Experimenting with New Blender 2.9 Features!

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two weeks late we're back and we're we're gonna check out blender 2.9 alice are you ready i am very ready so we have here the feature page i don't know uh i don't know exactly how to do all the things on this page but there's a lot of goodies and we're gonna pick some and we're gonna go look through our favorites which ones are you most interested in uh evie the motion blur because then i don't have to use cycles i wish i were that happy oh my god i mean look how look how just like carefree he is it's because he has motion blur it's great well i am actually very excited about a feature that's hidden under all this other stuff so there's a lot of uh modeling stuff and i don't know how to do it feature secret features the stuff they don't want you to know about convert mesh to grease pencil basically what you can do is you can take a 3d object and you can turn it into grease pencil drawing strokes so that could be kind of fun all right so first thing we've got here is the new sky nishita looks very simple the node settings anything that does the work for me i'm happy true so what should we do first should we do the sky the wolf should do the wolf first oh good idea whoa what the heck okay the main modifiers are on the fur elements of the fox so wait so let's do let's do lower hair that one looks fun okay so what are these that's displayed can you turn on the shading that's a good idea i hit the last one oh my god wow oh it's loading something what whoa okay that was that that was a big step up holy cow yeah okay that's a lot more interesting oh my gosh that's really cool that is so nice and i love the glow on all of these strength okay uh okay mid-level so that's just like distorting the geometry let's change his hair give him a different beard oh what the heck was that glowing flowers this is so pretty can you like zoom into one look i know how to do that now good job those are nice are they they're they're a cube okay what the heck look at that uv oh it looks so cute it looks like a hedgehog all right emission oh on the left you can change the colors of them i think yeah like a pinkish purple that's nice i like it normals emission that's what we want play around here i will this is a very good tutorial let's go for this like fiery mane oh come on oh my gosh that's sweet okay color glow oh that's awesome play around here with white whoa oh my god it looks like oh that's what i was thinking okami what's that have you ever heard of that it's a a game about a wolf and it's all like hand-drawn but oh that looks just like him and then what else we got animation evie looks great can be a bit slow when playing animation i bet not on my computer give me the eevee oh no it's still a bit slow oh well do you feel small so insignificant hang on let me try to zoom out okay just scroll wheel oh is that how that works okay i was trying to figure out how to make it it was so hard to watch that you look really creepy yeah it looks like worms like worms that'd be a cool way to just add a little bit of um like if you did something for instagram and you just wanted to have a little bit of life or something yeah very cool indeed i like it don't save because i want to ruin that okay so skye onto the sky so this this file i've opened it but i didn't know there was another sky option so this one's using cycles yeah yeah so wait what is this uh this denoising i'm gonna change this to optics first let me see if this goes any faster a few moments later so how's it going 20 minutes later two hours later is this information that crucial well if it's faster one eternity later here we go here we go here we go oh oh yep way faster look at that already at like 30. worth it god we did that okay oh yeah actually yeah look how much faster that is to like yeah it's like it's like estimating it's estimating what's in between the spots it hasn't figured out yet so it like i was looking into like what optics does like the rtx graphics cards will figure out a few pixels and then they'll use ai to fill in the gaps between those pixels as it's working on it so until it kind of finishes it gives you something so it's way faster to give you a a less noisy result i love the shadows i love how the shadows are like reacting and moving around that looks amazing so sun size i know everyone's dead and now yeah now is goku's spirit bomb if you change it to evie what happens that is a good question okay so cycles evie give it a second amid occlusion bloom i think it just doesn't work at all interesting okay so i guess not unplug the sun from here color yeah create a new light okay there should be one that's just sun yeah oh wow so you can change the angle and the color but it's very basic oh interesting and it doesn't do anything it only affects the geometry it doesn't do anything to the there's no sky or anything as far as i know that's like the closest it gets kind of if i give it maybe a little bit of a yellow tinge yeah the other one looks so good i'm going to fix that sun that giant sun i definitely see i definitely messed something up altitude oh oh i think maybe i did do that again that looks so pretty what did i do what did you made it like really blue you can make it like night time if you take the altitude really low oh that's cool look at that it's like a moon oh it's making me think of wallace and gromit when they go to the moon it does feel kind of like claymation yeah it feels like a very practical light like it looks so realistic like there's like a lamp shining on this definitely so altitude gives us like the neverhood that's another random thing it's reminded me of the neverhood is that like peter pan but like in the hood no welcome to neverhood no it's an old claymation game on pc captain hook's got rims on his pirate ship okay so altitude is the whole it's the whole thing it's just a node yeah you can just put into oh so you can kind of mess with like the air quality it looks like like super clear atmosphere and there's dust there's like a haze in the air so you can have