i've gone through many many usb mics throughout my time and for 70 dollars this microphone rocks and it's one of those plug-and-plays you know it it will plug into the back of this microphone and usb directly into your computer and audacity will recognize that something to note is that if your audacity is open before you plug in your audio interface or your usb microphone then it may not recognize it so what you want to do is make sure that your interface or your usb mic is plugged in prior to audacity being open so that way it can recognize it and we will talk about your mic selection so let's talk about audio processing or i'm sorry audio chains really quick it could be a usb mic right so for instance this is the samson right i definitely recommend this uh samson doesn't pay me a dime i just have been through the growing pains i've used a ton of equipment and i want to save you the hassle of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't work and just taking a shot into the dark and hoping it works out okay so there is many different ways or setups uh in regards to you know your mic setup so it could be as simple as a usb mic directly plugged into your usb port and here's an example this is the samsung so if i had the samsung plugged in then i would click here and i would select samson now since i am running my microphone through my interface then i'm going to select my interface so my interface happens to be the audient id4 if you are using a focusrite then it would say focusrite in here and you would want to select that now i've got more firepower than i need over here like there's different there's different chains to get into the computer simplest chain um and you know can be great sounding is just a quality usb mic boom plugs right into the computer audacity will recognize that that is simple it could be as complex as something like this for example i have this re20 electro voice cardioid dynamic microphone that is an xlr mic and it runs into my preamp my warm audio tone beast preamp that then runs into my dbx compressor that then runs into my audient id4 interface and the audience converts all of that sound and will input it into the computer or audacity via usb so you might have to replay that once or twice i know it can be a little overwhelming when you've got something crazy like that going on but it could also be as simple as this for instance right here i have a blue ember xlr condenser microphone with an xlr cable that runs into my audience interface and we think of an interface as an external sound card by the way so this microphone has a xlr cable plugged into it that then runs into my interface and then the interface runs into the computer and i'm telling you guys you know for as for under 250 dollars you could produce killer good sound really really good sound professional great sound um so i think this microphone's on sale for like 85 dollars i'm gonna tell you right now that is a steal it's a steal this is one of the most undervalued microphones on the market i kid you not i kid you not so 85 bucks for this mic you know maybe 20 bucks for the xlr cable if you you want balanced xlr cables balanced xlr cables uh that will that will take away from you know kind of uh it's on the tip of my tongue it is interference yeah it's interference so we don't want interference in the background we don't want that buzzy hum stuff uh so anyway microphone 85 bucks maybe 20 bucks for some good balanced xlr cables maybe even less you know probably fifteen dollars uh and then you could have a focusrite scarlett solo that will then provide this microphone with the 48 volt phantom power so any of your interfaces the audient id4 or the focusrite they will provide the microphone with the 48 volt phantom power that it needs and it will run into the computer so if you had a focusrite that's 110 bucks this i think is like 85 right now we could just round up call it 90 that's 200 then you know some cables that's still under 250 you could get a mic stand as well still under 250. i'm telling you right now um you you will produce damn good sound uh so today i'm actually coming to you from the blue ember and you guys can make your own choice anyway once again blue not paying me a cent okay i have used a vast amount of equipment i know it works i know what's great and expensive i also know what's budget friendly and expensive and by the way i will have some links in the description below with uh recommended equipment um that i've actually used and i actually know uh works well so uh if you use those links it's a free and easy way to support the channel you know i probably get like a half of a percent from amazon or whatever you guys don't pay anything extra uh if not no big deal but uh the equipment that i recommend definitely definitely solid stuff if you have more to spend you know then you can upgrade and do some more crazy stuff like i have going on over here but you don't need it necessarily uh it just depends on what you're trying to do and what you're trying to accomplish so we want to either select our usb mic so if it was a blue yeti we'd select the blue blue yeti if it was an xlr microphone running through an interface then we would select your interface for for example scarlet solo or the audient id4 both interfaces so i've got mine running through the audience so i'm selecting that right here we're going to select mono and the reason we're doing that is because audacity now has joint stereo so we no longer have to create duplicate tracks and marry them together to create stereo so mono is going to be perfect for whatever you're doing now the speakers if you have your headphones plugged directly into the computer then you're going to want to select your primary sound driver possibly your realtek high definition audio but i have my headphones plugged into the interface so if you had a once again a focusrite solo you would select focusrite solo since i have the audience oops i'm going to select the audience there we go so now that we know that okay audacity has recognized our microphone we're going to be able to hear it through the correct channel we can get going as simple as this watch this i'm gonna click record hello i am now recording this is josh meyer tutorial this is the one stop shop a to z comprehensive goodness yada yada now watch what i do spacebar there's no need to get back on the mouse and and try to find oh where's the stop where's the pause just spacebar if you wanted to play it back hello i am now as simple as that so to reiterate click record we're clicking record if i want to stop the recording spacebar if i want to listen to the recording spacebar chord you get the idea it's as simple as that so what i'm going to do right now is just create a random recording so we have a track and some sound waves to play with here this is not going to be the voiceover just something that we can use to talk about what these buttons are in these tools so right here this is the selection tool this is the tool that you will use the most by far and in prior audacities there was also a time slider tool right here and it's no longer there it's no longer there for a great reason and that's part of the new functionality of the uh new audacity 3.0 and up we will get to that in a sec and by the way i will show you what all this stuff does and you'll get a much better understanding when we go through the workflow of recording a voiceover but this right here this is the envelope tool so what the envelope tool will do and by the way the envelope tool is really really useful for background music for voiceovers uh or your your podcast intro or whatever um this envelope tool right here let's see i just created an anchor dot right there and an anchor dot right here and what i can do is i can squeeze this audio down so if i wanted it to be quiet at certain points in time and louder at other points so it would be louder here and you can by the way you can judge um you can judge loudness of the um of the the voiceover or the sound based off of the size of the waveform here uh we have not like normalized or done anything like that but the bigger the waveform is the louder it will be so we can use the envelope tool to squeeze audio down and once again this is going to be applicable with the background music because we're going to want the background music to be more quiet while we're speaking and more loud when we are not so you will understand the functionality of that much much more so later on now this is the pencil tool i mean this is uh something that that people rarely really rarely have to use so as you notice right now what i'm doing is i am hovering over these buttons right here okay and when you hover over a button for a moment it will tell you what it is so this