Pay Your Bills From Credit Cards

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[Music] hey I'm family this is a ring you know hit the subscribe button if you'd like what I'm talk about no we don't talk about what the title is speaking of actually utilizing your credit cards and paying big bills oh you'll get now see first before I start off I want to say that I actually it's a young man we'll put this link down below no no no young and about my age whatever but I'm gonna put a link down below named CJ Wallace you know y'all need to check him out you know I'm Sammie gonna put an actual link below so you can actually go click on me follow me cuz he actually breaks it down details how you pay your mortgage how you pay your car how you utilize credit cards to you know go higher and higher because kind of like transition use it not kind of use your actual credit cards as you think instead of your checking account now I'm gonna give my rendition of because uh but I wanted to give him his credit and whatnot because I did get some tips from him and I was like man I wasn't doing that but uh you know they just shows you right now that we that that that that we on board now about where to start being part of this actual get down and I talk about this all the time when I'm talking about business with you guys you know that I tell you guys that you know use good day this game is a debt and credit system okay so you're not even in the game if you're thinking that you can pay off all your bills and pay everything for cash you know see our parents before us told us all that and the lane we in which is the lane of always giving up our energy for in time for money which is you know like that barter system our time for money that's the ninety five you came three paying everything for cash and you would never get ahead like that you stay state work okay just a walk so I just want to actually give you a better way and just bring it to your mind if you haven't run across this brother or anybody else talking about it but uh I'm gonna keep it real brother was actually the way he broke it down is uh I kind of like when I researched somebody I kind of check out where would it come from person whatever I could tell he was the one that put it out there it's a few other people laughing you know that happened to me as well you know so he won't stop but he broke it down very nice and he I think his whole Channel I haven't checked it out it's me is mainly geared towards assisting people with paying bills with their credit cards because uh you were doing yourself a disservice I I'll talk about this in my business all right when my business course so some of my members are over in my course you probably don't you won't get yourself some other Arsenal's and individuals that are in my each one teach one I apologize I've been off the scene for about three months plus I'm coming back let's give me a little heads up I've been doing uh you know another zoom up in there for the members in the next week or two now let's get to this right here because uh the normal routine me actually move my camera so you individuals can catch what I'm talking about here and whatnot so you know we want to make sure we keep certain things you need to give this work okay all right so now you see here most people use their actual damage cars see what else go ahead and put this right here is representing the actual what is this make sure I get the right pieces out cuz that that right there represent the King this represent the Queen okay so most people use their these right here are actually debit and debit cards attached to your back so check and save it but you know your checking account you most people always use it their checking account so that's the normal way that you get no I don't care if you using the business checking account with the depth or personal checking account with the debtor you're actually wasting your time in this arena right here everybody does that now when you listen in the CJ Walter Walker or Wallace he's gonna break that down for you in more detail but I wanted to give you guys information to showing that I know because I have a business checking account and a couple business checking accounts and also a non-profit checking account trust checking account and a few personal checking accounts so I understand these right here it just keeps records ain't nothing wrong with being in a database with Equifax but and getting your personal or business account started because most people link their ss in with these personal accounts or they'll have their AI in numbers with these business account or they EIN number with these trusts or nonprofit accounts but no one really pays attention to these over here because you kind of like slide these badboys here into the business section most of y'all put these credit cards right in line with the fields ok so I've got these over here visually like in these nice cars I couldn't find the SUV a little boy but you know these represents all the bills you got throughout the month so you dealing with several bills what we got you might have a electrical bill water bill trash bill cell phone bill what does it call car insurance you know what else we got student loans I mean we can go on and on about somebody bills you guys guys they'll probably got more than that just not there and then you turn around and you have you have auto loan and then you know you might have a he isn't hers or or a child you help them pay that you co-sign for our vehicle a mom or pop coz I've got them over here you know you got those but then you got other out of pocket expenses an emergency that you have sitting in your checking the savings account that uh might be an additional thousand dollars or so I'm gonna see jaywalk wallets break that down for you but when you but when you sitting over here thinking that your credit cards or bills which I talk about all the time that they're not I tell you all the time that these bad boys here are like net 30 