Jumping A Rover To Another PLANET 1.0 EDITION ! Successful Jump? Astroneer Full Release | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what's going on everybody's Z here no welcome back to some more Astra near so if you guys haven't already always definitely like subscribe if you don't already I'm saying that early because we're gonna try to make this a quick episode so what is this episode well if you guys remember you may not remember but you may remember we tried to we tried to jump our Rover from this planet to this planet so this is going to be the 1.0 edition but it's also going to hopefully work this time it's actually gonna work this out because what we're doing it last time we tried to jump from here to here right obviously planet right there however the game doesn't quite work that way so this may look like silver right there that might look like our home planet however this right here is actually silver this is the planet this is the visual representation over there but this right here is actually planet that's why you can see the beacons that's why you can see a little randomly floating stuff that it's in the shape of a planet I'm just saying I'm just saying so we're gonna be reattempt Eva ever famous jump the jump from well barren to Scylla but de solo to Silva so yeah if you guys enjoy definitely leave like always subscribe as well okay so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna land right here right now this is the planet this is where we're aiming to go because this will actually load the planet if we jump from here to there that will actually cause the planet to load now if I exit I don't think I'm gonna be out able to actually see anything I don't think you can actually see oh you totally can whoo you totally can't okay so this is our goal our goal is to jump to there because the the floating plants around here again they're just they're kind of like just visual representations so we want to go there that is actually the planet we're trying to go to so yeah pretty excited pretty excited I do have things I'm ready to go for the most part we honestly just have to get ourselves a good runway up to it that's that's really all we need to do so I am going to start by working on that I honestly think if we just get a nice ramp right here probably up a little bit and then we're gonna try to direct ourselves to where we need to go yes so that that's the goal of this episode and that's the goal again if you guys are just like catching it this is the first time you ever see 280 feet again we I play Astron all the time absolutely so uh I don't know I don't know because my my best video ever on the channel is doing this in early access so I'm just curious I'm curious we have to retry it we absolutely have to retry this thing in 1.0 the game is officially released but now that we know what we know I think we can actually get ourselves a successful jump that last one wasn't successful didn't happen but I really think that this is it I really think this is this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna prepare myself a nice launch area platform ish thing kind of sort of ish yeah you know things you're gonna need let's cover things you're gonna need thanks you're gonna need you're going to need a large Rover you're going to need four thrusters for hydrazine thrusters you're not gonna want to use the solid-state thrusters because you can't turn them on and off and they're only good for cheese's so that would just be kind of kind of silly and a bunch of hydrazine I have twelve each one can hold three so that's three for each one front and back now you might be like well why don't you put on the front because what's gonna happens when we launch we are actually going to start like twisting and turning and stuff like that so I'm hoping I'm really hoping that we can get to where we want to go by just having just over the front the back it would be nice to have a rear thruster or like a side thruster rear thruster we're gonna have rear thrusters absolutely it would be nice to have eight side thrusters so we could kind of control that but that's realistically it can't happen it can't have it at this point yes I'm trying to make myself a nice run up here and then a launch essentially I probably am I'm actually gonna shoot up a little bit higher then then then I'm not gonna try to aim directly for this because we need to aim up because we're gonna fall a little bit we're gonna catch orbit a little bit then we're gonna try to jet out we're gonna try to get out so yeah I'm gonna get this ramp built I'll see you guys once I get back all right so we have ramp made now it's not as big as I thought it would be it sounds because I was gonna make it but we're gonna try it we're gonna give it a go this is gonna be a round numero uno first test I don't know if it'll work on the first test or not I mean I guess we'll find out won't we yes we will so as you see we have the rover here actually you know what this is gonna bother me we just have all the same because if we bad it's gonna bother me there okay this is test number one and now I have made a like a backup of the save as it was because I don't have to go back to get all the hydrazine again yes that's kind of a pain and we're going to lose the rover why don't you go on there let's load you over here and then we'll put you on there okay all right so we also have a small generator with some organic stuffs ready to go man because we're gonna need a little bit of power to to get going we're gonna need a little power to get going so I don't know if it's gonna work out the first time I don't think so you know first tries never seem to work out very well but uh okay okay that was that was front or front thrusters all right are you guys ready for this are you guys ready I'm so excited okay I'm so excited all right let's go let's go let's go maximum speed and loose okay see that right there is probably gonna mess us up but that will cut that and it will blast the front okay all right uh that kind of screwed me up that messed me up yeah all right first time first time is is a no-go first times a no-go all righty test number one did not work test number two we modified the ramp I made it so it wasn't quite as steep off the beginning because I think we hit that bag back transition off the second part right here and it really slows down so uh yeah we sent it out and it's better I feel like it's a better slope I guess I guess you could say so we're gonna give this guy try will work this time ah maybe maybe I don't know I'm definitely more hopeful of this time last time wasn't too bad let's actually get that generator going and yeah all right let's do it do you guys thinks it's gonna work I feel like it might I feel like it might all right so here we go okay maximum speed oh man that ruined everything no it was to fail from the beginning all right we're gonna give that one again another girl I feel like I just kind of messed it up so let's just get going let's do this and maximum thrust no oh oh baby baby this one might be good this one might be good yeah I need to I need to flip no this is why we need sideways star servers hey come on come on we might be able to do believe might be able to make this happen I feel like we're just for bidding now I feel like we're just orbiting come on we might be able get ourselves over there I'm not worried about maybe trying to correct myself to get over there I think we're in orbit though so now we just got a head that oh yeah we totally are we totally are okay all right we just got a head that way that way that's where we're going because that's where the planet is so every