Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag All Cutscenes Movie

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you is it dangerous Edward privateering is it dangerous wouldn't pay so nice if it weren't why not sell with the caves Navy earn a proper wage sail under gentlemen Sardar the Navy's gentleman for every shilling I'd earned the captain gets 600 that's no way to earn a fortune we don't need a fortune it's not about need Caroline I want food that don't make me sick I want walls that hold back the wind I want a decent life how long would you be gone with these privateers a year I reckon to it the most alright no more than two promise me was it good for you as well vana I must get to Havana well just build us another ship well I I can pay you isn't that the sound you Pirates like best 100 sq us keep talking oh don't you you don't have that gold on you now dear I'm on to you sleepy senior Duncan Waldo I accept your most generous offer and a way to arrival with eagerness if you truly possess the information we desire they have the means to reward you handsome if I will not know your face by sight I believe I can recognize the costume infamous fiber secret order therefore come to Havana needs and trust that you shall be welcome to Petra you must build the cylinder and go am an ordinary a no Torres yaaaa mr. whirlpool let's collect your reward by God's grace sir you saved me the profusion of thanks that yours it is my vessel yes here lies its poor captain and I have no art for sailing I compile it on myself no mine you don't mean to abscond with my ship do you I'm Duncan what's your name friend Steve Steve bonnet well mr. bonnet let this stay twixt us but I'm on a secret errand for His Majesty the King god save him and I must get a Havana with speed oh that is a relief sir Havana is also my destination our ways lie together natural allies then you put me at Easter to think I took you for a pirate when you first appeared did you yes you have uncommon way of handling yourself quick and easy if I may say gave me quite a fright but all things considered I think it's turned out to be a rather fortuitous day hasn't it you're a natural sailor Duncan I did a decent trick at the helm some time ago two years before the Masters a privateer - my buttons your life seems a grand one if I may say so full of adventure I'm marvellous I've seen my share of strangeness I fantastic work very promising all right easy now there you go welcome back well your numbers look good now let's make sure we can break your brain all right I need you to move your head and look at these lights just here look up that's it down so far so good let's get you up so welcome to the sample 17 project before you get started you're gonna need this there you go testing testing 1 2 3 hello buzu it works alright let's take a walk your file says you've done some memory research before but not to this extent which is surprising you're very good the data streams are very stable impressive right this building is barely six months old but Abstergo entertainment has been a studio for a few years since 2010 maybe you saw liberation that was our first title powered by animus Tech that was just the tip of the iceberg soon we'll be unveiling commercial animus servers for the whole world to enjoy they'll offer passive experiences of course edited versions of real history but only the exciting parts and we think we found the perfect subject for our first full-length virtual feature Caribbean pirates so that's your gig it'll just take a minute okay well thank you Nancy well Johnny z-bone the tip there magnifique Messi this is for you the primary tool of our trade your communicator power it up and give it a look it's pretty slick you might notice that security seems a little light around here that's because your communicator is your key to getting around see that flashing wireless signal it means you're hooked up to the elevator I'll let you do the honors we're headed up to the sample 17 studio 2nd floor you ready let's go ah there's the boss but if you get no rcco I'll introduce you Bonjour said you mean you step up yeah well thanks have you met our new hire just started today I haven't oh what project sample 17 the Kenway line hey them Conor Edward the pirate welcome aboard I mean Andy can we talk in your office for a minute just let me get this one settled and I'll see you in five minutes Zeebo nice to meet you so this is a sample 17th floor we're diving into the memories of one very generous donor Desmond Miles we're pulling all the best stuff from his DNA and hopefully one day we can forge some fantastic experiences from what we find in there this pair of legs is John one of the Wizards a nighty he's just fixing something for you not fixing calibrating calibrating right so here we are you're a very own Animus workstation this is all yours so sit back relax and find us some good footage if you need any hints or tips the Animus is loaded with tutorial programs so you'll have no problems and I'll check in on you later how do you party welcome to animus Omega Abstergo entertainments proprietary ancestral memory research tool if you have any questions comments or concerns about how to operate your animus console please contact your project supervisor Melanie LeMay you have been registered as part of the sample 17 project your primary research target is Edward James Kenway born March 10 1693 Swansea Wales calibrations complete all signs normal all systems optimal extra neurotransmitters activated lively Havana I've been here once before there was a truly awful pleasure see someone you know no no no just putting on a friendly face I shouldn't want to be mistaken for a pirate again right flash rogue like yourself must be cautious you mad to think Spain and England were at war two years ago isn't it Here I am bartering with Spaniards like they were my cousin's nothing wrong Duncan no it's nothing sand in my Hampus so where's the best squad in town I'm dying for a quick Kip or a siesta should I say I'm just headed to public house now to meet some merchants I could show you the way well lead on take your time I'll be just here deep in Tegel country I'm English mr. Fayden my time the next war caused me to service lucky King George I'm gonna piss pot like you flying his flag skunk I seen your face before use mates with em pirates down in Nassau such a [ __ ] god where I'll fill it with shot you hear me you want to dust up I'll give you what come on lads I've seen bigger arms on a third one more sorry about the swift exit bit of a misunderstanding well in the heat to put another oh Jesus I'm sorry mate this is my doing I'm only trying to keep these Spanish eyes off me oh it's no bother progressively the soldiers confiscated my sugar but we're near dispatches ah well be gone I haven't the foggiest idea I'm afraid I suspect those chaps my butt my Spanish is we mailed dad so I I'd rather not ask [ __ ] alright come on let's follow them and recover my maps and my sugar Oh in my drawers we'll see what happens sorry about the sugar I've only one pair of hands oh it's no great loss I've got sir 30 of cargo here to make a profit on my trip will you stay here long for a few weeks yes then back to Barbados to the tedium of domesticity don't settle for tedium so for NASA live life as you see fit haven't I heard that NASA is crawling with pirates seems the right toward replacement not towards real iterate oh god that would be an adventure good no no I'm a husband and a father I have responsibilities life Garvey old pleasure in distraction Duncan hey are Bonnie the names Edward in truth Duncan's only a handle ah secret name of your secret meeting with the governor the governor right I think I've kept him waiting long enough good morning sir would I be correct in thinking you are I am indeed I thought as much with Rogers a pleasure the same I must say my wife has a terrible eye for description I'm sorry my wife you met her some years ago and the Percy's masquerade all ah quite she called you devilishly handsome obviously a lie to stoke my jealousy julienne guest of honor has arrived mr. Duncan Walpole Julianne's who cares I hope your conversion to our order is an honest one I have no love for assassins but even less for liars I have not come to disappoint up for a bit of sport Duncan the old man isn't ready just yet Duncan where are you this plate I've never seen an assassin so eloquent ah damaged sadly beyond all repair huh have your choice where did you find all these I did not find I took him he's our souvenir Grandmaster Torres mr. Duncan Walpole has arrived see we're expected one week ago apologies governor my ship was set upon by pirates we were scuttled I arrived only yesterday unfortunate forgive my caution but were you able to salvage from these pirates the items you promised me yes sir I was in green assassins have more resources than I imagined but not nearly enough to deter us it is a pleasure to meet you at last again you are most welcome come gentlemen we're much to discuss convened at last and in such continental company England France Spain citizens of sad and corrupted empires but you are Templars now the secret and true legislators of the world please hold out your hands mark and remember our purpose to guide our wayward souls till they've reached a quiet road to guide all wayward desire and impassion hands to guide all wayward minds to safe and sober thought by the father of understandings lights there are work now be decades ago the council entrusted me with the task of locating in these West Indies The Forgotten place our precursors once called the observatory see here look up on these images and commit them to memory they tell a very old and important story for two decades now I have endeavoured to locate this Observatory a place rumored to contain a tool of incredible utility and power it houses a kind of armillary sphere if you like a device that would grant us the power to locate and monitor every man and woman on earth whatever their location will he imagine what it would mean to have such a power with this device there will be no secrets among men no lies no trickery only justice pure justice this is the observatory's promise and we must take it for our own do we know its whereabouts we will soon for inner custody is that one man who does a man named Roberts once called a sage it has been 45 years since anyone has seen a true sage can you be sure this one is authentic we are confident ease the assassins will come for him indeed they will but thanks to Duncan and the information he has delivered the assassins won't be a problem for much longer all will be made clear tomorrow gentlemen when you need this age for yourselves until then let us drink let us find the observatory together for with its power Kings will fall clergy will cower