AT&T/Direct TV free at last from monthly bills.

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well this morning I'd like to talk to you a little bit about AT&T and DirecTV the last couple of months I've been holding with breath hoping for my refund that I had coming I was a customer with DirecTV for over 20 or 25 years and I had somewhat of a disagreement with him over their policy of two-year contracts every time something happens whether they have to change equipment or package changes and things like that and recently they sent me a notice on my email that I had they wanted me to change my equipment out otherwise I wasn't going to be able to get local channels which isn't too good because I'd lose the local news and whether local sports and also some of the programs that I like to watch at 9:00 in the evening so after about the fourth notice I called him up and said okay what's it all about I said is there any cost to me and I said no and that email they sent me a big bold letter said no cost to the customer they'll come in things equipment equipment out for you you know you'll be back in business and one of the questions I had for him was about I said I don't want to sign up for another two years just because you put some different equipment in there I said a two-year contract I can go to your competitors and get much better deal than what you've got and they don't have to sign up for two years so I said well let me get back to you here just to help put you on hold and I went through several people and they got back to me and said well here's what we're going to do for you we will give you $30 off per month for the next three months because we would like to keep you that's a customer and I said but I sounds pretty good I said there's no there's no cost whatsoever right he said nope so okay well alright nice so fertile as long as I don't have to sign for a couple years or I don't have to pay any money on my pocket so here comes the agreement oh I got it here's a two-year lease agreement for the equipment two years so I had to stay with him for two years or else I had to pay him back I think it was two hundred forty dollars something like that so I'm not gonna do that and along with that there's the $19.95 handling charge for the equipment I called him up said hey that's not what I agreed to and I don't want it don't bring it don't I don't want the agreement so they said well we'll take care of the with that and you won't have it on there no more you won't have to pay for the handling charge I said okay just send me a new agreement and so they did and so I talked to somebody the next name and of course they didn't the English was very broken it was hard for me to understand it but anyway told my said the agreement you sent me is the same as the one before and I said I can't do that I won't do it I'm not signing up for two years I said you did deduct the 1995 handling charge you off but a two year lease agreement for equipment isn't gonna work he said well we'll get rid of that off in there that's okay but anyway I went through this three different times and the scheduler that installs the equipment you know the private contractor they had called me up and it's a scheduled make sure the schedule is correct I'm gonna do it the following Monday and I told my said by the way the agent told me that I wouldn't have to sign a two-year agreement lease agreement he said no that's an AT&T rule you have to sign it or else we can't install equipment I saw don't come to my house we're done yeah of course the agent swore up and down that he could he had the power to do that and I said well put it in writing that didn't happen he couldn't send it to me and writing didn't have an explanation other than he said he just didn't have a way of doing it I said well you sent me a contract and with our service agreement I know darn well that you can put on your some water that there'll be no two-year lease agreement that is voided if you don't send me something in writing so we look here's my name I'm making the notes right here you had that guy called me and I said no he already said he wouldn't and he already said he wouldn't so anyway he wanted to see what he could do he went back to some manager or whatever and come back and he said well best we can do is what we've already taken care of Rea this is this is the package and I said well then I don't want you to come to my house but if you do I charge you with trespassing I understand so when can you cancelled out he said the 22 the month go ahead and do it he said okay I said equipment back it's a fine now that's not a problem I said tell me how so we'll send you a notice of how so it won't cost you a dime image okay tell me what yeah what he did and that was pretty much it they did uh at the end of the agreement they were gonna only thirty one dollars I had positive on the account you nice to heavy fine do that please I had the smallest package with him and it was more than three times the cost of when they started with and I started out with a good package 20-some years ago a lot more stated channels and you know over the years I had to whittle them down so I could afford to watch it and I didn't want to have a big expenditure for in tennis and things like that if I went over here well I started looking it up and see what my other options were because I had already committed to not going with them and there was packages out there with Mediacom instead having DirecTV I could go to Dish TV there was a couple of different ones and they all had a better package to offer in either shorter term sign up or zero term I could actually want them offer to put equipment in my house and not hold me to a contract I could canceled anytime right well that's an eye-opener but as it was I didn't want to get hooked into something that maybe I couldn't see everything in that what I was signing up for a lot of it is fight and print and it takes a while to read through their contracts part of what you have to look up it's not always necessarily on that piece of paper that you're signing off on when they install the equipment I mean I've been through it several times with DirecTV so believe me I know what I'm talking about well meanwhile I'd already