Auctions Anonymous with What the Hales, 2nd Cents Rob, Guapo, & Conky

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we're we're live i'm trying to hold this car up guys gotta get up here to ohio jeremy help me let's see let me see if i can help you a little bit just put your arm up there i get that tire there you go there we go who's going to be the last one in uh is it really ever a guest you're going to me or guapo but it's usually guapo yeah i'm actually early today yeah rob was the second the first one in besides that's amazing you're always ahead of me so well i had to make sure that i could go live from the garage because i just ran a cable up here because we're going to be doing our show from up here saturday so i ran a cable up here in the wi-fi box that i'm using for the phone and the other laptop showed up at i think seven o'clock so i had to run up here real quick and hook it up and make sure it worked otherwise i was gonna have to do this from downstairs the downstairs um it's gonna be really hard using that as a studio now because it's it's becoming all you know for the toy restoration so i'm taking up the room i was using for the computer and all that for you know the oven and the sandblaster and the powder coater what kind of lift do you have on that car um that's all muscle baby guns no it's it's a scissor lift it lifts it up higher than this how high will it go um you want to see it yeah i do you know let me do this how much does a scissor lift go for conkey this thing was it was a few thousand it was like twelve hundred fifteen hundred dollars i forget well they can't be it you know it's one of those harbor freight things i think it came from china but um let me enter broadcast studio hang on i'll full screen this calculated hang on all righty then downtown huh there's the lift and i'll lift it up so you guys can see how high it goes there's a little box right there [Music] wow that's awesome [Music] yeah that's the way to go man working on your car a lot easier that's for sure so you can actually i can actually get underneath it on my little stool and uh this didn't work comfortably nice so hang on there so now you can see how much higher the car is boy that makes life easier oh yeah it's it's when i bought that thing it's like why did i wait 50 years to buy a lift did you like rolling under a car i hey i'm done doing brake jobs in the driveway on the gravel buddy this is you know i was like moving to florida why did i wait 43 years to move to florida yeah what the hell are you thinking man should have done it 43 years ago yeah exactly i should have been born i was like whoa wrong state florida here we come where's the sun where's the sun well with the sun like six days a year here in ohio so i just saw him today he stopped by my shop i got it i've got a i'll probably call jesse tomorrow i gotta hook up with him on a few things dude jesse he's been at that hoarder house just taking all the scrap out of there really yeah he goes to me today goes rob i've never seen so much stuff i can't remember i forgot how many times he already said he took out of there but but scraps it's 12 cents a pound right now when jesse says i've never seen this much stuff you know it's a lot of stuff at first he didn't realize how much now he started taking it man i don't even know how many trailers he's taking out there he said he took the one car out it just broke in half wow it's been sitting there so long oh he he actually took one of the chevettes out yeah he said just fell apart in half like that makes sense yeah they were half buried and yeah once i get down into the dirt it's it's not that not that long before they just rot in half where were you yesterday conkey yesterday what was yesterday live auction in akron where barge dean fuckatuckus now i said vodka tacos that's his name guys so don't don't don't uh i know it sounds like a bad word but that's his real name stores legends was there and he bought an epic unit epic unit he's frozen though so he can't tell you about it i'm not frozen jerry bear what's up you're frozen jer bear he's not frozen he's in florida he's warm cocky where are you at in your garage i'm doing a this is kind of a test to make sure that we're because we're going live from the garage we've got right over there is a pile of boxes from the last storage unit i bought and we're going to unbox them live saturday and do and just auction it off as we unbox it like you're in a green screen you look like you have a green screen behind i can't lie okay okay it's verified it looks like a green screen because i'm sitting in a seat and it's kind of like doing this thing around my head oh we've got colin taylor thank you for the five pound super chat conkey does not have a green screen well i probably do have a green screen and thank you rosie five dollar super chat you'll remember that time last night when i swept the auction yeah hey hey rosie rosie relax i just want to let you know we got way more to go we got way more to come maybe possibly tonight probably not tonight possibly tomorrow so um yeah definitely you guys everybody here uh guys definitely stay tuned because yeah more uh more franklin mint you guys remember that one time we got banned from life storage yeah i saw you get banned again huh so we we hit 100 million views wow and we did it we did it we re-released getting banned from life storage we released it on youtube and facebook we know their legal team is going to go after it on youtube again as a matter of fact they already started the process hours after i actually released it wow this time the legal team hasn't contacted me neither has the coo and remember last time they wouldn't even say they were sorry and the reason why they won't say they're sorry is because they won't admit any blame because their lawyers tell them don't admit don't say sorry that's in the middle and so the ce uh the coo won't talk to me without the the life storage legal team wrapped there and trying to emphasize to this guy you don't have a legal issue you have a pr issue get rid of the lawyers and get somebody that actually knows pr humble yourself make your employees say sorry like the offer we we reached out to them last time with lawyers and we said let's make it all right we were supposed to go up to headquarters and film a formal apology they specifically said they would not let us film at headquarters but they would have us up the headquarters show us their entire process and by the way this is all recorded all recorded but has never been released and uh but they would never ever ever on video do a formal apology and nor would they off video do any type of an apology and nothing has ever happened and now they have a bigger mess to clean up well i i don't understand the um i didn't realize they took that video down what happened that they took the video down so what they did one portion in the video where we encourage our viewers we encouraged our viewers to contact the corporate office and the one clip i said contact the corporate office or whatever else you want to do so their legal department complained to youtube and said he's inciting uh you know harmful acts and all of this so youtube backed off and that's not like youtube but youtube backed off and went all right we're gonna we're gonna delete the video and the video was deleted just like that it was gone because they said it was endangering heather brown and so this time that one split second that i said or anything else you want to do so anything else you want to do contact corporate or anything else you want to do i mean i would interpret that as call the mentor office call heather brown not inciting you know anything harmful to any person whatsoever obviously we're talking about the wall but i needed that one second this time put it back up they've already filed a privacy complaint but in the state of ohio and where they're headquartered out in new york it's one party consent so it's not a privacy complaint the new one heather eve and it's heather who filed the privacy complaint so youtube tells you where the privacy complaint is and it goes straight on to heather and it's heather complaining and she has to make the privacy complaint now if you watch the video it's heather that says do whatever you want put it on youtube she she not only gives me implied consent she gives me verbal consent in the video to put it all on youtube and now she claims privacy complaints that i'm imprinting on her privacy so that's the first step but what will happen is their legal department will go after youtube but it's on facebook it has almost 200 000 views on facebook there's no way without facebook as we all know facebook does nothing with complaints so i wouldn't be surprised