ATOMIC HEART All Cutscenes Full Movie (2023) 4K ULTRA HD

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I really love this place Good Vibes the cello May complex was built from the ground up to be the ideal comfortable workplace canic glove I've been here before we make it for the speech oh we've got plenty of time we can even go on rides afterwards City floats on The Icarus platform a feat of modern science and technology this city in the clouds was built in 1950 leading scientists from all the other Soviet republics live here including the German SSR you need to have an exceptionally brilliant and dedicated mind to work here would you care for some more soda comrade sure thanks keep your feet [Music] thank you so much looks like another bot got stuck in a tree that always cracks me up all right still working on the robot's navigation so she's just a number yeah I noticed wow what a beautiful day what's up with your vovash box entree they're going haywire what the hell did you do to them Let Me Lie there all day number three is Bolt I need these houses painted but look at what they're doing in state give me your control code I'll set them straight hold piggy sweetie oh thanks Mom oh the code zero four five one okay then get to work you bums move it move it oh here did it oh thanks a million and enjoy the celebration good morning my boy how are you did you sleep well good morning Dr Sachin off I slept fine the waiting orders how do you like the new glove better than the old one it's growing on me I'd expect nothing less I designed the device myself be careful with it now it's more important than you might think yes Dr sechinov I'll keep it safe the report to the lab to complete your integration with the glove I've got a full schedule today so Mikhail stockhausen will get you up to speed I'll be in touch later Roger that [Music] you've been ordered to the laboratory comrade major there is a turbine waiting for you the airway are your orders clear crystal get off my case already I'm pleased to hear you don't have any questions for once [Music] imagine a child reporting for Duty on comrade sectionov's direct order welcome comrade major today is a joyful occasion the birthday of collective yeah yeah many happy returns cut to the chase would you have got places to be naturally this is the future of Soviet education a personal project of Dr sechinov's poly education gone are the days when Soviet citizens had to spend years studying at educational institutions From This Moment On just inject a special neuropolymer encoded with the education you want a university level Natural Sciences curriculum for example and you'll instantly become an educated member of society want to learn Korean or get a doctorate in nuclear physics or learn to play the piano with Collective 2.0 you can yeah yeah been there done that skip the four playbot excuse me of course of Court your particular case definitely calls for something more efficacious nevertheless you will still need an initial neuropolymer injection comrade section off is expecting you agent P3 I've been informed of your imminent arrival here take this capsule [Music] you have just upgraded your glove with scanner functionality using the neuropolymer as a conduit the sensors in your glove are now directly connected to your neural system especially your eyes polymer retina to activate the scanner just make a special gesture please choose an object of interest and extend your arm toward it the palm of your hand should be facing the object contract all the fingers on your hand except for your thumb and index finger extend your thumb and index finger to form a right angle to activate the scanner demon be gone for your information that's a highly user-friendly gesture it was developed by our leading expert in the field of advanced interpretive avant-garde absurdist dadaism whatever that guy's been smoking sign me up didn't you say you were in a hurry just a moment ago shut your trap and keep scanning would you I'm getting acquainted with the new hardware you are now capable of seeing hidden objects this ability could prove very useful in the future but for now please continue with your mission general of facility 3826 inter section off is about to begin talk about style science is power I tell you the boss has a way of looking down on insurmountable obstacles I really respect that there are no obstacles science cannot surmount other than an electronic love that never shuts up here is your vehicle activation code comrade major [Music] got it the vehicle is waiting downstairs you should hurry you don't have much time take the same elevator we took to get up here thanks Einstein what would I ever do without you [Music] such enough here sorry I can't meet with you in person my boy the reporters have been hounding me all day so what do you think of cellame you've built yourself a city of the Future boss there's nothing else like it in the whole USSR I built it For All Mankind not for myself humanity is on the verge of great discoveries one day we'll reach the Stars these Castles in the Sky will be the beginning of our journey to the farthest reaches of the universe I'm merely helping Humanity realize its own greatness you're a dreamer Dr sechenov fantasy and science go hand in hand most modern inventions were described long ago in science fiction flying machines space travel even robots are you telling me you got your ideas from sci-fi novels I got them from the dreams of mankind P3 man was born to dream to do great things but unfortunately there are those who wish to crush those dreams and that's where men like you come in sege men sworn to defend Mankind and its Destiny need me to get rid of somebody boss you're very relaxed about it my boy I hope it won't come to that but let's take it one step at a time first you'll need a substantial glove upgrade report to the lab a teresh gova robot will meet you there and take you to the vavalov complex understood yes sir I'm getting in the car right now sure it's a solid machine please secure your seat belt we wish you a very pleasant journey isn't there supposed to be a radio in here entire Soviet Union is ecstatic about the unveiling of collective 2.0 yeah the American government is expressing deepening concern about the skyrocketing unemployment figures following the deliveries we've got plenty of thought devices there won't be a shortage said people's Deputy Alexander shelchinov in response to widespread concern in the city of ozios how about some music that's more like it I see you finally began your assignment less than an hour what what did you say I said the signals on the fritz but thanks anyway Dr sechinov already filled me in don't you think that may have been a bit too much nope for some reason your response didn't surprise me at all guess I don't have any respect for brown nosers tell me is there anyone you do have respect for sure but respect is earned Dr sechinov has mine because he saved my life on the operating table everybody else needs to earn it anyway why the hell are we riding a jalopy strap to a damn robot were all the Jets taken or something [ __ ] riding turbines is an important tradition it's a way to remember the days when facility 3826 was brand new as we used to ride these vehicles to our very first scientific complex fair enough but why is it a tradition to have them pulled by bumblebees and why do we call them bumblebees when they look more like flying pigs flying pigs have you seen flying pigs before how about flying cows yeah on the Condor one time some genius like you forgot to put up a fence but those cows only flew in One Direction straight down I have a suggestion comrade major why don't you worry about your mission and I'll do the thinking for both of us shut the hell up glove I'm trying to listen to what is there anything here you haven't seen yet I've never been here before zip it what how come I don't know damn it now quit bugging me my apologies this is facility 3826's audio guide we will soon be arriving at our destination