Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered: THE TYRANNY OF KING WASHINGTON All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K UltraHD

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[Music] I don't wanna wake up gonna get on rise we must go mother what are you doing here are you still dreaming we came here together now we must go I thought I thought I'd lost you you're here I am here I have always been here are you all right better than all right good now come I have heard screaming and ganyan gay huh close by I must learn what is going on it's gonna I'll be my thoughts what is your fault what have you done she is not the one you want why is Washington sent his men to worry the frontier Washington to find somebody a native woman who tried to take it from him well he will not find me by you what could Washington have to do with this he is no longer commander-in-chief he retired to Mount Vernon a lovely fantasy read on her gala you know Washington went mad with power long ago I tried to stop him but failed I know you have brought down his wrath upon my own people I do not understand none of it fits a Washington's men are raiding Concord right now murdering everyone they're looking for you got a deal King Washington come they're imagined you would strike us so recklessly are you talking about commander Washington why did that woman call him King many innocent people are suffering because of me not only the villagers we must protect as many as we can only tell us where she is and these people live refused and they burn it's really quite simple we don't know who you want very well please please there are women and children in there are you a monster do not do this you had your chance do it quietly don't let them see you [Music] free them this is all because of me get as far away from town as possible find shelter in the forest I love forgive myself but we don't this is madness I cannot understand what is going on you I need your help help me load the cannon the king's army is advancing use this gun just drop them [Applause] [Music] they are retreating we have done it do not retreat the advance or die till Lexington you'll have a better vantage point from there if I had only succeeded in taking a sector now I must make amends scepter mother this all becomes more and more difficult to understand there she is leading the savage that tried to steal the source and symbol of my power gazed upon it or it will be the last object you will ever see I come here to destroy both you and your sad village but none like you will be allowed to live commander Washington why are you doing this after all we accomplished take hold of your senses another delusional savage I have never had such a firm grasp on my senses now bend your knee to your monarch and make penitence in the last moments before you are blasted to your tread reward corporal take care of them presently Gate on a blue coat over there drop them from a setting off the powder keg shoot anyone trying to light the fuses here comes another one he tried to destroy the entire town is all my fault I do not understand Washington knows me he is a man of reason if nothing else but that was not the man I once called my friend are you confused why would you ever have met that monster I met him hi mother this is all wrong Washington to violence all of it we must get back and one of our people in the village before the Mad King spreads his destruction there get on that horse take that horse brother the potato the Lexington I knew was the scene of a great triumph now it is a place of disaster this way it will be faster Mad King George's on the warpath and intends to destroy our village we need every able body to protect it come with us we know boy owner sent us to collect the bowels of the great willow she means for us to defend our people to make the tea has she lost her senses the taste pitfalls overshadow its power you must not do it you have seen what it can do is it dangerous I have seen it it is worse than dangerous it is a promise of madness even death for those who left the Constitution we cannot disobey the clan mother believe me Atia the great willow is folly come back with us we will fulfill the client mother's request you will collect the vows speak to Orion air and if you can convince her we will burn them I intend you what is the tea of the great willow something our people should never have discovered it is the tea brew to the great willows virgin boughs and consumed by our waters string spread the one game for every physical boon it gives it robs the peace of the mind it must never did you drink it will not allow you to drink it you intend to brew tea of the great willow have you forgotten the consequence of drinking it I have not no got a deal but when our people face a threat like the Mad King there are no other paths no other paths we can fight them as human beings my son and I have had success just the two of us imagine the strength of our whole village and how many of these fearless blue coats have you brought down at a time two five ten thousands will come to destroy us thousands that you awoke people's survival depends on the strength of a great willow you are