like a clear desert sky this is so cool so much easier it feels like cheating so that would be my desert that would be my desert choice and then altitude does the same thing because that's kind of how did you feel like the higher you go the more into space you are yeah like like right there you could have like a planet like you could have just the edge of the world right there at the bottom and it would make sense like you're in space so you could probably use this whole ow you know what you could do oh i know what you could do oh he's excited i'm gonna try something i'm gonna try something okay okay okay you should do a quick simulation to show off the motion blur and evie because that was the main thing remember when we first did it let's start by building a planet all right let's bring back pure rage oh no suzanne is back for some fun cone impaler on a cone all right well there extra pointy just like you requested that that there okay x okay okay excellent what are we doing well so i'll wait 30 frames these will wait about five frames from or four fingers from this point because i click the wrong button in four more frames there going to crush her i mean no one said that but free huh you should do a slow in oh oh wait a second well now she's definitely dead open up the graph editor that's a good idea go on the animation tab that's also a good idea graph editor we're going to get hired for the next saw film so i need a new collection i'll put suzanne in the collection i'll call this colliders like a good person who names their layers victims victims i like it suzanne you are a monkey what do i do first suzanne softbody how much does a monkey head weigh i'm afraid to google that yeah i don't know what a kilogram is i'm gonna go 15 kilograms because i don't know what to say wait i thought you used kilograms is that untrue well for weighing stuff we use like pounds and stones pounds and stones yeah like like you measure things with stones like rocks yeah it's not very useful because most rocks way different but yeah you're like 10 believing me right now rigid body animated both of these objects calculate mass ah and i get to decide what they are these objects would you say garbage oh yeah garbage ooh lead peanuts shelled peanuts nuts shelled they're so specific they have two types of peanuts that is really weird and specific what are people simulating peanuts a lot i guess so i'm just gonna do lead for all of these they'll be very oh wow these are heavy objects how are we starting us out how many stone i don't know i don't know numbers that's strange the moment i hit play suzanne disappears i don't blame her soft body lighters self-collision go something's wrong but if i go rigid body active just press play yeah just make a just make a blue how do i tell it oops nope nope nope it's also shiny [Laughter] i just did it on mine and her eyes fell out her eyes fell out yeah did it do it on yours no that sounds great oh god so all i did was um make a cone and then put that as a collision so you just enable physics and then collision and then i made susan a cloth i didn't have to link them or anything add a collision enable physics for collision oh that's it that's why oh well then what's the point of rigid body that's stupid now you need brains to split out dark that's it that is what we're looking for don't do the sound so now i render it with motion blur add some lights make it look pretty oh yeah there we go but i'm not seeing any motion blur yet indeed not i sent you a link by the way i have to read oh whoa uh not shown in the view for it and thus viewport renders okay only available in final renders make it look cool make it look like an instagram thing i was thinking like vibrant and cool like instagram primary colors it is yeah that looks cool okay so i'm gonna show this to your therapist oh that's a little bit better that's more dramatic i like it yeah that's such a good spin i couldn't have animated that better all right okay so do you have motion blur set up properly i think so that's looking blurry to me hey motion blur so is that it let's watch it i guess it finished oh it looks great that's so cool actually that's yeah that's nice that's like really that's fine that looks perfect that's totally yeah it's totally viable yeah so you get all the benefits of eevee and it doesn't look like you pulled it out of a viewport yeah yeah i just had one quick idea i'm going to make a solar system while i go what the f what i turned i turned it into a grease pencil why because i could that looks really cool so that's a there's some cool features in there when i when i saw the release i was like okay there's not a lot for animators bummer whatever but there's actually a lot of good stuff in here a lot of the like performance optimizations for like rendering emotion blur and like having better quality stuff faster i think those are arguably the best things in there and then obviously we didn't do a lot with the grease pencil mesh thing but just the fact that you can take a geometry and so quickly turn it into something that's 2d that's that's interesting i think there's some stuff to mess with there so our question to everybody else is uh what other features should we match with what other things should we try to do and what do you want to see because i think this is uh this is a what is this like a series now we're just gonna like jump in blender and try stuff and see what happens [Music] foreign
Channel: Sir Wade Neistadt
Views: 51,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender 2.9, blender new features, 2.9, 2.91, 2.90, blender, blender animation, blender sky, nishita sty, mesh to grease pencil, eevee motion blur, render motion blur eevee, blender motion blur, blender rendering, shadow termination, blender eevee, cycles, cycles optix, what it optix, blender optix, blender denoising, 3090 denoising, blender rtx, blender 3090, blender 2080, rtx, blender first time, blender 2.8, b3d tutorial, b3d, blender for beginners
Id: Y1r9XAXtFvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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