is zoom in this is zoom out right here for instance this is going to be silence audio so if i clicked this that would go away and you're like dang it i didn't mean to do that no big deal because we can always undo that so watch this i'll click this button right here undo or control z now that brings me to the hotkeys and you will get a better understanding of that later but when you hover over a button or a tool it will not only tell you what it is but it will tell you the hotkey so if i wanted to redo what i had done control y if i wanted to undo what i just did ctrl z boom now over time you're going to know which which hotkeys do what it's going to save you a lot of time running across the screen and doing a lot of stuff when you're editing at this point in time for for years i've got one hand on the mouse one hand on the keyboard i'm chopping i'm slicing i'm doing this and that and i'm rolling i'm rolling on these this editing but i'm going to slow it down for you all um so right here cut audio boom what that's going to do is it's going to cut it away but it will also change the timing of the recording so for instance we're going to undo cut or undo cut or ctrl z undo cut and let's just say oh well we're going to go back to the selection tool right here let's say okay well i just want to cut out this piece right here because you know we just don't need it so ctrl x i'm going to cut that but what if i wanted you know a half second of lead in time so i'm going to control z undo that and i'm going to leave myself oh i don't even have a half of a second so what i can do now is i can copy some time ctrl c and i could paste some time control v and we've got almost almost a half second control c paste some time in there control v okay cool so now we've got a half second of lead in time and by and large you're going to want a half second of lead in time and at least a half of a second to a second of time at the end that's typically what you're going to want to do moving forward moving forward before i get carried away all right so we talked about this pencil tool now what the heck is this thing okay well first of all we can't even use it unless we zoom way way way in way in and this is going look how far that is this is going to be applicable for maybe beat makers and they had truncated a sample and tied it in with another sample for for a beat okay and maybe truncated meaning they cut it off abruptly and they wanted just this specific um part of the beat or music and wanted to tie it in with another piece now when we cut it off at certain points we can have this weird click kind of sound weird clicking sound and sometimes they'll look a little funny you know maybe something like that and maybe you just want to get rid of that one little click sound and you're going to want to smooth out these right here now i doubt that this is going to be applicable to you all um but if it is then i'm glad that i was able to show you and i've i've looked at a few tutorials to see if anybody knows what they're talking about and no one really does so uh i'm here to tell you i do and um and this is what it what it does like and that's what it's good for you know if we're talking about a mouth click or something like that we're absolutely not using the pencil tool uh there are far far better and more effective tools to use in regards to that now this is the zoom in zoom out tool or f4 okay so if i right click i'm sorry if i left click then i'm going to zoom in if i right click then i'm going to zoom out by enlarge me personally i really just keep it on the selection tool and if i wanted to go in or out then i would do it that way or we we have the the multi tool right here so this is a combination of your selection tool you can highlight stuff and you can also use the envelope tool at the same time you know so that if you are in the middle of trying to squeeze some audio with the envelope tool you don't have to run back and forth between envelope and the selection tool so that is very useful now let's talk about the time sliding tool that's gone that's gone because now we have this little area right at the top of the track that is going to allow us to move audio and if i created a new track which for me it's ctrl shift n or you could go to tracks add new add mono track it says right there it's ctrl shift n it will tell you what yours is as well if i had multiple tracks and i wanted to move it then i could now that is good good good additional functionality right there um yes it is yes it is indeed anyhow let's get rid of this stuff you get the idea of what's going on here we have cut copy paste which is control x for cut so if you wanted to cut something out let's go back to the selection tool so if you wanted to cut something out like oh this was a mistake and i wanted to cut it out control x it can be gone or if you wanted to copy something we could go undo boom undo if you wanted to copy something we could do control c per copy and we could put it somewhere else so if you had one piece of audio that you really liked and you wanted to paste it in another piece of audio and we'll call it like this here's another piece of audio here's another piece of audio that i wanted to take something and paste it into and you wanted to add it to that here i'm going to highlight this end because we don't need it ctrl x and i wanted to paste that other stuff in there then look i'm going this is what i wanted to copy ctrl c if i wanted to paste it ctrl v right down there you're also going to know notice that we have some additional functionality over here so when you see these double-sided arrows it's going to give you the ability to edit audio this way so if all this stuff back here was a mistake and the only thing that was a keeper was that or if this was a mistake and the only thing was that was a keeper was the beginning you could literally just do that and why this is super cool is that at any point in time it's still saving that data so that in the old audacity let's say you wanted to recover this stuff that you had gotten rid of and you're many many steps down the road now and it dawns on you like holy crap i didn't mean to do that um and i wish i had that back you would have to undo undo undo and go back as many steps as you went forward just to get that back but now you can simply go right here and it's still there it's still there and even if you copied it copy paste it will still be there how about that let me move this boom how about that so that is really cool really really cool functionality so that's just some cool stuff to know we're going to talk about the effects here shortly once we get into recording voiceover okay so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to either click record or i'm going to add a track now i will try not to be a perfectionist on this recording but um yeah i will do my best to not be but when you've done done as many you know commercial voiceovers as i have you know you have a a level that is stuck in your mind of quality right that you perceive to be good enough um so just bear with me on this i won't waste too much of your time doing that i'm gonna have a quick sip all right and let's say we're ready to record a voiceover project livewire is among us harley-davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san right so that was okay right so let's say you're just kind of getting warmed up you know and you're like well that was pretty good but it wasn't amazing no big deal and you're not sure if you want to keep it yet or not go ahead and click mute and then you could either for me it's ctrl shift n to add a new track or you can go to tracks add new mono track and it will be different you know between windows and mac so for instance you know uh control x for cut and mac it's going to be command x you get the idea okay here we go again what i'm doing right now by the way is i'm double clicking to make sure that this cursor goes back to the beginning because if i don't it'll just start right there and it could be a mess for you know just having it nice and neat and clean for you so we're going to undo that and i'm going to double click here to make the cursor go back to the beginning okay so let's do this project livewire is among us harley-davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san okay it's getting better getting better but we're still not satisfied yet i'm going to do at least one more so i did ctrl shift end there alternatively go to tracks you know the deal and double click here to make sure that your cursor is at the beginning harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling oh by the way i have this this uh this specific ad memorized because i've actually done this ad but uh let's say you had a script or