Health and Ilnesses Conversation

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[Music] welcome to kids pages let's learn about health and illnesses through conversation [Music] hello what's wrong my son has a fever doctor let's check your temperature first it looks a little high let me listen to your heart and breathing with a stethoscope breathe in and breathe out deeply now i'll check your ears let's see your throat ah now i will check knee reflex i'll give you some medicine that will lower your son's temperature he is going to feel better soon here you are thank you very much doctor [Music] hi how are you today i feel great thank you it's such a lovely day what about you well i am not so good but what's the matter i have a terrible headache i'm sorry to hear that i hope a walk in the fresh air will help you feel better i hope so too [Music] let's have dinner the food is so delicious i'm afraid i can't eat anything i have a stomachache oh that's too bad i think you should see a doctor as soon as possible [Music] what's wrong what happened i have a backache i think you should get some rest let's sit down for a while [Music] you should hurry up you'll be late for school i'm afraid i can't go to school today i don't feel well but what's the matter i have a cold okay then you should stay in bed today i'll bring you some warm tea [Music] what happened to you unfortunately i had an accident and i broke my leg oh that's terrible i'm sorry to hear that you should be more careful next time yes i'll most certainly be [Music] are you okay i'm afraid i'm not so good i have a cough in a chest pain let's go inside and have a cup of warm tea it will help you feel better it's too cold outside okay let's go [Music] what happened are you okay i cut myself i'm bleeding i'll bind you up right away is it better now yes it's much better thank you [Music] it's so hot today let's have an ice cream shall we oh i'm afraid i can't i have a terrible toothache i'm so sorry to hear that you should see a dentist [Music] what's the matter are you not feeling well i feel a little dizzy let's sit down for a while until you feel better okay [Music] i feel better now let's go what's wrong i have an earache oh i think we should go to the doctor right away let me check your blood pressure you have a high blood pressure that's why you are dizzy sometimes let me check your ear oh i see it's an infection [Music] good morning my dear you look worried is everything all right look mom i woke up this morning with this awful rash on my hand it's so itchy don't scratch i'll buy you a cream to soothe the itch okay mom [Music] dad you're late for work i'm afraid i can't go to work today i have the flu i feel very bad oh poor you dad i hope you get better soon [Music] are you okay no i'm not i think i have diarrhea i have to go to the bathroom [Music] feeling better now sort of i have to take a medicine for my cramps [Music] are you ill what is that sarah for i have a sore throat it relieves my pain oh i see i hope you'll be better soon [Music] how do you feel today i'm afraid not so good i have nausea i will have to give you a vaccine shot don't worry it won't hurt you sit down [Music] we'll take an x-ray don't move [Music] now you are going to have an ultrasound scan [Music] oh my god what happened to you i fell down the stairs and broke my arm oh that's terrible i hope you heal quickly thanks a fever a headache a stomach ache a backache a cold a broken leg a cough a cut a toothache dizziness high blood pressure an earache an infection a rash the flu diarrhea a sore throat nausea a vaccine shot an x-ray an ultrasound scan a broken arm thanks for watching if you like this video please subscribe to our youtube channel and give us a like thank you
Channel: Easy English
Views: 1,694,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: study English, English vocabulary, health, illness, words, language, expressions, learn, doctor, conversation, dialogue, idioms
Id: RLG8Nyve2vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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