40k Lore, The Yu'Vath! Mysterious Warp Wielders!

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[Music] greetings and sanitation friends and welcome back to yet more warhammer 40k lore where today we are going to be talking about the uf an extremely secretive and mysterious xeno species that despite being thought long since extinct still continue to plague the imperium to this very day the euvath were an ancient species located in the northern edges of the galaxy or possibly they were a fledgling species located outside of our own galaxy they relied upon warp technology to fuel their weapons or possibly they were little more than warp ghosts inhabiting crudely formed machinery they were wiped out by the angevin crusade or possibly we have seen no more than a mere outpost of their vast intergalactic empire confused yet i don't blame you because the truth is the only thing the imperium knows for sure about the uvarth is that it doesn't know a whole lot about the ufarth at all in large parts due to the zeller's efforts of the god emperor's most holy inquisition who in their infinite wisdom deemed that the imperium did not need to know anything about this perfidious alien species and this would of course be far from the first time the inquisition organizes a good old-fashioned book burning with a side of alien barbecue after finishing up the genocide of an entire zeno species and on many occasions the information so vigorously purged by the emperor's most well meaning of servants would probably have served the imperium far better in a less ashen state but there is a reason why the inquisition is so very touchy around certain genres of literature they don't burn this information just because the heat feels pleasant to their cold dead souls but because in the 41st millennium information absolutely can be dangerous merely reading a line of text in certain forbidden tomes genuinely can drive people into madness and demon worship and considering the picture painted from the pieces that we can gather together from the ufar's history it seems that on this particular occasion the inquisition were well within their rights to bust out the flamethrowers for the most dangerous of all knowledge is that pertaining to the immaterium the warp and the yuvath they fueled their entire civilization on warp energies if ever there was a zeno species out there that truly deserved the full heavy flame of treatment it was the ubath their entire society was steeped in the utilization of war power they used it for their weapons for their guardians for their transportation even for the little robots who maintained their cities everything ran off the power of the great immaterial ocean and the power of the warp almost without exception always corrupts although in the case of the ufarth there may be indications that they were one of very few exceptions not that thou would matter to the imperium of course because they are not an exception and therefore knowledge of a race like the ubarth who utilize the warp like we may use electricity that is extraordinarily dangerous information someone might be silly enough to try and replicate it there are even factions within the adeptus mechanicus who consider the huff's usage of technology as not a problem but indeed a solution for if the powers of the warp can be harnessed in a quote unquote safe manner then that surely would solve a great deal of quandaries would it not but to be clear the vast majority of the mechanicus the very people who have to be physically restrained and prevented from feeling up every necron tomb world within reach with their wriggly mechanical tentacles even they find uvarth technology to be a little bit too risky and when the magos who's using a ghost flare as a penis enhancement shies away from something it's probably best to keep a very very safe distance but what is it about huvath technology that is so bad well two things primarily first and foremost uvarth technology utilizes the warp not merely to power it but also as a part of its construction it literally opens a hole into the warp and through this gap allows the energy to flow and then the technology harnesses it creating visible tendrils of dark energy capable of holding together vast slab like constructs the u of arth would construct entire spaceships in this matter having a large gaping holes into the imaterium through which the energies would flow be converted into these dark tendrils and then they would use them almost like ropes or chains to bind together the material parts of their vessels this is the level of mastery over the warp that even the ancient elder before the fall would find difficult to replicate and even if they would they probably wouldn't even the eldar of the height of their ignorance and hubris wouldn't be quite this callous with the warp just think of it an active stable warp portal at the heart of every uvath vessel one wrong calibration one incorrect incantation or a wrongly carved word or a prayer sheet or some control surface and not just the entire ship but a few hundred kilometers surrounding it might be torn out of reality and plopped directly into the immaterium where the souls of the crew presuming they have any will be at the tender loving mercy of uncountable hordes of hentai rape monsters and that would still be the best case scenario if the ship was to explode instead of implode ripping a hole in reality every populated planet within light years might suddenly find themselves with a brand new immigrant population of bloodthirsty demons the fact that the huff have been able to establish any kind of a civilization whilst relying on technology this unstable and this ungodly dangerous speaks either to an incredible level of mastery over it or truly transcendent luck i mean for god's sake the yufath have literally created a roombas that run off warp energy the so-called shard spiders 12-legged constructs around about the size of a large dog that were presumably created as a maintenance construct for their cities and homes it would be like installing a miniature chernobyl power plant in your house for the sole purpose of cleaning the carpets it's almost like these abhorrent little aliens simply decided to poke the demon bear to see what they could get away with and before they knew it they were balls deep in monster grisly ass and the only way to survive was to cling on yet tighter and the tighter part in this case is that they not only decided to open up stable warp portals in everyday life they also decided to create computers with a little bit of a twist to them whereas the holy