and the hearts and minds of the world will be ours rest well Duncan tomorrow the treasure fleet arrives and with it your reward after which we will discuss further schemes I look forward to it a Celente meet me down at the docks first thing tomorrow morning good morning Duncan just over here I found a man to purchase my remaining sugar quite a coup I must say he just called you Edward oh that's the merchant who sailed me here out of caution I gave him a false name ah well done we'll catch up on it later very punctual Duncan this way Erie is a man both Templars and assassins of sought for over a decade I have told you a sir name is Roberts is this so you recognize this according to old tales blood of a sage is required to enter the observatory we have the key now we need only its location perhaps mr. Roberts would be good to provide it transfer him to my residence well done laughs dog quiet we'll see him to the prisons Grand Master double the watch well I'll be buggered what an active day we've had chance see sit on all sides by our enemies we must be more cautious I do wish I could remain to see our drama done but I must avail myself of these winds and sail for England by all means captain speed unfortunate to you good luck but Sir myself a governor and with my idiot Kings blessing no less adios as for you mr. Werfel I consider this the first payment in a long term investor gracias obliged I would like you to be present for the interrogation tomorrow collar amnon yes sir not sink me for this pittance 1000 reals for those maps that's what a hundred pound at most how's a man supposed to become rich in these times with a miser like Torrez running the world you ever worked on a plantation before you know what I'm thinking I'd like to see this observatory the governor's going on about he said it were like a device I could follow people around and show where they were a ludicrous idea imagine my wife with such an advantage over me imagine what a thing like that'll be worth so that of the right person and I'd be the richest pirate privateer in the West Indies I'll catch you up on it as a sage in that house I must speak to in private basta what is your main role it's hot captain piss off man code wolf diesel where is this sage you set him free had nothing to do with that much as I wish I did take him to the ports senator say we go with the treasure wake up I delivered your plan I did yes but you broke the sub Duncan won a despicable display this tosspot is a ruined man Caroline unfit for life on land much less at sea if they goes to the West Indies it's you who suffer father father come love up with you now my hope is you believe me don't you how can you not see me standing out there on the deck of a ship that's sliding into port and there I am a man of quality so the thousand of rules spelling from my pockets like drops of rain I can see it you senna Pimentel our appeal you hungry now what's your plan mate stealing [ __ ] yoshino Saturday no me gusta la fin de esta tormenta we're stealing a bridge hey take we won't be a minute there's many prisoners held on these ships set them free and they'll sail with us no question so that's the idea then three what men we can then find a fast ship clear there's a catch to this favor you're sailing with me but it's folly as a hell for this mate going topside be ready there's a break nearby just waiting for us to take her come on lass if we're around today it won't be here they are born - Travis singing for Davy Jones Regina BOTS it's a hot wind coming that speaks through you lock weigh anchor and to rest half of the formats and half of the main let's up burn this hurricane by God we pulled this one straight from the teeth of Neptune I'm Edwin but thanks for your aid back there under Wally ever been to NASA a Diwali not yet my god she took some knocks and she think of people all hands off lights taking this one home I've made my choice adding and calling her the jackdaw a sly bird I loved as a child back in sworn on a dark little creature not did it rub you wrong when I took this brick as mine own it was a sort of rub I have learned to enjoy sealing among faces of such unfairness it's true most of these men wouldn't accept you as a captain so what fair role would complement such unfairness I'd be a quartermaster nothing less alright and as quartermaster have you any immediate counsel for this Tyrol captain rest and repast would do us good before Nassau water for drinking hunting for food and repairs well reason sir hunting that shall be we'll find a decent place to drop anchor ahoy captain find what your need my needs and wants our oceans apart me what I did fashion myself a new holster all I need now is a pistol to lie in it they've gone from the holes just as it's a little more than a blowpipe what they'll do so we rested or so we idle a while longer the best way uncle I think the crew is itching to reach civilization and find no civilization in Nassau but it's a fine place to be merry all the same gone kapu queer nobs tell me I'm under arrest cause I'm dumb you brett's fly away boyo back to your master hi we was privateers together before the wars ended I'll see you ashore by god you're a cipher salty ice come you in and have a drink morning all why can't we lose this Adewale the jackdaws quartermaster Jago you named your Brig after a poxy burn Adi these lads are the better part of our growing Confederacy here ed thatch Ben hornigold James kid you let him carry a pistol do you each spend are they saved my life and now we're looking to find a crew to fill out the rest of my ship well or scores a capable man about they use caution Shep loaded the king's sin or showed up a fortnight back causing trouble and knocking about it like they own the place right I'll see you like a must Oh who'll be from the deep there Captain Jack thanks you're Hardy now you'll want to sale somewhere rich with plunder have you heard of a place called the observatory aye it's an old legend like El Dorado or the Fountain of Youth what have you heard it's meant to be a temple or a to adding a treasure of some kind that's it see here fairy stories you prefer a gold they're worth more than gold that's 10,000 times above what we could pull off any Spanish ship robbing the King to pay his porpoise is how we are in our team Aaron laughs it ain't a fortune it's a fantasy Arnon can wait no a bad-looking tinderbox you got there you sound a bit green hornigold is it envy there's mine bigger than yours no I reckon it's this Jamaican funk I prefer the Spanish stuff so you've got yourself a fancy bread now fine but I'm gonna teach how to say it all right and now to take a prize the proper way that will catch you up at the old fishing village all right hey tango on buendia's I am captain hornigold and this is my crew we're sailors like yourselves but quite unalike in our parties we intend to take all that you own yeah no harm shall befall any man so long as he remains at ease is that clear boomer Matheson your familia there's two people anyone speak English English little bit tell your friends we're stealing your goods and we won't hurt nobody if everyone stays as still as a sandbar you got that please do repeat ours for [ __ ] sake I'll come in the hole and take everything that isn't nailed down not about take today keep this up and I saw be the first city where men and women may live as God made easy and free all it takes it's a few drops of blood sweat swatch applause we fly no colors no here praise the Lagon I let a black flag signal nothing but your allegiance to man's natural freedoms this one's yours white pride I will hand over the dark yet I'll Andy if we're to keep our Republic afloat I need guns as well as gold that means attacking the Navy so long as they're flying King Philip's colors will not offend our own mana sugar a wonder can we even act for this kind of work don't work if you love it but I ain't doing this forever lights only until I get enough coin to buy some land and influence back home Jesus will you listen to it right still dreaming all about that strumpet back in England when you could have anybody you want in here and now ah such lofty goals for you gents and here I thought I was in the company of scoundrels fine purchase today what's the crews mood all smiles and no teeth and there's a few talking about meeting with master kid to steal from a nearby plantation plantation its ambitious profitable too if we can manage it all right it's a good idea he's over there style it down Botox it's a hit it's a hit the grand shop captain they are in bubble water but free sure where is it petty dollars starboard bow here we go why look it's the bastard son of the late William kid still a mere boy and yet ten times the demon his father was fancy seeing you here can we still looking sleek and mean did you steal that costume from a dandy in Havana no sir I found this on a corpse one that was walking about and talking straight to my face only moments before huh so what's this I hear about a planned raid on a plantation not keeping secrets from me are you not very well every day schooners packed with sugar sail past coming from plantations nearby most times they stop there sell off a few crates there's one man visiting today that earn you a fine profit so if you'd like to rob his plantation I'll point him out I would here's to our pirate Republic lads we're prosperous free and oh the reach of kings clergy and debt collectors near five hundred men now pledge their allegiance to the Brethren of the cost in Nassau how about number yeah we lack sturdy defenses the King were to attack a town he trampled us then let us find the observatory if it does what these tablets claim we'll be unbeatable no I can't Kevin there's a story for schoolboys I mean drop our defenses steal a galleon shift all the guns to one side make a nice ornament it will not be easy to steal a full Spanish galleon everyone in my I do sir then I'll show ya she's our first six years she's sailing for that Island I know the place natural scrub old used who named it gasps Julian to cast the templum names right I know the man and if he sees my ship he'll know it from his time in Havana meaning may wonder it him sailing or not I can't risk that and I don't want to lose that girl let's think on lady wait till it's dark for up and aboard gentlemen as is custom among our kind we do not plunge headlong into folly on the orders of a single madman but act according to our own collective madness the object of our attention is a square-rigged galleon and we wander for the advantage to bring Nassau so I'll put it to the vote all those in favor of storming this Cove and taking this ship stomp and shall die those who oppose whimper name never was the Kings counsel so unified he'll never the gift you gave me well it answers just fine as bored as a