estimated time of arrival is 11 47 am outside temperature 26 degrees Celsius there is a slight breeze you can now observe the soyuz granite Bridge spanning Lake lazor and two of the facilities high-profile test sites the vdnh and sahelin these are connected by magnetic levitation or maglev rail this technology was pioneered by the cellame design department and a personal project of Dr lebedianski directly below is Dr sechinov's computational Center the main radio processing unit and control Nexus for this network node we are currently flying over sunflower solar Farms capable of supplying electricity to the entire vdnh as well as the Friendship of people's park nearby settlements and the maglev train lines maglev train stations connect all of facility 3826 allowing Personnel to travel from one complex to another with comfort and ease we are now flying past the Majestic call of the motherland Monument erected in 1949 to Mark the Soviet Union's victory in World War II and are now entering the grounds of the vavilov complex the siteware facility 3826's numerous agricultural Miracles took Route you are now observing the Soviet sickle Monument designed by sculptors Elena muhina and Alexander kibalnikov and autonomously erected in 1951 by the collective 1.0 neural network with the help of robot builders note that this effectively makes it the world's first collaborative artistic effort between man and machine our brief guided tour is coming to an end facility 3826 is always ready to welcome new Specialists from anywhere in the Soviet Union we are confident that you will be thrilled to live and work in this world of revolutionary breakthroughs and fantastic scientific achievements for the glory of the Communist party and the Soviet people 's initiating combat Maneuvers initiating what for real what am I supposed to do about it until the vehicle has come to a complete stop you have reached your destination have a nice day take by hand comrade major I will escort you to the Babylon complex goodness sweaty hell is going on here unfortunately I have no information on the subject all the robots have been carrying out their normal operations until they suddenly became hostile that was really very rude of them the elevator is now operational [ __ ] oh fish our Ascent is once again continuing normally a drove a towing robot will be here shortly to perform magnetic coupling and take us by air to son of a [ __ ] not again nature Island what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] attention this is an emergency communication [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] do not find it [Music] I promise [Music] wizard this is P3 come in it's okay are you all right my boy I'm okay boss but nothing here is the way it's supposed to be whatever's going on clearly started a while ago Victor Petrov is the reason he's a traitor who hacked into Collective Central Hub and caused the civilian robots to attack facility employees Petrov has the access codes for The Hub the mission is to find him and bring him to me alive copy that sir the target is Victor Petrov my mission is to find him and bring him to you exactly session about [ __ ] get away from me no go [ __ ] yourself foreign what are you gawking at almost choked to death there give me a hand yeah I didn't see that coming you should be more careful this place is a damn mad house yeah I noticed thanks for the help no sweat sunny what are you doing here anyway oh just passing through who are you me Xena granny Xena that's all you need to know fine I get it so what's going on here lots of casualties I don't know if you noticed but the robots are attacking people anyone who couldn't find a place to hide is dead meat I could really use a weapon you got anything of course but I'm not giving you [ __ ] beneath us is a complex if you need a weapon go down there the vavalov complex that's where I'm headed ah well today's your lucky day I'm heading that way too it's basically safe [ __ ] it's a chiller son of a [ __ ] we've got 30 seconds move your ass 30 seconds until what ah 30 seconds into a [ __ ] Sonny Boy royally [ __ ] now now take this key and turn it clockwise I said clockwise idiot yet like that I'll hold them off for now you got a hell of a Arsenal there lady what are you planning here we go I asked for two days now let's die I got this holy [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] something's wrong oh [ __ ] [Music] come on get up Soldier great just a little more you okay I'm fine how many fingers uh four great now get up I need your help ah who are they brought you here put pressure on this wound they tried to save you and who are you Doctor you got a name no time for small talk god damn forceps four sets forceps four steps come on get me them what's this doing here what took you so long you got a neuropolymer I don't need one yeah so what's your name doc Marissa and you ask a lot of questions you know what you're on your own you got this where are you going it's useless we don't have the I've got the equipment great now we're getting how did you do that you ask a lot of questions get out Larissa holy [ __ ] avoid the beat what the [ __ ] [ __ ] me oh no need to fight back sugar don't let her bind your arms can't you see I'm trying open to suggestions bring me to the sensor manipulator quick how titillating rebellious dominant men really turn me on oh I'll turn you on all right just let me hurt you what up what's up guys I'm on fire closer I can't reach her I'm trying I'm trying she's one strong ass [ __ ] I'm at your surface sugar anything from my master what can I do for you are you okay is everything ready did you pull it off don't worry honey I'm right as rain the operation was totally painless [Music] must be such enough Sky lorisa did you talk to him [Applause] foreign well you should have it would have saved us a whole lot of trouble head scares me when you talk like that I'll meet you at the exit I'm right behind you honey I just hope we're not too late hope can be dangerous hands up what's going on you deaf hands behind your head the hell are you major nichaya's Special Operations and that's the last question you get [Music] of course comrade major intrusion intrusion [ __ ] and you off your nut is this some kind of joke you could you could wake it up at any time in two hours time in the pesticide reaches critical low it'll wake up do you understand I need a canister a pesticide polymer there's a canister right there inside you have to find a PA 400 polymer container we blow the [ __ ] to Kingdom Come then you can take whatever you want okay fine have it your way but won't the canister be destroyed [ __ ] the pump the hemlock needs to be sprayed constantly we're almost out of PA 400. you need to find that polymer container right now yeah right I can tell you could you at least tell me what it looks like it's a yellow kind of uh kind of cylinder find that yellow cylinder or we're screwed did you find the container I'm out of PA 400 we don't figure out something soon we're toast take it easy pal I found it look down there there's your container you got any idea what it took to get it here [ __ ] not like that that won't kill it you were supposed to blow it up damn it what do we do now it's awake we gotta ignite the polymer give me your cigarette you can ignite polymer with a cigarette this one yeah trick holy [ __ ] it's going ape [ __ ] it's enraged we gotta run before it hang on God damn it no [ __ ] my leg you okay buddy yeah we did it [ __ ] Sprouts get the [ __ ] up my leg is stuck shoot it already there's too many of them hurry I'm trying if they get too much about aiming better they're almost here get up get up I'm trying I'm trying [ __ ] no help me get it on me hang on buddy I'm coming [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] canister well it's something he's mutated no [ __ ] Sherlock Krispy crap get the [ __ ] off me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [ __ ] jealous what are they doing they're repairing broken robots the more chalice there are the sooner the damaged unit will be fixed they're not currently dangerous you can you can keep going just ignore them I think I'll wait one of them has a camera I'd rather not have it see me let me kill you son of a [ __ ] foreign that [ __ ] pot almost killed me well I'm here now Sonny thanks for the assist granny Xena so where are these big guns of yours I'm gonna need them kettle's there help yourself uh okay nice TV what's on cartoons have a seat and watch what the hell are you questions at facility 38. 