went out and bought a new TV and I knew I was going to go ahead and get an antenna and flirt and I found out antenna with a booster on it and the rotor at Walmart for 49.95 and I bought that thing Breyer Holman and within a half-hour I had it on a fence post out there on my fence I didn't have to came with a mast with it so I'm about seven or eight feet off the ground which isn't very far but who cares if it works right and I pulled it right back in and hooked it into the cable box park there run everything in cable off and tried it up yeah worked just fine I had signed up for Roku which is free and they have several thousand movies that you can watch and they're free there are some paid channels that they offer that you can sign up for whether it be doesn't need your Netflix and Hulu I don't know there's quite a few different ones and you don't have to stamp for two years it's a month a month type service if you want those premium channels and the channels offer a lot of things there's as many programs on each one of those for a lot less Disney one I think it was less than eight dollars a month for the best that they had at the time which is here's your model channels on there that you can get it's not just a Disney Disney just happens to offer you this package Netflix for less than $18 you get a huge lineup and for very little cost you can have DVR or DVR service and you service similar to Genie that they offer from man yeah and you can get several TVs aren't if you it's a I just couldn't believe what was available out there and I'm glad I went out I really old AT&T and DirecTV yeah a debt of gratitude because they opened my eyes up the why they're losing so many people in the third quarter CBS investigated him and found out their contracts lawyer gets up there this is on the internet by the way on YouTube and you said this contract is a license to steal well one of the things you can't do once you sign up you give you a constitutional right to sue up you give it up you don't tell you that what you're saying though all you can do you have to go to arbitration with them if there's a problem they good luck with that because I look that up too not too many people come out with a positive in 252 5,000 people gave them up the third quarter yeah they're starting to have some financial problems which is a not the AT&T Park mr. DirecTV part 80 of these to me this is just a little thing for it but they want to use big business practice and they got you so once you say in for two years you're screwed yeah not in a nice manner either yeah you're good okay you may not like it but they do it's they're gonna make the money off in no matter what what you do okay anyway what I wanted you to do is tell you that I've been perfectly happy I'd put some things on there before not knowing what was going to happen boy am I surprised if you want to know more put the questions down there in the comments I'll tell you everything and went through how I got to the point I am now I'm telling you I am tickled that I can go out there and pick and choose wherever I want and everything that I'm doing right now is free no cost to me absolutely not zero more movies and I could get off from DIRECTV for no cost now there are some things that you have to do you have to listen to some commercials not as many and they're shorter oh what'd I just say yeah not as many in they're shorter not only that when it's coming on there there's a little box up there that tells you how many commercials are coming up and when that gives you time if you want to get up and go to the giant or whatever you want to also you can put a stop on where you're watching and come back and still watch it even your local channels in other words you've got to get up and go eat supper or where you gonna do you hit stop button when you come back you get the bus stop same stop button by the way you know it picks up where you left off that service didn't cost me a nickel not one penny no I haven't anything like that years I'm already suspicious when they say is free it is now they want you to buy other things they'd like you to buy some premium channels but the premium channels are cheap compared to what you're gonna go through with DIRECTV or or Dish TV or extreme TV any of those much much much cheaper and you know what hard to believe you ought to see the picture I get on my local over-the-air stations they are picture-perfect with a cheap in town if I get a good antenna put it up there I wonder what I'm going to get now the antennas all lighting a little bit too they tell you they can get out to 150 miles well it's a little hard the curvature of the earth stops transmission at about 60 I'm not saying they can't bounce it off in the cloud and get it to you what smile but you know they'll fall for a 200-mile fair they're gonna happen but 60 miles anything within about 60 65 miles yeah you're gonna get a heckler program you know by the way right off the bat I got somewhere between 12 and 15 channels OOP yeah and then I put the book the ruku up which was free there was also another movie channel that came along with that that was free I've got thousands of movies Oh glory yeah join me in the freedom free last I've heard that before Martin Luther King said free free last I go the joy of freedom not freedom from AT&T freedom from DirecTV Lord healthy I hope mr. Martin Luther King went from up there is looking down at me and say they now you know the feeling in any case I hope you guys have a good day as good as what mine has been lately comment in the section down below sign up I'm gonna have all kinds of things out here as I go through as I learn the ropes on this I am gonna bring him back and put them on YouTube and if I can help you out I'll do it comment down you ask me a question I will do everything I can answer it if you don't like what I've got thumbs down yeah there's a thing down there thumbs up if you like it so get in there ah yeah help me out have a great day
Channel: Ray Bonecrusher
Views: 13,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AT&T/Direct TV free at last, No more payments, Happy happy happy
Id: xJpi1aoHYHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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