Astartes Part 5 Analysis, The Mystery Revealed! 40k lore!

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greetings and salutations friends the time has finally come has it not the final chapter of the first astati series was the hint that there may be more in the future but for now we are going to analyze part five normally i would wait four or five days before making any content on fan created stuff like this just because you know it deserves some time to actually do its own thing before leechers like myself move in and mess up the search results but i will break my own rule on this particular occasion because a lot of people seem to be a little bit confused as to what has actually happened in part five the story has unveiled itself and there is a lot of somewhat um esoterical touches shall we say so hopefully i will be able to provide some clarity let's get started then the very first shot we get is of these two new spaceships we have not seen these before so it is unclear whether or not they are nearby whether they are part of the assault upon the rebel transport or whether or not this is on the other side of the goddamn galaxy what we can see here appears to be a imperial light cruiser at first i thought it might be something heavier but the upper spine does not have the weapons mounts of a grand cruiser nor the large auger masts of a cruiser class vessel by the looks of it bearing in mind it is a little bit difficult to tell i would probably say that this is a dauntless class light cruiser and over in the back and there we have an astartes warship it's not quite long enough to be a battle barge nor quite fat enough to be a strike cruiser so my guess would be a gladius class frigates so this is by and large a relatively small fleet a relatively fast fleet a patrol and investigation fleet perhaps even they would be ideally suited for hunting down fleeing rebels which is why i would think that they are relatively nearby to where the action is taking place after all the ship we saw in the very first episode of astartes was a cobra class destroyer and it would not be strange at all for those to be escorting ships like these we then move on to a scene where we see two new astartes they are watching helmet cam footage from the strike squad that has boarded the rebel vessel and up to the right we can see a vid capture footage of a hooded man standing nearby some form of probably cogitate as we will see later on whether or not this is a ball the light cruiser or the frigate is unclear but considering the somewhat um confined spaces i would assume the frigate furthermore we also get a shot at this scene here where the astartes are moving down a corridor filled with prayer parchments and signs of warding once again suggesting that we are aboard the astartes vessel but there is also another more sinister explanation for all of the prayer parchment and the little sensors burning with incense this is probably the main character of this particular episode of astartes or one out of two anyways which we'll get to in a second this mysterious orb here has been the source of a great deal of speculation as to what precisely it is we will be seeing it communicating psychically with another orb as well discovered on the ship bordered by the astartes kilty so what is this i've seen all manners of speculation suggesting there may be some form of chaos artifact uh katan shard or even something completely unrelated to either one being some form of chaotic artifact in chaotic in the way of the warp rather than linked to any of the four chaos gods however i think that is another and more likely explanation pay attention to how it is being treated it is held up in what appears like a confined cage almost those glowy things on its sides may be augers sensors and data readers but they could just as easily also be melter charges in case whatever it is decides to get uppity you also see a hooded person sitting at the base of this thing plugged into what is presumably a high-grade cogitator analyzing and keeping watch over the sphere and this hooded individual ain't no nobody judging by the sign on the back of his hood he is an inquisitor or at the very least an inquisitorial agent though honestly i don't know if a mere agent would actually be allowed in the presence of such a device and connected to it if it is what i suspect it is on the other hand i also know of precious few inquisitors that would be willing to hook themselves up to such a thing either but enough [ __ ] teasing art i hear you yell what is it then i believe it is an artifact of a zeno species long thought extinct during the early ages of humanity's great crusade a zeno species known as the yuvarth they were a very peculiar xenos race they had developed a sort of technology that combined the power of the warp albeit not necessarily chaotic power with both metallic and organic components whereas the holy cogitators of the god emperor's mechanicus are inhabited by holy machine spirits the ufarth created technology that could literally be inhabited by what we would refer to as demonic entities demon machines although a far more controlled sort of demonic machine than those that oh so often run rampant within the warp itself and to make it clear here they were not worshipers of the ruinous powers there is far more in the imperium than the four gods of chaos but they were also most absolutely corrupted by warp powers and this isn't a complete stab in the dark here either one of the hallmarks of uvaf technology is the peculiar appearance of it it will often be covered in swirling strange patterns said to shift and blend before the eyes and it had the texture and appearance of dry fossilized bone quite a lot like this sphere right in front of us here and we will also later see the sphere well activate and utilize what appears to be psychic powers a clear sign yet again of warp [ __ ] you will also note that the inquisitor appears to be deep in prayer holding in his hand a sensor burning almost certainly a holy instance as if he is afraid that he will become corrupted merely by interfacing indirectly with the sphere this too is very very very much so a sign of uff technology it is considered extraordinarily dangerous and even the god emperors adapt as mechanicus he usually can't keep their regularly metallic tentacles off necron tech consider this [ __ ] to often be a little bit