as mad as the king do what you will but my son will not drink the tea then like you he will die stupid old woman what would you have us do mother we have no choice but to fight I know I have something that will help something from your father my father he left him for you long ago before he died my father left those for me it was part of an order a secret Brotherhood I know who my father was and I know what those are Jim they will certainly help how do you know all this I cannot explain everything is all wrong here all of this should not be you should not be I watched you get out of here show you no mercy general Putnam general Arnold I sometimes despair of our project I question my abilities and my strength but with you two at my side I believe we will bring liberty to this country we will bring it with fists of iron I have assurance of your loyalty you have my solemn pledge and mine thank you honorable gentlemen this country will remember you no corner to the savages you will not succeed here you you survived how astonishing this time I'll make certain of your death by their Washington you are fighting the force of Liberty with my power I will rule over a free world [Music] give that here for good measure he is awake where are we safe place by the grace of your brothers the village Jorge burned it was after your mother your stubborn mother where is she she did not listen and now she is dead you take the news well it is something that I knew that I know commander Washington the Revolution how did this come to be no one knows how King Washington came to possess the scepter but now that he has it no one can stop him we were surviving staying out of his way it's your mother tried to steal it from him and not just angered him more now oh I cannot dead and the people of the frontier murdered and imprisoned how did we survive why the strength granted us by the great willow a strength you now must find my mother she said your mother was a fool full of ideals and bullheaded now the King George's power has been threatened he is making slaves of everyone pradana get on it falls to you to make good on your mother's mistake journey to the great willow climb her retrieve the virgin boughs in her canopy drink their essence and gain the power to fight to bring down this Mad King George what power gather your strength and I will show you you already great willow at the top of the mountain yes I will return with the boughs and perhaps some fresh meat to cook oh nevermind the meat just bring back the branches boil them in water and drink the tea only then will you be ready to return and fight back with your brother's drink our strength become one of us leave no tracks leading here upon your return go I will meet you at the red willow tree you're on your own now how dangerous is it each journey to the sky world is unlike any other for summit is very dangerous you will find your answers are at the very top of the willow I am sorry mother I must speak to Washington to make sense of this it is the only way was it just a dream could I die actually you best stop moving my tamaak they have taken it I shall enjoy getting it back rather Hungate honor I'm happy to see you hello my friend have you seen my brother I last saw him just before I climb the red willow tree we were tracking blue coats and lost sight of each other I am worried that he is captured I fear you may be right was your sky journey successful very successful perhaps you can join me in the search for my brother any secrets you learn from your journey may be very useful such a great warrior must not be lost to us of course I will help you this old man's body is still warm in this weather it cannot be more than two hours since he died during your sky journey tell me what animal call to you it is difficult to talk about but I was fortunate to meet the wolf you journey to a powerful place you are fortunate perhaps after the fight the prisoners were marched up the hill you seem to have the nose of the wolves this isn't right could you call on your spirit animal I see that I was right your sky journey has given you a powerful gift I'm certain it will help our search would he want with me I didn't do nothing wasn't hurting nobody just hunting deer the mother fellers is who you won't what others went to show no nasty fellers so I'm rounding up engines over your honor one of the Braves did he have a hand marked on his face you mean like a big tattoo across his chin yeah I seen that fella with him hard to miss take us to this camp uh sure sure whatever you gentlemen want the Wolves use them cavitus for the love of the king brother my brother I knew you'd find us it's thanks to radhanagar brother negate we will make sure that these people are taken care of you should return to the clan mother she will want to hear of our adventure oh yeah now let's not get it done huh Long's been followed your trail back here your brother's fought well but there were too many I thought the T your strength not immortality it gives me life I have never felt anything like it you must be careful respect the power of the T I thought I can't died your mother was right to worry about the danger uh I am certain I can defeat anyone