"What Credit Cards Should I Apply For?" And When to Apply for Them

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[Music] so what a crazy 2020. i've been thinking about this guys how crazy 2020 has been with you know with covet and the uncertainties in america and across the world so uh what i wanted to share with you today is more along the lines of some of the credit cards we should get and and really how to climb that ladder and do it in a particular way that would help you out individualize some of the credit cards that you should get based on your credit score and some of the benefits of the cards so welcome to the credit game if it's your first time on a channel guys i am here every single day with you i'm the only challenge every day we grew the fastest credit channel the reason why i want to be all up in your space is because the more you learn about credit and the more you learn about how it works the better score you're going to have i have a mission to get the national credit average from 667 to over 700 i'm going to accomplish that using a credit game the reason for it is because this is something that is transferable so as you get it you could share with somebody else they could share with somebody else the next thing you know it spreads bigger than clovid that being said i know it's been uncertain world so i want to make sure that there are some things that are certain in your life so i'm going to ask you this do me a favor subscribe to the channel it's your first time if it is not your first time make sure you turn on your bell notification because that will let you know when the videos are coming and i'm doing them every day right the more you do something better you get it's like i give the analogy if you try to sit down with a 12 year old and play them against fortnite you're going to lose why because they play the game every day learn the game the better you get the game the better you're going to get a credit cred it's just a big game all right so what credit cards do we get based on where we're at we're going to put these in in categories of called stages okay so as we're climbing our ladder we want to know what cards we should get so a we don't get a bunch of inquiries and b you don't get disappointments because you're trying to apply for something that requires a 775 credit score and you're at a 450. okay so stage one what i want to talk to you guys first about is stage one okay stage one is someone who's brand new to credit doesn't have much on their credit report okay so you guys know online jewelry club is that primary account you should have that on there if you don't have your rent reporters on there you should have your rent reporters on there where you can report your rent those are primary accounts okay those are very extremely easy to get almost everybody gets a per form uh unless you've had a bankruptcy i think then online jewelry club or aka my jewelers club will not um allowed to have other than that those are simple cards to get okay however you cannot use those cards like credit cards okay they're for the store so what i mean by stage one is this is somebody between 550 500 even all the way up to about that 600 range okay we're talking we're talking low credit scores okay now i'm not saying somebody who has 15 negatives but has a 550 credit score okay or 600 credit score i know that's kind of counter productive a little bit for me to to say it like that but i'm looking for someone who has maybe a few negatives maybe right they've got poor credit but they don't have like 15 20. okay so what would i be looking at i would be looking at some of the cards like this i would be looking at first of all secured credit cards okay so what that this means you walk into the bank you pay two three four hundred bucks okay they're gonna give you a credit card they're gonna give you a shot because it's your money they're using your money as collateral okay they lend you out a credit card based on your money that's called secure that's probably the the baseline of the lowest credit scores credit card you're going to get because again it's your money right so there's no risk to the bank but there are some other ones okay there are some other cards that um you got like finger hut you've got um you've got your capital one platinum card okay most people get that that's a little two three hundred dollar credit card high interest rate okay that's gonna be like your 550 to 600 range now if we're looking at about the 620 to say maybe 660 area that's what we're gonna call stage two okay and in stage two what i'm looking for really is two cards okay these are the two cards i like i like the capital one quicksilver card and i like to discover it card so capital one quicksilver and discover it or discover it card that's what i'm looking for between a 620 and say 660 area okay this is where you're gonna start to get a little bit of rewards back okay might be a small annual fee attached to it but that's my stage two card okay now we climb the ladder a little bit more now we're going to stage three because we need to start like you know we need to start getting out of the you know in the stage two we're probably looking at 500 to 1500 maybe 2 000 if you're pushing it in terms of credit limits okay now when you're getting into stage 3 you're looking at credit limits between somewhere that three to say seven to ten thousand dollar credit limit depending on where you're at on the scale but you're going to be between 660 and say 700 you know 660 to 700 across the board okay um i've only got one recommendation for you