The Exact Day And Hour That Christ Is Coming | Prophet Uebert Angel

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this is the thing you should be afraid of if you're not right with god wow go to Matthew 24 I want to show you something but of the day and hour what of the minute no what of the week what of the year the month okay in first Thessalonians chapter number 5 and we'll start from verse number one but of the times and the seasons Brethren you have no need that I write unto you wait a minute you just said in Matthew 24 no one knows the time knows the time now you might say oh that's okay maybe it's just referring to you don't need that are right unto you because you know no one knows let's see for yourselves know perfectly W not not wish was we know perfectly that the Lord cometh is a thief in the night so we know it's at night yes sir mhm so you can't say we don't know M oh no they didn't get it they didn't even get it that we should say day and hour uhhuh what of the period if we know is in the afternoon he already told us now it's at night so we now know from six to we have we have an idea for you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night mm for when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not Escape notice what it says in verse verse verse number three for when they shall say peace and safy so we know yes sir if we are in trouble lockdowns are everywhere that's all right M because if you are quiet in your houses nothing is happening outside that's when I come that means there should be a an environment created that we don't interact m M wow because if we under wct we fight so we know the times that Christ is going to come there will be peace as long as Ukraine is fighting Russia Jesus is not coming but when you hear them saying let there be peace we shall sign something mhm then you know something is about to take place because any moment where peace is going to be established Jesus will come during that time but the world won't notice it because they don't see whether there is peace or not they won't notice which kind of Peace we talking about for when they shall say peace and S then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not Escape now hear this when they shall say what that means you shall feel safe mhm that mean there is something that will make people feel safe feel safe maybe it's an injection for my God they saying something there maybe it's a medication and as they say in the Book of Revelation by the sorceries the sorceries they shall what be we or control the Nations and the word sorer is the word phakia which simply means Pharmaceuticals the drug distribution they shall deceive the world it's there Revelation 18:23 so when you read it it says by the sorceries and people start thinking this this is Witchcraft and go and all that no just look for the word sorceries it is the word phakia where we get the word Pharmacy so by drug distribution by the medical institutions by big F the world will be deceived and when we think we are at peace C calm now we found a disease oh wow wow wow we found a disease oh my God my God we in deep trouble but wait we have a cure oh so there's a cure and now it's safe we sit back they're measuring everything that they doing best on peace that they will bring m M peace peace fear peace calmness yes people should fear peace more than anything not virus no fear peace Whenever there is peace and if you're not right with God that's the time you should be you should be shaking in your boots that time Shake because Jesus will come when there is peace let's go peace and destruction and then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not Escape watch this but ye Brethren so when he says no one knows the day it's not talking to Christians yes sir oh no you see see I I knew you didn't get that so is the song correct 100% correct M because it's not talking about us MH that's not us it's not us is Matthew 24 correct 100% but it's not talking about us we know the day it's not going to be a day it's a night night you know there are stages in our being taken away the first stage is the dead in Christ shall hear him first then we which are alive will hear him mhm boom we're taken in a twinkling of an eye then boom destruction comes to the Earth mhm you see that the taking happens and the destruction follows doesn't happen at the same time it's not smile tus no we are taken then destruction happens so we of the light we can sense it say here you shall hear a trumpet says then the trumpet shall sound the last trumpet notice here the Bible says the last trumpet that means there is the first trumpet that sounded you didn't hear it for this one to be the last for this one to be the last [Laughter] trumpet there might have been 1,000 trumpets that took place m that sounded and you never heard them says in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and the twinkling of an eye doesn't mean say a millisecond no it's something quicker than a millisecond is the fastest way of measuring the second boom just the tiniest rather component of a second W in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet last one the last which one is a first who knows what if the answering your call was a trumpet M receiving Jesus was a trumpet wow you answered you thought you enjoyed the preacher wow no your friend was sitting next to you and the preacher preached a simple message and you said I'm being born again today and your friend is like is this what the preacher said there's nothing special there but somehow you felt something in your bones something in your system that went like you know what I'm giving my life to Christ now now then all of a sudden you are sitting there you're an accountant and it begins like a fire shut up in your bones you feel like wait a minute I need to be I need to be a preacher I'm a preacher I'm leaving this job I'm preaching how that's another trumpet wow so you have had several trumpets this one will not leave you you also have a certain level of trumpet I don't maybe you are a model today maybe maybe your job is a pilot maybe you're in air hostess Maybe maybe you are a hotelier maybe all these were trumpets that you had now you say how did I hear that trumpet to start this thing as a pilot how did they hear that trumpet to be a preacher it happened in the inside it's it's something you can't explain that's why it's called a calling you know a calling you say how did you go brother I felt a calling how did you go I felt pool there was a pool I don't know how I got there but I just felt I couldn't do it the Prophet Jeremiah said you deceived me and I was deceived that's Jeremiah 20 vers number 7 you deceived me and I was deceived oh you are mightier than I and you prevailed I'm in derision daily everyone mock me for since I spake I cried out violence and spoil and destruction because the word of God was made a reproach unto me and I became a derision daily H then I said I will not mention your name ever again nor speak anymore in your name but your word was in my hand a burning fire shut up in my bones if I was in the Generation Z uh moment I would say it's like a bullet shut up in my gun you know I couldn't I couldn't let it stay in there I needed to fire it yes sir he shall come like a thief at night mm we don't leave in the night mm m so if Jesus is of the light and we are of the light we will see him when he the time of his approaching the night we can we can sense it we of the light we we can sense that is approaching you know we can sense it but you Brethren are not in the darkness that the day should overtake you as a thief wait a minute right there we don't fall he says you are not in the dark so the day will not come like a thief mhm M so a thief comes when you don't know MH when you least expect him yes sir but the Bible is saying we are not of the night that the day will come like a thief it only comes like a thief if you don't know the day the hour so Matthew 24 is never for us it's never for us but ye Brethren are not in the darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief but it's for you don't worry mhm you will not be overtaken like a thief MH coming at night because you going to be told when he's [Music] coming so he's not coming like a thief M he will tell you today we are robbing yeah we're breaking into number five wow then you go like oh so don't worry MH you might be the neighbor don't worry mhm wow
Channel: Uebert Angel
Views: 73,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: uebert angel, bebe angel, beverly angel, the goodnews church, prophecy, prophetic, spirit embassy, christ embassy, prosperity, prophet angel, prophet uebert angel, pastor chris, chris oyakhilome, Prophet, Africa, How to Hear the Voice of God, Miracle Money, Angel, Angels, GoodNewsworld, Goodnews, Spirit Embassy
Id: kglZyelyIJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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