At the Airport Conversation

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[Music] at the airport the Scots are going on vacation they are going to travel by plane they are packing their bags Sarah is very excited I can't wait to be in the plane the taxi is here let's go I'll put your bags in the trunk for you thank you very much where can I take you to the airport please can you drop us off near the entrance yes sure here we are that'll be eight dollars and fifty cents please thanks for the ride keep the change thank you have a nice flight [Music] why don't we gonna do first mom first we need to go to the check-in counter what are we gonna do there we are gonna check in our bags and get our boarding passes let's go there is such a long queue of passengers here don't worry we won't have to wait long hello we would like to check-in hello can I see your tickets and passports please yes of course here they are how many bags are you checking in two bags can you put them on the scale please yes sure how many carry-on bags are you taking with you to banks now Stephanie and I can take my bag on the plane with me yes Sarah okay here are your boarding passes and your passports thank you you will be boarding at gate b2 at 12:10 okay thank you very much so where are we going now that we're going through security now hello hello put your bags on here please empty your pockets and put the contents in the tray why does this machine bad this is the x-ray machine that looks inside things now we have to step through the scanner I'll go first now it's my turn here is your back now we need to go to our gate let's take the escalator we are going to wait here for the boarding announcement why are we passing through this tunnel dad this is the boarding bridge it takes us directly to the plane welcome aboard I hope you enjoy your flight with us today here are your seats you can put your bags into the overhead compartment mr. Scott is sitting in the aisle seat mrs. Scott is sitting in the window seat and Sarah is sitting in the middle mom can i seat by the window of course you can let's switch seats please fasten your seat belt because the plane is going to take off soon [Music] [Applause] look we're flying this is so amazing [Music] now it's safe to unfasten the seatbelts [Music] what would you like for your in-flight meal we have chicken and rice or pasta we'd like chicken and rice please would you like anything to drink with that yes I'd have a glass of lemonade please and two glasses of water for us please [Music] this is your captain speaking we are about to land so please fasten your seat belts [Music] are we going to do hotel now first we need to go to the baggage claim to get our bags [Music] thanks for watching please subscribe to our YouTube channel and visit our website it's pages calm [Music]
Channel: Easy English
Views: 3,685,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english, study english, english conversation, airport conversation, english lesson, english course, english dialogue, english words, english vocabulary, educative video, english for teachers, traveling by plane
Id: jy88ejZrPWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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