ATV Bridge Across Muddy Creek

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is a family owned nebraska-based company comprised of seven diverse Brands Chief trusted tested true good morning everyone and welcome to what is supposed to be the hottest week in Nebraska all summer Highs are supposed to be above 100 degrees Fahrenheit all week long it's 8 30 in the morning and I have already broken a sweat just by standing out of here we are starting off this morning by finishing up a job we started last video so if you missed last video we were cleaning up a ditch for my farm that we rent and so there are some pieces and parts for an old pivot that we took to a junkyard and everything you see on the trailer behind me is stuff that we didn't take to the junkyard we put on this trailer and took home so this is our project for today it looks like a mess right now and that is because it is these are old sprinkler nozzles that used to hang off a pivot we call them drops so they attach to the pivot here they've been cut off because they removed and then goes down and then this is a little wobbler that disperses the water but these sprinklers did not work on the pivot that we had out there if you guys remember grit and I had that pivot re-nazled um that was several videos ago before the corn had even sprouted um but then this big giant metal thing you see underneath all of these sprinkler nozzles is an old pivot Bridge we're at that aforementioned farm that we started renting there's a big draw through the field and the pivot had to walk in this divot but instead of walking in the divot and put this big bridge it's exactly what it sounds like it's a bridge for the pivot but we didn't need that anymore we needed some dirt work and filled in that hole in the field and so we are going to repurpose this bridge for something a little bit different but it still has to do with irrigation um but first we need to get these nozzles off so we can move this giant hunk of metal we have the JLG in the beginnings of a palette to hold all of these because while we don't have a purpose for these I really think they're in perfect condition they just didn't work on that particular pivot so I really think a neighbor or someone could use these on their pivot or maybe even a pivot that we have in a different field foreign foreign if you want to know how dry we've been do you see where the grass is being in the ditch only where there's rain run off look at this pivot Corner that doesn't get any water burnt to a crisp in a roundabout way that is why we are installing this bridge but it won't be a pivot Bridge anymore it is going to be an ATV bridge and it is going to help us to get out to the pivot point and keep those pivots running in circles keep our crops watered so that they stay alive until Harvest so if you see that fence up there right here is the dividing line between the neighbor's property and our property and this is that big ditch I was referencing to get out to the pivot we've been having to drive through this and I'm realizing it doesn't look that bad now but when the pivot is on pumping hundreds of gallons of water a minute this thing gets filled up it gets really muddy possibility of getting stuck and Ranger is always getting absolutely filthy so we figured that old pivot Bridge would make the perfect ATV bridge for right here and so not only can we use it to get to our pivot point but the neighbor can use it to cross this big drop so it's really a win-win for both of us look at how big this corn is getting holy cow now that the bridge is installed and tested I think we need a little bit of a block down to really get the machine over but it holds up now it's time to actually go start this pivot I would have made the bridge myself it would have been much wider but uh for a free bridge I'll take it boom here we are this is one of the few John Deere well Motors that we have it's pretty nice little motor it always runs really good let's see if she fires up okay ready go oh sounds like a dead battery to me battery's dead thank goodness Grant got the best maybe not the best the most useful Christmas gift when I tell you I think we use this gift every single day from his mom last Christmas pause for dramatic effect this thing for the guy who always has battery trouble it's really heavy but this thing is awesome I think it'll start now oh yeah 100 percent tassels have been out in full force since Fourth of July ears are starting to fill out they've been pollinated they're just going to get bigger and bigger put more Circle left and we'll have to fill the tank how does that big diesel tank because this is a diesel well motor meaning so if you didn't hear what Grant said there is only one Circle left of diesel left in the tank then we need to call a truck to come out and fill it up or we'll use the fuel trailer that feels so good oh and this is what the bridge was made for oh do you guys see that rainbow it's pretty excellent nice work that works well just like it's supposed to pivot Bridge turned ATV Bridge installed and pivot turned on meaning the crops are getting watered perfect start to the day I do want to say before we close out the video a huge thank you to anyone who has bought our hats or our shirts or our stickers that we created with bunker branding it means the world that you guys like the designs that we came up with and I would love to create some more for you guys because you guys seem to really like it so if you haven't checked that out yet there is a link in the description or you can just click the pictures of it right below this video so thank you to Bunker branding for helping us out with that and thank you so much for to you guys for supporting us in that way thank you for watching today's video and we'll see in the next one bye
Channel: Laura Farms
Views: 82,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Farm, Agriculture, Equipment, Vlog, John deere, tractor, machinery, construction, truck, informational, learning, work
Id: mYmvaK6bZ2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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