Auction Buy "Inop" F250 FLIP or BUST?

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600 600 there you guys back over here at the auction doing a quick little video couple Vehicles I'm interested in uh one this Crown Vic we'll see what that sells for it's pretty Rusty and crusty doesn't run but what I came to look at is this F250 with the 5.4 and a utility body uh just rolling under it yesterday and it's actually pretty rust free says it's inoperable I didn't didn't mess around with it didn't get the keys and put a jump pack to it or anything you really should do that when you're coming to these auctions but I didn't have a lot of time however you know this bed is not rusted out at all and that's kind of I'm thinking if it sells cheap we'll grab it see what we can do maybe we can flip it maybe put this on the rim and try it out uh but it's it's really not in bad shape so I think this is going to sell for quite a bit and you know what since I'm feeling good today I'm going to buy it no matter what high bidder right here you're looking at it so we'll see if you end up overpaying at these auctions hopefully there's not one other guy saying the same darn thing but again the fact that it's not R out I mean you come to these auctions and like being in Jersey vehicle they're just so Rusty this thing looks beautiful underneath has a whole brand new exhaust on it too aftermarket what the heck could really be wrong it's certainly worthy of a transmission or an engine if either are blown cuz it's it's it's clean like come on look at those doors and the Rockers solid no body work and there was one other utility F250 here but it was a newer body on a utility body and it was all rotted out in the corner like these things seem to just rust out from the inside but I also didn't like like the newer I think this is made by NA hiide but the newer ones have plastic hinges this got the heavy duty stainless and it's in really nice shape kind of looking for something that I can put the truck camper on still I went home did some measuring and our Clapper camper would actually fit in here perfectly it looks like I measured about 49 in between and the the other one that we utility body here on it it's also an app high but it was tighter in between by like a/ inch it had a different overlap on the metal and stuff so this has got really heavy duty steel diamond plate on the top yeah let's see what happens got maybe 15 more cars and I got to say there are some people hanging out checking this one out looks like some very serious bids came for that F250 $1,000,000,000 I got a, 1200 12 12 14 16 18 18 2000 2000 2000 2000 I got two 22 22 24 26 2600 2600 going to go 2600 26 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 sold 2700 251 all right pick up I do believe it is the last only problem with buying a last vehicle is you end up in the big line but luckily I ran over here so line about this side is going to form behind me too well got my pink slipped to be able to come back and get a title all right guys we just pulled off the highway there is a dog running down the highway let's see if we can get him what the deal is with him come here Bobs come here come on come here buddy come here what is this come here buddy he's taking off not going to go backwards on the highway but it seems all the cars are just kind of stopping and he's just running on through the highway there's a door running down the highway is that your dog it's not no I was just trying to help oh he's right under your car yeah I don't want to Spook him he's right under you he's maybe let him calm down he was running all the way since the bridge is down there too really yeah hang on she's got treats over here it's cheese but sorry your dog probably thinks him here here's some treats yep is that your dog no it's not no does he not want to come out I I would just pull him out and get him in right right yeah just pull him out unless he's biting then then I don't know just he's scared scared he's scared all right I I'm I'm afraid if he'll like attack you or something though is is the thing it's okay the back that's fine all right yeah keep all right bus we was all the way down sh all right huh he way down thank you thanks so much oh yeah I was like seriously dog's like do I get a treat now I know no he's like what about me yeah well that was a happy ending she's uh going to bring him to a dog shelter and he's he really had to get dragged out under the car wasn't you know very scared he's been running that one lady said all way since the Trenton makes bridge that was that's mile he was just out of breath thanks again for the traits I'm back over here next day for a jump pack and I paid for it the rest of the bounce so we got keys let's see what it does before we go uh grabbing a trailer and had a few moments to stop over today we don't need a trailer we don't need a trailer right maybe it does run all right of course the hood struts jump good all start all 5.4 Triton let's see what you do hopefully that works if battery is Stone Cold no there we go all right 86,000 miles and here goes cranking booah thing runs