if that's the whole reason you put your channel on facebook as well so you re-release that video and never be left alone you're a smart man that's funny yeah don't forget i actually worked for that company for facebook oh my god rob what haven't you worked for dude for the company dude dude you auctioned off uh the mona lisa to the museum it's currently at dude i can't yeah i could spot a motorcycle with a mr hales to uh yeah with his name american pickers i can't keep up with you rob i can't keep up with you that's true just like yesterday when i was helping you load your unit you couldn't keep up with me couldn't keep up with the man keep up with them look at that the gun show baby yeah no no no dude we busted that out though we really did the the units is super exciting it's so hard to get these videos out man i've been selling t-shirts all day um yeah what a good unit guys you're gonna have to check out that video and then i bought three units i'm gonna bust this butt again it is not hard to get videos out you just prioritize that videos are gonna go out jeremy i made 3600 in t-shirts today that was what my sole focus was you wanna know how much i made more than that how much a lot more than that i know man and he may have to sell one t-shirt i gotta sell some t-shirts man and you're making money off the same video i sold dude i sold like a black sabbath bro i sold dude i sold so many t-shirts dude my screenshots are crazy yeah dude i sold i started an alice in chains look at this i sold a really sick alice in chains what'd you sell that for that went for um 350. i just can't pay that much for a t-shirt man this deo i got like 100 of these shirts right here this deal went for like 175 it was it was a good time man it was a lot it was a really good time original shirt is i got original ones that the first ones ever yeah this was the uh the record breaker though today this one right here let me see if i can show you this is this is it right here this one this fuji shirt right here this one sold for like 910 dollars who's fuji uh they're the ones that say um they sing that song ready or not here i come gonna find you and take it slowly hey who sings that song i'm not falling for that joke mister i'm not falling for that joke mister that's your joke baby yeah man you know what you know what conkey this is a taco and burrito conversation nachos that's natto cheese that's not your jesus oh guava yeah so um clear throats he's in the chat clear thrifts fi he just came and got my keys to my building guys so guys yes he did promise it happened it happened today and he finally got his auction lots so i will keep you guys up to date on the storage legends building this is gonna be very very very exciting guys if it gets done and i'm able to make a thrift store and you guys could like come and chop that would be amazing you're gonna move that thrift shop all the way down to florida yeah i hope so man where's he saying i i think rosie said i sing killing me softly thank you i don't think rosie's ready for this auction coming up tomorrow that's all i got to say you buy every loan at your auction yesterday i don't huh did she buy every lot in your auction yesterday no no no but no but she got the good she got really good lots lots that we normally don't put up the but the the three that 900 that 900 unit i'm telling you man it had some serious collectibles the shirts are worth so much guapo why do you why don't you guys make a shirt all together so sell so many with your signatures and do a donation together that's honestly not a bad idea i feel like the only person's uh autograph that's gonna be worth any money though is gonna be conkeys mine why mine because dude dude because you're a different breed bro but the conqueror later says it's worth more there you go the calculations if you did some calculations on that autograph calculations say it's worth more okay i'll take your word for it but man yeah eric eric got snipes eric man eric was getting his his butt sniped man it was 80 unit online oh yeah the guy was a cop oh no way my other unit i bought the guy was in the military oh and that's the one that had the comic book unit oh any good comics gotta watch the video gotta go check that video they're coming they're coming i got one more unit to go empty oh dude dude you gotta no wait dude wait did you what video was today i i think i'm all right tomorrow all right guys bad i failed i failed and i failed we'll do it tomorrow though i'll release the video the same time tomorrow i don't know what your deal is though but tomorrow i'm gonna that's that's the video i'm working on tonight or your auction ah man you know okay so check this out jeremy said you know how um you know how like we sat in like the front room and like we edited videos for a decent and we got like our undivided attention was on video editing yup i have not been able to do that since i got back from florida because you're away from me when you're with me i crack i bust your butt and you edit yeah bro i need some i need some jeremy we've been having options though we've been productive though at least you have time for what you make time for so so for example we just hit 100 million views which is 100 blowing million views that doesn't make any sense but but if you go how do you get there number one is you start you have to start everybody wants to go okay well i'm not ready i'm not ready and and we're helping so many people here in florida and go you don't have to be ready you just have to do it and you learn through the process of doing it and then you have to be consistent you have to make it a priority every day to get that video edited and so that 100 million views honestly has spawned you guys all off as well so it's not it's not only it's not only that 100 million views but from that hundred million views has come robert of second sense storage legends conkey and so many others too i think i think i'm above uh rob all day i'm above you actually okay if you look on the screen i am above you if you got here i'm picking on rob today you think i mean but hey no no we were picking on chapo though and they got to watch the video for that one we weren't picking on her but there was there's such a funny scene with chapo it's it's so funny guys yeah i set that up perfectly don't say nothing don't say nothing i just said i said i set it up perfectly okay what do we got we got a question for me somebody spelled my name wrong nope skipping that question no no no i'm just playing i'm just playing please explain that was hang on go ahead what if what if conky was like yup nope we're skipping it wrong wrong way all right all right rob uh rob rob rob you appraise things wrong no i'm just playing i love you guys i'm just i'm picking on rob today it says guava please dang conky oh god he can't control it oh that's so funny okay i'm trying to get help i'm gonna start reading it and you're gonna take it off okay okay here we go it says guapo please explain the different pokemon deck i want to get replacement for the one i bully tore up on the bully tore up her grandson's pokeman set so first of all all four has got to go find the bully and then after we take care of the bully we gotta get some pokemon cards no i'm pretty sure he said a bully like her bully like her dog no bully took her grandson and tore up his her his set some kid got a fight some people we're gonna auction off some pokemon cards so hopefully you can get a chance to get those back at the auction but i mean i i wouldn't be able to describe a deck that like i can't you maybe send like a video of like previous pictures you had uh i don't really know if there's a way to identify like um like missing pokemon like cards unless you knew what like what you had before it was taken like obviously well you gotta find out what year they were made first you gotta find out like where it was bought like when it was bought or maybe try to reference any pictures you had of your cards if you listed them but if they're gone unfortunately you can't even like recoup them because you technically don't even know because you don't know what more yeah you don't know what to recoup you know and that's the negative thing and that's what's so like tedious and weird you know about storage units and loading a storage unit and buying things that you don't know you have so so here's i'm going to kind of drift off here you know i was talking to dave you know everybody knows dave um you know and and i was asking him he buys he's one for those of you guys that don't know who dave is um he's one of the people that go to uh the auctions locally and purchase like a like a majority of the units um and and i asked them you know i'm like you know you have workers