Attack Like Garry Kasparov! || Caruana vs Kasparov || Ultimate Blitz Challenge (2016)

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to a very nice game from 2016. it's a blitz game and it's from the ultimate blitz challenge uh four player tournament fabiana corona wesley so hikaru nakamura and gary kasparov brawled it out to see who can uh who can take it all and we're gonna discuss the the standings a bit later but now let's check out this game we've covered some of the games from this tournament another this one in particular it comes as a suggestion from tux the penguin on twitter so thank you for the suggestion and uh yeah let's check out the the the game and let's see why is it so nice to always be attacking in chess so favi has the white pieces and he opens with e4 caspar of course replies with the sicilian defense he plays c5 we have knight to f3 uh d6 and now d4 so nothing out of the ordinary here captures captures we have knight to f6 knight to c3 and a6 kasparov goes for the knight of variation of the sicilian and h3 starting the atom's attack now already you have h3 so you have support for g4 later on for f4 and so on you want to dislodge this knight and uh well hopefully black will castle kingside and you will be able to do some sort of a kingside attack so e6 we have g4 and now bishop to e7 and while you can start advancing the pawn immediately to g5 favi first starts with bishop to g2 but now kasparov will just removes the knight knight after d7 and now there's a problem you can't really advance those pawns any further because there's no knight here you cannot use the knights to kick it away and then just continue advancing your pawns now the queen and bishop guard all of these squares so you've kind of stopped the white's expansion on the king side so here bishop to e3 fabby just continues development we have knights to c6 and now queen to e2 saying that uh he's probably gonna castle queenside caspar of castles kingside and fabi castle's queen side and as usual when we have castles on opposite sides of the board that means it's going to be a pretty pretty crazy game so here kasparov eliminates the knight in the center knight captures on d4 bishop captures in the now well there are some of the moves you could play here because parvo goes for queen to c7 basically you need the usual knight of moves bishop uh b5 bishop b7 rook c8 queen c7 uh because power starts with queen to c7 with f4 uh fabi starts expanding on the king side and now b5 already preparing to dislodge the knight with b4 and now the position has been reached before and e5 is the move that's exclusively uh played here uh opening up a discovery here towards towards this rook now you could move the rook you could play d5 and then white continues attacking with f5 and then maybe b4 and who knows what might happen here however fabi after this b5 by kasparov played the g5 and now g5 although it uh serves the the same purpose you want to continue your expansion on the king side uh it doesn't come with any sort of a threat also it comes without tempo and kasparov is free to do whatever he wants now because it's different when you play e5 the rook is under attack you have to react to this now g5 is played you don't have to react to anything you can just continue with your own plan and so kasparov does he plays the strongest move there is in chess and that is of course pawn to b4 uh now the knight is under attack and here fabi could probably still execute this e5 idea and then try to mix it up but he decides to go for knight to f4 knight to a4 and now kasparov uh well shatters his dreams by playing e5 himself and now fabi will no longer be playing e5 and also uh white really wanted to play f5 here maybe even get f6 in but now with the bishop under attack the f4 pawn will fall as well so here bishop to e3 captures on f4 bishop captures and now knight to e5 again blocking this e4 pawn and this is just an excellent square for the knight here then i control so many squares uh it's uh well it's just a wonderfully placed piece uh here fabi goes for queen to f2 he wants to get he he gains control of the b6 square he wants to get the knight to b6 attack the rook and then shift the knight over to d5 but kasparov will have none of that he plays rook to b8 prevents the knight from uh going anywhere now the knight is still stuck on a4 by keeping this knight there you're basically saying that white is for the moment to down a piece uh so here fabi just continues attacking on the king side we have h4 and now kasparov needs to get this rook into the game so it only makes sense to get rid of this bishop with tempo so here bishop to g4 attacks the rook fobby needs to move it rook to d2 the rook will uh be much better on d2 than it was on d1 you kind of need to defend that c2 square the rook is coming to c8 so you might have problems here uh and here uh uh kasparov goes rook f the c8 you could go with b3 right away for example captures and captures but it's uh although uh it's uh obvious black is