Assessing Donald Trump's Spiritual Alignment | Prophet Uebert Angel

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I want to show you something Donal means ruler ruler yes H it's called Donald John Trump M John means what the voice the one that is preparing the way for the coming of the Lord yes yes no I don't know if they're getting this getting it also means the bridge the bridge brid exactly the word Trump means the bridge or rather the trumpet trumpet the last Trump shall sound ah so he's the ruler who will become the Forerunner of the world and sound the trumpet the trumpet wow and if you want to use um Trump as a bridge is still the bridge he is the ruler who is going to be what the Forerunner of the Lord and become a bridge this is the reason why during the Trump Administration there was never a war yes very good wow our brother came in yes War yes Biden comes in war Trump comes in stops the war no war because it's the bridge so he's telling you that what is going to happen when I'm about to come back is what was happening during the time of Noah and we spoke of course of the Nephilim and we are now speaking of the presidents that are coming in and we dealt with J the issue of je was different he was a man who took over from joram from uh Jezebel all this he took over from there but he changed the nation but he himself didn't change completely towards God so the problem of trump is not that God didn't want him to rule no no no he didn't completely go for God himself he he he championed Ways by which Christians could ever say but at the same time he himself you you can be too busy working for God and not work on yourself with God so what I'm trying to say is what Donald Trump was doing was brilliant he brought the church to the Forefront he respected marriages yes he respected all these other things but he himself had gray areas so God is not just for you to protect Donald Trump because he sent him no H he also wants him to worship Him wow this is the problem that's why it ended so you have trip 7 which is Jesus Christ of course you have got all biblical numerology going in and stuff like that are you getting this yes sir now that means Triple 7 is Christ seven is the number of Jesus is the number of what in finite it means the one who is perfect that's why Jesus said if you are forgiving forgive your brother seven times seven mhm M and I've got 7,000 prophets or 700 prophets that have niled down to me that means many all right it is the number of what of perfection in the Bible maybe you want to show them that part of you believe Google more preachers now here it is according to what to the American publication the Orthodox Study Bible 77 represents the threefold Perfection of the Trinity are you getting this all right let's come back to to something that I want to show you I want to start from number one Trump was born on the June 14 which is of course a number uh divisible by seven they didn't get it yes sir and number is divisible by seven exactly twice which was exactly 700 days later when Israel was reborn as a nation on May 14 1948 but they didn't get it wow wow wow Trump's first day in office he was 70 years 7 months and 7 Days Triple 7 are you still here or you just went home he was also inaugurated in the Hebrew year 5777 and he beat Hillary Clinton by 77 electoral votes because seven electors defected no they still not getting what I'm trying to say exactly 7 months after Trump's first full day in office are you getting this there was a total solar eclipse over us continent a path that was exclusively in the US and that was not happened since 1776 the year recognizing the US declaration of independence why am I making that possible Joel 2 vers number 30 and I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke and the sun shall be turned into darkness so like eclipse and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord before the Rapture I will do this are you getting this yes sir Trump's birthday is June 14 1946 Ed also on the blood moon did you not say I will turn the moon blood and maybe some people are not getting this yes it's clear and joob midpoint of his St January 2029 midle dead middle that's when he said I'm putting this sign here interesting FS magazine ranked Trum the s77 richest person in the world that time trip7 no they didn't they didn't get it wow wow president Trump was elected are you getting this the same day benjam now seventh year 7th month and Seventh Day in office trip7 we are looking at Israel and looking at America at the same time using the 7 we found in the Bible is actually the number of perfection the number of god wow wow Daniel 12 vers number 12 I want you to look at this clearly mhm blessed is ye that waiteth and cometh to the 1,35 and3 days now here it is July 4 2020 right mhm was exactly 1,335 days are you getting since Trump was elected president that was the Independence Day no no you didn't get it wow wow maybe read it again because you're not getting you Daniel blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the 1,35 and3 days that is 3 1,300 35 days M mhm exactly wow Isaiah 5:20 I want to Pastor Felix read it who unto them that call evil good and good evil that put Darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and Sweet for bitter saying there is a time that will come this is the time when you see that time you realize this is what is happening the time when people shall call good evil in evil good have you ever done a consumer report of Biden and Trump and try to figure out who is the best here no listen don't I'm not saying be Democrat or be biased like you angel or anything like that yes just think it's not illegal yet to think they working on it but for now it's not illegal just think to think anybody would vote for Biden is a surprising it's amazing it's shocking it's really shocking half of the time he doesn't know where he is recently he was campaigning he said I know you're going to vote me back into Congress he forgot he was being voted for president president well he amazing absolutely shocking it's shocking it's shocking he doesn't know whether he walking he's walking or sometimes he goes this direction and then they tell him stand this side at one time he was even led by a blind man it is ruling the country this is not a lie he was going the wrong direction a blind man grabbed him with his walking stick like this went with him to where he was supposed to stand he went and stood at the end of the line facing that direction and people facing this direction the ones he was supposed to talk to just last week he was studying there and he asked the people that um his his people that that he was he said um should I be asked questions he's asking them it today is it okay is my B and hearing okay for me to be asked questions W yet someone will vote for he said you not black if you don't vote for me m it means according to him black people are so stupid that they just need to vote for whoever they are told to vote for and it's [Music] okay wow wow wow wow I don't know if they're getting this they're getting it sir they're getting who is attacked of being called a liar being called a liar is Trump trump the days are coming when evil Shall be Called good and good Shall be Called evil evil h wow
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 206,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prophet angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, Prophet, GoodNewsworld, Spirit Embassy, #Donald Trump, #USA elections, #Donald, #usa, #usa president, #politics
Id: NtJqpaAApPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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