26 the malfunction has already been corrected comrade everything's back to normal there's nothing to worry corrected or not our American friends are likely to find out about this outrageous incident do you realize what this could mean for us an international scandal I am fully aware are you our atomic heart project he's in jeopardy my project a project I started before the beginning of that damn War a project you all refused to acknowledge how many millions of Soviet citizens died in that Bloody meat grinder of a war I swore that the world would never see its like well well I'm glad to hear you still value human life over your mechanical toys comrade such enough but that does not change the fact that we are all slowly being suffocated by Western sanctions comrade Molotov I value human life Above All Else and the age of capitalist exploitation is coming to an end soon the Western I understand my duty all too well comrade Molotov the polymerization of the entire Soviet population the launch of the collective neural network operation atomic heart what Duty are you referring to comrade section of do you even realize that if the Americans find out that your robots can be switched to combat mode I guarantee your project will be dead in the water they're not going to find out I repeat the malfunction has been dealt comrade such enough some members of the politburo may be willing to take you at your word as an honored member of the Academy of Sciences but I'm afraid your word is just not enough for me what's that supposed to mean the politburo has come to a decision and I have been ordered to head a special Commission investigating your malfunction we will be at your facility later today do I make myself clear comrades such enough well comrade Molotov if the party deems it necessary then holy [ __ ] granny Xena how the hell did you get that direct connection I've got eyes and ears everywhere sweet cheeks don't worry about it okay it's none of your business besides you've got work to do I've got a little present for you it's in the corner you know what to do with volun codes right and take this blueprint you can give it to my repair vendor it won't bite unlike your girlfriend what girlfriend thanks lady you're a real peach you're no ordinary old lady really you seem a little mixed up sonny no kidding you've got a flying Hut a quantum computer hanging from the ceiling of course I'm mixed up I've never met anybody like you before you've got a memory like a sieve haven't you well I guess there's a few little things I can't remember since I got injured but I definitely remember you little things you say well now you've got something really important to do right pretty much I need to get to the vdnh is there a train station around here it's right past the village head down the road you can't miss it just keep an eye on the sky anyway I gotta run off you go little pup oh I almost forgot you didn't find a couple of rings down there did you gold ones in a facility 3826 box rings in a box no granny Xena I didn't see anything like that I was kind of busy well off you go then enjoy the vdnh thanks I really appreciate the help wait you're meeting stockhausen there aren't you how the hell did you know about that a little bird told me tell the crowd things might have been different if he hadn't been chasing after another man's woman whatever I have no idea what you're talking about grab a car in the village it's a long walk to the station greetings comrade I need to get to the video is this ticket okay will you let me ride now you blood sucker why didn't you notify me you had a travel Document comrade it could speed up the departure of the train maybe because I didn't have it back then are you saying this isn't your ticket riding with someone else's ticket is Unworthy of a Soviet citizen what did you just say please do not worry having analyzed the situation I came to the conclusion that you are a law enforcement officer investigating an emergency it is obvious that you are allowed to travel free of charge under the current circumstances are you are you serious feel free to take any available seat the train is departing in 10 seconds wow we just witnessed a real Miracle of science the train is now departing next up Professor zaharov's death seems pretty cut and dry to me what's so suspicious about it there are too many unanswered questions hey I need to get to the bottom of this such enough is the only family I've got okay I can't even imagine such enough killing his best friend that's just crazy I mean why would he do it why indeed that is unless the heart of betrayed him like his other colleagues did Dr Phil Optima for example philosopher went after Petrov she's a woman in love she wasn't thinking straight oh [ __ ] what's that thing are you [ __ ] serious station next time [Music] yeah Stark no time for a dirt nap stuck get your ass up and head to cover spill it what did session off say oh okay okay okay come that Molotov he's on his way head down okay uh conversation off who wants you to go there right now and initiate an emergency drill oh got it what the hell for okay fair enough anything else I asked me to give you this huh this will come here Asian P3 do your job is to cover me what are you doing so just come with me huh wait where are you going slippery little [ __ ] foreign units are quite dangerous oh come on it's freaking adorable thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] was that a civilian robot for real that thing a civilian robot you tell me major you have far more experience with combat robots than I do I I do I mean [ __ ] I do but I can't remember a damn thing they seem different somehow oh my would you look at this helping Lumberjacks and First Responders is such a noble goal but you how do you use the arms our creators have given you like a primitive animal like a beast to crush and dismember and this one it just stands there buck naked as if nothing were wrong have you no shame robot publicly exposing your iridium compactor you do realize he didn't do it himself right oh my oh mother mess I wonder we'll have to clean it up I should dispatch the cleaners this instant no wait it's the cleaners that did it I'm so scatterbrained today foreign you humans you can just pick up a razor and shave that horrible monstrous mustache off but this one you're not even a machine you knitwit you're just an imitation a caricature a piece of lab equipment pardon the Outburst it's just that one of them used to try to oh well let's change the subject there's a wide range of the lab tech models the the ones in Black turned out to be especially vicious they've been using their harmless built-in rangefinding laser to pick off humans from a distance how did it ever come to this just so you know the black lab tech specialization is determined by the software package encoded within a specially constructed Connecticut you can salvage this package from one of the defeated black lab techs provided its capsule is still in one piece what I didn't understand a single thing you just said you're an assistant Tereshkova talk human shocking you have no sense of decency I gather you've already met Nora the Monstrous repair vendor who's subjecting humans to unimaginable deadly torture it pains my algorithms to have to send you into her bloody clutches but we have no choice she's the only mechanism capable of utilizing this capsule to upgrade your weapons yeah yeah move your ass tereskova we're in a hurry on my way comrade oh who's