something like that right i'm going to undo that really fast then you would simply do this make sure that the cursor is at the beginning click record then go ahead and bring your script up so let's just say this was your script whatever you're doing right now even though audacity is in the background it will be recording so check this out boom it's all good so that's exactly how you could record your voiceovers you click record you pull your script up whether it's on the web or on your notepad or whatever and go to town so i just wanted to to make that clear to you all okay clearly we're going to undo that here we go project livewire is among us nope didn't like that so boom spacebar stopping it i'm going to undo that recording and then i'm going to click record project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san by the way you know depending on what you like the type of sound that you're trying to achieve the standard issue would be to kind of do a hang 10 right here and if touch your mic capsule with your pinky and then have your thumb you know being able to touch your lip and that is going to give you a rough estimate uh now for me you know i i've done a lot of this stuff so i kind of know where i want to be for what type of read and uh just note that here i'm gonna sit back the closer that we get to the microphone uh something will occur that is called the proximity effect so i want you to note the change in sound so i'm back here right now and i'm coming forward and once i get closer and closer and closer and closer to the microphone you're going to get some of that uh proximity effect some of that really really rich uh sounding deeper tones so i'm trying to not speak too loud so i don't blow you away but this is the proximity effect and i'm moving further and further and further and further away and some of that low resonance is going away and when we get closer and closer and closer and closer to the microphone you're going to notice a lot of that low end resonance some some of that additional rich texture so that is something called proximity effect now if you're using this type of tactic you need to be sure that you're not speaking directly into the microphone because you want to avoid plosives plosives um which do not sound great you know so the idea would be if you're using the proximity effect um the microphone capsule is right here but i'm like plosive plosive and that air is rushing past the mic capsule but it's still here to capture all that rich sound um and alternatively if you had a mic like this you know you go off access right so instead of speaking directly into it you would go off access get close it'd be here to collect all of that great great sound but when you say p plosive peter piper that explosion of air is blowing past the mic capsule and it is not peter piper you know sounding like trash within audacity itself uh by the way i do have a tutorial on fixing plosives if uh you're having issues with that feel free to check that out um definitely definitely solid tips there but yes proximity effect distance from microphone typically roughly six inches if you just want to do a hang ten real quick um that is a great you know the typical um space between your mouth and the microphone if you wanted to to capture a little additional rich resonance then you're going to want to make sure that you're not peter piper but your peter piper you know peter piper up here blowing past the mic capsule alternatively close here blowing past here so that is a nice little tactic that you could use i'm going to undo that recording we're going to do it one more time guys one more time i got carried away all right here we go project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose hd dot com okay there you have it okay so let's have a listen right let's let's make sure that we're actually satisfied let's have a listen to this project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose okay so that was okay typically i'd re-record that but let's say you had a situation where you're like oh man this was amazing but i just wasn't happy with the spacing of what i was saying so project livewire is among us oh man i feel like i just waited a little too long to say is among us well we're gonna zoom in and then we'll just cut a little bit of time out protect livewire is among us very nice so that felt more natural to me so i'm going to undo that cut project livewire is a manga and then i'm going to redo that cut project livewire is among us that felt more natural to me so if you have a situation like that just know that you can zoom in cut out a little bit of time or add a little bit of time if you need to and if you need to add a little bit time just simply highlight it ctrl c to copy or command c then ctrl v or command command v if you're on mac uh and just paste it right in there no bigs no bigs guys but i'm going to record one last one okay i swear it's my last one i swear project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose hd dot com project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose hd dot com project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san okay so clearly you know if you have a short script you know you could just continuously record uh it over and over again and then say okay i'm just gonna pick the best of those project livewire is among us davidson has revolutionized motorcycling project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san project livewire is among us harley-davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose okay so now i'm gonna pick what i think is is best or sounds best to me harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling okay project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose project livewire is among us i bet you guys are sick of hearing this stuff already i i totally understand harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san so let's say you had a situation like this where you're like well all right so the first one right here is out didn't like this first one we can just maybe zoom out a touch and just get rid of this one because we just didn't like it it wasn't as good but you're like i totally love the second one except for the end right i'm just creating a scenario that may be applicable to you so everything was great or perfect or whatever except for this part visit us at san but the very end of this last one sounded great and i wanted to swap them right or just replace the old with the new visit us at san jose okay great and i actually do believe that this sounds better than the other okay so what i'm going to do right now okay is i am going to ctrl c to copy this and right here is what i want to replace visit us at san jose so i'm going to highlight this in my silence i have made s and i'll show you how to do that here in a second but i'm going to silence this click that or for me i'm going to press s i believe in mac it's going to be ctrl l or command l for i'm sorry command l for mac control l for windows um don't quote me on that but i believe that's what it is i'm just going to press s and it's gone but i've already copied that last one so now i can paste that in here in this area that's highlighted so now i'm going to control v visit us at san jose hd dot com okay so now we have this right here at the end of this and this is what i called this is what i like to call creating a super take taking the best pieces of what you can find in your recordings in your auditions and then piecing together a super take the very best bits of each right if you're doing auditions and stuff like that you know you want to put your best foot forward with that said let's just get rid of this other stuff we don't need it we're just gonna go with this okay now let's talk about the audio processing chain right and you know you may want to keep this stuff just in case but for for us i've made a choice i'm gonna go with this and we're gonna clean up this area a bit and get rid of these other tracks okay now we're going to want to add some background music but before we do that we're going to want to add some effects okay project life so here would be the the typical audio processing chain right it would be eq then compression then normalization okay but this is going to vary vastly depending on the type of sound that you're looking for and also depending on are you doing audible uh you know audiobooks do you have to meet certain technical specifications such as rms so on and so forth so what i'm going to do right oops what i'm going to do right now is i'm going to highlight this track and i'm going to create a duplicate you could also go to edit duplicate control d once again it will tell you exactly what all your hotkeys are and while i'm