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come on come on they were the guys stone here and welcome to another episode of filmmaking reacts the series where we take a look at awesome videos or game teasers or anything that is super cool basically part one I react to them and in part two we dive deeper into have a discussion about filmmaking techniques that we can pull from them as well as visual effects ideas now today based on your recommendation guys we're gonna have a look at a store tease game kind of like cinematic series which was created based on the video game but from a single guy it's his passion project and he made it and from what I've heard is really stunning and amazing and it's a five-part episode but they're not that long so I thought let's just put them all in one video that way you don't have to look or wait for the next episode basically with that said guys today's video has brought to you by myself and the creative store if you're a filmmaker and you want awesome assets make sure to check the link in the description guys we have the black box because every product within the store but their life fantasy assets sound effects my signature cinema lots edition star wars and many many things so in case you guys would want to take a look - link in the description with that said let's amp over to YouTube and take look at our boy there we go keep in mind while we're watching this that everything was made by single guy animated the story the visuals everything which is really shocking so this is episode 1 sit back relax and let's do this 1 2 3 so oh it goes really quick [Music] Wow [Music] no away what oh my god the teasing oh my god that was that was really good actually no fading no nothing just drops you in and that is episode one so basically they're getting ready to go to the planet and it's more of a teaser than an actual episode I would say so let's go to part number two he drops you right in [Music] that was nice [Music] is that there she is our pianist they transition men delighting in the sound oh this is ready dar that was part two this is really good like oh here we go I think I've seen a part of this one we have our bad guy you can definitely see an improvement in rendering and overall quality okay [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] then the sound [Music] Oh [Music] flawless that was okay that last scene with a gun the transition and the blowout that was perfection actually oh my god can't wait to go this is the reaction part so I'm really holding back from like pausing and going back and forth but patience it's gonna come after so part four man how long did he be taking to do this [Music] [Music] [Music] no way [Music] nice because I'm force action and I effects [Music] [Music] [Music] not copy come on come on [Music] oh my god why is that sphere okay what was that part for its episode has progressively become even more awesome I mean again one guy did all they so made amazing if that goes to show part five must be like insane so part 5 is last one ok we have a bit of a review a Winship number 0 to 1 happened to 0 1 men the quality jumped again I can tell man the color scheme that he chose is amazing the framing the composition that he epic transition those epic [Music] she liked the general he does like a nice cape looks pretty badass you see the guy from the first one yeah from the previous one that was stuck in the force grip and his eye turned their little exhausting and made smoke saying we have a slower build-up now compared to the previous ones yeah this reminds me tiny bit prometheus kind of like thing going on their statue or like the big man the way he transitions between scenes it's really good [Music] okay our boy he's like a mini planet like okay I think he likes that take a source of energy [Music] okay there [Music] we should [Music] did you turn him did it turn him yeah [Music] not good be someone else yeah I think [Music] it swallows them [Music] to be continued no did you get transported in darkness ah okay something happened there [Music] [Music] [Music] mother planet mate amazing stunning amazing epic awesome out of words that was exceptional I can't believe a single guy made all this from the animation the art style the composition transition the camera movement the sound design the action made made thou sick okay there were so many epic moments especially from the third part that first the first episode of the second one prefer were very short but they had some cool things but from the third and now the fifth oh my god okay this is gonna be epic to that sect and go through it and kind of like see what we can pull off filmmaking wise and visual effect so you guys already get some water popcorn and let's do this so very interesting do it guys if you watched the last episode where I talked about The Witcher trailer he did not blending the sound so he's giving us some very small text exposition here and he just easily drops us in he did not smooth the fate of the image no did he introduce us to the sound first and then the image so he's giving us an establishing shot basically warring space Space Station [Music] he's going really fast to give us so basically we can already tell military operation they're preparing to board something there's a planned mission over the gun he's using quite tight shots he's not using a wide lens so far I would say 30 mil if we were to replicate this in real life and just steady steady camera movement but he cuts quite quickly so he goes through the information though we need to receive [Music] attempts of this kind of scenery with the meteors at the planet and kind of the foreground elements we can actually pull this off enough that effects using element 3d that transition was that he could show the ship coming out and we could see the actual ship but he wants to put us in the foreground as if we're on the ship