good first kill Arnold stop the destruction here then kill Washington you must succeed I don't like it here not you Oh buddy manases Madison next Putnam gutted a man yesterday for having darkness musket I'm all for weeding out the weak be careful Adam we're on the right side but that doesn't mean we're safe we dealt with no savages like we were supposed to cause nails they was we brought them down oh good we have nothing to worry about don't be so sure we've got one more day in this place before we're relieved and then it's off to the valley floor waiting order from commander Arnold she's gone off into some sort of seclusion until the king such as plans acting commander we are very grateful I would help you with your people but I must get to Valley Forge once everyone is safe at the refugee camp north of here I will join you at Valley Forge to help you to repay your kindness no need but if I see you there I will be happy for your help you may find other camps full of our enslaved people they are sad reminders of Arnold's terror and devastation it's very dangerous here guards everywhere they struck the edges of the camp with dogs these are very good dogs raggedy alert with sharp eyes if you get even many yards away from them they yell and bring the soldiers thank you it is not safe here go home you ever paid my kindness you will succeed the rather Nagi done goodbye I must speak with Arnold myself yes sir I'll arrange a detail to escort you immediately I do not need one you are acting commanding officer in my absence if anything should go wrong well your Widow will be provided for its list yes sir I have waited a long time to end your treachery you escaped me once but today you die who are you what what is happening You Know Who I am I've never seen you before in my life Washington's Apple he he uses it to control man you you have to believe me hahaha he was not at my right mind what you did at West Point was up no one's mind but yours West Point I never set foot on that fort of my life please Washington he's gone mad you you have to bring him down there's no more man but a monster find Benjamin Franklin in Boston he can help you but you have to you have to free him free him from where where get you Oh enjoy your nap it's a shame about old Arnold but I had to laugh at your expression when I hit you great big eyes and then oh oh like a light goddamn you Putnam you woke up just in time we arriving in Boston town that will soon be mine Washington love it sure the man who defied you the man you shot point-blank I give him to you as a little gift he wears a wolf hat too you have gone mad all of you with that it'll kick out Ben Franklin sir Boston will be mine it's in the bag just like your head oh yes you will make for quite a gift is a vegan watches over us I've got a present for you your highness the compression I think you'll be rather pleased a very thoughtful Putnam do you know any of this mr. Franklin no maybe it's news to me what sort of present General Partner the best sort come see browse him it's the one who blasted point-blank in the village sire really they survived remarkable yes well I've captured one myself sire in the next sell aside you joined our traitor Sam Adams have them both beheaded along with a score of citizens taken at random as an example to all random citizens isn't that rather harsh your majesty harsh sir is it harsh to defend our freedoms is it harsh to extinguish those who would enslave us mr. Franklin I suggest you examine your commitment to the cause sir yes yes of course your majesty have the scaffolds made ready my liege Putnam I fear mr. Franklin is going soft see to it that this so-called rebellion is crushed and I will consider rearranging just who is in charge I already have a plan my lord as for you let's see how you survive with the loss of your hand carry on Putnam yes your highness stay sharp soldier he watches try anything I've got my eye on you I do IRA began watching over us hmm I think I would rather hold it in a beginning beacon is that he's escaped I need help what's going on shut up you damn what happened he was there then gone there must be a hole or something Hey anyone alive get me out of raghida Ganondorf gone alive my friend I cannot believe you are here you they said you had been killed along with your mother the clan mother brought me to help Ganondorf gone I was unable to protect my mother I was unable to save the village I'm very sorry don't okay don't it has been difficult here as well a fight with some atoms rebels but there are too few in two week but hurry get me out Washington is enslaving the people and looting everything he ships the slaves then treasure to New York to build his palace the rebels tried to free some slaves but we were ambushed and I was captured we're locked in this is not everything ah wait here I will let you through when it is clear what is that from the Red Willow that is how you can move as you do you went on a Skye journey yes what are you doing we want to defeat Washington I will need to strength from the animal spirits no I defied my mother to go on that journey it is too dangerous have no choice but you're risking yourself for nothing even with the help