better uh kasparov decides to prepare this with rook f to c8 and now he's ready to push b3 so fabi uh beats him to the punch he plays b3 himself and now it's uh well it's kind of different but kasparov has had many such positions in his career of course he knows how to attack such positions so here queen to a5 uh you could go knights to c4 right away simply weaken that knight on a4 and then go quit the queen to a5 but kasparov is very sneaky he plays queen to a5 and now prepares knight to c4 while also attacking the g5 pawn here and this is gonna be uh pretty pretty interesting so here fabi finds the only good defensive resource because other than all of this you also need to worry about something like bishop to d7 just eliminating this knight because the knight cannot move because sparrow grabs the a2 pawn and that's it so fabi plays the strongest move and that is bishop to h3 uh but now uh kasparov just uh retreats uh bishop to e6 saying that okay you can capture here i'm just gonna improve my presence in the center here by capturing f captures on e6 but fabi now continues pushing on the king's side and now kasparov has his hands free to continue the attack and of course he does it with knight to c4 now attacks the rook on d2 uh and if you capture here then just queen captures and your entire queen side is shattered and it's quickly going to be game over for white so instead after knight to c4 we have rooked the e2 fabi just keeps the the rook safe and then now comes bishop captures on the uh on g5 now the queen defends it so there's really no point in capturing if you capture here it's basically game over just queen characters here and now it doesn't really matter what you do if you go king to b1 uh we're just going to play knight a3 check and now after you move uh just bishop captures on h3 and there is nothing you can do if you capture it then just queen the c1 will be checkmate and on the other hand after queen captures on g5 if you go in the middle of the board then your king is already in the middle of the board and well usually not the greatest of ideas for example queen e5 threatens queen to a1 checkmate the knight is covering the d2 square so one might capture on c4 but still queen a1 check king d2 and now queen captures an h1 and this is sufficient for black to just dominate the rest of the game so instead after bishop catches on g5 fabi grabs the knight here and now kasparov can choose to grab the knight here but also he can just grab whatever there are many things hanging here so here he goes the ship captures on c4 now again there's the threat of knight captures now the rook on e2 is under attack uh so what do you play here is fabi well you could grab the rook here on c8 and usually not usually but sometimes the most obvious move is the one you should play but maybe not here because if bishop captures on c8 we're going to capture on a4 now bishop captures and g8 rook captures on c8 and if he has the engine this uh position is the comp this position is a dead draw but of course in a blitz game when you when you're playing this against kasparov and he's attacking you this is not a dead draw it's very unlikely that you you will be able to survive this so uh instead after bishop to c4 bishop captures and g5 was played by fabi but now queen captures on g5 with check you could also grab the knight here because sparrow chooses to grab this one with check and now the reason why he did this because there is one move that fabi can make to survive the attack but it's uh such an unusual move and you can try and you can try and guess what the move is so even feel free to pause the video and try to find this idea for fabi while i give you a couple of seconds here so for those of you who are able to do it congratulations on finding this incredibly difficult to spot defensive resource and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it's rook to d2 it's uh such a crazy move i know that uh but but it it works this is this is the only good move for fabi we played rook to e3 because well it's a blitz game and even if it wasn't it's hard to you know spot such things okay of course you would find it in classical but that's besides the point uh so here point is that uh after rook the d2 uh the usual bishop to d3 stuff would not work because here you can just eliminate the rook for example captures captures and king b1 you unpin and now there is no captures on c2 because now the rook also defends the sea dupont it's not pinned however uh with the move fobby played rook to e3 this is now a bit different because now uh now you can just bust the position open with b3 kasparov uh chooses the other move he chooses bishop to d3 but now it's different now you don't have the rook also guarding the uh the the c2 pawn and also uh here the uh the most obvious is the correct way to go here uh fabi needs to grab the rook and after for example this is captured find this c3 idea but good luck finding c c3 in the blitz game uh now it's uh very counter-intuitive to move