ATAK (WinTAK) How To: Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance: A Primer

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[Music] hello again everyone and welcome back to the underground so today we're going to be taking a look at atac or more specifically wintac and how you can use it to plan missions so as you can probably guess atac is a very useful platform and it can do a lot of things in fact it can do so many things that people have a hard time trying to contextualize and sort of understand exactly what atac can do so today we're going to be running through a fictitious scenario and showing how atac can be a valuable mission asset in the civilian world as well so we're really not going to go over any one particular feature today we're just going to be playing around and messing around with wintec and showing you some of the different things that it can do attacking or wintec in this case is not perfect in fact atac the whole tack family of products wintac is is by far the the most undesirable in the atac community because it has a lot of issues and it's not really a priority for development it's not quite as as gucci as the atac apps however we find that using wintac for mission planning is pretty useful considering that you have the power of a pc computer and you can use a mouse and other things as well you can it's not it's easier to do things on a laptop than on a phone so let's uh let's go through our fictitious mission scenario all right so exercise exercise exercise all that jazz mission scenario you have received reporting through local information sources that unknown aircraft have been staging at your local airport intelligence reported through your human networks indicates that the aircraft are staging at the airport with more aircraft arriving periodically your mission is to establish a covert observation post from which a rotating team can observe aircraft landing at the airport once the covert observation post is complete your task is to conduct visual reconnaissance of the airport as well as any aircraft landing or taking off you are required to log every aircraft that may be on the ground and where they are parked reporting back sitreps every hour you are responsible for your own support there will be no chance of aerial resupply and ground-based resupply will not be guaranteed as a result you are responsible for all mission planning and have nearly unlimited leeway for how you complete this mission so yeah in the civilian world this might be all of the information that you get no formal pirs no eeis your entire intelligence collection mission might result from a five minute phone call or a text message exchange and it's your job to organize plan and carry out the mission you do not have a battle staff to help you you will usually be on your own so for all of the real military and government analysts out there please keep this in mind as we're going through this we're looking at this through the lens of the civilian world and as such we do have a few assumed factors for this exercise to make it a little bit more easy in the training environment for one the weather we will assume a broken cloud ceiling at 15 000 feet msl above mean sea level that will move into a full overcast ceiling by the time we sp or hit the start point precipitation is not expected during the duration of this mission the elevation of the airport is right at around 5700 feet so that means that as we're standing on the ground we're going to have about 9 300 feet of clear air space over our heads this is good for evading detection for unmanned aerial systems that won't be able to fly down below the cloud ceiling so really we're just looking at terrain masking from terrestrial collection efforts if there are any and as far as electronic surveillance we're going to assume that cell phone stingrays will be operational in nearby city and that aircraft landing in the airport might have like gilgamesh boxes or dirt boxes on board as well and on the counter surveillance front we're going to assume that limited counter surveillance efforts will be conducted but they will be limited to the immediate perimeter of the airport so that's pretty much it just a quick and dirty hey let's go figure out what's going on over there type mission all right so here we are in wintec so also just for simplicity's sake and to avoid a lot of the frustration that comes with a an online imagery source i have go i've went ahead and downloaded to my computer imagery for this area so in this green box here it's already pre-loaded so we're going to first the first thing we're going to do is load in our sort of target right we're not actually connecting targeting here but we need somewhere to to uh to go off so we're going to go up here to the top left click import manager and import files because lucky enough our source gave us a kmz so as you see i already have a few here but i'm going to click this one and that's going to be it it's going to take a minute to load okay thank you import manager so let's go over here to our overlays see it kind of glitched out for a second all right here we go let's see file overlays we've got kml loaded in there and as you can see we have our target airport kmz and that's it there's only one point in there see this is what happens when you're in the sort of civilian world you're not going to get a full pir list and it's not going to be specific you might just get a grid and that's it so uh just as a side note i've got another one loaded in here just from messing around a little bit but so if you wanted to delete another one just to make things more simple you go up here select it and delete and that'll delete it so now really we've only got this 1kml file is one target right there and that zooms it to it so uh when i'm looking at this airport i'm looking at it looks like a fairly civilian style airport right nothing super duper special about it i did choose this location randomly this airport has really no major significance i only picked it because uh it has a lot of good terrain nearby so that we could use our 3d functionality in wintec pretty well so i just picked it because it it will allow us to check that out a little easier all right so the first