of the wolf I was taken captive you don't know anything every journey holds a chance meeting a new animal spirit wait every journey holds a chance of losing yourself I understand the risk I will take the journey [Music] [Music] I thought I give them your coat I'm sounded the alarm did you see a spirit are you alright I never felt better put some muscle on it you lily-livered God and praise savages kill them or Washington will have our heads or at least mine there is Franklin those are the savages attack I'll take the blue coat you stop frankly you earnings where I I don't understand Who am I why did Arnold say that you could help me is this me it is this is myself I've come to myself my god what am i God I don't care for those who meddle in my plans [Music] [Music] escape escape us blessed you care why did you disobey me my side your mother cannot help you now I wanted to protect you you failed to save your village to save your father never again another negator oh I get them what happened I had him I had Franklin then Washington yeah I do not know Washington maybe I don't have to free Franklin from a prison I have to free him from Washington's power young man you need a doctor I found an islet ritorna Gator Samuel Adams yeah do I know you Hey I know of you sir you were the famous man with the wolf hood I admire the work you have done and are doing now we fight times are hard you could use your assistance contact on I get on we should all get out of here we found a place that is safe we'll be trapped in this alley if Franklin comes with reinforcements like last time but then I get done I told you're an extraordinary hunter able to track anything or anyone I'd do my best I could use such a man I fought for years in the cause of freedom I thought that Washington who lead us to a new age but he turned like to start again sadly our second rebellion is faltering sir we're out of gunpowder you must leave Boston will be crushed all together I was to free some comrades to bring with us and loyal boys all of them but this time we must avoid being surprised by their murderer Franklin if I had a man track Franklin damn oh we attempt to free our friends it would disorient the Bluecoats and ensure our success I have my own reasons to get Franklin we have in accordance of desires time to time we get important information from this tavern right here your appearance for his attention but if you were able to mingle with the denizens you should be able to discover Franklin's movements I didn't think they served savages in your that one should be in a slave camp okay come on it's much better than cards don't you think I remember hey I am trying to concentrate I'm just being sociable Shivan old Franklin's sending me out with another message whoa you're in for it now and here's the worst of it the message is for Putnam Christ you're a dead matter all right with either of those two there's always some reason to end up flogged Franklin will give you the lash and then putting them will try to outdo him something big is up only one ale for me I have to get this to putnams lieutenant or it's the whip or maybe worse I must carefully steal the message from his pocket general Putnam there appears to be a misunderstanding regarding our respective positions and authorities a personal meeting is called for at the docks tomorrow 10:00 at night the usual sentinels will secure our safety yours Ben Franklin Putnam doesn't get this message I will miss my chance to trap Franklin I must return it to the messengers satchel who are you general Putnam is unable to meet with you what well this is absurd Washington will hear of this King Washington His Majesty has removed himself to New York City to deal with the rebellion festering there removed himself why wasn't I informed General Partner must be delivered this Proclamation from the king this attests that his real button is heretofore - what is this from now on you take orders from Putnam me take orders from him I suggest you show me some respect sir or I'll have these men shoot you down sentinels sentinels but old still hmm oh come with me oh my god what have we done I became a monster It was as if Washington had some some great power come on he he clouded my mind he I don't want to hear come with me are you taking me somewhere to be killed look but I can help you now you have to understand It was as if my very thoughts were controlled I simply could not think for myself don't kill me not now that I've come to my senses I did monstrous things monstrous I repented those I was literally a different man I pledged to you I pledged my life myself to bring Washington to justice I let you live my only wish is to atone for my wickedness I will devote every moment to destroying the king how my dear man I can be of enormous benefit I served at Washington side I know his habits quite well we will speak to Adams about this mr. Adams I have a prisoner franksen you bastard take him out nothing shot no no Sam I've come to my senses I would have helped the murder of my cousin John the families of Dorchester about the Old North Church you burned everyone inside all horrible do as I said no I believe he will help us the only way to end this