Assetto Corsa Competizione Is Becoming My "Go To" Sim!

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we are back on acc and what a race this is we're at Silverstone in the well I've never done the race in the wet online as far as I can remember and we're here for the Logitech McLaren G challenge Community circuit we're in the split I've qualified in PA I need to concentrate now you guys are going to want some more ACC let's go here we go someone's got to drive through oh he's very close on the inside [Music] just someone's gone off behind us there at cops you can see the radar as well this is a one hour race everyone one hour race and I'm terrified but I want to do really well [Music] qualifying a out of 21 cars means that you know we we legitimately are part of the Midfield at least let's try and work on that I'm driving in the McLaren 720 uh s uh Evo I believe and we're coming into stone now and as you can see there where it says invalid we have to make a pit stop in this race and change the tires I'll also need to work out the fuel as well so I'll try and uh do that might get some fuel indicator on my um dashboard there off the McLaren but the spray is absolutely mad as we go a little bit deep someone's facing the wrong way but doing exactly the right thing and staying stationary so everyone can drive around them good job that driver and to be honest in a community League like that hopefully there'll be um some more good racing and good etiquette basically because we'll be racing each other throughout the season this is my second race and if you remember we got on the podium at Watkins Glen with no practice but this in the rain is something different I have to say although we are hassling the BMW here for sure are hassling it [Music] and uh let's see what we can do to come into Brooklyn's no he might have gone quite deep there they both have gone deep Let's see we can hang it around the outside oh it's a three wide situation be careful gentlemen there we go still on the outside [Music] can we get the run around the outside of cops or is this a very stupid thing let's go I'll contact it's okay it's okay [Music] I was fair in Love and War was the car behind us the McLaren goes off so we're still in p8 still in PA that's not me where they drive through there speeding let's try and catch up again with our BMW rival now I think it's fair to say isn't it as we exit um Chapel onto the straight gonna scream down into stove they're saying valid I wonder if it's raining it doesn't require you to do the tire change I don't know unfortunately I have no idea I know some of you ACC veterans will be screaming at the screen but don't worry we will be doing a live stream on acc for the um competition so do you make sure that got notification for that but right now all I'm thinking about is getting back on the gearbox of this BMW M4 it'll be winter let's go [Music] come on McLaren [Music] I wonder if the conditions will start to dry as well in which case we might want to the pistol will become very tactical won't it well I can see there for the next 30 minutes is predicted rain TC is really quite helpful there getting rid of the drama [Music] swear it went deep last time but he was defending from us we are 100 catching again let's have faith in the TC let's damp it ah you see it cutting a little bit there too much because I was I'm doing some crazy angles we're going to come into cops again this is where we had the contact last lap [Music] oh man might have been breaking that on the white line you saw the back end of the car step out still in p8 to get on the back of Darby [Music] plus 997 with the drive through I believe [Music] at the moment isn't it see we're up on our lap time where the rest of the fields trying to have a look up there there's one driver [Music] see the PSI the tires I I heard it was between 13 35 was a good win day always been weak here I have that sausage is that a sausage there that sausage wasn't there I think I'd be able to visualize that Suite of Corners a lot more efficiently [Music] come on let's get into that BMW [Music] foreign [Music] this worries me because the pit window is that the pit window is open now or is it opening I just wonder if a wet race means you don't have to change tires and I should have fueled up all the way [Music] because I don't know where I am with fuel [Music] where am I with fuel [Music] I have no idea I have no idea where I am on the fuel situation just down the car [Music] [Music] can't lose track this BMW as well come on [Music] fuel to add 51. but what is the fuel situation [Music] how do I know oh there it is there is 50 liter fuel I'm an idiot I'm really stupid it's always been there so my microphones in the way it's my only excuse right come let's go there's two other cars out there as well so we are gonna need to box a window so I think it's not a pit window opens in I think as a pit window is open and it will close just a minute before the end of