credit cards and I explained where the net 30 is and what not is pretty much like a mere Express a lot of cars you know they have a lot of net 30s on the business side so when you sit around and you use whatever on the net 30 credit card whatever or line store or whatever whatever you use on that on that line you have to pay that off and fool ain't no you can carry a balance over the next month and you can just pay them pay the minimum balance their interest no but these are credit cards here they just don't let y'all know that every month they have to be under 30 percent you know you know in order for you not to be taking a hit with your credit card balance or interest or your history your DTI all a whole lot of stuff coming to play when you can telling your business on time and pay your bills but this right here is revolving credit right here and people don't take advantage of the revolving credit this is good debt right here but you stay in your money a lot of people tell you that okay you gotta pay anything cash you got to pay this whoa you're getting look at it just don't take a rings word for hold on let me let me roll off yeah baby get back to bed they say you can see what I'm talking don't take my word for it you know that you have not gotten out of debt and you're still paying on our own you're still paying on all your other bills and your checking account you're not getting no points reward at least when you go to an actual store or and they ask you to fill out the form and and you'll get rewards or points and and and if you actually have yourself or it's a travel I like to get travel points they'll hook you up with all that hotel points and whatever these credit cards that give you little deals and whatnot but y'all don't want to take advantage of them because they devil that's what he told you listen you're not living in the lane of the wealthy okay the ones that are already pretty much they don't need no credit card you know what Lane you own you own that 90% Lane of making sure you're out there in the worker field when they got 90% dead on you and you trading your time to pay that debt off just to stay alive stay alive just to survive just to get back okay so while you trying to just be comfortable and get a piece of the pie you know you you you you renting and you and you you mortgaging and you you you listen and you you actually owe on a debt everywhere and soon as you slip on a banana peel and make a mistake they take it taking it from you maybe put them lean in judgments and all that kind of stuff on you hey listen why don't you let me go back down here why don't you switch up switch this up right here okay let me actually take this why don't you put these only appeals these I don't when everything why don't you put the king in the Queen right here okay why don't you put them right there so every time you get paid you'll check over here every time you get paid your direct deposit is going in your checking account put the money over here now first you will start something like this you know and CJ Wallace is gonna break it down for you when you have cards that are already paid down and if they're not paid down there's still applies this let's start with where most of us started we pretty much got high credit card balances we owe money okay so every time you get paid over here take your che paycheck and spread it between your credit cards just go ahead and spread between your credit cards even your savings that you have spread on credit card now if you don't have no credit card you need to get some okay now that y'all actually think you can just not get down with the actual credit card system when this is the game alright so you need to take whatever you have monthly direct deposit here is an extra step and put it over here that's what you need to do put it over here and then after you put it over here on several credit cards you pay your bills from it you pay your bills from these credit cards okay you pay your bills and then when the before the month is up sometimes you get paid whether you get paid bi-weekly weekly or monthly you put the money back on these cards you gonna have to do some actual masks and active and and ledgering to know okay my bills work out this way you know a lot of people's bills come in a certain way every month so they get confused and and and not knowing that do you have to take the time to write it down okay I have bills that come in on this time those are coming in this time and this week this part of the month write it down so you and then they have a limit on this is my balance on this credit card it's my balance on this card balance on this credit card well I can't start right now Kareem okay you can't start right now you take your monthly check boom you drop it down on the credit card you just pay the bill even if you are not paying him down on the credit cards whatever you make and you're just paying some of them on a portion of your credit card if you only paying a portion of your credit card down from your 95 check that you're getting from transferring or just taking the money and putting it on to the credit card you still can use that credit card again it's a revolving credit card so pay your bills the good thing about it is a lot of you guys like CJ was gonna break it down for you a lot of you guys have emergency money I got extra to three hundred dollars four hundred thousand twelve hundred dollars left over just for emergencies savings account and you gotta just sitting over there that's gaining nothing what point to zoom-zoom-zoom something nothing dividends and they just lending that money out the banks lending that money out to whoever they want to and I'm lending back to you if you come in there asking for a personal loan or some type of credit card you want to actually utilize that save account and your money that you're getting into your account over into your credit cards and then pay your bills and keep doing that and pay your bills keep doing it and pay your