here okay now again every one of my videos just so you guys know and please give me a thumbs up while you're here uh take the time to do that means a lot to me and helps me out it's how we grew the biggest channel uh in uh national history in credit and the fastest because we're we're doing them every day so a thumbs up really helps you all grow thank you for that um i did one card inside kind of middle of the road what we call average credit okay this is where the average person falls right with the average person in the in america falling at 667 i'm talking people between you know that 620 to 700 credit score that's an average credit score what card do i like if i was in that pair now again i'm telling you about what i would get today i'm at 80 27 i've been there for the last seven years okay i built a credit game based on me being in a 505 and then building my credit up okay all the way up to an 827 never going back again all right so what i would do is i'm coming i'm speaking from my heart to help you guys and what the cards that i would use so some of the cards that i'm looking at i'm sharing with you today is kind of the process that i went through okay i'm gonna show you some fast tracks in a minute but stage three i like the chase freedom card okay chase freedom card anywhere between 6 20 on the low end all the way up to say 700 if you guys are in that area across the board when i say across the board i mean experian equifax and transunion if you're in that area i like chase freedom card typically chase is known to give very generous upfront credit limits they're not uh they're not stingy with their credit limits um initially they're not the best for getting line increases but chase is great for giving a little bit more money on the front end okay so that's why i like chase all right boom boom boom okay now we're going to step up a little bit okay because now we're going to be looking at credit scores 720 to say 760 770 area right before we get to what we call a1 credit which we'll talk about and then that's stage five okay the stage four here's what i like guys i like american express okay i like i like the american express blue card which is called the everyday card i like the american express green card i like the gold card okay it's basically the american express gold these three cards right here will be perfect for someone right around that 700 credit score okay 700 credit score beautiful cards some of them have a little bit higher in terms of the annual fee they go from 95 all the way up to like you know some of the big big boys which we'll talk in a minute all the way up to 600 annual fee but those aren't necessary to get okay um blue everyday cash card grade card american express i like the um the platinum card i like the gold card and i like the green card okay great family to be in it with american express it's a great line of cards to get the cool thing about american express is this you get your credit limit they are generous with their credit limits and once you make three payments on time you can call them up and ask for a credit line increase and i've done a video if you guys haven't seen my video about how to get line increases go back to that video because i talk about american express exclusively how to get what they're doing is a 3x return meaning they give you 3 000 you make three payments on time say hey i'm looking to redo my kitchen trying to you know uh redo some property renovation whatever i'm doing tile floors granite countertops i'm doing stainless steel everything in the kitchen you can get three times the initial credit limit that they gave you so if 3 000 now you have a 9 000 credit limit that's american express um also they have so many perks in terms of travels they have a lot of things if you guys travel you stay in hotels flights american express is superior to any credit card in my opinion when it comes to travel hacking okay so travel hacking meaning that you don't pay for hotels and pay for flights i don't pay for hotels or flights okay because i've got enough points on my american express to where when i do go to travel if i want to stay at a hotel in marriott or you know four seasons or whatever i stay and i want to get first uh you know i wanna i wanna sit i don't wanna sit and coach i wanna sit in first class i don't pay i can go to i could go to here to spain and back nine times on my points right because i've got over a million points um so as you use these credit cards the more you use them especially american express i use it like a debit card plus all my ads everything americans press a great great card to have and i'm gonna share a secret with you in a minute about american express and help you guys out okay let's go to stage five now we're all the way at the top okay and the express falls in this category as well because this means you're gonna get a higher credit limit but let's say that you are in that what we call excellent credit score now remember 781 is perfect 850 is perfect so anybody who says they have a 8 30 is just bragging just like i just said at a27 i'm just writing because it means no different than me saying i have a 781. considered the same a1 credit same interest rates same deal same down payments on everything okay so 781 to 850 here's the cards that i like i like the signature chase preferred credit card okay chase preferred and it's a signature card that card um requires very high credit score to get it but it also has a minimum of ten thousand dollars yes you're not gonna get anything less than ten thousand okay great great card um if you are part