machines of the adeptus mechanicas are all possessed of a machine spirit an entity that can either be immeasurably helpful or as cantankerously destructive as an old man with a brand new and somewhat fragile glass butt plug the yuvath decided to take this one step further and install their machinery with literal demons the 40k equivalent of a windows vista boot disk although slightly more reciprocal i suppose and both of these things are of course immeasurably dangerous the first for obvious reasons it's basically like installing ginormous bombs capable of not only just killing you but also violating you in the process and in the case of just think of it for a second here you have a computer and you decide that you know what i'd like an artificial intelligence to help me out with some of the day-to-day chores you know i wanted to be able to calculate numbers or you know give me recipes for waffles right i could program something extraordinarily complex and intelligent technologically speaking or i could infest my computer with satan and you have chose the second option goodness gracious and and this [ __ ] runs most of their civilization here are some of the interesting things despite all of this there exists very little clear indication that the u of us were truly corrupted by chaos and by corrupted i mean affected by one or more of the four primary chaos deities or one of the lesser chaos gods they seem to have been in control of the warp rather than the other way around which is by far the more usual outcome how they have managed this is almost impossible to comprehend although it is my personal theory is that they perhaps bred very selectively or they biologically engineered themselves to a great degree to allow them to fit into this new society that they were creating i based this upon the fact that evidence of uvath physiology how they looked or that even basic biology in the handful of reports that still survive outside of the inquisition's knowledge are all wildly divergent as if they were all dissecting different specimens of different species that suggests to me a great deal of customization shall we say on an individual level additionally we also know that the uvarth were slavers with often a single uf individual ruling over entire planetary populations with the whole of the populace essentially being reduced a little more than servants for the single uff individual if they were really that few true yuvath then perhaps that again suggests that they were breeding or indeed maybe building constructing biologically or mechanically speaking one another on an extraordinarily selective basis they only allowed those with the capabilities of resisting the warps tanks to actually become adult members of their society bearing in mind this is of course good old-fashioned speculation there is very little if indeed any direct evidence as to the societal structure of the yuvath or any kind of internal hierarchy beyond the fact that some uvas had merely hundreds of thousands of slaves and others had millions but at the end of the day whether the yuvath really did possess a resistance to the warp or were simply extraordinarily lucky or perhaps were warp entities themselves that is the less important question when it comes to the destruction of huff technology and the information pertaining to them because even if the uver for resistance the imperium isn't and so when humanity encountered the euvath and learned of their capabilities there was really only one solution exterminatus as to precisely when the imperium first encountered the ufarth this too is a little unclear uh civilization itself is very unclear as to when and where it existed some of their ruins are dated to have been around for a hundred thousand years and yet if that was true we would have known of them already i doubt the elder would have got along overly well with a species like the uvath they would almost certainly have been at war with them at the very least there'd be some mention and if they had been around when the great crusade moved into their sector i very much so doubt that the nascent imperium would have taken particularly kindly to such a zeno's race and we do know that the great crusades entered into what is now known as the calyx sector in fact we have records of at least two rogue trader houses operating with solid human populated home world bases within the calyx sector and using these bases as a springboard for further exploration into the northern fringes of the galaxy if the uf have truly been around for a hundred thousand years they almost undoubtedly bumped into the great crusade at one point or another but seeing as this was in the extreme fringes of the galaxy it is entirely possible that the heresy kicked off at around about the same time leaving the u-both as dangerous as they definitely would be as a relatively minor concern in comparison with everything else that was hitting the fan at oh such a considerable velocity but over the millennia imperial control over the calyx sector began to wane as for the precise reason it is not entirely clear in all due likelihood it was a wide variety of different reasons the uvath almost certainly being one of them various minor xeno species pushing into the fringes of imperial space along with a fairly considerable group of orcs as well saw imperial control of the area of space lesson year by year until finally at some point in the 4th century of the 39th millennium the high lords of terror decided to re-conquer the northern fringes of the imperium by dispatching the anger then crusade a massive military expedition made up of no less than 17 million imperial guard soldiers and forces from several adaptive societies chapters to begin with the primary military objective of the angevin crusade was not the destruction of the uff and their servile xenos races instead it was simply a massed military expedition to stretch the borders of the imperium out further and to secure the more vulnerable heartlands with a nice big fat northern buffer zone indeed it is even unclear if the imperium was entirely cognizant of the ubaf and their capabilities before launching the attack but considering the catastrophic first few encounters with the uvarts warships we may assume that if the imperium had any understanding or knowledge of the yuvath it certainly was not a deep understanding the uh warships were able to make an absolute mockery of even the most heavily armoured imperial vessels even battleships could be reduced to spinning hulks in but a single hit of the massive warp energy weaponry of the ufar's capital