and you don't really worry about like people like going through your belongings or anything like that because the bottom line is guys is that if you send somebody to go and load your storage unit like after you like buy it um you technically there's no way of like proving to like if anything was taken because you don't know what you have so that's um that's like that's like uh that's kind of like to tie both of those things in like missing pokemon cards i don't know what i had emptying a storage unit i don't know what i had bottom line is is like you guys definitely want to keep track of all of your items you want to take a list take an inventory you know me and chapo sometimes we get into it um you know because she likes to be real particular and organized and and at the end of the day organization is key you know it might take a little bit more time but to be organized is so business sufficient i'm telling you it would be it would it would pay off tenfold because technically here you we can talk about organization say if you did have that deck organized or or you did take a full inventory of that deck when it became missing you know how to replace it if you can't retrieve it um so i'll shut up now happy birthday to you [Music] happy birthday to happy [Music] [Music] we're gonna have a good time yeah i'm looking at a date i'm coming to visit you jeremy let me know this weekend we're gonna go feed uh tigers and lions it's going down tomorrow auction tomorrow guys auction tomorrow where's your auction it's happening tomorrow what's tomorrow tomorrow friday that's it it's happening you guys you guys have a live auction tomorrow a live auction tomorrow i see i hear the subscribers in the chat i'm liking the way certain people are securing these auction lots and it's just going to be it's exciting to me because you want to know why jeremy because if i didn't have a plan to depart from ohio jeremy i would be more like you know i'd be more prone to buy more inventory i'd be more prone to you know get the most out of my things and i'm already like that in my auctions jeremy so you know sell sell sell that'll sell sell bro so i know i have how much did i pay for that unit rob 900 and dollars i know i have to make that you know well you have to make like 1800 to make it worth spending 910 right but i thought yeah you're right so i mean one thing i bought three units the two units i bought i paid 80 and 224. and unfortunately i'm gonna make more money than guapo's thousand dollar buy eric armstrong was like i need an auction tonight we do one tonight we're doing one tonight guap you didn't hear anything i said did you you're not paying attention what did you say uh 300 bucks and i'm gonna make probably three times as much money as you off your thousand dollar unit what with what one of your three units he said oh the two units i bought for i paid 80 bucks and 220 bucks and those two units i'll probably make about i don't know 4 000. well you say that now rob and while i'm bidding you're like you had it you had it it's only money it's only money you had it you had it and you're egging me on dude so i'm like okay rob you want me to buy it buy the unit rob i'll buy the unit first of all he he said it out don't let let's watch the video ladies and gentlemen yeah i got it on video i got it on video so it's supposed to be the video you had it you had it it's only money guapo money only money it's only money money yeah they've been very thank you like i thought like the 900 unit was gonna be a bad unit it's turning out to be not a bad pizza first of all he wanted the unit because he wanted a couch so don't let him steer you and that couch has a throw up stain in it and i'm not gonna use it anymore you can scrub that out you can scrub that out conky it's gonna be a hundred bucks no no no guys uh oh we're getting some more crazy noises on some of the live cams on the property bigfoot's out there you hear that grumbling look at that what's out there i don't know jeremy i see bigfoot there's a growl and a grumble dude we went on another part of our property we've never been on before so stinking awesome so amazing [Music] it's so beautiful they put so i thrift and clear six figures easy so if i start a storage unit how much more will you make you probably won't make more money buying storage units the thing is if you thrift you already know what you're buying when you're buying storage units you got way more inventory it's easier if you could buy something you already bought it for twenty dollars like guapo he could buy a t-shirt for 20 bucks no he can sell for 200 it's a lot easier than buying a whole storage unit and you don't know if you're going to make all the money back but you you know if you're buying stuff at a thrift store you already know you're going to make your money as soon as you buy it yeah that's a nice thing it is i want this for 1200 and you can't touch those things for under four grand right you move the money when you bought it yes you know so if you're making six figures thrifting why would you want to buy storage units i mean that's just my opinion you can easily make six figures with i mean i don't know it's like it's almost like there's like a legend that we just like are hoping for you know wait what six figures is that over a hundred thousand yeah i think so yeah yeah so he's making he's saying he's making over a hundred thousand dollars thrifting and you you can make more money doing storage you know like dave i guarantee you dave makes way more than a hundred thousand dollars a year i make more 100 000 a year but that's not doing storage units only i buy you know i buy and sell that's all i do but i have a lot of states i deal with also you know i mean storage units depends where you live but you guys know how storage units are there's how many unbelievable awesome storage units are there for real out there you know every 100 is the number we usually throw out so one out every 100 so and then right now with all the people getting their money back a lot of those good units are not going to be there for the next couple months because all these people got this money so if you owed had a great unit you're going to probably pay on your unit we we bought one in tampa tuesday today's third tuesday we bought one in tampa we saw a safe and we we did find gold we did find silver we did find money no paper money just change and some really really crazy stuff i don't even want to bring it up i just saw a big bag that you found there was a bag of hair that looks familiar it was not labeled but man this is just crazy but we would we would have hoped for more in the safe but we only bought it because the safe was there and and it wasn't listed as safe and people weren't seeing the safe we did find cheetos very nice very nice fine i thought about there's a unit today that sold for 660 bucks the only thing you could see that was worth value there was an air compressor small one and then a safe we got public publix coming up are you watching that train unit robert i don't know i haven't looked up you know if it's the new one that i haven't looked out the couple days i only i usually look out like one or two days and then i'll go out farther but the one unit i thought you were going to talk about was a slot car unit they had all the slot car tracks in there but it got paid on yeah no i'm thinking about the one with the big train layout that's sitting on its side oh i know what you're talking about okay yeah that's like a a couple weeks out anyway so i don't know what's going on wow you look that far out well that that's all there is i mean there was a couple that were coming up and then everything else was like 12 days out yeah today a bunch of light storages ended in cubesmart so i bought some live storage and keep smart units tell live storage i said hello robert there's no stopping you bro you're on you're literally unstoppable i've been doing this for 12 years bro dude dude dude i'm gonna call you uh second spin superman that's what i'm gonna call you now you sound like my family you are superman bro that's right work all day raise two kids and have my rental properties i got three businesses making money brother that's it man the game don't stop man it really doesn't other than that it's like what else could you do you know that's that's how us auction buyers and resellers think man what else what else better to do than to work jeremy you need to uh talk to old light people about camper lights and see if they can make a light for the outside of your camper i prefer to be scared to be honest you should wear in shack she gets out of line i go all right you're going outside no i'll be good i'll be good i promise i promise i'll be good uncle beau's