is to get to Washington and Franklin knows Washington well we've just learned that he is in New York if we could join Jefferson's rebels in Manhattan who could attack the king together how am I to escape the stranglehold around Boston the docks are overrun with soldiers but them is gone and the captain at Boston Neck is secretly sympathetic to us I am sure he will help us if he thinks he can get away with it but he must help us in such a way that he will not be caught perhaps he could triple the soldiers rum ration that way we could get some drunk get Boston make a breakthrough and once in New York I can be a particular help to what to hear it I created a very special means of protection for Washington's palace an attack there would be completely unexpected you can get me past these protections you will need a medal of a specific weight there's a blacksmith in town loyal to me he'll help you this is absurd I will get Franklin's medal and we will catch up with you this is a fool's errand my friend I hope to see you in New York what can I do for you mr. Benjamin Franklin has sent me he asks something of you Franklin he tells me you have an unusual medal he would like you to give that to me the thing about that is the medal please fella came along the other day wanted his horse shot times being what they are I was clean out iron man's got a right to feed his children donee sorry mister you used it for horseshoes hi look good - real good fellow rode away looking fine works at the Citadel that one [Music] it's hot in here I stoped the brick oven I've got to get the heat extremely high in order to melt the metal did you get it I hope you have a crowbar what for yeah salmon gonna doggone have gone with what's left of the men to Boston neck I hope they make it we should join them as soon as we can yeah first I must melt this down then I need the diagram of my design I left it with an officer as a kind of insurance policy you can almost always be found at the tavern get that and I can file this shape to the correct position look at that outfit Benjamin Franklin sent me to you sorry my friend you want something you've got to beat me I do not have a lot of time that's my condition very well but let's make it quick did you hear about the little fracas went down tonight it was quite a battle battle is being generous more like a massacre bunch of fellas got suckered by Putnam pretty funny what do you mean got suckered shootin fish in a barrel really dumb fish what are you talking about but gnam started a rumor that the captain of the guard was friendly to the rebels hilarious what yep all Putnam tricked those Redcoats into coming out in a group to Boston Neck then just mowed those stupid saps down do you know this for a fact I was there I saw Adams take his last breath Samuel Adams hit the ground like a sack of flour fought back like a sack - frankly pleasure seeing him uh sent off to Hades that's it get him boys [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good riddance to those louts they never paid anyway was that checker player telling the truth it Adams run into a trap I must find out Ganon Dawkins tomahawk are these are these his fingers that's from Sam's uniform dried blood I have to be certain someone must have seen this terrible that was terrible the rebels were overwhelmed outnumbered four-to-one never seen such slaughter if you slaughter fire [Music] this should get us close to Washington by heavens what happened Boston Neck was a trap set by Putnam and Adams cannon dogon everyone killed killed we'll be next we've got to get out of here the land routes are cut off we must escape by sea yes by sea I know of an excellent ship I'm too well-known to move about freely I will find you a disguise excellent idea in the meanwhile give me the diagram I'll file this medal to precision [Applause] hmm bit of a tight fit you know how do I look ridiculous you don't have to be so honest oh dear trouble ahead we're headed to the tavern you can buy us a mug of lift they've tossed us out yes sir mr. Faulkner sir who's that do i Franklin don't let the disguise fool you yo jamp yo men stole my ship you shite easy mr. Faulkner mr. Franklin is on the side of the rebels now we need your help and why should I you will get your ship back ah that goddamn Wolf's to Everly guarded I can change that if you tell me what needs to be done well let's see I'll need you to untie the Achilles oh it's all set to go meantime I can scare you off a small crew then we'll rush the guards and set sail the Aquila is ready do you have a crew they're here can they fight their sailors they do nothing but fight let's go swim I'll hold them off until you're ready to sail snipers you need to stop them Savage over here one move just one move and he's dead call back your men and give yourself up rather than a get home go shut up I've done such horrible deeds mr. scepter what that's not juice every man holds evil deep within the Apple just brought it out I knew your only chance was to leave from the docks kept turning the wheel an adult gone I do not care look at that what sort of man would build such a thing ships at the port bow we're not flying the Kings colors they're sure to