and we're getting launched ourselves in space cool so I was episode one again so now we are in space flight through the meteor field he's done a really good job with lighting the scene the asteroid field is really tricky but you can't pull me within artifacts fighting transition side now they've breached I have to fight those guys in terms of multipliers guys I have done a very advanced tutorial on a gun shot it was a handgun gunshot if you guys wanna check up your tutorial it's pretty cool and it goes through very advanced techniques when it comes to the flare the lighting simulation the shell eject the gun itself as well as some smoke assets so you know how to do awesome gun shots with in After Effects there is a tutorial in the critics Ted channel oh man so gory in a good way so if we go frame the bullet itself is basically a light solid with a glow effect on it that we can do with in After Effects now this is really cool if we had an actual real live actor with the helmet you could paint those cracks in the light coming through them because there is an effect within the blur section that's called radiant glory and if you apply that blur effect in a light solid then depending on the direction that we're gonna put the cursor of the effect itself it's gonna shine light it's going to replicate that look the blood we can do with the blood mist asset so that's really cool as well [Music] they're just getting hammered these are bad guys this is our main thing so far I'm gonna let this play but I think I've realized something building tension the sound design he did bleed the sound here did you see in the first episode he was black he just dropped the image and the sound at one point here when he cuts to blood he lets the sound bleed in first and then finish it's a very cool technically to do so let's talk a bit about cinematography now cinema cinematography has a lot of variants to it but I'm gonna focus from the use of camera movement now again this is CGI so he has complete freedom to move the camera wherever he wants but what I've realized from all five episodes was he chose to basically have a very fluid camera movement as if one would use a gimbal and he compensated with the action and kind of give you that impact by using a lot of cuts I've realized that sometimes a smooth camera movement is not always the best here it works really well on the indica of war short film I wanted to look as a game as well so the entire thing was shot in gimbal even though during the fight scenes there was a lot of action going on the problem that I realized was happening when I was editing it in post was that a lot of the impact at the essence of the fight was lost because the camera was way too smooth and kind of just flew through space it did look like a video game but I felt that the impact of the fighting was not as high as it could be the way that he's going around that is that he's using great cuts to keep the action and the momentum really high so that is really cool to see wasted the color choice is amazing I want to talk about color in a bit later on episode 4 you can see the the attention to detail look how in the foreground where the gun sets when he pulls the trigger the smoke just goes and you can see the second guy right there I didn't see him at first I was really cool this was one of the best scenes not this one we can do the lasers basically animate a white solid with a mask that looks like a laser and through iteration of a couple of frames you move that mask depending on if you want it to come towards what moves away or it moves up and down upon impact you can use spark assets kind of play through it's funny cos lasers basically look like lightsabers and you can make an awesome lightsaber you can make an awesome laser as well because the base for the same thing there is another awesome tutorial on an advance lightsaber on the channel as well so notice here he shows us the gun but it does not cut if I go frame by frame almost the camera follows the gun as he aims down the corridor and then it shoots once upon it shoots oh my god look at this design I am working on kind of a sci-fi VFX back and I want to replicate this kind of concept so basically exceed colors and very slight change in scaling they see how if you watch the helmet how it goes back and that basically that very small scaling jump trigger the Kazakh it gives us a very cool kind of like an extra into the visuals when it comes and when you marry everything together with sound we have very a big gun shot basically I want to hear it here so we have its way oh we have a flare and then the explosion happens if we play it again with sound there is a bit of delay because we're further away from the effect so basically if you were to replicate this you can study this and say okay first I need to make the sale of the sci fi done then I'm going to show a very quick flare going up and then the explosion is going to occur it's almost as I say because I can let's move on to now the best episodes with this number four with the fight scene and then number five number five it was mostly focused on story with some very cool videos okay here we have bird's eye view shot usually pulled off with a drum and basically is an amazing kind of shot to get because it's as if you're giving the viewer the entire arena of what and where characters are in space and kind of like looking over them and kind of like zooming in that Moses we're approaching them from above and we can tell as if it was a chess match and we can tell what's everything going on as if you ease them into it okay so we have the bad guys that is a really cool effect it's very subtle but sometimes the son of effects are the best so far I think it's time that was a real cool shot again do you see how we have a very fluid smooth motion of a camera movement but we just cut through and through there was never a shaky