too hazardous and when you start seeing the guy is used to prodding and probing with wild abandoned undead metal skeleton monsters with weapons capable of flaying you atom by atom start backing away it is probably time to run so this inquisitor is either a very brave or very stupid individual time i suppose will tell though he has found himself some pretty competent guards although in this case the gods as we will see may not necessarily be for his own safety these two gentlemen here appeared to be from the same retributive chapter as the strike scored of space marines which of course makes a great deal of sense but you will notice that their helmets are white this in most cases what you have a different colored helmet and in this case also shoulder pads is a sign of veterancy and or status within a chapter you may also notice that the one closest to the camera has golden laurels painted onto his helmet suggesting that he is probably a leader now it's not definitive the various chapters have different iconography and markings but seeing as we will also later observe a first company insignia on his shoulder pad this is in all due likelihood at the very least a veteran sergeant and possibly even one of the chapters higher echelons of command maybe even the chapter master his armor does not have the usual ornamentation that you would see on a chapter master of the adapter started but we don't know enough about the retributor chapters to know if they would actually embellish their armor all that much in this case what we can also see a brother marine in a corvus pattern helmet off to his side his armor too bears very little if anything in the way of ornamentation beyond the chapter symbol it may simply be a very austere chapter who marks their upper echelons with simple paint and differently coloured armor rather than any outward ostentatiousness and now we return to the kill team once again they enter into the large armored room that we saw at the end of part 4. you will also see that as the astartes are moving into the room there is a crack forming as if there is a layer of thin ice on the floor which would not surprise me in the slightest you will also see that their back mounted power packs the ventilations on either side are fuming the hot air is literally steaming suggesting that the room is extremely cold which is yet another surefire sign that the warp is well and truly active and unlike the sphere being observed by our brave or foolish inquisitor this whoop [ __ ] is fully active and speaking of active this thing should as hell activated my almonds because i'm not entirely sure what this is meant to represent i think i have an idea but it also seems like such an obvious thing now there are references in the very early 140k law which may or may be outdated depending on how much of the old canon is still correct canon shall we say referencing the so-called men of gold they were said to be higher individuals superior beings even suggesting in some sources to be on the same level as the god emperor himself during the early years of the crusade but their presence has kind of fallen out from a lot of recent law and i feel as if this icon is it's too obvious almost to be a reference to the men of gold instead i suspect it has a different meaning you can also see that there are several masks with attached spines scattered across the room similar to those worn by the two individuals in part four and we saw briefly in part three as well at first i thought that they were merely powerful psyches but now i'm thinking that perhaps they were something else entirely i was already speculating all the way back then that they could be that grown or artificially created in some way and i suspect that might be it but not in quite the same way that i had originally anticipated i think maybe as you can see on the man of gold here his skin is covered in that same kind of strange swirling pattern as is so very common in uvarth technology although the color of it is not quite similar that is not necessarily a completely universal mark perhaps even this is an attempt by humans the rebels that had launched an uprising and are now fleeing to replicate uvarth technology they haven't quite managed to do it they haven't quite managed to get the materials right but they have been able to copy the symbols and therefore harness some form of energy by utilizing it remember the warp is highly ritualistic so if you manage to copy the iconography and the symbols of a particular spell or ritual if you wish then it would absolutely be possible to imbue a mundane item with a degree of power in other words i suspect that these rebels perhaps discovered a uvarth artifact didn't know what it was and it began affecting them corrupting them and promising them all manners of riches and wealth if only they would obey its command and it taught them some secrets the secrets to harness special power perhaps enhance psychic powers or perhaps even create masks that function like weapons creating not psyches per se but instead weapons masks capable of utilizing a power similar to that of psychics see i was always thinking it seemed a bit odd for the psychics to have the same kind of telekinetic power since psychic powers are usually fairly unique to the various individuals who possess them but again of course those required a human component they were literally weapons this golden giant however i almost think and this is a rather large piece of speculation here but i think that the sphere is building itself a body or at the very least that it instructed its new servants to create some form of body or vessel for it to inhabit in some way shape or form that however is a bit of a leap of logic it's just the best explanation i can come up with for this large clearly technologically advanced and yet also so very alien statue as to why it would take the form of a human i simply believe that that is the form that the humans that worshipped or were fooled potentially tricked by the uvath artifact would recognize simple as that we don't know necessarily what the euvarth would look like and so perhaps the human servant simply created something that they figured would be pleasing to the spirit within the stone and speaking of the devil here it is i am almost entirely convinced in fact i'm about 99.9 convinced that this is the precise twin of the artifact we saw aboard the