on this topic of hotkeys okay knowing your hotkeys is going to save you a ton of time if you were to go to your preferences and go down here and click on keyboard it will show you a list of all of your hotkeys so let's say you were looking for silence silence you already know for me it is s just s but let's say for you it is control l okay so i'm just going to make it control l you know just as the example of u if you wanted to change it to s i'm going to show you how and you could change these other hotkeys to your preference as well and this is exactly how you do it so if i wanted to change my control l silence to s what i'm going to do is i'm going to click here and you will see control l pop up in this bottom box we will click on that box and only press s we don't even have to press backspace because if we do it just says backspace so we will only press s s then i will click set and once i do that you see that the control l changes from control l to s then i will click ok and then it will be s s boom just like that undo okay so what i'm going to do i've created a duplicate track these are exactly the same and we will talk about the different audio processing steps okay so first and foremost we're talking about eq there are two different types of eq we have graphic eq and filter curve this is what a graphic eq looks like okay so what we're looking at with these numbers right here these are hertz okay this is a way that we measure frequency um and this scale up and down is going to be db so do we want to add dbs up or do we want to decrease dbs okay so that's kind of what this is talking about by the way this eq eq is the number one bad boy in your audio processing chain no doubt about it no doubt about it there's no other effect that can change your sound like eq okay it can make a hundred dollar like for instance here's here's a real example this 100 microphone on sale now for 85 right this blue ember i have a buddy who owns a studio a music studio has a blue kiwi two thousand dollar microphone we did a side by side recording with the blue ember and the blue kiwi and the difference um you know wasn't crazy dramatic but with eq i eq'd this blue ember and made it sound identical to a 2 000 microphone it can add richness and tone to your voice it can take away um sibilance and stifle sibilance it can lower your noise floor it can add clarity it is boundless anyway eq number one bad boy so anyone that says do a bass boost trouble boost they're out of their mind okay anyone who was telling you and trust me guys i've seen so many people talk about eq and it makes me upset for you all because it's so very clear to me that they don't understand what they're actually talking about and i don't think it's a malicious thing i think it's just information that they got from someone else who also isn't an audio engineer and doesn't know what they're talking about but i am um so first of all basically no one's voice is registering you know 60 hertz and below okay so if there's any boosting or even just leaving it level like here i'm gonna flatten this real quick flatten so even just leaving this level we are allowing um you know many frequencies and tones that are not our voice to to stay in the recording and furthermore um our we're not registering uh past 10k okay now i like to leave 12.5 k up because it can add like a touch of of of air to the recording but anything above that 16 and 20k that can all be dropped so anyone who tells you to boost up any of these frequencies it's clear to me for voice it's clear to me that they do not know what they're talking about anyone who tells you to boost up these frequencies right here for voice it is clear to me that they do not know what they're talking about um and it's very clear to me that that most people talking about eq on the internet do not know what they're talking about uh which is unfortunate and but that's just the way it is they don't have schooling they don't understand what's going on with this stuff and it's all good um either way just note don't believe anybody telling you to do any of this crazy stuff okay uh this is what a graphic eq looks like you can do something as simple as this that would immediately help your recording uh help your noise floor would be okay i'm not registering in 60 or i'm sorry below 80 hertz right and i have a deep voice so most men won't start to register until about 100 hertz me i definitely do but anyway i digress i am going to just drop all of this stuff it's not applicable to my voice um what i'm doing here is i've dropped all of this all of these frequencies and hertz by 20 dbs okay and what that is going to do if there's a low rumble of an appliance or anything like that happening inside of your house uh it will stifle that by 20 dbs effectively and furthermore anything that is a high pitch hum that is registering in 16 and 20k it is not applicable to us so therefore we can just drop that out as well as well and if you're a woman go ahead and drop 80 hertz um and likely 100 hertz unless you are a woman with a deeper voice then maybe you register in 100 hertz but by and large most women do not so if you're a woman you can go ahead and drop 80 hertz too okay this immediately will help your recording but there is a lot of dynamic in in regards to adjusting these sounds via adding clarity via adding tone richness uh so on and so forth and um i happen to be a specialist at that stuff i do have a course on eq and it will change your audio game forever it will i promise you um you know what i'm just going to mute this stuff we're going to talk about the second eq and then i'm just going to show you what eq can do here is the free mail eq that i created for you all and notice what i did i dropped out everything that wasn't applicable to the male voice and most men do not have um as deep of a voice and boomy as a voice as i do so this eq you know it works for me but it's not the best eq for me uh however the average man would like to add a little bit of tone or you know a little bit of beefiness so that's why i did that boost there but there is no one size fits all when it comes to eq'ing every single every single person's voice is different and it vibrates our vocal cords vibrate at different frequencies and hurts and this stuff sounds daunting but i promise you it's not and i've created a such an easy simple system that will just man it will change your game forever for sure but notice what i did i cut it out i cut out all the stuff that wasn't applicable to the voice this is filter curve so this is basically the same thing as the graphic eq however it just looks different and the graphic eq has sliders right sliders that go from 80 hertz to 100 hertz to you know 125 160 stuff like that but it does what if i wanted to attack 130 there's no slider for 130. um the filter curve is not limited in that way if i wanted to make a cut at 130 wherever i wanted to go i could do i could do that um so that is really the difference between the graph eq and the filter curve they both work great um it's just that uh the filter curve is not bound um where it can go where it can go is unbound okay um for instance you know there's a there's a slider right uh it's like okay 500 to 630 what if i wanted to attack 560 specifically right um so let's say i wanted to attack 560 specifically something like that um you get the idea so that is the difference between the graphic eq and the field filter curve they both work fantastically real quick i'll just show you what eq can do for you all let me just pull something up real fast let's see here okay here's a guy named craig that i created an eq for right here's it here's just one of the many many examples of what this thing can do for you so here's a sample of his voice and i will pull in his eq here shortly okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just duplicate this so that we have an exact copy of each i'm going to highlight this top track let's just say we wanted to do a loudness normalization by default yours will be set to perceived loudness this right here is rms rms means root mean square it's a mathematical calculation and we could think of a loudness normalization as a dynamic compressor so negative 20 in the loudness normalization is is what i would recommend um it will blow up your waves uh but if you're doing audiobooks or anything like that or a podcast any any sort of long form narration uh you're definitely going to want to go this route for sure audiobooks podcast anything long form meditations possibly um yeah that's that's the route that you're going to want to do now we could make either one of these pass the acx check so for instance we did loudness normalization um let me just uh we'll go to the limiter right so acx says okay