moment where the creator was shaking things up to make things look more epic because he doesn't need it he has done an amazing job so reloading their guns again this is called Cod heads-up display you can use it kind of make like Ironman effect sorts when it comes to sci-fi weapons those are basically 2d solids and you want needs to design them but because they're hard elements you can get away with 2d elements and kind of position them in 3d space and then with glow effects and colorization you get this cool effect it's not the easiest thing to do but we can do it this this was amazing so we have the main guy we have a shockwave in the bottom as well as a shock protection sphere where it stops the bullets this he might actually has gotten some live VFX assets and compose them in because you can tell in his feet it almost looks as if the acid was placed on top which is totally fine it works and it happens so quickly so we can definitely do the bubble effect within After Effects this would be a solid and we will play with mask and feather values the outer mask we would use a very small feather but for the inwards mask whatever it's substantially to create a gradient effect then wind comes to the bottom a shockwave acid will work quite well in terms of the bullets since the camera is remaining relatively static to the dimensions of the space we can use to the assets with a few kind of light afterburner effect and if you match a 2d acid of a bullet without afterburner going on and then we compost all of them in the scene because the camera states is only in one plane we can pull everything that you see in this effect in the scene [Music] there's so many things on trying to not go overboard but this we need to talk about it so he pulls the trigger and there's a bit of delay like we can see the gun going off but we can't see it here so the gun shot happens for a second time and this technique is used a lot during fighting so let's say in one frame the one thing you would see the guy throwing the punch and the punch kind of gets an impact by the next shot that punch is gonna start here and you're gonna see the impact for a few frames again now in the eye of the viewer that happened so quickly but that is done in order to kind of give the viewers eye a bit of time to adjust what's happening okay this scene right here can be done within After Effects I've done something similar in the God of War Singh were the bad guy does a shockwave proposed station effect and estrellas kind of falls back now it was kind of the same technique so basically you have the gun shot which is again we can use an optical flare to simulate the gunshot going in camera and he's using a ton of blur here everything is blurred basically to simulate the impact and now we have the main antagonist kind of turning and a shockwave is happening in front of them you can do this two ways one you can cut him film in front of a green screen you so you do not have to trace him out using Rob's coding or you can film it normally in rotoscope him for a couple of frames it is tedious but it's gonna work you remember the sorceress sorrow the effects sort where the main character kind of creates a spell and a gate opens of light opens the problem it's kind of similar with this I'm going to have it pulled out but basically it was set in front of a green screen and basically you just keep out the green and then you can do a lot of assets putting assets in and composing them in and then using glow effects live effects motion blur and a lot of things like that I will make a tutorial on that because it was the same technique that I used for chemo parts when Kino parts opened up in the air epic I don't know how we would use this in real life but if you had a mask or helmet this kind of shot we would use a 2d map over glass cracking and we would compose it in on top of the mask and then we'll play around if you see here the camera again does not move a lot in relation to the eye so when it comes to visual effects you can do a lot by using 2d effects and all you have to do really is to not move the camera a lot man that was epic so in this one in terms of filmmaking he has an amazing scene he's using a lot of cuts to make the impact of them as amazing as possible so he has the knife and now it goes in the composition of course is perfect now we do need to keep in mind that this is done all in a computer and I'm saying this in the sense that he had full control in terms of the framing on the shot when we have to go out there and have a camera in hand and very violent actions of happening it's sometimes very hard to keep them all in frame I want to talk to you guys a bit of color now when it comes sci-fi whether we want to look at aliens or oblivion or any sci-fi movie they use a lot of Blues see on blue and the contrast is usually red orange or purple but I think it's important to notice that it's not just the camera movement that he chose it's not just what's in front of the frame it's not just the coloring it's not just the sound everything that comes together creates a yoona sense of imagery and sound and we as the viewer are just in awe of what we're watching and we are basically entertained so in terms of when it comes to sci-fi I have tried to kind of do the same you don't always need to follow but do keep in mind that CNBLUE with contrasting red and orange is usually the way to go when it comes when it comes to sci-fi if I had to give an example that would be the paragon awakening scene where I'm in the tube and the eyes go open and you can see a lot of kind of like bluish shoes and greenish hues and then the eyes pop up etc this is a stark contrast by the way if you remember in the first episode the corridor that they were walking through was very clean and clinical this one is the same kind of corridor scene but because just so much more detail in character [Music] see