the race that's how I'm interpreting it so we started with 65 liters of fuel I'm guessing that's going to be enough come on man concentrate enough halfway worry about that in a few laps let's get back concentrating on our driving because that BMW is just eking out a little bit of a gap but I can see P5 just up the road there oh contact one of them's gone around they've broken around maybe there's a puddle or something big drama and how's this redoing sir we're good we're good we're good I think I might put the BMW off wow they must have gone hammer in tongues through there and we are up into P6 everyone absolutely insane there's already someone in the pits [Music] gotta stop um breaking on that white line come on let's get after that BMW be brave [Music] feel like we're carrying a lot more speed through here the guy behind has gone off really he shouldn't be licking the rear view to translate that to a good exit because we definitely caught on the BMW now focus a little bit more because now tires are selected we get the fuel right strategy is easy isn't it we're just coming halfway foreign [Music] fat even easier if somehow we can get to 40 minutes that'll be 20 minutes left and we're running two minute laps that'll be 10 laps call it 11 laps so that will be about 35 liters of fuel we'd need to put in there okay I like that simple Mass quick mass as they say off those curbs man here we go finally up with this BMW I think he gets a better X I mean how I bogged down so much it's a battle for P5 we are now back within a second everyone hope you're enjoying the video let me know in the comments if you want to see more ACC by the way always a pleasure to come back onto this brutally immersive simulator it grabs you by the Scruff of your neck but who's that that's the pit Lane by the way that I've gotta I haven't pitted so I have to work it out I had to do the pit entry there out this time maybe the tire Thames are actually decent [Music] look at us here we just sort of Barrel in there dab the brakes a bit more power down another gear over the curb let's get the exit right this time and look how much time we've gained through there it's visible we will have the issue of spray as we get even closer and who knows if someone ahead will have an issue they look to be running quite close together actually potentially top four but I'm having to actually really concentrate here because this is a very well matched battle I think between myself and Jay Darby you see just him getting a hit of overseas actually controlling the drift really nicely not panicking and snapping out of it just being like okay I'll just hang that drift until I need to get on the power a great driving there from Derby coming into Abbey now and then through Farm a little better of it we've come together already and it is a I guess a quasi endurance race isn't it well now with a pit stop so let's just be sensible about this we've got the two drivers behind they're only about three four seconds behind so they'll be licking their lips that's two battling [Music] hot there I think we both did look we've both missed the Apex so you can see that we're definitely locked in a battle here different apexes [Music] and again there's another lap a quarter of the race has gone already can you believe it and we've got 12 laps of fuel that should be 20 minutes so I don't think we're quite gonna get to the 20 minute Mark remaining so we might yeah have to do some quick Mass some very quick Mouse today 13 50 I think would be okay coming 50 I think trying to work out in my head remember we massively over fueled last time massively come on [Music] great battle this and just it doesn't like a battle of the road as well two different cars insane conditions coming into Stow will we hit an apex yes we will arguably you don't want to get that extra bit of rotation as we both run wide on the exit all right and he's just he's a lot better than us there you see the Gap goes up and down by the way keep an eye behind us because ill moja is really on the move [Music] that's something we've got to watch out for for sure as we both go wide again don't want to go on that grass that's going to be playing into the hands of the car behind it's like a little bit deep there I'm gonna compromise this and I feel I'm being so inefficient with the way I'm driving through there not a sort of carving a line just very ungracefully blockading through yellow flag somewhere I can't see what it is [Music] that good line but the BMW no he isn't I thought he carried a lot of speed through but in the end it was too much speed might take her opportunity here up the inside look at this very aggressive it's going to be rules reverse now going into cops but look at the McLaren oh my word we're actually gonna okay all right that's racing another lap coming screen oh the McLaren's gonna go for it hang on let's follow it through our Brethren where's the BMW he's on our inside careful careful careful how