fire on us [Applause] gather up their colors will use them to disguise our ship you heard him boys all in the flags and we're wasting them up all right mr. Faulkner I forgot how a good sea battle could get my blood flowing sail around attacking ships that's the life I know that feeling it seems to run in my family your father was a Seafarer then my grandfather Edward he sailed with a rough crew or so I'm told for the king for himself but that is a long tale for another day mr. Faulkner slow down lad there's minds about don't shoot the minds that would give us away for sure there they are we fooled them with our flak guns are out of commission we have no firepower we will have to RAM them ran them deploy for sale mr. Faulkner then abandon ship you too can undock on I will see you on shore phone sail boys my spectacles thank God quite a sight isn't it stay away from me I will not come under your power again no need to worry [Applause] get this off me yes your highness yes never touch that there was another one disperse and find him yes your highness he wanted to atone for what he'd done he saved my life and very nearly killed Washington it will take more than a tomahawk it will take great power we do have this useless don't be foolish that trinket only opens doors are you doing the animal spirits no things we do not know if I journey to them they may teach me are you alright keep watch you returned to this I we are you my son and you not even that you are lost you have to fight you cannot match my power I am Friedel itself this time I'll make certain of your death you were feverish what's happened to your eyes we must separate to search out Jefferson and the rebellion very well thank god you're here the rebels saw their chance when we drew Washington to the docks they're attacking the pyramid their escape is cut off it'll be cut to ribbons I must get down there [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you can you perform such a feat against Washington has a completely surrounded I will hold off any reinforcements you fight your way back to the main gate they just keep coming what is this disturbance your highness some of the people are attacking the pyramid people attacking I am the people yes I am the people I've given myself to the cause of freedom today Nazi sacrifice my entire life for them defeated the English I gave them Liberty great and yet still they repelled this is madness you are our peaking your highness [Applause] you saved my men we must all scatter and disappear into the city who are you I do not gate on a pleasure sir we will meet later and plan our next move well sir I have never seen anything like what you did back there a resourceful man like yourself could easily help the people my goal is to take Washington down the rest is none of my concern we'll never defeat Washington without the people of New York behind us and what do they want they're starving we will win their support if we feed them however all the food is controlled by John Fitzwilliams he is the most corrupt official in a city filled with corruption bring him to me and I will track him to his stores of food [Music] there's four twin O's you won't find a worse blood sucker this side of the Atlantic he sells the food at inflated prices and skims the extra for himself I do not care about them we only care about getting people something to eat eventually he'll lead me to his board [Music] does he get away with it underwater the kings get the cut of every carrot and turnip all right you yes you I wasn't doing nothing Thomas Jefferson needs someone to get this car to food to hungry people to sell it give it free food for hungry folks your man friend get some friends we will take as many cartloads as we can so I was gonna make it out of life a goddamn it's the most fun I've had all week Thomas Jefferson people this year food is thanks to mr. Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson just a few carrots and he has won their loyalty [Applause] what was that my friend Paul Revere disappeared three days ago this soldier just confirmed the disappearance of his wife and son as well I am sorry Revere was an able and valuable man he was endeavoring to loosen the Bluecoat grip on the city neighborhood by neighborhood he was winning the people's trust and support I will take up reviewers work to help rally the city if the citizens fight for us we will replace Washington with a new leader this country must be led by the people Washington is giving a speech we may be able to get an idea of the size of his forces come with me [Applause] citizens of the United States I come before you a humbled man as I look out upon this vast land I see each of you suffering yes suffering and striving for a better life a better future a better America each one of you sacrificing slaving for this great country for freedom and I humbly say to you your sacrifices inspire me they shall not be in very I know this life is difficult ravages of war food shortages crime the burdens caused by Jefferson seditious murderous but we we have a greater purpose that will unite us and lift us above these trifling troubles for us the obliteration of these rebels will be but a foretaste