perfect listen to that so maybe the trans is blown [Music] yeah that's what I'm talking about F 54 has got plenty of life left in it let's go into reverse y that was a little light on the engagement and forward yeah we're good oh just had a little hesitation there all right well Unfortunately they already locked the gates I got here late today but I think we'll ride the ebike over tomorrow and pick it on up I should have paid the first day when I came here but I didn't have enough cash so I had to come back with a cashier check and uh heck yeah the one unfortunate thing about buying from this auction is you know they sign it put your information on the back so you have to transfer this into your name which yeah they got to pay tax on it cuz they put the full asking or the full uh sell price on it get that transferred and pick it up tomorrow and you know it said it was in up and was talking to the guy he's like yeah that doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't run but may you might take it down the road and it's only got first gear or once it warms up it's it starts acting up so we will find out and $317 later we can now wait 2 weeks to get a title back in our name so we're officially end this for $3,177 and next day ready to take a ride over on the walking X3 loaded down with a car battery in there and some tools and it seems a little much for this Frame especially sticking off the back but we'll give it a go it's chilly out in the 40s so uh got my hat and gloves windy and Breezy out on the river all sorts of ripples normally I just ride across these Bridges but this one has a post on both sides so they'll get you yeah you know probably let you off with a warning but if there's only one on one side then you're you usually get away with it it's a little silly you can't ride across but rules are the rules I got to say it's really nice that they replaced all the wood with TRS years ago and it's holding up so nice but you see how these are getting all crusty and Rusty I bet you they throw salt down on this come and I mean I can't believe how much that's rust in that a few years like the bridge steel it's 100 years old Phoenix iron company and they got all these extra signs that have been added you can't even see the original the Phoenix Bridge Company Phoenixville PA and constructed 1884 and rehabed 2010 that was that was 13 years ago feels like it was a few years what nice is I can just hop on the canal path up here and take that all the way where I'm going got these old houses from Colonial times pretty neat ah there's still green on the trees and we are now in November and it's cold so they're they're still hanging on and we've made it looks like they're already getting ready for our next auction F250 that one's all righted out though you can see it mile away so a couple quick checks air filter looks great power steering up to level in the reservoir brake fluid good engine oil at the bottom of the stick about a qu low coolant down below the cold minimum moisture in the crank case trans not running but let's see what we got on the detick yep over the line fire up this Gulu see what that's got to say all right yeah so battery lights on oh just went off all right that'll be fine and again I did bring the battery in case oh jeez almost lost those hopefully I didn't lose anything else I mean every bump I hit it was just jostling up and down luckily this fullsize bike is folding cuz I forgot it had the the top on it that only slides halfway up so far so good sticky steering wheel o look at that police car that thing got smashed up feels great wipers work windshield washers nice smooth ride over these bumps I mean that's what 80,000 Mi feels like everything's not worn out and shifting into all the gears just fine we're up to operating temperature on the coolant transmission good oil pressure fuel light just came one a minute ago but then went off so we'll go throw a little bit in there however the gauge seems to be working how about the heat we're missing the uh the vent louvers here oh yeah itat works very nice and how about the AC let's listen for that compressor didn't hear the compressor Turn on not a big deal going into the winter anyway and I didn't notice it before but we do have an hour meter 3,087 cruising down the freeway doing about 65 or so so I'm showing 1500 RPM and our overdrive is flashing just noticed the speedometer is not working either I never saw that sure you guys did but I don't know how I did see it was right in front of me so maybe I have some trans problems with that overdrive off flashing doesn't seem to do anything oh no okay there's no overdrive and I push it goes back in overdrive is working it's just flashing off I have to do a code scan on it see how the shifting acceleration is Full Throttle yeah feels real good if you guys hear that sounds like a ball joint dry could be steering linkage too and a little good luck charm there took 5.4 gallons for 20 bucks with the 5 .4 trit let's see if that drive H the battery no we're stone cold dead on the battery darn it I shouldn't have shut it off Gulu to the Savior know it