do I break here oh this is edgy a seat stuff so good now let's really try and keep up with that McLean we're keeping on the lines because they're in the same car we don't want them getting away at us evaporating but they might have a different strategy they might be a lot lighter on fuel and they might have different tire pressures they might have a different setup the in fact they almost certainly do but let's see what we can do in terms of keeping up [Music] BMW it's on the move as well Clarin [Music] I'm weak here but let's have the faith have the faith Jay Polo is going to arrive as well on the scene [Music] he's gone very wide there as the McLaren very wide not a great line for me but it's better come on I hate it hate it hate it bogging down it's a four-way fight now for P5 really is but look how fast that McLaren is ahead of us very very quick on the exits [Music] maybe bogging down a little bit in second gear there yeah that McLaren I think it's just got it's pays for us I'm afraid you might make more mistakes though it's already gone off so we end this lap P6 so we've never got our way through cops into maggots beg it Beckett's Chapel very aggressive there very risky I have to say oh there's maybe a second maybe two seconds over the lap but it makes all the difference doesn't it all the difference maybe could have done some stuff about the brake Ducks opening them up and things like that all sorts of stuff to the setup side of ACC and here comes the BMW wow been caught napping there it's gonna claim that position but we are going to try and hang it around the outside here now I'm gonna turn in I promise you good racing [Music] it's about how Brave or stupid you can be through there that's the current fund I feel like I'm under massive pressure now massive pressure from the two cars behind how good is this they 'd have to say some respect for racing ACC 208 for the car there we've done 210 so can we take another second off our lap time I'm certain we can to be honest [Music] and get down into first gear there for a bit more or a responsive exit [Music] one third of the race is done we've got nine laps of fuel remaining 20 minutes roughly so we're just going to be short [Music] it's going to be a track limit I think maybe yeah track limit that's a warning [Music] come on man stop looking behind start looking ahead I think we lost the McLaren though unless um unless he went for an early pit stop I think we lost him but look at the McLaren head 7.3 seconds ahead now he's in a different League [Music] getting on that curb again powering out [Music] some lapped cars possibly going to be involved in this that's the exit I've been looking for 30 liters of fuel left [Music] [Music] I don't think we need much more than 30 liters then I think 35 liters something would do it for us so we'll try and get that down as we go into the pits two minutes 17 oh that's lap car oh it's very close this time in the Valentino Rossi Livery wrt car I believe [Music] steering wheel they have in that car but today I'm using the Logitech McLaren sorry Logitech direct drive Pro wheel and I have to say it's really being put through his Pages here because they're getting so much information from the tarmac where it's wet where it's dry and that's what a direct drive is great for you don't lose any of the detail with a belt or a gear you just get the snappy responsiveness no clipping as well and uh yes the Logitech direct drive is actually doing really well today which is awesome to see coming into Stow again [Music] oh come on man can't be sloppy [Music] because it is a championship these are very good points if we can keep them I've got a bit wide there very good points in the schema thing because a P3 last from round of the P6 here you know people are going to be dropping rounds then you know we're looking we're as sharp end of this aren't we in terms of this split I think it's the second split but I think Jay Darby might have a thing or two to say about that [Music] [Music] oh he sent it there oh he's really caught me napping as I was messing around with the fuel both cars receiver eating penalty then we just use this moment to get my fuel up [Music] and that is what I'm gonna do yeah it was a big send though but I wasn't I wasn't exactly maximum concentration as I was fiddling around on on the settings there it's a bit of a parable Maybe [Music] I feel like we're good now on Strat tires are pretty good I mean it's no noticeable wear on the tires but I believe we have to change them anyway [Music] and with seven laps to go that is about 14 minutes so we will put about 21 22 minutes to go and then we'll put it we'll put in um about 11 laps of fuel [Music] so that is what we're gonna do just to explain the strategy I think the 33 liters would be 10 laps and that's I think I've selected 38 [Music] so that's um almost two more laps actually which hopefully should be enough obviously the clock will tick down in the pits as well