we don't want you have to have here i'm going to undo the loudness real quick undo so for instance okay here's the raw recording let's say we just analyzed it right even prior to even listening rms is too quiet there's a reason that they use rms by the way peak levels too low the noise floor is passing okay great now we're going to redo that loudness normalization these are still exactly the same let's see what they have to say now okay now our rms is passing and by the way the noise floor right here is barely passing because once we get into negative 59 that's going to be a fail that's going to be a fail anywhere from negative 60 to negative 90 is a pass this is barely passing but now the rms is passing okay but we're failing because the peaks are too high so what we're going to do is we're going to use a limiter and we by default yours will be set to soft limit i'm going to set mine to hard limit and i'm going to limit to negative 3.2 so that's going to be very very close to the threshold without exceeding it and especially if you're using this on an entire chapter if you do just negative 3 there's a possibility that just one little thread of a sound wave is barely breaching that and it could cause a fail so negative 3.2 will make sure that doesn't happen and make sure that we're still real real loud okay so i'm going to apply it there and i'm going to highlight this and ctrl r to repeat the same process on the bottom track ctrl r repeat okay great so what i've told it what i told the limiter is i said hey limiter anything that is above negative 3.2 i want you to affect that only and not affect any of the other audio this brings me to another good point and i'll try not to ramble too much here but let's say we did the limiter here instead of normalizing so let's say we we just did a regular normalization here normalize let's normalize to negative 3.2 okay so what we said as we said hey normalize we want you to take the highest peak and make the highest peak no higher than 3.2 but what we're also going to do is we're going to shrink everything else at the same exact rate so the difference here between using a limiter versus normalizing is that we're saying hey we're going to set this hard limiter and only only the stuff that is above negative 3.2 will then be compressed down to negative 3.2 and nothing else will be affected but with the normalizing we're saying hey take the highest peak make it 3.2 and shrink everything else at the same rate now just have a quick look at this stuff real quick you can visibly see how much louder this is than this down here you can visibly see it let's actually listen to it oak is strong and also gives shade cats and dogs each hate the other okay now let's listen to using normalize instead of the limiter there oak is strong and also gives shade okay so not regular normalizing using the limiter oak is strong and also gives shade and then regular normalizing not using the limiter oak is strong and also good night and day difference in its loudness right so i wanted to point that out to you all and let me just go ahead and throw the limiter on this one right here and the reason i've got these both loudness normalized uh is because i want to them to be the exact same i want them both to be passing acx but show you the difference who's going to pass acx yeah sure you could pass acx but who's going to who's going to have a recording and sam did sound damn good while doing it right it's going to be the person with the eq the eq is the difference between a hollywood blockbuster and a low budget film okay the moment that you start sounding not good you know you're losing credibility in the subconscious mind of the listener or the individual that you are trying to capture whether that be a client potential client or just your audience period okay just know that okay so what i'm going to do right now is we're going to notice something right first okay so listen to this oak is strong and also gives shade okay so there's a bit of a a small boominess in the background but right here there is a sibling that is powerful whoo baby that's sharp that's sharp so yeah i mean the um the eq it can add richness texture it can lower your noise floor it can stifle sibilance it can add clarity it can do so much so just notice this real quick sheesh okay so what i'm gonna do is once again these are both the very very same is i'm going to bring in an eq that i made for craig filter curve um the reason i'm showing you this is you know like so you guys can understand the type of stuff that eq can do for you i'm going to import an eq let's see your audacity 2022 craig let's just say we're doing the classic clarity for craig okay boom pow okay so notice a difference in the way they look already right here okay here is that sibling that was just so so so sharp prior without eq and notice down here that it's gone okay all right all right all right so that's just for starters so here's the difference right no eq no eq oak is strong and also gives shade super sharp super super sharp a little bit bright this is with eq oak is strong and also gives shade so now now he's got a bit more smooth low end no none of that nasty harshness so one more time no eq oak is strong and also gives shade now with eq oak is strong and also gives shade right that's why i wanted to show you guys that stuff okay that is the the difference and once again there is no one size fits all the eq that i'm making for you all it is not going to wreck your audio like terrible advice that these other people are giving you but it is not customized to you any eq that i give you all would not do for craig what craig's eq did for craig here okay um furthermore you know let's say we wanted to uh you know maybe add a touch a touch of texture or something like that we could go to the eq filter curve boom bang and import and we'll use the clarity and texture boom we got a little a little spiky poo there okay now once again no eq oak is strong and also gives shade and with eq oak is strong and also gives shade and now has a nice classy touch of low end texture there i have a course on this stuff that will change your audio forever forever and if you don't believe me this is what somebody recently had to say about this course hey everybody what's up it's simon price here from and i've just got to make a quick video testimonial for josh myers incredible eq mastery course now i've got a question to ask you are you serious about making money as a voice over a voice actor or a podcaster if the answer is yes if you use your voice to make money then you owe it to yourself to invest in this incredible course why well let me tell you if you like me use audacity because it's vast and it's free and it's brilliant but you found building eqs and going to filter curves a little bit overwhelming to say the least and you've wanted to run away screaming well i sympathize because it's exactly what i've been doing for the past year and a half you see i just thought my audio files ended at the editing of pops and clicks and getting rid of breaths in audio and sending it over no no no there's so much more to it you see everybody's voice is unique and it's beautiful and you owe it to yourself to really find out the foibles and the idiosyncrasies of every single part of your voice so you can nail all the different sonic frequencies within it and no two voiceover recordings are ever going to be the same so it goes to say that you should master eq'ing so you can always get the very best out of your audio for you your business and your clients josh breaks down this seemingly complex and very very otherworldly dark art of eq'ing into incredibly easy bite-sized chunks he's so laid-back and cool and loves what he does and his enthusiasm for his teaching just rubs off on you i can't recommend this course enough it has changed my eq it has changed my voiceovers it's changed my audio forever i will never look back and it's given me that extra edge over an already very competitive marketplace which i believe it can do for you as well that's me out invest in this course transform your audio from night into day and i tell you i think you'll find it's the best thing that you've ever invested in josh you're a genius i can't wait to see what else you come up with all the best and i feel like i have to tell you guys that look i did not pay simon to do that that testimony was so amazing like simon thank you buddy you're the man i've had private sessions with simon he is a great great man and if you need a voiceover and i'm not your guy hit up simon i mean that dude he's really good at what he does he's not just a voice actor but he's also a theater actor like he is he's the full package dude is really good he's really good so anyway thank you so