thing i want to do is figure out where i'm going to put my lpop and as you remember one of the very few requirements of this mission is to be able to see the runway be able to see the parking zones uh see aircraft on the tarmac and be able to identify them so we need to be close enough to figure that out but we also need to be close enough or further far enough away to where we're going to avoid that counter surveillance and avoid that stingray electronic surveillance down here to the southeast and they said in the urban area so what we're going to do is i'm just just looking at this i can look and say all right cool it looks like there's a mountain range here this is more of a valley floor here i'm going to guess that my recon site is going to be up in this area somewhere this is just me looking down at it on the map but let's be absolutely sure so what we're going to do to figure out what you can see [Music] from the ground we're going to do what's called a view shed now a lot of people tend to sort of explain the view shed a little bit wonky but it's actually quite simple so let me go ahead and zoom in here to what i want to be able to see from far away and let's go ahead and zoom in here today to the aircraft parking area so what i'm going to want to do is go to elevation tools let that load for just a second now on your computer of course this will be much faster the only reason that it slows because i'm not using a terribly good computer for this and the screen recording software takes a lot of a lot of cpu power so once we've got elevation tools opened up here we have three menus at the top we're going to click view shed and what we're going to do is uh set our height above marker at five feet we're just going to leave that there i'll explain what that means in a minute just remember that it is set at five feet now we're going to set our radius to be something quite big in this case 15 kilometers and we're going to keep the intensity at right around 40 or so we'll show you what that means in a minute but basically the 40 is just to make sure that you can still see the ground you can do 100 then you won't be able to see anything but um next we're going to select the marker so we're going to click this button right here as you can see right here on the map you see tap a marker or location on the map pretty simple we're just going to click on the map so this is a view shed i'm going to go ahead and exit out for just a second i'll show you what this means and the way view sheds work is if you are a five foot person or in this case a five foot target uh standing at this little eyeball symbol you can see everything in green there's clear line of sight to everything in the green everything in red you can't see so as if we go ahead and and tilt the map a little bit you can see that obviously the low-lying areas are in red because you're probably obscured by things like buildings and other terrain features but if you look upwards towards the more higher terrain you can see obviously this mountain here you can you'll be able to see and then over here you won't uh you won't be able to see that from the ground because you come up over this ridge so this is very handy this allows you to more easily select and figure out a good site to go from so this is of course one of many tools and the reason that i set this at 15k you know obviously it's obviously not ideal to be able to surveil a target from you know 10 miles away or so but this just shows the function so let me go ahead and pick a good spot and we'll come back to this in just a second all right so i've got a good spot picked out and what i'm going to do is turn off the view shed for just a second so i'm going to open up my elevation tools again go over here and click remove view shed and we will come back to that in just a second and let me turn on the point that i found by going to overlays let that load for just a second yeah it's really slow here let's go to spot spot marker there we go and that's the place i found so this is just you know of course a good training exercise right so as you can see it's here let me go ahead and tilt the map for you a little bit if it doesn't want to freeze up on me there we go so you see it's right here up on this hill um it's got not a whole lot of cover there um but we'll we're not really so much concerned about that right now are we so um yeah this is a decently good spot it's right up there on the ridge line honestly i would probably move it down so that you could move it down to like the military crest here so you're not silhouetted against the ridgeline there but whatever this works for training exercises so what i'm going to do is tilt this back north and we're going to do another view just to make absolutely certain that this spot can see the target and it gives us some ideas of what this place can see so let's go over to view shed we'll do it 15k again five feet above marker so a five foot person standing at this point right here i'm gonna do it a little bit down the hill a little ways and let's go ahead select the marker and click right there that should give us on this side of the ridge and yeah that's a pretty good once i zoom out here that's a pretty good view shed so as you can see if i'm if i'm a five foot person or sitting in a five foot above the ground level position at that little eyeball i can see the entirety of the target this position is not too bad it gives me good command of the a good portion of the valley a good portion of the city down here as well but then it also is right there on that ridge line right there on that edge of being able to pop back over pop back into the red and not be have direct line of sight to the target which is always a good thing just in case right so this looks like a pretty good site now of course we could do a lot of other videos selecting this sort of thing but this is really just to show the the uh the features of atac so let's say that this is the site i want so let me go ahead and turn off or actually let me leave the view shed on i was going to turn it off but let me let me go ahead and put some contour lines on the map here in the elevation tools as well let me show the lines i'm going to leave them as this sort of