without using any fuel so now we can concentrate on I think really just trying to win this duel there's a car up there actually that's a lap car El Mojo I think his Advance might have slowed down a little bit and we'll see if anyone gets a speeding limit or something in the pits but definitely we have a direct rival here for very good points in the lieuten McLaren G challenge Community circuit so we're gonna try and beat him fair and square obviously I think there's times he's less fast there's times I've lived faster I generally think it's in our battle it's been easy to follow it's been more difficult to lead it's almost just 21 seconds up the road [Music] he's gone wide there but I think he'll be able to hold the position almost halfway through the race pretty crazy this is where we just are able to carry a bit more speed it might be the platform of the car it might just be me being a little bit more confident here might be a combination of the two unfortunately it's not really a overtaking area so somewhere we can catch or someone we can try and get away but won't be someone will be able to overtake just keep an eye on the um split there with ill Mojo maybe he's struggling with lap Runner no lap traffic there I don't know what he's struggling with then careful on the brakes trying to be really smooth on and off the power on and off the brakes [Music] playing fast and loose at the track limits there haven't been binned it so far that's a really important part of the race see the drivers behind there having a real battle so we don't want to get sucked into that one do we look at that very close between at least three drivers and this feels sort of like GT3 racing right now you know just noisily getting around I'm yapping at his heels but I'm not really looking like to send it every corner if that makes sense only five laps of fuel remaining by the way only five laps of fuel remaining [Music] shouldn't have any damage to repair been a few pieces of contact oh there's almost another one there so we sell her out in seconds probably a good job we did actually some more drivers in the pit still 20 drivers in this race though out of the 21 that started which is great to see maybe people are making up here stops now on halfway mark we're going to go a little bit longer and just try and take advantage of the light car the light of fuel and actually we've overtaken a lot of the bat markers there it's good for us and those gaps are here they might seemed like big gaps but they can change very quickly as we saw in the previous race at Watkins Glen where we were in this sort of position but we ended up don't want to spoil it but we ended up on the podium so Never Say Never we're sort of circling right now five laps of fuel to go to time it right obviously BMW is maybe a little bit wide there we're taking a bit more of a graceful Arc yeah so a big thank you to uh Logitech by the way for sponsoring this video obviously I'm driving on their Logitech uh Pro direct drive will and also logic pro load cell pedals unbelievable combination and driving in the Lost hit McLaren G challenge Community circuit and driving in a McLaren top so I'm properly on brand today but if you do want to check out Logitech Wheels they are very very very kindly given us a discount code which is really generous to them that you can use on for example the Logitech Pro dire Drive wheel so use the code I believe it's kirith 5 or kirith one of them try both at Logitech I'll be a link in description and you can get yourself a little discount just really generous of them so if you do want to check out their wheels do go um do that and a massive thank you to Logitech for sponsoring this video and getting us involved but what we've got to work out now is what's going to happen here with pit stops with the BMW because can we try some sort of cheeky undercut do we want to 524's got a stop and go by the way that's P4 there we go there we go P4 has a stop and go of 30 seconds which will mean they'll need to come in and take that I mean while we set our fastest lap that might be the car coming out of the pits just be careful can't see it so yeah stop and go penalty they'll need to come in again 997 gets a track limits penalty but I think 997 won't be up there because they're the car that had the speeding at the beginning so we just got to play oh the BMW has a huge moment there let's see what we can do four laps a few remaining we don't want to get this wrong we're going to come in check we've got everything ticked tires fuel do a quick sense check of it come to the fuel burn rate and then make sure we come in nice and under the speed limit and wait for the um speed limiter to pit to pick up whose is behind it is Lima behind us he might have been really really really rapid and as pitted we will see so potential banana skin here in the Ferrari 296 let's see all right let's quick doesn't he we won't fight this one I think [Music] try and play that one sensible [Music] that is the car that won the Nurburgring 24 hours this year [Music] come on [Music] oh it's a bit awkward for them there isn't it one has a drive through it's a car behind us sailor said they have a drive-through and it's a stop and go as well so we've got to be really careful about our pit stop here because oh my word the BMW is not yielding he might just have yielded there thought better of it oh let's try and catch up so I don't think next time around but maybe the time after we will be going into the pits there and I don't know where the pit entry line is but I'm gonna be trying to avoid getting a penalty there go P4 is in the pits taking that thing and there's a driver ahead car 17 has a oh P2 he's got a speeding a bit Lane and it's all kicking off here it is all kicking off hold on to your hats everyone it's Madness again in the Logitech G challenge the BMW gets a bit wavy obviously the car's lighter can have interesting effects in the wet weather it's a bit more prone to moving around 11 liters left wow wow wow we are in P5 but we need to take up it to stop but there's people around us who have penalties including P3 ahead of us and if you didn't have that penalty be battling that might be provisional lead I don't know [Music] BMW pick one clears it gotta stop looking at that it doesn't involve us so at this rate there's going to be about 12 laps to go [Music] 12 times 3.2 probably about 40. so I feel like a 40 definitely put at least 40 in do are gonna have some extra attack so we've got 10 already in the tank still we won't we won't box this time we'll box next lap unless he boxes and we'll follow him in because this is the pit entry [Music] I'm comfortable with actually putting 38 in so you're gonna go in he does not so we will go around and we will box next lap that will take us closer to 22 minutes before then doing a stop and go by the way and p3s in the pits but that's probably regulation that's probably the previous leader so we are now in P3 we are now in P3 everyone and we are going to box next time around see the BMW is just getting away a little bit I want to be more confident with the current platform underneath it yeah there's a sector two but not sure what that's about 1.8 off cp6 is still in the pits there but we'll see what happens when we come around because we have to spend a length up as well and we're not going below that two minute ten so we need to really try and get in those two minutes 19 minutes if we want to be competitive on Pace stop and go clear there 1.9 seconds to the BMW it's driving nicely so we are going to box box [Music] so I'll check down the back straight on the fuel and everything and we're all happy it's gonna be fun to see us live isn't it you can all be screaming at me telling me how much fuel to put in right here we go say we're gonna put 38 liters in and we're going to change tires go on the wets 30 second Pit Stop sounds good to me so let's try and just make sure we don't speed in the pit Lane I don't know what the speed limit is and I don't know where the line is he's taking a fairly tight line is he going to come in there he isn't but we're going to come in [Music] there's a line don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it don't worry about it not gonna speed assume the limit is on but don't trust it so just do it manually I think it is on because it's flashing but [Music] is that happening I think it's happening oh let's go everyone let's go see what's going on around us remember we're pitting maybe a lap earlier than other people don't be surprised if we lose positions here I presume don't go over the white line is that someone are outside I can hear it [Music] nope don't think so track limit but no time gained hopefully that wasn't us going over the white line and we're down in P11 but some people might be going very long they might put a lot more fuel in the car I just left it as default and we now have 13 laps to go at two minutes left 26 lap 26 minutes so we're all good basically we're all good even if that goes down to 12 we're all good [Music] probably I've got maybe five six liters too much but I'd rather have 16 much and 60 little at this stage of my ACC career so to speak oh it's heavy now let's say everyone it's at the yellow flag in sector three [Music] schlout said sorry so I don't know what was going on there might have been behind us and we hopefully we'll see that ahead of us see some people pitting this lap it's a very heavy car now compared to what I was used to before someone on the exit there [Music] let's prove we've got what it takes here by overtaking some cars on Pace [Music] but I'm hopeful that we're going to see people dive into the pits [Music] one has been disqualified for driving in the pit Lane car number one who I presume is a fast driver has been disqualified wow what on Earth is going on there that is some significant Drama Oh it's sailor he's not ahead of us he's behind us he's behind us maybe