musket ball and still have a sharp ah I'm sorry about this mate but I can't risk you telling your Templar friends about me still kicking around I pity you book an you after all you have seen after all we showed you of our order still you embrace the life of an ignorant an aimless hog ah what this is petty larceny the extent of your ambition have you no mind to comprehend the scope of ours all the Empire's on earth abolished a free and open world without parasites like you do not forget you Tomas whether for either Thomas Young's The Cove is ours hey I just saw you were logging out so I thought I'd stop by and give you something a little welcome gift we give awards to our top-notch employees for doing quality work and they're nice to have since there's no official bonus scheme here I already have about 11 or so oh well jewel of course I'll pass it on well looks like a levy wants to meet with you exciting follow me it's on the top floor so it's not hard to find but the rest of this building can be confusing to first-timers so we had the tools team whip up a great map application check your communicator I added a waypoint to Olivia's office it should be easy to find I live he's a nice guy he won't bite I testing testing is this thing working business job from IT we met earlier I was calibrating your animus I'm sort of the scottie of this Abstergo enterprise in charge of all the tech stuff do you have a minute oh damn the tracker says you're on your way to Olivier's office ah all right I'll ping you when you're done you'll go right in he's waiting for you well unless you are specifically ordering me to abandon it I won't jeopardize our flagship project Edward Kenway is that but this is but this is how Hollywood got its start right requiring movies Douglas Fairbanks Errol Flynn and now we have access to the real deal where we exactly we'll talk about all that together at the shareholders event right looking forward to seeing you too take care let's hear salut hi thanks for coming in I know you're busy so I review some of your data pretty raw stuff obviously we need to scrub off some of the dirt to make it family-friendly maybe give Edward a voice like James Bond or something more of a ladies man a beautiful city No so the main reason I asked to hear concerns is something called the observatory it's been mentioned a few times in the footage you found I'd like to encourage you to focus on locating this specific set of memories as soon as possible if it were up to me Oh sonic yes I wouldn't bother but some bigwigs that Abstergo industries have been hounding me for days so follow whatever leads you find and hopefully we can up and coming Carl I have to take this we'll keep in touch when Johnny Allen bozo we were way too Verdean that's your head man hi dance mighty again you got a second good I'm adding a waypoint to your maps so colleague of yours left for vacation this morning and forgot to send a video file anonymously I hate just about everyone else on your floor I was hoping you could help me can you transfer the file from her computer and delivered to the courier Michiko it'll be easy you just wander over to their animus log in and transfer the file easy now please be snappy before I find a reason to hate you too a lock door not a problem that's the advantage of me having level one security clearance now you do - don't abuse it log on and I'll walk you through this now bypass the core to find the data inside once you reach it your communicator was downloaded automatically you need to find your way around the core to reach the data inside you cracked it the file should be downloading I set up a database right Danny fine just look for the my file section in your communicator and you'll be redirected right away everything you download will be found in there protected by a firewall akari December 23rd 2012 sample recovery unit team lead Fisher case reporting on subject 17 Desmond Miles the subject was deceased and unattended the time of death was placed around zero hundred hours and seven minutes with conditions favorable for DNA sample recovery we had some initial concerns about interference in the Volt but given the skill and talent of this team we were able to capture useful data I personally retrieved the subjects backpack and extracted a number of objects of interest to undergo detailed analysis the subject displayed burns to the right-hand severe enough to fuse the bones indicating some kind of spontaneous intense burn trauma honestly we've never seen anything like it before edie neck and torso remained in good condition i hand-selected recovery agents to retrieve fluid samples blood and saliva we then commenced material extraction and we're able to preserve several exemplary samples data analysis and sequencing is already underway and I'm told proceeding with exceptional ease thanks to the cloud database and the work of Abstergo sample recovery unit 3 the legacy of subject 17 will continue uninhibited I'm not sure I can keep this up you know this job is well below my skill level each hour your coffee is [ __ ] you could use some practice oh look who's here so you didn't forget after all you'll just incredibly rude and my poor Rebecca here wait for nearly 30 minutes you limey be nice sorry about him he's high on his own supply so how should we do this data transfer great that should do it will you mail you the receipt till next time take care Shawn bye-bye yes bye and don't expect any more free coffee arrogance she's great isn't she hey I just got word the courier has come and gone wonderful you're a miracle that's an exaggeration you're not a miracle you're an employee just like a job but thanks for helping out anyway thanks fun higher than estas illegal drug possession still set support to the second floor sample 17 project boy where you going the market no I my parents have asked please come live with them and I'd like to Oh what do you mean live with them you live here with me I'm sorry Edward but my father is right you had a decent wage when you work for farm why can you not be satisfied with that with me decent wage that job was near as damn it - robbery you want to be married to a peasant the whole of your life all right - Edward all right you leave now Caroline you'll never know what's coming to us Caroline Caroline wake up can we Stach about he left this morning with the Galleon as faiths will discover a good use for this old core of ourselves I will made something of it in time we could keep a fleet here if we like wait a bit of fixing up it'd be a decent place to call home might even convince my wife to come one day you're married are you in God's eyes I am she left me some time ago even so keep that fact hid away most of these pirates don't respect a man with higher commitments than rum in plunder upon my honor let me know if you find anything odd looking things aren't they old and weathered is this what they call Mayan or is it Aztec are you good with riddles and puzzles and ponderings on the right no worse than the next man why I think you've a natural gift for it the way you think and work the way you understand the world well I don't know about that you're talking in riddles now and I don't understand a word clamber on top of this thing here will you help me solve something every man and woman on this earth has in them you are a gifted man Edward as a strange look is it worth something nothing you can spend but if you find all of them it will lead to something grand Oh many who doesn't nothing this way of something else to show you not a nice way to kick off that is some damn fine gear try the key you took from Ducasse one only for left eye it might be that these four Templars have them see the names here they've been sent to kill these four targets hang me that's the map I sold the governor Torres in Havana he said it marked the location of assassin encampments you think maybe you owe them a bit of warning then if you have any kind of heart beating in that chest suppose I could if it leads me to the four other keys about excuses better than none at all leaving already I think this Cove suits you best Edward better than that costume does oh come on now by pirates kid we take as we please and become who we like self-made man well that look at you it's not who you are Who am I then hard to tell some days all I know is you like dangerous prizes like the observatory I think you know more about that than you let all in NASA you know I started you beat me at twenty degrees three minutes latitude just off the coast of Yucatan I love something to show you there in a few weeks time I can feel it captain Kent way what is the assassin danke walpole dead and buried after we try to kill me we are not sorry to see him gone but it was you who carried out his final betrayal why money was my only aim should I find comfort in that you murdered our brothers and sisters in Havana he has the sense mentor James tells me you treated with the Templars there did you see the man they called the sage I would you recognize his face if you saw it again I reckon so I must be certain no word come on Jesus that's him the sage but this thing must be hundreds of years old older still you certain it's him by its the eyes that mark him did the Templars say why they wanted this sage they drew some of his blood into this small glass cube like this one I they meant to ask him about the observatory-2 but he escaped huh we're finished here quiet the statue in the temple was that the man you saw in Havana spreading light massage it seems another sage has been found their price for the observatory begins anew is that what whispering this is your doing captain can wait the maps you sold to the Templars have led them straight to us another agents of two empires know exactly where we operate leave this to me mental they have taken endorse crew as well I wonder what their lives are worth to here take this you'll attract no attention and take fewer lives who's out there see that mangy old codger he's a Dutch slaver called Lorenz Prince living now like a king in Jamaica Buster's been a target for years ah DL we nearly got him by God you Bravo's are a cheery bunch a all frowns and furrowed brows captain Conway you have remarkable skills thanks mate it comes natural but your churlish an arrogant prancing around in a uniform that you have not turned everything is permitted isn't that your motto i absolve you of your errors in havana and elsewhere but you are not welcome here sorry Matt wish it were otherwise cheery bunch of mates you've got you deserve scorn Edward Cranston about like one of us bringing shame to our cause what is that your cause to be blunt we kill people Templars and their associates folks we'd like to control all the empires on earth claiming it's in the name of peace and order sounds like the cast is dying words