asking me when my next video is coming out uncle bo i spent all i think i filmed every day this week um i have in addition to conkey's flipping adventures i now have two other channels and what i filmed today i'll be able to split out across all three channels hopefully if everything turned out the way i was supposed to three channels three channels you know what's that did you have two or three two that were that were active on so what the asmr although we've had to pull back on what the asmr because you you got to you got to keep in mind that george does thumbnails and she does the auction that's what she does and then she films for me so the rest of all those responsibilities fall on my shoulders so to film asmr she's put some asmr out as well but the film for the asmr with so i've got youtube going on resale business going on employees going on and then trying to figure everything out in florida as well it's just it's humanly impossible right now for me to to actively every day be on both channels with everything that i have to take care of here in florida as well but once we get all settled and set up it'll be it'll be a whole lot easier and i need to get i need to get an employee or two here as well in florida which will be really nice to help selling ebay selling listing and selling that and filming i need somebody to i need somebody to film hold the camera well you've got patience and christian up here for that yeah that's in ohio but move them down yep move them down they're young why can't they move oh i'm sure they would if i gave them the opportunity like all right live in the house but i gotta build a warehouse first that's true then you need to you gotta get those rv plugs bro cause if i get an rv plus rv i'm gonna have to hook up down the street from you man that's the warehouse build that's the warehouse build everything remember everything is slow here in florida everything yeah like ramses is in at the shop right now so i made an appointment i had a 9 a.m appointment to change the brakes on ramsay's and then i was supposed to be with robbie all day today 9 a.m they're supposed to have the vehicle i should have new breaks by 11 at the latest they told me oh yeah yeah we'll have it by lunch i still don't have the truck back they called me at 4pm and said we rotated your tires and i went uh okay any other issues oh yeah we found out the caliper is frozen and we can't get the part till tomorrow morning it's like why did you not look at it at 9am and get the part at 9 30 a.m instead of calling me at 4pm so i lost all day today filming i couldn't do anything i literally sat around waiting for them to call so i could leave i did nothing today which is not me at all you guys know that waiting and waiting everything is so ridiculously slow in florida it's just crazy because i got a flat the other day i went to the place i got four players put on there took like 40 minutes 40 minutes man i swear dude when it comes to contractors and mechanicals that's like as that's one thing from being like a kid teen to an adult that's one thing i've learned to be a brand a property owner dude contractors so hard to find good work and if it's good work it's so fine it's so hard to find timely work and consistent loyal work you know that's number one and then um number two with the mechanicals that's another thing man you just can't trust these guys man they know what they're doing and what everybody grading cadillac converters and scrapping all of these parts everybody knows what a ca you know everybody knows what this part's worth and we have an extra part for this you know i went and got my box truck done you know i got my brakes and my rotors done with that and now i now i need a drive shaft now i need you know now i need an alignment and and my and my and my and my uh my uh what was it's not brakes brakes and rotors and my rotors are still warped how do i have brand new waters in their rotors and their warps and i paid for them and it's like it's like dude i took it back already and then the first time i took it back they did something without my uh when i when i description to retrieve my car without even letting me know so it's not illegal they can't do that that's what i did and i went back and forth but i had you know i just got paid from uh we had just made a nice sale from a bunch of uh dude it was just i just i had the money in my op my pocket so i just gave in and paid it i didn't want to sit here and he wasn't gonna give me the car back and stuff i'm not even gonna you know i put it i put it in my video too uh kristen said don't go there if kristen if you're in the chat kristen was kristen's a local kristen was like don't even go there dude like that place is bad so yeah you got to watch some places are like that fix your own cars let's take it to the car i got this that's i just think at the conkey shop it's pretty exciting i got so sick of buying cars from dealerships and and all that now i just i buy them on their way to the scrap yard and and just fixing myself i wind up with about half in them what they're worth by the time i get done and you know it's worth it though plus even quite doing that well and i finally you know had the the realization i might as well just film it and put it on youtube that's the third channel the third channel is called uh subaru rescue i've got so many of these cars that need so much work and i enjoy working on them but it was hard to justify taking the time away from everything else to to work on the cars i'm just going to film it all and i thought it'd be like conkey's car care yeah pretty much gonna film and i'll stick it on youtube who knows that channel might take off faster than than my my main one but that's a good one that could it really could car car stuff is hot man yeah and youtube wants you to be a niche so you know plus i'd actually already talked to subaru like years ago and the only thing stopping me from becoming a what did they call it a goodwill ambassador um and there's perks of being a goodwill ambassador but they they wanted to know what your uh your social media things were well if i've got a a youtube channel devoted to their cars you know i can be a goodwill ambassador and all that and get the sponsorships and everything because i've heard that they're into that sort of thing but i know one more thing to film you know remember remember youtube tells you niche but remember what i always tell you meech big big big umbrella so why we're not why we do storage units storage units isn't the only thing you see we treasure hunt as a whole treasure hunting is the big umbrella you're niching right down to the vehicle yeah well i've got enough of them to keep me busy that's the thing being interesting to see how that goes if i wasn't you know if i didn't have 14 of these things i would have never made it that specific but i've i can't go you know six months without buying two of these things you know what i mean and it's not like i'm i'm wasting my money if i buy a parts car i usually triple my money on it i bought this for 1200 you couldn't touch it for four grand you know so yeah like anything else you you violently our needs now is outer creek drama that's good stuff though between otter creek and uh what's going on with your crazy landlord up here you know what the the funny thing is is everybody this past week got to see get to see kenny hauling the car off and then and then landlord pre-trial and then we re-released the getting banned from life storage so if you look at it like some people are leaving comments or comments like jeremy your whole entire life is drama you just attack drama you must be a giant a herd and because this whole week has been drama but if you go back all the way 2019 to life storage that was 2019 they kicked us out because we were youtubers they were being a bunch of karen's had nothing to do with us we didn't do anything we were youtubers and because you're a youtuber and by the way i stress this with people as well youtube is gonna cause problems for you and more money you make more what more people are trying to get it from you is going to cause problems for you and so uh the issue with the landlord that has absolutely nothing to do with us whatsoever nothing at all that is a fight between her and her partner and then she drug us in she drug us in and listed as a third party suing for 25 000 i would have just stayed as a tenant and been happy but she drug us into it that had nothing to do with us it was all her and then here in otter creek we bought property knowing the issue existed knowing that the family tried to correct the issues we inherited that through purchase of having to fix those problems and so it's not like we're going looking for problems