ships however the us did not have anywhere near enough of these vessels and soon the imperium was able to out-maneuver and outlast the xenos empire it should also be mentioned that the vast majority of the euvarth fleets were not made up of these dark energy construct warships instead being primarily made up of the ships of the various subject species ships that did not possess anywhere near the destructive potential of their master's own vessels nevertheless the yuvath and their seemingly inexhaustible slave armies quickly became the primary opposing force to the anger then crusade many of the smaller independent xenos empires were not ready for a war of this scale and were swiftly swept aside by the advancing imperial forces during the operation known as the reaping of the emperor's wrath the triumphant advance of the operation would place a full 200 populated worlds under the command of the imperium and soon the u of arthur their slave species were the only remaining credible opposition left they were meant to be swept away by another supporting formation heading out from segmentum obscurus and a high admiral varkan however this force was decimated by massive warp storms that may have been a natural occurrence or it could have been interference directly from the u of earth themselves regardless of whether or not it was a hostile action or merely a natural disaster the result was much the same the scattering and near obliteration of the reinforcing forces both in the form of imperial guard regiments and imperial navy warships this coinciding with the intervention of a large force of orcs and other zeno's raiders puts a bit of a stopper to the anger in crusade for many many more years and to pile yet further misery on top of the pile several of the leading commanders of the crusade forces were assassinated by unknown forces possibly even imperial servants as the crusade was undergoing a little bit of a crisis of leadership originally the crusade was led by lord militant golgina angevin after whom the crusade had been named but he was starting to become somewhat paranoid he was of the opinion that some of his generals were winning a little bit too much in the way of easy victories and he feared that their egos may be sufficiently bolstered for them to form the opinion that maybe just maybe they were wasted in their current positions and that higher office might be more suitable to their clear tactical and strategic genius and as it so happens in this particular case even if you are paranoid that doesn't mean that they're not out to get you as several of the generals did indeed start to have a little bit um of an inflated opinion of themselves this along with the lord militant suspicion formed fertile ground for the creation of various factions within imperial high command all with their own favored candidates to take over the leadership of the crusade this internal power struggle along with several attempted and occasionally successful assassination attempts along with the intervention of outside xenos forces and the stiffening resistance of the uh remnants led to the crusade grinding to an almost complete halt it would take several more years and the eventual death of lord militant golgina angevin before a new leader rose to prominence one by the name of drusis who had earned himself quite the cult following within both the sector and the crusade forces after he had been supposedly killed during an assassination attempt and yet then miraculously gotten back up again all alive and [ __ ] eh that's the kind of stuff that'll make for good religious propaganda all right a more skeptical individual than myself might suggest that if one were aiming for the highest position within a crusade making oneself a candidate for living sainthood would not be a terribly bad idea if one had the backstory with which to back it up anywho under the new and admittedly competent leadership of general dreusers the crusade once again got moving stabilizing its frontage defeating the orcs and xenos raiders and finally entering into the uvath's own areas of home space where they began enacting the ultimate sanction of exterminatus upon their planets leading to the final complete scattering and presumed extermination of the ubath species and those few remnants that remained had to deal with representatives of both the order malice and the ordo zenos and for once these two often competing branches of the god emperor's most holy inquisition were in complete and total agreement as to what was to be done with the remnants of the ubath and so by all accounts we have ourselves a happy ending don't we a successful imperial crusade that re-conquered several hundred worlds and reintroduced several more to the beneficent rule of the god emperor along with the annihilation of several monstrous xeno species including the disgusting huff happy happy oh and by the way drusis eventually got his sainthood after a hundred years of deliberation by the high lords and the imperial senate now where some might say deliberation i might say procrastination since the final death of the lord general militant occurred around about the same time when he was finally made into a saint hm suddenly he's no longer a threat to anyone politically speaking and voila sainthood strange how that [ __ ] tends to work out but for all the apparent and demonstrable successors of the anger then crusade it was not a complete success whilst the yuvath appeared to have been completely wiped out appearances can be deceiving and pieces of uvath technology are still discovered with frightening frequency within the kali sector by those scrupulous enough to attempt to make a profit from their discovery and make no mistake if you can manage to correctly harness the power of a uh artifact you can make yourself monstrously rich although you might be losing your soul in the process but yeah whatever good did that pesky little soul do for you eh a mountain of cold hard cash is ever so more practical wouldn't you say i mean come on it's not like your soul is immortal or anything not in the 41st millennium anyways unless you piss off the wrong deities of course in which case it might very well be but not to your benefit i think you will find there are also suggestions that maybe just maybe in the more uh fringe and darker corners of the sector that minor bulwarks of ufarth domain still remain and hell if i was one of the u of us at this point i probably would be keeping my amorphous blob-ish difficult to identify head quite low and my tentacles to myself but there are other threats too uber's