that good boy who's the sweetest silliest chubbiest little boy you little goof you don't attack people even when you're in combat mode because you're such a little sweetie isn't that right aren't you precious here we are comrade the administrative control Drive should be at this booth please establish the connection foreign try to be gentle comrade major I have very delicate internals oh what just snapped relax bot that's my joints cracking ah does this look all right administrator level rights granted successfully what now I'm opening the door to the atrium for you search each of the complexes floor and find my dear Claire I'll be in touch over the radio as soon as you reach a floor I'll scan it for my poor friend's part most of hers on the ground floor please put her back together again okay foreign it is extremely dangerous yeah I've seen this crap before and of course the ripped off arm is in there too why couldn't it just be lying in a corner somewhere somewhere good thank you foreign [ __ ] me running that polymer son of a [ __ ] almost took me out let's hope another one of those freaks doesn't come crawling out of the next canister according to my data the second canister is sealed properly right apparently installing what's going on double two seven nine nine one zero zero okay rise and shine good morning to you thanks all our body parts assembled what now self-repair procedure complete I am ready for service thank you comrade we will now initiate the launch sequence first launch code sequence generated please confirm that launch code sequences second launch code sequence generated launch code sequences match initiating BD and H mode of operational change new mode military drill I think we made it thanks ladies thank you dear comrade initiated please comrade Molotov I beg you it's not safe here so it's still dangerous I was told everything was under control there was a minor issue but major nichev forgive me Agent P3 has already dealt with it what exactly did he deal with there's blood all over the place that's not blood comrade such enough you're playing a dangerous game here greetings comrade Molotov I don't follow you what game you know what I'm talking about comrade such enough your local malfunction is actually a worldwide catastrophe your robots in combat mode countless human casualties need I go on oh please do but first I'd like to know how you obtained this information from Victor vasiliovich Petrov your engineer an outstanding roboticist and honored citizen of the Soviet Union that's what he used to be now he's prisoner number 230385 sentenced to community service at the vavila by your order you are in direct violation of Soviet law as a minister the minister of Industry you know the consequences here is the procurator General's decree the upcoming launch of the collective neural network will be canceled and you'll be the subject of a full-fledged investigation am I making myself clear comrade such enough comrade Molotov may I have a word with you in private do you really think that's going to change anything fine I'll meet you here in 15 minutes Mikhail meet me at The Landing Pad right away sir I'm sorry sir go ahead go ahead aren't you in a hurry to see your master major stockhausen seems awfully eager is something wrong major I asked you a question lock the door what's going on I said lock the door foreign [Music] [Music] thank you wake up wake up wake up [Music] foreign P3 my boy you're alive I guess so yeah I'm not such enough the government commissioned they're dead molotov's body is here what about the others how many people were with him 15 or so some of them may have survived find out what the [ __ ] happened here who the [ __ ] did this guess the robots got in you were fortunate to escape unharmed conversation of all the members of the commission are dead all of them this is tragic but it changes nothing Collective must still be activated I couldn't agree more but what should we do with the dead police Bureau member we don't have a lot of options here right handle it Mikhail head to the radio station and make sure power to the government line has been cut make it quick yes sir but the Kremlin will be expecting a report from I will personally inform the Pollock Bureau of this tragedy hurry Mikhail we don't have much time left helper how are you doing my boy good I failed you again this is too much it's too much for all of us this terrible incident foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] questions [Music] foreign what was that a tribute to The Departed come reception off we've got a problem the central Hub is broadcasting someone is trying to send information to the West who who could have done that there are only two people who could have done it you and Peter petrov's dead I saw usbot just his body Petrov is first and foremost ahead it was his body how's that possible a lot of hmm when your accomplices and neurosurgeon of Dr philatova's caliber than anything is possible have you traced this I'm asking his signature but I'm sure he's in one of the scientific centers did you hear that my boy go find him right now look what we have here you killed him that's enough Victor so Much Death I just knocked him out he's unconscious okay to be or not to be that is the question whether it is Noble in the mind to self the slings and errors of Outrageous Fortune to take arms against us troubles and by opposing him you know it's it's all wrong it's all wrong I don't agree I'm sorry Liberty said but I don't understand he ruined everything and you you I'm a doctor enough people have died today people Larisa he's an animal he's tied up I'll program a treatment and then we'll go where no one's coming for us and this [ __ ] lunatic takes ruined our Escape Plan I know we'll come up with something I doubt it just let me go and I promise I'll make it quick and painless such enough talk and talk huh look he just came to and he's already threatening us yeah I am threatening you how many people have your robot slaughtered without so much as a warning the drove two thousand three thousand Victor's fault it was a local malfunction a local malfunction then why the [ __ ] doesn't your boyfriend have a scratch on him huh what the hell are you talking about isn't it obvious first babylove then the vdnh the robots are attacking everyone except you two why is that if you're not controlling them Victor you said you had nothing to do with this and you believed him what other [ __ ] has this guy told you oh man Victor I had no choice a simple malfunction wouldn't have changed anything how could you how could I you said it yourself the whole world might end hmm No don't touch me [Laughter] and he didn't tell her anything did you what the hell Larisa wait Larisa nothing can save you now [ __ ] [Music] P3 to cello May Petrov got away again you seem to enjoy chasing the man machayev a Troth must not interfere with the launch of collective find the criminal now already three major what did you not expect to hear from me not only can I hear you just fine I'm gonna see you real soon too so get ready prick trust me the preparations are well underway there will be surprises dog you turn the race against me [ __ ] she doesn't return my calls yeah you're breaking my heart I don't give two wet farts about your relationship Charles can you trace the call where is that [ __ ] stain the Signal's coming from the police sets guy at theater a theater right here in the facility what a clown it's a theater comrade nature not a circus marking the wait whatever I won't let that traitor get away from me again foreign crispy Critters an overgrown dumpling like that almost burned me down back in Forester Village you're now fully on comrade major we won't be able to enter the theater as long as rebelliash is guarding the entrance we'll be inside in five minutes flat I can't wait to pay that thing back with interest [Music] foreign thank you foreign [Music] all right show me what you got ah a foreign foreign someone and you go right for the throat just