kind of stinks it it looks like they use permanent marker right in all over this paint job come on what do you do I'll come off with magic eraser though I'm sure that's how much the fuel gauge came up at 20 bucks and we got the engine light I'm guessing maybe a trans coat here's what I'm thinking for a plan title's probably going to be 3 weeks or so thinking clean it up a little bit at least get the auction numbers off the the front put up a feeler at I don't know geez if we can get five grand for this thing or six grand I don't know if it's worth that being a two wheel drive but uh that'd be kind of cool I don't know put it up in there see how the underneath looks get any other goodies in here there blocks of wood nice pin I'll go on a pin's drawer along with some miscellaneous hardware see kicking around homemade box 94.5 The Hulk classic rock I remember that station I didn't even fully peel the sticker what the heck nothing in here but a nice piece of plastic yeah this is heavy duty or restroom I don't know what that would say anybody good at the Jeopardy um but this will go into the plastic bin that's good quality plenty of life left I was trying to pull the code real quick the Nico would communicate with it but this Actron did P 0500 speed sensor malfunction oh that would make sense since the speedometer is not working and who knows maybe they had some weird transmission shifting issues it's been idling for a while yeah that battery did end up taking a little bit of a charge uh so so maybe that speed sensor was causing issues and it's all it is find out I will pull this battery and put it on repair mode on the charger because I noticed it's only 2021 so it's only a couple years old Motorcraft battery check the water level real quick yep good covering the plates on all six cells yep and I'll put this NOCO on the 12vt repair see what it does got the Caps just kind of sitting on there loose let her breathe most of what we got out of the bed was junk and it got some good usable blocks and this whole thing with lots of nice pins and other miscellaneous hardware it all sort into the wall of Hardware that's how we we get so much you know you save what you find and organize it so you can use it at a later time hitting this steering wheel up with some super clean to cut the grease probably cuz the guys were auto mechanics you know getting the grease and oil all over your hands and then eating away at the vinyl and caking up on here but yeah this will come out nice I'm not doing a full inspection but shake down on the front end components nice and tight you got newer Reflex Shocks about 8 93 seconds on the front pads same thing on those rear pads about 93 seconds from seeing on the outside the wheels about 7 or 8 30 seconds and little bit of Drive rout starting on the outside these are from 2014 though yeah yep plenty of meat on the inboard PAD as well just taking a peek at him Reflex Shocks on the back too no major leaks coming from the differential not going to worry about checking the fluid right now surprised it's got a new exhaust on it cuz uh that clamp's got to get tightened down uh only because the lack of rust I mean check this out guys like you know you know Ford trucks okay we they bolted that on little bit of rust starting in there but I mean this is this is really really nice and it looks that I guess they did hit with I don't know if that's a factory undercoating on there I know but you can see it's kept up with the maintenance you know had new fuel filter motorcraft oil filter no big leaks coming from the engine little damp on bottom of the trans pretty normal newer front sway bar lengths looks like the lower ball joints have been replaced missing the cotter pin on that one but those are greaseable missing the cotter pin on this side too I bet that squeaking noise is probably the upper cuz they don't see a grease arc on those and they look pretty dry at the rest of the steering components look like they've been greased yeah no leaks coming out of that 54 I see this bottom of the door okay so this one has a little bit of raw starting you know but I mean that's got years left in it you guys have seen these things when they're out in the salt they they rot out really quick think that's the worst door cuz I looked at some others and I didn't see that at all well I didn't check them all hitch a little rusty but that's normal I mean you look back behind here otherwise and the factory spare not Rusty yeah that door's really clean looks like they had something mounted on the side of here that c rust yeah that one's much nicer and the bottom of this door sorry about the sloppy camera work here guys but bottom of this one looks perfect see what I need to see grab a couple pictures and hopefully get the title back soon and she can rest here over at the storage yard right next to this little trailer that I ended up selling the engine off this was one of those like light sign trailers so I already made over broke even by selling the engine I think I paid I think I already profited like a hundred bucks so I figured could keep this for something it's kind of funny