of the military i like the navy federal rewards card that card will go up to 50 000 dollar credit in fact i've got a 47 000 line of credit uh not a line of credit it's actually a credit card uh but it's a navy federal so they will lend up to 50 000 on a credit card it's one of the highest credit cards i've seen other than american express which is technically unlimited because it's a charge card okay so as you build that up it's it's gives you more power it's called spending limit your power okay with american express i'll explain that in a second as well um so i also like the barclays arrival plus excellent credit okay i want you above 780. that's where i want you to get this card again something you're probably looking at getting you know a minimum 15 000 all the way up to mine's 47 oh would i get on that one 49 49 something thousand on that one okay so these are cards that you can build up um line increases are very they're very generous with barclays um i've never had a problem barclays one of my favorite banks to use um you got the jet blue card you've got the um you and and you've got the barclay arrival plus card i want you guys to be in the very top tier 780 plus across the board and uh that should be the cards that you should get based on that credit score okay so that's your top tier that's like you like like i'm up there man i'm i'm sorry now by no means do i have an 800 credit score not me but i'm asking you by no means does it say hey i'm going to get a proof for the cards i just told you just because because here's the deal if you put one little single little au on a credit on your credit and you had no credit and you put a good authorized user on there you could easily have an 800 credit score does that mean you're gonna get approved for a barclays arrival plus card or an american express platinum absolutely not okay so there's a little bit of a formula that has to happen right you're gonna need primary accounts on there you're gonna need to build it up a little bit uh they don't just give you a fifty thousand dollar credit limit just because you put one au or authorized user aka authorized user on your credit and you had a complete credit repair done and all once you put one trade line on you're like well i'm an 815 on all three bureaus i want to go for the americans press it's not gonna happen okay so just again think about there's other criteria other than credit score to make sure that you get a credit card number one income comes in play okay if you say i make seven thousand dollars a year i live under a bridge and and uh i haven't worked in three years do you think that you're gonna get a credit card for forty thousand dollars okay you don't need to put in comments because i'm being rhetorical the answer is no okay you're not going to get a credit card if you say dumb things okay so i come to you that's why i'm real you got to be smart about what you say okay remember that everything on a credit card application is stated i'm going to leave it with that take it for what it's worth okay it's your nugget for the day thank you for what it's worth that the information that you fill out is stated which means 99 of the time it's unverifiable they're not going to call you up and ask you to verify it okay on credit card applications all right so don't go crazy and if you're making 70 000 a year put in 400 000 okay and don't say hey i've been living somewhere for 20 years when you've been there for 3.5 years what i'm saying is most of the time they're not going to verify that information okay let's go back to american express for a minute here's what i'm going to tell you if we went back to stage one and stage one said hey i can get finger hut i can get my capital one two three hundred dollar cards usually what they're going to give you okay it's my starter card um i've got you know some negatives on my credit report or you could say how do i fast track mike to get me to stage three or four so i can be looking at getting cards that are you know three to ten thousand dollars here's what i would tell you i would tell you that you need to pay real close attention i'm gonna tell you i'm also gonna give you a bonus because you stayed to the end as well i would tell you that you need to have two to three primary accounts what i mean by that is online jewelry club should be on there your rent reporters should be on there okay and then you should have some type of other credit card whether it's a stage one or stage two on your credit okay if you can get that on there before you can jump to stage three you're gonna be in much better place also the other fast track is called authorized users okay so what did i do in a credit game is i created a platform that gives you the biggest two benefits that's going to help you fast track from stage one to stage four or five like that okay because it took me five to six years i don't want you to have to wait that long okay what i want to do in 2020 for you is show you how to fast track it so you guys don't have to put that many years in the way i would do it today okay is i would contact my office asap and say look i'm looking at fast track okay this credit game right here gives you everything you need i basically put my entire five years where i was tracking like literally putting everything in there because i built this for me and now i'm just sharing with you that's all i built this entire course for myself and now basically that's how i'm sharing award-winning world and i'm literally helping raise the national credit average so today here's what i'm gonna do for you guys you