he's been dropped there I don't know but we'll take him and polos in the pits as well we'll be fighting him on pics in the seat now he looks like we're clear so we're ahead of Polo if I remember was our rival in the previous race [Music] no one behind us let's get into this Mercedes to the driving fundamentals MIT bow number 35 [Music] maybe he pitted earlier maybe actually this is sort of you know we're on the same Strat I don't know well it's gone wide there but it's going to go around so we might just suppression him next up modiga don't think they're medigas not the uh guy we were racing in the BMW that was someone else but I think what objects here has been trying to go sub 210 on a lap time so we've got to aim for I'll be surprised if people are going much deeper than this but you never know nice turn in there use the grip actually make an apex here and have a more straightforward entry here and there's someone facing the wrong way I just spotted out the corner of my eye there a black car on the exit let us keep up with us about us here there he is on his way as S driver I think mediga might have almost been collected in that [Music] so he might be prone to sort of having a moment you're trying to get a very different part of the race here Sailors being disqualified he's in the pits mediga with a two minute twelve I'd read to think what a lap time is going to be here but we want to be aiming for okay not bad let's push that now let's push it because I don't like having all these drivers ahead of us maybe we need to change tires I donate to fellow McLaren potentially a banana skin [Music] only a call to the race to go we're very very good on fuel that would be ahead of this guy if we put the right amount in [Music] [Music] this is where we found him the wrong way on the previous lap so let's keep a wits about is might be sort of on a quick lap here fair play sir a fair play gosh I made a bit of a pixir of that one but we got three and it's 8.5 seconds to mediga and there is Derby 21 seconds up the road so he must have pitted and uh gained a lot in the pit stop phase gained 20 seconds I don't see any other explanation there so maybe the tire change is not necessary in the wet I don't know two minute 13 from adiga oh no there's Grider Ferrari in the barrier there what's happening there not good at all but that's another position for us that we'll take now do we have the pace and the time to get back at Derby I just don't know we'd have to be ferocious [Music] have to be ferocious Derby mediga I think we can definitely get into mediga but I do want a bit more don't we my flag really catching him now with that sausage 13 laps to go 30 minutes ago sorry [Music] see if we get unlucky with the timing that could still be about seven laps couldn't it [Music] [Music] need to be very carrying speed through there still 6.5 to mediga at this rate that we will catch him or her [Music] Lux has still 20 cars in this race so I've only had one sort of um let's work retirement at 12. we need to go faster we won't have enough time for only taking a second to lap out I think we'll leave it too much a chance [Music] no mistakes yet though which I'm happy about I think me driving a GT3 in real life it's really helped with me being actually a lot smoother with the inputs just trying to caress the car around corners 5.6 looks to be equal with Derby but think we've been done a bit on strap there is a mandatory Tire requirement he hasn't changed it I don't know [Music] we've seen stranger things this race there is a stop and go for car number two I don't know who that is but they've got to stop and go could be one of the top four [Music] oh that's an aggressive line [Music] just hear the engine fluttering here the TC is kicking in but look out faster we are on this lap [Music] actually oh snaps on a 207 so we ain't gonna do that [Music] two minute twelves though Derby I think I saw unfortunately lose a lot of time when you exit there [Music] oh two minute ten dead nice can we track limit [Music] [Music] well we're chasing down a BMW for 10 minutes to go [Music] 3.5 [Music] we might be catching Derby slowly but too not too late there I think [Music] unless yeah I know maybe tires going off or something as well for them I'll do what we can do and drive fast [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] driver so I'm trying to focus now it's one thing to catch it's another thing to overtake especially in the work [Music] but we're here now I see plenty of penalties ahead of us someone's cleared their stop and go it's car number two oh it's the car that we saw in the barriers wonder if he's got a good pace and if he's repaired his car oh take an opportunity here I think just sweep clean around and I think there was a bit of contact behind and I think the Ferraris ended up going off the track wow wow wow okay so now the next car of the road is Derby okay let's really try and go for this how then let's go for it see what