time we get some thrust we're gonna start head that way oh we are like I feel like this might happen if we don't run out of hydrazine we'll be good oh this might work this might work I can't remember which ones which yes right what all right we're going we're going trying to see where we're at I feel like we kind of need to slow down though all right let's see if we can't get over here so there's that where's where's the I can't see the stuff is unfortunate I can't see where we're at I feel like we're right above it oh yeah we totally are right above it okay so I start heading downwards okay I feel like that's like that's a good spot oh I feel like we might have this we might have this oh we're getting close oh come on okay right there we were right there it's right there just to get there it's really hard the camera angles gotta kind of walkie not meant for this you know really meant oh no it's Reena of hydrazine I don't know if we're gonna make it I ran out of hydrazine here oh yeah I just hey look at the core it's like a square hole thing you're that interesting oh man we might actually do it cuz this is it right here okay okay I gotta use this sparingly I literally have to use this as sparingly as I kid I think we might we might be on to it though oh no way guys I think I think we're gonna get it I think we're gonna get it oh no way we should hit fake ground hmm we did it we did it we jumped we jump to the next planet we jumped a plane to a door over okay so it's gonna look guys we're on the okay hold on so okay how this works is if you okay I should be able to get out yes because you just can't see the train the trains just not loaded in so how this works is the train doesn't load in if I save here if I enter save and come back this will load in this will load in it's kind of funny you can see everything right now this is absolutely insane and I could see where my base is so let's try make your way over to our base okay so this is gonna be extremely hard because I don't know if there's gonna be a ravine or something because I can say okay this is what we're gonna do well nope nope nope nope nope nope okay this is what we're gonna do oh my gosh we did it we jumped up Luckett so here I'm just gonna keep you guys here the whole time we're gonna save ACOTA main menu yes okay so I made copies like I said I made copies as a safe just to kind of you know try and stuff like that but this was this the everything you saw is everything I did this was literally what second third try plus we got load into YouTube three okay this is this is exactly where I was now the planet should load it in if the game doesn't crash as long as the game does a crash you should loaded and we should have totally jumped to another planet did we do it did it happen I'm beyond Excel we did we are totally here we're totally it we jumped oh my gosh we totally jumped the play it no way no I can't I like okay so before you could like see glitch to another planet by using this method but I've never jumped a rover to another planet we see we this this rover right here interstellar travel it happened with this room this is amazing I can't even believe it I just can't I cannot believe that this actually happened it actually worked that is oh this is the greatest thing this is the greatest thing guys if you enjoyed definitely like if you already don't forget subscribe as well we just say at 50 like I think we're I almost 55,000 people now which is super amazing I can't believe where you're headed yeah so what let's let's try make our way back to the base I wanted I want to see how like I just want to get back to the base we took a shuttle to de solo and we jumped a rover back to Silva this is it's a we jumped a planet with a rover and it actually work it actually worked this is so exciting oh we might have to do this on stream we might have to do this on stream guys if you guys if you didn't know I do stream on twitch so twitch.tv slash lee hwon gave you guys was guys what I can stretch much oh my gosh this is so cool so I think our base is over here because you guys remember we can see the beacons through the through the planet essentially this is amazing okay let's let's not fall into the I have like so excited that that worked like I feel like I knew that I would at the same time I wasn't positive I didn't know for sure if it would work I did not know for 100% sure if it would actually work and it totally worked we just jumped our rover from one planet to the other that is absolutely insane I can't even believe I can't lose so if you guys jump a rover towards the towards the oh gosh the if you if you jump it towards like the actual planet looking planet you're not gonna get anywhere it's it does there's nothing there there's nothing there as you can see how this worked we jump from one point to this planet and oh oh it's see it's still loading the beacons on the other point I think that's probably just so low maybe oh my gosh I don't know if I just ruin the save either because this this cannot be good for the game but what happened why did she turn off that's weird sure enough I must turn it off I want to get back to my base I just want to make a successful round trip sorry I'm gonna work my way back to the base yeah I don't think we're too far from it because it was like right here-ish I think I think it was right here ish so I guess we'll find out oh we finally found it all right I've been looking for a while I've been looking for a while it turns out it's uh it looks a lot closer what the plant is completely see-through but we made it back we made it back oh my gosh look at that we've made it from one planet to another with nothing but a rover so ok let me let me sidebar here and say hey is this worth it probably not let's see what do you guys you wouldn't need aluminium alloy in rubber well this guy's just too aluminium you can definitely plant it hop a little easier with just a small shuttle just a small shuttle would definitely do the trick but we had to do it we are officially here now my large shuttle is on a different planet and I don't really have a way to get I mean I could take the small shuttle to get the large shuttle and then pack up a small shuttle bring it back I guess that can happen but uh yeah we totally did it we did it we guys we did it we did it together it was amazing super fantastically awesome so um yeah thank you guys for watching appreciate the sport I tried to keep this video short I could apologize if I ran on Ally too long but oh my gosh it was so much fun and we even have a little Hydra seed left I was super worried we ran a hydrazine on the the one side and not the other oh I was like I was like no we're not gonna make it but we totally did we totally did it it's amazing so um yes thanks guys for watching preciate all the support again subscribe like whatever you want you guys see whatever you guys want to do but um yeah I guess until next time you guys have a wonderful wonderful weekend [Music]
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 132,056
Rating: 4.9218621 out of 5
Keywords: z13s3r, z1 gaming, astroneer thruster, astroneer truck, astroneer update, astroneer rover update, jet truck, jet truck ramp, astroneer ramp, astroneer rover ramp, base building, astroneer big ramp, astroneer game, rover in space, astroneer rover jump, astroneer rover space jump, space jump, rover in orbit, jumping out of planet, planet jump, astroneer planet jump, ramp, jump to planet, jump to another planet, rover jump to planet, astroneer 1.0, astroneer full release
Id: I9Q6qRY6jWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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