astartes ship you can also see it attempting to resist the astartes by sending out psychic shock waves similar to those used by the two people we thought to be psychists in part four further reinforcing the theory that the weapons created in its likeness the masks were designed to harness or at the very least mimic a portion of this thing's powers and again it is very clearly warp based looking at all of the frost this is also one of the reasons why i'm pretty much entirely convinced that this has nothing to do with the katanas or the necrons the catans were immortal enemies of everything chaotic it is the greatest threat to them in existence they would not create something like this that seems to so clearly rely upon the power of the warp it is now also made clear that it is not merely a machine it is inhabited by something and so is also the thing aboard the astartes vessel the two spheres engage in a conversation it is a little bit difficult to tell what they are saying but it sounds as if they are saying who is here i have failed brother we have all failed the astartes deny our touch you must return break your seal impossible we will never survive you must take the alpha that last word in particular i can't quite catch it it sounds like alpha to me which is an interesting choice of word but unfortunately i don't think our beloved alpha legionnaires have anything to do with this unless they're suggesting this was hidden there for some reason but if that was to be the case i would have suggested some more hints than that i think it is probably instead referring to alpha as in an objective or primary perhaps rather than any alpha legion involvement although i admit this is some the wording i have failed brother now of course that doesn't necessarily mean anything but the assateas and of course the traitor astartes as well are famous for referring to each other as brother hmm but there is not really enough evidence to suggest any leap of logic right at this point in time anywho the second sphere then proceeds to break its bond by attacking the inquisitor who was listening in on the conversation monitoring the sphere via what appears to be a cogitated data link almost certainly linked up to the sensors surrounding the sphere aboard the astartes vessel the inquisitor then turns to the presumed chapter master the veteran sergeant who knows and gives him a warning he immediately dispatches one of his space marines to send a warning presumably again either to the kill squad or perhaps to someone else to move in on an objective somewhere somehow perhaps another cell of insurrectionists who knows the most obvious thing to assume would be that they are trying to send a warning to the kill squad suggesting once again that they would be relatively nearby as of course an astropathic message would take for absolutely god damn ever and hell a radio message even that clearly did not arrive in time the assault launched upon the psyche too is interesting and by psyche by the way i'm referring to the inquisitor or the agent whoever the person is who's plugged into the sphere he's almost certainly a psycho because otherwise he would not have been able to listen in on their conversation although i suppose it is possible that he may have done so through technological means but i would consider it unlikely especially also considering all of the warding measures taken they would probably wish to have a psyche nearby to try and combat any warp [ __ ] on behalf of the sphere he's shown a series of visions first and foremost of a giant pillar of light energy or fire surrounded by individuals that look like the guys from part four i am starting to wonder if these are the yuvath they look oddly human to me but perhaps or maybe it is referring to the cabal that the artifact managed to corrupt maybe but it would certainly make sense in that case if the u-both did indeed look like this that it would try to rebuild others in its image it would form weapons to look like its lost brethren and of course also potentially its giant golden body we also see an image of the astartes the kill team standing in the hand of some kind of monstrous demonic entity perhaps this is one of the ufarth it clearly it has human features to the point where i absolutely could see it wear a mask like we saw on part four and it also isn't impossible to envisage it as a simulacrum of the golden giant although the shape is a little bit off isn't it human but still a bit xenos the imagery of the astartes standing in its hand and then the following imagery of them seemingly being flayed their souls torn away and their skulls screaming in agony i think is a suggestion not of death perhaps but instead maybe of a corruption hmm it's just if if you were to show them being killed there are other ways to do it instead the the black smoke the screaming the skulls it seems very corruptiony to me particularly in light of what the one sphere said we have all failed the astartes deny our touch suggesting that the sphere aboard the astartes vessel may have allowed itself to be captured or discovered i don't know what what terminology to use here frankly in an effort to try and turn the astartes like its brother sphere turned the rebels whatever the case is the second sphere clearly no longer wishes to be observed and fries the poor inquisitor or agent he was monitoring it whether or not it simply burns out his mind creating that lovely light show or if it tore open his psychic defenses opening him up to demonic possession is unclear and the two first company veterans they don't wait to find out which by the way is absolutely correct the second are starting stepping in and putting a few bulk rounds in him as well that is not overkill not in the slightest a demonic possession is nothing to joke at if something like that is allowed to fully manifest oh oh honey one of those things can eat magazine after magazine of bold shells best make god damn sure before anything happens this is why sanctioned psyches on the battlefield within the imperial guard are usually followed around very closely by a commissar all too ready to air on the side of caution with a bolt pistol in hand when something goes wrong with the psyche you don't want to give it a chance to go really wrong and at the same time that this is happening the sphere aboard the rebel vessel also launches its own attack upon the astartes