the pawn in front of your own king like this and there's a rook on the c file but it works if b captures then you've closed off the c file you no longer have to worry about that rook and if something like bishop to b5 we just go after the knight here doesn't matter rook to g1 this rook to g1 is always in the position for example queen h6 king the b1 now and if the bishop is if the bishop captures the knight now uh rook eat the g3 and that's it now we just win because of g6 we're just gonna capture here and after h captures queen to f5 now with a triple attack on the g6 pawn we attacked the rook here and now whatever you play we're just gonna grab here captures captures and captures and now we win the game captures captures for example we're gonna capture here and the queen will beat the the rook and the bishop uh but like i said uh i'm only showing you guys this for fun in a blitz game it is of course impossible to see such things so here uh fabi played a queen to g3 he offered a queen trade but now it simply doesn't work because now kasparov just crashes through uh rook captures on c2 with check king to d1 and now queen captures an h5 again with check uh queen to g for blocking and now even queen to e5 threatening checkmate with queen to a1 so fabi has to eliminate the bishop now the rook is also under attack but now kasparov just plays rook captures on a2 now queen to a1 again the threat of checkmate so rook to d2 fabi creates a square on e2 for his king but now queen to a1 with check king e2 now we capture the rook with check captures captures and now of course we grab the rook and now if you look at this position yes fabi does have a knight in the bishop for the rook but he's also down some five pawns so here knights the b2 fabi needs to bring his uh pieces now into the game to try and activate them somehow but queen h2 now you have to defend the knight so bishop to g2 blocking the queen's check and now h5 trying to get the queen away from the defense of the bishop here so queen g5 and now comes queen to e5 offering a queen trade and fabi has to accept because the knight is also hanging on b2 so here fabi grabbed the queen we have captures captures and bishop to f1 now attacking the a6 pawn because part of just advanced it to a5 with bishop to c4 and here kasparov just played h4 and it was in this position and move 40 that fabiano caruana resigned to the game as there is nothing more to be done here the reason you resign is because you can't really stop the h pawn uh i know you guys really like it when i finish the games so i'm gonna try and and to do it in the shortest way possible for example if we stop the pawn from coming to h3 we can just uh play something like rook to c8 or rook to d it doesn't really matter if rook to d8 to check king's gonna go back we're gonna go rook to c8 and now we're getting to the c3 square for example king b3 rook c1 attacked the bishop and it doesn't matter where the bishop moves we're just going to play h3 and that's it for example bishop captures rook c3 check we're going to pick up the bishop here and that's it now the end game is of course completely winning uh rook against the knight it's unquestionable plus you have all of these spawns it's uh uh it's pretty pretty much self-explanatory uh so after this uh h4 move fabio resigned and an excellent victory for gary in this brutal brutal uh sicilian uh game in in the atoms attack of the sicilian and that's the thing with the sicilian you play the sicilian in one moment you'll be winning one moment you'll be losing but uh you'll be you'll always be fighting uh so yeah now once again i hope you guys enjoyed it uh i would like to thank akram the pilot kd nuggets derek king zhang and david kimura for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot i really appreciate it uh as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank you for watching and i will see you soon continuing the the coverage of the morphe saga checking up on your one of suggestions and whatever else happens in the chess world next we have the ftx uh uh crypto uh chess cup uh where we're gonna have a lot of very very strong players it's supposed to be the strongest tournament so far and with the biggest prize fund it has 220 000 price fund plus uh 100 000 in bitcoin and okay with the current market crash could be a bit less but uh you know it doesn't really matter i think it's still going to be uh the the the most pricey tournament ever but we'll see uh so i hope you guys enjoyed that thank you again tux thanks for the for the suggestion and see you soon guys enjoy your sunday saturday
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 244,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, mortal kombat, world chess championship, carlsen vs nepo, make me laugh, mikhail tal, boris spassky, tal vs spassky, agadmator tal, kasparov chess, kasparov vs, kasparov vs carlsen
Id: BF09ksHO0Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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