you see it's about power really about lording over people robbing us of Liberty not another message from one of your friends this thinks the same as every other squab this your blouse you're welcome to Nassau gents everyone is that does that fair share fashion what is this a [ __ ] monster we were led to believe that NASA was a place where men did as they please save keeping others from doing the same just a touch what is this magnificent muzzle you've gotta fix them why fly a Black Flag when a black beard will do what brings you two gents this far north were dazed Cuban governor himself is fixing to receive a massive gold from a nearby Court until Lennox just sits in there it seems to be choking governor Torres himself a sounds promising welcome to NASA captain vane mr. Rackham waking a man to know a bit rough German so what'd you do with your share of the gold we take from Governor Torres return to Africa twin salon men I cannot return to a place I've never been I was born in Trinidad a slave from my first breath wouldn't you feel like no welcome that as you might feel more welcoming bury that point with this skin on this voice where can I go in the world and feel at ease this country here's my best chance the country called jackdaw or I know the names of all citizens and they don't mind not always out of love but to keep our country afloat I understand let's take her then the citizens of cattle well hello your excellency I'd got word you might be here I know your face pirate but your name was borrowed the last Adam spoke yes Oh mr. Duncan Walpole I missed that one so what's a templar grandmaster doing so far from his Kasturi oh I'd rather not say and I'd rather not cut your lips off and feed him to you two years ago we offered a reward for this ages when captured today someone claims to a found this gold as his runs who found him a slaver by the name of Lawrence Prince he lives in Kingston we like this story Taurus and we want to help you finish it but we're going to do it our way using you and your gold here's how it goes Torrez meets with Prince carrying a portion of the ransom saying the rest is close behind when we see the sage you bring in the rest of the gold make the swap and get out I'll be watching often close by nor can where you run this scheme alone at a risk of losing the theater your food it makes me ill to think of you bartering that wretched slaver come on mate once we have the sage we'll all be rich not as young master kid gets the influence kid Jesus that lads here to kill him not until we see the sage here's a quiet spot now see the money this is a portion of the ransom the rest is close at hand it's pains me to traffic someone of my own race for profit mr. Torres tell me again what has this rubbish fellow done - obsession some form of Protestant piety I'm not familiar with perhaps another day what next time see to it that we are not far out deal with this dami won't give you a nutty hands off me I can't let you kill those men kid not until I found the sage I've been stalking that pig for a week now charting his moves and here I find not one but two of my targets and you robbed me of all patience man you'll have your kills when I locate the sage you're helping me take prints got up wouldn't you prefer meeting in a pub I came to Kingston chasing a target getting pissed in a priority we could work together on this you know it's Lauren's prints you're after I want his prisoner we're after the sage as well Edward careful who you cross the best man win there's guards patrolling that property from end to end looks to me like they use bells to signal trouble see there we'll want to disable those before pushing too far with so many men about we can't rely on stealth alone so I'll do what I can to distract and draw their attention giving you a chance to cut them down ready your name's not James is it not most days come on oh don't your ground please hop in shop I need aid Christ Thompson look at this she's hurt dreadfully sir Oh Paulie all right I ain't takin a blast bless you that why hang over me like a leering crow to see an old man suffer you've caused no small portion of suffering yourself mr. Prince retribution I suppose evil absurd cutthroats and your precious philosophy you live in the world but you cannot make it move you mistake my motive old man I'm only after a bit of coin as was I was I you heads up Kenway I found your man I remember you the Templar from Havana I'm no Templar mate that were just a ruse we've come here to save your ass from this slaver save me I work for mr. Prince well then he's a poor man to call master he meant to sell you out to the Templars or you can't trust anyone lost your mind again did you I roberts is a devil with a queer aversion to kindness I suppose that's two men I've lost today so what's your real name last Mary read to my mum and then I call friends but not a word of it to anyone or I'll unmanned you as well another a rum flip this time and where did I find fresh eggs in this wretched town visit loads but piss and insects hi we're working on that and we look sober a jilt when they're sauced but never lady it's a ruse to keep yourself before the exact now self you'll see mark me there's no rose thing I ordered straight from the mouth of a greasy Bermudan captain there's a pardon on offer for any pirate that whatsit ruse or no I think it's plain the British may return to Nassau with arms no doubt we'll need a fine walk with us can we there's trouble Brewin Develin is all fetch this is a darling galley 32 guns is it boy last code and 40 you've stepped up around so any luck finding medicines here nothing round this barn sadly but there's a few rich yonder that be scoured by nothing but crabs and coral I'll have a look Edward hey what is that you my goodness the West Indies is a compact place hello bonnet a surprise seeing you out here I met mr. Thatcher month or so ago and he offered to take me under his yardarm so to speak said I must wash the hay see from my hair before I'm a true pirate well good luck to you then worst men have become better in the black beards watch boy any luck I found one great hidden beneath the school of sharks sadly the elixir inside is quite spoilt we steal medicines remember the pardon fetch were to be subtle say xarna gold a pirate now too proud to call himself weren't they prefers caution to cannons oceans from nothing with asthma or famine plays the fool that is only fools you'll persuade but appear to be the devil and all men will submit and would you be the devil or a naughty Paulo Big Show if your quarry something to fear so hellish thing from a fever dream and men will drop to their knees pleading for their Lord before all okay looks fine of course it does you can find a quiet way to acquire medicines tell me soon otherwise my land let me sell what the hell's happened here will you attack other way around it where Blackbeard is struck first open fire on a British man-of-war the pillock what in God's name for still searching for medicines but he's gone barmy if you ask me I'll bring him home leave him man he's Heep this trouble on himself the captain taking BC shirt you'll be hanged and sundry just as them there were in Boston the Kings called for a part patent search the hold it's a middle intake but the medicine we found bears in Charlestown stamp Thank You mr. hands we cannot resupply NASA our out here by force an accident alone we should go to Charlestown for the lot I fear I'm not built for the fatigue and care required to live as a man of fortune me me in Charlestown one month from today you don't know but you don't want it for your wives families and countrymen how else to explain your government's complete their center Aston your well-being hostages for God says he's formally Oh liters yeah six days of pure [ __ ] science so I must conclude that you men are the parents of Charlestown and I would profit better by using organs for Thomas and your bones for jaw I trust this is my predicament and kill you or depression or my servants a decision I'll make hardly but not with remorse boy Edward what the hell are you doing man all of Charleston can see this mess the idea Oh deranged but well in sight so where's the medicine we send a party ashore to partner with the governor that were a week ago no noise since I'll handle it give me a day oh god god save me and pray all you jerell's ha ha Blackbeard made you as good an offer as ever a man got from any pirate he might curse his methods but medicine was all he wanted and now he will get it you should have bothered mate yes returns captain wants to take two grades and the means for mixing additional doses that's Troy you thinking precious let alone ah these days yeah uh mr. rocks well young prime returns with offerings and so saves your scrawny dad well you know thank you you should quit these waters thatch the governor is bound to muster more soldiers you go on ahead I got some business in the north you're done aren't you giving up on us on NASA look I'm late in my fourth decade on this earth and if I don't find some means to make the fifth quiet and cozy voyage I'd rather sink than the devil's doorstep then call myself captain another year I will me again lad in this world you do you have a minute I'm on my way upstairs I did he wanted to talk with us about putting together a trailer using some of the footage you've been recording this past month take your time I'll meet you by the elevator over here are you ready he's waiting for us I just watched some of your footage from this week it's amazing Blackbird was mental and we all got so excited that we started talking about this idea for a trailer about him maybe start with him drinking talking to some pirates telling a story then we cut to him leaping across the deck of his boat and sorry his ship not boat but jumping around the deck of his ship swinging from ropes and fighting like a devil I mean obviously we're gonna have to manipulate some of the existing footage together looking good but it could be great I'm getting a shiver me timbers just thinking about it well Josefa I hope we're not late no you can go right you just walked in I need a few minutes with you on the phone we're discussing the kemplay project oh yes of course sorry about this I'll call you when we're ready shouldn't be long of course you do head to the waypoint on you map I have another job for you I'd like to link all a cameras in the building to essential monitoring systems but most aren't calibrated correctly another locked door not a problem what are you now have level 2 security clearance not bad for the first few weeks finally I'll invade your communicator this is an interesting security measure it looks like you need to find the right combination numbers to adjust the way easy enough right pick a number selector and change its value