bills that emergency amount of money it's going to chop down your your credit cards within four five six months it will the actual minimum balance that you owe on these credit cards is going to chop them down in four it's gonna get rid of it because you're not paying a minimum you're dropping a what on that bad boy once or twice a month on one car or several cars and by you doing that now you got a typical points rewards on your line of credit cars and they're gonna start increasing ask me how I know so these bad boys are gonna start increasing that line of credit cuz you can every time you get these bills from your job check the account and you transfer it over to or you pay and put it onto the credit card you can pay your bills from that it is a extra step but you need to get used to doing it because it's a powerful step so by you doing that right there you're gonna end up having an extra line of credit showing activity point some rewards on a credit card side and you can actually get them as a line of credit increase and then win this all the way down on these credit cards are chopped all the way down now you can take a bite a big bite right here you can take a big bite with these credit cards and pay down our on you can pick a big trunk paint cuz man they be ripping y'all with these uh these 36 months and sixty term months and 72 term months of these auto loans you know you end up getting approved for ten twenty thirty forty thousand not a vehicle or sixty thousand I'm not going past fifty pounds I say that about getting approved for like a 50,000 miles vehicle because that's the usually laying me in and you guys end up what paying them something like 70 80 grand on the same ride that's crazy so go ahead and just go ahead and chop it down and pay a sixty turn could be paid off in less than thirty six months oh no I don't know okay doing the method listen to CJ Wallace he gave some nuggets up but one thing about I like that uh you know and all you bills to be paid on a regular basis you know cuz I'm always telling y'all this is this is this is chess not checkers but one thing about I like about Caesar Wallace's when when you understand that method right there they don't listen to flood games for so many other things I mean so many other things you can once you pay your vehicle off I mean to start with you take it to feed weight to understand how to actually knock down debts get your feet wet and pay down all your pay your credit whatever both depth you have like you're all wrong individuals that have student loans you can start there as well you can start whatever is important you got a mortgage on a home start there you can instead of paying them a mortgage of uh I got on the solar I got so long top of my roof then bad boys is more than halfway paid off already you know truck already paid off you know I just have things that just the system once you learn it it's it's a wrap but you got to stay within your means so you can't really be going above that's why you got to watch TV and wallets that link I might even put the really YouTube video the one that I want you to watch specifically so you can actually understand because he actually use a more some of us our vision visceral or like you know they need to see it so he actually is using a board and brighten it all down and breaking it down for you guys so I need you guys to watch that so you guys can have a fully understanding that the interest no matter comparison to what you're doing right now you guys get so caught up on what they told you on a regular basis you playing yourself I need you guys to stop thinking like they taught you to think they literally taught you how to think stupid so they can capitalize and get paid I am a major victim of being taken advantage of I know it's like you guys have been taking advantage of and I've enjoyed teaching people how to sign I step legally without getting taken advantage from these banks these banks love approving you for credit cards if your scores right but they will take advantage of you majorly a business bank account this is st. so if you have a personal business account and you have a business business account when you got both like I do and you're just using them as debit cards and and and paying your bills that way that's that's good building updater because you can take those bank statements and go anywhere and get a line of credit or get a what it's a call from a third party or second party you can go get that no one's you showing them that I teach that certain folk hitting every month you can take those two three months make statement showing how much you made in their issue you a loan based on how much money's coming in there a month but you just someone want to stop there why not take the money that you got coming in from your regular nine-to-five and instead of putting transferring some of it in the savings account take the savings account money leave like I mean leave the amount that you need in the checking account tonight your charge the fret my fee but start moving or pain these credit cards down so you can use the credit cards to pay the bill you just pretty much are doing almost like they call it balance transfer you're taking the money that's in your that you make from your job into your checking account and you're paying the credit cards off and then you paying your bills okay and you're doing that every month but you're doing that every month you're gonna look up and you're you're gonna see your credit card increasing decreasing and then you're gonna turn around and have a zero balance on these bad boys and that's when you strike five months six months down the line that's when you pay a big folk off on student loans or if you were choosing your card first or if you want to test it choose the house first that's when you start hitting with a trunk and then you go back to doing the same cycle every month every month that you've been doing and then five six months later you look up and notice that your