technology was built to last and there are still remnants of it scattered throughout the calyx sector that provide uh plenty dangerous obstacles for those silly enough to wander into their reaches one such example might be the bone warden a most vile xenos construct created from random body parts it's always body parts with these things isn't it held together by a spherical entity presumably the control center created from dark warp energy this energy manifests in the form of both the controlling sphere and tendrils that bind the body part together creating the guardian entity these are however relatively minor threats a problem to a local community to be sure but hardly a planetary problem or a sector-wide problem now for that we have to look to the remnants of the uvath's warships some of them often referred to as whisperers are presumed to be capital class vessels a handful of which still remain within imperial space drifting through the void seemingly without any real direction presumably because they have long since lost contact with uvarth command if any such command structure still remains this is not all good news however because it means that the whisperer warships are still bound by their original directive which just so happens to be to fight the imperium and they do so by corrupting imperial planets they are named whisperers because when one gets within a range of a world it begins affecting the populace of the planet with dark dreams those afflicted by them tell of strange forms in the night of disturbed rest and of whispers although they cannot quite make out what if anything the voices are saying or even if they are speaking any kind of a recognizable language but after being inflicted by these dreams for a period of time that can vary quite considerably the victims are turned into de facto drones as the whisperer warship take over all of their higher functions and become able to puppeteer them even going so far as to intrude upon their memories allowing the drones to make use of all of their previous skills and crafts in life now this is not to say that they are made undead or even necessarily that they lose their sensibilities they are merely reprogrammed albeit not in a permanent fashion if the whisperer warship was to be destroyed then all of the drones would return to normal or at least they would return to the appearance of normality there are certainly many representatives of his most holy inquisition who would argue that one could never truly trust an individual that had been under the sway of such a pernicious entity and that it would be better to simply just shoot them all safe rather than sorry just in case they're merely pretending to be free of the alien influence and the existence and activities of these warships also raises a further question are they truly just drifting through the void undirected unguided carrying out some long forgotten purpose possibly they might not even be doing this on behalf of the yuvath any longer after all they did have a nasty habit of infecting their machinery with demonic entities for all we know they may have mutiny essentially and decided to take control of the vessel if taking control is even the correct terminology to use here and instead use it for its own means spreading panic destruction and violence in their wake so as to feed off the resultant turmoil there is also the possibility that the yuvath are not quite as destroyed as we may think they are there are even those who hypothesize that huvas civilization as we know it may just be a tiny fraction of the total size of the uvaf empire perhaps located somewhere within the warp or possibly even outside the boundaries of our own galaxy certainly that would explain why that empire seemed to be so relatively large in comparison to how few huff there actually were there are also again the suggestions that they have been around for hundreds of thousands of years as another explanation as to how so few uvas could control such a vast area of space but these are also somewhat more fanciful explanations if this was a sufficiently powerful race with the ability to enslave other minor races via technology like the whisper ships that i do not find it particularly difficult to believe that they might be able to spread very rapidly indeed and establish a de facto empire after all did we not see much the same thing when the ancient human federation was torn apart by the massive warp storms that blanketed the galaxy after the birth of slaanesh powerful psyches would rise to prominent on various worlds enslaving entire planetary populations at a time that seems a more reasonable explanation at least to me for the size of the u of arth empire the idea that there is life outside of our galaxy certainly not impossible because well that's where the tyranids came from but that in and of itself is also a suggestion that maybe just maybe if there is life outside the galaxy it's more of the teeth and cloy kind and as for the suggestions that they might exist within the immaterium that too is far from impossible demon worlds exist within the depths of the eye of terror essentially within the warp itself and they are occupied by occasionally vast populaces of de facto slaves of the dark gods and their traitorous subjects whatever the truth may be at least for now the imperium rest easy assured that the threat of the euvarth have been dealt with whether permanently or temporarily that is up for the future to decide hopefully this video has been able to illuminate you a bit further on this most mysterious of alien species and if you are interested in learning a bit more about the warp and chaos since we've had multiple reference to it here without really delving too deeply into it i do have videos covering that subject as well until next time i am bernard thank you all very much for watching and if you enjoy the video please do consider sharing it around or interacting with it via the comments or the like dislike button and of course as always have a good day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Arch
Views: 282,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arch, Yu'Vath, 40k, lore, astartes, astartes part 5, space marines, warhammer, 40k explained, warp, chaos, immaterium, warhammer 40k lore, imperium, the imperium of man, crusade, angevin, future, xenos, discuss, gaming, yu vath, humanity, horror, tabletop, history, guide, mankind, exterminatus, inqusitor, sphear, inqusition, imperial guard
Id: QXradVYY4gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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