once you find the right combination of numbers you should get access rest assured we have our best employee working on this it's a little too early for that kind of abuser come on so what's next we focus on the observatory cassavetes templars crazy talk I'm curious about this shareholders meeting though how about you break into Livi's office and see if you can find a schedule oh but you don't like that idea well how about I blow the [ __ ] whistle on you hacker I owe you what I mean is I don't want to ruin your life so do as I say now step over to the window you can't waltz into Olivier's office through the front door so I vote with another route up we go did he know that Abstergo was run by Templars oh yeah sounds like crackpot stuff I know but then again the moon landing was fake right all right either you walk through that door or throw yourself off the terrace those are your options oh well done you know find his computer make it snappy we're looking for the shareholders meeting schedule it's worth a lot of money to be careful now as the data moves there are security programs constantly monitoring the data flow you need to sneak past them or they will destroy your data and send it back home you sneaky bastard a pirate through and through ain't ya now get down to the lobby there's a courier waiting yeah that's right I've been planning this for a few hours now wait the receptionist hold on I'll try something callable as ever now hurry down to the lobby before I remotely detonate your earpiece don't even think about ratting me out my tracks are covered yours name I think you pulled it a little too long oh come on son encrypted code for God's sakes it's just a bloody coffee Oh hooray it's our old friends hey there I just got a call about picking up another transfer at all you said you were here to see me yes that is one of the perks let's see it mm-hmm a conference in Chicago very nice thanks for this we'll be in touch ciao Rebecca text me StuffIt Hastings you didn't get hack did you we really should look into it well done friend very well done apologies my temper tantrum there you are with a good guy I promise we'll keep you safe trust me go on back to work we'll be in touch yeah just like right please Robbie I've an awful feeling about this you'll be hurt out there I couldn't handle that I'll be careful I promise and when I'm flush with coin and setup I'll send for you I will I can't promise I'll come Edward if you leave on this fool's errand I cannot promise anything don't give up on me Caroline no one I need your faith the most when he putting some shape to your sentiments just a short letter home I reckon she's past caring anyway oh you're a hard heart that should be softer or softened part that should be hard and how is it you're so keen for his hard part is to Rackham give me a small hint like or a large one if you're an upright gentleman open your hand Oh who's shooting five of em six sliding in support Jesus well I'll be hanged Georgia's grown tired of our shenanigans he's the grim fella that's captain woods Rogers not a man I want seeing my face we desire a parlay with the men who call themselves governors of this island Charles vane Ben hornigold and Edie thatch come forth if you please hear about the Kings pardon I reckon what the hell is hornigold doing Punk what do you been up to I pray you take the prudent cost gentleman and accept the Kings pardon as soon as your hearts allowed or until such times all of you will be confined in the Sun I am sorry for this but in lieu of a public trial this pardon is your best bet the governor puts it far too brightly maggots take this message home accept the Kings protection forthwith or we will raze this town to its foundation and stretch your bloody necks these Commodore Chamberlain we are messengers not executioner's oh thank you sir god save you we'll call this is a stroke of fortune lots you should take the king's pardon and salvage what dignity we face but we are before us surrender to that poppy check your head faith we had here a rare opportunity a chance to take something base and shape it into a government made and maintained by men of vision but in two years we pissed it away I won't make that mistake again it's truth is talent and you won't can't handle er but you you folks already Fudd lers see you the gallows you'll all be juggling bastards I need a drink look at him turn Culp I speak bloody L to think on how many times I put up with hornigold and his self-righteous shine verily you are a man of principle captain hornigold and now I believe I can trust with my best ideas faith and we'll survive this Charles with our pride intact that's confidence you brewed a plan I might get it say stuff Nassau is over that's plain to see I say we skip out tonight and regroup at my compound Vera don't force your angle the Brits have brought their supplies are short see if we mix some gunpowder and pine pitch we can build a fire ship and send it straight at the blockade blasting it to smithereens I will use rocking ship okay bull captain my conscience is clear right well you got the Gunpowder I'll secure the Pine Ridge come on boys you're lagging it's this bloody hand leftenant aye sir the Commodore fears a revolt is nigh his orders are to sink every goddamn pirate ship now anchored in that harder tonight it's about the governor's wishes sir this is a direct order soldier you will take position on the grounded galleon and to wait the Commodores further orders is that clear aye sir bust someone I'll slit the Commodores throat before he gets a chance to bar those orders you think so with that in the water otherwise all right I'll kill him your brains are baked I won't take no part in killing the Commodore not one of the king's men the cameras got good fortune waiting for you the governor's given us a pardon Commodore though the man's word mean anything in these times a syphilis clouded your mind why scratch and claw to protect such squalor your parasites feeding of the industry of honest men much like King George in that respect know your place peasant you may have taken my life but you have not improved your own by any measure does some purpose keep you talking if not for that heathen governor Rogers I'd have seen you hand from your own cross trees worm all of you Commodores dead are we ready we're close we're a problem at the Galleon there's a cobbler doesn't what he did raise your cloudy allows you shuttle enough gunpowder to blow New Providence office rocks world shift as always telling it's quite a lobster's is commandeered out golly I'm gonna have to clear it out before we use them currents to blow the bouquet I'm mighty mr. prancing a bob like they took a prize oh hi kid you missed quite a turn I picked you about NASA and Blackbeard flying the coop Oh Lucy about fetch the veins after see them now and I'm following soon this is what's left of your experiment and democracy I we do as we please here and we take our time doing it for Christ's sake Edward don't anything but the stink of riches wrinkle your nose what's got into you man reality may reality see that you ain't pulled into the drink by this drowning rabbit all right I've lived longer than most men who trod this part a great disappointment you are such his mind's made up to stay he says it's a sunny then and all you love that far they sorry blasted into obscurity I know y'all come and call me home but faith in me is kind that's how feeling I'm not of the same mind mate but I won't begrudge you the state of yours you're still looking for that sage fellow right taking a prize a month back i order mine name Roberts was working a slave ship called the princess I want to say about it the princess she has that don't sit there like a barrel of fish we're celebrating my retirement on cordless mouse breakfast save us a few bottles a what the devil very brave you curse me where's the jackdaw what a factor before captain he drinks damnation so Thatcher's being shocked he was outnumbered I couldn't reach him devil Danny was fish without tonight it's hard to let go of the knife no guests I only did it father liked to brag about we went to purchase a ship of his own I'm getting privateering contract charring your old dad will be a captain darling I wish he thought before the other last ship right gen-y removing on this plan of yours this observatory you're always gone how do we know it exists you find a slave ship called the princess aboard to be a man called Roberts you can lead us to it one slave is worth for the Royal African company find one of their ships and start asking some questions this captain claims the princess sails out of Kingston every few months hussar close yo Mary - am i sayin some rigging jackanapes you owe me a share major but it's my mandate to [ __ ] with you Charles that's see the boys night gonna be a council while you were wasting time with this slop well they figured I'd be a fit captain than you reckless dogs I'll cut you little [ __ ] writer this one I figure I might sell for a tenner and in Kingston but with you chew drug Lawson's I can't take any chances you regret this day wracking I regret most of them already drive up cast them off I'll cut you Jack Russian I'll open you up I'll tear out your organs stop your dog howling vain there's no bloody useful well while the face of a good can why sweetly fry challenge captain out to quit this predicament and that is what genius you up for sailing a boat with no sales and no rudder shut your gob take still now I'll take these or exclusive orders did you mad SAP this island is crawling with food if only you'd care to look for it now I'm locking louse I'm just there don't don't come following out do you have a don't go broke even a wretched fool I said not to fall you've lost your head man it's a fair exchange for party knees flintlocks and granados listen vain we can hunt with those guns and I made so sorry you all millions leaving this island alive watcher cuz I'm gonna shine again in a world-first by your ugly dog god damn [ __ ] knife Fang nancy-boy alpha okay job [ __ ] you know is this my reward for believing the best about man for thinking that a bilge rat like you could muster up some [ __ ] sense once in a while maybe hornigold was right maybe the world does need men of ambition stop the likes of you from mucking it all up or maybe you just don't have the stones to live with no regrets don't save me a spot in Hell Shaka I ain't coming soon stealing a fishing schooner single-handed damn Connie captain as is taking back my break from this pillock once again I thank you both there's filly huffed in the last two months with your ship before he came limping back to Nassau took the pardon straightaway I had two lads that Rodgers was on to me from the first all Jetton Rackham so what now still chasing your elusive fortune I and