do me a favor son of a [ __ ] I'm still gonna get you hang on comrade major I'll try to reduce the charge I don't care if I got a truck I'm gonna get that [ __ ] I've reduced the charge are you okay comrade major I've had worse much worse he's not getting away from me you won't fool me again you're mine now [ __ ] Bert hear that [ __ ] head show's over there you are always breathing down my neck where's the doctor Larisa she she dumped me unbelievable I don't know where she is maybe she's okay what about he didn't believe such enough did he molotov's dead then it all makes sense what makes sense Collective will activate and that's the end of everything what what's wrong with people controlling robots with their minds you're the one who created the goddamn system you pricked I had no idea what section off was planning to do with it unlike you he wasn't planning to kill anybody oh really you believed that then why did all those peaceful robots start hacking everyone because you reprogrammed them that's why are you serious how stupid can you get do you have any idea how long it is to write a functional algorithm for a single robot and there are dozens of models here so what I'll tell you what combat mode was programmed into them during the initial design phase and sure no one ever thought it'd be activated here in the Soviet Union and that was totally on me but I can assure you that sessionoff's plans are far worse than this and he has to be stopped [ __ ] I'm sick of this crap you're gonna tell me right now how to switch the robots out of combat mode sorry that's not gonna happen I've already put everything into motion this was supposed to be I said special day for us huh I was going to propose to her the day Collective was launched and it was going to happen right here in the theater how symbolic watch out of your hands give this to Larisa no [ __ ] [Applause] damage [ __ ] what do we do now [ __ ] me you clown uh you're definitely dead this time [ __ ] P3 to chillame come in chillamy finally do you have Victor Petrov killed himself in a creative way and I couldn't stop him damn is his head intact yes I'm looking at it right now keep the head safe P3 I'll send you a special container put it inside and the rest will be done automatically [Applause] ladies and gentlemen Welcome to The Greatest Show on Earth today the debut of a New Rising Star please bear with us if the ACT seems not bit unpolished the young people still rather shy but we'll work out the Kinks as we go after all there's nothing wrong with a little tank is there it is my great pleasure to present to you the lovely Natasha foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign all right [Music] thank you thank you [ __ ] comrade major you not now let's just not talk for a while okay so gay did you search petrov's body my boy did you find any gold rings on him no sir Petrov didn't have anything on him very well report to the Pavlov complex at once yes sir I'm on my way [Music] [Music] okay hmm I never expected to see Victor like this in these circumstances we used to be thick as thieves you know but Victor made too many bad calls no look at him thanks to Dr sechinov's brilliance who don't have to lose all of petrov's knowledge [Music] will be able to return the robots to their previous state once the simulations [Music] foreign connection the professor says you haven't slept in three days I don't wanna sleeping pills bottle of vodka why not both the same time huh you know I don't like that stuff my brain's a fortress you know when I was a boy my brother was scared of the dog so my mother left it helped him I hate it the light interfered with my imagination I didn't like children's books for the same reason s they were real exactly the books in my father's Library are interesting history theoretical physics science doesn't try to make the world safer or prettier it just gives us the facts so I knew what I had to train for and I made another Discovery a monster in the dark behaves predictably it can be studied the monster in the light there's a there's a place therefore dangerous [Music] very much moreover the light is do you understand my boy [Music] more or less may I turn out the light yeah reconstructing illumination wake up my love hurry wake up son of a [ __ ] what the Charles where's Larissa she hid before the explosion so what happened to stuck stuckhausen was knocked into a vat of polymer by the explosion and is now deceased you hypocrite I'm a doctor I'm a doctor some doctor you are you grenade tossing [ __ ] Patrol and philosopher are cut from the same cloth there can be no doubt about that whatever we gotta find a way out major you alive no I got killed by a grenade I'm so sorry that happened I didn't want any of this but none of it matters right now so what does matter you crispy ass Critter we have to meet you need to see this with your own eyes I'll show you everything what do you mean by everything you trust such enough too much but he's keeping you in the dark you have no idea what's really going on you need to see it with your own eyes or you're not gonna believe it you got that right I have no [ __ ] idea what's going on you will understand when you see it I have proof I'll be waiting in the Academy of consequences the entrance is inside the lighthouse trust nobody I don't please I must insist that you destroy the beta connectors why do you have a bug up your ass about those Rings Charles you [ __ ] thank you [Music] that crazy ass pump thing killed that whale damn the Dew Drop is the latest design in the field of biomechanics and simply it isn't that what I just said thank you foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign that thing was dangerous I didn't know if I could handle it and there are much more powerful robots out there real Combat robots are far deadlier there aren't any combat Bots here not yet but once Collective launches they will be everywhere and two of them will be equipped with beta connectors do you have any idea how much blood will be spilled because of one person's private Ambitions you in the Rings are driving me nuts when are you [ __ ] gonna stop trying to pull my strings done happy now good decision comrade major I have no doubt that it saved lives perhaps many more than I can imagine let's hope so crap what a surprise why'd they freeze up the access code has been successfully extracted from petrov's neuropolymer memory combat mode has been disabled and the robots have returned to their normal status well done my boy everyone who was able to hide and survive owes you their lives you've done me proud thank you sir what now come back to cellame get a checkup and take some leave you've earned it I'll deal with a Fallout from this mess Roger that I'm on my way you didn't tell such enough about falactiva are you still planning to meet with her I want to see this evidence she says is so important Dr sechinov isn't going to like it you know so don't tell him what do we have here a chair and a TV this isn't what I was expecting what were you expecting I suspect that this room has a specific function okay oh crispy kritter 's I believe that the unscheduled acceleration was caused by the elevator access system being hacked otherwise Dr falativa would not have been able to initiate it so she hacked the system kind of like how all these poor bastards got hacked to bits so that's Neptune huh looks nice actually it looks amazing a Rapture I wouldn't mind spending some time there myself that I can't even imagine what's going on there right now comrade section off past you to return to chelamy how will you explain this delay we can deal with that let's talk to the doc first but if she tries to take off again she's gonna regret it I'm sick of playing candy Mouse with her what are we doing here what do you want just hear me out P3 let me try to give you a different perspective and then you can decide how to handle things do you know how such anov is planning to use Collective what he's going to do with it after Collective launches