of the feast to come [Applause] citizens as I stand here I feel the four million hearts of our nation beating within my breast today I announced the great project of this nation we are mastering vast armies we are fashioning powerful Ahmadis we shall soon march upon our great dark enemy England we shall invade her shores and irrigate her fields with blood English bones shall provide wrists for our mills and her people shall become our slaves each of you shall profit from the sweat of their labors our nation shall rise to its proper place as the greatest of all the most sovereign Kingdom the United States of America [Applause] Jefferson fight for liberty all parts of the city are ready to rise up at last we will bring down Washington I trusted him absolutely when we fought the British strange that these few years later I would risk everything to bring him down has everything been prepared for my signal I have a man at the military district now he'll know where the weaknesses are to be found we will signal the beginning of the revolution and destroy their gunpowder all at one time dad you you couldn't have gotten here a bit sooner we must hurry to set off the explosion yes well there's no easy way to get to the Gunpowder by my way of thinking the best plan is to set that tower over there on fire then topple it on to the depot I will set the tower on fire you set up those powder kegs at its base spread out find the traitors our plan is working my friend Washington's troops are scattered the palace is unguarded this will help you along the mechanisms rather tricky but I'm sure you'll be able to unravel it very well I will see you once I have succeeded these doors were forced open what target was up here [Music] mother you failed to stop Washington but maybe I can follow you to him someone in the palace shoot anything that comes through there [Music] [Music] [Music] mother it is time I finished what you began isu at last commander Washington if you give up the Apple I will let you live give up the Apple it controls you is that what you believe I believe I control it although I never considered the possibility that it could control someone perhaps it Carol you have been corrupted by the apples power corrupted well that raises an interesting question you wish me to give up the Apple in order to save my soul or do you wish the Apple for yourself so you can control the nation the true rulers are the people let's not deceive ourselves it's an absurd thought but let's suppose that I were beholden to this Apple how would you behave differently I would use it for the good of everyone well the possession of the Apple is both a burden and a blessing tell me when you shake via you feel that you are a slave to the people or do you wish to be their master the people want you brought down but you didn't answer the question [Music] I will end you for all you've done [Music] [Music] [Applause] I don't I get them I died trying to bring down Washington I plead with you do not pursue the Apple my son I am so worried for you the sky journey that led you astray give up your flight for the Apple please my son please now's your chance take the Apple take it commander take it take it from me I do not want it no man should possess a power so absolute sink it into the sea weight it and sink it to the bottom most reaches of the ocean well we had it anyway commander Washington I thought I was alone I'm sorry to interrupt that's quite all right things appear to be at a stalemate I'm afraid so might I suggest commander that a republic cannot survive in a world with so many contending thoughts I beg your pardon elected bodies to be sure the war was fought for this for this nation to prosper for this nation to thrive the weakness of a republic must be balanced by a powerful man at its center a powerful man commander if I may be so warned would be elevated in the eyes of the world if he were given the title of chin I believe I can answer you in complete candor your proposal raises the greatest mischief but could be for my country you could not have found a person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable let me conjure you then if you have any regard for your country concern for yourself or posterity or respect for me to banish these things from you Kate as from yourself or anyone else a sentiment of the like nature we are done here you want to go back yeah back take us back [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 134,671
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Keywords: machinima, the tyranny of king washington all cutscenes, the tyranny of king washington game movie, assassin's creed 3 remastered the tyranny of king washington, assassin's creed 3 remastered the tyranny, assassins creed 3 remastered, assassins creed 3 remastered gameplay, the tyranny of king washington, assassins creed 3 all cutscenes, tyranny of king washington dlc, assassins creed 3 remastered all cutscenes, assassins creed 3 remastered game movie, assassins creed 3 gameplay
Id: ZwsqsCnUeLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 34sec (6394 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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