we can do [Music] I'm really pushing it now I'm really pushing it I want to see if we can reduce that Gap in a way that puts him under pressure [Music] careful man careful [Music] don't want to spin it [Music] someone said they run out of fuel in their Pit Stop fortunately we went a little bit wide there which cost us people might run Outfield at the end that Delta is all over the place by the way oh Darby's in the pits in the pits what's happened with Derby why is Darby in the Pierce maybe he's splashing Splash and Go or something keep an eye then here we are we're going to overtake him I think he might be back on the move [Music] he might need to do the faintest of splashes and dashes we are back up to p a six everyone with six minutes to go and the leader is just behind us oh no no no no no no no no come on man come on [Applause] I think the leader is just behind us Lima so that's going to be interesting when it comes to the end of the race what a journey so far and still could be plenty dramatic moments please please remember to hit the like button on the video make sure you're subscribed as well share the video in your ACC communities if you want to show you them what you've been watching as I sort of fall apart there 55 minutes of non-stop driving pretty much feeling sweaty but I feel like I've I've driven well so far a P6 77 with a penalty um again you know a P3 in the first round and a P6 here is kind of solid I think especially as I hadn't driven Watkins Glen and ACC and I haven't driven in the rain previously here [Music] careful man come on we're doing silly stuff now we've got a warning there [Music] so I think if we get another one that might become a penalty so let's not do anything super silly here I just wonder this guy behind us is [Music] gonna get two laps and that's it he's not gonna get a three it's gonna get two laps so they're effectively two laps remaining at the race [Music] come on come on come on concentrate [Music] scalars gate [Music] five player behind we don't want any drama there as well do we not sir if we can avoid it [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no [Music] foreign genuinely like got a sweater tomorrow like George Russell Style maybe someone else they've got a penalty that 997 car has been in the walls haven't they do not get a track limit here my friend yeah let's avoid that that was a yellow flag somewhere oh the car no there's a car ahead of us just dive into the pits I think but they're behind us really for position and yeah you're gonna see here we're not gonna get around before about two minutes ten so we are going to be going on to the last lap everyone great ACC endurance so far but will there be any drama on the last lap because nothing counts for anything just yet take home those Championship points that's what we've got to focus on so we've got to concentrate on 156. [Music] it's the leader behind it is on the final lap someone's cleared that stop and go and he is only two seconds and at that rate he will overtake us So the plan is we go over the start Finish Line behind the leader that is the plan as weird as it might sound we do not want to go over the line ahead of the leader um although then we can't be overtaken either can we because no one will be able to come ahead [Music] to the inside here actually I don't know now I'm just being very confusing [Music] oh windows closed there he goes follow the leader see his lies and we fall in Merlin's right so don't we [Music] see where he looks good oh this would be a good result for us [Music] wow look how good he is just very nice through there getting on the power nice we're looking much time he's getting look at the Delta there 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 very very very good fair play fair play [Music] and there we go everyone it says final lap on the car so we go around what is the penultimate Corner really it's gonna be a great result if you do want to get involved in lots of McLaren G challenge Community circuit hit the link in the description below because it's been a great race Fair racing and we're over the line we've got 14 bonus trust I'm now trustworthy and we'll just park the car over here there's a leader it's not a Podium for us this time but it is a P6 and I will take that because I think that means very very good points I've really enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed it as well and I'll see you see you next time
Channel: Kireth
Views: 28,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logitech mclaren g challenge, logitech g, llogitech g challenge, logitech challenge, assetto corsa competizione, assetto corsa, mclaren, logitech, gran turismo, logitech g challenge, simracing, mclaren f1, gran turismo 7, racing, logitech g29, sim racing setup, racing wheel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 4sec (3664 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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