much for the kind word simon but um yeah he's not kidding guys and the proof is in the pudding the proof is in the pudding moving on okay let's move on let's move on what did i do i got rid of that and i wanted to get rid of this uh just one more time before we go one more time solo gives shade no eq gives shade with eq gives shade nice um no eq oak is strong with eq oak is strong yeah very nice nice and smooth anyhow sorry guys we're moving on feel free to reach out for the course if you're interested back to this back to this okay so we have a couple different audio processing chains i just made this eq like super fast for me um so i'll just slap that on really quick um you know it's nothing special i literally whipped it up in like i don't know four minutes something like that um [Music] so eq compression let's talk about compression okay here is some settings so let's talk about the attack and release okay there we go all right threshold so what i'm saying to the um to the compressor is okay compressor anything that is above negative 20 dbs i would like for you to compress at a ratio of three to one so for every three dbs it is above negative 20 i would like for you to then compress that uh down into one so let's say i had uh one wave that was negative 23 right then it would be compressed down to negative 20. if it was negative 26 i guess that would be 22. no if it was negative 23 i'm sorry it would be compressed down into negative 21. if it was negative 26 then it would be compressed down into negative 22. okay now if it was two to one for every two dbs over 20 it would be compressed down to one so if we had one that was at 22 it would then be 21 right if we had one that was at 24 it would then be 22 26 23 so that is what the ratio means okay the attack time and release time this is measured in milliseconds we want a quick attack time here and i've got uh tutorials on customizing your your compression settings okay so feel free to check that out um release time you know we like that to be quick for sure um anyhow these settings right here they will not jack your audio up we can click right here makeup cane that can add to the uh perceived loudness so feel free to use these settings okay they're not going to destroy your audio all right i don't know what other people are talking about but i know that this won't ruin you so we'll do this but what i've been really liking to do is do the compression and then base an eq off of my compression so build an eq after compression um and it is money it's money and i go over that in the course so let's just say i was going to do this and let's just say i was going to then add an eq right quick graphic eq and you could see it changed the waveform there and let's say i would then normalize right so let's just go to normalization boom normalization so that is one way that we could do this right here okay and there are a few different other things that we could do now noise reduction okay let's talk about noise reduction let's talk about noise reduction what i'm going to do i'm going to click right here and i'm just going to record broom tone bar okay so let's have a listen to this and i'll turn it way way up so you can hear it you know it could be your ac could be your computer fan so let's get some noise reduction on a popping here so what we could do is get noise reduction get the noise profile once we have the noise profile we would highlight the track that we would like to apply the noise reduction to so we have two ways to do it we can go back to effect and say repeat noise reduction or we could do control r now i like control r but this is you know how you could do it so if we go to edit and it gives us an option to undo noise reduction then it has been done um so let's have a quick listen here's the background noise turn this way up and i'll also apply this to that as well so listen to this background noise and then listen to it now i'll turn this up now i'm going to repeat i'm going to um redo the noise reduction here so i'm going to effect get the noise profile right noise reduction get the noise profile and then i'm gonna double click whatever track that i want to apply it to and control r command r or go to effect and repeat that process so that's it now this was it before computer fan ac you name it we're gonna redo it and one more time watch this meter right here watch this meter okay and then we're going to redo the noise reduction drastic difference so that's what that can do for you it can scrub out the background noise now if you're doing a podcast or audiobooks or something like this this is a 30 second or this is not even a 30 second this is a tag from a 30 second commercial so since this is just something short that is going to have background music added to it um i'm going to go ahead and just silence the gaps we're going to have background music added to it nothing's going to sound unnatural about it um but if you were doing an audio book or a commercial that didn't have background music then you know you're going gonna want to go a different route which would be the noise gate the noise gate the noise gate that can stifle your breaths that can do a lot of things that the noise reduction cannot and i have a tutorial the complete guide it's it's easily the best tutorial that i could find on noise gate um you know in my efforts to bring you all the most value so definitely check that out if you're looking to customize your own settings so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to put this back to kind of where i had it for me and i believe it was right there okay now what you can do all right so what this means just briefly okay is i'm saying okay gate threshold anything that is below negative 38 dbs i want to reduce by negative 20. and by doing so i want the gate to slowly open at a rate of 250 milliseconds so 200 millisecond is point zero zero one second aka there's one thousand milliseconds in one second so an easy way for us to measure every hundred milliseconds is a tenth of a second 250 milliseconds is a quarter of a second so on and so forth and i'd like for the gate to hold open for a tenth of a second once this gate threshold is invalidated and i would like the gate to slowly close at a rate of 1.5 tenths of a second okay now these settings right here you can use feel free to use it um you know they should work for you guys if you wanted to dial it in and snug it up a little bit to your preference feel free to try that um once again you definitely want to watch the um the compress or i'm sorry the noise gate tutorial the the guide you know i'm not going to waste a ton of time going into that but one of the biggest things you're going to want to do here is is make sure that you're getting your gate threshold right right because i will zoom out really quick just to kind of show you noise gates if you have it too high if you have the gate set too high it will chew up your audio you see that no good doesn't sound good it's not going to sound good so that's definitely going to be one of the most important things to decipher is getting your gate threshold and then moving from there now i show you exactly the techniques that i use to uh you know to figure out where we should be setting that gate threshold at um but anyway moving forward okay project livewire oops that is cranked up on my apologize uh my apologies ladies and gentlemen okay so up here we did we did compression eq normalization right we could also do loudness normalization then eq and once again like you know this is something i drew up super quick um because i like to be able to create mounting cues for different sounds that i want to generate yadda yadda and then i would just go to limiter and make sure that we're not having any peaks exceeding the 3.2 mark and this has had a noise gate put on it so up here we have had um no noisy no noise reduction no noise gate okay so this down here project livewire is among us harley-davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san so you hear this breath right here you know first of all notice this notice this right here mouth click a little bit of computer fan noise down here with the noise gate right exactly so there's that to note also notice this breath right here no noise gate after noise gate there you go do i need to say more okay so there we go there you have it now let's talk about adding some background music i'm just gonna i'm just gonna cut off some of this end right here so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to give myself about a half a second at the end a half a second at the beginning yep roughly and yeah that's perfect that's fine okay cool so let's say this was a voiceover that we were going to use project livewire is among us harley davidson