orangish color let me let me make them yellow actually so you can see them a little better so yeah this does confirm to me that yup i'm right there on that nice ridge line it looks like it does get a little steeper over here and it's a nice sloping downhill area and then there's another valley over here looks like a looks like a box canyon or something going up this way yeah there's a lot of different a lot of different stuff going on here so i'm going to go ahead and turn those contour lines back off and i'm going to go to my view shed and turn my view shed off i'm going to turn the heat map on just to just play around a little bit show you what the heat map is this shows you the high spots are red low spots are blue as you can see that shows you how that works not as not as ideal and obviously the more you zoom in the more detail you're gonna get but it's heat maps are not really a good thing unless you're building a product or product or something like that all right so let's turn that heat map off and let's let's get out of this and let's say that we need to get to this site obviously right we need to get there somehow so i'm going to start looking around and let's say that i am going to find a good spot to park let's see here i found one earlier when i was just messing around i think this one's it yeah so this is a good looks like a good two-track road but just in case we want to verify that that road is wide enough for a vehicle to get down let's go ahead and go to the range and bearing up here at the top left and then we can click measure and then we can click and drag to measure there we go and then once we sorry hang on things hang up just a second we could tell a lot of stuff about it we could open up the metadata over here once it loads and it will tell us that that is 13 feet across or 4 meters or 0.00 nautical miles right and which what bearing it's along as well and mills as well if you need that sort of thing so that's that's kind of handy to have so this tells us that road is in fact 13 feet across and that is more than enough for us so let's go ahead let's go ahead and cancel that and we will delete that as well all right so we're going to let's say that we want to park right here um just me looking at this map just from not really being familiar to all this area it looks like a pretty well used especially well used for considering how remote this area is and the elevation profile this area is insane but it looks like there's a nice little maybe a little stream dry riverbed right there so let's go ahead and say we're going to park right here so what we're going to do is i know i skipped right over dropping a point so i'll show you how to drop a point right now using the point dropper let that load for just a second all right so over here on the point dropper this is the kind of cool part you have a lot of different icons and stuff that you can use so we're just going to use the spot map for a while these are just different colored dots all right different colored dots that you can put on the map we're going to use green for now so let's say that i want to use this road for infill and then break off and hide a vehicle or something let's say let's try right about there all right so let's go ahead that comes across as g1 it automatically named labels it green one right so let's go ahead and change that name to vdo vehicle dismount operations this is where we're going to park our vehicle and get out and start walking alright so if we want to do that what we can do is we can use attack to figure out the best way to get up there so let's say that you can see this is kind of a good distance away here let's see how far it is via as the crow flies all right looks like 3 750 feet right so let's put that in kilometers yep so a little over a k right so that's as the crow flies and as you can see that is going to be a very if we were to walk straight there that's going to be a pretty significant elevation change and handy for us right here on the range and bearing page at the bottom right you can click elevation profile and this is an interesting tool this is one of the more interesting things and more useful things that atac does it will tell you over a period of distance how uh how much elevation gain you're going to have so as you can see here the elevation gain or loss in this case since we we did it from the the point down to here instead of from the video up to the point it's 460 feet of elevation change so that's not insignificant especially if you're carrying like a hundred pound rook or something like that and a lot of equipment you could see along where this elevation change goes uh just by clicking and dragging like that so this shows you at what point the elevation is at and we'll cover this this tool a lot more in a separate video but let's say that i don't want to um i don't want to go along this this straight route i want to want to take my time and i want to come up come up this hill here and then take this ridge line down we're going to do this a few times so don't worry so let's go to making a route we want to have a route so that we can follow it right so let's wait for this to load click routes up here and then we're going to add a new route and we're going to make this route we'll call this route yellow and it will be a walking route it will be an infill and it will be our primary and it will be ascending right so let's start dropping points as you can see then once i clicked okay over here we now have this nifty thing up here on our toolbar and we can start making points so uh the vdo is now our point one right so let's keep going over here and then i'm going to use my keyboard here the wasd keys will allow you to move this sideways and also your arrow keys so whatever's more comfortable for you for me it's wasd because i'm right-handed using the mouse with my right hand and use you know wasd with my left so let's see here let's go ahead and follow follow up keeping some cover down right make sure that i'm not really taking too much effort into this this is going to be if i was really going to do this for real i would take a lot more time and effort using that elevation tool to sort of follow the contours up you know just like any other hiking