or problems follow us you got life storage 2019 that's part of being a youtuber the more you trying something geez andrew how many times have you been yelled at filming when you're not supposed to every time because you always try and push yourself i don't know jeremy is i don't stop yeah you don't stop i do i'm like all right hey i have no problem i have no problem honoring anybody's request but the maryland thing that's all maryland has literally has nothing to do with us whatsoever although i think we're going to win big time in regards to that and otter creek lord blessed us with that mess i mean come on seriously come on that is uh that's youtube gold man how could it get any better those guys are going to become famous acting silly they already are people people like we had a guy we had a guy and i don't know probably even viewing right now but uh begging to meet with us this morning because he's in the area and we don't do that that's not ever going to happen we have a life we want our life we have a plan for our life we don't just come up to the gate somebody sends you a message and goes i'm up at your gate can you please come meet me the answer is always going to be no we don't do that we have a life we need to live our life people already drive through otter creek they go to the campground we were just told we got to fill in um fill in uh postmaster at our at our at our post office he just told george yesterday he goes i'm getting calls every single day people begging to know what your address is yeah so it's already happening i mean otter creek is on the map it's on the map now whether they want to be or not which they don't because they hide so much illegal activity but um it's on the map now and they're famous and it's not over it's it's far from being over no it's it's definitely not it actually just began actually there's a huge mission here man but the number one mission is now you want to say the warehouse i'm going to say the rv plugs i just have one question for jeremy yes sir the guy that you were fighting down here is his name's kenny yes if kenny started his own youtube channel right now how many subscribers you think you'd get a ton so kenny if you're listening yes your channel we're handing you money kenny um penny if you're listening just know you will have a very strong opinionated following kenny's son kenny jr has eight counts on his rap sheet all involving drugs kenny's other son is in jail and has been in jail for quite some time yeah map of the levy county stars that's funny is that funny i guess that's something to be proud of your kids better than a report card a ramp shooter the the next otter creek video that everybody sees and i can't guarantee this because you never know what's going to happen on any given day it'll be kenny jr and i promise you it'll be interesting i'll just i might have leaked it out last week he broke one of our cameras and then he enticed one of the local children a juvenile to break another one and so um the video's in the works you will be seeing it now i have not taken this man which is probably older than me but a third of uh my size i'm i haven't snapped them in half yet but it doesn't mean i won't get swamped yeah out of creek's on the map there's no doubt about that powder creaks on the map unbelievable man too much fun i can't wait to visit you just wait till the elephants elephants i mean melons i mean melons okay we have multiple melons well you always want more than one melon at least two they come in twos definitely would you like four would you like six starting to sound like a uh what are we are those people in um no i need an answer that sounds like a rhetorical question oh let's see how christians [Music] this is in ohio what if they say you know what jeremy really smells like storage units and they do say stuff at times but they don't know that i know hey guapa i just looked at one of the things from your storage unit yesterday was over 100 bucks you got to watch the video one of the first things we found there you go what are they doing freaking out so they go to the house every single day and ship will they check on the house they ship from the house do they sleep at the house no well i mean they sleep at another house a different house they don't say we've got another house that i own but can they sleep at the house oh i just want to say a bunch of people said hi uh what the hell's at the auction yesterday oh really well dean said hello of course nobody said hi to you jeremy and uh alpha said hello and then alpha's hit me up about how to uh start youtube channel and i told him what you told me just start it he goes why don't you look here's the hand of florida video shop it's a free app download it on your phone you can cut edit do all your videos from there and just start that's the hardest thing to do start i told them come to florida don't wait another minute take your butts in florida what are you waiting for i said maybe one day we could schedule something and we could all like collaborate i'll call jeremy and we can do something you know and that's a good part it'd be fun man that would be fun alpha and lisa you remember them yeah we were gonna try and get to go out to eat with them after an auction we still never got out to eat with them yeah he's a buyer man yesterday you would like the unit i bought jeremy you probably would have went after it so you had two trunks oh yeah yeah yeah you and i would have went head to head yeah no i probably wouldn't have been against you yeah dude i tell you guys the same thing every time it doesn't matter bid against me nah bro you ain't got it you guys don't have i gotta i gotta really want it to bid against you because i'm not like our money dude we would go up to so high it'd be dumb not like videos you bid on it video shop i'm telling i'm telling you jeremy like dude this was a good unit man it's just i'm so high in value that i have to like make sure that i you haven't gone through everything again like almost every box we found so much good stuff in there you found gold you found treasures dude silver yeah silver that's going on the auction tomorrow guys if i get the video out the same day i will auction off that piece that gold piece so we find a lot of good stuff in that unit man i think i did i did but bro my buy cost is so high i mean we'll look at let's go let's refer back to your point earlier bro remember you said like three units you'll make way more profit than me maybe you know we don't nest yeah remember you said that because your backpack was so good you need to look up man right that baseball oh spoiler you don't have to watch the video now man anything to say he's got he's got some big stuff in there man yeah man it's signed by somebody really big conky bigger than conkey slow down i'll sign your baseball if you want me to guapo but i don't know if you're going to be hey what's the calculations i have to know who who signed it i don't think he's telling they're gonna tell all right he's reading he's like i know who signed it go ahead should we tell him no i can give him a hint and we don't have to say the name yeah yeah no no no tell him tell him the fact that you that you dropped in the video you you dropped the fact in the video i i seen it because i was one of the guys man from baseball yeah everyone should know that then well that was easy really you've got a choice michael jordan he's got a baseball signed by michael jordan dude they know exactly who it is is it authentic do you think it's off the neck it was real nice in there they were big time sports fans that's awful good stuff man i'm just telling i mean it was a good unit we didn't get to go through everything yeah that's awesome but i'm excited about the units i bought today i can't wait to go to one tomorrow man i've been loading up all day i gotta go clean out ladies house tomorrow i got two nights there's three units going up for auction tomorrow about 25 minutes away from us at 10 a.m so we're gonna go hit that up hopefully hopefully get one although yeah i can't even remember well yeah i can i was just gonna say i can't remember last time i bought a storage unit it was tuesday you hear me i don't bleep enough next santa is paynesville's auction oh you know i love that location we've scored so big there monkey storage legends next saturday you mean 27th what maybe it's tuesday what's next saturday it's juice when's uh when's holy saturday april 2nd the day before easter okay so a week from saturday there you go that's where i found the moose head that's where we got the 1800 1700 units i mean that place has just been a gold mine for me yeah someone asked me they're the guy someone asked me they go oh rob do they set those units up