I'm close I've heard the sage is sailing out of Kingston on a ship called the princess put your ambition to better use can we find the sage with us I've no stomach for you and your Mystics Mary I want a taste of the good life an easy life no one honest does an easy life Edward and it's aching for one that causes the most pain all right Rackham back to retirement what news are they this bar John works for the Royal African company tell him what you told me I haven't seen the princess for eight weeks or more meaning she may soon be back what else I thought this buck along to the other men who was asking about the princess this morning so I told him that what other men haughty sailor and plain rags and a gent with a scar just here well they got to staying just around the corner they said I go tired of chasing these fantasies of yours Edward as a group hang in there man were getting close remind me we're in Africa we look principie saw small island we've said two of our best men Burgess and Cochrane privateers with fast ships and firm homes Edward Kenway imagine my surprise at seeing your jag door anchored there have you heard all you came to hear will you now rescue the sage from our clutching hands a pox on you traitor you sold us downriver because I found a better path the temple is no order discipline structure but you never could fathom these subtleties goodbye old friend you were a soldier once when you fought for something real something beyond yourself captain Kenway yet another dire situation Roberts we really must stop meeting like this stop tailing me in your wish had come true there's no need for this you know I'm as good as my word our captain Howell was killed today in a Portuguese ambush headstrong fool I warned him not to go sure it was orchestrated by the Templars Burgess and Cochrane the same sort that took you to Havana I see now there is no escaping the Templars attention is that I suppose it is time to fight back I do like the sound of that and I know just how I'll do it but these men Burgess and Cockrum they cannot be allowed to leave with word of my escape they won't count on it you taught us good Kenway proved yourself a true Bravo and for what he's done bloody pride you stepped in the path of my prize not a thing a man should do I [ __ ] your [ __ ] just like harlech all said that templates CAD means nothing to me none of you do and you're worse for it can wait it will attempt as you took us in when all out went to [ __ ] no our King no our country the Templars the Templars is our family where's yours we enjoy plenty and satisfaction pleasure and ease liberty so what man with a sensible man would choose the former life where the only hazard we pirates run is a sour look from those without strength or splendor ah now I have been among such nice I ever did with so fierce a conviction that it may frighten you to see your passions reflected from me in so starker light but if it's a captain you see in me now there I have dipped my hands in muddy waters and withdrawing them fine tis better to be a commander that our common man looking for the observatory folks say you're the only man that can find it looks are correct despite my distaste for your eagerness I see in you a touch of untested GMOs by me Bartholomew knows everything I have no secrets to share with you now but if you'll lend me your aid in two months time west of the leeward islands only that but scurvy the fix is more pleasant than the cause when you catch a dose from a horn must treat it with Quicksilver you're fonder of getting the disease and you are of curing it something biting at you oh all men desire to live by a code or a Creed yes yet when pressed most defer to their instincts rather than the laws that play what is the appeal of a Creed it does not yoke all men to like behavior might make a man feel like he belongs to something what's your answer ah that all men are sheep an old wolf like me deserves every ounce of blood he draws sale to this location bring only those you trust ah captain Ken way to use your ship for this next scheme or mine at first hear the details before deciding oh it's a small gambit this fount of information has just told me that a nearby galleon contains the treasure I seek is sailing you've thought this plan fruit indeed using this man will acquire a Portuguese flag which will get us as close to our target as possible it's a very simple idea if you follow my orders the jackdaw the excellent we've been spotted took them long enough to cortisol magma cannons captain let's hear the roar this beast here's my prize the Templars have been busy I see Lawrence princes blood useless now which Rodgers Ben hornigold even Torres himself small quantities kept for a special purpose you must take me to the observatory Roberts I need to know what it is so what end hey will you sell it from under my nose work with me and use it to bolster our game whatever improves my lot in life how ridiculous a merry life in a short one that's my motto it's all the optimism I can muster all right captain Kelly you can you feel it adding we're moments away from the grandest prize of all I feel nothing but a hot wind in my ears captain come on man when we take this treasure which is set for life all of us ten times over as you wish oh hi Roberts well cast anchor and meet ashore you were followed Captain Janeway how long for I wonder it's hornigold burn and play that turncoat deal with your old friend in haste captain before I regret my favorite I will be coming back you could have been a man who stood for something for they were jealous hard now with nothing but metals our show for all your blunders damn sight better than you been the heart of a traitor who thinks himself better than his mate I and proven through what have you done since nice offer oh nothing but murder and mayhem very kind we won't take it no these temples are different I wish you could see that but if you continue on your present course they'll find you're the only one walking you with the gallows Oh ah it may be but now the world has one less snake in it and that's enough for me is that pirate hunter dead life on my own hand why is it you alone to find what so many want I was born with memories of this place memories of another time entirely I think like a like another life I've already led curse you for alerts man and speak some sense not today after you captain path ahead is dangerous Jesus Roberts have you gone mad quite the contrary it would these wags would have gone mad at seeing what lies beyond this king but you I suspect you're made of sterner stuff now pick up that chest and carry it hither dirty and decrepit not quite as I remember but it has been over 80 millennia rot that's impossible step as if on thin ice captain I must say I'm quite taken by this new vocation of mine and it may amuse you to know that I have offered my own articles of conduct Creed of your own a to keep the peace yes I forbid all gambling upon the deck for instance for it leads to more conflict than camaraderie desertion during battle is forbidden and I require that all men keep their pieces and cutlasses clean and fit for service up all times sensible and punishable by death if disobeyed look at this place beautiful is next all right like something out of a fairy tale or one of them old coins there were many stories about this place once tales that turned into rumors and again into legend the inevitable process of facts becoming fictions before fading away entirely more blood vials yes these cubes contain the blood of an old and ancient people a wonderful race in that time the more you talk man the less I understand I don't expect you to only remember this the blood in those files is not worth a single reality anyone it may be again one day but not the Nessie here we are hey what's that noise oh yes the security measure just a moment there we are so what is this place think of it as a large spyglass such as we sailors carry a device capable of seeing great distances this is bloody witchcraft no this is mr. Jack Rocco somewhere in the world at this moment NASA this is happening right now we're seeing through his eyes all right I don't know Jim I haven't the faintest idea how to pilot a ship they don't work a woman does Josh I've seen as a scholar of ladies who can read for sale and spin a capstan and would you teach me to face with a [ __ ] gasps Mike and maybe handle a pistol all that and more but you have to want it and work for it there's no stumbling into true success hey that's my lash you're making love to your ass or arkasha up here alas Rackham that's the last thing you should be calling me a curious bunch let's try another governor Woodes Rogers you have a bold idea but I must think it carefully through a simple pledge of loyalty is all you need suggest to the House of Commons an oath a gesture and a simple ceremonial drum of blood taken from the finger that's all the ministers may give me trouble though it should be easy enough to convince the House of Lords they do ad or an excess of pomp and circumstance they exactly tell them it's a show feel T to the King against those revolting jackal buttons yes indeed oh these Templars the crucial detail is that London you must get a sample from each one we want to be ready when we find the observatory agree a precious tool you see sorcery that's what it is not so every mechanism that gives this device its light is a true and physical thing ancient yes but nothing supernatural or strange will be masters of the ocean with that for such ambition there is nothing in my code about loyalty boy you played your role but our partnership is done by robots ah Oh doors flown Edward hey that's the beauty of a democracy the many out for the one I sail with me but the temperatures hot as yours I fear you'd burn us all to send us luckily I know the King's bounty on your head is a large one and I have you where have you ever seen the inside of a Jamaican boy come how are you if you're anxious that'll pass it's the midazolam I'm sorry about this but we've had so many security breaches we were forced to take drastic action and my DP is missing he left for Chicago two days ago but no one's seen him since I know this seems excessive but with our high-level security clearance we have an obligation to our shareholders rest assured we will compensate you when hackers found so get some rest okay and if you're up to it maybe capture some more footage you're doing amazing work I can't wait to show you the work we've been doing with your stuff take care they tossed you in the bunker nice those Templars upstairs aren't taking any chances I think we need to erase all the dirt they might have on you did you hear that I think I just gave you level three security clearance now head to the security room and use the cameras to watch the door the