oh by the way i want to talk to you guys about this stuff right here uh so your project rate if you're doing audio books you're going to want to click here and select 44 100 that is what audible and acx wants um and by doing so you will be recording at that project rate what we're looking at right here this is a gain slider okay so this is going to give us the ability to project increase the gain decrease the game project uh you know ideally we have it right there at zero um and right here this will give us the ability to pan left project livewire or pan right project live now if we want stereo then we're going to want to be dead center okay all right moving forward now let's talk about adding some background music okay here we go i'm going to go into here here is some background music pow so what i just did right there is i simply just click dragged and dropped that music right in here okay and also what i'm going to do is i'm going to if you see these sound waves trying to break out of the sound house it looks like it's just it's just way too loud you know so what i'm going to do is i'm going to find out if it is in fact exceeding the sound house and so i'm going to go to amplify and if it gives you any negative amount that means that you're exceeding the threshold and clipping by set amount so we are effectively exceeding the threshold by you know approximately a half of a db so yes i'd like to de-amplify that bring it back down and just for good measure maybe i'm just gonna set a hard limiter at negative one um just to make sure that we have at least one db uh before it even thinks about trying to break through the sound house okay now i'm going to listen to the music and try to find out where do i want my voiceover in the music [Music] okay so i'm going to want to use this stuff here in the beginning and what that means is that everything else over here i don't need so we could either click down highlight that cut it away or delete it or you know if i wanted i could just like click here go to edit and say clip boundaries and say split and then i could just get rid of this control x get rid of it so whatever you want to do whatever works for you now i want to find out okay where do i want to put my voiceover in this recording right so let's have a quick listen [Music] and we'll zoom in just a touch get a little bit more precision here [Music] project live wire okay so i want to come in sooner and also the music is vastly overpowering the voiceover right now so what i'm going to do is watch me just turning the music down using this gain slider okay until i feel i've got a nice mix between the voice over and the music itself [Music] project live i want it to be like boom and then i come right in project livewire [Music] okay so now i'm coming in just a touch too soon so i'm going to move this over a [Music] touch roger and i'm wanting to come in just a hair sooner [Music] project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized recycling pre-open yours in san jose harley-davidson visit us at san okay cool so what i'm going to do right now is turn this music down more right and project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-op yours in san jose harley-davidson visit us at san okay all right great so this is where the envelope tool is going to come in okay so i'm going to click the envelope tool and i'm going to say okay actually i'll click the multi-tool right here i'm going to say okay i want the music to be loud when i am not speaking and i want it to be quiet when i am speaking so i'm going to click just prior to me speaking create an anchor dot right there and then oops then i'm going to squeeze the audio down project okay so right when i start speaking right here so just prior to me speaking i'm creating this anchor dot and we're going to have a nice little fade in boom and right where i start speaking i'm gonna start squeezing this audio down and let's you know let's get a nice level there project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose okay so right when i'm done speaking i'd like for the music to get loud again great okay so let's go this route and let's just find a nice balance so right here i'm not speaking boom not speaking anchored up not speaking or i start speaking again anchor dot then we're gonna raise the level of the audio project livewire is among us harley david project livewire is among us harley davidson has okay and let's let's click in here is among us i could raise this up a little bit as well you all get the idea here harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling okay and we're not speaking let's just make this all about the same level there okay now we stop speaking we start speaking another anchor dots and we can make it loud oops there we go so this envelope tool will give you the opportunity to customize this stuff you know to your want and will and that is a cool thing indeed isn't it okay oops has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose dot com okay and typically i would go in there and create an eq that would stifle some of my siblings but you know if you are not interested in learning eq i will show you a way that you can um get rid of siblings so siblings they all look the same they're going to be a dense waveform and okay all right so i think that is about going to do it for the envelope tool here and as you see we have a mouth click or something of sorts so i'm just going to highlight that silence it mouth click no big deal um so sibilance yeah the funny thing about sibilance is that they are going to be a dense waveform so for instance that's a sibilant right this is not this probably sibling yep um [Music] so anything that is semi-transparent not a sibling this right here probably sibilant yep it sure is sibilant so you can identify sibilants without necessarily hearing them now let's say oh man this one sibilant right here is just a little too powerful i'm gonna zoom in on that and you know to like i said typically i would create an eq that i could slap it on it would stifle you know like all that stuff in one shot and add richness and and stuff like that but um [Music] you know for the sake if you were not interested in in learning the eq stuff and you just wanted to you know bring down a couple siblings you would just highlight the sibilance go to effect and then go to amplify and simply de-amplify that so we could just say okay negative four we could start with negative four okay so let's have a listen to that motorcycling and i'm going to undo it i just motorcycle it and then i will redo it motorcycling so that is much much more palatable um pre-order yours at san jose harley-david you know so if i had a bunch of sibilance um you know then i would likely start i started at negative four because i just know uh but i would likely start at negative two and then take it from there you know and repeat in rent as needed san jose highlight this control r to repeat that negative yours in san jose harley-davidson and right here ctrl r at negative two we could do that say harley davidson visit us at san jose hd dot com take this down by maybe four and i'll probably take this down by maybe four so uh negative two control r negative two boom visit us at san jose right so now i'm just going to listen to the whole thing see if any siblings pop out project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san cool sounds good sounds good um i would probably i would probably beef this up a touch uh but let's just make it a little bit more loud um i would i would definitely beef this up with some eq i'd add a little bit bass or something like that maybe maybe project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolution okay this right here i'm going to want to de-amplify i heard that negative two so i'm gonna apply that negative two control r to repeat that davidson has revolutionized harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san okay okay okay and let me just go to loudness normalization [Music] oh project loudness normalization i like that i'm gonna go to the limiter negative 3.2 make sure i don't have any peaks exceeding negative 3.2 boom pow great okay now we've got you know this additional music over here so you know we're going to just cut this stuff away we don't need it and what we're going to do now is i'm going to simply highlight here and then do a nice fade in okay so let's have a nice transition in fade in on the music maybe i'll repeat that one time and let's see how it sounds when we fade in project livewire is among us project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san okay great now i like where the music's at but i think it's just like a half a db too loud so i'm just going to highlight that go to amplify and