How To Install A TV Antenna To Satellite Dish

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hello everyone i want to ask you a question are you guys tired of paying expensive cable bills every month and only watching a couple stations i know i was so i figured out how to get rid of cable and i went out and i bought a cheap outdoor antenna at walmart and i took that antenna and i hooked it up to the existing satellite dish that they have on the roof and i was able to get 84 free local stations i was shocked because i thought maybe i'd get 10 or 12. i got 84 free local stations and they are clear it looks like hd to me so i'm going to show you how i did that so what i did is i went to walmart and i bought this tv antenna it was pretty cheap it was like 40 bucks it wasn't too bad and what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this thing together and then i'm going to go outside and i'm going to show you how to hook it up to your satellite dish and you're actually going to use a satellite dish as your own personal tv antenna so you can get all your local stations uh for free um with the best possible connection [Music] okay guys now when you get to your satellite ditch what you're gonna have to do is you're gonna flip this little switch right here flip this little lever and that will loosen the end piece here so you could pull it out now you're not going to pull it out all the way yet because you're going to have to snip this little zip tie that's holding the cord so you'll have enough slack to pull the rest of the cord out now once you snip that zip tie now you can pull this end piece out and what you have to do is you'll have to unscrew that coaxial cord coaxial cable from the end piece here save this end piece in case you have to put it back on later on so make sure you don't lose it so we're just going to take this off and we'll leave that there for now now what we're going to do is we're going to take this piece which is the base that will hold the antenna and we're going to screw this right in the middle of the arm here the arm of the satellite ditch now be careful when you screw this base in that you don't drill into the cable you want to make sure you move that cable off to the side so that you don't hit the cable and i'm just using three-quarter inch self-drilling tips here i'll show you a picture of them here in a second so you'll know what i'm using and it goes in there pretty easy right here three quarter inch self drilling uh tips they go in there pretty easy now this is the arm that will hold the antenna so you're just gonna put these bolts in there to position it so that it will be straight and then once you i get these bolts in there you just tighten it up and this is me tightening it up make sure you get it pretty tight because you have to remember it's going to have to withstand the weather now this is of course the main piece of the antenna so you'll get the best signal now this is what it looks like now now is when we take this coaxial cable and we're going to screw it into the input part into the input right here we'll screw that cable into the uh input of the antenna once we get that tightened down ready that's what it looks like this is what it should look like okay we're doing a channel search and we are looking to see how many channels we're going to get you can see up here this is how many channels we've got so far and these are all the channels that are coming these are the free stations that are that are coming in i'm doing a channel search so now we're up to 32 stations so far 35 stations let's see how many stations we're going to get 45 mind you these are all free stations that you don't have to pay for 55 59. box 26 69 channels 72 channels [Music] 76 channels 80 stations 84 channels [Music] okay guys as you can see we have 84 channels in the living room now let's see if we can get channels in the bedrooms as well okay here's the bedroom tv uh so we're going to turn on this tv and see how many channels we can get here okay you can see up here we're 16 through the scan and it's got 18 channels so far we're at 84 now i never shot him cocky that okay guys so as you can see we have 84 channels free channels in the living room and we have 84 channels free channels and all the bedrooms as well so today we learned that we can get rid of our cable bill save myself 120 a month i don't know how much you're paying and i showed you how you can just take an ordinarily ordinary outdoor antenna that you can buy in any store for cheap and hook that antenna up to your outdoor existing satellite dish to turn that antenna into a super antenna to get yourself tons of free stations so do me a favor if you learned anything today or if you like this video please like and subscribe thank you
Channel: Savaje lyfe
Views: 880,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antenna, how to install antenna tv, how to install antenna, how to install outdoor antenna, how to install tv antenna to satellite dish, how to get free tv, antenna installation, outdoor antenna installation, ota installation, satellite dish, free tv, how to get free local channels, best outdoor antenna, outdoor tv antenna, free channels, how to get rid of cable, how to intall outdoor tv antenna 2021, antenna for free tv channels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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