credit cards paid down again and then you hit him again with the big book of the money you don't match the cards out and you do it again you just keep doing that same cycle and some of y'all say you can't bring on credit card and then it's rated higher listen to CJ while it so you can understand it different ancient ring kareem understanding I've been doing it you don't send me not to to the with the the mortgage and whatnot I'm like ah me not totally with the vehicles but being beer all day I've been doing this and increasing my line of credit but that was actually little tip I leave it we need to learn from each other but you probably sin you can't paint on wheels with no credit card okay I told you guys I did a video on a merchant account so the two ways that I actually utilize it is uh you can use PayPal and you can use a PayPal has like a pay here PayPal here no little doohickey I don't know if I have one in my I mean I need to put these bad boys in my drawer I didn't use a month then they got the square ups I don't really make them in those those right there because they will freeze your account when you first start up the account with them and start making big transactions like that like a mortgage bill and stuff like that they'll start you can do it with an auto loan you can do it with that actual student loan and whatnot but some of you us have these credit cards and whatnot maybe having like limits of maybe having like a line of credit of like this right here in the city this right here is the city card some of y'all be having lines of credit of like 10 and up five and seven and ten thousand and up like I have on some of mine so when you have that type of a line of credit and you are trying to pay something like a $2,000 you know on a mortgage or whatever are you trying to pay something like four or five thousand dollars on a car you know from your from from us PayPal or whatever in or square up they'll freeze it I've been there they'll freeze it and then what is the call they let it sit there for like thirty days to make sure it doesn't move herbs they'll give you money but it is sit there for like 30 days 31 days and you're like and I'm gonna I know I'm gonna get my money but you need the money now you need to pay your bills now or your method that you were trying to use legally you needed it in now so I don't really recommend square up and PayPal but if you're doing something like auto loans student loans you find something like smaller like regular bills okay you can use these bad boys you probably saying how you know they thought you know allow you to square up and everything they allow you to swipe key punch them in they allow you to swipe them so it's better to just swipe because if you key in a man they they they kind of feel that you are doing something mate is high-risk it for all fraud away and the person is not what you ordered you don't have a cart yourself what the one method I was using a lot it was a merchant account matter of fact let me tell you about this one right here and I'm gonna put the link below plastic comm you know I ain't got no feeling with them neither no know how I roll but plastic got come they allow you to use your credit cards to pay your bills check it out it'll work for you it's easier than those of you that don't want to go through a lot of drama and doing things you can use them and their interest their percentage fee is is low on that so you know if you spending something like a thousand two thousand dollars in might cost you 50 bucks 2.5 percentage fee of that if it's a thousand be twenty five dollars on top over thousand so you might want to use them if you saying you can't pay your bills with credit cards all right go check him out plastic comm the link down there below alright now that's also those of you that have a business whether you're using whether your business had activity or where it doesn't have activity long as this active and it's not dissolved you know you can use your business and go set up yourself a merchant account with the bank you can stuff a merchant account with Google some merchant accounts and set up yourself for more global data I think that's what they call that's what I you went back with a global data set yourself a merchant account and then you can start creating invoices to your clients or you know from business to you and to pay for bills that need to be paid so you don't want to be doing nothing illegal like washing money or lodging see like you watching money on laundry so the it has to be different so whoever the entity is paying for it should be what does it cost something like Jax R Us Inc is paying you the invoice came from you to jax-rs Inc or Jax our R Us Inc - dynasty Investments LLC you don't statement so that's what it has to be a KP you don't want to be sent them the merchant account and paying Balak from dynasty Investments LLC - dynasty Investments LLC what you're doing yeah that's all red flag that ellos dynasty Investments LLC is create invoice for dynamin dynasty Investments LLC for themselves so you want to make sure that you don't cross the barrier because entities to entities is legal so you know you can be the create a few I have a few I mean I told you how many you have so it wasn't a problem with me I want to make sure y'all understand that because this is chess not checkers you service green I'm out y'all take care [Music] four cycles of [Music]
Views: 83,701
Rating: 4.8934655 out of 5
Keywords: Pay Your Bills From Credit Cards, how to build credit, credit score, how to use plastiq, credit card advice, credit cards, credit card, credit card debt, credit cards for beginners, credit cards for bad credit, how to use plastiq to pay mortgage, how to build credit fast, explain credit cards for dummies, how credit cards work for dummies, how to build credit with credit card, how to build credit with no credit
Id: 5A3CBy7VZgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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