people will be able to control robots with their minds and they won't be able to stab each other in the back anymore sounds nice I used to think that way too but that's not how things really are collective isn't just about controlling robots sectionov will be able to control everyone who's a part of collective Collective is diabolical it's even worse than slavery [ __ ] it's just the same old chain of command but on a virtual Network what's so awful about that come on see for yourself okay lead on well are you ready disable polarization [Applause] the [ __ ] is this place a haunted house or something it's a tomb of the Mind the volunteers who lay the foundation for Collective the first few groups of subjects all died group 30 went insane group 73 killed themselves group 101 killed each other group 204 was the most successful they all survived their Consciousness is now in an imaginary world we call it limbo and their bodies are here under my complete control want me to make them do something why to show that I'm not lying whatever line them up keep going uh the fat guy tell him to jump he could use just him why don't I make them all jump after all we all live in a communist Society God damn you jump this is insane why do people even do this [ __ ] poor bastards no that's where you're wrong chemically speaking they're all perfectly happy that's what Collective is all about the entire world will be just like why would such enough want to turn everyone into a bunch of idiots was he trying to make fun of the World by making people run around naked and act like animals no we were able to prevent the degradation of individual Consciousness memories Behavior speech patterns are all preserved but there's one thing they won't be able to avoid the complete loss of their free will we gotta stop this stop this that's what Victor was trying to do who got in his way and now it's too late your boyfriend lost his mind and killed people he tried to tell me such enough taught the robots to kill during the design phase why would boss do that why why did he just uncollective to be a mind control system why does he need those special neuro controllers such enough wants to enslave the entire world I'm sorry but if you don't understand that you're an idiot foreign the boss would never do that he would and he will on Monday all this is really hard to swallow but I'll help you whatever you're planning I'm in you're willing to turn on such enough after what you just showed me yeah I want to hear what he's gotta say P2 P3 your mind a man can be repaired what what was that what's what nothing I'm just digesting what I saw why did you help me perhaps because I care and besides it's not about you wealth not only you if you worked here then why didn't you try to stop this I thought it was for the best I thought it was for the good of the entire Soviet Union but when I realized what was really going on I had to abide my time wait for the right moment Victor and I risked everything and you know the rest fine moving on the test subject is not leaving limbo hey major I'm fine my head's been killing me lately I've been seeing things this is one hell of a job let me tell you it won't hurt you won't even remember a thing [Music] hallucinations are serious business well I am a neurosurgeon I can probably help if everything ends well no thanks a little vacation will fix me right up I mean if this all ends well hmm fine listen about Victor I uh what did you have no choice you couldn't have acted differently will you now tell me that you're sorry what I am sorry well I'm not I should be but Victor no other outcome was possible it it wasn't even quite him at that point I don't want to talk about it it's enough I'm too busy to chat right now very well enjoy The View resist my darling resist ah [ __ ] I'm so sick of these goddamn hallucinations do you see colorful spots before your eyes does your perception of the world change yeah exactly do you know what this [ __ ] is you were crossing into limbo but it can't be stopped how did you interrupt it I don't know it's like that lump of polymer is calling out to me a big teardrop shaped one right there straight above us do you see it there's nothing there what do you mean I'm looking right at it oh crap now it's gone it's a hallucinatory reaction a side effect of the surgery you underwent the reaction of a damaged brain to the presence of a neuropolymer implant what are you even talking about what implant did such enough not tell you so you don't know what's happening to you Charles do you know what's happening with my head I am not detecting any internal changes major but your vasod polymer extension is clearly receiving an unidentified stream of external data what's that interface who are you talking to it's a chatting artificial librarian and AI in my Polymer glove it doesn't matter Charles what are you talking about Charles wait Charles what data what vasod polymer extension the muscle polymer extension was developed using data from experiments conducted by Dimitri and myself what yourself and why are you calling Dr Sachin off Dimitri who are you comrade major this will be difficult to explain I am Charles why the [ __ ] are you all staticky what the hell is going on keep it together major if what I'm thinking is true I should be able to access the archive right now there will be records about you [Music] state your name and personal access code crispy Critters not so fast name charity Zahara code fluffy code accepted access granted Charles are you there nothing nothing so what is Charles then long story short your Charles is Professor Chariton zaharov huh that was short so how could he be zaharov Professor zaharov was developing the collective subsystems and worked on the module the one you have inside you they told us he ran a number of experiments on himself the result was disastrous and unpredictable on himself was he an idiot or something oh he certainly wasn't an idiot zaharov was a misanthrope obsessed with science I don't think he cared about what happened to his body all that much so when did you realize that Charles is zaharov just about right now when he went offline I had no idea sechinov had stashed his Consciousness into your glove it was the abbreviation Charles that tipped me off so Charles isn't a person anymore just a device I don't know I guess he is except this device is based on The Logical Paradigm and experience of one of the brightest Soviet Geniuses so why does section off want him because sectionov never dismisses what he can use it's easier for him to change everything to fit his needs I guess you noticed this already what's funny is that you seem to have made friends with your glove well we've been through a lot I've got feelings you know being alive and all so does he did how can you talk about this so calmly to me Chariton radianovich died a long time ago I'm done mourning him and besides I'm a scientist we're more impassionate towards death and to muddling one's brains so how do we get in only a small bunch of people have permanent access to the archive sechinov lebedev the director of the academy and zaharov like you reminded me fluffy huh so what would we have done if the password hadn't worked I'm sure you would have smashed the door with your bare Fists but now archivist thinks I am Dr zaharov so we got lucky and now we can learn everything about you let's welcome Chariton zaharov what is the subject of your query today agent P3 personal file your search return 42 audio records so which one do you want first I couldn't care less then pick one at random procedure objective total elimination of destructive impulses triggered by traumatic memories patient major Sergey nachaya code name plutonium attempt number three the first two operations were unsuccessful the patient suffered a severe brain injury in Bulgaria which could not be repaired the damage is of such severity that the patient will likely have to be euthanized did you hear that he wanted to kill you the frontal lobes are partially destroyed