say i want you to be negative 0.5 boom okay cool and clearly uh anything that is past this point we do not need so go to edit clip boundaries split i'll highlight this stuff get rid of it oops get rid of it perfect and then we will have a nice transition outward nice little fade out here boom fade out cool and one more [Music] and there is a click there maybe we can use the pencil tool okay so this is what i was talking about the truncated stuff okay i mean ideally we could just like uh get rid of it cut it off that would be the easiest solution here um there it is that's it see that you see that now it's gone okay so watch this undo undo okay check this out redo fade out okay cool you hear that click at the end right i'll turn it up so you can hear it this is what i'm talking about with the pencil tool okay that little click you zoom way in you see what's out of line here man sir you are out of line boom bring you down boom bring it down okay let's listen now now it's like barely there it's like barely there barely there let's straighten this out ah man i didn't do myself any favors did i okay here we go try to smooth that out try to smooth this out okay so that's how you use the pencil tool now you can you can literally hear a huge huge difference what would be easier in this instance is not using the pencil tool i just wanted to use that opportunity to show you what it does is uh yeah it's simply just highlight this and fade the hell out a bunch of times fade out fade out fade out okay fade out boom control r control r totally gone all right perfect all right so let's zoom out have a look at the big picture here and project livewire is among us harley davidson yeah yeah i am going to project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling i'll just slap on my mail eq real quick maybe maybe that add a little something something to it you know let's see here filter curve mail eq manage user presets melee cue project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling cool all right solid okay so this is what we have right here oh by the way if you wanted to uh save an eq you know whether you're on graphic eq or you're on the filter curve here uh simply you would just go to manage save preset you would name it whatever you like and whenever you access it you would just go to user presets and it will be there underneath the name in which you chose um yeah alternatively if you wanted to bring one in you know in the dot txt format you could import that like i did for craigs over there anyway i digress what we're looking at here right let's just call this our final problem project livewire maybe we wanted that to be 15 seconds exactly though so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to cut a little bit of time out and i'm going to cut a little bit more out just a little bit more so i'm gonna highlight a touch of time and cut it away okay and we wanted this to end at 15 seconds let's just say we want it to end at 15 seconds okay so let's say you were trying to be really really precise okay what we're gonna do now zoom back in and at this point in time i'm going to want a nice smooth transition out so i will go to the fade out again fade out ctrl r and let's see how it sounds and maybe i will fade out one more time and right here i'm gonna go to the beginning make sure that actually i'm gonna undo undo undo the cut bow okay okay what i'm going to actually do is i'm going to cut more time out of the beginning and let's see how much are we over by we are over by a half of a second okay so i'm going to cut a half of a second of time out of the beginning because i feel like that would project sound a little better and then i'm going to go here at the very beginning just make sure that we have a nice smooth transition inward click the fade in as you can see and we could zoom in to get more precision if we need to but what we're looking at essentially would be you know your final product um so let's talk about saving the project when it's time to save the project we are going to go to file click save project and what i would recommend is you having a dedicated folder for your saved projects right so let's just say this was your dedicated folder for your saved projects and uh we're gonna call this you know harley-davidson harley harley d okay cool so basically every time i go to this folder i know that my harley davidson is going to be in there and you know like i said i recommend that you get um organized here so have a dedicated folder new for projects audacity projects okay and then you know i would direct my saved projects right into oh yeah once since we have it open right now i cannot move it um but not only have that say projects folder but also mp3s or waves or whatever you know and i would just send them right to there just for organizations sake so we have gone over how to save the project go to save project save project as select the location audacity projects harley d to boom cool saved now it's saved to that folder it's syncing it with this current open project may take several seconds okay now it's done so now it should be in your audacity folder right audacity projects pow there you go um now let's talk about i want an mp3 wave so let's go to file export and we have options here typically we're going to be exporting as an mp3 or a wave now the difference between the two is the amount of kbps in them so the more kbps equals more information so if we were to export a wave at 16 bit then that would be cd quality and i believe the kbps of that is is like 1411 or something like that 1400 something or other that's a really big file especially when you have podcasts or audiobooks the reality is is that you don't need that high of quality usually now if a client asks for that of course give it to them but you know if we export it as an mp3 it would be a much smaller file and the standard mp3 is going to be at about 192 kbps but we could give ourselves really really high quality mp3s at 320 kbps which is still uh you know over 1 4 of the size or less than a fourth of the size of the wave so really high quality audio at a constant bit rate um for you know really high quality audio that is not large file and is going to bunker down your hard drive or you know there's a reason why um like audible in acx they want mp3s you know when you have chapters and chapters of waves i mean those are huge huge files and they take forever so we don't need that crazy high of a quality if your client wants a wave give them a wave give them whatever they want if they want mp3 give them the highest quality possible which is selecting mp3 and then going to the quality and selecting the kbps okay moving forward now i'm going to direct this to my mp3s folder which i recommend that you do and we are going to put it in there okay perfect great great okay so let's have a listen to what we have that is it right there let's have a quick listen project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san jose okay so i feel like this was a little too loud at the end which is fine we're gonna fade that out we're gonna fade this out fade that out yes we sure are okay cool and i also feel like the music was a little too loud still so let's project livewire is among us harley davidson has revolutionized motorcycling pre-order yours at san jose harley-davidson visit us at san great fantastic fantastic so now i'm going to export this and we will call this harley davidson best whatever best whatever we want to call it great all right fantastic so there you have it ladies and gentlemen now you know what the heck you're doing in audacity congratulations you are that much closer to realizing your goals and dreams feel free to check out the ted talk link in the description uh definitely check out all the recommended equipment and if you're interested in the eq course it will change your audio game forever in the best way feel free to reach out i'd like to dedicate this tutorial to my grandfather who passed away new year's day 2022 rest in peace and with that said until next time stay safe stay positive i got your back
Channel: VoiceOverMaster
Views: 102,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: audacity tutorial 2022, how to use audacity 2022, audacity complete guide, audacity complete tutorial, audacity for beginners, audacity 3.0, how to use audacity for beginners, audacity 2022, audacity eq, audacity equalization, audacity compression, audacity tools, audacity buttons, audacity noise gate, audacity noisegate, audacity mic set up, audacity complete, audacity a-z, audacity a to z
Id: HVOdwrDu76A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 29sec (6269 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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