call i'm gonna do two things number one i'm gonna give you access to elite credit repair okay you guys get in the credit game purchase any of my credit game i'm gonna give you a leak credit pair fastest credit parallel planet literally results in 60 days okay number one number two you're gonna get trade lines for up to 75 off okay so forget the whole broker program where people are talking about i give you 30 40. up to 75 off so where normal trade line might be thousand bucks give me the example of a 20k 10 year card okay you guys will be looking at about two 300 bucks for that card get into my program you get 75 percent access with my vip vendors number one to get the elite credit pair and number two vendor 75 all for competitor prices okay that's the fast track you need to get to where you want to be number three is anybody that joins today i'm going to be giving you my access links to my american express okay what that means is i've been using american express for many years guys spend about 100 and 20 thousand dollars a month on my american express cards okay so over a million dollars go on to my american express per year on ad spend i use it like a debit card okay so facebook instagram everything goes on on that card because of that's why i told you now i can travel for free and do what i want and and i use my points you guys get in today i'm going to give you access to in order how i want you to apply for the american express credit cards the same ones i have the really cool thing about it is you can use them at any time okay so you're gonna get your elite credit repair okay that's on the house once you get into my program getting my program you're getting free elite credit repair there's no charge for that okay but you got to get into my program number two inside my program that's how you get the free elite credit repair and you get the discount on the trade lines 75 off okay and number three today if you get in i'm giving away the four links to my american express and how i want you to apply for them a and b uh exactly what cards they are and what's really cool about it again is i spend so much money on them so having a referral code having it referred by me gives you a significant upper hand on you just going online and trying to apply for it okay so again if you call in and you say hey i'm ready to rock and roll i want to get in the credit game then you need to say hey i want the american express links if you're not at a 700 yet i don't want you to apply okay so we're gonna get you there first by going through the credit game getting the elite credit pair putting the trade lines on i'll show you exactly what you need to do through that process then you have the links because i'm going to email them to you you'll have them inside your email for when you're ready all four american express cards i show you how to do it you get one inquiry for four cards okay i'll show you how to do that in the credit game as well okay but i'm actually going to provide you with the links the same ones my referral links from my cards so you'll be able to have access to those as well when you're ready you have those and the thing about it is when you have access links to cards that are extremely uh used a lot and i have a lot of of great relationship with american express the chance of getting improved skyrocket to uh like 70 80 approval versus applying online right so i'll give you that guys again that's with any purchase today free elite credit pair up with 75 of trade lines and my american express links and i'll show you how to do it to where you get one inquiry for all four also one other thing about chase i want to share with you before i have you call my office and get the help you need is this you guys need to know that with chase the most important things i know i mentioned chase twice most important thing with chase is to have a relationship with them okay here's your here's your last nugget if you open up a checking account with chase first before applying for their credit cards your chances increase 77 of actually getting the credit card they are a relationship bank so think about that open up bank account first go back about a week later when you're in the system okay then apply for your chase okay here's what i need you to do and i mean if you're serious 904-420-7772 let me help you skip from stage one to stage four to stage five okay you don't have to go through the process because i show you exactly what you need to do how you do it little short videos like simple so simple the credit game is that literally like a fourth grader can do this okay 904-420-7772 love you guys again subscribe like hit me a thumbs up and then turn on your bell notification select all that means every single day you'll be getting videos like this i'll see each and every one of you guys tomorrow my video but i'll be looking for your call here shortly at 904-420-7772 it's mike from the credit game take care
Channel: The Credit Game
Views: 30,557
Rating: 4.9552469 out of 5
Keywords: What Credit Cards Should I Apply For?, And, When, to, Apply, for, Them, what credit cards should i get, what credit cards should i apply for, credit cards based on credit score, credit cards for every credit score, credit cards for beginners, best credit cards 2020 for excellent credit, credit cards for excellent credit, what credit card you should get based on credit score, Credit Cards, credit score, credit card ladder, credit cards, credit cards 2020
Id: mQjsjAsgITE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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