server part unfortunately Melanie than they're now so when is courser out that's when you make your move I like these servers myself but at the head of IT I'd be a suspect it has to be someone they've already locked up are these pampers they run our lives you know I they decide election they control various capital market and they inject us with little microchips to track our movements and read our thoughts it's all very scary all right let's I'm answering a server room now when you see us leave get in there there's no need for you to be down here by yourself miss lament my team will handle the investigation you need an extra set of eyes on this thing John we don't even know what the hackers broke in it could take weeks to go through this data one but most still too long I can't keep my team locked up for a week legally you can it's what they signed up for even if they didn't read that contract yes of course I just hate the idea so what's the next time my team is processing the data now we start sifting through it tonight scouts honor coffee's on me okay all right I did hurt the coffee's ban find a server containing a network block since I have a record of each and every one of your hacks we'll just search for the timestamps on those turn that data into something harmless easy is bad here we are beautiful I'll update you communicated one more time a little program I cooked up just for this purpose there we go I think that worked try it out you the dawn of the deadly 18th century roads and sailors band together to live their lives by the sword with no laws or mores no gods and no fear betrayal beauty and debauchery there is plunder to be found on holden beaches will you risk life and soul to fight the Pirates of nightmares Benjamin hornigold Calico Jack Charles vane and Blackbeard I can feel you safer feel but hardly touch signal is still too weak knives spread thin and focused let static and fog lingering in networks and knows the nervous system of the world and here perhaps the temple was open too soon but this was not my choice the Cataclysm pushed all doubt aside we bless poor Desmond who gave His life also in you the children of our labors would live on to fulfill your purpose in ours in mine now it's not the time my strength it's not sufficient to inhabit an organic vessel it is more work to do more samples to acquire or artifacts defined before my will to the team one hour back down I make me whole again my children the instruments bring me forth to fulfill your purpose the charges sir I'll hear them again milord his Majesty's Court contends that the defendants Mary Reed and Anne Bonny did piratical II feloniously and in an hostile manner attack engage and takes seven certain fishing boats secondly this court contends that the defendants lurked upon the high seas and it's set upon shoot at I'll jet to certain merchants loops thus putting the captains and their crews in corporeal fear of their lives Edward James Kenway born of motley parentage in Swansea to an English father and Welsh mother married at 18 - Miss Caroline Scott now estranged she's a beautiful woman I am told but not at all well these days if you touch her you bastard out quite a surprise finding you here rotting in a Jamaican prison we heard rumors that you had taken up with The Pirate Roberts if you know the observatory's location tell us now and you'll be out of here in a flash Rogers can hold these British hounds at bay for a time but this will be your fate if you fail to cooperate you marry region and Bonnie are to go from hence to the place from whence you came and from thence to the place of execution where you shall be severally hanged by the neck till you are several a dead judge Oh God in His infinite mercy be merciful to each of your souls pregnant what the devil did you say they plead their bellies milord aye you can't hang a woman quick with child can ye if what you claim is true and your executions will be stayed but only until your terms are up then I'll be up the Duff then next time you come knocking you what's your name Philip ten more on way this world ball ain't sick Walpole we're together that's the rumor going round as dirty and dr. pirate has ever sailed these West Indies well whatever is named got to make sure he suffers without dying orders from the governor and back to the prisons at sundown a massage his feet if he's a king shall I oh jeez quiet [ __ ] detail as ever was hey this is a warning hey quietly stupid hey stop that hey it's the glory captain can wait I have a gift for you do not mistake my purpose here I have comfort in and marry and you own do nothing for this but if you would lend me your aid I can promise you safe passage from this place I need weapons you are comfortable with this I am told we must hurry Mary it's me Edward Edward who's this fella it's all right Anne he's a friend what's wrong with Mary she's in another child it took her no idea where I know it begs the lady but we must beside it can you walk lean on me Mary come on I can search every cell come on that's it you're alright stop stop please I ain't leavin you diamond lifter off is dogged there's no one here put me down Edward don't die on my account oh this is a pain in the ass damn it you should have been the one to outlast me I've done my father who are you if you came with me I could marry who is you can we what's happened with Mary what's wrong is she gone what will you do now nothing sensible you haven't earned this but they suture good fortune to you in our can we bring the bottle IT some color first will this do in all your years out here you could never achieve what I've done in one-fifth the time because you're a good man Edward see goodness is your disease that's my prize we're buds give it here remember my Creed boy short life for a merry one that is all the world owes us nothing more than this so take what you will and then die before you live to see yourself made a fool to be here that's right boy taking it cut you die calm little puppy and slink back to your kennel you haven't the metal for my brand of madness robots welcome aboard Kenway its prizes plunder and adventure ahead are you came out of my way back there's a class to freedom lads here's to tell about a fortune and women of leisure to a world full of rogues better than all the kings and queens that kick us about as gentlemen of fortune we enjoy plenty and satisfaction pleasure and ease liberty and power what man with a sensible mind would choose the former light for I have dipped my hands in muddy waters and we're touring them fine it's better to be a commander better come on man Shepard's field like close by a Jacke dorm saw the deal and it filled his head with the idea that he too was just as strong and capable so with a great flapping and rustling of feathers the jackdaw came down swiftly and clutched at the coats of a large Ram but when he tried to fly away he found he could not lift the animal for his size and strength were not up to the task even as the jackdaws struggled the RAM hardly noticed it was there nearby just across the field the Shepherd's saw the fluttering bird and was quite amused running up he captured the jackdaw and clipped its wings that evening he gave the jet door to his children as a gift what an odd little bird this is father this is a jackdaw he was great to be I think two years do that but what keeps you wondering do I not make you happy I'm so close Caroline please just let me do this it's everything you do out spy Edward just fight that's driving me Mary its current origin what fun there's no one left in your life - can handle building or building yourself up if nothing else just leave me bridge course it would change your bloody course before it's too late captain can we you look like a bullet plum Duff on your feet put me on the spot a day after leaving me with Roberts sort of hard feelings about seeing you here but mostly I'm bloody glad me too brother and you'll be tough to know your jackdaws still in one piece shall we set sail you're leaving I Edward I have another calling elsewhere a day listen when your heart and your head are ready visit the assassins I think you'll understand then Jesus are they what the hell happened there you happened here the damage you caused six years ago has not been undone I'm not an easy man to call a friend namo is that why you're here to fight beside a man so driven by personal gain and glory is a hard thing and I have come to feel the assassins and their Creed a more honorable course have I been unfair no for years I've been rushing around taking whatever I fancied not giving a tinker's curse for those I hurt and yet here I am but rich is a reputation feeling no wiser than when I left home then when I turn around look at the course I've run there's not a man or woman that I love left standing beside me there is time to make amends company marry before she died she asked me to do good by her to sort out the mess I made can you help me Mary was fond of you ever she saw something in you bearing that gave her hope to my wound a fight with us hi she told me and what did you think of our cream it's hard to say for if nothing is true then why believe anything and if everything is permitted why not chase every desire while indeed it might be that this idea is only the beginning of wisdom not its final form that's quite a step up from the head or I make here many years ago so what do you think it'll take some getting used to the second attack this month I should have moved this village long ago I brought all this upon you years ago but I will stand by you now it will take more than a few favors to call yourself a true assassin Edward one thing at a time made John new MOOC award year tail-happy shunned and once more you have our thanks Edward you are welcome here thank you sir I'll rest here for a time before setting out if I may how's our child she is a strong woman but not invincible I'm sorry for your loss if I'd stayed in prison that have taken him from me it might be life maybe this is God's Way of saying I'm not fit to be a mother yes carry on okay - cursing drinking pricing you are a fighter I in prison I heard stories of the infamous Anne Bonny and Mary read taking on the Kings Navy together just the pair of you true I would have won that day of jacking his letter and passed out in the hold and drink it everyone's good right there Mary Brecon touch was the rest I miss them so office they were do you feel that you all empty inside I do that will kiss me I know my targets by sight well or not how will I find it we have spies and informants in every city visit our viewers and the assassins there will guide you that fixes tourism Rogers Bartholomew Roberts will be near any city if I take months to find four years well you're a man of talent and Wallington captain anyway I believe you will