trip really alright so we're up here at the top of this ridge say i don't want to go to the very top of the ridge i want to maintain that military crest back down here so i click and drag these points so that we're on we're out of visual range of the target and then we're going to continue down this ridge line more or less staying out of the view of the target probably should have left on the view shed down there at the target for for now but whatever all right we're going to follow this all the way down all the way down all the way down and then we pop up over the ridge line and we are there so there you go that's how you make a route in wintec or atac then we're going to click end editing and it's going to be right there so let's go ahead and zoom out and we'll look at this all right so that's our pretty that's our good route right there and it will show us what we see along the way so if you have multiple points along the way you can add in points as well but say i wanted to do another one say i wanted to to take a little bit more indirect route or i wanted an alternate route back to the vehicle in case i get compromised or something you always wanted an alternate route so let's go ahead and make a new route we're going to make this route let's see here what do you guys think let's just do blue it will be again a walking route and this will be infill and it will be secondary and okay let's go ahead and drive this one again let's let's go this way this time now usually you want to have different infills on different uh different sides of the objectives that you can come from different angles if you need be depending on which way the wind's blowing all that kind of stuff but i say we take the lower route and then we we just kind of hump it up over this hill here which is going to be a pretty good elevation change for us and there we go just for simplicity's sake we'll make it easy there we go all right so we've got two different routes for infill we could use these for xfil we could change them whatever whatever you wanted to do that's how you make routes and the cool part is is that say i was trying to choose between these two what i could do is go over here to the route details and click elevation profile and it will tell me how hard that trip will be as you can see grab our slider over here it's going to be not a whole lot of elevation gain a lot of elevation gain and then here at the end it sort of sort of goes up as we pop up over that hill so that's kind of interesting it's really helpful for planning hiking routes um a lot of other stuff as well so let's go ahead and and choose let me choose let me do the same thing with uh route yellow here do the elevation tool again and we'll see oh the elevator tool is still locked on the other one sorry hang on just a second route two we're gonna change this to route let's see route yellow just for simplicity's sake let's take that elevation route again let's see what we got here so this one it looks like you actually go downhill for a good amount of time for a little bit and you start coming up and then it's a slow steady incline this one looks like it's a lot harsher actually but then once you're up there on top of that ridge as you can see it levels out pretty good for the rest of the way so this one might be advantageous for some things depending on what you're trying to do you know if you find that you you'd like to the weather is permitting and you want to have this part of your journey right here climbing up that mountain at that point in time to be the uh strenuous part you could do that otherwise you could take the other easier route or you could go one way and then come back the other either way whatever you want to do so i'm going to change this to route blue and that will work for that just so that we can have that nice and neat for later right so we're done editing those routes and let's let's say that we want to add some phase lines here phase lines are a good way of in case you're going up there not not up there by yourself and you're reporting back your position to someone else like a headquarters element or just family back at home what you can do is add in phase lines and this is a good way to demonstrate the drawing tool so let me get we get rid of our routes over here let's go to our drawing tool right here i'm just going to click draw polyline and this is it i'm just going to say pick a good spot for a phase line let's see right here see if you remember we were going downhill until we got right here and then this right here this section from here to here was the most difficult part so i'm going to put a phase line right there for route yellow i'm going to end the shape and let's see we're going to do this and i'm going to name it let's call it phase line hmm let's go with spongebob see doesn't have to be anything super super duper special um i'm going to hesitate to name it yellow because our routes are yellow so i'm going to pick orange i know spongebob is obviously not orange but that kind of helps a little bit then i'm going to go over here and see there we've got phase line spongebob and this is so that say that you're trying to radio back and you don't have anybody tracking you like every step you take right you're actually having to expend resources to transmit your position you could say hey we just passed phase line spongebob it's a milestone in your trek so let's put one right there and let's put another one up here right as you get to the ridge because if anything's going to happen it's when you get to the very top of this elevation and you might have some kind of adversarial force on the other side something might happen if there's anything going to happen it's going to be right here at this point so let's go ahead and draw another polyline let's put it like right about here in that shape and we'll call this one once it loads call this one baseline patrick we'll make it magenta there we go and close that out and then let's put one more in there because if you remember this is not along the very top of the ridge line because as we remember we don't want to silhouette ourselves we want to not not have visual range of the contact until we're almost in position so let's put another phase