there i said let me explain something i told him jeremy's story i said jeremy bought two of the three units he wished he bought all three of them he bought easily twenty five thousand dollars worth of stuff in two units and he paid what thirty five hundred yep and you got i mean easily twenty five thousand dollars you still have stuff left from those units well we haven't even touched any of the tools i mean it was ridiculous well you had it if i had to guess christian impatience from those two units they haven't touched the tools turn off the ac please i can look at ebay if i had to guess they've probably generated from just from those units easily if i had to guess so far probably 75 000 oh my god uh you get coins in there i mean last time i talked there was a wild [ __ ] and that's not we didn't sell the coins and we told the 50s we've sold the 50 cent pieces to conkey at face value yeah there were over a thousand dollars worth of those yeah was it like a 1050 or something like that i don't remember exactly what it was but conkey wanted them and i went i'm never going to look through these i have no desire to look through them you can have them for face value um i was looking at selling yeah they've probably done yeah they probably that's probably where they they've been at on that unit so far those well those units those two and so people once again that's why all four of us here buy storage units and that's why you know guapo is willing to spend nine hundred dollars on the unit i'm almost spent a thousand dollars on you know jeremy's won't spend thousands because of simple facts we just don't know you know guava guy he's still got to go through all this stuff it might be that's a yeah unit you just don't know there's stuff in there you haven't even looked up yet and we don't even know the value of because i mean and i know value of a lot of stuff and there's stuff in there i did not know the value so yeah that's what's exciting is because you do like deal with a lot of items not only being a storage auction buyer but being just like a full-blown auctioneer you know that's that's that's the bottom line you know there's no thousands thousands of lots every month you know yeah i mean you get one tomorrow morning i made a comment you said that you know there was there was over a million dollars auction you know auctioned off in that um in that in that auction house you got you know so you know yeah millions yeah if i can if i can get a unit tomorrow and actually get my truck back from that's the other part that'd be tougher you might get a unit tomorrow you might not get your truck back though yeah the crazy part is 9 a.m 9 a.m i just i can't even understand it i can't understand it but i have to try and be flexible with where i'm at i get that yankee bro you're never gonna understand it being a yankee well and they do they they say that i told them how upset i was today with all this but i don't think that's going to help you much no it isn't think of um your camper and how much trouble you went through to try to get the floor fixed and wound up picking it up what was it like weeks later or months later and then months and months later and the floor wasn't fixed yeah so if you get your truck back in a week you'll be doing good yeah 9 a.m appointment and i think it just boggles my mind but we're gonna go we're going to go to the auction tomorrow morning at 10 a.m we'll take her car hopefully he told me on the phone he'd be done with my truck at 10. then we can swing over and grab the truck if we buy anything it better be done man if it's not done man isn't that crazy no dude it doesn't surprise me because the same thing happens out here i hope to get one tomorrow though i'm surprised you don't have two trucks jeremy just so you well you know why i don't have two trucks i did i did a 50 000 donation instead of buying another truck for myself no and remember we're still going to see that video so i could have spent the money and bought another truck and made a business expense instead i made a contribution to a viewer and we did a 50 000 giveaway instead so yes i could have bought another truck and i could have had a backup truck and but uh we wanted to go another route well that's good on you and it'll be it'll be an amazing video when that video comes out well when is that coming out you said july it'll be july hey hey what was the baseball player's name again peter michael jordan pete what rose rose okay he was worried about revealing it dude dude there's oh no no no that's why they're going for big money yeah that's a it could be 100 200 bucks right there that's just one little item looks like more could be more yeah yeah you should do good on it if you were in the auction dude that's it it's going in the auction tomorrow have you gone through the whole unit yet guapo and seen everything yet no not really but i mean for the most part i mean we fidgeted through the for the most part right we look i mean yeah there's something else you know i don't know you know how it is with storage units yeah chapel for some reason always finds gold dude like and i don't understand it so do you think there's going to be more signed memorabilia maybe you should wait till you go through it all and then bulk it up yeah that might be a good idea well he does have more science stuff because in the one uh one of the things that we open oh yeah that was assigned and that was limited of one of two thousand so that's like very limited wow yeah a lot of sports stuff it was it was worth i mean i did i think it was worth it i think it was pretty worth it the dvd's alone oh my gosh i have one box of dvds there's gotta be 300 dvds in that box did you start watching them yet no look at jeremy you guys watch the tv series that's cause you're watching that's cause you're watching what the hell's right yeah it's i don't watch dvds i watch wet the hails i have a timer on every day when you drop a video what was today's video about it was about um that there you go it was about you getting banned from public stores jeremy that was yesterday oh bigfoot this is what i watched today today's video is bigfoot then today's video i'm the infamous george she might be uh bigfooted out over there think bigfoot went and raided the camper and took her oh no it don't matter if it's bigfoot or z both of them will bring her back i promise takes the woman away and then like the princess and you got to go save her jeremy so buddy the princess it doesn't matter if it's if it's z or bigfoot i'll see you tomorrow guaranteed you'll be back she'll be right back it reminds me i had it before i went to college i had a dog i had to get rid of and i put an ad in the paper free dog and um and so i was getting ready to go off to college i gave away my dog i called we didn't ever have a name for the dog so i started calling it joe and then the dog never got named so she her name was joe so i gave joe away a couple came pick joe up for free next day brought joe back gave me twenty dollars and said we're so sorry we can't do this i was like you've got to be kidding me another couple came and picked joe up and took joe came back the next day and gave me twenty dollars and said we're so sorry we can't do this and i was like oh my goodness this is an amazing business opportunity i'm making twenty dollar a day forget college i'm just getting back every day you guys are hitting joe finally can you return the dog so then my ex-wife's mom only ma'am that okay i'll take joe i want joe so she ended up taking joe it was crazy i couldn't believe it man how was it your dog didn't have a name though because i told then my ex-wife i said name the dog and she's like well i can't come up with a name i was like well i gotta call something all right joe come on joe and then the dog never had a name except for joe never officially got named i think it officially got named joe though well it's just me calling it joe because i had to call it something well there's been answers to it you know i answered a lot of things too but i mean she's a paid actor who is bonnie miller uh rob's wife they said why have you ever seen rav's wife whose payroll is rob's wife on on the storage legend payroll no on guapo's payroll guapo she belongs to the firefighters hauling that van off as in the algorithm on youtube i was just telling george earlier today we got this handful of morons in there going fake i'm like yeah fake okay you really have the sheriff card there with levy county all right so i paid them obviously you've got the officer there obviously he's on my payroll as well um yeah actually the officer is just conkey dressed up yeah yeah um so i have the sheriff there they're checking to see if it's stolen i hook it up and and then