our when we talked before a bit of color you can see it here as well you have a great gradient of Lucien's kind of green stones but then the light elements are orange really cool actually I won't talk about this thing because I was very surprised he takes us through the corridor all the way out and we're seeing this but at the same time that he gives the viewer the time to kind of process this element that they've been fighting for he says that he's doing something extremely clever basically here instead of cutting he just takes the camera it moves it a bit lower to show us our point of interest this is another bird's-eye shot but look at the composition of the same we have perfect block a transition in between and then enlighten this skill tape tells us that our characters are going into darkness and almost up it's almost as if they're swallowed by darkness which is a really cool imagery nearly walking into dark because in three thousand four thousand whatever this takes place we do not have extremely powerful flashlights awesome it's really cool that in Episode four the guy with the eye that he kind of had some damage in it he's very prominently in the shots now and we can tell who he is because of that I brilliant besides if you give the your car remember in Star Wars Force awakens when in the beginning kylo Ren was going through the village our stormtrooper that were supposed to care for Finn was blood in his helmet to differentiate him you can see kind of like the team techniques that filmmakers use to help the audience and tell the story [Music] this gives me prometheus vibes honestly really amazing I love this scene by the way the sphere levitating in the center the folk elements that he introduced just the composition is beautiful in order to pull of the sphere it would have to be a 3d sphere it has a very interesting texture on it that's fear it's kind of goldish with a map but videocopilot has done the orb plugin so you could use that plugging find a very cool texture and videocopilot has material textures that are very interesting so you could kind of pull this off actually think track your scene with After Effects 3d track or mocha then compose it using orb and take it from there something's to think about I've done in effect the craters Leviathan axe effect in God of War rise of the Sun and there is a technique that I want to talk to you in the coming weeks in a tutorial about how you can trace texture in a way and create this effect of the Gulf War Leviathan accel effect with the wounds of the axe glowing this is epic but with mostly talking about most of these effects again here when it comes to the scene you have a scene playing and then you had a card overlay again this is designing hard elements in 2d and then portraying them in 3d space with glow effects and things like that so we have a bit of transition here I've tried to do something similar what was it a few notes fireblaze oh no he was from sorceress solo again where I take the elixir and kind of have a vision and it was kind of the similar like cutting through a lot of scenes with using a lot of elements I like how he slightly change the color palette as well now we have mostly seen two green stones where before it was mostly seen in the glue then he was actually there is here we go so this is very interesting this is very impactful but let's see how he pulled the appearance out of nothing so we have the scene and we would have to use a clean plate for this one so we would set up the camera let it record for a bit get our clean plate and then the actor would come in and we will have him job so there is a bit of displacement which we can do with the Bulge effect within After Effects I've actually used this in the Harry Potter spell tutorial so we have a bit of a bulge effect going on right there then we have just the shadow with a lot of radial blur the effect that I talked about before he appears very suddenly then everything turns - oh this is interesting everything turns to black and then the light comes back and then he just falls upon falling there is a camera shake which we can definitely do right when both knees start for me yeah we have a shake and a bit of smoke coming up and then he falls let's see it all in real action so now that we've seen how it's done [Music] awesome this is really cool this is definitely doable where is he yeah needless to say you need 3d again green screen work to pull this off the artistry though amazing we can do that octopus has become particle assets creative store okay guys so that was this week's filmmaker react episode when comes via star this episode 1 to 5 this was based on your recommendation guys in the comments section below by a big margin from last week's Witcher episode do make sure to let me know in the comments guys any ideas or any trailers or concepts or short films that you would like me to react on and kind of dissect so we can have a discussion about filmmaking tips and visual effects this was awesome really enjoyable there are a lot of effect I would like to try to cool off for you guys and make tutorials on stay safe stay creative make sure you check the links in the description and I'll catch you guys on the next one until then stay creative [Music]
Views: 1,587,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astartes, warhammer 40k, astartes react, astartes episode 5, astartes episode 6, cinematography, learn video, video tutorials, camera basics, reacting to, vfx artist reacting, reactions, filmmaker reacting, peter mckinnon reacting, filmmakign techniques, hollywood filmmaking, hollywood techniques, behind the scenes hollywood techniques, behind the scenes, creatrix, creatrix tutorial, the witcher season 2 teaser, the withser season 2 trailer reaction
Id: AkY40PvJnhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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