line right about here that way somebody if we said this phase line right if we cross this phase line right here we'll know that we're almost there on top of the objective so let's go ahead and drop another one in there we'll drop it like right here so that's a good one see if it loads and we'll call this one phase line squid word we will make it let's see sort of light blue that'll work so yeah that's sort of keeping a theme it kind of helps kind of helps things as well i'm not going to put phase lines for blue here uh just because of you know time constraints and it's once you've done a couple of these you'll know how to do the others so now we've got a product that's starting to take place here now let's say for instance that like i said you know cell phone jamming is kind of an issue right so what i'm going to want to do is go back here to our target let's say right here in the city and i want to avoid direct line of sight to the city so i'm going to go over here to elevation tools once again we're going to do another view shed once again drop one let's drop it right there i'm sorry i forgot to select it drop it right there and let's close that out for a second let's see if it reaches all the way to our target yeah it does alright cool so if i'm in this red here i'm not going to be in direct line of sight to this city which means that if i'm using a cell phone i'm most likely going to be connecting to towers over here to the north right unless i pop over this ridge line then there's most likely a cell tower somewhere down here now if your uh communications dudes and your operation dudes or or whoever is on top of their stuff they can give you a kmz of all of the cell towers in this area so you can more accurately make your route to avoid any potential electronic surveillance but we don't have that capability so what we're going to do is set up a good spot that we can pop back over to to make a radio call back north back to say maybe our vehicle right and where we have a bigger repeater so let's go ahead and drop another point right here in this red spot this will be our good radio zone it's nice and clear there's not a whole lot of uh vegetation but we want to we want to stick we don't want to be out in the open we want to be able to get in there very easily without our footprints coming around so let's go ahead and put it right about so right about here use a point dropper again let's see if we have a different symbol here maybe a different symbol that we can use let's see markers now okay generic icons no these are all numbers i forgot let's say google's probably got something look here yeah sure why not we'll just use that for the telephone for a while and that will be our point and we can change the name of it to uh radio site there you go and so you can start building these products and start start putting these things together um just by using atac and because a lot of times you're you're stuck using google earth to kind of figure out okay what's a good you know what's a good place to put you know our radio things like that um where's a good site to set up well you know this is a lot easier and as you can see the 3d the 3d element of atac is not as good as google the reason that it's kind of hanging up here is because even i i've used this for quite a while now and even i don't i'm not used to it yet because to swivel this way to swivel along this axis you have to hold down your right mouse and then to swivel up and down you have to hold down mouse three your scroll wheel click and then holding down left mouse allows you to just move your eyeball point around so it takes a little bit of getting used to it is very different from google as when you start using this if you were used to having the google uh scroll wheel uh key doing everything you're gonna have to adapt um but yeah so this is this is how a product starts coming together all right now let's say i need an emergency egress route let's say i need to get the heck out of there because there's some kind of weather or storm or something like that well looks like i can make it down to this road here pretty good and then i can just follow that road all the way up to my vehicle or something like that or say that i need supplies something like that i can put in another point let's go ahead and drop in another point here this site right here looks like the last sorry hung up there for a second this site here looks like the last little bit see where it starts looks like there's a ridge line right here or some kind of soft ridge line that kind of obscures so you can be seen from the city down there but right here you can't be looks like a nice wide area right here with a blind curve around it so i can put in a resupply point right there let me put in um use i'll just use another spot i'll put a put an orange point we'll put that as uh potential resupply resupply one we'll just make it like that see there you go and this is pretty cool and you know a lot of us are familiar with doing this in either something like palantir or gaia or even something like google earth if you're if you're not one of the high speed dudes you don't have access to those tools but for the civilian side this is really a very very powerful tool because you can make these mission graphics and things like that and you don't have to uh don't really have to have a huge amount of of resources and also if someone's here using this when tag you can connect with a network so that you can actually monitor this stuff real time so say you've got dudes sitting in this lpop right and they are observing down there well you'll see on your map when they start dropping points so you can even call in threats and say look hey look i see there's a vehicle somewhere so i can just go ahead right click real quick make it a hostile point and boom send it to them instantly uh okay so yeah here are our uh here's our operation right this is just a very bare bones route it's it's basically just a hiking gps file that you can load into a gps but if you're using atac you have the ability to do a lot of different things say that you're coming up here you're almost to phase line spongebob here and you spot a uh a game camera or something like that and you want to kind