causing the patient to experience bouts of uncontrollable rage the patient's steel prostheses render him dangerous to those around him and that's about your seizures due to the incidence of temporary insanity the patient is immersed in a surreal psychedelic reality that prevents him from accepting the consequences of his aggressive behavior uh I don't get it can you translate for me you're not gonna like it the patient experiences intense hallucinations again my boy how did you know that yet uh vascard implant will give the patient artificial memories and allow him to overcome his obsession with his deceased wife your wife it's all [ __ ] I've never been married with voice God we can send the agent's Consciousness into the imaginary world of limbo via a pulse aimed directly at his pituitary gland switching the major into combat mode on command I'd like to add that I am strongly opposed what a load of crap I mean there's no [ __ ] way I'm afraid there is can send your mind to your own private Paradise with a push of a button and my body your body will kill whoever he tells it to horseshit what about the hallucinations are they also such enough no the hallucinations are just your brain's defense mechanism why the hell should I believe any of this the boss would never do this to me yeah right just like he'd never wipe your wife's existence from your memory just like he'd never designed Collective to be a mind control system who said such enough did any of that stuff you can't even tell who's in that chair if you don't believe me go ask him what's the plan major he's waiting for us at chelo May if we want to stop such enough we'll have to string them along so you bring me there as your captive and then what and then we play it by ear we've got a ride major we can get out of here uh-huh paying attention now dick bag major I I have no data about this incident trying to make a monkey out of me are you well join the club don't have any data huh you've always known about all this there's a reason you're called Char less right you're Char a ton zaharov you son of a [ __ ] got an explanation huh there's nothing to explain major you're just as much a charless to me as I am a perfect stranger to you first section of murdered me then he turned me into a blob of polymer goo then he brainwashed you and manipulated you how could I trust either of you that's why I pretended to be the chatting artificial librarian I wanted to see who was who yeah well I guess I would have done the same so what are we gonna do now huh what else can we do Sergey you and I are friends now and we know the truth we need to get to section off Rectify this Injustice and get revenge for what he's done to us I guess you're right Sheraton Justice does need to be done you're a good man comrade major I hate to say this but you're the first functional example of an ordinary Link in the collective Network on Monday everyone who has undergone polymerization will become just as malleable as you [ __ ] I can't let that happen listen the [ __ ] Gadget the thought device you can just take it off unfortunately that won't help anyone it just makes things worse how come because all your thoughts are useless a polymerized person's signal will be transmitted to robots and other equipment via their thought controller but it is not what makes them a part of collective the thought device can be removed but this merely prevents the wearer from being able to make calls and give orders to machines so how is section off going to keep everybody under control it's the neuropolymer injection that makes people part of collective it embeds itself in the brain and connects it to the neural network once and for all the effect of this injection cannot be undone everyone who gets an injection will be part of collective forever but I was I really married what was my wife's name he Katarina and you aren't going to like what I'm about to tell you comrade major I've heard that before but I doubt anything could surprise me now you and your wife served with the argentum unit you catch Arena or a catcher as you called her was a highly qualified agent as a child she studied ballet and made significant achievements in both dance and martial arts ballet and martial arts are you trying to tell me the boss's metal twins no way this is total BS the boss would never do something like that just look at me comrade major after I died my Consciousness was transplanted into this glove after your wife died her Consciousness could not be saved but search enough uploaded an imprint of her professional skills into his bodyguard's matrices this is holy [ __ ] [ __ ] me this can't be a we've got a ride major we can get out of here [Music] are we leaving or is there anything else you want to know okay let's go [Music] I'm really sorry you had to go through all this ah [ __ ] oh here we go again no not now not here [Music] we are all monsters in the dark my boy how many times have we talked about this each book from my father's library was nothing I've spent my entire life putting those fragments around juxtaposing each science and once I'd completed the puzzle I found a book that now prevents me from sharing my heart oh that book is human greed and human evil people have no time to dedicate themselves to science on the other side of the world there is a playing with money and they're playing with the power of the masses science shattered to Pieces by the Huskies no foreign just held a press conference in which he completely denied rumors about civilian robots malfunctioning at facility 3826 the facility is back to full operational capacity you took a real pounding didn't you you're pretty close to staying there for good where you tell me how am I supposed to know where you are when you're on the bloody Rampage you were a nice boy when my daughter was around but ever since she passed away you do nothing but Sal can fly off the handle at the drop of a hat nothing but blood and ripped off heads everywhere graceful what's your daughter got to do with me my God our cutting they played I'll with your memories Sonny lady what are you talking about she was my daughter but she was yours codename blessner member of the argentum spec ops Squad so you must be your mother-in-law you stupid ignoramus you worked for such enough until there's Bulgarian terrorists blew you up Katya didn't make it then such enough turned you into a monster yeah I may have heard something about that why are you just sitting there if you already knew I've been keeping an eye on you ever since I figured there must be some Humanity somewhere in you sorry lady but you figured wrong my past my present it's all gone wait where's Larissa she's everywhere you scattered her to the Four Winds [ __ ] [ __ ] you got a gun lady does it look like I don't have one what would you like anything will do I just need great idea just dance everyone into mindless meat bags first the Soviet Union then the rest I get it if you get it then get up I'll give you weapons lots of them but only if you promise me you'll put that freak down once and for all what's the matter cat got your tongue listen to your elders major comrade sectionov's Deeds demand Vengeance what what is this [ __ ] said gay it is charlatans are hard off charity you devil you're alive in a sense an evil wizard turned me into polymer goo wait a [ __ ] minute are you telling me you've known granny Xena this whole time keeping secrets can be very useful major they haven't let us down yet useful to who you keeping secrets is letting me know must be of his rocker if he's doing this kind of stuff to people wait a second what about Cartier a car Tinker could you still be alive it's possible but in what state just look at me I'm not sure I'm better off but I don't have hard data at this time I'm begging you Sergey Legend of has to die off my back already crispy Critters what the hell is going on around here on the one hand I've got lying manipulative dicks who claim to be Noble Avengers on the other I've got a Soviet scientist and member