kill squad and this is where we get to see the iconography that really hammered home to me that we are talking about the u of r here so this thing seen for a split second you can see a kind of a monstrous entity it looks a little bit like a demon with curling horns and you can also see tentacles coming down from a figure above it there's also tentacles coming out from the side as if it's some kind of giant octopus but what i read from this is control lashing on you know it's a monstrous entity infiltrating something or grabbing a hold of something the the tentacles of dominance and the uf were infamous slavers by the time the nascent imperium ran into them early on in the crusade they already held sway over a considerable portion of the galaxy and several subject species each and every uf they themselves being extraordinarily few in numbers would rule over vast hordes of slave species it being far from unusual for them to have hundreds of thousands if not millions of slaves and the most powerful amongst them held sway over entire worlds just imagine it an entire planet shackled to the whims and wishes of a single creature i think that such a race would absolutely use iconography just like that then the sphere attacks it pulls the astartes into it and into the warp it absorbs them it might even be perhaps some form of warp gate technology perhaps you've earth tech again is almost as much like magic as anything else and you can see the astartes inside of the warp presumably judging by the uh ambiance and the flitting scary shadows nearby and then something goes presumably horribly horribly wrong the ubaf entity the spirit is assaulted by something a demonic entity a competitor a psychic attack from the outside perhaps the intervention of a retributor librarian it is impossible to tell but something clearly he messed it up alternatively perhaps it went just as planned because when we next see our astartes the poor sucker who decided to fire his plasma pistol point blank into the sphere which i mean good try but at the end of the day a less than ideal decision has clearly undergone some warp nonsense of his very own you will notice he vomits up blood clumped up blood that is not probably due to his injury startees can survive a blown off limbs zero issues but instead due to the fact that well he was thrown into the warp with very little protection that is gonna mess with your insides hell even short-range controlled teleportation is often described as feeling like being turned inside out and then put back together again with your skin the wrong way so yeah i imagine this poor astartes is feeling a bit [ __ ] right now by the way he's got long service studs on his brow there two silver and a gold now the chapters have various meanings to the colors but if we go by the standard definition then this is a what gold is a century silver is usually 10 years or possibly 50 though in that case why wouldn't he just have two gold studs so i would reckon he's probably a hundred and twenty year veteran not bad not bad at all and then there is this place oh yes this god forsaken thing i do not believe this to be the warp i do not even believe this to be a demonic planet i'm not even entirely sure that this is a real a real existence i'm i'm almost thinking that it could be some form of vision though it seems awfully corporeal and yet at the same time also awfully ethereal for either perhaps some long lost planet of the euvarth you can see the large statues i hope slash presume around where you see a handful of individuals seated in what appears to be thrones with hundreds of thousands of other statues far less defined and not seated again suggesting to me a hint at the euvart's habit of enslaving various races so you would have a king and then millions of servants behind them as to why the astartes appeared here as to what their future may be i could not even begin to speculate that is simply not enough information though at least on the bright side they are all still alive you can see several teleportation flashes on the large plinths i guess where you can see around the desert if you watch carefully you can see the flash of teleportation energy so they're still around and mayhaps mayhaps their story will continue at some point i also love that last image there of the astartes standing we know how big this bastard is we know how powerful he is we have seen him cut his way through hundreds of human troops and yet now he seems so small so lost and fragile in a valley of giants showing you that for all the might all the power the brutality of the adaptive societies the 41st millennium is an awfully large and vicious place i do like that quite a bit so that is my analysis of astartes part five we do also get a little bit of a hint at the end showing off and start he's getting shot with what appears to be i either shurikens i think or um actually rather than shurikens i think it might be dark eldar splinter rifles judging by how it shatters off him but we're not going to get into that here so was it everything everybody had hoped for i certainly think it was there's a great deal of mystery here and also a decent amount of explanation and finish as well a bit of a cliffhanger for my personal preferences but i'm hardly gonna complain now am i and of course the animation still just absolutely top-notch just unbelievably good so what do you guys think do you think i'm on to something here or do you think i'm way off base i think the uva theory is the one that fits the best it seems too unspecific for chaos it seems too warpy for the necrons and whilst of course it could be just a completely unrelated chaos faction as well there are too many similarities with the ufarth for me to ignore let me know what you think down in the comments below and until next time i have been arch thank you all very much watching and i hope to see you all again soon till then have a good day
Channel: Arch
Views: 926,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arch, Space Marines, Yu Vath, 40k, lore, explained, chaos, xenos, 40k lore, Astartes, warhammer, Analysis, Inqusition, Inqusitor, sphear, the great crusade, 40k explained, warhammer 40k, warp, imperium, warhammer 40000, discuss, future, CGI, imperium of man, cgi, scifi, animation
Id: vwW9qlqjfo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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