i haul it away now the follow-up video is it getting towed off and um but yep it's all fake right i mean you just sit there and shake your head you're like how stupid can these people be i mean dude look at youtube dude they thought rob said the f word yeah that's true too crazy fuckatuckus okay that's the guy's last name dean fuckatuckus yeah that's his name [ __ ] tuckus so it's not a bad word people and uh no rob does not swear on his on his videos guys and the thing here's a crazy thing though just talking about like people saying things are fake the two units i go to okay my guys sitting there videotaping and in the two units i find similar things okay and it's just like what's the chances and i go the guy said if you weren't here you you say rob this is this is fake this there's no way you know how could the same units you go and one's in bedford and the other one's in cleveland you know they're like 30 minutes apart from each other but then you find like the stuff that looks like almost the exact same in the unit just blows your mind you know like what's well it's just a coincidence right no it's never fake man it's never fake the only thing that's fake guys is that if we find a box that isn't exciting we just won't film it like it's not it's not it's not this it's not fake like when we're doing our unboxing challenge if we get a box all through papers i'm gonna grab another box like i mean you know like i'll give you the raw footage but i mean i have to pick what footage i want to show you guys because you know i'll be stuck with a bunch of b-roll from the old episode old scenery no plot nothing it's like that's garbage it's garbage footage of before we unfortunately we cut a lot of well i don't want to say we i cut a lot of my film to compress a video so yeah i try not to film it if i don't think i'm gonna put it in but you don't know when you're opening a box what's in it you know and dude why would we put it on a video if it's all papers that is not exciting so that's the only thing that i would say is fake anything other than that dude you don't understand like if you don't buy storage units you won't understand it is a random scenario a hundred percent of the time and there's and you buy a unit and you're like oh well you have you have this expectation your head you're thinking of it and sometimes you go on the unit and it just blows your mind because it's like you know you find you're like i just found a video game system in this grandma's unit you know something like that it's just sometimes you'll find it yeah like it's crazy dude i talked to clear thrifts today off topic and he said he got all kind of good stuff out of a sherry unit he went to really yeah jen messaged me and said she got kicked out of sherry's auction why she didn't say why but i just assumed she tried to film or she called fake or staging or something so i'm glad somebody got something good no way huh how'd he get away with that though i wonder she didn't tell me why she got kicked out but she did she messaged and said she got kicked out look bev made a great point and jeremy i want you to touch up on this bev is saying that the the bigger channels that are fake and forged the units she's saying that if they if they forged the units that they wouldn't have the followers that they have and i already know your opinion and we already agree with your opinion but explain explained above why they can still be forging the units and have the following that they have still i honestly have no clue where you're wanting me to go with this what do you think the way i wanted you to go with this is that these bigger channels stage units and that they do you know they do because like basically bev saying that if they if they staged the channels if i don't know if i'm interpreting bev the right way but if bev was saying this she's saying that there's no way that bigger channels with millions of subscribers staged their units because if they did stage their units they wouldn't have the following that they have i think she was saying that the there are some channels that actually put stuff in the unit and go oh look we got the unit and they try and do that to make a better video and and i just think i'm thinking on that go ahead but the thing is i think what you watch with any of our channels all of us love all of us love live auctions better right yeah yeah okay so right then and there you go this isn't fake i see it there it is they filmed it they were at the live auction now they're gonna get into it and you go oh my goodness this stuff is in here or some of us are around or we'll have fans there i mean there's almost always somebody there even in our in our tuesday video where we found the safe so we went to tampa and we found a safe so and again we get people going this is fake this is fake they they planted a safe in there i even show you the video footage i it wasn't a live auction it was online i go into the office and pay and i and i say to the manager there's a safe in there and she goes i know i saw it and and okay so how's that stage the manager is saying at the beginning of the video i i'm telling it because she didn't picture it she just pictured the corner and she affirms what i saw and she goes yeah i saw that and i'm like there it is it's in the video she saw the safe so then you got people coming coming in your comments and going oh you staged that or let's say the 1700 1800 units we got so many people saying i staged that you literally think i am going to spend i don't know what would it take years to amass that collection of antiques and i'm gonna spend a hundred thousand dollars on all those antiques all those brand new tools to make one youtube video actually it made three months i was gonna say you made a lot more than one youtube video but you guys know i never knew how many youtube videos i was gonna get out of it chapo found the gun yeah chapo did chapel found the gun so yeah i sold the unit i was there oh yeah yeah you sold the unit i'm the one that told everybody i said you know this is why we come to storage auctions ladies and gentlemen because these are this is the unit that you come for this is it right here and you are so right and jeremy's only one that was smart enough to bend high enough to buy the units and everyone sitting there looking at him like i can't believe he spent all that money on he spent fifteen hundred dollars on that unit he spent seventeen yeah i'm like are you guys serious did you if that unit was online you know how much those units would have went for unfortunately yes right three to five thousand dollars each yep yeah man dude i i loved it i'm the one that's a dude i kind of nudged you well we're going back there next uh a week from saturday huh how many units right now i got that one unit oh i don't like that spot that you know i don't know i don't like that unit two ten and i think five okay so three locations yeah i think right now there's 17 left but you know that's all change on average how many do you think have bidders just to run the unit up well grandma jay hi by the way i think that last night or yesterday's unit was in when did we go tuesday tuesday tuesday's unit auction first thing that one of us subscribers told me when i got out of my truck was that it was hard to buy a unit when he had people bidding up the units so shield bidding is definitely a thing um in uh storage auctions you just have to be careful you know and just kind of like only buy you know obviously shield bidding or not you know you have a limit on your unit you see the unit you know what you want to pay for it you know what i mean they can up bid as much as they want you you have to have that mental capacity and that self-control and understand like what you want to pay for that unit you know because it's random it's not like a live auction where you know what you're gonna get you know this is a random gamble this is a random you know you don't know you know jane asked the question about uh storage places planning bidders and two things one they wouldn't want to wind up with the unit and two it creates a problem when storage units sell for for more money it creates a problem for the storage unit owners because if the if somebody owes a hundred dollars a background on a unit and the unit sells for 50 bucks they're pretty much done there they don't have to do anything else except for process the sale of the unit but if the guy owed a hundred dollars on a unit and it sells for a thousand dollars now they have a problem by law they don't get to keep that money now they have to try to hunt down as if they didn't already try to hunt down the guy they had the unit before now they have to make an extra effort to hunt him down because now