find and if you had a loss nor be afraid to call on your quartermaster for quartermaster it's our present course do rest captain if it's sir Kingston we're sailing for it is indeed miss Bobbye pull it up weigh anchor Annette for the courses lads we're sailing for Jamaica captain Henry you have something for me the present whereabouts of the Templar Woodes Rogers is attending a small political function so do it King the word is King George is calling Rogers back to London I not happy with his progress is Nassau still too many pirates roaming about from what I hear you'll need a disguise to fool the powder heads of this party I suggest a visiting diplomat who Jarrow Ferraro he's been on our list for some time understood well he sent this to England for me I ship leaves tomorrow Caroline Scott can we Hawkins Lane Bristol he was a privateer once how is it you lacked so much respect for sailors only trying to make their way in this world you couldn't possibly understand my motives [ __ ] you will spend a whole lifetime dismantling everything that makes our civilization shine but I do understand I've seen the observatory and I know its power you'd use that device to spy and blackmail and sabotage yes and get all for a greater purpose to ensure justice to snuff out lies and to seek truth there's no man on earth who needs that power yet you suffer the outlaw Roberts to use it no I'm taking it back and if you tell me where he is I'll stop the man here at the edge of a blade I find a friend India ran fast principai you mad bastard our best sources say príncipe it's done where now grab your kid and pack well we're sailing for Africa captain here's one still kicking who did this it were a large vessel the Royal fortune robots offered no quarter didn't say nothing a merry life I'm the short one as promised how well I know myself and what have you Edward have you found the piece you see I'm not aiming so high as that for what's peace but a confusion between two wars ah oh you're a stoic then but perhaps I was wrong about you she might have had some use for you after all she of whom do you speak Oh she who lies in wait entombed I had hoped to find her to see her again to open the door of the temple and here speak my name once more I talk sense man I was born too soon like so many others before where's the device Roberts ah destroy this body Edward the Templars if they take me ah captain Kenway I'm assuming this is the friendliest face you've seen since to drop an anchor is Havana under curfew on my account mmm I told us seems to think someone's coming after him he's not wrong a monkey-looking thing is that what I think it is uh watch see the blood of the governor we can see through his eyes claps that's by the church keep this safe just in case I'll be at the bureau good luck you're done Taurus this again a if you could speak mate it would gladden me to hear your side you humbled me once and I took that hard lesson and I bettered myself died knowing that for all of our conflict you helped make a soldier out of a scoundrel leave this life for lasting peace Donna month we got work tourists left the city here buddy you chasin that vial was labeled tourists but how the blood of his second where's he gone left port this mornin headin west along the coast the observatory will we follow send word to attaboy we've cornered our man who's this tourists and what's your mind on xarna dead Shaitan is a Templar at Rogers and horny ghost man cooking up schemes to use the observatory for services for power control the violence who calls with this thing would be subtle but heavy deadly yet leaving no monk does that make sense if there was a drought and people was thirsty and one man at a large cask of water book gave a sip to none he'd be a killer with no blood no sense fair enough captain can me ever a splinter in my side does this murder fulfil you I'm only seeing a job done Torres as you'd have done with me we have done I think you are no family anymore no friends no future your losses are far greater than ours that may be but killing you writes a far greater wrong whenever I did honestly believe that you would see all of mankind corralled into a neatly furnished prison safe and sober yet dulled beyond reason and sacked of all spirit so I with everything I've seen and learned in these last year's I do believe it you were your convictions well they suit you Torres awakens something fierce are we safe with the device returned I believe so what do you call this place captain Ken was fully head savolta sudo Kela come when we will feel this place and discard the key until another sage appears this door will remain locked no files when I came here last fell to the blood of ancient man Robert said but they're gone now then it's up to us to recover them before the Templars catch wind of this you could join us in that course I will only after I fix what I mangled back home it arrived last week wakey-wakey I don't believe we've been formally introduced not in this year anyway I wish I could explain all the strangeness but there isn't much time the short of it is you saw my beloved Juno and for a brief moment I thought she might occupy this tender body of yours but something went wrong and now she's back out there adrift oh she was magnificent once one of a race of beautiful wonderful creatures they he created your kind did you know that your people were tools to them that's all you have ever been that's all you should ever be one day soon I hope for the world is nearly ready for her return wired those dollars or maybe assassins this time idiots all of them oh I envy you it was her wish that I be here to greet her it was her experiment that made it possible for my rebirth as one of these things stay down get down on your back now it's gonna gun guide me into the grave elevate I have your instruments put the gun down drop it drop your weapon where there check his vitals he's bleeding fast check the victim are you okay can you hear me hello talk to me you all right there you are thank God I hope you feel well you look good keys stand good try walking around a doctor came by said there wasn't anything to worry about that the liquid in the syringe was far far below a lethal dose I feel terrible about all this about everything all our evidence pointed to you but it was John all along God the things we found on his computer whatever you need we'll provide you've done an amazing job speaking of which our trailer is finished would you like to see it I owe you that much there we go I uploaded it to your database you can watch it here or at your animus I think you'll love it it really captures the the essence of the era take care and again thank you it worlds where pirates rule the waves these men will discover that nothing is sacred and everyone is committed to wrong wonder and women Cola ladies this summer Abstergo entertainment invites you aboard for the adventure of a lifetime so sharpen your cutlasses shine your hopes and sail with the devils of the caribbean this virtual experience is something made gentlemen how do you find it here it will work for us but our goal must be to scatter our operations to live and work among the people we protect justice Ltd been hard once cancelled well until that time it's yours as you see fit Edward captain woods Roger survived his wounds yes since returned to England shame men in great debt but no lesser threat I will finish that job when I return you have my word evening an edit I'll be sailing for London in the next few months I'd be a hopeful man if you were beside me England's the wrong way around the globe for an Irishman when you stay with the assassins no I haven't got that kind of conviction in my heart you in time I and my mind is saddled and my blood is cool you're a good man Edwards and if you learn to keep settled in one place for more than a week you'll make a fine father too Oh Oh so urgent tonight father did you always know how to Santa boats the jackdaw is a ship Jen not a boat but did you always know no no I learned after leaving Bristol well I didn't leave your I didn't leave without saying goodbye that it it was an arrangement you see between your mother I did always want to sail a ship that's true but not for a lot to support us we'll take care of her and you not me once said you didn't never she said two words when the once again and she never knew where to find you that's all true and I'm sorry for that I known earlier I might have come home I hope that I would have you I was but I wouldn't have mattered can I see your back vote I see no boat here do you I mean [ __ ] obviously I don't see the difference anyway it's a very simple one journey the ship can carry a boat when a boat cannot carry a ship why then everything is issued not Pantanal but for my toy babies I wanted you to be that's a clever way of seeing is it hard to talk about Caroline Jenny about your mother I miss her but it's alright was she in pain I don't know do you think so she was very happy applied some time and not so happy I didn't see how much after that then she was gone I I'm sorry I'm sorry I wasn't there for you it's alright you're here now and we're on an adventure only a little one I hope can't handle too many more surprises you think we'll see a win yes there's a very good chance hmm and what about pirates but I see pirates no not much chance of that I think I should have liked to have seen one tell you what Jenny as soon as these winds die a little I'll let you steer the jackdaw one little trick of the helm before sundown miss Jennifer Kenway and may I introduce myself Jennifer Scott if you please I'm sorry I I my daughter was raised by her mother Caroline until she passed away some years ago Jenny prefers to use her surname to mine ah its forgive my ignorance I will she you may not all the help me this little rascal however is a can we what's wrong Nathan I can't see the stage up we go how's that fine but won't your arms tire hey I'm not so old as that but if they do and we shall quit this posh gig and go and meet your mother for some chocolate at once how's that sound yes please you you
Channel: lzuniy
Views: 3,656,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, Assassin's Creed 4, Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag All Cutscenes, Assassin's Creed 4 All Cutscenes, Assassin's Creed 4 Movie, Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Full Movie, Full Movie, 2014, assassin's creed 4 ending, assassin's creed 4 black flag gameplay, PS4, PC, Xbox one, AC4, Assassin's Creed Unity Trailer, Assassin's Creed 5, AC5, assassin's creed 5, assassin's creed 5 trailer, assassin's creed 5 trailer official 2014
Id: 4VLdXXl0QwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 211min 36sec (12696 seconds)
Published: Sun May 18 2014
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