they're they're both 119 though I mean I already took the numbers off this one but uh what a coincidence I got to say it's nice with this heavy duty sliding top because I mean you could easily put like the Rhino or UTV up here it's this is this is plenty strong especially on the sides you got wheels and then if you're like oh I got to get down that fold out step it's heavy duty enough to stand on it's nice oh more Hardware half inch bolt a few weeks later and I have got the title back for this F250 so got to decide what we're going to do now uh I did decide to take the sliding lid and cut a few brackets off we could test fit The Clapper camper on it and measurements were accurate it is a tight fit but it works uh you can see the the Jacks still have to come up but I mean that looks good on there like and it's it's extremely tight actually makes it a little bit easier get on and off though because uh well you can't put it on crooked unlike with the regular bed and so so the main problem with this these truck campers is on a regular bed you know you're losing a lot of storage space but this and keep all the tools in there can't open the front doors all the way way uh have it set up and still have the camper I hear this guy wind over here let him on in this is uh a gust gained a couple pounds what's up buddy that's actually his brother Tucker let's see who's faster okay you ready oh he snatched it out of my head come on let's go oh God has got you beat Tucker we're just babysitting his brother for a few days go get that Tucker got the wiener races going on in the backyard anyway so nice little package Jen actually wants to keep this but it just doesn't make sense to ensure and register another truck so I'm going to try putting this up without the utility body for I'm thinking $4,000 I mean that'd be great if we could make a grand cuz I'm into it for 3K after having to switch a title and keep the utility body if not you know I don't know we'll see it's got to make sense new these are like $8,000 they're about but um used ones I often see for a grand or500 but they're usually really rusty it's hard to find ones around here that aren't Rusty and this one well nice it would look good on the ram would need a paint job but those are my thoughts on this so it fits it ships looks good forget if I mentioned but the low profile utility body you know perfect for the truck campers cuz that most of them are up a lot higher and I've been thinking in the future to be able to do an access into the camper I'll have to put a different window in but with the low profiles you know you have plenty of space and it also keeps your center of gravity down uh so if anybody's interested in this very rust free F250 without a utility bed let me know again I'd like to get 4k maybe that's too much too little I don't know and I'll also be keeping an eye on Marketplace for a clean utility bed usually when they're rust free and clean they sell pretty quick and see you got the pavers all done in the carport still got to do something with the apron come out a little bit further I actually have a bunch of extra pavers so maybe use those or maybe asphalt I don't know but it's nice to have all the vehicles tucked away in there now and I suppose you know the rain and the snow kind of blow in here quite a bit so I might do some kind of drop down rubber membrane or whatever something to to kind of just keep the elements out heavy duty tarp I don't know if you got an idea let me know I mean at this rate I should just turn it into a a darn garage but it's it's very nice having these over the stones and only a dollar a piece totally reasonable I ran my buddy's uh plate compact plate tamper over it and swept sand into the cracks and that really just firmed it up super nice that'll wrap this one up uh know we left it kind of open-ended but it is for sale so somebody interested let me know if I can't get 4k for that without the utility body it's probably not going to be worth it you know I'll just sell the whole thing together and put that toward another utility body in the future but I'm not really looking to spend eight or NK on one hopefully get a better deal uh thank you guys very very much for tuning in and hope to see you in another video soon about to get fixing some things on the tundra and back to more organization in the garage been spending countless hours doing that but once it's all dialed in it'll be great uh thanks thanks for watching guys No Nonsense no how to and I'll see you soon go get him he's pinned get him boy sucker hasn't pinned who clung to their head I think Tucker did's all [Laughter] mad okay you [Music] two CH is like we were just playing chill what
Channel: NNKH 2
Views: 231,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NoNonsenseKnowHow, Mechanic, NNKH, cars, jennifer sugint, old cars, abandoned, auction, f250, f150, f350, trenton nj, trenton state auction, will it drive, will it run and drive, will it run?, vgg, diesel creek, truck camper, clapper truck camper
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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