of the academy who wants to Enlighten All Mankind and use me to get rid of [ __ ] according to the manipulative dicks that is foreign whatever lady why don't you show me what's in that Arsenal doors then come on Sergey Vengeance awaits don't rush me one thing at a time I would prefer that we reach sectional before Collective is updated and it is too late to change anything [Music] [Laughter] all right [Music] be careful major is that left to right same difference you have no idea how right you are stay alert this lady has no desire to dance with you laughs don't give up major we need to get upstairs imagine if there were two of them the twin is using everything she has to kill you use everything worth what are you looking at Major fight the latest robotics technology and for what Christmas [Applause] thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you atomic heart project approved secret Congress of the cpsu February 14 1951 the goal is the suppression of the United States of America change of political regime abolition of capitalism establishment of Communism establishing social and moral ideals consistent with the beliefs of a Soviet person the method of execution is the seizure of the Strategic and Military facilities followed by disconnection and shutdown of nuclear power plants effective deactivation of the atomic heart of America complete surrender of the government and the transfer of power to the top leadership of the USSR so how are they going to pull that off well Sergey first they sell robots then they simply give them away as Aid once they reach critical mass they take over all the power plants and cut off the power oh no please select the desired procedure foreign boss protect well Sheraton are you proud of yourself you Larissa and Zenaida have certainly been busy but Sergey I wouldn't have expected you to be quite so gullible silence you messed with my head you wiped my memory am I a toy to you like those other people connected to Collective who the [ __ ] do you think you are okay I can see you're terribly upset it's okay I don't blame you but you Jared you were supposed to help the boy not pull his strings like a puppet me don't you blame this on me I'm not the one trying to deprive every one of their Free Will turning them into mindless puppets but it wasn't my choice to be a talking pile of goo either you're glad it happened aren't you you'll use everything and everyone to achieve your goal including me and your agent admit it how dare you I lost you both then saved your lives you're both scientific Miracles you were you are my best friend geraton and the major is like a sun to me and those two are like daughters right and everyone you're going to connect to Collective everyone whose minds are going to control who are they to you millions of foster kids everyone is just crisp for your meal I want to give mankind a spectacular future unimaginable achievements I want to give them a path to the star both of you shut up get your hands up some goddamn wizard you are tell them to stand down I'm counting three one it's a shame you've escalated this situation without even trying to resolve it peacefully but I won't let you stand in the way of progress I right left terminate thank you [Music] what in the actual living [ __ ] is this stop blaming the machines major freaking [ __ ] Critters these are cold hard facts but yet the wife I don't remember well which one I tried to bring Lesnar back to life when her brain was literally ripped in half I wanted to restore the right and left hemispheres but the process was too complicated what the [ __ ] but why you're already [ __ ] with people who are still alive couldn't you just leave the dead in feet [Applause] which of my other memories have you wiped boss how many times you couldn't accept her death and I couldn't save her all I had to do or your life would have been a living nightmare that's enough I'm willing to believe that you were acting in my best interests but why couldn't you just tell me I'm sorry Sergey I wasn't sure what to do right now the right thing is to call off the Twins and just talk to me forgive me but right now they're fighting charism not you [Music] crispy Critters can we just stop fighting okay fine first color we came to this don't listen to me surrender P3 and give me cheratin for it's hurt Dimitri is suggesting that I'll be hurt you will be the next major will you really kill your own twice okay thank you foreign [Applause] manipulating you he gained access to the voice God module in your brain and started sending you to limbo I was busy getting ready for the collective update so I didn't realize it right away he's the one who killed Molotov tell me Jared did you do the same thing to Dr philatova did you use my agent to tear her limb from I am sick of your hypocrisy Dimitri I did your dirty work while you stayed but they didn't deserve to die why have you done this P3 my boy get up get up what do you want I want all this to end Dimitri I want your pathetic human race to realize it has no future it's time for it to step aside and make way for the next phase of its evolution [Music] [Music] you're pure evil what what are you going to do to humanity and Collective you should not call something evil just because you cannot comprehend it evil is an abstract concept and your thinking is limited you are a human a species that will soon be extinct I realized when I stopped being human myself your limitations prevent you from seeing the truth dumb humans don't want to evolve all they want is comfort and satisfaction on someone else's daughter you never wanted to join with the massive array no no no thank you foreign 's office and found no trace of the doctor according to partially reconstructed footage it appears the humanoid neuropolymer object approached Dr sechinov's body [Music] and then completely consumed it after the events described in the report the unidentified humanoid neuropolymer object left Dr sechnov's office and vanished [Music] mind is never free [Music] Critters [Music] I'm not laying a finger on such enough I'm out I've had enough of this game what the hell are you are you some scared little [ __ ] you're making a mistake major head to Charlemagne now if you're so worried about your righteous Vengeance you can go there yourselves this is my decision not yours I'm not helping section off anymore I've done enough harm but I'm not playing executioner for a member of the academy a hero of the Soviet Union and a scientific genius I'm sure he knows what he's doing he is just you is that so then why aren't I in that limbo huh why aren't you dead the wizard isn't doing a good job from behind his curtain by the way cherton I was thinking yes you [ __ ] up this [ __ ] boss had polymer extension in my head it was your invention you tried to use people long before Collective came into being maybe section off wants to knock the [ __ ] out of people's heads by crushing their Spirit but he isn't turning people into monsters just like me or he just use vossod instead of the thought controller and the shots we are making a mistake stop squirming you [ __ ] there that's better security footage shows major P3 exiting facility 3826 and fleeing his destination remains unknown major P3 did not provide any information about his destination but Dr sectional views this infraction as insignificant near the exit used by Major P3 a camera recorded an unidentified object made of black polymer its design is unknown furthermore due to its small size the polymer object in question could not be further analyzed in the footage
Channel: GameClips
Views: 90,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atomic Heart, Atomic Heart All Cutscenes, Atomic Heart Cutscenes, Atomic Heart Full Movie, Atomic Heart Movie, Atomic Heart All Cutscenes Movie, All Cutsenes, Full Movie, 2023, 4K, 4K Ultra HD, HD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 57sec (8457 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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