of avoid that so that you're not you know being surveilled say that it's right here you can very quickly right click and drop a point right there and this is a contact and you can change this and edit this here in the thing i don't know if i would label this as a contact or just a point because it's kind of static the game camera is a static thing but let's just put this in there sorry my keyboard is hanging up for just a second there we go and there you go you can put a game camera right there or something like that you can change the symbol on this if you were to drop a point and all that kind of stuff but this is most likely what your your dude in the field is going to be doing uh from the actual atac app it takes a half a second to drop a point and you can convert it to whatever you want here back at your home sort of station right so let's say that you make it all the way up here to your lpop site and you say you know i really don't like it let me go ahead and move it a little bit let's go ahead and move it down the hill a little ways say that like that's a better spot there you go that's how you move a target so you click on it and then you've got this nice radial menu here and without even having to edit anything you can go ahead and click that button and that turns it into a nice more precision tool right and then you can move it around say i want to move it around to let's see right there in the shade of that bush that'll be a good spot right so say that that's that's your your new lpop site uh and once you get established and things like that you can use other different symbols and things down here on your target so say that you are you're in position here and you're looking at your uh your vehicles here on the ground looks like let's see if there's any military vehicles for real here in this image i don't really see any unless there's like a c12 or something down there that looks like a civilian aircraft let's see yeah now it looks just like normal civilian traffic but let's just say that a uh a c-130 or something lands in the parks like right here well what you can do is go ahead and drop a point and then instead of spot map we can go down here to vehicles there you go what did i say c130 there you go click c130 drop it right there and that will drop the actual size of the c130 on the map which is pretty cool and yeah so that's how you do that and you can of course change it by moving around moving the heading around and things like that so from your radial menu that's how you change which direction that it's pointed in let's say it's parked right there just like that and let's say that it's actually not there it's moved back a little bit move it back a little ways oh it's too far it's in the building move it forward a little bit yeah that's that's a good parking spot for it and as you can see here that shows the actual size of that aircraft on the ground and that's very helpful for mission planning and things like that so yeah that's pretty much how you can use atac for just a simple let's go see what's going on over there mission and you can make it much more of instead of just being hey let's go up there and see what we can see it can actually be a legitimate planned operation now of course this is uh this is not even baby steps this is like way before baby steps when it comes to things like actual military operation planning and the you know mdmp and stuff like that but this does give a lot of people a very simple uh way to use atac in their everyday missions for the civilian world now for the military world obviously atac has so many other uses that we can't even possibly cover all of them but for the civilian side of things we will be covering a lot more stuff like this so hopefully this was helpful for everyone um if you have any questions just please let us know drop them in the comments box below we have about a dozen different videos already uh being planned to show you how to do specific things within atac and then it's up to you it's to to have the flexibility to put all this stuff together so uh if you're just trying to use this to plan an operation like this a very small level operation that it's fine you can use atac for that as well so yeah this was just a very short primer on how you can use atac to increase your your mission you know planning efforts and things like that and really be sort of you know a very good asset to your team or family or just you know yourself or whatnot so yeah please be on the lookout for the future videos we're going to have coming out on atac we're going to show you how to do a lot of cool different stuff in atac but this this time around we just wanted to show you some of the very basic features um and stuff that you know maybe hasn't quite been talked about in a civilian context just yet so um we're going to be you know talking a little bit a little bit of doctrine in the future a little bit of atac tactics things stuff like that but this time we're just trying to get you just show you what the flavors are out there for you to choose from when it comes to atex so yeah that's really all we've got for now make sure to like comment and subscribe if you think that this stuff was useful and make sure to follow us on our other platforms as well just so you don't miss any of our other content that's all we've got for this time so always remember to fight in the shade you
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Views: 36,301
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Keywords: prepper, prepping, s2, underground, survival, security, sere, military, army, navy, usmc, marines, marine, coast guard, air force, special forces, green, beret, terrorist, information, breaking, resistance, escape, comms, first amendment, tradecraft, fightintheshade, shtf, shelter, tacticool, personal, ballistic, operations, tactical, tactics, activism, sabotage, guerilla, warfare, protest, atak, tak, wintak, android, arcmap, arcgis, data, kml, kmz, earth, geo, georeference, imagery, analyst, intel, intelligence, tutorial, plate carrier
Id: ar3DNJaOJ1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 23sec (2363 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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