they owe him 900 if they can't find him to pay him the 900 there's all kinds of other paperwork that has to be done and it's just a it's a headache storage unit owners would rather a unit sell for 50 bucks less than what sewed on it than 50 bucks more yeah more work to do if it goes over and i don't know my thing is i tell people all the time especially now that there's all these online units because you know you don't have the auctioneer where the auctioneer used to be somewhat of protection for people but now with just online units anything's possible ladies and gentlemen anything can be rigged they don't have to take pictures everything you never know with online use but if you're buying from usually corporations they have procedures in place which they can all be broken there's always can be a bad manager and everything else but if you're buying from the corporate storage facilities you've got a better chance of not being something bad happening now is that 100 guaranteed no but you have a better chance than when you're buying from the mom-and-pop places and there's a lot of great mom-and-pop places out there but the corporate you know they have a little bit more structure in it and these people are managers and they don't want to lose their job and they've been with companies a long time you know public storage and white storages and you know well most these people are in the up and up and then there's the ones like sherry out there that have bad units you know well i'm convinced sherry's units are just things that i they're not lean units they're just staged for people to come and you know take what i just said throw it out the window for for a situation like that because they're not they're not there's no owner to try to contact they just file a bunch of boxes and a storage unit try to make it look good and collect as much money as they can which you're always going to have a bad apple i mean you're going to have a one bad neighbor and 99 are good you're going to have one bad facility and 99 are good i couldn't believe how much junk and trash i left behind in sherry's auctions i wish i did still she still like let me go and like then the second time dude it was just like dude it's like man i don't wanna i don't wanna be that guy but i just the pros outweigh the cons in filming man i don't want this to happen to anybody else i think it's wrong i think it's a scam i think that she should be prosecuted i think it's so wrong because there's no there's no accountability on her part and as soon as they tell you no filming but they but they're filming everything on the property as soon as they tell you no filming that's like when you get all right let me back up because i probably shouldn't have said what i was just gonna say but um they tell you no filming in my mind it's it's a red flag you know we've said this before we've said this so many times that people who don't want to be filmed usually are hiding something and in this business it's staged units it's it's cash transactions that people don't want the irs to know it's people who are are skimming uh or stealing from the government they're on disability but here they are buying storage units paying cash and they're hauling it all out but hey they're on disability their back is bad right they can't work but here they are hauling it all there there's something going on because the majority of normal people they jump in front of a camera most people jump in front of a camera and do something silly just to be entertaining but all of a sudden you turn a camera on and then people all of a sudden are complaining no cameras no this no that something is there's a reason why what do you what if you're not if you don't have nothing to hide why are you trying to hide you know there's a reason if i turn the camera and this happens all the time i turn the camera on and george gets mad and she goes no i'm not getting in the shot okay what's the reason the reason is she didn't put her makeup on all right so she there's a reason behind it it's not just no she's i don't want the people to see me like this all right right there's always it's not just no no cameras it's it's funny you ever wonder if like there was an informant for the cambino family that uh is buying storage units now that's in the witness protection program they don't want to be caught in the background of a storage unit videos they don't want to be whacked the next day but these businesses they'll take pictures of the units and they'll post them online and they they legally have to have to actually post the people's names their addresses and now they're posting pictures but there's an issue if we come in and do it if they're allowed to film you all they want they can tell me all they want jeremy we went to that auction in ellet a while back didn't the guy say something about he didn't want film because uh criminals would look at the youtube video and be able to case the place from the video or something like that i mean dumb like that it sounded like a bunch of bs to me but criminals are gonna case the place really okay you have a storage facility dude yeah you have a storage facility if you're concerned about that put cameras up but people are crazy man well we're gonna case the place all right the most dangerous people i mean you know like that one time dave he bought that storage unit and the guys he went back and they someone stole all the stuff out of his unit you guys remember that story yeah and i gave the police i gave the police the clips yeah the video good thing exactly good thing i actually videoed yeah because i sent my film into you and i had to send our filming was that in um or was that the one where you bought the uh the the hot machines and it was it was so stinking hot that day that's where the guy didn't have his crap together and he was they couldn't cut any of the locks couldn't even cut the locks off and it was a massive hot mess yeah you've got the unit had like what kayaks and a dirt bike or something and yeah like 3 000 or 2500 2700 something crazy yeah uh we bought a unit there that day yeah public storage man next week i think it's monday and tuesday right yeah no dude sometimes it's wednesday thursday dude no i think i looked i think you actually go to pittsburgh for that rob this is the first time it's the first time they have their facilities pittsburgh is only two hours away from you i'm not going there i'm i gotta i gotta i got someone that's taking me in their truck nice your buddy dave dave man okay so let me get off here guys i got some video i have to edit he's got a poop again i gotta go move again it's his time it's his time i have to i think guapo's turn to pray isn't it he has at least he's regular papa your turn to pray man oh my gosh no oh my god please it's a good start thank you yeah that's a good start anybody else ever gonna pray ever again we're praying with you right now well thank you color thank you tom five pounds baby first thing i learned from you was you can't afford to lose it don't buy it yeah if you can't afford to lose it there it is all right um yeah all right here we go uh dear heavenly father i pray to you with uh three awesome friends again on the same day every week god thank you so much for giving um for putting it inside me to have uh this idea for this awesome gathering to discuss these awesome reselling uh conversations and discussions and um god i want you to pray for uh katharine uh sword out and the sword out family for their loss and all of the subscribers that have been reaching out to say a prayer for them that i can't remember please bless them as well as well as all the all of the subscribers in general um and all of youtube and everybody in the world for that matter and just please make the world a better place and i got one special intention all right my business partner unfortunately his father-in-law passed away yesterday so special intention for him and his family okay yeah god please uh heal all those though that mourn their losses of their loved ones and especially rob's co-worker um it's a very difficult time and uh death is nothing that we ever understand god but we just ask that you allow us to heal in a very uh productive and um easy manner um amen amen men woman a woman a woman amen a amen amen [Music] amen [Music] that's funny all right we're gonna are we ending it we are we'll see you next week everybody love you guys hey auction tomorrow auction tomorrow auction tomorrow auction tomorrow
Channel: Conky's Flippin Adventures
Views: 2,383
Rating: 4.9873013 out of 5
Id: Rs3Ptjid03I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 28sec (5248 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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